Phosphoric Acid Rock Phosphate Natural Fertililer lift poinds f Book Tkm fktk i4 with lead ef aaaaar will increase year area jidi tt 46 to T per 1 Write teday far prices. Create Phosphate C. If t Pleasant, Ttt a. tta. C. Hammer R. t Kelley HAMMER & KELLY Attorneys at Law Ofice Secend Doer Frsas Street is Lawyers Row. Learn Automobile Business Take a 30 daja' practical oonree ia en wed equipped macbin shops aid leara an teatobile Dusinesa and accept goo poaitiona. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. H. B. Hiatt.M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office over Johnson 's Store McDowell Building Aihmtoro, V . H. G. PUGH, Liveryman Good teams, courteoai treat ment, safe drivers; prices reason able. Give me a trial. Now at the Will Skeen Old Stand QUALITY. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. ; If 7w purchase the NEW HOMH jwa will have alltu asset a t the erica yau mar. mm wM not have an endless chain of repair. If yoa want a Sewing aaaehine, watte for mmr latest eatategne before yau pnxahaae. Tin Hew Home Sewing Machine Ca., Draia, JSUss. NICE HOME FOR SALE . "We offer for sale in South Ashe, boro a neatly painted, two-story .house, on a doable lot with never, failing well and a good barn. A storehouse is on one lot. Oa the west end is a splendid pasture with water for stock. For fnrther ipformntinn address F. L. York, or E. 0. York, Baa dlemtn, N. C, UouteS, hot n n js si o UNDER PLfe H H W j 1) ANX fflllltri name? 1 1 sP' y If Ha Oteapest J3LAi in &e cad The eTwiafion is shnph;theyare maderjlh tlie greatest care and eveiy mgpedierithas to pass the: iesi ui uur own aooratones : ihepesnoliitormrss'Mboutffoysfer iciuujLvrSe, F.S.ROYSTER GUANO CO. .Sales Offices Nnr-tnlW-, TUL : fT f ?A.t.; C f ..ia ,a,- im wuruiiu. uoiuinuia o.o. i . Baltimore lid. MdnlomeryMa. Spartanburg We guarantee iastant relief, no matter where the whether in the neck, head or throat. VIC ICS Pneumonia SALVE applied externally is absorbed through the pores, going direct to the affected part, and giving immediate relief and perfecting a thorough cure in a shorttime. It also throws ofF medicated vapors that penetrate the lungs, cleaning and strengthening thetn. The best inenu you could ever have is a jar Ykk't on hand ready for At jroar drgsist'$ or by mcil. 25c, 50c, $1.00 Economy mggtttt tht dollar u. Just Received Several carloads'of wire a specially attractive price until the 15th of March. Call early before it is gone. McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. The You in early not yet In whatever part of the house ycu want it, you can get it best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection is the most reliable heater on the market, and you can move it wherever you please. Start it In bedroom or bathroom, and you dress in comfort oa the coldett Doming. Take it to the dining-room, and early brei kfnH ! ernmri a pleoainl, xoiey meal. A touch ot a mttch at dusk, and all m mug for t!ie evening. The Perfection Smokeleu Oil Heater it beauhful.y finished an ornament anywhere. Drum oi plain ft eel or enamelled ia bine : mc!:ol tnrrmingt. A special automatic device makes smoking impotfi'ule. Burner bony cannot become wedged. All parts easily cleaned. . Dumper tcp. Cool handle. Dttlert era? when of write (or descriptive circukr to nf ogener of tlx Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) T7t ryrtrtArVt otrs Stiff Neck caused by Cold positively" cold has settled, of prompt use. Vick's Family Remedies Co. Greensboro, H. C fencing. We are making Handy Heater PERFECTION Smoi:hi case often need some heat Fall, when you have started the furnace. . m II 1 p mm tMfl : J ; -, , 1 ' U : -HI . Superstition j Ia Dfess-Makiaj;. No people ara mora superstitious than dressmakers. If the scissors fall and stiok in the lior it means a mourning order is coming in ne air ing great haste, for which madame mast put aside her other work. If yoa stiok a blaok pin in the garment or happjn to taok it with green thread; it will be sent back for alter ation "sure and certain." To upset a dowi or pins means a grievous die appointment of some kind, but if only half of tbem spill, then the worker may look oat for a great sur prise. A knot in the thread signi fies yon will receive a very handsome present, and acoidentlly to stitch two ends together form a circle points to a wedding within a year in the workers family. But the greatest of all omens known to the oraft and the sorest of fulfillment is to take up two pins together and stick them in the work before dis covering what yoa have done. Your own wedding is so certain and so near you Bhould not lose a moment in getting your trousseau ready. Id every sewing room a bride and her gown are always centers of greatest interest. If you happen, in wotk. ing upon the Bnowy satin and 1 cts of the bride's wardrobe, to run a needle into jour fleBh and thed the tiniest speck of blood should it fall on the wedding drees one thing is certain. The bride will die before she has known one year of wedded bliss. To work in a hair accidental ly along with the thread means more work Cuming, and if the garment keeps slippiug away out of your lap it means the j jo will give satisfac tion.' If in delivering the dress the messenger sets a pieba'd horse or walkB under a ladder, it will he sent back to the shop. The Earth's New Satellite. Soma time ago the invention of the Simpson electric cannon was announced with a range of 200 milt S and a muzzle velocity of 411,000 feet per Becoud. (Such a gun sta tioned at Kansas City, for tx .mplr, could hurl explosives into be. Louis, or vice versa. Mathematicians te.l us that a muzzle velocity of only 26, 000 feet per second is sufficient to enable a Bhell or other pr j jctile to overcome the earth's gravity, or full enough to send it revolving around the world forever like tne moon. The estimtud orbit of such a satellite would be one hour and twenty minutes. BUSINESS LOCALS Advertisements will be inserted under this head i at 1 cent a word each in- X eertion, cash with order. 2 FOR RBNT One house on Salisbury stroet. John M. Ham mer. FOR 8 ALB.--Six nice large lots on hUlishury street at a bargain. Apply to John M. Hammer. For Rent 9 room bouse on old court house t qu ire. Good wtll cn back porch, Apply to A. C. McAlister. FOR SALE In Wist Asbeboro one 8 room cottage cn O.ik avenue ; a'fo 5 rot-in cot t-ge on Salisbury etrett, pinciiciilly new.'.- Boih rent. eJ. John m. ll minK-r.J FOii S XLE-Tli - ti-im. pWe of Mr. F. Kii h' in South Aslebir'), one of the l.r.:w nieaf. hots t in AsheDoro. A ip iy to John M". li;tui- nier. tOTTt-N SEE!) is mnch clurrcr tb ir. rorn f;r j(-r cattle. Vu1 1 s.e Int. of tin in at 30 rjer Htvi) d, Write rr pi one us. Alhtd & 0 r rett, ClniKiX, N. O. FOll SALE One and or.t-b.lf ocre lot iii.o eip'-t.rocni coMnte, on Cox Snrr f, in Sou'h Aehttoru.' A liii'niii for qoick ssile. Elijih Mifii t, S.'.lJiPg Afrr.t, Aiibehoi p, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN. O Fm irs (ri'ertit'S. VVeuan Ichii $500 00 $2,000.(0 on improved tartiung Uiitis, .where eeennty u hist clas?. Apply at once to Asheboro Trust Company, Hal M.Worth, Secv-Tren urer MONEY TO LON We are in in sit n.ii to i fW $500 00 to $2 000.00 n improved fiirtiilo pioperiy,.where ipproved hv clieu-s.-aud where the fcnrrv is first, cluss. J ' Apply at o ice to ' Ash-lvr TruU Oomptny, 4 ' Hid M, Worth, Seo'y-Treasurer. NO UORB DISTRESS FROM THE STOMACH No Dyspepsia, Gas, Heartburn or Iadigcstioa five minutes later. Bvery family here ought to keep some Diapepsin in the house, as any one of yoa may have an attack of In. digestion or Stomach trouble at any time, aay or ntgnt. This harclesa preparation will di gest anything yoa eat and overcome a distressed, out-of-order stomaoh five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't tempt yon, or what little yoa do eat seems to fill yoa, or lays like a lamp of lead in your stomach, or if yoa have heart. bum, tnat is a sign of Indigestion. ' Ask your Pnarmacist for a SO-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, and take a little just as soon as yon can. There will be no sour risings, to belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy felling in the stomach. Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dimness or intestinal griping. This w ill all go, and, be sides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breatn with nauseius odors. Pape'a Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomach?, because it prevents fermentation and takea hold of your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stomach misery is at your drug store, waiting lor you. These large 50-cent cases of Pape's Diapepsin contain more than sufficient to cure any case of Djs pepsia, Indigestion or any oilier Stomaoh trouble. The County Fair. By Ruth Coltrane 14 yeajra old is 7th (irude oi Marlboro School. The County Fair was held at Asneboro. It was held in tne in terest of the farmers cf liunuolph couuty. Tne day that I attended it was educational Day; this was the da) tUnt the Bchool children from uh over the county were there. We arrived at Asheboro about ten o'clock. As soon as we got iff the tram we started for the Court House ftr Prof. Lassiter had already usked all the school children to meet at the Court House. it was already crowded when we entered, never.the-less we tound a place up in front. W hen we left the court house, we got on wagons pulled by tractions engines, and roue from here to the Fair grinnds. Here Professois Spoke on the subject of education, and why we shouiu have one. These luiks Here beneficial to all who had the pleasure of bearing them. We went into the building con taining the beautiful embroidery, tjuihe, counterpanes. I bad no idea mat tnere were ladies in Randolph who could do such beautisul was; they surely do deserve credit for it. Next we saw the beautiful fljwers, tnese were more beautitul tuonany i ever saw before. We then went into the agricultur al department, where we saw all kinds of agricultural product?. 1 did not think that thtre was an; land in Randolph, that could pro", duce such produce as i taw iht-rv. It proved to us thai the frui- is had spent time and labor, iu r&ising them. We next went to the poultry 6- partment, tu-rj we saw ti e in ;t beautiful chickens, tuihep, tluci-b, aiid gttfie. 1 tijijid l.'O-.ii'g h' these so mucb. ve Jo.:kevl a; tin beuutuul butter wh,cu hml b; ( u nude oil s-'une faim iu IulU lpl ; i was excel lent. Wts nv t.'f cakf ?, (Li es fi:.e. Tbi-y piofe to us tlut. u e wfna-ti 1 1 our C'tu ty are good cook?, as hc m-ii i re firuiei. W' rixt loofd nt the c-'w, hoirj sriiid hr.g-i. '1 be CJ-vs w r fine loohiiif, tit.d sli wtd tii..t th-jv h:td been r .sited by s-.ine eip. ru-i.e.--:. f.triDtr, who k new Low tj i V tlx in. The ' boi-its wt-ie fsi'.i-l t-n' Ti ej filso provtd that tbr-y b d 'ttn properly riBd, f.dhid t.ret fir. Ttie h(-s were ut li,.e t.s I vv- r e iw. riit-y t o siiowlii tht ibi'y bi.d be .u ra 8il pnipftlv. Niw is 1 think Ivw-k over I! c ag"icultur)l deptitMnf nt, tht? pou!. try, the covi s, hmp t d Ih-i.p, :t dots tint look as if liijulo'ph ti1 hitid tlit- rvtt tf tb- con my in npn. ctiltun; fcr 1 inn ture-thnt tm oiru r county oon'd inn k a t-t-ier (Xinbit i f the hi mrf farm jrtuIdctH, thaiitlvl the Runduiph fnrunr N -i'herdo I think the wi nieu ara behind te men just to look at the tieuitiful quil s, rotinterpiincp, ar.d fnibroiclnry work of all kinds, and to lo k t-t the Cikes maile by the Riudolph Indite, I think Randolph 18 an up-tc-da.te county. . Don't fail" to attend the, big auction sale of lots Monday and Tuesday nf court- You will have an opportunity of buying lots cheaper than every before. NO REASON FOR IT Yeu are Shown the way Out. There can be no just reason why any reader of this will continue to suffer the toi tares of an aching: back, the' annoyance of urinary dis orders, the dangers of serioas kidney ills when relief ia so near at haal and the most positive proof give that these ills can be cared. Tat following is convincing proof. M. O. Robbins, R. F. D. No, lr Caraway, N. 0., says: "I can recommend Doan's Kid'ey Pills highly, as they are the only remedy that ever gave ne relief from backache and kidney com. plaint. I was often in such bad shape that I could hardly move aid in damp weather my trouble was al ways worse. I had a feeling of dis tress in my head and felt miserable in every way. A fellow workman told me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I did so, being greatly pleased with the benefit that followed. I am now free from kidney trouble and I give Doan's Kidney Pills the credit for making this great cnange. Ivor Bale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit. ed States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Starvation, the Remedy: Flies. The war of extermination now be. ing waged against the ' hone fly has not yet reached lta acute stage be cause of the continued cool weather. But when warm weather comes the wor will be on in good earnest. Meanwhile the women of Winnetka, 111., come forward with a timely suggestion. It is not necessary that a bouse should te kept in a slovenly manner to furnish food for flies. If only a few tr fling delays are indulg eda alight delay in removing the remains of a meal, a delay for a few minutes in cleaning up, the brief rostpoui-ment of covering food whether broken or not this is enough to feed the Hies. So the remedy Of Winnetka m starvation, which is to be accomplished by giv ing the fiy not a moment's time in which to feed. A little extra oare to guard against these trifling delays will work wonders iu achieving the desired end. Are BTer at War. Tbera are two things everlastingly at war, py and piles. But Buoklen'a Arnica Salva will banish piles iu any form. It soon sub dues, the itchiug, irritation, u.1 amraation ac dwelling. It gives comfort, invites jay. Greatest beater of bums, boils, ulcers, onta, braises, eczema, eoalda, pimplta, akin era ac tions. Only 25 eta al Standard Drug Oa. and Tho lieiall Store. Laxity in Debt Paying: The Lenoir Topic says: "The laxity which is displayed by toe many people in paying debts is ap palling. Unless the practice is ehecked, it will force tne adoption of a universal pay-as-you-go system. Theie are many folks, whose honest you are not supposed to question, who buy whatever thty want oa time and disregard anyriq icst for settlement Ujwmuoa w rse is it to steal th m to deliheratt-ty make a debt and then make absolutely no eff rt to m ?'' The S-il'sbury P. 81; sy: 'Da linqiienpy is pajirg deb s U indeed appalling :i!nl appeaia t ) ! f.r ir?g w.-m. V ttat sa nnir diruM'pgr the mm )'-j t ." !. -r, if for food Ahie'i ton lit'.', the clothing t; ::t C-Jvoi'3 his n..k-dues9 or tie p'.x i which br , - ni.n the daiiV tie.d tits f tii'!OU.U' .-sn.'iy jf tifil;. a bill, nr la 'Jiitstn-...' t -r f ".?n. u:.t. COil-i.ii is i iiii ! -;.l (. Ji'Bt 'i i v I s ul i,i t . p ; a jiiHins ti mr i. i ' I i -1 1 t u; : v or win' tlien li'iini',.1 ; ;;. i.r. ti in iV..' ,.f :IJ a iO M'ss Maie Iyndley, da ugh tr of Mr, J, Vita L:d iey w a la.n Wtd. i e .u.i,,, m r " : to Mr J .-:il G. Aiid.--ii u, o. Ta.n;i i F,i . It Ii An Icterasl nixenne And Re quires An Iatemal Hcaicdr. Tha cause of rheumatism and l;lnflrol 0;::casc3 is cn excess of uric acid lr tli LIj'oj. To euro ti'.ia terrible disease this r.f U must be expelled and the system se re;ul.ted that no more acid vlU b formed la expensive nuantitli'S. Rhcuma lljr.i 13 an internal disease end requires cn internal remedy. 11UKD1XG v.ltti Oils end Liniments WILL, NOT CURH, u.Tords only temporaiV relief at beat, causes you to delay tlie proper treat ment, end a'.lov.'S the malady to get St firmer hold on you. Ltnimcnts may easa tlio pain, but they will no moro cura l:'..cun-.a;lsm than paint will change the liber of rotten wood. Science has at last discoverer! fi per feet and cornptoto cure, which la called r.houmacide. Testedln hundrcdsof cases. It has effected the most marvelous cures; we believe it will cure you. Rheumaclda pets at the joints from the Inside, a woepsi the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes yoa well all over. Rheumaclde strikes the root of the dis ease and removes Its cause. This splen did remedy la sold by druggists and dealers generally at 60c and tl a bottle. In Tablet form at 25c. and 60c. a pack aire, Write to Bobbltt Chemical Co., Balti- . more, Md. Booklet tree. Tablets saaft by mall. . , j Standard Drug Company

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