The Land of I , ' . ' I ! ledom. ruzz j I I I. ! ' j No. 642. Charades. I I. met my first down on the beach. Wearing my liole upon jhla head, Baidl to hlm.l "What la your natne?" ' . i "Y6ur second's my name, kind air," tie "A home I have at your third aome- times i . The tontc, red." low bulldta(r that's painted II. My first Is n-lBht'cr thin the sword. Whose strode a nay luld or diminish a hoard. My Second Inhabits all parts of the earth. Creatures of borrow ard of mirth. My third will curry yoi. on tdejtsure bent Or when yot are on sent. My whole Is a a art that's centuries old And may be delicate or strong and bold. Youth's Companion. No. 543. Transpositions. In inch of thev following sentences the wid to t:i) the i'.rst blatik maybe rearra!icd i' form u word that yitt fill the sect ; tl Mank nnd'mr.krf Benne. 1. You caui'.ct cross the In a . 2. After iiji:i!T n few Ills enemy handed him a . . 3. In splto of bin leg, he was as firm ns the . : ri 4. "We found the doors of nil the and eottapes . 5. The owner of the house had a large collection of--: 'antiquities. C. The man who was playing the uttered a as he lifted it on hlg shoulder. .. T. The was' obliged to - the took. 8. It wa9 and not Alice who de served the . No. 644. Presidential Proverbs. ' Take one letter from each word In order given and find surna ie of a president in each proverb. 1. Gold is not cheap nor lightly earned. 2. Happy that youth we squander. 3. Large measures are not retiring. 4. Axes don't sharpen themselves wisely. 5. Farmers raising fruit should use water. C. Tame coons need careful supervi sion ever. 7. Let your influence be Inspiring. 8. That man may learn who desires. 0. Stop eating pie before lunch time. No. 645. Pictorial Pish Puzais. ft Six fishes of fresh and salt water are represented in the puzzle herewith of fered. See if you can guess what they re. All of them are;, found in tho lakes or about the shores of the United States. , i ; ;' .j 1 r. '..V-y.; .. . .' ' No. 548. Anagram. "O, crude, trriafH!" some said to our Commander when the fight Was o'er. Routed, we fled. 'Twos 0f retreat, unable to avert defeat.! 1 j Iiancers beaet tra everywhere. Enemies hero, enemies there. Madly pursued. Of those delayed. In numbers great, they prisoners made, Bad was our plight who got away ' Prom perils of. that awful day. In constant dread, with naught to eat. Total, Indeed, was our eornpUete. . ; No. 647. ProWam. What number if multiplied by thret. eighths of itself will ejua 384? No. 64 aur Word. One Is a man that's bad and mean; Two Is a recess often seen; . , .. ,' Three may be found In 'grocer's shops; Four ars some punctuation stops;. , . rive Is a fair street lined with trees; Ik. to diminish by decrees., ;, ) ''', -""Ksy.tfl Pukstsdoni." I No. -633. -iTranspoBitlonsf inBkate, teak, stake, takes, Keats; pears, spear, ;' pares, spare, pfirae, apr; fale, wh. teai, late, teat;, post, spot, stop, pOtS,' tb r'i'-i'-J - N(k.'SS4Entema: Root!. " No. .pSB.-upjertcal, Omission,: Pep- - ' MVI. , '7 w. isiiv u neons: ricturea 00- Jectz SweetR,) boh, dray, kaj' rain-e. Sentence Be sure and write an essay. o. 037. Poetical Mlxnb: '' ' The heights by arwrt man reached and J no attained by sudden fHshi, But they, while their companions slept. "" ww mine nujnt, j s, ;, '-- t - J. i--Laasfsltowf ' No. 538. Charade: Serve, ant setw hat : I " M.'tii 'i . Koj 6S.V-Anagram: Stop, spot, tope; pots, 'post , .m:i ,; No. 640.-troke Letter PwoOei Gale, sj4aIevdate;Jall. JuiH.. Ko. Ml.-Ronian NotnrlcEaljmi rv-sileys, Masters, 0-Uws, VI-tses. . I' ! i . i ' ' i . I 1 i. '.! Jaunty ' (lil. The Involution '. ' Paul Jones ''and Sea FighVs By Albert Payaon Terhune J- : ) WO ships of war lashed . together rfoiight 'desperate ly under the light of a full harvest moon off Flam borough head. England, on the night of Sept. 23, 1779. Along th shore the cllffi and beach wen black with 'specta tors. The large! ;of the two Warships was the great Brit ii'h frigate Serapls, commanded by Cap tain rcarson and entry ing forty-foui tuns. The smaller of the two ..vessels was the P.onbonime Richard, a ram- shackle old hulk from whose masthead hu:ig tha American flag.; For hours thej two craft had exchanged close quarters broadsides. , The' Bonhdmme niebard was batterad almost to pieces. She was In flanuis, and many of her small arma ment of old guns were burst or si lenced.' The Kernels was still In ex cellent condition and scorned to have her weaker foe wholly at lier mercy. A shot carried away the American ves sel's flag. Observing this. Captain Pearson shouted: "Have you struck yotir colors?" From out that inferno of fiery death 6n the Yankee ship's quarterdeck came back the American commander's sneer ing retort: ' ' "Struck? I. have not yet begun to fight!" The speaker was a swarthy little riian, 'dressed 'foppishly, as thoagh for a court ball. lie was John Taul Jones, sailor of fortune. Even as Jones hol lowed this detlanro at bis strong foe the Bonhommc Iilchard's chief gunner rushed forward crying "For Cod's sake, surrender, sir! Our ship is sinking!" ' Jones scl'od by tbe muacle a pistol he had just fired at the enemy and hurling the empty weapon at tbe tim orous gunner, broke tbe coward's s! Then, through flame, smoke an ear splitting roar of artillery, the wa equal battle waged on. The little, foppishly dressed man who comninnded the Bonhomme Rich ard was the sou of a poor Scotch gar dener. Ills real name was John Faul. But, coming to America as a mere lad, be had a elded the cognomen Jones and is thus known to history as Paul Jones. lie was perhaps the most un justly treated hero of the war. Paul Jones ravaged England's coasts, making' bis name a terror from shore to shore and teaching Great Britain a wnoiesome respect ror toe revolting colonies, lie capiurea or sunn rne jMigiisu mereuam Binm. lougm anu conquereq ner frigates ana Dy con-1 snmmate skill avoided being hemmed In or captured. England Itegan to see what the Revolutionary war meant. Jones Was denounced as a pirate by the British government and a price set on his head. Not conteut with the damage he had done. Jones planned for larger depre dations. Sailing to France, where. In 177S, he bad already bullied a French admiral Into recognizing ofllrtally the Vnited Statos by firing a salute to Old Glory, the first foreign salute ever ac corded to our flax, be persuaded Ben jamin Franklin to help him raise a fleet to sweep tbe British coasts. Tbe best Jones could do was to . raise a broken' down aggregation three sec ondhand : ships, led : by his flagship Eouhomme Richard.1 With these-'he re down on England, whore. In late September, he fell lawlth a, fleet of merchantmen .roavoyed by the mighty Serapls and her consort, the Countess of Scarborough. Sending his smallor ships, the Pallas and tbe ABtanoe,, to attack the Oouatess - of Scarborough. Jones made for tbe Serapsg. i - ' - ; ..i ' After three hours -of fearful 'carnage the Bonhomme Richard was a blazing wreck. Yet her fearless little on mander fought on. The Pallas, vaa busy With the other British' ships. which later she sank. The Alli ance, under one Captain Lan dau, who . bated Jones, turned traitor at the crit ical moment and began bombard ing tbe already; badly crippled BouDomme Rich ard, ' killing doz ens of the latter's men. Perhaps never before bas a sea1 fighter faced such odds and lived toi tell ,"jwy havr .yovow ot It But Jones , , f-1 y' , ; did not know when he was beaten Defeat was the one part of wkrfare be never, learned. - At tbe bead of the crew he swarmed over tbe side of the Serapis on to her deck,' As be did so the Bonhomme Richard sank. The Seraplr was by ,tbls time ablese, said Jones' wild onrush carried JaB before tt. Captain Pearson surrendered. -Sir," said tbe , little . ooQueroc as Pearson grudgingly handed over , his sword, "yoo baye fought like a neror Jones, in spite of his splendid victory, never received another command from the unsratefnl ; Aracrtean cengrwis, but was allowed to Ut and die In poverty and neglect t The Zebra, or , Horse Tiger. 7 I Children sometimes Jokingly call the tebra! the '"penitentiary horse" because of its stripes, , For the same reason It IMS nli been called by naturalists the lilppotlgrls, which means horse tiger. The coloring of the true zebra is like that of the Bengal tiger yellowish, with black stripes.. i j i The' disposition of the zebra used to lie considered almost as fierce as that of tle tiger. The old naturalists de clared it was so hopelessly 'wild that It could never be trained to harness. That has beeu proved a mistake. In the London zoological garden there are uow several ssebras that trot in harness In a gentle, docile way. In some of the traveling menageries In America are also to be seen zebras trained to harness, i Breaking a zebra to harness Is not easy, however, it must be admitted. 'I'he little horse tiger starts in wi:h teeth and InkiSs when anybody tries to bridle It and hurls its legs about till (lis fairly looks like u flying plnwheel. Pojne years ago a man named liarey was the most famous horse trainer in ue v,,uld. He went through the I'nit- e(j status and through ICuropean coun- tries giving exhibitions of his power. TUB ZEUHA. Men everywhere hunted up the fiercest, most powerful and roout vi cious horses that could tie found and brought them to Rarey to break in in IHTsenee of the nudlences that gather ed to see Ills performances. . At last, having conquered tbe worst kind of horses, Rarey tried his band upon a lKtlP; menagerie zebra not .half so big as some of the horses he bad conquered,, but oould do nothing at all With it. So Rnrey gave it up, and word went nlsroad that tbe zebra was untamable. lu general, though, people like to do j things nobody lias ever accomplished. and , men kei)t on trjlng to make tbe wild little horse tiger obey a master. At length they have been atleast part ly successful. Honsv Findina Bird. 0e tue W0Bt 8UKacloU8 birds Is cortnlUy tue tee cuckoo, or moroc, a ,H ...rA nk. tlie snarrow. It la ; f(.nn.. Tn,imM nurt. of Africa where wild bees abound, and, being uuable to help itself to tbe honey which Is its favorite food, It resorts to human aid. Having discovered a swarm of bees, it flies to tbe nearest habitation and attracts by Its cries of "cherr, cherr. chorr." the attention of some of tbe natives. It then flies off in tlie direction of the nest uttering its ary and waltln for Its followers to overtake It. Should they be tardy It returns to meet tlem and seems' try ing to urge them on to greater speed, the natives answering with a low whis tle. ' Arrived at Its destination, It Is silent, waiting patiently on the bough of a neighboring tree while Its human friends dig out the nest, a good share of the honey and cotnb containing the bee maggots being left by them for their feathered guide. Tbe natives nev er iujure this bird and always prevent travelers from shooting it " ' The Same Old Thing. Uvea of Sahernwn remind ua '. J We may atrtve for prhtea erarxl ;And, departing, nave behind ua Talea of flab, we failed to Ian4. i TrWtiWith k Ball. ;!i ' 1 nace a hollow rubber ball about two Indies Id dlaaetor afloat In :4 basin of waOtr. Now ask your fittads whether titer can taUo It out,' ilsig the month ooir. The solution is easy. Just tf the 'lips itoueb th ball lubale vigor ously, and the ball will be drawn to ward yo by exbanstlon or- tne air. Malbtnin th- exbonxtlon until you have fairly lifted the ball and then let tt fall from tbe uaouto to tne nana. LEGAL NOTIGES. NOTICK. LAND f ALE.. Bv Tlrtueof an order or the superior Court of mm? Iicrial urnccedttiffs untitled bius aud wile, bossie , Kohl i'ie UMiimi-t I. Z. Earnheart an u other. .1 will sell the following described lands at imlilln uuuviuu to tue uiaut-s. umaer ior easn. at 'ie court nou-edo.r in Ashebo-o. S.C.ou Thursd iv ' tnei-jendiliiyor juiy, HKiU. nt 1 o't-lock P. t The tuino being sold fur par.itinn umoug tli neire at law 01 ihxh koboius deceased laude IviiiKaiu) beini In the htute and County af jreald and in Tabernacle township, uri joining the landR ol Michael Sneneer. John Iiuvis and oUH-nv BeKiniiini; at apnst oak oiiKinai comer, running thence Houtn and Hpuncer' and Itovl.' line thirty-six cliaiua to a white oak tauuip, southwest corner of the survey, them e east on pavn' lin to a stone. Johnson's corner. I hence north with -ii. 'I line to a stone, luetics east 'o a stoiw in the udKeul tbe road, lin ing aoui:i with the nd U a in the oiiitinul 11 c, lli. tn- Cisttm p'tK-t e o-iuiml c nit r, inence nor h mi l.uuuh.nrs Li e twentv.nine i-lmiiis and tiltv .inks f i n Ktiik. , thence west mi said line e K it cnunn ii..u nr. y links ton blink oiik, tini.ce no'tn six t iiains to s-ieiicer coiovi. tli".ice w iih Silencer's line iu a to le i.i the road, theuce norm with said line u u stone ulo in aHl rond. tlli'ltce west on Snuuaer'K line to the bcKliininv. ' ."I'liiniiit! loo acres more or less. Thiaiiij Jl-t ; of June, num. Kiijah Mofhtt, Coniroissiouer. North Cnroliua Kitudoijin Lu. ) Iu the superior Co.irl . I Notice o! i-auiTSale VS. Joitlan it. .-I."ii ) By virtue o the ii iwer vcted ia me by 11 de cree rendeu l 11 tlie untitled s.. ui proceedings, 1 v j . 1 on Mot day the liiti. uayof July ll ii, nt ia o'ekx k. M , at tiiee nir. House u at .vneboro. ic.lto tne rnniiesc bidder the follow .uu desuribid tracts o!,. to-wlti : 1st Tract. Jfi jriu ni mk at a pine, tiience south 1 the Murk Kav line ill chains to the creek. theuce up the various coimc- ol ti e en-, k to 1I1 mouth 01 a branch Jor.iau Kay'- corner, tlience down the creek t feet Innu the top of the Inmk uahlci(orv. liH iiee down the cieek to a unite oak, theuce down tlie creek 85 yaids from the creek to a black oak, theuce north :lu ileyreen ml croMoint lime IHvliame to a slake iu Ihk- I'wharrie below the inillroail. thence up the vail oua courses 01 t'wharrte atsiul uorth :k) degrtTt west 10 chains to the fork B. K. Hush's corner, theuce north W degreen west on suid Hush's hue 10 chains to a stake at or near the orurlual corner, theuce n.irlh ou said Kush'K liueh:l4 chaius to a black oak thence north to the Im-kiii- 11111K, conta lunirSU acres more or less (sec book HtlpaueM. lua iracc. Aujniuiui; tne lunus 01 m.num Wrettn and others lieKiuniiiK lit u while oak, theuce est 7 chains 10 a hickory, thence north chains to a red ak. theuce east 3 1 2 chains to a stone planted, theuce north b chains ami .ia links to a stone hcapon Kny's line, them e west 10 1-8 chains to a black oak or stone heap, thence I north aloiiK with Jordan Kay's line 15 cliuins and IU links to u suiue. tlience chains situ .10 uuas Ui a ulne, theuce west H chains and S-'i hnkn to a stone iii au old line, thence south l.r chains and Ml links to a niapli' ou the south side 01 branch, lliuiiceeasl 8 chains mid Si links to 11 sbme plm ted, thence souih llichaiunaiid S4 links with various II111 to 11 mi me pile, theuce cast l'i chains and 4U links to tne beKinniuK, coutniiiiiK hy es timation actcs mure or less, (-ec book tit imge m. .ird Tract. AdjoinliiK the lands ol tract No. S and louudedas nilUiv: Bounded ou the north and east by (leorue Peiirce, on the south by Julian Pearce mid ou the west by the :. H. Ku-h tract, coiilaiuing 5 jaw Kore or less beiuK it iart of Wreuu tract 4tb Tract. A tract of laud bought by N. K. Bkeen (nun John Hill known us Kay Hill iu the forkaol the two prunes of I'wluime Kiver just tielow the Skeeu M1I1 coiiiaiuint; 2 uiires mote, or 5th Tract tin tho watered I'wharrie bmnuUd a follows; KcKinuliiK at a black oak. thence HOUtb 48 deurees tast crossing the branch 15 chains and Stti links toasourwtsid, thence south 1 chaius to a hickory. Vomits' corner, thence euBt 8 chaius and .5 links to a white oak Younts corner, thence south o;i Ynuuts' line :7 chains to a stone lormerly asistouk. tl.enceca-i ticiiuins aud 50 links to a siurwood oriKiiially Kay's cor. . er, ihencu iiorlh 111 cliaius and 50 links white oak Kkeeus corner, thence north 45 dcgnei cast 11 chains to a Hake in I'wharrie, tnence north 45 deurees west up said creek three chains to a stake lu said creek Har ris' corner, thence north 45dt'Kretseiist 10 a kuui tree, theuce north 11 chains to 11 stone planted oriKihiilly a black oak, thence wc.i chniiiB d 10 liukstoaKUinon the bank ol i wnaine. John Utiles' Corner, 'hence up the various courses of said creek Jtl chains and nu links to a ugr maple on the west bank of said ereek liieuce soutn 7a neirrees west cnaius auu w links l tlie befrlnniiig, by estimation aii acres murt or less (see btok 5a mi(v UW ezwptlng that Can of said tract on west side of V wharrie sold V N, K. bkeen to A. W. Kuller, see book ""mh Tract In Emmon s township Davidson county, bounded on the north by H. A. Leach's home tract, ou the east by Hayes Harris, on tlie souih bv D. A Leach and Mrs. Alberta Joues, Uillmgiium, containing about two acres inure ir less. Term of Kiie One-half cash, the balance on credit of six months, the title being retained un til tlie purchase money is pain. This l.ui aay 01 June iwj. K.C.KKLLY, ten NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE, North Carolina, Randolph County. A. M Cox ) v. . ) Superior Court. Nnthuiiiel Macou ) Bv virtue of an execution directed to the un der- iKiied from tlie Huperior Conn of Kandoipk eoumy 111 tne aDjve entiino action. 1 win ou Monday lOtii dav of Julv. liut. ut 1'J o'clocJt M. atthen.uit house door of said county, Ml to th hiu host bidder for cash to satisfy sulu cxecu Uou, all the rlKht, title aud intercut which I he said Nalhnalel Macou, defendant, has ill the following described real estate and the biilldliiKS thereon situate, lo-wit: KeKiunuiK ut P" oalt. Eli Heau'a corner, two clia'ne east 10 a utoiie. theuce south 40 1.!! degree rat It ehaiiw ami 13 links to a post oak, thence soutn SM de Itrees east H chains and 00 lliui to a -U'lie. thence uu. th kj dierees east, r chains und UN links to a stone, theuce east IS chains to a stone, theuce south 6K iieKrees tast 19 chains and 1(1 links to an nrlirltmi Hue. thence south 10 chains to a black luck. Milton Ox's corner, theuce west 43 cha. lis u a led ok, Thomas Bean's corner, theuee north th" various courses of public roud to the bCKiliMns, containing nlneiy two neres more 01 less. ThU June 15, 1B09. HL HAYWORTH, Bherlll of Kandolph County NOTICK OF fUBUCATlON OK Sl'MMONS. North Carolina, Randolph County. la the Huperior Court, July term, 1U09 Frederick A, Suhwartx, plaintiff, s. gpoon Development Coninany, a corporatlua. deienuaut. The defendant, the Spoon Development Com nnnv. will taJtti notice that an action entitled al above has been commenced In the Huperior court to recoverol said defendant company the amount due on on a oartau moittraKe iiiaei auess, wuu i..,..t ihsnnii rmm Aimnst XI. lUOfi. evidenced by two notes or bonds each lu the sum of two cnousaua aiaiara i,uuu.w;, uaieu "" i IftoH, and secumd by moitaKe ukii real estate ut said Kandolph county, executed by oue Percy D. Elliott to one G. G, Hendricks, which mort uute Is duly legtsteted lu book IM, page AM, iu the Register's oflioe for aald county, aud which said bonds and mortga re have been duly asslKn ed, for value, to Maid plulnttn", and which said morwuite indebtedness the defendant company .nniiv assumed and s rrWI to Dav in acerutln deed hy whlcn the said land was conveyed by the said Percy Is. SUloM to said defeudaut oorn pany on November JMh. 1U06. which deed is Suly recorded ia said Register's office In boo tea, pane sat, and a foreclose said mortgage, reiristered as aforesaid, in book 10U. pae,ln Ul Rwister's ofioa. and to Have the same and tlie debt there br secured declared first and Jirtor Men upon saKi lana and to aujuuicave in nr,n and Interest of all parties having and claimlns an Interest In or upon said lands, aud tue said defendant will further take notice that it Is re- rlred to appear at ine next term 01 me super court of said Randolph county, to he held n the third Monday in July. 108, at the court boose lu said county, In the town of Asheboro, North Carolina, and answer or demur ta the eomplainttn said action, or the plaintiff will apply to tha court for the relief demanded In aid aoroplalaw fhis ism aajr 01 June, iwu Children Cry rC2 FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NOTICE. Having qnallfi.'d as administrator on th es tate of Wm. Brown, deceased, before W l Hammond, Cleric ofthSuerior Court of Ran dolph county, all per-ons having cluims ni;ai:i-t aid eMute ire notlil.n to present theiu to the iinderMgued. dul erilied on or lien-re th M:rt iiiyoi June lint' "r iliii notice will be pleaded In of tlieirriT. v rry. ,iud all.p ex-ons u . ii-k va'fl estate "ill cnu.u Ioi rj s.nd make iicinrjliuie M ttlrmcit. 1 Dm ituh day of , June lm. Hammer KnUr AttorneYa Hamroer Kelly. Attorney. I'ultcd States of Aine.lca. In the district court of the t'lilted State. For the Western District of North Curoliim. In the matter of Harris Sachs ,ti Johu ftophtr, trading as Sachs & fopber, bankrupt. Al'CTI. N BALE. By virtue of an order of (5. S Ferguson, Jr., referee In bankruptcy In the nliove entitled inn' tcr, I w II sell for cash at fubilc auction to the liRhist bidder nt a o clock P.M. on Friday inn d y i ( July, at the iore of the bankrupts iu Aslielioi i, N. C. the entire stock of ito i i u i.l flxtuies bcli'iiKine to Iheotiteoi tliesuid bui k rnpts aid stock couitis Ir.g f shoes, tin.-. in. h nil;, sliirts, lad:iii nod Kcuts fiirm-hii ks n id oils Kixtiin acoii-itiim of show tr.i-ct i llow stands aud other nriii'le .said st- ck uui I fixtures to lie sold as n Hole. The sun k c m b , exuinined upon aiplicaiion to tlie undersigned before tlie iuth davof June, 1!09. ELIJAH MOEE1TT, Trustee. LAND SALE. Hy virtue of an tr ier of sale eranted by the Superior i oiirt of K iiidoljih couiitv on tu : tint petition of (Jueen Noaii Snider 11,-aii sc Sallli. ! Noah Jester, 1 shall sell at the court hon e door I iiiAsheoiro . r. at Uo'clo'ik M. ou the lytti 1 day of .l ily. IW.i. tlie following real c tato, to- it: A tract of land In Providence town-hip. In said co itity. arljoii inc the lands of Luti.c: Silei. 1 .''msniier Fields and others and 'bouwled a I fiilinw-; KcKiniilnx at a blac 0.1k rnnuiib.' i souit: 1."' cliatiis uii.l 5o links to a :one in th.- ! oriKimil line, theuce 11st Ml chains and 5U llnk ' to R v' inc. t urtis c irner, thence norm 15c1iiii.m und 511 links to a st ne. filer s comer, tlience west :Ki chains and 50 links to the beKlnuiiiK. riintiiininv ii 1 acres moie or less. Terms one-third cash, the rciiimuniK two thirds on a credit of six nioutiis, ine parclniser giving bond and approved security therefor, mid tlie title reserved till the further order of the court. This l tth day of June limn. j. .. Mcknight. Commissioner. I.AXIJ SALE. Ky virtue of an order of sale stunted by the SiiinM ior court of Kaunolph co'.iuty on the peti tion of J. H.Owen el al. against Henry Owen ct al. 1 shall tell at the court house door lu Aslie Inro, S. 0. ut IS o'clock M.on the llith day of July, WO'J, the ftillowluK real estate, to wit: A tract ol lund uiusisting of II 1 acres more or less, described til deed from Nicholas Barker and wife to J. .1. Owen, iu l ok 40, iagc lift. iU-gis-tcr s ollice ol Kandolph county, one tmct on Kachelor s Creek, Ijeninuiiig ut a pine. James J. Owen's corner, thence south 1.1 chains to a pine, the said Owen's corner, tlience east 11 chains mid TMiiikstoarockin James Hyrd's line, them e north 011 Hyrd's line 14 chains to a nine, the said Owen's corner, theuce west 14 chains and 75 links to the said Owen's line to the beginning, eoutainiiig IU ncres more or less, recorded iu hook H5, page 5U4. This tract joins 111 acre tract and acres nave beeu sola oil the two tracts to J. T. Morehead. sec liook 1J4, page lH'J, Register's ollit'c Kuudolph county. One other tract on Kachelor's Creek, beginning on red oak sapling. the northwest corner of Geo. Cheek's laud ui the said Owen's line, running east 1 chain to a stone, thence north 0 chains to Henry Ham mond's line, theuce west 1 chain to his corner in Owen's line, thence south uloug said Hue 0 the beginning 111 chaius, coutaluiug 1 ucre aud A rods, see Isiok H'J. niiee 87.4. Terms: One-half cash, the remaining one-half nnu credit of six moutus, and the title being reserved till the further order ol the court. This 14th day of June, 19UB. J. A.M'ESCE, Comr, NOTICE. Hiivini iiinliiled as executors on the estate of siusannan nrown, oeceaseu. oeiore n. nani mond. clerlt of the Sun'rior court of Kandolph county. All persons haviuv claims aramstsi estate are liouncn 10 iireseut tnein 10 tne unui cued, dulv veritied. ou or lielore the 1st day ol ulv. mill, or tills notice w ill be pleaded iu bar ol their reooTery: auu an persons owing sain estate will come lorwara uuu inniie miuieuiate ttlement. Thia lidlh day of June, MOP. A S. Pugh and Iiuac Brown, Executors NOTICE. Having uunllfied as executo, jn the estate of Thomas J. Steele, deceased, beiore w. C. Ham mond, clerk of the Snrnor I'ourt ol Kandoloh county. Al) persnus huvliiK claims against said signed, duly verified. on or before the 1st day of Julv, 1M0, or this notice will be pleaded lu bar ot their recovery: and all persons owing huid estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This iih day of .Mine. iron. Mary Jane Steele. Executrix Having iiualillcd as executor on the 1 state of Marv Ada Yeiirtrln. rtewased. lielore W C. Ham mond, clerk of the Superior court of Kuudolph county. All persons laving claims against said estate are uotilied to present tlicin to the under signed, duly veritied, en or before the 1st day of July, miu, or mis notice win oe pieanea 111 oar of their recovery and nil nersons owing said tato will come iorward aud make immediate settlement This ftith day 01 July, iwv. B. A. Yeargln, Executor. 4s000.000 Peach Trees. The J. C. Hale Nursery Co.. Winchester, Tenn. Exclusive Growers Peach Trees June Imiln a specialty. No a cents travel ins. but sell direct to planter at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from all diaeaaea and true to name. Write 118 for catalog and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We suaran tee our stock to be true to name. Largest peach nursery in the world. J. C. HALE, Prop. Winchester, Tennessee THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. The State College for vocation al training. Courses in Agri culture and Horticulture: in Civ il. Electrical and Mechanical En gineering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing: in Industrial Chemistry. Why not fit yourself for life by iBKing one 01 inese courses i Address D. H. HILL, President, West Rslrigh, N. Horse Shoeing Have your horse shod fey H. David, an ex ' perienced man. Near Union Store Co. SOUTH FAYETTE VILLE ST. Weak Kidneys Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism immediately relieved by meules Delays are dangerous. Thero is no more common complaint than Kidney complaint. Nature always gives due warn ing and failure to heed same may result in Diabetes, Lumbago, Bright'a Disease, or some other serious affection of the Kidneys. A trial will convince you they are unequaled. Pine ules are quickly ab sorbed and readily but naturally elimin ate poisoas due to dla organed condition of Kidneys and Bladder They purify the blood and are a tonic to tho ontire system. Do not suffer from Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism or Kidney and Bladder troubl when you can get Pineules. Pineule Medicine Company Chicago, U. S. A. SIMPSON'S l)KU(r s!CWE, A sbeboro, Is . (J. K lluX, President w I AKVl'll i i. V Hrei W J AKM, Ir . i.ashior. 'he Bank of Kandolph, Ashe'os:s, IT. Z.. Capitol and Surjihis, Total Assets, over f50,OO0.0C $'IW.01M).0( 1 eriener und protectvin I Hie liunking public and teal sate In saymg we ait prepared and willing to extend to our customers every tacility and ao sommodtttloii consistent with sale Dans lug. riRECTORSi w. J. Armtieid. T. .1. keadiiuj' lr K. K. Ashury, H. RedditiK, lieu). M illil.t, Hugh Parks. W Redding. A. kl. Kitnkiu. K. M Armtieid J.Cox.o R Cox 1" H. Morris, l(. M. Mccrary. C. McAlister. W. P. Woisl. The BANK of RANDLEMAN Randleman, N. Capital and Profits 318,006. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. S. BRYANT, N. N. NEWLIN , President. Vlce-Prcs, J. H. COLE, Cashier. THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWIN6UACHIKE LIGHT RUNNING IfyoawanteltheraVlbratlneR nWiFotary bnuUieoraBlDKloTtarettd "'.ifiWoaJ Bewlng Machine v . u THE HEW HOME SEWiM MAGHINE GOMPMT Orange, Msss, Manr tewlna mschiaes sre msde to sell reaardtuss al otialitr. but th Hew llosne is sssde to vwaa Our guaranty never runs out ' 14 hy aathorta doatleta ly. roe sals bt New Millinery. NEW FIRM. We have a line of new milli nery just opened and are ready to serve our friends . with all kinds of up-to-date millinery. Come and see our stock before buying. We promise to treat you fair and right, We want your trade and will appreciave your patronage. . .. espectfully, . : ,. , FoustfcMcAdams MILLINER.S, I .Ramseur, N. C. l-aviw (LHT RUNNING

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