THE COURIER Pefchatfed Every Taeseday Edkes tblxph6nu 9flii9U4id('flif . Mashes lest DwitMt ;Dh aniuaiia f ;Ths .Cpsrlar in eat to all lajtUmet edTWUaUs- Bat WHI sent oa request.' r- rtui will b Ssralrtied upoa spplleaiMt at seal .AMI ooBunUBlctttlona muaf be stanad' ir the ral mm ot the writer. enfcasritMra wlahlaa their I ehaas snisi'slvs the 'a' W wans (she paper has Im so!, .ss w a Omepoadeata saeiiM Mil 4. w mm to than t naoh IMS eVaf b fieMay aton. W Inntf IM In the WMk 'l lam. I- gerteat kappttiwr.' SB earitefiU, sto,. ajar PTr? . CaertWs sxsvasa. ' ' - - )'r ' -y ':-' -.. '- There la mack seaUmeat la Rm .v.- n. viVta - JFi!- si demonstration road, ud daring ths winter Mir people will faeilte , worth .jaor ed .P?TK haul larger loada of prodse aad iAM an Ik Shorten, leewth, of time. ? Ifcere will bSefcaSriaraf taar aa ehiela .aa.tkaw lcaa aaraahlM & ra TU be . . Ta , Stat roit4. mmja- -aton kaa made a mora after to loag a tima aad the netlo ia to be da- tpraUttailwliether the raaroada'ahall coatfHae to dUerfmlnioi'. -"agarnet mat State ia favor of eo aay , ao caUed "gatewaya" la VlrfHUa U apUe of the uafa)iraeavjB -freight ratea thla good.SUU- haa prospered beeauae of. oarproadnijtr to rair autesial la manaiactBflnj tinea. : ' '- ' :' W are aot aaking for ,faTpra but for a fair, equaiw deal and aa eaoal dtaavoa for our people and onr Industrie vita, thoee of Tirglni an 1 other States. Tha reUtioa of tha liquor problem to health la of aueh Importance that tha current iaaue of tr Bulletin ct tha Ncrbt Caroftna Board of KVth is c'v'ia tt moitlr to -'The L tao: "Problem rid Public Health." Th. bulletin andertakea to ahow and - does show by a ationg array of erl- deace that liquor lias no place in, a '-civilized community.. We flip the following article ' from a recent Issue of the Chrtotta 1 Chromwe: "When it Is shown, by reliable statistics that liquor causes from i to 4( per cent, of the poverty handled by public and private 'Charitable organliatlons; that Uquor is aa accessory causa of SO per .eag.y of all criaks,tha principal eanse of It fen ct. .and thersoie cause of 6 per ct. of all crime; aad that liquor, V11U n'tJit nf ann 1 1 AnUM not ' out of e-rerr 10 males, oaa out. of (nalea, aad altogether results in tha death of I1.89T dtlsens of the Uaited Statea erery year when all 'ot these facta- are shown, there should be bo noeid! to anek for fur ther rgameata against trafSo la liquor, either legalised or lawless. ; North .Carolina la aajoylac great 1 r prosperity and . a more ' general observance of tha atatutes since tha prohibition law went Into effect than it erer bad before. Thousands of man who ho neatly believed that prohibition would Injure the State and voted against it. -would bow work sad veto for It if it were aa lssae Tha law la being- violated, of course, just aa tha law against murder and larceny and other crimes, bat that is no evidence that the law is aot a good one." For several weeks owing to the pressure of other matter and the large amount of local and other news matter we have not been able to publish much1 editorial matters la our column. Much matter on good roads and Industrial matters have accumulated. From now shall have mora space for editorials which bava of lato been somewhat 'neglected. of Good Road. la apits of the fact thati cob- tlnu'ed agitation- baa bam kepf.u for years la North Carolina the iwai ijve. pygrsss ptfirtttta . fe IF .o' ,foo4 ,jaaste confined to a comparatively am all area. .Much Nrog resrj has ape nad la eerta counties; cat loo raw ratty to s?Mlnrg sUmsof ? i reaa suiiaing. tm question to. corns before the next ltgtsleture and already ., . In earns .ottb. moat orogresalvs couatlca ; there sa outspoteapposlttba to say form or so-called state aid. " -"i . , .We saamot, aa a State, pat ear selves om th back for what va hava dn VWhHay4 aa Mea worklns ahoot ia jialcbea, othara hare aaaa in state or Colorado Baa a ramd of 'tmAtiVrtf i" mil6ii aad'a, hjux dBer to t aaaadad 1m tha hand- tng an tafrotemcat ftaaUe a;t waya. ead at the fat alec f)ea tla vai waa asthortaed to tatao bojt'a awt" i Jlft.oo,B ftf losiKiiBS wtl.'jsn la lathe treasury to tha eredU at tha smaasmt la tarsal lm provemeat fund, sad there la a Mm sera at aetamufnted interest oa this sad other fsads available for high way 'improvement.' Colorade one of tha States that baikreral"yrre aga to look af ter Its' 'labile fclshwey Instead of leavtsg thsrn eht'r to tha ears of lteatomnB!t!e. and the expert' imanvpf stats aid and State effort fwtprova so satlsf. r.tory that l ailey has aot only .n eoatlaued bnt Headed' and, Colorado is tbo richer for it The f ( od roads have abt oslv 'ja a treat tela to .is fsriaVraT'and rural popplatlon gen- MaUr., be thay aaa kaan a gnat attraction to tur;a who visit the Stats in far greater numbers) now than when, they merely rode oa tfce railroad and saw the country only from the coach windows ot the fast flying trains. In the sum med thousands of Visitors tour the Stat, in automobiles, partly because the good roads are enticing, and It is only reasonably to suppose that their attention' has been called! to deairabla places of residence and opportunities for investment that they would never have seen from s visit confined to the cities or : chief resorts ' or' from Xhe'Vindowei of " a passenger train. ' j Thiers la so much to be aaldl In favor of good roads, so much ad vantage to ba derived from them in variety ot ways that It seems a wonder that we have as a State bee so long unappredative of their value and been so neglectful of making the proper Investment in their con struction. Greensboro News. MUlboro Items. . MUlboro enjoyed a great feast or snow Thanksgiving. Hiss Ethel 'Wood, the assistant teacher of MHlboro school, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W A. Wood, on Route 1. Miss Donnle Pugh spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. S. A.Pugh, of Julian Grove accompanied hy Misses lis Bird and LavraVuUaa. .. ' ' - f'tflis Sarah Wood, of Worthville, spent . Wednesday nlcht with MIm KWtrude Pugh. f - Mrst B. T. Redding, of Julian Grovw, is visiting relatives at MUl boro for a tea- days. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. WtUiama, of Liberty, visited at J. T. Brown's last weak. . Several of bar young people attea ed. the. selling be at Juiaa Grove Friday, sight sad aU raport a nice time. V , ktkjaa Besate Haya and; Florence Julia- visited friends at -Hlrb foist a few days last week. Mr. aim Ferre sad alseer Maud, of Cedar rails, were visitors in town Sunday ejrasisg. , , I Ore.,-. Wood visited - Miss Qlara Ward aady on Route 1J Ma, w. p.. Julian is VislUng her mother, 'Uf- Mary Ferree at WothvHle this week, , M. JUSdewa, ofJSienolakI Is pending fesr days wiht his fam fly here. . ( The victors class of Bethany Sunday school held their regular meeting at tha home of Mr. S. Pugh Sunday evening. Members f the class who wree present were Misses Cordelia Craven, Ha Bird, Laura Julian. 0111a Hlnehaw. Fan ny Coltrane, Johnsie Nelson,, Pau line Brown. Ora Wood. Prill a. Gladys and Leolin Routh. Clara Ward and Donnle Pugh. War Department engineers ask $S.Sl,S44fr work oa North Caro lina waters astlmatea few the' new rivers and harbors bill. " ; Vs fc-,ONMar CO-OPKBATION. 0.i. -tmlM " ', ' HttpaaahrgwalSsttost Beglas) 'ha tlas WelghbwAood... ."fwll TegetW a ' Oood. Atttlw Cry. . . "onr oa asked me not long sgo aa to the moat urgent need of the rernieV todarV' When I told' him "co-operation," he looked me. . 4n amaaeaWnt at "ftral, "tha with ' eyt- 3et disgust' St th old, old, time- worn eomplsiat as to tha man who grabs his living out of tha earth- But I meant It thea with mora am phaets and tores thaa I had avsr msaat ft before. have hammered aad preached tad said it over so often mm long that Sometimes K thiak I'll aever say IV again. Bat It aj tha most vital, llvlns. vivid, all aswer- .IL : 1' -. .. . iui train looay, aaa ive just fot to Keep drlvlag'lt In. la aplte of as fesllag of wearisess sow fad the. It was trs In a treateadaaa mass are before aay movent sat basjaa . la tha ceaatry In behalf of the tamer. It was the tha moat potent truth baek ef tha Interwove with every weary upward step 1 hie behalf, at tree toasy. just aa traa' to day as av,er, bat with Balat gleams or hope aaw and thea, here and there,' to buoy one who la fighting with all his might aad resources to drive that fact Into the mlad o every maa oa the eoatlasat, espe ctalir tas farmer. Men earns forward ablaas with seal la behalf of th farmer 'and helping to unite into a compact, hel rui, resourceful fighting machine. Many of them are honest man. but the fire of their enthusiasm all too soon burns low or biases la" an other direction. It is not difficult to get maa la Una to aid tha farmer la th unhiaJ nnm. but ft is mmfltery dirricuii' to get them to stick It out, to sub merge self or selfish interest long st s time They see tha farmers' ssl vstion in politics, in various organi sations snd schemes Which 'is - In debted in reality in some selfish purpose. , , These men do not see that even their own good, as well as thou sands ot others.would be far greater In the end by stedalyl adhering to real and earnest determination to pull hard and long and purpoaefull along one sure line. I know It" la discoursing work- no man knows it any better J( per- haps than I do, but I am surer of nothing than that I am rich la this matter. The farmer la not altogether to blame. He has been fooled so often and so long that suspicion and ex treme caution Is deeply ingrained In him. I believe he wants to do wha- right oftener than be does it, but he has so frepuently been the vlo tlm that he hasnaturally become cross, contrary and auspicious. Real patriots are few and far be tween, . and he has learned it through the bitter school of eiperi- But If ba is hard to win over, once you have genuinely proven your right to ba trusted, he trusts up to pe hilt But there Is always some fellow In ths community who hangs back'. who tells you that you are to) be skinned, that you can't do yourself any good by such organisations. That man is tha big stumbling block in the way ofreal advancement.- He engrafts suspicion and doubt oa his neighbors who know he is getting real benefits, and the great harm k Boas, Powerful and helpful organisation begin with ths neighborhood. If it Is built on a sound and sane basts there, it radKates out like sunshine. spreading and spreading unt." covwra county, State, nation. Tha Lord made ma aa optli ' ot else I'd have thrown nr hands long since and quite col so msny thousands of others dona. But I see hopeful signs in of, the disappointment and selflsh- MMe of men, the lowering clouds. we are getting along. The Union !' more powerful today la many ways than It has ever been. I can't help believing It has more real, genuine partlots and unselfish men in It. If we had a battle cry I'd make It, Pull together." President) Chas. S. Barrett. - CASTOR I A , JTar Iafantaaai Csilars. IS. 1 IM Xn tm Ahj E::;tl rrtsOw. ef I Tha board' of edtrftfV ebfii srs of Randolph ctfaff tswriSa-itdv" sayvrof Dombr. mi.-lt being tbe-tfbat ateaday li tb atfath, In rregalar ssssIob. - tha-fottowiag mem bers being present: ''H- T. Carlness, tiiairmaa; W. T. Foushee 'ssd . JV Balls. -The business transact 4 tl. Uli BWetUa i detailed Ja tha. fouawiag minutes':' ' "--- . Oosmty noase. . .... , raejtt Xearas, mdaa j J. ' 4.S0 Maleolss Routh, 'mase..... Jl.iO Ssmaal Tatss, work 1.4 1 , R. C. Johasba, mass .". . . .17 l-tT akCrary-lUddlBg Co., sada. , ;, l.?N C. O. Fraale'r. mdsa. I ll' T. JT. Raddlng. g' bui whaat! , . ; Oiianaml FwasV , W. , H. Clapp, sosreyUgf pria - aar . ,... M . . J.I Tew oa ssheboror- water a4 uais.... t.jt O. R. Fax, blankets for Jail. 4 T.78 M. M- .Lawe, Jaiter lor Nor.. I7.IS Dr L., HU: Fox, .sapt.. kaaltk ll.t Dr. U M. Fox, do Nov..... 11.(0 M. Brewer, oosveying prte- .. '-.'..;.' 1.10 M. Brewer, eon. prlsoaer to Jail, aacoad tkaa...i ... too t. M. Browsr. eon. A..F. Foster w !' ' l.7 X. Caviae, 1 day .member board. ... .,. 'ii.' . Balls, l day member bd m. MVJlobblas. Co. ilir II month,. io.o J. Hammond, refaad error ' "s , . M .10 w. ,f.. Kmox, mde e. a. o of. I SO Edwards A Broughto do Elaotlom rmm. aamtsnsar. . Craak....... 1S.S7 J. M. Caviassat do,t, Colertdgav 17.S5 A. Lsssieer; do., Rsadlemaa 20.4 R. L. Causey, do.. Level Cross 1S.IS R. L. White, do.. New Warket 16-71 L. C. Andrews, do., Trinity 11.06 N. M. Lowe, do., Asheboro- 1J.80 U C. Phillips, do.. Tabernacle 8.00 W. S. Gatlln, do.. Cedar O've 1. H. B. Moore, do.,; Columbia 31.U C. E. O. Sugg, do.. Brwoor 1S.S1 J.. W. Moore, 1 day each chal- lenge and Judge. Colerldsw 4.00 E. C. Bird, 1 day judge, Coig 1.00 J. T. Pens, do Ashebero. . . . i.oo J. C. Farlow. do. n4 wi,...-. Back Creek.. . 4 J- A. Brewer, blf. Coleridge.. 1.00 onas. Redding, judge, Rdlmaa J.00 1. w. MiHer, balljff. Liberty 2.00 100 200 2.00 2.00 200 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 j. at. Hendricks, Jg. w. Fk J. M. Vuncannon, biff, Rd C. L. Amlck. idtr.'. iJtww Lee Parker, do.. Union. . " L. H. Smith, do.. Liberty. . . .- J.-A: McKInnon, ' blf., FkvlUa ' B. Li. Kearns, do,, Cedar Or. C. O. Ingold, Judge, Grant. . D- A. Covin eton. hlf ni.. R. O. Parks, Judge. Union..' 2.00' J. T. KIndley. blf. Tabercle, O. R. Fox. do. anil oh. 2.00 400 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 C. L. Coble, blf . rjnu. L. L. Hicks, do. New Hopel J. M. Shaw, Judge, New Hope. . nandler, do., N.Hope Harris HiL do., Concord.. J. C Julian, do., Lerel Cross; T. H. Tyson, do.. Brower.. . . W. A- Willlsms. 1 day each Jdg 200 cnaiionge, W. Fkvilla, 4.00 "asier. bif.. Provdenoa C. Grooe, Jdg.. Randleman. J. R. Russell, Wf.. N. Hope-. A. R. Keama. Ar n.v 2.00 2-00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 R. H. Baldwin, blf.. Tabernao P-Routh; jdg., ProTidenoa O. F. Tow. blf., W. FkvHla. .. H.. C. Cox, do.. Grant. .,mm J. Cavineta, jadge. Concrd E. 8. Cavin-ss ito o - 2.00 1.00 c.:e. . VTW AUen.reslster ani . . . 17.0, C a Weich. do.. P. 0P0T4). . 1M;i .uue,ao., union..,.,, jg 8g Bonkemeyar. d W. FMl 16.2 ; Cr". 4o., E. Frank, H.iJ) PreeneU. do., RlcMd. 17.75 Varnor, do.. Tabernacle 14 u . Liberty... 1M7 Ingram, do.. New Hon. 11 .0 W. Pugh... do.. PmrU... d . ' . serr. cw . ... & E. AHen. d ... l ew W.,BobblM Jdg!; B.a. .,.00 x- Coltrane. do., v. w.,v . V- C Jones. Jdg-and mak. ret " ' 'uivma... 4. . . : . . 4 00 Oscar Brown, do. Grant., . . ,00 Oscar Brown, jdg. m0 eJeotioa ' 2.00' Bridges- C. P. Davis, work on Car. bdg 96.61 O. P. Walker, hauling 16.00 Robbins, lum. for bdg- 66 17 J. M. Gardner, painting bridge f,w rcnws ueep riveer., ..rT -4 00 If you are troubled with chfrm.' eonsUpstlon, thee mild and "e' tie effect of Chamberlsln's Tablets -nakes then cspeciallyySultd tn """"" ?or sals by 1I dealers. I ' afTTTs"wP alsjaoa- I 2rlW 1 iaaevtj rW v. siormarttare tmaf - -y-Tf - .- W to tLaaamv Ag r; 3,T crsi f fu ,k. .m: that will furabh a balsa ced ration to the .crop aad keep ap the (frtillte of ttta soil. ' To do this the fettiiiaer ihoold ceataia at least aa macL wooric Acl Wjft unnlGA metingrand pteatj um ru riWM sea oae ' -- t-nniaf - -'- li nil Hi III v 1 1 1 ' 0is aUU yfttrto, UcJ, ,a i afcei fraai ta Golds bo ro Argus: Uaaer tha' public acho&r ksW this State ' there Is "a' pVeviltea the yearly ealabrailoa 1 os day' at4j apart for featartag the proud klstpr ef forth. Carol Ins sd promoting trieHsm, aad thla day Is known "Horth Carolina.!).:' North Carolina Day will be cele'l brated this year on December Ith, snd tha Stats Board. of fduetioa ba. dadleated if oarve.i.: thial""?" VCSl 01 tha meaioryof .tha'kw ianWkTOaOmp. Try me. auaaad rThsrUa BmntJa itiwi w'Jt ? li- V-- ; r gave so rrsaly of himself in all; the yeaiw of hie earaarroyou4g bms- as tha ehisf ezecutlr of tha -Stsje wss known as "Ths Educational Gov awaaa frl Mitrth flssnllsa " It la fitting reoorultttxa of his great sarvioe- to the eduoaUsa ot1 the masses, aa well 'as' tor Utisf 'arte sea of North Carol tn himself, that North Carolina Day this year ahbud ba devoted to honorisg' his mem onr la tha Schools of JBX naUve StateJ and, that the children' of all , her schools, from the 'Budtalns to the should be peiSmltted to eon- tribute their mite to,tha fund for a permanent eduoatlonsj memorial. j It la tobe hoppduthet tha ehll- drea of Wayne hie native county will ba encouraged to ooa tribute generously' to this .fund, for, while Charles Brantley 4ycock loved all the ohidreu of the S&Cte, aad spoke In every , county Of" the State la their behalf, he was1 of tha child hood of Wayne county. It waa her he wasborn and Spent his life, and but for his having been Governor, be would have been buried Jjnithe soil of his native county, ... ., " But because North Carolina t. Day bas been devsted this year to hon oring Gov. Ayccok in tha schools throughout the State, the collection to ba taken In tha schools must not be considered as independent of but In unison with the work of tha "Aycock Memorial Association," which has in charge the raising of an educational memorial, that' sKall be of service to tha educational 'ad vancement of tha youth of the State tor all time, and thus showing to generations yet unborn how the North, Csarollnians of his day and time appreciated the great man that he was, and how they responded to the creed ha preached the educa tion nf tha - of every child bora -on earth to, have tha opportunity 'to burgeon vl all that there la within htm.1 The plans and purposes of the Aycock Memorial Assodatlpa which la a Stsie-wldej organisation, of which Mr. Geo. C. Royall. of tha crty la president, and Mr. MattJH Allen, also of thlaclty,. Is1 secretary and treasurer, and with vlce-presfc dents In every congressional dis trtct, are already, familiar to :the public, and the contributions 'made to thla fund, will ba devoted to an educational memorial tha nature of which to be determined when the canvass shall hare been eompltoed1, ' Mrs. A. B. Cox, of Sanford, died last week as a mult of "burns sua-, tatned when kerSdthJnr accident-' ally caught flre- PUBLIC SALE PERSONAL PROP ERTY I will set for cash at pub lic auction to the highest bidder at my home near Fair Grove school house on Saturday, December 28, 1912, sae beginning a 110 am., the following Two cows, one hog, one mare, . one young mule, 100 jbaehel -corn, 60 bushels oats, 40 buabds wheat, one 1-horse wagon and harness, farming tools and fd, sH my house hod and kitchen, furni ture, etc. , This Dec..(JLM2. v , O. R. COX. '. aw mcis mectiBg te lubiect should ba - book haa nadeajed Jkets eataatial! ofjpace4o record the. mew thiag' yva pcic-re vour lasutute 42 froaWrway. Now York .aWvaaas iMaaAMgMa.1 w--'- -c s.s.. ,,, I have opened a new store on ayetteviWeriet in North AsheborVarialH sell ifrbcer ies low for cash! tt$Wt of, my prices arVOver- I(also. do .Wacksmithine. re- ffmnng and horseshceim?; all GiCrWoodell ' " ' Bred n ClkcB? Wh4jtt 3rtt can ftjiem hone 183. The Mthodlst ProtssUnt " Coa ferenoa will meet next year I tha city of High Point. , . FOR 6ITB- Mr arooai reataeaaa, oa 8oU FaywtteviUa Btreat. Larsja Kt. WBftU osa block el tha grads sehool. MJM, J. B. PRBBXBLU a, C. ( Asheboro, . PLANTS FOR BALE MOM eebbag plants aad sO0.l0,trc berry plaate at ll.ll ar tkoaasad O. B. High Potn, M. C. Fob sate at Moftlttarm,;1 Apply or call) Jo seplj Ingram 20 years In plant rail ing. To secure the best yoa, want, t . see Ingram Hlh Point.. M. a 4 CORN WANTlrri00 bashalg. f oaad cor in tha aar. Writ ar phona Wm. q. Mammer. Ashaaoro, FOR SALE VR EXCHAHOB? let acres of laa,''on and larf:mUa fro'AskebvtzontlBK l-4,mis O tha Uwaanfe 'road opposite lUUa shars. ) 5 'Fotama, ate.,'wlta E. B. POAQ, jdwner, Bosk Km, B. 0. -' CANNED IUW Havto-A - on"ea n MT - " M eanaed goods. I cam effe to tia ras went ox , asneboro t raasoaa bls prleea choice trait and vgat. hiss, sJJ ateiiJlaadi . gJars. sanitary aad frsa' from adds. ', aad aVSry Jar racked soBdJy full. , Catt at my store .0 earner of Uwkarrt road aad Boath FayattevUle Btreat, South Ashebero. Mka Jaala Bmtth. COAL' ikD GRATE3 For ' ths best Domestic Coal for stoves'' and grates, and for a good cheap port abis Grate' ths t can be used ln'mos aiiy kind ' of fireplace, Vail oa ok phone Asheboro Wheelborrow t Mfg Co.; phon No. It. FOB. BAt,m100,aB Jener WSr- Beld 'eaabasjs- ptete now ready foa setting, at'! 1.90 per thousand Arcbdale Track snd Plant Farsa, A. J. LUCE, High Point. Roato 8, N. O. . FOR SALE Entire stock of goods and fixtures formerly owned by Moffltt Grocery Co. If Interest" Lee ted la a bargain call to see ma. L. L. WHITAKER, t Asheboro, N. C. 'f FOR SALE My entire stock ol White Orpingtons. Fine chickens ' always prize-winners wherevei shown-at a bargain. JOHN K. HAMMER, (