E O A C WOT I C E Havlm auallflea as strtr. ea Mm 4IUM ef ww.-- 5 ..r.u.cil hofUM -IT. fl. iMMkL Clerk of the 8Prrf Oarerx ( dorp county, en peasoBa aava-f .claims sgelnst -- -"two tl fleet to present tacam to the anse Signed,' duly verified, oa er '-befefs the 25th - day or October; 1117 this notice will be pleaded 1m bar 2 tlielr reae-rery; end all psrsoas ewtag (aid estate will soma forward i TBI J8rd day ef Ootober, lfl., 1 B. M. WORTH. Bxtr. NOTIOB. Having qualified as admr. on. the estate of J. P. 8- ,ull'''iT before W. C. Hammoad, Clerk st i Superior Cost of Rudolph eeusty. all persoa. a-..1" against said estate are moUfled to dsTverlflsdVo. er before the 26th 2-?Zn?tJ. IMS. er this notice will he pleaded la bar of their re- ' eeiefT: end a"-" ow,8 ""i .eiute will came forward and make Immediate SHftintut-m.. This 19th day of Oeto bcr. M C. H. JULIAN, Admr. Notice r.rolii. imtolph County Worth euaerlof Coo't Iaac SteT named. Vw .'.Sua. that eu aottno eetttleda" i I u ahoTe STTiihrSun'v. N .rth Carolina I r th JW- the t -n ' SS"aJi'oetn.t he la re- aef-nee "llv, iV-i S5tert .w the Superior 5o!i?n-'i held on the 1Mb. ort "' t2";i Mendey Senteiaber. Hit. h ort jno'J d ur M h. AhNrn, w '( ""oo.or t,. piini ff will romo 1 .""U relief demand! In , . Clerk Snpwior ft urt. NOTICE ,. ...Mnh County. t u We therk Pierce. Janette Greey ar ner . ietre at law. Eugenia flUber' 'XMnJwn at law of Rufu. -Wood. Turner Harrl. JerowJ !arr n f."" ,1rVCxnW ad Ci,- rartrr cr 'Bclr unKnown '"'".- the rd-ndanUurtr tajc 5 tie Superior Court of Randolph Coun t in the court houe at A8h50r0Jai,l i en the Hth day of December IMS. id .newer or demur to the Petition rth-rrS-denSS. Clerk Superior Court NOTICE HalLn'r.-qU?;in,ed r" d,,daeore the estate of J. hfore W C Hammond. Clera 01 i"e IXrlor Court- of "WC.""!;. peron haMrB claim, anainet ld e tate ire notified to present them to the imieVd. duly verified, on or before the Ut lny of PMiem ber 1913. or f thW notlw will be pleaded in bar of their re oovery: end all person owlnn said ea. tate will come forward and make m ne.llte settlement. This ith dav of November, 1914. This 9th dasorBEviB srOVD Administratrix , of J. C. Stroud. Dee d. Clerk of tne NOTIOB North Carolina, Randolph coun ty, in the Superior Court. Sarah Lowdermllk et al vi. Mag gie Lowdennjlk. The defendant abore aamtd will Uke notice that an action entitled ee abore has beem eonmenced in the superior court of Raidolph coun tr. to sell certalm Umbers to rales assets and for partition: and the said defendant will farther take ottos that she la required te ap pear at the offioe of the clerk of -ate superior - court for Randolph aiaty, oa the It day ef Deeem- aer, 1911, and answer or demur to eomplabtt la said action, or the 'lajntiff will applr to Us court for ae relief dentaadet fa said oa lalnt. ... - This Tth day ef Nornber, Aerk Bmserfor Oect Maaaolah Ce. , jranypj , Jtavin QueUQat as) Kxlr sea the eammu of M. (K Bat. IssssaH. raw VT. C Hsaiatoad. slerk sf OS sapmor oourt of aaaaotah esaatr. an persons ; harts atslaas agaiast mma estate ara sotfriafl to pressat fp to the undersigned, daiy rsr- uea, oa Oi r-rrr rc e 14th day of November, m 3, vr tLls notles win sa pieaaeG ip uar ot their recovery; aad all p us U"iig sad astata 111 comt ,!r.' uiaka tmsa aiate settlrni.x - This 7tii da ot .jvtmber, J. 7. iu.il!,,.xtr. Notsea sf Isuul aula. By virtue of tt sowars Tstsd la tC undarsigaed or decree renderea la taa special pcooadlno . sntiOed "la re MoUl WaU st al,iB the Sapertor Court of Randolph eounty, I will sell at pablto auction at the art house door la Aahaboro, N. C- a the 10th day of November, 111, at U O'clock If., tha following de scribed least situate in Rasdorph otanby and ia tha town of Raadle. oaa, N. c, besaded as follows, to wlt; Beginning at tha branch, rua ala east chs. aad ft Iks. to a atoae; theaee south 14 1-2 degrees west one shala aad 42 !ks. to a stone; thence west to tbe breach; theses dowa said branch to the be- Ciaalag, containing ona acre, moar or less, eeing known as lot No. 1 Terms of Sale: Oae-tMrd cash, tha balance vpoa a credit of six months, approved security being gir- aa f leferred paymeats. the " laurast at Jm legal rata. : :r Si. iix V Ttrtus at aa order ef ta Bu- pealer urt si Baadaih eeuaty la ae speeUl preesellsgs eatiaed re ar Lsajaay et sa ts. Hjrrtkp Laaier 4 al. we U1 oa the UUi, dar ef a 1 1 her, at 1 eoWek p. at at M eourt house doer at Asaebore W. ., seal to the highest bidder at psbUe auetioa the following de serised real estate, to-wlt: First tract: Beginning at a pest eak oa the east side of Che raw road. T. P. Frazier's corner; thaace nearly south with said roadjber. T2ie arerage mill pries now 4t 'Chains and 60 ilnks to a stone; taeace west 12 chains ana x& iinit- te a persimmon tree; thence north 3S chaint and 50 links to a stuke In Joel Klvett's line; thence east tl chains and 25 links to a post oak. Joel Klvett's corner; thence north S - chains to a sourwood, Scotten's corner; thence west 5 chains and 60 links to the beginning, containing 6Z acres, more or lees, except S acres sold for school property Second tract:- Beginning at a post oak on the west side of Che raw road, Riley Williams' corner, running west 48 chains to a stone, J. F. Klvett's line; thence north 14 chains to a stone pile, old corner; thence east 15 chains and 60 links to a stone, N. ' P. Klvett's corner; thence north 65 chains and 60 links to a hickory, N. P. Klvett's. corner in Ell Klvett's line; thenoe east 15 chains to a red oak, E. N. Klvett's corner; thence south 2 chains to a dogwood;, thence northeast a degree line 40 pedes' at or near the- school house spring, A. Burgess' corner; thence south 39 chains and 60 links to a persimmon, A. Burgess' corner; thence east 12 chains and 25 links to a stone, A. urgesss' corner; thence with the various courses of the Cheraw road to the beginning, containing 226 acres, more or less, except 116 acres sold to Jprry Lang- ley and 18 acres sold to King Brown and 16 acres sold to John Cavlneea. AH the above Is srOd subject to dower of the widow Jennie Lam? ley. Terms, one-third cash, one third In thrn months and one-third In sir months, title,, to he Tt"lned ttlv. 41 purrhsee jnoney ! npH. 7" This Novpmbpr flth. 1919 .T. A. SPT'VPF! toil J. a. TTAW4TT. .TR. CoTnmptr-nri land Sale Notice By'rlrtu of th power vestea in the undersigned by decree rendrd la the Superior Court of Randolph County In the special proceeding entitled Lewis W. Tork, adminis trator et al, against J. M. Hlnson st al. I will sell at public auction on Saturday, the 14th day of December 1912. at 12 o'clock M, at the court house door In Asheboro, N. C, the following described tracts of land 1st tract: On. th waters of Reed Creek,-beginning at a stone on the west side of Cheraw road, Brown a corner, and continues weet 38 chns and 50 links to a stake lni v. A. York's line; thence north 15 chns and 60 links to a stone, W, A fork's corner: thence west 1 chain and 87 1-2 links to a stone; thence north 10 chains and 60 units to a post oak stump; thence east 7 chns and 60 links to a hickory and con tinuing east In all 42 chains and 60 links to a stone at the Cheraw road, thence the various courses 01 said road to the beginning, contain- In 104 acres, more or lees. 2nd tract: Beginning at a sxaic In the old line thenc north 17 chains and 40 links to a stone, the dowers corner, thence weet 85 chns and 25 links to a stake in tne or iginal line: thence south 17 chains U a stake In Foushee's flld ; thence cast with the eld line to the bgln slug, containing 60.8 aors, mere sr less. Both of said tracts being a nart of the lands once owned sy Andrew Tork. deceased, aad for a more complete description see deeds la bosk 64. Daae 6J and sit in ttta office ot tb. Xeglster of Deeds ef Randolph county. trd tract: ' Adjoining the lands ef T. H. York and others, waning at a tart black tack, I. T. Chls asUa's corner In N. J. fork's Has, ahaaea waat with N- I. Tert'S Has tt chains and 60 links to m satte as W. WL Terka heats erase one; eaes-soth II 1-1 degress wast 1 atalaa te a stake la at. S. Terrs sat Una; theaee east 11 ehaias aad as Mama to a stake ta middle of asms read; thenoe souta T4 eagress east aloag said Dtacs roaa st "- aad l Unks ta a stake In J. T- Chlsholm's line: thenca aorta wrui said Chlaholm's Has 17 chains and 50 Unks to ths beginning, sontainin II- 82-12 acres, more or less, ex- Mn from tha said tracts t tores, more or less, conveyed to L. U Tork by deed registered la book 111. pace 14. la said office and a kraet ot 1 1-4 acres dssdad to Hen ry Tork. Terms of sale one-iaira easa, lanes' on a credit ot sU months with Interest from day of sass aaa approved security being gtren for deferred payments. This Nov. II. 1S12. It. 0. KELLY, Commlsmo&er. - NOTICE North Carolina. Randolph County, In the superior court. a nn Kw h.. i(t friend Ifendenhall. Minnie Stratford, I Geo, L. Donnell. Zula ponnell P. t Mendenhall. Hariorle Mendenhall, et al, va Robert 1,. Stratford, et al. notice that an action entitled aa above h.H nmmnn in .h. HuDrlor Court ot Randolph County for the sale ot real eatate for pretitlon; and the aald defendant will further take notice that he la required to appear at the offioe of the Clerk of the Bup.-rtor Court on the th day of December. 1913, at the eourt houae In Aahaboro, Nortn car. oiina, and anawer or aemur to the com ln.pP1r,?MtSf'cSun"fh.Wref.ft demanded) In aald complaint, lata uta lib day of November, nil. w o KM MONO. FREE AnT maa who auSfeM with aermai aeulitaWBa I Mtaral pewer, weak baok, felllnf aeawry or SeSataal aanh. od, broutat oa by noaaai, it aaa, luaoaaual draina ot the laiiMa ol yeaih. aay our hlaasu ai homa wlk taapk paawrtsUoB that I will fladlr wad free, la a eurciope, to any aaa woo will Write lor l. Dr. 4. S. aobUHoa. asa Buiaiuv, aa. uatroll, Miakieaa. The price of lumber on the Pa cific coestvl has increased almost M a thousand feet stnos last Decem- : stcands at $11.91. DR.D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST ASHEBORO,N0. Phone 28. Office over the Bank. Hours, yam to 12 m. 1 p.m. to 6 p m DR. T. F. ASHBURN, DENTIST. OFFICE ON MAIN ST., Randleman, - - N C THE BANK OF RANDOLPH Asheboro, N. O. - Capital aad Sarpras, agOtOOwO Total Assets,, over 250-OOA-00 , With ample sasets, experience and protection, we solioJt the business of the banking publlo and feel safe in saying we are. prepared and willing to extend to our customers every fa cility and accommodation consistent with safe banking- D. B. McCrary, President. W. J- Armfield, V-Presldent HT. J- Armfield, Jr-, Cashier J. D- Ross, Assistant Cash . B. Hiatt, M. D. Physician and Surgeon X Qfflc over Johnson's Stori-A Asheboro, N. (. Win C. Hammer ft. i Hellij HAMMER & KELU Attorneys at Law rfflce Second Door From Strss It Lawyers Rsw. , NOTICE Having quailfii-4 aa diiilnirator on tbe tale ol Johu I ' yslugr. deoeaned, before W. C Hammond, clerk of the lunerlor court of Ran dolph oonnly, all perwotut havtus olaima anaiuitt aid eetale are nolitted to preaeu: them to the unlermntd. duly Termed, ou or belor the lt lug mild entate will couie forward t"d Bake lm ni dlat. fettleraent. Thin 25U lay of Nov., 191?. J. T. Wood, Admlniatrator. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue ef the power conta nM In the nort-Kom- deed ezttcuh-d by Baxnom K ndley to -he uudorslKned, which mor gaau d-d la recorded In the KoKl'ter'a office of Bandoiph county in Bonk 14!, pave SIS. 1 'hall m II at public auc. tton lo the hig-hem bidder for cah at the court house door in Rando'ph ooiitny oa nTonday, the 93 rd lay of December. ISIS) at IS eloek n.. the followlne dwarlbed real eUte In Sedar drove townaaip, Rtneolph oounty: On the water of Betty MoUee oreek, befln nlns at a lame nine w tha weat iim nf tha mnuutaln river; thence outh a cha. and M llnkatoapine; thence waHlUoDaiua toa atake m noe LAcaev imet anenne .mith twenty ht i o ami ana inenty an link! to aui ineoce do id au aeereea waat 17 to adneaHVMt thanM nn th inh, .nit'M llnka to a Dine: thenoe north 17 1.S aaat taaa a 10 a aiue in in, Laca;y line: tneaot north wlthaatd line St aillnkauianlna. th.n eaai 1870 linka to tha Lone hr.nr-h. tkanoa no vaiu unmuB wiu taw meauaeriDB 10 me m UID ofa amall traneh eouraa aonth 8 daareeaeaal S.1H llnka: thente asath 1U aeiMai a..i aw uia breach T.M llakataa poplar: thenoe aonth ef driraeaeatt Mehalna to the betionlnr. can lain. Ina IV7 acrea, more or leaa, belo( the land! aoa. yeyed by Beej. O. Buah lo Thoa, Chan a. torn- Te;eu uj Twmw uuaTia toy wui) la jaae Brawn, eosveyak by 'aaa Brawn aad Wean Brewer n 1. W. Blrkh.a4 anil J ml Blrktuul to-Baaoom Klnley. eald aala wase to aatlafy aald awrajafa. kU aalaau4tatrdof Not. ..... W. BinzaXAD. Morwjafea. LAND BAJJI , B7 rUtaa of the power vested la by aa order of the superior oust of Randolph eounty la ths Pedal proceeding entitled V. a Weod t ai vs. Cora MdLeod at si. I will oa tha list day of Deeem ber, im, at IS o'clock U. sell to the highest bidder at public auction, tha following described real estate. w-wrt: First tract: A tract of land on (hs waters of Tom's Creek, begln- r-ice. at a sic.ti . Tormerly a Spanish oak. running north SI .poles to post oak; thence east TI poles to a pine; thencs west 114 poles to s hickory, bounded by , Marshall Nance; thencs south 111' poles to the said Jones K. Wood's old line; thence with the said line to the beginning, containing 74 acres more or lees. Second tract: . Beginning at rock, formerly a Spanish oak near tbe head of a branch, the said Hill Wood's corner; thence west 92 poles to a dogwood In the original ... .h oo . . atone near the branch In the field; thence east distance unknown, to a wnite oh on tne nana oi ins hranph WHllam Wood1, Una thanae up tne various courses of the brancs) ' , ., j,,- i"w S'""'" acres more or less. I Terms Of sals, one-third cash. one-third in three months, and one- 4 .t nMltllB IW A ha WWW talned till all the p'ursh-s rle ts WEAK MAN RECIPE This Nov! 18 11J. . J. A. 8PENCB, Ooavmr. VHUmt SCEBOOIj fatjv A Great Bacceas Kxeellesa Apeacjbr . es List of Wlanera - TrlnKy School Pair, which opened Thursday night, November list and closed Saturday morning, the rd, was pronounced by those who at tended It a success. This was the first time In the history of tha Public High Schools of our State where a high school has undertaken the arduous task of conducting un der its supervision a , school fair that Included all the territory from1 which the high school gets 1' students. It was our Intention to every puoiic school In our ter- ritory attend the fair. A strenuora rjiiun was made on the part . of the management to enlist the co-operation of every te?cher In our terri tory la this cause end through them the. patrons of their respective schools. While the people did not respond, as readily as we had hoped, still there Vas enough response to satisfy the manrgement that the Project was practical and that m. effort had not been In vain. Tha at tendance was cut short - on. a. count of other conflicting operations,' still our crowds were harm . enthusiastic. It Is eatlmaM ty ,A about J.000 people were In attunrl. ance. The encces of it was such ths Pointed out the utter folly of -trying ,Wf1lpect to "J-ko It a permanent,0 make aay one crop "king". He Institution. showr1 that n ,.t r The history of this fair Is very brief. ' Last winter a few of our citizens and the manaoxmknt nt trinity Mign school got together and discussed the projeet. As a democratic institution, we believe that the high school should serve the Interesets of the people for whom it was established and for whom it is maintained. We, there fore, projected the idea that a taJc whfch would tacTudV aH' the schools' In our territory would reach the masses. The success of our under taking convinces us that the school may be made a community center. we saw, also, when ws planned that it mlgh tbe the besrlnnln of the Implantation qf a spSrit amone our people to establish in connec-jtne educational exhibits were sur tlon with the M?h school a Prislnir. ty farm life school. We believe that) uu iu acertam extent and uupo mat tne question will ho further agitated. What we saw her during the fair was a revBlati, to us and makes us believe that c, me new education la Bhn..t . - . , oursi upon Us. Our program of speakers was complete. A stroneer cannot be found in the Statej than that we secured. Four departments of our State's work were renreMnt. ed the educational in the person i rror. n. W. Walker. State high school Inspector, and Dr. J. T. Jov- superlntendent of nublllc In. structlon; the State- board of health In the person of Dr. w s ""ain. secretary of that depart- ueni; the department of agricul ture by MaJ.W. A. Graham, who commissioner of arricult,.-! the North Carolina aeoJoei, ,n "7 xr. .osepn Hyde Pratt, State ge ologist. , Mr. Walker opened the fair Thursday night With an address on the high school. the high school He showed the coordinated relationship between school and community and pointed out the fact that the life of s community may be Interpreted by the character ot Its schools. He de fined the place of the publle hJarh chool in society asd showed, the; oenantai derlve from tha motiera blgh school. , Ha brousTht tha hie . school and community ttnaarraa lo common grounds and gave la out-1 line what he thought the mrvi. bigh school should do. His address1 was pronounoed the most mastertni ever heard ta this sommmalty aa vue suoejet, Friday morning Dr. Joyaar spoke t a filled auditorium of patrons and school children. His address was along tha same general lines as that of Mr. Walker with the ex ception that Dr. Joyner, applied his more directly to the public rural school. - He emphatically declared that a school supported and main tained by tbe citizenship of a community had no right to exist unless It returned to the communi ty the needs. of the community and served fully those who maintained It. He showed further how the school may be made the center) of community activities and declared that it mnat a thi. v, . that It must do thSs because 90 per cent, of children will never get any more education than that offer-. ed by the public school He spoke' of the startling drain of the good citlsenship from country to town and pointed out the danger of this to our efrllisatlon. He declared that thSs most be stopped by means ' of advancing Ideals through . ear aekool system that will ails our future eltlssnsbtp in thasbuatry. me aVwed with aa appeal to tha cltlsenshlp to work, for tha estab lishment of a County Farm Life School for Rajtdolph county. His address was ..eloquent, strong . and masterful as his always are. Dr. Rankin spoke Friday morn ing, following Pr. Joyner He- gave some starltlng statistics In regard to the high death rata In North, Car olina, showing the caueea for It. He advocated tha passage of a law by the next General Assembly that would require every Wrth and every death, to be registered. Ha alp peeied to the good, citlsenship to cooperate In tha dlesimlnatJlon of good health, to restore conar.Ioua- nees by finding put the exact: health conditions of the. cotnmunlty, and by employing a health officer. Kls address opened the. eyes of the peo ple on the question of publlo health. Friday night MaJ. Gr ham spoke is tha people on agriculture. He showed what the department was do. lng for agriculture In th'Js state and expreseed himself as being greatly pleased wlht tha progress of the department. He produced statistics as far back as 1860 and showed tha ;ln manv rtmetm th wtato I. nnt , DrOduclnar aa much now Twai Inkahlta. iSs It did then. .. FnrthArmom ha j icJ 'the agricultural producUoa of tbe State have never come to the ! possibilities. His addneaa ma ia mixture of practical comomn sense and humor. It made a decided im pression on the people. Saturday morning Dr. Pratt apoke on good roads. , He applied his speech more directly tothe coexis tence of good roads and good schols, shwlng that one always ..follows 4a the wake of "the ' other. He was de cidedly pointed and extremely con vincing In his speech. Many compliments were heard concerning the exhibits. The agrt cultural display was above expecta- tlon. The domestic anrl ain. "'bite were up to the standard, and The names of those who won first Placo n exhibits are gilven below, No second premiums were srlven. Every school that was represented took a premium in one or more ovhlbiU:. I i,t u. ' ' Hal Philltoa vellow corn etalk. Hal Phillips, white corn on stalk Doak Finch, wheat. Fred Thorns, oaats. Alice Phillips, Irish potatoes. Branson Marsh, sweet potatoes Charlie Crocker, turnips. Doak Finch, cabbage. ' Ueorgo Finch, lima beans, pop com. peas, ground peas. Bottle Marsh, apples. Branson Davis, pears. Mamie Caudle, pumpkins. Clemens Crocker, onions. . QW. Swlggett, ducks. Johnnie Bryant, chickens, Rhode Island Reds. George Ellis, Brahmas. Melissa Welborn, bantams. Hazel Kennedy, beet patch rauiine runups, pickles, pre serves. Clarice Welborn, sweet pickles. Blrtle White, canned peaches. Mary Andrews, Jelly. Rath McCanless, layer sake. Minnie Hdpler. handkercAjlel Bdna Beetle, fancy work. Carrie Phillips, fancy work. Beams Normest, has. bam Helen Beetle, apron. ' VeMna Ooluane, embroMery. Theresa. Welbors, sofa pillow. Bessie marplar. fancy work RFlosms .Ootrane, sollewOoa drawn flower. Olive Johnsoa, osmafa, of eoaatry achocdhoasa. - : Edgar yaraar. drawing of animals Claude OoltMsm . drawlnm of fruit. ; , Victoria Hill, drawing urn of United State, ' Reld Meordaahall, map of North Carolina. , Olive Johnsoa, map of Randolph county. Frances Barker, map of North America. Martha Davis, relief map. 11 iuiaiia Blnglam, home-made broom. Move On Now, ! ww kP ? to. t JP clwd' ,nd whacks heads If it don't. "Move ton now, says the big, harsh mlnertl P'Us to bowel congestion and suffer- lng follows. Dr. King's New Life Pllla don't bulldoze the bowels.They f, 3 j I , v . "Kn " Weboro Drug Co. j i Ground la being broken for High Point's new oottoa mill, tha Win-T oaa. .-.. ' ' .' CATARRH v 1 I. S. e.-Testea1 dr3wYirs. Hawking, spitMnc fsal breath, discharges of yellow aaatiar 'panai aestiy cured with, pars Botanlaal Isgredlasts. Ta prova It we wUl sad you. a aiampla Treatment JFrne CATARRH 19 NOT ONLY daK- OmllOUS bat it causes alteration, aaa'k and deeay st babes, kills affi Mtlon, often cashes lass of appa- U'e, and reaches to gasaral debility, idiocy and Insanity. It needs & leatlon at once. Cure It by tak ing Botanlo Blood Barm (B. M. ft) It is a quick, radical, permanent care because It rids the system Of the poison germs that saw"e catarrh.. At the same time Blood Balm (B- B B-( enriches the blood, dees away with every symptom of satarrh. B B. B. sends a tiaBHBC fleod of warm, rish, pure blood direct ts the paralyzed nerves aad parts affected by catarrhal polsoa, si viae warm and slrength Just where tt is aeed ed.and in tkls way mamtng a perfes lasting cure' of satank hs all sm fvrms- DRUOOISTS or by express-tl- PBR iAROa BOTTLE wft t deertona for heme ears- ' 9AMFLJI SNTB FRBR by wrftlag Blood Balm Co-, Atlanta, Oa- . Dewerihe yoar trouble and free or msdieiil advise rlvea- Sold by all druggists In Asha bora. More Than 800,000 pa Taynmcal Pension Washington Dispatch. Tlhere are now on the govern ment's pension roll 631,100 soldtlers and sailors, S21.S3S dependents and widows and 862 army s arses, so cording to the annual report of the pension bureau. These Include 497, 263 survivors of the civil war and 238,wdowg othaJaejtf.'1812. To provide tor an of them this year, 8151,668,141 has been appropriated, a decrease of 83,276,09 from last year. It is estimated tha hare were 2, 213,366 individuals In tithe military and naval service of the Unite States during the civil war, and that upward of 75 per cent, ol then, are now dead. The report predicts that ibie ebolltion . of the pension agencies effective January 31, 1913, and the payment of all pensions di rect from the pension bureau will result In a moer efficient antt eco duplication ot work and saving ex penses. The total number of pensioners under general pension laws Is 838, 210, their pensions aggregating $144,973,669, and under special acts of ongress, 22,084, aggregating $6,584,672 annually. ' From the foundation of the gov ernment to June 30 laet the United States paid $4,283,368,164 in pen .1... ,sv osVI.ii.-m anlHr.M and ma rines, their widows, mfinor children and dependent relatives on account of military and naval service In the various wars and la regakur service- Ends Hunt for Rlsh Ctrl. Often the hunt for a rich wife ends when the man meefa a woman that uses Electric Bitters, ner strong nerves tell In a bright brata and even temper. Her peach-bloom complexion and ruby lips result front her pure blood; her bright eyes from restful sleep; her elastic step from firm, free muectes. all teatng of tha health and strength Eleetr-. Bltteps give a woman, and tha freedon f" ladlgvetlon, backache, ' headache, fainting and dissy spaUs they pro mote.. Everywhere they are worn ah s favorite remedy. If weak or alliag try them. tea, at Asaeaoro Drag CO. - : - -- " mm ft. m wm At aboet tarn Uma si year e hara aad tha AwsUlag koasa aa -wsM oftoa becoma lafsstsd wttt rata (fed mice, and tha f0las. w tw P get rlr" rlly - del c .,. Till'. .. . - ps and tas aaa t iy the two means ; these pasta. Ia ;'''oy aaoald not ps ,e bare hands bat rrder to avoid taa poise: of go'" prepa: " hand!-. with warning human odor-. It is oettsr to bait them with cheese aad plaas them near the openings where the mice or rats enter the room. Tha box traps suit very well for mice. There Is some danger, especially to children. In using such strong poison as strychnine. Another fault Is that the animal is killed too quickly thus dying In the house and causing a stench. Car Don arte of barium Ss a good poison in that it usually delays death untlt the animal can get ouetlde In search of water. The most common method tor preparing this Is to mix one part of barytas and six parts ef corn meal with enough water to form a dough. This dough may thea be laced where the rat or mouse caa , it mtOf. ' - : ? dark Superior Court

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