LEGAL NOTICES '"' Notice.' - Having snallfled adm om Mis sstste 1 Itadsey Julian, deosased, bsfars W. 0. Hasa Dou4, Clerk ol h Superior Court ol Bantlolpli county, all persons having claims against said tstat) are uortfled to Prtseai them to the un dersigned, duly verified, ob or before the 17ih dar ol May, IMS. or this noiloe win b pleaded la parol their reooTery; aad all persona owing; aid ea'lte will oome sorvard aad maka tame dlata ieMlement. ThtJ Ilia day of May, lflt. J. T. WOOD, Aflstr. Notice; Haying qualified aa extras. On the aetata of Baaiael H. afoDowell, deceased, before W. O. Hammond, Olerk of the Bnpertor Court of Ran dolph county, all person haying olalmi against aale estate art notified to present them to the underlined, duly verified, on or belore the 18U day of May, ltil, or thla nottoe will be pleaded In bar of their recovery aad all per aoni owing said eatate will oome forward and make 1 mmedtate payment. Thla lain day ol May, 11. MR8. T. I. ROGERS, )itt MZS K.i.MoOOWBLL,)""- Notice. - Haying qualified an admlnlstratoron theastate Of R. F, Bray, deceased, before W. 0. Himmoud, Clerk of the (Superior Court of Randolph county, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the underpinned, duly verities', on or before the S5th day of May, 1818; or this notice will be pleaded In bar of f.nelr re oovery; and all persons owing said estate will oome forward and make Immediate settlement. This ut day of May, 1912. O. L- BRAY, Admr. Ransenr, N. 0. Notice of Sale of Personality I will cell on Saturday, the 15th day of June, 1918, at 10 o'clock, a.m. at the home placeof the late I- T. 8cott, near Raniseur, N. C. for cash at ublic auction to the highest bidder the follow, iK articles of personal property, vo-wii-- f com mill, 1 corn shelter, I two ho se buirsry, 1 top buggy, 1 milk cow, 1 disc harrow, set ol two horse wagiu hames, box tobacco. 8 head beep, other articles two tedious to mention. A. A. Soott, adm. J T, flcott, deed. This May 29, 1912. ' Notice ofLand Sale By virtue of the powers vested In the under signed by deoree rendered iu the special prop. rwdliir, entitled "W. K. Hamlin et al V. Joteim A.,Frazieret l"in the Buperior court of Ran dolph county, I will sell at pudiic auriion ai the court house door iu Asheboro N. G. on Sa'.ur dav th 22nd Hit of Jane 1812 at 12 o'clock, M , the following lands lying and being In Randolph uouuty. North Carolina, in tne vowu or isiie Doro, ft. C bounded a follows, to-wit: Bogiu. Iilug at a stone in the Greeusboro Road, Hum's corner, thenoe along said road about north 12 Doles and 20 links to a stone. J. hi. Hill's corner. . theuronn Hill's lln south b8 degrees west 18 1-t poles to a stone. Hill's corner; thence south 11-2 aesrees west on Hill's line IX poles ana ihisk to a stone iu Burn's line, thence about ease it poles to the beglaaiue, containing on a acre, more or lesi, see Booa MS. puge W in the oflije of (he Retrlster of Deeds of Raudoiph Conuty. .i mi, thlrrt Auh. balance in six mnnths. deferred piyments besrlug interest at the Irgal rate from aay oi saie anu nweu secaritykelB.glv, R. r. KSLLY. Cennatssietier. This May at, 11. Notice. Having qualified at administrator on the estate of Colvin Fraaier, deceased, before W. C. Hain. mond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph County, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the under sinned, duly verified, on or beforo the 24 h day or May, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery; and all persons owing aid estate will come forward and make Imme diate settlement. This 17th day ot May, Wit. W.D. Frailer, Admr. Btaley N C R. r. D. No. 1. Notice. Having qualified aa administrator on the estate of B M- Provost, deceased, before W, C. Hsm moud. Clerk of the superior Court of Ranaolph county, all porous having; claims aqalostsaid estate are no titled to present them to the under signed duly verified, on or before the 7tb day ol June, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make imme diate settlement. mis aa day oi juue, ii. W. H. PREV09T. Worth VUle, N. C. Notice Of Land Sale By virtue of the powers vested in the under, signed bv decree rendered iu the Superior O jurt ol Rindoipb County in the special pro seeding entitled "Js. T. Wood adm. Knocn Jordan deed, v, Nancy Jordan et al" I will sell at publio auction at the court house door in, H. O. on the 13th day ol July, at o'clock. M. the following described lands sit uated in Randolph County, bounded as follows, to-wlti Lying on the waters of Gabriel's Cieek, b ctunlup at a black gum en the side of the public road leading to Cedar Falls, ranning i,,ti. milwitt'i wht 11 chains aud 90 links to B pile bf stone; thenoe south 8 chains aud 60 I uks u aspauisu o, wemx uunu wet S chains and 20 l'nks to a red oak, theuce north TOUesrees west "chains to a white oak, thence noun M degrees west U chains and 18 links to an apple tree; thence west 20 chains tJ a white oak iu Aided Davis' line, thence north on us Hue 14 haiuand lb Unks to a stone, theuce eatt 8 chain and 85 links to a dogwood, theuce north IS chains and 60 link to a white oak, thence north 57 degrees wl 6 chains aud 40 links to a stake, theuco north about 13 de grees east S chains and 80 lluks to a cedar, mend) wt 6 cbaln, and 73 lluks to a stone, gttveut-on's corner, thence north 11 chains and bo links to a stoae, theuce eafct 43 chains aud K6 links to a red oak, theuce north 43 degrees went 23 chains and 60 links to a white uak by the side of the bi rosd, thence the various, courses oi tne said roaa to me iK-giuning, con tNininc iR2 anren. more or less, f Zveutlns a tract nt nhmit 8U area couvaved to Kfcftu Presnetl by deed recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Raudoiph uounty in Book Ui, page 8 and except lurtner toe tiniDer convjeu r.hria Undnrwiod by Enoca Jordan and wife Terms ( sale: one third cash, the balance npou a credit of s'.z months appraved security being given lor deferred payments, the same la - Dear interest at we legal rate iium uj o ic Jas. T. Wood, adm. Knock Jordan, deed, This June IS, IMS, j . Notice North Carolina, Sapericr Court RandnlDh Co. leiore the Clerk. i,wU W. York. emtnlBtretorol N. J York, ' dee'd, a.MRohbius, J. A. B peace and Wil- Uan O. unrnmer I. If. ntnsan and wife. 11. M Hinion. David Fox and wife. Margaret Fox, . L. Routh and wife, Uabel Kputh, John York, Hillary Tork, Darkia York, Bessie Fllkenton Rains and hu band....'. Rains, WHIard Pilkenten, Kary Craves and husband, Craves, Pearl VUkeuton Pearl and husband.... Pearl Bid Lavi York. '. The o fendanta John York, Hillary York and Larkin York will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced, against them in the Superior Court ol Raudoiph Connty, North Carolina before the CWrk ef said court and that summons has lsaued in the said action returnable De'ore tne earn ciera amis unios in Asheboro, N. 0. on the 16th. day of July, HWj ' that the object and purpose of said action is to sell for division tiiat certain tract of land situ ated in said county and state owned and held by plamtiiis and deleudanui above named as tenants m coamou auu i"""" said saie. except the shares ol H. M. Robins, J. A. Bpence and William C. Hamsaer. declared and adjurtgi'd assets In the hauila lof tewls W. York, administrator of N. J. York, deceased, for the eavmeut'ol the debts of taid deceased ir hn nn nt ortminislpatloll: said dufetld ' ants will lurther take notiuo that they aud tacli of tbrn are requiK'd to aprlaratthe alortwaia time and place named for tturn ol summons auu an.wer or utiuur to mo ptmuuii now on file in ih l action or the rellel demanded Will be giauled. W. 0. Hammond, . Clerk "uptnor Court ' Ku dulpu County, . This Junli, 1813. .... .. ' ' ? : FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One 8 horse-power Gasoline Thresher Engine mounted on wheels, has been used slightly. Can be bought at a bargain. We also have in stock McCORMICK and DEERING BIN DERS and MOWERS, McCORMICK and DEERING BINDER TWINE at a right price. Come to see us. McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. r $50.00 PER DAY- , Sounds like big wages for any man employed ia Randolph county. One of our depositors recently made met 3 than that in one day when he tcok his money out of his tnr k and deposited it in our bank In a short time ths house in which he lived, the trunk and all its contents were burned. His money would have been gone forever if he not taken it out and put it in the bank. There are many o' hers in Randolph that should have money deposited with us. You cannot tell when the fire, the thief or the pickpocket is coming. Get ready before either co es by depositing your money with us. Bank of Ramseur RAMSEUR, NORTH CAROLINA COUR I ER- JOURNAL For 1912. You cannot keep posted on current political events unless yon read the I ' COURIER-JOURNAL (Loniavillp, K.Hp.ry Wi-.tlers3D, Editor.) This Presidential Year THE TARIFF will be tiie iesne and the battle will be a hard fought one. Yon can get , The Weekly Courier-Journal AND The Asheboro Courier Both One Year for $1.50. Regular price of Weekly Courier-Journal $1.00 a yar. We can also make a special rate on Daily or Sunday Courier. Journal in combination with this paper. To Get Advantage of This Cut Rate, Orders Must be Sent to Us, Not to Courier-Journal nouge: Having qualified as admlnlstirator on the estate of N. J. York, deceas ed, before W. C HammoTid, clerk bt the Superior court of Randolph county, all persons having claims against, said estate are notifiea to present them to the unaersisasja. auly verified, on or before the 1st day of July, 1913, or thla notice will bt- leaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons . owing said estate will come forward and maKe imme diate settlement ThlB 11th day of June, 1912. Lewis W. York, Administrator N. J. York, deo. Hammer & Kelly, Attorneys. NOTICE TTnvlnr aualified as Ertr. on the es tate of Franklin Auman, deceased, be fore W. C Hammona, uierK or tne du- perlor Court of Randolph County, all persons having claims against said estat are notified to present them to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or before .he 8rd day of May, 1913 or this no. tlca will be pleaded in Dar or tneir re covery; and all persons owing said es tate will come forward and make Imme diate settlement. This 28th day of April, 191Z. FRANKLIN AUMAN. Extr. Beagrove, N. C, R. F. D. No. 2. Land Sale By virtue ef an order of the Superior Court of Randolph Couuty in the pecial proceeding en titled B. M. Pierce vs. J. F. Pierce etal, I will on the 81 day ol July. 191. at 1 o'clock p.m., sell to the blghest bidder for cash at the court bouse door in Asheboro, N. C. the following real estate, to-wi i Beginning at a stone In Hill Wood's line, tbance North 68 degrees West 87 rods to a stone in H. Nance's line, thence South 18o rods to a stone In place of old red oak in line oi mill tract theuce South 88 degrees Bast on said mill tract line 64 rods down Tom's Creek to a stone on the east bank of brnneb. rnnnlnc into said creek said branch nri Nrtt) bnk of said creek. tnesce Nonnemt 114 runs to we neginning, containing 68 acres more or less. J. A. Spence, Commiationer. This the 17 day of June, lilt Notice of Sale ofLand By virtue of the Dowers vested in the unde signed by decree - rendered In the Superior Court 01 Kaudolpn county a mi special pro ceeding entitled "A. A. Scott, adm. J. T. Scott deed. v. Nancy J. Buott et al, I will s'lll at public auctloa Bt the oourt house door In Asheboro, H, o. on the 0th day of July, 1(12 at II o'clock, M., the following lands lying and being in Rau. dolph ( ouuty, North Carolina, bounded as fol lows, ta-wlt: 1st tract: Beginning at a flint rock In tbe Col. amblB Manufacturing Company's corner and runseasttoK. A. Ssalth's N. W. corner, thence sunth to R. A. bmUh'a -i. W. Burner, t lence east to Worth Lntterioh's H. W. cirner, thenco wel ot sooth to S. W. Saddell's N. E corner, theuce north of west with 8 W. Cadd ell's line to the Columbia M:tiaifaoturlng Company's liue: thunoe north east with Columbia Mauufaoturiug Uompany's line to the beKlmilns;, containing one acre, ssire or , being sltuatai In tbe own of Kasueur. N. C. 9nd traae: A a certain tract ot land situated in Grant rowuihip, adjoluing the lands of the Allen Beott heirs and others listed iu tha name of Waiter Wii'clua fur taxes 'n said township for the year lo7. 'firms of sale: one third cash, thn balance upon a credit of tlx raonHis. apprnvud security being given lor deferred payuu uit the same to bear lntcrext at the legal rate from day ol tule, A. A. Kcott. adm. J, I. bcott.Ueod, This June 17, 1912. 4 tpjiwn 1 BEAUTY HEALTH SCHOLARSHIP Loweat rites la the Sooth. Delightful locttlos. Deep well water. Twenty-two years without s Ba sis cue ol dinsuotu sickness. Clean athletics. A diitlagalshnl Bostoaiia writes t "Of all the colleen I have visited in sis rnra as International Field Secretary ol Christian Endeavor, the spirit ol Elon College seems to be the most tnutnmlj Christian." Karl Lehman. Wilts at otrce for catalogue and views. "resident, W. A. HARPER, Box Eton College, N. C. Good school teachers are scarce. The demand for good teachers is grcwing. Many communities employ poor' teachers Leouuo tiiey cannot gef good teachers. The demand for better teachers is bo great there is to be a summr school at the State Normal at Geeneborro. Those in terested should write the president. Notice of Sale of Timber By virtue of the powen vetted In the under signed by decree rendered tn the fupetior Court of Randolph County In tbe spesiul pro. ceding entitled "A. A. Bcott, adm. J. T. Scott deed. v. Nancy J. Bcott et al" I w.ll sol at pub. auction on the 18tb. day of July, ili. at 12 o'ooek, M , on the premises below described all tbe merohantable t.mber that eaiiures nine Inches in diameter on a stump twelve inches I rum 11. e ground and over nine Inebes except the cedar; all too hickory and maple tlmb.r that will measure eight iuobea and ove on a stump 18 luenes from the ground a son that certain tract ot lauu kiiuated iu Coleridge Town ship, Kauuolph County, North Carolina, adjoin iug u.e lauus of Hatnaa Barker, J. W, Blown aud otaers aud Ooauaed as follows, to.witt Uu the,uorch by the lands ot Nathan Birkek, ou tue west by J, W. Brjwn and Klohlaud Creek on the tbutu by Kiehiand creek aad aud Nancy Craves, on the east by Nancy Craven, Henry Yow ana J. P. Boronght to the beginning, containing o acres, more or leM, aud known as Uie Dr. Jesoa Craves place, the deed conveying this umber will be open to the inspection ol bidders on sale day. 'terms of sale: one thud caah, the balance npou a ertdit ol six mouths, approved tecurity being given ior ucferred paysa jits, tne same to bear interest from uay 01 sola A, A Bcott. adm. J. I. scott deed. This June 17, lgls. Notice Having qualified as administrator on the es tate of Lucy Craven, deceased, before W. c. Hammond, Clerk of Superior Court of Kaudolpn Couuty, 1 sball sell at publio auotloB to tne highest bid ler lor oath, ou the premises en the t oay ot July, 191 one lot of personal property. All peron having claim s against aid estate are n'otuled to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, oa or before the IS Cay ol June, 18 or this nonce will be pleaded In bar of their recovery 1 and all p3rons owing said cm ate will come forward and make immediate settle ment. J. T Wood. Amr. Lucy raven, tree. This 16 day of Jure, 1913. NOTICE ud more or less on the waters of Hetty Mi'Uue reek adj ilriiuir the lands ol Thomis tVaiacr. Quorge hrlliw aud oilure. ' woi?n t. aiuraocK, u:ry Taker. This May Slt, lvia. . HAMMER & KELLY Attorneys at Law 0Ac SocMd Beer Free Stmt ia Lawyer! Rtnr. Learn Automobile Business Take SI aye' practical Marat ia a wall equipped aaakine akope tad lemra m k mobile basis sea ana aooapt go oeitioaa, Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte. N. C. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST. ASHEBORO, N C. Phone 28. Office over the Bank. Hours. 9 a m. to 12 m. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m H. B. Hiatt, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office over Johnson's Store McDowell Building , Asheboro, - N. C.-7 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo BUSINESS LOCALS 4 nuvDiusoiucuua mm ur q t inserted under this heau t I at 1 cent a word each in- X Bertion, cash witb order. 1 FOR SALE One 200 egg capac ity New Jewel Iacubator. one 140 cyphers, one 70 egg cyphers, cheap, all in good condition ; have hatched 90 and Ql per cent. Reason for sale, through hatching for season and ex pect to install a mammoth next fall. Midnieht Poultry Yards, D. W. Sharne. Asheboro, N. 0. 4 18 tf Four hundred pairs of shoes and slippers practical lv tit ,-your own price. This sacrifice n price is necessary to make room for our targe fall line which has already com. menctd coming in. If you want the best shoe at the right price, you can And it here. Allred & Garrett Climux, N. C. WANTED We will pay the highest market price for chickens and eggB, cash if jou want it. Alto we waat your cross ties at the high est price; will buy veal and beef cat tle. Call or 'phone us if you have beef cattle to sell. Yours for business, I. M. Russell & Co. Sophia, N. 0. FOR SALE -One milk cow. For further information apply to C. H. Lucas. F0R8ALE A lot of field peaa at $2 00. Call or write W- H. Parks, Strieby, N. 0. 2t WANTED S. E. Poe, B. L, K earn s, Henley & Davis, Vuncan. non & Graves, several good sawmill hands. Five miles from Ellerbce, N. 0. Will pay good wa2?s. L. P. Byrd. WANTED One carload No, 1 aawed pine heart shingles, 5-8 in. thick, 4 in. w:da and 18 in. long. No knots or fat in butt wivrch would cause paint to peel oft. Address T., care Courier, Wanted . few regular boarders at A. Auman'son Sunset Avenne. COME TO ASHEBORO. The most picturesque spot in tliij section. The nicest location for a home is on Hamlin High lands. . There are few places the equal of Asheboro for an all-the-year-ronnd home. You can have all the city conveniences sere. Gome now when houses and lots are at the lowest price they erei will he. Oome now, because yon will never again have each a wide cb Ace. pome now, because we c sno you houses of every kind ana ' ze, ready for yon to live in. - Asheboro is a delightful town of 3,000, tbe county seat of Randolph, the bt-Bt county in the State. j Oar booses are in the most desir able section of town, on high ground, with a splendid view and plenty of shade trees. Apply for information as to real estate in and out of Jtown to HAMMER & CO., ' ASHEBORO, N. C. The Bank of Randolph Asheboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus $50,000 Total assets, over $200,b00 Wltn ample assets, exwrierice and protcHo, ee solicit tne bmiueks of the banking publio : leel sale In Raying wo are prepaiti'l und !!!'; j; to extend to our customers every facility and ai wmnradatlon uousisteut with ship rankipg. 0. ft, COX, President W.l. ARMFIEL0. V Prai W.I. AHMFIEL0. Ir., Csshsr " 1.0. ROSS, Asst. Catnlsr , AMD ne WA6 A 8fvEIt La wii, aa-Ba jmsm ex "rssssByV. 4s Has asrsm. sad eMttlsf af a anisslsal . M CbnM Jtmm otmm sale she ssarM to asaw Hjiihsi.- nmuthf i, M. Cms ospel op ohriot is tbe Metse of Divine com psvsKloo toward glanera. All re ligions recognize sin and pro pose reconciliation with God by works of charity, ty volontary self-torture, or by furore torments. None ot the keatiien (otk have any touch of sym pathy for humanity. The Bible aJoiu? tells of a Ood touched with tne feeling of human Infirmities; "God commend oth His kyve toward us In that while we were yet dinners Christ died for tiie ungodly." Romans v, 8. Divine grace has been still further manifested In the invitation to a "little flock," to be Justified by faith and sanctified by the High Priest's offer ing of them, and thus' to become New Creatures, joint-heirs with Je sus in Ilia King dom. SUH tuo Scrip tures tell of Cod's rmrsnkig Love and Mercy. He is n willing tbstt 1 any should pert11, bnt wills tlmt all shall TMs trom luith anointed Hi feet." have an opportunity to turn to Ilim. It is for thia purpose that Mc&aiah's Kingdom will be established with full power. ' In due time it will bring tue salvation for wbich the poor, groaning creation has so long waited. It will come with the manifestation of the Sons of Cot?. Jlomans viii, 19. A Woman Who Was a Sinner. Who can read the Gospel narratives without realising '' that Jeeus was a "Friend of sinners," as was charged By the rbarisces? And is not this the feature of tbe Bible which specially commends it? With the exception of wilful sinner, whom we must hope are few, tlier comes a time when sin is aeon in its true color and is detested. Then is the time when the Gospel Mes sage from tha Friend of sinners spe cially aprceis. All seem to know in stinctively that Jesus stands ready to be the Helper of all who come to the Father through Him. Jesus had accepted an invitation to a Fharisee's house. The diuaer had be gun. After the custom, they reclined upon low tables or couches While tlie dinner was progressing, a woman "who was a sinner," a harlot, deeply penitent, entered. She had in her hand some precious perfume, with which she intended to anoint the Sa vior's feet. Her heart was full,' and tears gushed from her eyes upon II!s feet; she was dishonoring the very feet she intended to houor. Loosening her hair, tbe woman used it as a towel, regardless of the fact thai it was considered dishonorable to let down her hair in public; she driesl the feet and poured the precious perfume as an honor to the One from whom she had heard "wonderful words of life." Two Debtors and Their Love. The host of the obtusion watched Jesus to see how He would receive thi:--devotion, saying in his heart, If thU Mini were a proph et. He would know the woraaa li disreputable. II f w(Mi!(l bid her no; ti) touch Ilim. ,Je- 1 TZtM uh knew hli- KM'Vp tho'inhts and an fi.&JViirfc' swei'cd. "A certain creditor uud tv.v debtor, one owed five hundred penr-f unit tiie other Ufly. Neither could p.'.; n ad he farjy.'.v "He frankly forgate them Mh." theu both. Which of them will !ov him most?" The limrisee replied, "i suppose lie to whom most was tu given." Jesus agreed with him. Then Jesus made replication of tv matter; tumiiifr to the woman. He srii to His host, Seest thou this v,-omu: who washed my feet with her tears iiix wiped them with her hair? You nri the host of the occasion, yet you dv'i not cJTejr Me water for the washing o My feet- as customary 'in our land to Bo to those whom we 'desire tc honor. You gave Me no kiss, but thi.' woman has repeotedly kissed My feet "You did not anoint My head with oil. but she hath anointed My feet There fore, her tiius, which are many, are tor grven, for she loved much; but t( whom little is forgiven; the same lov eth little." And He said to the woman "Thy sins, nre forgiven." is not this to some extent an illustrn Hon and an explanation of tbe fnct that the majority of those who love thi Lord most are suehas realize their owi sinful aud fallen condition most an appreciate most the forgiving love of God manifested in Jesus? Isitaottriii today also that those who are imost moral have correspondingly less love: This should not be the case, how ever. ' The less degraded ought nntfn ally to be the more able to love and t' appreciate Divine goodness -and lo and the more willing to present theii little all in Divine service. Those present inquired. Who is thi: that even forgives sins? The on'y sat isfactory answer is is the Ite deemcr of the worlds He was then i process' of renderinpr up Hla sacrifice according to Hia covenant; He hud an thority, therefore, to tell the worann that her sins were forgiven. 1 IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Don't Mistake the Cause of Yow . TrfffMes. Many people never inspect their kidneja. It ufloriig from a lame, weak or aching back they think that it ia only , a mntenlar waakaeai when urinary trouble eeta in they think it will toon correct itnif . And o it .ia with all the other lymptoma of kidney diaordera. Ihstt ie jiiBfc where the danger liea. Yon must care these troubles or they may lead to dropsy or Bright's unease. Tbe best endorsed remedy foi weak or diseased kidn6js is Dosn's Kidney Fills. Residents of this Ticinity are constantly testify in. Robert McDaniel, High Point St , li. Jf. D. No. 1, RandlemttD, N. 0. bajB: "Last winter I canght a heavy cold and it settled on my kidneys. My back beoame so painf al that I could not stoop cr lift anything heavy and 1 suffered night and day. The kidney aecreyors were very un natural and contained sediment. I ook doctora' treatments and a great many home remedies but seemed to get worse. A friend came to see me one day and hearing of my trouble urgea me to try Uoan's Jiidney Fills, lne contents of two boxes of this remedy entirely freed my Bjsiem of Kiuney complaint." tor sale by all dealers. Fnce 51 cents. Foster-Miiburn Co., Buffalo, JNew lork, sole agents for the Unit. ed (States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Resolutions of Respect Resolutions of respect of Ran dolph Council No. 215 Jr. O. U. A. ttl. of Liberty N. U. Whereas, I be Great and Supreme Ruler of the Universe, has in His Iofiute wisdom, if moved from among us, one of our esteemed brothers, J. u. Stroud, and Whereas. Tbe long and intimate relation held with him, in the faith ful discharge of his duties in tbia brotherhood, makes it eminently be fitting that we record our apprecia tion of him, therefore be it, RfBolved, That the wifcdem and ability, which he has exercised in the aid of our organization, by ser vices, contribution and council, will be held in grateful rem ember ance by all: Resolved. That the sudden remov al of such a life, frfm among our midst leaves a vacancy and a shadow, that will bedevply realized by all the members and fiiends of tbe Jr. 0. U, A. M. throughout the State and will prove a serious loss to the com munity and public: Resolved, That with deep sym pathy iih the bereaved relatives of tbe deceased, we express our hope, that even so great a Ices to ns all may be ever ruled for good, by Him who doeth all things wel . Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, be s read upon the lecords of this counci', a copy print ed in tbe local paper, and a copy forwarded to the bereaved family. . Jas. II. JohuBOD, Js. H. Gregg, J;i8 R L .W30P. Committee Makes (he Kallun Clasp. The awful list of irjnries en a Fonrlh of July stpgers bum-oiiity. bt over tgaiast it, boivevei, id the wmidr.iftil healiDp, bv Back Inn's Amicus, Salre, of thousand who suf fered from burnt", cuts, ' bruise?, bullet ouiide or explosiors. ltt tlie quick healer f boils, nlcerw, tcz'ma, soro lips or piles. 25 eta. at Atdinlioro Drug (Ji mpau . Former G vernur of bAil mi, S. Davis Wiu tield, now president of tbe Continental Trust Co., of Baltimore, hu9 pnrchesed a large stock in the Seaboard Air Lino Itiilway, and will succeed Thomas F. Ryan, as presi dent of tbe S. A. L. Dandruff and Itching... -6f Scalp Yield to Zemo Treatment Why should you continue to ex. periment with salvte, greasy lotions and fancy hair dressings trying to rid your scalp of germ life. They ean't do it because they cannot pene trate to the heat of the ttouble anil draw the germ life to the surface of the scalp and destroy it. Why not try a proTen remedy. One that will do this. We have remedy that will rid the scalp of germ life and in this way will cure dandruff and itching soalp. - -'I This remedy is Zemo, a clecn, re fined, penetrating scalp tonio that (toes right to the seat of the trouble and drives tbe germ life t the iur. face and destroys it, A shampoo with iemo (antiseptic) soap and one application of Zemo will entirely rid the scalp of dandruff and scurf. Do not hesitate, but get a bottle' of Zmo today. . It acts on a tew principle and will do ex. actly what we claim for it. ' Sjld and endorsed in Ashebors By the Standard Drug Co. - ;