4,: ;M,i . if i The sheboro Courier Public ted Every Thursday. Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. PEICE ONE DOLLAU A YEAR The columns of The Courier are or" to a" I egiamale arfvcrtiMii. Kate rani will t ont on requestor raKw will be tumi-hed upou appli cation at b(U(iiii.Kn oflii'o. Atl cMniiiuuii'4Uoit(t mut besUucd by tru reul nanii! if the writer. riutnariiMTx wwlilng their aiMrt', chunped mustK.vu the addreM to whiih the imper hu bocu KOitiir, tut well as lli new aMres. ( oiiuxpoiiili'iitH NlinuM mail new letter in tlmu for Until reavli this office lir Tu- -lay moniiiiBjUi U'-are tV"r apiKMiauce In t li wwlnsfW litipurtuiit hup;eimi;js. sui'ii dta i.lculrt, etc., may be 'plumed Tbe 4towMS e iptuo. The Propone Cerporatlmi Tax. The income Ui amendments and Senators lily auvlCutuuiiiia which were merged iuto oue talisted the united support of the Democrats and the iusurgeat Kepublicaus drove Senator AUrich the Republican k-ader in the Senate to cover. The Corpora; iou tax was hatched at a Whitd House conterence to dis place and defeat the mcouie tax. The corporation bill is defective and lame iu bjch legs. It will help every dishonest corporation and in jure every houestly organized one. Net earnings instead of net income should have been made the basis of taxation. The New York World says: Net earnings are easy to define, and no premium would then be placed upon crooked capitalization. One of the grave defects of the bill as drafted is that houest capitaliza tion is penalized, while dishonestly capitalized corporations can evade all or most all of the tax. The bill is radically defective too in allowing extra-legal information secured by Government examiners to be made public by "'the special direction of the President." Every, thing that the law proposes to make public should become public auto inatically. Nothing that the law does not expressly provide shall be public should not ue made publ.c except iu a court of justice. There should be no business secrets between the President of the I'ait-.d States and great corporations, for tile Pres ident to divula'j if he happens to see lit. Ic is Lectssary that the ele ment of persouil government re entirely eiiuimat.-d from ths act. The publicity provision is coirect in theory and it ought to be made correct in practice. Ii is far more importaut that there be honest pub licity as to the affairs of corpora tions than that the Government have the revenue which this bill will raise. Such publicity is no tinre an iucn-achaieut upou the ri!jis of tii'. S;a.. a ttiuti is a census lopoi!. The information will be public property for the Slates no less than the nation to use if neces sary iu safeguarding the rights of the people. In the end publicity is likely to be more jotent for good than any form of regulation that could be devised. Truth in itsjlf is a statute of tremendous authority." An effort is being made in the District of Columbia courts to set aside the pure food laws. The pure food law has resulted in great bene fit to the consumer. It has com pelled the practice of honesty in the preparation foods. The law has compelled the practice "f straight dealing. It has taught the public to have confidence in the purity of food Muffs offered for sale. The -Beef Trust can not use boric acii as a preservative and other chemical preservatives. A diagonis of the American busi ness man made by tn eminent nerve specialist reveals him as suffering faom "a neurosis partaking of the character of neurasthenia, psychas thenia and hysteria," the provoking causes of which are "continuous mental activity aud excessive use of alcohol." ft. X . World. Raiwi apervlsers Meeting. A meetinsr of the Road Surarvia era of Cedar Grove Townsnip is called to meet at W. G. Kenney's Saturday, Ang. 7. All overseers of the township are required to meet me there. W. S. Qatlis, Chairmak. Test. teat of a good Liniment is jgptttrating, stimulating and eptic properties. There are kMM oa the market the equal of Vick'a Liniment tinder this test, Why I Am A Democrat. (Concluded from First PifW the people amused, these are the chief items of Rooseveliism. Uoooeveltian rhetoric, mai kelly in the pres Oeut's letter of acceptance hus alievi ridgian swinjaud Col. Roosevelt's letter is as lively as t Fox Terrier anil as cheerful atid prancnig as a mustang. But whi e he jumps the- hard places with as tonishing ease, he is ujt always coa vmcing. There, for mstauce, is Coi telyou. Cortelyou, the W hitet LLm e sieuograpner, was piaceu a the head of the bureau of corpora tion!-', aud his poweis under the law creating the bureau were very broad. Moreover an appropriation of iol'u- 00'',00 was maue to enable the chief of the bureau ao gather evidence and compel the attendance of wit nesses to the end that trie trutu about trusts might be known- Of this auiouut only one tweutieth, or about $56, OOO.On, has been expend ed. Aud Mr. Cortelvou. instead of being at the post to which he was ap pointed, is using the information derived under the powers conferred by bis otlice as a club on the trusts to collect the republican campaign fund. Let us not forget Cortely u, hrst the president's secretary, made trust detective, then, after a vear's work, removed from his position by the president and, practically by presi dential appointment, made collector for the republican national commit tee. J say by presidential appoint ment, for Mr. Cortelyou was not recognized as a politician; he was not and had never been a member of the national committee; he had no standing as a Republican; but the president knew him to be a hustler, aud he knew that a year spent by a bright young man, with an act of congress back of him, digging into the trusts need not be spent in vain. Meanwhile, Col. Roosevelt s late sec- rttary aud late corporation ferret s out collecting boodle for use iu kee) ing Col. Roosevelt at the White House. We have iu Alton B. Parker mm of blameless life, a lawyer a. d judge cf dignified aud houorallr achievement, as clean, vigorous a id creditable a figure as ever sought tl e presidency. The pledges of his let ter of acceptance are an appeal o reason, lie s'auus tor the olu tin e democracy that derived its iJe.il 6 from the fou nta:n-heads cf tmi.ty aud libertv. A vote hr Parker is a vote to reaffirm the declaration of indeepu dence and the constitution of the United States. Meueimth Nicholson. Arrested for Violating Liquor Laws. P. A. Williams, who lives near Ulah was arrested aud brought to Ashtboro Suuday chaiged with violation of the prohibition laws, lie was found on his farm, in a secluded spot, iu the act eii cting a distillery for the manufacture of whiskey. The arrest w..s made by Sheriff S. L Hayworthand Deputies C. T. Luck, and C. A. Hay worth. The officers brought the distillery to Asheboro, together with the prisoner. A preliuiinery hearing was given before Justice of Peace, J. S. Ridge and the prisoner was bound to court in a bond of $700. Williams is an old offender, and is now under a $'2W boud to show that he has not bi-en connected with Blockadiug or selling whiskey since last term of court. The l''o ii rlli at oi tlivllle. The celebration of Independance Day at Nortbville Saturday was a big success. The pretty park was crowded with people from every sec tion of the county, and the program was insfiring throughout. Ad dresses were delivered by Hon. J. A. Long, of Graham and Attorneys David Steam and Clement Wright, of Greensboro. Features of the day were boat rac ing, and base ball, besides ample other amusements. Worthville did herself credit, and all who attended will long remember her hospitality. Southbound In Davidson. Lexington has been electrified by the newB that the Southbound rail road is to be built at once. A mil lion aollars of construction fund will be spent in Davidson county, which has more miles of road through it than any county on the line. Lexington is pulling for the shops and offices of the company also. Colllns-Wooten. Plato Collins, of Kinston, and Miss Matalie Bryan .Wooton, daugh ter of Mr. andMrs. N. B.iWooten, who live six miles from Kinston, were married last Thursday. Mr. Collins is a grand son of the late J, Turner Harris, of Randolph county. John Calvin Conrad, a son of Isaac Conrad, died at the home of his daughter, -Mrs. Jno. Co'eman, .4 TT7: t ci j. rt i had been sick several months. i. t iUBiuu-ouieiu fliouuav. lie I spaOTruQny MOuainoqtrBP9 im jo tm pfoo er( 1 1 IX M9)UIM SB IJ3M ttB J3UI -ums ui panurjuoa oq )tnui I ssrt t jnq 'dpq )aq 9qi tl dpq tpaaa ji i op sq ubd votjautnsuoo Jivt July Trim of Com t In New Courthouse. The next term of court will con vene iu the new caurthouse Monday July 10th. At their regular meet in Monday the County Commis sioners made this order and the vari county otlioers were directed to retmve from the old courthouse 'o th-ir ollioos iu the new building before that date. Ca'eudar ot civil cases for trial at July term. i:)f;!, Riudolp'a Superior Court, Hon. B. F. Lng, Judge, presiding: Wednesday, July 21. No. 10. Seth W. Laugalin, adnir, vs John CKoust. No. U3. Richard Thompson Admr. vs. A. & A. Railway Co. No. H'. American Pure Food Co , vs. G. W. Elliott & Co. No. 2V. Wm. Cjx, vs. A. & A. Railway Co. No. 30. M. A. Cox. vs. A. & A. Railway Co. No. 31. D. C. Staley, vs. . A. i A. Railway Co. No. 32. M.J. Presaell, Admr., vs. S. A. L. Railway Co. Thursday. No. 24. iel Smith. No. 38. Sophia Beeson, ts. Pan Daniel Chrisco, vs. J. - seph Y'ow. fto. 4(5. M. C. Hill, vs. Southern Express Co, No. 4-2. Thos. P. McDowell bv next friend, vs. W. R. Neece. No. 43. Jonu R. McDowell, vs. W. R. Neece. No. 45 1-2. L. M. Kearns, vs. J). (!. McMaster). No. 47. Enos Womble, vs. H. A. Albright. N. 4. tie Luek. No. oil. Rufus Luck, vs. Nc Greensboro Boiler Machine Co , vs. Seagrove Chair Co. Fuiday. No. ",. A. K. Scotttn, vs. V.n ter prise Mfg. Co. No. 53. lliushaw & Laughiai, vs. W. C. York. No. 5t. G. F. Morelield, vs. Mil ton Lackey, surviving partner et al. No. 04 E. U. Cianfcrd, vs. Brack Wagoner, No. 05. N. York by hi3 next friend, vs. J. M. Henson. No. tJ7. Emma C. Smith, vs. J. W. Foust, Admr. et al. No. GS. J. W. Brown, vs J. E. Harper and wife. No. Gi. R. R. Ross, vs. John Brady et al. No. 70. Randleman Mfg. Co., vs. Euos and John WonibU. Monday, 26. (No. 72. W.N. Scott, vs. Home Lumber Co., et al. No. 73. John Brower, v.. Lucy Brower. No. 74. A. Brinkley, vs. M. A. Ballance et pi. No. 75. Jas. T. Turner, vs Bank of Liberty et al. No. 76. J. E. Harper, vs J. W. Brower. No. 77 Brady. No. 80 C. C. Cheek, vs. E. A. Dora Winslow vs. J. M. Winslow. No. 81. Naomi Cody, vs. Charles Cody. Tuesday. No. 82. H. L. Moore, vs. Snow Lumber Co. No. 83. T. S. Miller, vs. Daniel Marion et al. No. 84. R. R. Ross, vs. South ern Railway Co. No. 85. L. D. Lowe, vs. Southern Railway Co. No. 80. J. D. Norwood, et al. vs. L. M. Curtis et al. No. 87. F. A. Henley, ft Jal. vs. rem ingou. No. 88. In Re-Entry, W. Hammer et al. c. No. 89. 0. Cox. Ernest Tucker, va. W. Wednesday. No. 90. thur Swdm Thos. Lamb, vs. Ar- No. 91. Jas. Tysinger, ts. Bran son itidge. no. v4 jas. x. lamer, . Town of Libertv. No. 93. H. M. Skeen, et al. ts. J. K. Skeen. No. 94. O. R. Fox, ts. Ruff Wall et al Summons Docket: Sandy Goltrane ts. Lilly Goltrane; Bessie Collins, ts. d. v. uoiuns. Parties and witnesses need not at tend nntil the day for which their case is calendared and will not Ira allowed to prove for attendance prior a. i- io inat nme. Calendar Committee. Montgomery County. The Troy light pant was pul out of commission fcr a few ("ays by high water last wee. Mrs. Nancy Blake died at Troy last wpek, She was 80 years old. Will Ingram is operating a gaso lene launch betweeti Little's Mill i J. B. Haywood's .dill on Little BiT-'r. I Messrs. S. A. Lewis, G. 1). B. 1 Reyno'ds and W. S. Pemberton at tei.ded the Randolph district meet ing of Alasons at Albemarle latt week. Tom JStanback. has leturned to Troy from Behola, Miss., where he Las been visiting his uncle. l olorcd Man an Inventor. Wm. F. Johusoo, colored, who has been a servant at the home of Judge Boyd, at Greensboro, for years hus invented a card for hangiug at the the front door telliug the ice, oil or milk man the quantity of his goods wanted. . He has also invented a portable ch BANK OF RANDOLPH at Asheboro, at the close of RESOURCES. Loan and discount SlSO.&.l? overdrait fcM.Ti Ashehoro (irailed School Bonds 9.1XW.00 Hanking House, Furniture and Fix tures. 5.000.00 Hue from Banks and Bunkers 29.r..v i 'ash items l.fMJK.'. 'fold coin S.IW00O -un'reoiii, iiicluditijr all minor coin currency S,).dO National hank notes aud other V S. uotes S.WO.iW total 4W.5SI.IW LIABILITIKS. Capital stock 31.400.00 surplus fund .'.-..U00 0U Undivided profits, less current exlieu. fesand taxes paid S.OTl.O:! Motes aud Bills redincounted 4.T.r4i Deposits suh;e t to cheek H6.14a.TT I'lisliier's t'hei ks outstanding 40rttia Total SU6.K4.fW -tate of North Carolina, County of Randolph, isi 1. W. J Armlield. Jr.. Cashier of the above named bank. io solemnly swear that the ubove -tutement i true to the Is-.-t of my knowledge .m,i belief. W. J. AKMMK1.D. JR., Cashier. Correct Attest: W. P. WOOD, T. H. KF.DDING. H H MORRIS subkcrilwd and sworn to before ine, this Sflth lav of June, 1HOK. J. D. ROSS. Notary Public. NOT H" K. LAND SALE. Bv virtue of an order or the superior Court of Randolph County, Stateof North Carolina, made iu tne special pfoceediiiirs entitled li. F. Rob inns and wife, Bessie Robbiua against i Karnlieart aud others, 1 will ell the followiuK described lands at public aiu tiou to the hiitiies; bidder tor cash, at the court house do-ir iu Ajheboro. N . C on Thitrsiiav ihe&'nd day of July. lno9. ut 1 o'clock P. M. 1'he same being sold for partition amoug the heirs at law of bo k Rush de easel: Sad latidc lying and being in the state and County al .repaid and in Tabernacle township, adjoiuiug the lands ol Michael Spencer, John Davis and others. Beginning at a post oak original corner. running tnence soutn anu spencer s ana lrnvis' line Uiirty-six cluuns to a white oak stump, southwest comer of the survey, thence east on Hav' line to a stone. Johnson's corner, thence north with said hue to a stone, thence east tu H stone in the edgenf the road, thence south with the road tu a stone in the original II e, thence east toa pine the original corner, thence north ou 1 ink s to a stake, thence west on .said line eight Lautrmin'H line iwcuiv-iiiue cimius una uuv cliainB und tlfty links ton black oak, thence north six chains to spencer's comer, theiiei west wilh Silencer's Hue to a sto le iu the road theuce noi th with said line to a stone aho in said road, thence west on Spencer's line to the beginning, coutuiiiiug 100 ai res more or less. This the Sist day of June. I'.M'.i. K.ijah Moftltt, Commissioner i:Do YOU I Know It il Requires 4 I to 6 Years to build a Stieff or Shaw Piano, from the time we place the lumber which is used 2 in our lumber yards until the j piano is finished? We air dry all our lumber and that is one reason why our pianos are so thoroughly good. The Lumber Sin about two thirds of the pianos made is in virgin for ests less than twelve months oerore tney are tinisned ready to sell. They are made nut of kiln dried lumber and this t is the principal reason they t will not stand and are so un- f satisfactory after a few years. Une piano in a lifetime is enough and H that piano is a Stieff it will. WRITE TODAY. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Stieff Self-Player Pianos, SOUTHERN WARER00M 5 W. Trade St. Charlotte, - - N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. Mention this paper. Alcohol to Children Ask vour doctor how nftpn h stimulant for children. He will probably say, "Very very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask' him how often he Drescribes a tnn!r fnr thnm u ...mi t - mmv. ,,,,, UIKJU' ably answer, "Very, very frequently." Then ask him aJDOUt Avers non-alrnhnlir SNarcanririlli te - tni. t il. young. Follow hisadvice. He this fa not so. Then k him abut irc iiisL ureal ruie nr riPAirn iiaiiu mnuAm. i NEWS IN BRIEF. The report of a yellow fever ep- edemic in Cuba is denied by tne Uubau health department. Mrs. Sarah A. Blair, at the age of 82 veais, died at her home Tuesday of 'nr week. Th" fuueral was co.i- un'-'ed .." BpringlleiJ Wedteidt-.y f I. C B ama:i " I V'bj Marv L v, . f Snow Hill, 'i ic .nirrii-il Monday, at Hit- Ep'3jj'ui . n i. n at tllat p. ace. Wui. WMl. of U'ckii.jr'tittii ' -n . ty, jumped f. om the Ba'tle Ui-mi i traiu at (jrre.iau'ro butu.in, at.cr his hat which li'.ew iff, and w.is seriously injured. The Southern r.aile Association will meet a: IJalHjfl io October. Theseleciiou was made at Spartan burg Saturday. James Gaiuey, the aced father of Miss. Carrie Oainey. of iliub. Point and C4. A. Rankiu. Mauon. ( i . did recently in Camlierlaiid CouctT. Mr. L. L. ThoniaK, . fiimerly of rhomasville, but wtio tor eome time has made bis huiiie un his son- in South Carolina ditd I tit we, k. Despondent b chick of continued il!n-us Mrs. J. L. AlbertfOit com- lilcled ellicide ui Kiuatou Friday oy l aDbinz beuelf tnrouah the heart. She wao (!l) JealS o.d. Jim Miller, colored ofAshevilie, was killed by railroad detective Fitzgerald at Soerc r Sunday after noon while the oflieiT was attcmping to arrest nim. ijMrs. Jane Steele, widow of the late John A. Steele, of Mooresville, is critically ill, having received a Stroke ot paralysis latt week. The Browu & Will: mson Tobac co Company ot Wimstou-aalem ims aided a ouuff department to its plant. inis is tne oniy snuti factory in tlie State. Robert TweeJ, charged with the dualmuiderof the two Franklins in Madison county, was arrested at fVhiterock last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Jarrell diei :n C'harloite Saturday aud the remains were lirouht to this city Suuday evening and uitened in the city cemetery, the t-ervices being conduct ed by Rev. J. E. Thompson of Washington stieet M. h. church High Point. Review. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A GETTING READY for your Fall planting? That is right. Hope you have good luck with everything you plant. We know you will IF WE FURNISH THE SEEDS- Don't take chances with seeds of unknown origin that are never sure to come up or to come up true to name if they Btrout at all. We guarantee our seeds to be true and you can see for yourself that they are the cleanest and freer from weed seeds than any other we ever handled. Rartdleman Drutf Company, Randleman, N. C. THE NOR'il! CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Viiiiitamwl hy lb But (or the Women ol Korth Carolina. Four regular oonr ' leading to drgreM, M (Welti l'ourea (or lWhere. Kali ian tie in Nepiemher 13, ISX)U 11mm dt irwa to eater elioulj apply a early at poMtile. f ca4aluguti and other iu tumatloa t4Jreea J. 1. rOt'ST, Pre., Greensboro, N. C. knows. ). CArCcLawellM Ayer - .PuU Sold for 012 y2if Here Is Relief For Women. II yiu haw (mini In the buck, I'rlniiry, Hliul. iler nr Kirlnry imulili, an1 wutit ivrt. lir lilrvunt herb roll' f fnito Wiimi'n'x tlli. trv Mothi-rUray s "Al 9THA1.IAN-L.KAK." it l a safe. relinble reKiiluu.r. anil nll,'oii all Kt'inalf Wcuiima, Im-liicllnn Mifl'immitKni ami ulceration-. Mother Unf'a Au.trnlUn Leaf la snlrl hv DiutKlMn or nthy mull (or 60c samuld wilt FRKE. Addreta, I'lie MotlirrUra Co., Le Ry. N. Y. Th8 Artistic In Furniture In our tuire we haye corahlned the urtlstle with durable quality in e lwtlnx our .Itoclc. We have a co n plcte line of Chairs. Table. Pede. tul. Rik'kers, Couchet, Bedroom flu I i. etc wee our line, net our pricen and you will be satllleii with your un.'hai'. MOORE ra TAYLOR.. Exclusive Furniture Dealer. Randleman, N. C. I Celery I Plants Now i Ready Grown with special care. Cut back and transpl anted. Just the thing to give best results. i ' John A. Young, Greensboro Nurseries, 5 i? Greensboro, N. C. c TRINITY COLLEGE I Four Departments Collegiate, Oradnale, Engineering and Lanr. Large library faci ities. Well equipped lalioralories in all de purtmnt of Science. Gymnas ium furnished with best appara tus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young men wishing to study Lew should investigate the su perior edva.nta.ges offered by the Department of Law at Trinity College For Catalogue and further Information, address : : D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, Durham, N. C. Trinity Park School A First-Class Prtpgritory School Certificate of Graduation Accepted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges Bett Equipped Preparatory Scftooi in tne South Faculty ol ten officers hndXeachers. CaniDui of leveuty-nve acres. Li- orary conuii nug rorty tnoueana vol umes, wen equippea gTmnuinra. Hlsh standards and modern methods ol Instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Exueuaea ex- coed I us I y moderate. Eleven years 01 poenomeuai success. H. H. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. Makes a ( lM Uality lilt j' lTIT Makes a Pur- chase SATISFACTORY. ti I

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