LEC A L NOTICES Br Yirtae of order of th 8--yerior Court of Rndolfh eoanty la the tpeclM proceedings entitle T. C- Wood 1 T. Cora McLeod t aJ, I will os tb 11th day of Mot ber, 11I, t 1 o'clock P- K-, U to t nlghe bidder at bli tlo at th oart koiM doo t Akboro, X. C-. ta follow! - aerified rel : nrat tret: A ! M th water of Tomi creak, bayaawlat t a Stoma, famarly a nuW oak, runmfia Botk II pcU to tat tXf 'mm a Tl oW t plava; tbaaaa Bortk IX le thamM vt 1(1 wm to, kiekerr, bopaded' by Mrnll Hb; keae ' ao 111 tIe t the ld Joe K. Wajad1 Old Us,- taa wltk aMd Hn to tfca boglBBlag, ooatiaM 74 Sana more t leaa. For further desrlptlo mo deed from Job K. Wod to Kill Wood la book II, pat 6 If refiatar's office of Randolph ooaaty. Second tract: Beginning at a rock formerly a Spanish ok, near tha hed of the branch. tn sld Hill Wood' comer; thence west 92 pole" to a dogwood In the original line; thence sou'h 28 pole' to a stone er' tile branch In the field; thence east, distance unknown, to a -white oak on the bank of the branch, Wil liam Wood's line; thence up the Tartou" courra of the branch to the beginning, contsinlrg 18 acres, more or le". For furtbpr descrip tion ee deed from Jone" K- Wood to Hill Wood in book 42 pge 218 regfter's office of Randolph county Both nbject t0 the life etate of Hill Wood's widow. Terms of ale: One-third csh, one third in three month r.nd one third in six month", title being re tained until the deferred payments re made. This Oct. llth, 191 2- J. A. SP13NCE. CoramlMoner- KOTICH. Having qualified as eztr. onr the estate of Rosabelle E- Worth, deceased, before W. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Ran dolph county, al persons having claims against said estate are no tified to present them to the under aigned, duly verified, oni or before the 25th day of October, 1913, or this notice 'Rill be pleaded in bar ot their recovery; ond all persons owing Bald estate will conio forward and make immediate settlement. This 23rd day of October, 1912. H. M. WORTH, Extr. XOTK'E OF LA?I BALK J3y vi.'tui of the powers vested In the ii.idcrtii'.ned by riucroo rendered In the spceial proceeding entitled A. A- Scett adm J. T- Ecoit deed- v N:iny J- Scott et al, I -will "ell at public xuc'lon at the couit homo door in A"hebnro, N- C, M! tho 9'h day or November,1912,at 12 o'clock, M.. ;l:o following described lands aituate in the town of Ramseur, N. C., bounded aB follows, to-wi': Be ginning at a flint rock in the Co lumbia M'tf- Oo-'s corner and run east to R. A. Smith's N- W. corner, thence south to R- A. Smith's S. W. corner, thence est to Worth Lutter loh' N. W. corner, thence west of outh to S- W. Cddell's N- E- corner thence north cf wet with 8- W. Cd dell' line t0 the Columbia Mfg. Co. 'a line, thence north est with Colum bia Mfg- Co. 'a line to the beginning, containing one ' cre, more or lee. Terms of Sale: One-third cMb, the balance upon a credit of six month, approved ecurlty being giv en therefor, and deferred pymen(s to bear interest at legttl rte from day of sale- Thi Oct. 4, 1912. A. A. SCOTT, Adm J. T. Scott, Deed. NOTICE. Having qualified as admr. on-, the estate of J. 1'. S. Julian, deceased, before W. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of "Ksndolph county, oil perrons having claims agfilr.Et s.-Jd estate arc notified to pnvent fiesj to tho uaderciyrncd, duly verified, on or before the 2G(h day of Orteber, 1013, or thla notice ill bo pksded In l nr of t'-fir re covery; rrd : 11 per: era Injr s"!d estaio will co:r,o forward e.iul make lniw-i): m ft km tit. ' This 19th day of October, 1912 C. II. JULIAN, Admr. Notice North famllim. Ruiuloiph County. En al y N. I-:me Sts!o !- 0 8 Will tut,.- uol.eet'Mit uu 11 bm been emimeneet lu t Btndolpl, C'limny, N.irlh Oumlnm I r ih iln. nln'-'en ot t!iti tun.! ol niu-riirMiir eximinw be-veeu the i;ain'ifl and the k'i n a-it uu 1 1 til (KutuKK 1 Num. Cirolthn; a "I tin: t.m! dtleiKt'Hit will lunner tuke notice Hint he l re quirea tu appear nt tie 1 cxt term 01 theHiipe l-r vounoi Bii'u u-iu-'tv, w Da neiij od tne lmn M"inJu? a"er Hie ar-t Moiwajr 111 SiiiilerniH"-, i me ei-urt huu( m itii(i oun.y. n AnliebuM, N, C.aiid BnKWr firci'-mur to rh ComD unit In mill a.;ilon.e.r th Malutifr wil apply to tha ciurt lor the rul:et Ucinanuel in Tbit Uie iith day ot Ociol) 'r. 1013. W 1 Hammond, Clork Superior Court. Notice Auction Sale Mining Property By virtue ot executions and orders ot Die iiourtiiiine oueel Homo jsuimiiie x Haifli ui vo. M.'i;rr-' a il.llug H-ilwu u hi , i-ox d LewlH lf::rlware Co., Aalu-b ilj Wuee'baiM ftiauufaeiiiririK Company. H.-in w, Laaanlio against Davis Moutr.aiu M-nluir o uipuny, willed txeoutioim were duly lu-1 by c Ummoul, eierk Sup.-rlor I'our nf Kudolpn county, aii-l uooer whieii tl-e pmjpi nv l t" tku DjVIs M ui:iiq Mlnlnk o.rnii.a i .o. . vh .1 upuu. 1 nth ell at ptiolio nu'.jtion to tlie big tint hliil r for ea-h at Miu euurt imu-u do"' lu .sro-iwro N. C . on KriuT. if e vii'il .lav ol K'lV-ab r 191J, atl-J .VkeK M, .ill to-. r:i; t, title. a..il mi'-r-'-l -if every K "-I 9-i ".vloe T" e'o 1-'. uuainl'lliib. iuinu'-, 11. t im 'll-'-e traeisot lun.l ill B o o Ii oo.-e. v. .1 u .U Aiub ry, a. c. t-.ii.i :im. v (inni . or I, aa I oi." f il y I- su 1 t-ln b. ui .i.'! Wo. ' P-B !&:. Ill toe 1 1:i'- al tej;Mtr dtrw ..1 Kuu,i!..,i-i tui Noiili '.t'u!n n il aim a-l tile iMuo1 iui" v if i-v rv k.o'l a- i .u . itnpi lor Jti II V rl0. ir Uu . I. Mil. iilo to a if (.... lf'lltd Uitm lu I lift" a vh n one 1 Th the ifliii uay ol Ocul r. 19 ' J. . B rkheai Bhcrliro' Kundelptt Co, Nptlce of Land Bale. By flrtue ot the powera 8tett be undersigned by decree renderen In the apecial prooedinge entitled "In re Mollle Wall et al." In tM Superior Court ot Randolph county, 1 will aeH at public auction at the court house door in Asheboro, JST. C-. on the Both day ot November, 19". at 12 O'clock M., the following de scribed landa ' aituate In Randolph ctunty and In the town of Randle man, N. C, bounded aa followa, to wlt; Beginning at the branch, run nig east 6 chs. and 82 Iks. to stone; thence south 14 1-2 degrees west one chain and 42 'ks. to atone; thence west to the branch; thence down said branch to the be ginning, containing one acre, moer or less, being known aa lot No. ! Terms of Sale: One-third cash, the balance upon a credit of aix months, approved security being giv en for deferred payments, the same to bear Interest at the legal rate. This Oct. 31. 1912. R. C. KELLY, commr. CnrA of Thank. Through the columns of The courier w. wish to thank the good peoiiie in and out ot our community for t'e kindness and expressions of sym pathy shown us during the recent illness and death of our dear son, brother and cousin, Millard Hum ble. . We especially want to thank tho good men of Asheboro, whom Se loved so well, for their frequent visits to his bedside during the thro weeks he lingered. May cod's rich est blessings attend them all. Mrs. Matilda Humble, W. B. Humble, Louetta Newsome. Ralph, N. C Kotice of Ijund Bulo. By virtue of the powers vested In ' " . r- - .Pierce, J one tie C'.rfen or her unknown the undersigned by decree rendered., tu,irB t laWi Bertn t;iib,.it ond the nth.r in the Superior Court of Randolph j minnow n helis at law of Eugenia Gilbert county in th especial proceedings th i,l,!iww'! L J'e!8 firo'" Ti'nJ.'a'd entitled "in re J. F. Allred et al, I will sell at public auction at court house dour in Asheboro, N. C-, on he 23rd day of November, 1912, at 12 o'clock M.. the following lands lying and being in Liberty township, Randolph county, North Carolina,' DOUnaed as lollows, to-wn; jjeeiu-isaid cicrennanta are necessary parties; nine in W. D. Fields' line, thence J"'1, the . i-nld defendant, will further talc io ti . , inotlre thnt they nre renulied to appear south 143 poles to a stone, thence ,dt ,le offlce nj w c ,Bmmond ci,.rk east 74 poles to a stone, north 47 "f the Superior court of Randolph' conn pole to a stone, east 65 poles 4 1-2 . court at .ehor,, k. feet to a stor.e, the beginning cor-lani, answer or demur to the petition ner, contaiuJj; 88 acres, more or1 in wild r.auai or the piaintiffa wiu ap loas - .'P'" '"the ennrt for the relief demnnd,d Terms of Sale; One-half cash, the. t alance upon a credit of six monti'.s Ui erred payments to bear interest at the legal rale, approved security belg given therefor. This Oct. 22, 1 n 12. HLIJAH MOFFITT, . R. c. KELLY, CommiiiEioncrs. tile , .'. C. c.--c.r.re.i, .'. c. t'l.-! i. . i--e : .1 i -v.;.: . . t . . 1;.: u- ; . W.--1 .- . " H'ft-i tUl.i ,: t 'lay of tiec mher IM.'t. or this will bo pleaded In bar of their re- nersona nwlnir an 1,1 H- tate will come forward and make im mediate settlement. This 8th rtav of November, 1H13 , , Mus. p.kvik sTitoru". Administratrix of J. C. Stroud, Deed. DR.;D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST. ASHEBORO, N C. Phone 28. Office over the Bank. Hoursi 9 a m to 12 m. lp.m. to 5 p.m. DR. T. F. ASHBURN, DENTIST. OFFICE ON MAIN ST., Randleman, - - N C Till: DXSK OP ItAXDOLI'lI ' Asheboro, ?". V. C.ipHnl n T-.-tal j-jh. .1 F.-i; t.-i, oi. -ins, ?;::, o;o.t!0 r i:i:.;i) i!;).(o With nr.:p'e ns .p'a, rrpe-rleuce f?fit1 ve'ecUfii, v.e poiiait ti,e i,,.-,noS. - 1 omc-sct Kti s do not know it. w ;-e U.nkirg jnil.lii; a..d feel 8fo in do, hut, pa for thme, they are not jijliiK e are prp; ied and willing long-distance nilndreadtrs. t eiier.il t0 our customers every fa- There is a big difference between Hty and accommodation couslsteat reclamailon by irrigation and that vlth safe b:uiking- ,ty drainage. In the far west, ex D. B. McCrary, President. 'jpeuslva plants and much labor and W. J- Aruificld, V-Presldent jtapllfl will be expended in water W. J. Armfleld, Jr-, Cfeshler- j Ing crops after the land has been J. D- Rosa, Assistant Cash j reclaimed, while in North Carolina j rich reclaimed swamp lands will be II. B. Watt, M. D. Physician and Surgeon ftrcw over Jutinsun's More McDowell Huildintr Asheboro, - N. I H. G. PUGII, Liveryroan Good teama, courteous treat Tient, safe drivers; prices rea.w n ble. Give me a trial. Now at the Will Old Stanri Skeen SiAMflER :. ffice Second Door Fru.a tirct Lawyers Row. Mortgage Land Sale By virtue of the powera of sale contained in a mortgage deed made by J. L. Qunter and wlife to M. E. Alien, to secure the payment of two notes of even date with said mortgage, default having been made in the payment of "aid notes ac cording to contract and said mort gage deed, I will "ell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Ashe boro, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, the 7th day of December, 1912, the following described real estate for the purpose of satisfying the aforesaid indebtedness: First Lot In the town of Ram seur, -Randolph county. North Caro lina, beginning at a stake on the east side of cedar Creek, former ly the old tage road, and running south 63 1-4 degrees east 41s ft. to a stake; thence south 36 8-4 degree west 106 ft. to a stake; thence north 63 1-4 degrees west 415 feet to a stake on the ea"t aide of the street; thence north 36 3-4 degrees east 105 feet to the be ginning, containing one acre, more or less. On, this lot there is a good 7-room two story dwelling Second Lot: Beginning at Pres ton Craven's corner; thence west 12 1-2 chains to the public road; thence south with the public road 5 chains to a stone; thence east 12 1-2 chains to a stone in pre8ton Craven' line; thence north 5 chains co tho beginning, containing 6 2-10 acres, moro or less. This is valu able property in a good locality. This the 7th day of Nov., 1912. M. E. ALLEN, Mortgagee. NOTICE. North Carolina, nnndolph County. In tho Superior Court before the Clerk. W. P. Wood and R M. r'erce, A.lir.rs. oi lu.boit Wood, deceased, vs, Marcus L. Vo,l et al. The di.f. ncliints. Krastus rlt-rce. Henry JuUiim liairiH. tin. unknown he! law of i:iifuB Ilnirls, may carter and John Carter or their unknown helra at law. If they he diad. will take notice that an action entitled aa ahore has I oeen commenced In the Superior Court of Itnnclnliih County to have a final ac- wo'dTaU' SfSSftZL This nplal.it. Pth dav of Xovemher 1013. V. C. HAMMOND, Clerk Pupeil ir Court, NOTICE i:endo!ph County, In th Stintiord l,y her next friend M.'nlenhiill. Alirnie Strntfor.l, P. 'A. 'Ceo. I.. til. Zrli: 1 . ell P. , Alendinl-n - vs. Itobe! I Tile llel j notice tl-l uis hien I. Jjnrioil,. unlei,hall I,. .stiet:eni, et il. iidnut Miovu iiimikiI will take t nn action cntitl. d aH abovo d In He Supcrlor County frr-the sale piniltlnn; und the const of i-nnlalh of real estate f.i ald defc that he nt will fmtl.i :ike notice nillee of the Clel k of the the court house In Asheboro K.nih'hnV. ollna, and nnawer or den !,.',.. . , o. Plaint In saw netinn delnnIi'",y. ,0 !','e cOI'lrt. ,or the relief demanded In said comphilnt. Thlg the 8th dav of November, 1M2. W. C. HAMMOND, Clerk Superior Court or tlie plalptirr Two Kinds of Reclamation. One reclamation dam for irrigation purposes In far-away Idaho cost 1, 000,000. In Nortb Carolina l,SoO, 000 spent in draining our Immensely fertile swamp area would reclaim more rich lands than can ever be made available by that Idaho project In addition to this, we have an equable rain fall and a superb cli mate winter and summer, while all this splendid agricultural region 1h within 18 to 30 hours by rail, of tho i'ttat northern and Canadian mar k'ts supplying more than 30,000,000 j people. Transportation by regular iron-Iterator trains to all points U :. .,, nako this part of North' Carolina I tlia l.b.il ljoation for home-seeuerj. Iho went thing about it la that watered by the most ideal rainfall conditions prevailing Jn America. Horn Ihoro la tha BrlillHonill advant age that in the rare event of drough the drainage canals also will afford the means of irrigation. In many sections the canals can also be util ized for economic transportation, such aa is demonstrated by boating rice from the fields to the storage barns and threshing places. V8 have In Eastern North Carolina a coun- try of wonderful possibilities, sbut , have not yet adopted any plan by which we can make home-seekers -t up and take notice Wilmington Star. "Thero could be no better medl- : cina than Chnwbcrlain'a couph Km . ''y. Vy children were all sick v.'ith v.-hoeplng cough. One of them iw" ln he-i, had a high fevor and , wai coughing up blood. Our doc Mir re them Chamberlain's cough T;-rTf'y rrd the first dose eased jthem. o.nd three bottles cured them sr.js Mra. R. A. Donaldson, of I.ex inrjton, M'ss. For sale by all deal I era. Good Ilye.My Willie, Good. Bye. You fought a good fight, I admire your grit. Seem never to tire, nor knowi when to quit, You loaded your guni with spurious . shot, You took good aim, but missed the spot. From the briny blue deep to tbe land of the sky, You left your job to tell the people why Vou're the only man within our state Cculd save the people from a terri ble fate. It's true, I think you'll acknowledge the fact. Your grip on the truth was woefully slack You made it appear, from things you quote, ou were the Saint and Simmons tbo Goat. Now, come my boy and just be fair, , Tell all the facts and treat blm square. :Jon't you think you made a nils take By handing out dope the people wouldn't take? 'ou played, the game a littl too Jong, 'leading out men you said were wrong, They're on. your trick, is one reason why 3o mnny have said no "Democratic l'le." You can t be Pleased is clearly the case. When you set your eye on the other man's place And think it strange the people can see :.c little Brother Claude and big Brother ME Now won't you be quiet, and give us a rest. Creating d)ssenslon from east to west. You've blowed your horn, ripped and tore, At least be quiet for four years more. It's true, the charge, when last you run, Bv "Keadhie out" r.raio-. vnu tnro - ly won, ' But bless my soul, you sprung it again. Mo wonder, my boy, you failed get in. There's one thing certain and t0 no mistake, Ii run you will, have a brand-new fake, ?or I tell you now, it just won't work To trv and nu tho enm- u dirt. Good-bye, my Willie, eood-bve You run the bluff, and they called your hand. Good-bye, my Willie, good-bye, Kepent of your ain8 and be a man. Good-bye, my Willie, good-bye. It. J. Ingram, High point, N. C- BEAUTIFYING HOMES Old Places Harder to Improve Than ow One Trees mid Skrulibnry Ara Very Important, Also Tho Proper l aying Out cf the Walks. Etc Tear Away the Old Fences. ! ine improving of the grounds cf OM 1- - . ... " B'e!,c GO:" nior n- . , . an that of grounds where Ule home is nev and there is noth- "ig In the way of treoy, shrubs, srpss. etc.,-to begin with. In the ; grounds. Wl;nt-M i majority of instanees the planting on 01 our money r I-:--rj.rr-r- - ! n:ado an he:-li!',-I r a. Tr- uAf A M H iN JureJ Ly te f.tovel of the I'entury. ' ii. B. B. TeMed for 30 Years. Hawking, spitting, foul breath, discharges of yellow matter perma nently cured with pure Botanical ingredlenta- To prove it we will "end you a Sample Treatment Free CATARRH 18 NOT ONLY DAN GEROUS but it causes ulcerations, dea'a, aad decay of bones, kills am bition, often au"es loss of appe tite, and reaches to general debility, idiocy and insanity. It needs at tention at once. Cure it by tak' Ing Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) It Is a quick, radical, permanent cure because it rids the system of the poison germs that caue catarrh At the same time Blood Balm (B- B B ( enriches the blood, doea away with every symptom of catarrh. B B. B. sends a tingling flood of warm, rich, pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves and parts affected by catarrhal poison, giving warmt and strength just where it is need ed.and in this Way making a perfect lasting cure of catarrh in all i' forms- DRUGGISTS or by express- m.nn vf Tt labor rottt.IS with rll deetiops for home cure- SAMPLE SNTB FREH3 by writing Blood Bnira Co., Atlanta, .Ga. Describe your trouble and free or medical advice given. Sold by all druggists in Ashe- b0. j CLEANS THE HAIR AND BEAUTIFUL AT ONCE In a few moments your hair looks soft, fluffy, lustrous and abundant No falliiig hair or dandruff. - "Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to Immediate ly double the beauty of your hair Just moisten a cloth with, Danderine and draw It carefully through roar hair, taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments you will be amazed Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess aa. Incompar able aoftne1, lustre and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true; hair health- Bealdea beautifying the hair, one PPHeat,a of Danderine dlasolres every particle of dandruff; cleanses, i i tbe old home grounds has been dene without any attention what ever being paid to the proper lo cation of trees, shrubs, etc., In re gard to the beauty of the place So it is clear that you are worse off in such a case than If you had nothing to start with. Even grounds that have been planted at random this way can be very greatly improved by cutting -ut a few trees and shrubs in one place aud planting a few more in another place. If the most of the old tree" and shrubs must be cut down before the grounCs can; be properly beautified, it would be well to leave some of the old trees for shade and protection! until some of the newly-set ones get large enough for this purpose, even, though the place might look better without them. On such grounds we very often find terraces, embank ments, etc., and in the majority of instances it will be necessary to re move these before tbe place can be made natural and beautiful. And, usually, when improving old grounds all of fhe walks and drives will have to be torn up and re-located. It is not necessary to go into any further discussion of the plantings rn such grounds, as the rules gov erning the locating and planting of 'tlie titcs. shrubs, etc.. shc.uld bo fol flowed in the imincAing of tho old grounds as far rs It is possible. I Oue ether point that ia fcpf dally important is i:i regaid to fences;" nin.uu- 10 iwe a jaiound the place. The most of ti e il a:-.-.u;il cl:r.rSo In Oo form- of old homes have fences around Ihem.l'1 t:-; 0:1 f.ie coniuiunity. An eccV and, if nothing else were dore in, ' Ule way of improving the grounds except the removing of these old ' fenc8' a erect deal would e ac- jcomplished. A fence cannot add (M beauty to a place, and In this respect they are "imilar to walks, However, they are sometimes uso- fui, but they should never be used unless they are necessary. Some times it is necessary to fence the grounds to keep cattle off of them. This is true only in sections where the stock-law is not 'in effect. A showy or a fancy fence is always in bad taste, and beautiful places- are often made to look "gaudy" and "flashy" Just on account of the ap pearance of the fence. If a fence Is necessary, let It be j""t as In1 conspicuoi's as possible. Tlnt it a color that is not showy and at- t'ne same timo will harmonize with the otnor parts of the protiids. What, has ' c" 1 u i in 0 f . ... .. , n aruc:t 11 .lt r . Ing of the home , shor.ld ho n 1 1 -.ad I to tho imj i The roiu'Eii.' greally bcrutuud by 1 A few tlCT3 C'lil Sl.M.l-f. fclCtfg 0:1 either "i'le ot t1 n-v. Comfort and hearty mfy 1:3 ndtl?d to tho front p-' clt by ptiltirg win dow boxes on a 1- vel v.ilh tho tep of the lianisters and grov. li)g such plants as salvias, coleus, perar.iums, petunias etc.. In them. Thls ap plies especially to pnrehrs thct are high from the ground, as the plants may be planted in the ground whore the porch is not very high from the ground, and the same effect ob tained as with the window boxes on the high porches Prof. L. A. Niven, in Progressive Farmer. Building Roads. There never was a time in, the history of the country when tho en tire matter of highway improvement was' so prominently before the pub lic. There is available today a cor responding volume of information -nd matured experience in regard to highway matters. In particular. It Is becoming universally under stood that cort of highway better ment must ba regarded not as ani expenditure but 03 a community in- vestment. Viewed rs an investment, road Improvement tent's more and more to be judged by the communit j aound investments are judged by I. ,,,.,,, , . . . It is not possible to forecast In MAKES IT LOOK 25 CENT ' DANDERINE' purifies aad invigoratea the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling; hair- Danderine i to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation- It goes right to the roots, lavlgorate and strength en them- I's exhilarating, sWmuIat ing aad life-producing properties cause the hair to grow abundant! long, strong and beautifal Ton can surely have pretty, oft, Iu"tmu hair, and lota of If, if yod will last get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any dru store or toilet counter and try it aa directed- dollars and cents the earning power of any system of improved highways with accuracy Unless, however, tbe accumulated evidence as to reduced cost of hauling, social and religious benefits and all the other indirect influences of good roads are denied, the soundness of. intelligent roads Investments on apparent. During the past year upwards of $40,000,000 in highway bonds have been issued by various counties. and road districts throvghout the coun try. Before deciding upon a bond Issue, it is well for a community to realize that whatever system of roads is built from the proceeds of the bonds, provision must be made lor their strict maintenance. It will -not be possible in most counties to undertake the improvement of the entire county road mileage nor Is this necessary. It is not far from the fact to say that as arule 25 per cent, of the roads carry 75 por cent, of the traffic. In any commun ity, therefore, the first bond issues should care for the 25 per cent, of active public roads. To determine what roads these are and to plan an intelligent system of improvement ami maintenance requires traiuad "ervlce and no county 13 jutiicd in undertaking road improvement vith out a sirens administratis orgar.ijstu tK;i .:)' competent Uisbwi'y efin- ; eci'ias ..uvwo. I t!:c iviiivnier.t cf iVn bond jvsstie and the pr.ymci.t of Interest, tent pir-n 13 uuon as u.o uui.u,.., i:vt!( T'nder this plan, the' In stallments include a small amount eC n'iiicipnl at first and a relatively laite amount of interest. The prin cipal repayment increases gradually . ami reaches its maximum (in the last payment, wU. Uo i-Uv.3i pay ments are b-.rge at first and de crease to a minimum in. the last pay ment. The sum of the two, principal and interest, is the same in each year and the entire principal iro then redeemed in any desired number of years by a series of bonds. The nmount3 maturing in tho earlier part of the series are smaller than those maturing later. He amount of bonds maturnlg each year can, of course, bo determined to the Cent. Ono great advantage of this plan la that, it avoids harelirg of a sinking fund and accomplishes the s'me pur- -l 1. II r.t t'lO i'mI as !;i and J rt for . - i et 'J ft V1.0I BOWEL CLEANSER Heudiiclic, Sour Stom ich, Itillocsncs and I!ad Taste Gone by Morning Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indi gestion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches come from a torpid liver aad clogged bowels, which cause your stomach t become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like garbage In a swi'.l bar rel. That's the first step to untold tilsery indigestion, foul gases;, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating- A cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough sieansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for mon'hs- I.Iililors of men a:.d women take a Cascaret new and then t 'seep their E(omnch, liver tr.t bow els repula'ed, ird never know a m'sernblo moment. Don't forgst '.he children their litHe insldea need a good, gcnUo cleansing, too-