MANY a farmer will tell you he never knew how m much bigger crops he could raise until Farm Journal ui ii jiiiu 1113 ucdu lu nuiiv mull. viiii ua unn..... TViie irw-it ninir ic s!ui3v tmrlf illf farmers UD to make more money. Pleasant but persistent, it works at you year ff$J after year to raise larger crops, finer horses and cows, heavier hogs, bieeer amies and ootatocs. and shows you just HOW to do it. EoJi Farm Journal ("cream, not skim-milk") is 34 years old, and has over 750,000 subscribers, more than any other farm paper published. Its four million readers (known as "Our Folks") are the most intelligent and prosperous country people in the world, and are alwavs savins' Fnu Imiami. hflnpH to make them SO. It IS Clean, Kofi brief, "boiled down," full of practical wisdom, gumption, fun iind ki sunshine. It believes in order, thrift, kindness, comfort, and happi- jjjQ ness, and it has old Peter Tumbledown always ready to show how KS NOT to run a farm. IQ "Our Folks" have comfortable homes, modern buildings and jjftj macmnery, tignt rools and tences, gates tnat swing iree, summ horses, well-dressed and happy wives and children, and money in bank. Their potatoes are the largest, their milk tests the highest, their hogs weigh most, their fruit brings the best prices. Live farmers everywhere find this out, and they want the Farm Journal. Subscribe now, and get with the paper any of these famous Money-making Secrets. These great illustrated booklets are all stories of success :n farming, and they tell you the methods that won it. Triilrrxr !iffQ is a unique collection of the secret methods U 111 11 Jf UCLlClo and discoveries of successful poultrymen. 1. e.ivn Felch' famous mating chart, suppressed for years, tbe Curtiss method of securing 50 per cent, mora pullets thro cockerels. Boyer's method of insuring fern ny, with nriceliHca serretft of matinv. hr.Hinff. feed and feeditltf. how to nroriuce Wtl.tcr eggs, tad many others of great value long jealously guarded, now first publUlic J. TJnrCa Qfowrc exposes the methods of "bishotiinar, 3C UCU CIS "oluBirinii." cocaine and easoline doDine. and of: m tricks of "ievos" and swindlers. It enables anv one to tell an unsoutut It also gives many valuable feeding, training, breeding and veterinary secrets. pn- Cartrof e s the great NEW hand-book of Prof. Holder,, KtUl U UCU Cla the "Corn King." It tells how to get ten to twenty bushels more per acre of corn that is rich in protein and other valuable stuck f etdiug elements. Wonderful photographic pictures make every process plain. The MILLION EGG-FARM tells how J. M. Foster, in the New Jersey pine-belt, makes over $18,000 a year, mainly from eges. If yon ki'i-i; chickens, read about the "Kancocas Unit" and learn bow Foster FEEDS his hens. THE "CUTTER BOOK" tells of seven cows that ptckluced !ftf liiur a ton of butter each per year (140 pounds is tne average). An eye-op-iur lor dairymen. Get it, weed out your poor cows, and turn your good ones into record-breakers. GARDEN GOLD shows how to make your back-yard supply yM! with fresh vegetables and fruit, how to cut down your grocery bills, and ft r ish for your surplus produce. It tells when and bow to plant, cultivate, harvest and market every kind. DUCTC DOLLARS tells of the great Weber duck-farm near Kenton. Every year they sell over 40,000 ducklings at a net profit of BO cents enrti. il-i.s pay luiin better than chickens, and just HOW they do everything. Any one of these splendid booklets, KtVi tn Q 1 fid with Farm Journal FOUR full years, UULll lOr pl.UU (And If vou sulxwrrFHe NOW, before they are all iron, and tftl us where you saw this oiler, we will -ml you aImi Pour It (chard Revived, Franklin's great aiuauuc bruusiit duwa lu 19 U, packed with wtt and wuduia ior Uie faroier.) FARM JOURNAL, 333 N. Clifton Street, Philadelphia pi Tear off this coupon, fill it out, and send to as with money or check to:o:o:o:o:d:o:q:o.o.o.o:ooo.o q q . Publishers Farm Jojsnal, 333 N. Clifton Street, Philadelphia: Here is $1.00, to pay for your TRIPLE CLUB OFFER as advertised. You are to send mc the Fakm Joukkal for FOUR FULL YEARS, and this booklet - - BOTH for $1.00. And if you get this IN TIME, you ; to send also the Poor Richard Almanac for 1012. Name. Full Address. tDoa't forget tc inclose the We wiU take your CHECK.) s. yo"o'o:o'o:o:o: yo"oMo7o7o7c'QTCio-oiC'To'oroio!oloioroTo'oioTOToloToroioioroc:oi sYpcael Offer To U who seud us their ubaoriptioos with the money be lore JsaStoa 10, l)iz, we will Mud The Asheboro Uourier tor one year ana she farm journal WW mil years, both lor SI 00 Or we will sand The Courier one year and Farm Journal four yean with say one of fceokleta. "Monev-makina- Secrets." all three for S 1.00. Subscribers in arrears to The Courier may avail theme si ve of either offer by paying p m rail ana aaatng f 1 u tor advance snDecnption. USE THK ORDER BLAKK BELOW. fsUiaLt Asheboro Courier: Eoabesd Sad $ to pay Isr The Courier one year with the Fam Jenr- el yean and the beoklet Van. ... rent or R. 1. D Fee Office i State Your Teeth Can be Extracted WITHOUT PAIN Nervous people, who fear the dentist and allow their teeth to go without attention, are taking a frightful risk. Decayed teeth seriously impair the health of a human body. If you have held back "be cause you fear the pain of extraction, your fears have been groundless. A good dentist can extract them with very little annoyance to you. At the same time the antiseptic solution he uses will heal the rums and cause your mouth to regain itsotrmal con dition. 20 Years Experience Together with two post-graduate courses in dentistry have prepared me to do any of your work.' Inlays, amalgam or cement fillings, plates of 411 kinds; any service that a cap ble dentist, can render you. F. A. HENLEY Office oyer Po&office Building, Asheboro. , T U( A.M.tel2:C0 M. ' J l.O P. Hto5:C5P. U. CAUSE FOR ALARM. Lets of AppetHe cr Dirt rets After Et Ins a Symptom That 6heuld Net Be Disregarded. Appetite la Just a natural deeira far food. Loss of appetite or atomaea. dis tress after eating Indicate indigestion or dyspepsia. Over-eating Is a bablt very dangerous to a person's good gen eral health. It Is not what yon eat, but what you digest and assimilate that does you good. Some of the strongest, heaviest, and healthiest persons are moderate eaters. Thera to nothing that will cause mora trouble than a disordered stom ach, and many people dally contract serious maladies simply through dis regard or abuse of the stomach. We urge who suffer from any stomaeh derangement Indigestion, or dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic. to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, with the distinct understanding that we will refund their money without question or formality, if after reasonable use of this medicine, they are not perfectly satisfied with the results. Wo recom mend them to our customers every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been benefited by tbem. We honestly believe them to be with out equal. They gira very prompt re lief, aiding to neutralise tbe gastric Juices, strengthen tbe digestive organs, to regulate the bowels, and thus to pro mote perfect nntrition, and eradicate all unhealthy symptoms. We urge you to try a 33c box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, which gles 15 days' treatment At the end of that time, your money will be returned to you tf you are not satisfied. Of course, in chronic cases length of treat ment varies. For such cases, we hare two larger slses, which sell for 50c. and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store Tbe Resell Btora. The Need of Local Industries. Th need of local industries are shown in the followiug from a i eecb made at tneuouimcrcmi uiuu in another towr: "(in with me to the hardware arm-pa anrl lnnlr at the agricultural implements for aula to our farmers and see where they were maue. ujok at the almost endless number of manufactured articles more or less iKPMmrv fnr nnr use in life and gen where they were manufactured; cotne with mp to the furniture store and look over the catilogue of the firms that the dealers get ineir guuus m anrl BfP wher thev are made. See where the bed you sleep on the chair i mi Bik nn. the table vou eat off of, the knives and forks you eat with were maai. vv are an j oi i her.? TiOtik at ih? brand.'on the clothe3 you weir and see if they were not made noitu or tne uzio du Potomac Kiver?. Ti!"rernrige of the North and V. filla the shelves of our groceries with canned goods and with package fnnrl that rinds Its WHY 10 our taoiea every day n the year in some iorm nr nther ana COmDaUies in iucho oei tions have made millions out of them and grown rich at our expense, nnr mothers made all of the soap they used for laundry and the most of it for toilet purposes, out we ur lost the art ana aon i even uuw ho to make soap. The fant. ia that all of the manu factured art.oles that we use in our town come from an outside source, BrVirVi matpa ft continual drain on our finances, all of the money which these articles cost going to BOme other city and usually to ssme other State. Repels Attack ef Death i r:. ... Anf ftn ind mm I had only two years to live." This startling statement was maae of duiwwu uioou, Maiahim Hnl . "The tolrl me I would die with consumption. It was np to me then to try tbe oeet long maaioioe anu x ockbu w use Dr. Kings Mew Discovery. It was mil T AA Inr tnri T sin wnrkinff and be lieve I owe toy life lo this great throat and lung core thit has cheated the grave of so other victim." Ite folly to suffer with eoaghs, soldi or other throat and lang trou bles now. Take the core that's safest Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Asheboro Drag Co. and Standard Drag WANTED A good physician to move to the neighborhood of Gray's Chapel, Randolph county, N. C. FOR SALE OB TRADEOood second hand two-horse wagon with new crooked bed with waterproof rigging also double set wagon har ness good as new; only been used three times. Morris Livery Stable, Asheboro, N, 0. FOR SALRTimber on 125 acres of land in Back Creek town shins. One mile South of J. P. Jarrell on Salisbury Road known as the wmte Jbarm. uonsisting or oak, pine, hickory and dogwood. Apply to Mrs.' Annie M, Ooltrane, Sophia, N. O. Route 1. Y Rtsietaea Stiles SeewBd : withemt a isr, ' shock or ' distorbanoe is the awful speed of oar earth throngh space. We wonder at each ease of natore's move ment, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distreoe, just therongh work that Driotrs good health id ije ft2i". ifja at Aaheboro Drag U. LABORERS IN THE HARVEST. Mark i, 14-23 March 3. "Th$ Harvest truly in p.'enteoiM, but tht kh konrt are few. IWay y therefore the liori T net He will tend forth hortre into Hie Uarvotl.',Uattkrm it, St, M. t VERT WHERE the New Testa meut teaches that the work done by Jesus and His Apos ties amongst the Jews eight een centuries ar;o was a harvesting work. Thus Jesus snld, "I sent yon forth to reap thut upon which you be stowed no labor; other men labored and ye have entered into their labors" reapers of the frnlts of their labors, i Tbe ripe characters of that Dispense tlou were ready to receive Messiah and His Messnpe up jon terms of full devotion of their 'time, talents, in fluence and lives as servants of the New institu tion the New jOovenant which God proposes to Inaugurate with Israel In due time, and under which New Cove nant all the fami lies Of the earth Tenaek their nets emd Will be blessed. reiiotres wm." Tbe labors of Jesus and the Apos tles found n bout Ave hundred breth ren worthy of the garnering during His ministry. Subsequently, at Pente cost rind rftor. several thousand more Jews wive Imrves.i'd. But of these there r.-ore nr n R!ifl!r!ent number to complete the Divine foreordlnaUon; bence, the Jew ish people were thrust aside from Divine favor for a time, and God's Mossnse of Grace wns sent to the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for Iii Nums" to be associat ed with t!;e Jews ns members or tne Medlntor of the New Covenant, under the Headship of the glorified Christ. "To Bccorr'o Fishers of Men." The Wisdom of God is foolishness with rr.on, ami Hie widom of men Is foo!ish::p-r v.lth God say the Scrip tures. This is exemplified In our Lord's choice of the twelve Apostles, the eailiiv.' cf four of whom is noted in this study: Pimon, Andrew, James mid John. However able they were os men. they lacked the polish or edu cation -which people were accustomed to expect in religious teachers. The Bible record of them Is, 'Teople per ceived that they were unlearned men." This 'rer.iindti us that the Apostle declared Hint this "hiRh calling" or God to loiiit-heirship with Jesus in fluenced merely the poor of this world, rich iu fai'h: that amongst the "elect" will be found "not many wise, not many mighty, not many noble." (I Corinthians i, 20, 27.) Success in life leads to more or less of self-confidence, self-esteem, self-will, whereas the Gospel Message appeals to those who feel their own weakness and im perfection and unworlhiness, and who correspondingly with great earnest ness lay hold upon the Divine prom isethe Divine aid. The words of Jesus, "Woe uulo you rich" In wis dom, property, fame, in lesrning, la nobility of character must not be un derstood to cean that the great, no ble, wise and rich are all or nearly all condemned to eternal torment, or to any punishment, on account of their riches of education, character, etc. Bather, we must remember the standpoint of the Great Teacher's Mes sage "Woe unto you" as respects the Kingdom you are less like ly to gain this wonderful "high calling" of God than if you were in humbler cir cumstances. You have your conso lation now, and correspondingly have less interest In the glorious Jetut ea'tiHo u. to- things of God's well s.-.iie2ed wllh the things o this present life that it will be Uie more difficult for you to sacrifice all these for the prospect of a share m Messiah's Kingdom. . ' ' Even Demons Obey Him. While Jesna was teaching in the Ca pernaum synagogue a young mnn ob sessed by a demon, "an unclean spirit," cried out. The demon recognized Je sus and . His teaching and used the young man as his mouthpiece, his me dium, saying, "Art, Thou come to de stroy us? I know Thee who Thou art. tbe noly One of God." . The demons cast out of human be ings by our Lord and the Apostles the Bible tells us were once holy angels. They fell from Divine favor through their sinful relationship to humanity in the days of Noah. (Genesis Ti, 1-6.) These fallen spirit beings still desire unman relationship, and are strlrd ("unclean spirits." because, however they may begin by presenting them selves as angels of light, they, later, re veal their true characters by unchaste. Impure suggestions. , As St Paul refused to allow a younjr woman medium to proclaim him and Silas servants of God (Acts xvi. 1C-1S), so Jesus refused to allow this demon to give testimony respecting Himself even though It was Complimentary. He commanded the demon to coma et cf the man. Clergy and Religious1 Press Endorse The following ministers of the gospel have used MILAM with beneficial results, and believing it to be a valuable remedy, author ize the publication of their endorsement: ' ' Rev. J. Cleveland Hall, Rector Church of Ephiphany, Danville, Va. Rev. R. L. McNair, Pastor Presbyterian Church, Charlotte C R, Va. Rev. W. W. Royal, Secretary Board of Foreign Missions, Va. Conference M. E. Church South, Norfolk, Va. Rev. Nathan Maynard, Returned Missionary from Japan, Salem, Va. , Rev. L. C Douthit, Walhalla, S. C, State Evangelist for Wesleyan Metho- dist Conference of N. C Rev. J. C. Holland, Pastor Keen St Baptist Church, Danville, Va. Rev. H. D. Guarrant, Methodist Minister, Danville, Va. i "The Methodist" endorsee Milam. The Methodist has never taken any stock in, or pinned its faith to, patent medicines. Indeed, many of them are fakes of the high- Ar l?vniiA fnr m ml benefit has Danville recently a medicine tnat, ii tne tes timony of some our best citizens can be ac credited, has real merit. It is knows as the Milam cure. The effect of this medicine upon some of those who have been induced to try it has been marvelous ss a restorer of health. The company who manufactures this remedy that has such a tremendous sale ia com posed of gentlemen of the highest social and moral standing in Danville, we feel that in placing the advertisement of this medietas before our readers we are rendering a ser vice that will prove a blessing to suffering humanity. This commendation is written without fee or reward upon the testimony of those who nsve neen Dene MILAM remedy. "The Baptist" endorses Milan. Milam ia the name of a great medicine now being manufactured in Danville, and from the testimonials of some of our best citizens we can safely recommend it to our friends who are suffering with any of the diseases it proposes to cure. The men at the head ot the company manufacturing this medicine can be relied on. Rev. J. Hicks, in the Baptist Union. .. 147 Buy 6 bottles for $5.00 and get your money back if not benefited. 1 ASK YOUR DRUGGIST OR WRITE The Milam Medicine DANVILLE. VA. If You Want to Hide Your Money Hide it in our bank where the brick walls are thick and the locks are strong. Where it is covered by insurance if the robber or burglar should get it, and where the man that handles it gives bond for its return when you call for it. . ... Open an cccount with us today; 1HE BANK OF RAMSEUR, Rams our, N. C. W. H. W ATKINS, President. HUGH PARKS, Viee Preheat. L S. CRAVEN, Cashier. H. B. CARTER, Asst. Cashier. FURNITURE Of all kinds at fair prices. Undertaking supplies. T. J, Hoover SKf ;' r 7 s GRJLENSBORO, N. C If you want to be successful in life you cannot afford to miB the opportunity of taking a thorough course in Book- Keeping ana snortnana witn tne allied subjects in tfee Greensboro Commercial School. If you are out of a posi tion, line up with us and incsease your salary. It is no long er a question of securing a position if you are a bookkeeper and stenographer. The position awaits vou if vou oan show that you cando the right thtog when the opportunity ia within your reach. Address the school for literature. ELMORElMoOLUNQ, Mgr. ELLIOT MoOLUNG, Prim. Factory Ended by the Leader Sewiag Machine Co. r in 1882 . TVwiaadi at Machines have been sold anas besloT? SsbslssDoa f "" Cleveland, O. f Steward of J Excel trace with ?r a Lifetime I 'I Guarantee . I A iu u 1 LA INVENTIVE OENIUS MAY Uutrvct better Sevln Hrtlme tkaa tla NEW LEADER. A Quarter oi a Century is a Knot ot our ' Rdisbilir Vcrabaiing Evarv " known Improvement b Ss no Experiment to boy a MacKinethat baa stood the test oi time kat (a IK in 1.1 1 ban It kas ant boa aceaVDUabMl Write far n. l.- nrr vmr jevl U liilMvt bnds Itssiaaa riT7 LL'-T ( CLLi.UmhJ, OHIO lci"2 cc:a:,t

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