VJilMS CAKE- -I yT;.yiir VS hot breads, ft VrOXvC V W lessened In cost I X'- and Increased M I Q to Quality and lyy wnolesomeness, ypllliM: Bake the food at home tl Whvn LH ana save money m S;ier Itrmii. Mr. aid Mrs. J. V. Cutler and littlo sm, cf Asheboro, were in J-'pero Sund'y. Miss A 1112:0 Ctil'u sp 'Mt a f iv days vii!i re'atives in A'.l.ebcr hist week. Messrs. Junes ''i.!!a unl Clmilio Hi'rrol son went lo A-.Ii- lioro "11 busiunfa Saturday. Mr. Cnrtii Richardson passed through Spero Saturday. ;, , Misses Etta Frn! e:nver ami OroUno dar rett, of Central Ka:ls, visited relatives here list week. Mr. A. K rrifc!i:;nl spent Sunday with l.ii fatW 0l 'la idh nun lloiitc S. Through Tin) C-fan -j ress our than'ts 1 1 ear a-si.-ii-nce rendered wo 1I1 sire to es inaiiy friends for t!c during the liekness iltlo daughter, Liilie. ! fnl for the nice lloral uhi.ir.g words from and death C ur d-xr Especially aro we tl.n'i! offeriBgs and the sympr those who helped us to side of life, which w..s i iug this sore trial : r. and Mis. l.'ol; rn tin bright ndeal condoling dur- flii's 11 Miliiknn. Worthville.N. C. Now is thi; time to gr manna. V -'J can do -i berimi's Liailllcut. X n-o simply liiii-f-id.ir 1 ! . t rid of your rhru ' ''" npp'.yiin.; Chatn 1.0 oases out of ten UM.'.tisni duo lo cold n t 1 t':i : .'iniir.frit. in to I:-.' fhli.Jitud a.'h it uiiVrds. 'S-!d i;aur iro'-i lO tiitl 1.' tV'HS ,'!J'l), Try it. V: 11 in" v. i 1 h il oi'ifi '; r i:-. by all '(irngusts. 5!!5!!!!!?!!!5!5?!H55!!" On account of cicumstances which will not permit our giving sale on Monday, May 16th, as advertised we have decided to defer the sale until A special train will)be run over the A. & A. railroad. Music by one of the best bands in the state. . .... , ..... . , , Remember the day Wednesday; Remember the date May 25th, 1910. Everyone on the grounds will have equal chance at the FREE LOT and valuable prizes that s will be given away. Maty Katharine Baldwin, daughter of R. E. and .Evelyn Baldwin, was horn. March I'Ddi, 1910, and died April -1, VJIO. I.ittlo Mary lived only a fe.iv iia 3 rn this earth, hut ilwas long enough to endear herself vciy much to hor father and mother, tied .qivjlhcm this little flovar, tint it nii.ht l'rfj;hten their lives for a s':ort, time, then !h toolt it from them thai it miht hlocm in Heaven . Her remains were kid to rea in Mt. Kion cemetery hero to await the resurrection day. May tho bereaved father and mot! er be comforted with the thought of rmeli ip their beloved child where parting ahull he no looie Annie Be. k. Foley Kidney Tills ere nntis-pac, tonh? aial rei-torativo and a prompt corrective of all uiinary irn ularitic .s. lU-fusn substi tuted, ytandard Orug Co. Trinity II.iiim. Wo era glad to have Mm. E. C. Willis with us agnhi. John S. Ehlrr, of the National Ban!;, of Xewr Vork City, is at home for a two wee 's vacation. llorn, to Mr. and Mm. Clark IV.yne, a line gill. John While we.j in trwrs for a fc.v days lest v.Tc!:. Mr. and Mis. II. M. C;v niord were vhilors hero Sundi'.v. WEDNESDAY, MA Y 25, 1910, at 2 F. B Julian Qrore News Crops are looking fine in this section. There will be memorial services at Beth any May 8th. Mr. Tom Cranford was very sick Satur day, bat is some better. Mrs. Mary Lineberry was a visitor at Mr. Tom Bradford s Saturday afternoon. Miss Mamie Routh visited at Mr. Sam Pugh's Sunday. Miss Lelon Booth visited at Mr. Mike Ward's Sunday. Miss Fleta Elliott visited at Mr. Sam Pugh's Sunday. Mr. James Pugh made a business trip to Randleman Saturday. John W. King is improving Blowly. Mr. Wallace Treat, of Kemersville, is visiting relatives at Critz, Va. Mr. Atlas Trogdon visited near Julian Grove Sunday. Mr. Wesley 'Yard was a visitor at Mr. Pugh's Sunday. Mrs. Mike Ward is very sick of rheuma ism, but in improving slowly. Messrs. 0. O. Fugh amf Uouth Brothers have purchased a Raw mill of A. N, Rout!), which they will run near Level Cross. Mrs. Ella Allred and Mrs. Lncy Sharon vihited at Itenny Hinshaw's Sunday1. Mr, A. L. Vunc.'innon, who w; s injured some time ago, ia improving. Coiiimniiflfr JiiltiiH A. Pratt Pot o. lib lit. Ill.,ti. A, It. Mr. Iinne Cook, t. nminniler of abnv I i'i st, K. waneo, 11!., writes: "For a lcni tiiiio I wiw hot!orfd with backache nod j pii. i nero-s my kidiuy i Aliout two morti s I ego I Kla t'.-.l taking Fi-ley Kidney Pills and soon Maw tliey worn doing last 11s claimed, I kept on t ikiu.e; tlit-in and now I am free from biickuche, a'il tho painful lilmldtr mi'i ry is all gone. I liko l'lfcley Kidney Pills so well that I jinvp tol l many of my frirndn and comrades about theiu and shall recommend thorn at evtry opportunity." Standard Drag Co All l.Xcr.btl.i;,- li.ill Game. On Siitnrdny April 30th, the 0;.k Shade and Ceunr Sipiaro ball teams cros-.d hats i'i a kill game, which lvsultod in' a -core of ' against 7 in favor of ihb lai.tor. The 111 in foalorfs of the raino wero tho kitting of E. E'dridgo for Oak Bhado and Cultraue for Cedar btnaiv. "ot Sorry For Ijltintl.-r. "If n.j- friends hadn't, hlunderr-d it think ig 1 wari a doomed victim of consumption, 1 1 iDiglit n 't Iw iuive now, wniea 1). 1. San ders, of llarrodsljiirpj, Ky , "but for yea; they saw every afh n.p' to earn a lung-racking polish fail . At lint t trio'l Dr. King's Sow D.cocry. Tho t IVrct was woiidorf.il. It soon stoppi cl tho cough and I urn now in hettrr brallh than I havo had for j-eais. This wonderful Siie-.savor is an unrivaled rem edy for c.iiigh, cohls, lfigrippo, astlim.., croup, hi inoi rbages, whoojiing cauqh or ' weak loiij.R. $1 .(il). Trial bottle five. I 1 iuaiai.tof-d hy J T. L'ni'arwjod, next ij.-o,-! t3 Hank of Randolph , 51"" Randleman Rontc No. 9 Items. Wheat is looking well in this part of the county. . . The protracted meeting at Central Falls is progressing nicely v Mr. C. M. Bulla was married 10 Miss Birdie Miller on May 7th, J. A. Neighbors' J. P., officiating. Mr. Bulla is a son Dr. Bulla, and Miss Miller is one of Asheboro'a pretty girls. Birthday Dinner at 8per. A birthday dinner in honor of Mrs. Daniel W. Millikan, was given at the Millikan home in Spero on Tuesday, May 4th. About 50 persons including children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors were present. Under the auspices of Mesdames Walter and Ourney Millikan, a long table was placed under the shade of a large maple, decorated with snowy cloths and fragrant flowers. As the noon tide approached, the ladies began to unload theirgenerous baskets, which they bad prepared for the occasion until the table fairly groaned under its load of fat things which delight the inner man, si.cb fcs bam, chicken, pickles and pies, and cakes of every de scription; but most ex el ieut of the excellent Was the strawberry hort cake of Ihh) season's berries. Tie chimo of tho farm hell announced that dinner was ready, and after a nhoit invocation and thanks rendered to the (Ireat Bountiful Diver by Rov. Am s Oiegron, wo were ,e,u!yt' par:ukd (f the hounliful repast, arid Ohnfj! how fast the good things did disappear. A tier dinner, groups scuttertd over the lawnahd time was Bpnnt in social conversation until the h ur for departure arrived, and wishing Orandma tho returns of many more such happy days, wo reluctantly took our leave with pleasant memories of the day jost sp.Mil. A Gi tsr. Fnlr View Xtwi. Mrs. J. C. Croes-f, who underwent an cp?i-e,iou at tha Junior Hospital at High Point soma tbreo weeks ago, is rapidly re covering. f , r. and Mrs. Addiajn Clair, of this place, went to Charlotte tho 3rd to In Ip celebrate their daughter's, ..Urs. SdUvell'otl) birth day. Mr. Blair returned hcin.i yc.-tord.iy. M s. lih.ir will probab'y spend a mouth wit'i Mrs. tilvvell. ... Miss Flora CVley. of Tiiemasvilie, s, out a low d:ya h re last week visiting Mrs. Xell Cranford.. Ed. Millikan is all i-rutles, its a gill. Mr, S acy v 11 rill 'his regular ajpiiu -inc-iit i:t Fair Vie-.v next Sund.iy at 3 o'clock. I.iillo Miss Clara B! ii camo do-vn to her gran ip i'a yesrurdjy to sp"nd tho summer. Miss Crahtreo. O' Iv.deitjh, is visiting her sist. r. Purs, iiobt. Gray hore. Mr. Dava White hm vesigned his poiit:on h .ro and hr.a moved b. ck to Tiinitv. N Milboro Items. The memorial eervioe at Bethany Sunday was well attended considering the weather. The cemetery has been nicely cleaned which adds a goed deal to the looks of the grounds. Messrs Ban Brown and Chas, H gar, of Thomesville, spent Saturday and Sunday here. ' H. O. Pngh, of Franklinville, was in town one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. O. T. Brown visited Miss Maria Kivett of Staley B. F. D. Sunday Misses Golden Aldridge and Nellie Ellis imnt one dav last week at Cant. W. S. iL'neberry, I Little tditti and Master uctciie oner 01 Ramseur are visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Nelson. Miss Elsie Hayes left Tuesday for Ore Hill where she will SDOnd the summer:' 1 Mrs. Ed Siler and Lttle daughter, of Hamsuer, are spending the week in tnis section visiting relatives. I What Everybody Want. Everybody desires good health which is i.upossiblo unless the kidneys are sound and healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy should be taken at the hrst indication of any irregu larity, und a serious illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will rostore your kidneys and bladder to their normal stale and activity. Standard Drug Co. Mill Creek Items. Peop'e in this icction are almr st done planting corn. A largo number of our people at ondo I comieencctiient at llamsour April the I'Dth. Mr. J. T. Scott went to Aihehoro Satur day on business. j Mrs. E. W, Crown an I daughter, Mi j Lena, visaed at J. C. Craven's last Tbura day. Mrs. M. M. Davis, has returne! home"after spending a week with her brother near Kemps mill. Mrs. J, (J. Craven is on the Bitdc list at this writing. Miss Nel in Brown spoilt Monday evening with her cousin Misi Lillio Craven. A surprise birthday dinner wai given at Mr. J. M. 1 liaisons last Wednesday April tho 'lt'i, it being h;s 75th, birthday. A number of p. oplo gathered at his h J111 ne r the noon hour ladeu with evfry imaginable good tlii; g to eat. Mr. Ueiison was taken by surpriso I nt enjoyed t as much as any one there. After a foiv remarks by J J. Aden and thanks to th? Supremo -Being, every bidy ato t their Mil .:nd enough was left for many more. Mr. Ilenson has boon blind seven year. Every ouo left wishing ni'iny iiioio happy birthdays. There is Sanday i-'chool at Flcasc.it Ridge every Sun ay at ten o'clock If your appetite is poor, your whole body j rn'ts; he insulikientiy nourished wo.kii8 j and disease must result. There's nothing j like Iloliistr's li. oky JuonntainTea tocr.ato j 11 healthy app-jtito. ' Itaor Tablet. 1. Slun 1 dard I'liaruiacy, Ashahoro Drug Co. o Back Creek New. Frank Willet, of Asheboro, spent Saturv day night and Sunday with bis brother, John -Willttt. James Bulla, of Spero, via' .ed at D. T Wil.ett's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R M. Pulla spent Sunday with h r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Mil likan. , . D. B. Millikan, of Aeheville, is visiting his parents here this week. D. T. Willett visited at Cicero Mack's near Sophia Sunday. ' Misses Beatrice, Mary Wade, Bulla and Clara Pritchard visited at Benj. Milhkan's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bryan spent Sunday at George AUred's. John Willett went to Asheboro on business. atnrday. ' , Aich and Earl Bulla attended Elise com menceo.ent Monday. Coleridge Items, Most farmSrs are about done planting corn and cotton, while some have not planted any. Wheat is looking nice. W. H. Yow has the nicest field of wheat in the community. ; ( e were visited by a good 'rain Saturday Several of our people attended the Union , Binging convention at Brush Creek the .first Sundry in May and repoit nice singing. The' next convention will be held at Entir pihe Baptist Church tome time m xt year. Miss Esther Moore, of Queen, is visiting at her bister's Alia. W. II. Cavcnesa' this week II. V. Browii was a visitor at Thcs. Davis ptst Ntndiiy evening. - l!ov. I!. L. Fruit -filled bs appointment at Concoid last Vuuday. Mr. Fruit is unable jn aiher. liov. John Thilli-M, of Bear Creek, will preach at Deep River Chinch re-xt Sundfy lie las been colkd to i.l utliv. Suits teim. Mrs. Lvdia Riddle is ipmdii.g fome time n-iib n K Dav s' familv. tne isin her03rd ' vear ar.d is the only aunt if Thcs. and Mte.- I). v.' Davis of the fumily. G. W. Cfrav, of Danville. Va., is visiting1 his Inlhor at Col e rit'ge this year. There w. s a Comic Shot f t Ctle ridge ket Saturday night tt the AeBtlemy. J. T. Fool bus bought setae nice tomb stones and placed them at his mrthor's grave nt Pleasant Grove. There is a aood prcscect f r the Westein & BonWe Railroad to run to Enteiprise in'. the rear future. Ibis will ep n up a hue country t nd will make a larser town fct Cole ridge. We hope they will push it through, C. M. Stoat, of West Coleridge, base; eu'cd up a full lino of general merchandise. Master Leak Davis has op-Tied up a line of cuidies and alo at Coleridge. I.rxio Cray oat bis f :ot very badly v.hi!e cutti.'g c.osj ties h'.it w.-ek. "Mother's Joy is a pnDumonh sa'.vo and has uevor failed to euro pneumonia. 1M JOHN M." HAMMER, Manager. 1