r-1 11 Vr. J. W. 8tM. Of Steed VB )' yji tflwri OB pualnejat Tuesday. ' "A' Ur. and Mra. f. D. Rosa watw l j: iiMibifO laat waahoa Iles Mildred Wa W tWIfaf U . Mgh Point auaaay, A,, fl. IV OaUla. of MtreC 'tf irW Annie -weat W' w Solnt, raturalag Ww ;' ...i .- i it, i; k extneded tie to taWUvaa ta. eharlbiba, ' V. J. DMThL u'-fclaalateft'B . " - ' - Imti Copbia Mow!? MraUi iiftW te Mltdar WfU W HW Cwmbor BtfW- bar -bw tMllf. ,w4i A Mr; X.'. U.tftmti'.9tMmmmt, proprietor of . Wm4 cnm is twa: tfa 4f. .;'wv. to school at Qmttford (Ml, .TbaakstiTipi at koaaa. . wi Muida Dtekaaa. .. wbo . im ' toacb&ft V'S'arW; waa at u ntrU Corolla-ai flaac "mw. waa la AaVoio DiaiMf oirt mium Aim aad Oornla BrUloW. T Hlh Potol. TlaltaA Wm Kit- 4red Fila Thanksitnf, Mm. J. 8. Lawto toft TueUr fof 3tenatrra wbjr- ab want nw daftor ao,. Th teacham t thai rdd Aool minded tba Teaebera' AaaMioj .wAlcb met lit Oreeoaboro Uia latter art of laat. waak. ,. - -r- j . art of laat, Ira. W. 8." Hall aad children, of OteeBTHe, 8. C Wfco baVobeiea Tl- Hint Mra. Hall'a parent, Mr: arm v.. B. Pnch. returned home Friday- ' Miss Leona Parrlah, who has been wJil. Mttnila in HUb Point. "rstorned to bar borne on, iara,way Route 1. " Sha wsa tba gueat of Mrs. ' M. W-Parrian tha first of the week. , . The cuLlr teachers iH meet tn. Asheboro cn Satr4r. Dr. H. B, Hiatt will talk ob. bacteria and anltatlon and Dr- H. W. Godger, of Oreensboro, wttt apeak oa reaat and ' molds. t Mr. Erneat WHUaina . BAtfo, ' ' C BanTtfle. Ta- .who. hara been Tlaltini Mr. WUltamjiT .father,. L ht'j W. X 'wmiaiaa, ot 'Rawdenisiit S. '' , rtnrned hoaie raniljr-: Mr, WU ' Kanta was onee a raluod enp)o . The Conner. ( , , , ReT. vT. M. lotnaoa preached . tooblns.farwwa aennoa last Bun- gar mornlag at ha Aaheboro M. P. ;'''kircn. " Mr. Jobaaoa 'baa , been :-s it pastor of tba Aaheboro churchi Mr firm yeara aad tha people of tba f tawn bay all tha wklle baaa mwh, aiuebed to hlnl aat bia famlr; n 9 Wt wtehea of al follow' them ! .Bo where' M'?6bauo heeonea tjyi aaBf- ; 'Xjanoo piojnBQ b? waion aejjsnf :j . Frlenda In Asheboro era la - tii " eelpt of tha follow tag:) Mr. and Mrs. Henry CUy TaataV request, the ' pleaaure of your ootnpany at ,,the Barrlage of their daughter, Laura Kate, to Rererend Jasaa EM Prltch- ard on Thursday aiternooa, Da eamber the twelfth, at half after One o'clock at their homo. BUer CityJ eamber the twenJta, BrinklyTtllieea North CaroVaa, At Itome after Do ' eember tha twedUeth, BrlnUeyrtlle, ' North Carolina. f Rot. T. . Ogbura and family, of Oreensboro, hare arrlred In Ashe- " boro. They bare lined In Oreens boro for tha past fire years, Mr. Ogburn having eerred Grace Meth odist Protestant church for that length of time. Mr. Ogbnra needs ' no Introduction to the Asheboro pew. pla whm ha comes to aerre, hat ing preached to them on different occasions, preacher. Ha Is considered a fine a good pastor and .iarithe Patterson Loving Culor ' this high-toned Chrietlaa'gentleman, and tha Methodist Protestant church la to he oosgratulaed on having neb a pastor. I I 4, w la towa.dnFaaJ LlMdlf. iVwV B V t ., -,J vt to !jSr i la-taws Saturday. ' J Rr, C. O.Hubberd Hv.M Hr.'am. SwalaHot ludjHu, fw Im law Mr. Marl' BaatwTa. whals Wm tatsfchoeltfarhla; ww iaf tewa D. A. (Mullm. aaiai, OB LJUH.SMUM .Tw, J with BitteM Ce.. ,wa ..d.waf Ua wlmtM. a latter troai LtJaNl,a4 14IB0 amaf 'a wko taaeblM tta ra4 Barllaateavaaaat tk wwkmd wlU Ua boaMtotU U Somta iahobora. i!A6iiaV tlla Ttottoaa U 'towa tUa rail ai ' Uaoraa SaaaAh. Bltor Clty;' 0.' ir NWjBa, d. L. J. T. atorabafcd ' ft.' ft. Ktu, Or W; . A. "iraatra Jftbj. ' (Miiiiaad Xa K- Cranford, of BlaeaayTlattad fm tov Bandar Mr. J. P. Barrouf ba aad bob Bart of War Kotr van U tova th drat .of fcU wak. monat tot HftnaawM waora tnx wtttj. raaidai,,.afri,' liW. "JiaTlBg TbaBkjijrlag aerrleea -were held It) .heMjtthodlat Protsstant eKurch lmtWi - orreringa were nude la, oaah, and other donations for tha Qjphaaa' Home at Denton. The baVaar at tha Armory oyer the lEAxl4fttt6n Grocery la attract ing atrftlfo;: " Patronage la so licited. . Proceeds wlli be used to furnish i arvraont kt the 'Soldiers Home. " , Xha aommlsslonera, Messrs. W. T.eFoqahee. J. A. Wither and H. O. Tomjlnson. as well as tba oiuer regular county officers, were sworn In Monday. ,"llr.',Aaa Wade Bogga and little dauhtei; Dorothy, of El Paso, Tex, Greensboro aat week on business. were the guests of Mrs-' Jean Rush last Friday night. They left Sat urday for Troy where they go to visit Mr. C. C. Wadee family. Tba basaar at the Armory over tha Lexington Grocery, begins at noon today and continues through tomorrow. Different booths have Jbeen .arranged and almost everythln vrtfl be on sale candy, groceries. fancy work, pictures and magaslnee, - irer. i. a. Thompaoa, tha now pastor of tha Methodist Episco pal church, arrived la Asheboro Tuesday. His was pastor of the M, E. church at Mooreaville before com ing to Asheboro and comes high ly recommended. Aobeborq Baaday Bcbooiev . Attendance and ooUactlon Sunday, Dec. 1. , . Methodist Episcopal Attendance, W; collection. 11.11. . .ffreebytarlan Atteadance, tl oellectloa, .7ft, ' Methodist Protestant Attendanc IM--collection, 11.41. . (kj ..;)c.t Attendance, 49; collee- , "'--Atteindanc, ltf; colleo- Hk.i.n. .'Miir'af the Primary De , lH..;wi.t of Marlboro Graded! y. " -A .ir-. First Grade Lester Snider, Pearl Spencer. Third Gradey-Jamee Davis, Ben Lowe, Paul Farlow.CIara Ward, Jef frey Cox, '- ' :"- Fourth Grade Flossie Smith, BerthsSponcer Ethel Cox, Cllnnle Farlow. Tha Marlboro Phllathea class was delghtfuy entertained by Miss El mlna Farlow Thursday afternoon. Clarence H. Poe. author of '"Where Half .the World lsWaklng Vp'Woi year aa having dona tha best llterar work of any North Carolinian.' Thle Is tha second ilUa Mr. Poe has won tha cni 1111 1 ' . 1 1 W-U7BlMT wan enjoyed by v W rHBg HWI b bat, a4v41aT wai jff.".' Barker, .FroTidaBoa acbool adJovnMd 'for Tlaakaglriaa; aad . Ua srUolfal, tUm Aamlo BaBbow.vaaMt thai tb catmint tar father a. Mr. W.- ft. . Naaoa aad dassbUr, Mlaa Batalla, atUmdad t,b Taaeh'l era' Aaau&klr at Oraanaboro tl-l. hUtUa R7Bo6 , of . 01. ford Caltefa, caM. hoawi Wada- jlax OtamlBg to fad a fav,Aaw Wtth wr uvaw, ra. ? ictona nvraaua. hflM MyrtW1pox. .who fei attaBd- U chool 'at Likartr, 'eaaaa to Hilt ha? araaDta, Mr- m4 Hra. Vj Cax, for a tew dara. i Miaiia. -MtOB ad Otettia, C waahoro, aad Mai Alata, who la lehlal mmp CMar FaUa. aaaait TkaakaclTla with tUW aaata,Kr- a4 Mm.iO. F. Bfcrk. ' ' Mr- Bafaa Barkay. who haw baaa vk aa kBC, to aw mm. haj oof aaia. " '- Tbora wa m anryrlaw aarty t Mr. 8. V Oobia'a ta aaWbmU Mr.' WaUwr.-Coaaw MrtMar; Nor. SfB; which m wall atUadad by tba yvaBf palo.aa4 hr raaert aa tuaa. Mr. -C- 0. Fraalar aad Willi, of Aahalipro, rlalted Mra. SarabJ Bar- kr ieBUy. Mlap UUte Fagk, Wo la taachJ lag at Moaatt'Bj, ojum koaao for ThMkaglTbic", ., flbaoataa; at Alaestarlew In a shooting affair at AlW- marla Monday 8. A. Btacka abot and seriously Injured Arthur Mlila,. The 'fc.wjhaMlJla wt)brZl.ior bgr jpdlngvam- hto the lioma of Staeka the nlghd before and threatened to shoot him. Mills' was arrested but escaped be fore Jail was reached, and waa him self afterwards shot by SUcks Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way te aura deafness, and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition af the mucous lining oi the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have" a rubbing sound or lm perfect -hearing, and when it la en' tlreIy'losed, Deafness is the re sult, and unless the inflammation rsn be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condltlon.hear- lng will be destroyed forever; nine Ms out of ten are caused oy ca- rrb. which Is nothing but an In' flamed condition of tha . mucous surfaces. Wa will Rive One Hundred Dol lars for any case of- Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, tree. Central Hotel Changes Management. The Central Hotel has under gone a change in management- Mr, Alaon uman has leased It and as sumed management the first- Mr. A. A. Spencer and fatmlly have moved Into the Da via hpme on,Sun set avenue. STOMACH MISERY ' JUST VANISHES No Indigestion, Gas, ,; pi Sourness After Taking Tapes Diapepsin" If what yon aa, Is sourlna) your atomaeh or Ilea Ilka a lump of lead, refusing to digeat, or you bekh gaaea o arnetata sour, oadl' (tested food; or have a feeling of dlalneas, heartburn, fullness, nausea. tad ' We ta mouth end stomach headaeha h!a la Indigestion. A full ease of Papa's Dlapepsfa costs only fifty cents and will thor oughly sura your ontof-order stom sch. aad leave sufficient about the house In ease soma one also la Qts family may suffer from stomach trouble or Indigestion-, Ask your pharmacist to ahow yon the formula plainly printed on these HPy-cent eases, then you will un derstand why drSDep'lc trouble of all kinds muat go, and why ,hey usually relieve sour, out-of-order stomachs or indigestion, In five minutes- , Diapepsin la harmless and tastes like candy, though each dose contains power sufficient v digest and prepare for asslmHlatlon Into the blood all the food you eat; besides. It makes you go to tha table with a healthy appetite; but, hat will please you motet, la that you will feel that your stomach and intestine are cl -an and fresh, and you will no need to Tesort t laxa'lvees or liver pills f r ttllousnrss or constipation- This city will have many Diapep- kIb cranks, aa some people will call them, but you vdll be cranky about t'lls splendid stomach prepartlon, too. If you ever try a little for Indi gestion or stomach misery, v Btstrpjiti.vafOa .Oaas-i . Inaars, I n. T- .CavineBM-de)8aajH( ieBdance.:.JCHrkv .feMif.. . day atteadanee heard of . healths. .mfjmv-'- . Caitina up aUll .:.Mt- XpxsasM Bttiag Btata . Aaao- i tlalluB Com'ras...,, 100 Total al'd ft. v:.Cav(aaBi..:t5t. ir. T. Fouehee. lt day ab- tndaBe. jf Traveled 44! miles at ient? Jl.tO day DiiuUr KuU. Bd.-. t 1.00 lBsieetg. bg. and mlVeaga.,. ft.it Ex. Bjaetiag SUte Aaaa,Co".,S.Tt Iasaeetlag brida. . . . W Total i al'd V, T. FoartH'l4 F. Bulla, ad. 19 da7a..t4f.i I dayattd, Equis. Bd !) lasptg kg. and mOoaga. . . . ,-l Trnv, mUaw at ,... . lft.tO f Totai" alow'.,'Bla.Ms. Beaawtaaalsa., K. T, Caivlaew.., ....M74I T. Vouakae. Tft.lft F. BBlla.. - . ... ... il.ll Total.. .. - ..lft.14 Number of regular meealaas....ll Mimber special ateeUag aaaTaBW- Ing electloa rattraa aad. twa-day.'aaaBloBii,.-., I Total ataiber days la STATBKiF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Raadolih. L Gao. T. Mardoek, Clark to , th Board of County Commissioner of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing la a correct report Of tha amounta audited and allowed by tha said board to tha members her. 10th, It IS. GEO. T. MURDOCH, Clerk to the Board. Canaan News. Mr. J. V. Cranford, who has basB visiting friends and relatives la this section, ' returned ot bia homa In Greensboro VoadaWj Mrs. Sallle Loflin, of Fora. Is spending a few days with her son, Mr. Hayea Loflin, at Hannerarllle, fog this week with his parents. . Mr. James Hoover, of Flora,' vis ited at Mrs. Jane Hunt's Saturday and. Sunday. Mr. Staunton Ward, of Flora, visited at J. 8. Harris's Sunday, Mr. Perils Small, of Fullers, and Mias Tura Laughlln, of Flora.were happily married on last Sunday, Mr. A. Rldgea little daughter.Myr- te, has been very sick with a sore throat the past week. There is prayer meeting and Sun day bchool at Canaan every Sunday. Escapes An Awful Fate. A thousand tongues could not ex press the gratitude of Mrs. J. B- Cox, of Joliet, 111., for her wonder- iui deliverance from an awrui late. 'Typhoid-pneumonia had left me with a dreadful couKh,"she writes. "Some times I had such awful cough rag spells I tnouent I would aie. could get no heln from doctors1 treatment or other medicines till 1 used nr. Kine-a Nt Discovery. But I owe my life to this wonderful remedy for I scarcely cough at all now." Quick - and Bare, its the most reliable of all throat and lung medicines. Every bottle guaranteed 60c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Asheboro Drug Co. Obituary. Mrs. Ida Walker, wife of W. W, Walker, died at her home Nov. 17. 1912.: She Is survived by four children. Mrs. Walker was a faith ful, tireless Christian worker and will ha sadly mined In her church, and Sunday school. Wa shall mlaa, her from services and her vacant seat will onhrrammd ua that one our members has gone to her re ward. ' Aa her pastor having been in her home during her sickness I .' can.' safely aay that she died "without complaining. May God's rich bless! lngs rest on tha dear children Her remains were laid to rest In Cool Springs cemetery. ' O. W- HASMER. Spero Items. Mr. and Mra. Walter Mllllkan spent Sunday in Worthville visit ing relatives. Messrs. Jamefl Bulla and, . John Wllett, of High Point, spent last Thursday at this place. Miss Beulah Robblns, of Ashe boro, spent Thanksgiving with her cousins, the'MWe Bujaof this (lace. ' " ' , - nf W Messrs. D. W and 'Waller ,M1W- kani and F, J. Bulla apect Tues day lnAsheboro. Emory Bulla, of Glenoa, la spend ing this week with hia parents. JEWELRY- JEWELRY ! You will fiai at my store anythinr you want fronrt diamond to a five cent collar button. If .you are thinking of giving xmithing useful for a Christmas present, come to my store; t will neip you p05eci wnai reasonable. . AU Wotamrmikteed Mv Ootieal department is pl1f of;t9gt and YOUR WM1 MAT MEiw faj&d&Y mtm9$tf9Z& to' youf healtll . aid" eyesights J protHe glasses to meet every defect of sion and any charges are mooerate. ' " i ' K " No Clare fr ejuiBBiaatioa. .. It) Vv w JAMElJHNSQN: i Oppwite l'oSofflfft A&elSif ?, ft. '"''V 'S i ftF t "RnnK HUT BUILT jfO UPHOLD A STANDARD: They Have the Style, Finish and Durability We have put a little more than seemed necessary in to the "ROCK HILL" BUGGYin material, wotk manship and the latest improved manufacturing Ideas with much attention paid to the little, derails that go so far to insure buggy satisfaction and long service. - - - - THE ROCK HILL BUGGY COMPANY Rock Hill, S. C. FOR SALE BY McCrary-Redding Hardware Company Asheboro, N. C. v MtMa1 MMMItty.MMMtM. II ,S P E C I COURT SOaltoxallKhlMy Pfllft . ....ii.25c H.0 Swamp i. Raatv-85c 1.00 Parana aa85c l.iX).Hood,aSajmp'-85e Gold Fish tree -with er cry 25c bottlaj Cbarry Bark Cougn Syrup. BexaJl Lnti1'Livtr H ; Pillt.601nbor.caly-10c Recall Ko KoKau eta : 25c Standard Drug Company HIIII 1 1 M l"M I MM H''H 1 1 IIHWI t I 1 1 1 I M l 1 1 H . Gift From the Pages. Blscoe and Aberdeen are each to have a 110,000 Methodist cnurcn erected as a gift from tha Page brothers. Robt. N., Juuntus R-. Hen ry A. and r rana, ana ineir awara in memory of their father, tha lata A. " F. Page. The .Pagea are aner- ous and publlc-splribadmnien who hart dona much for thalr section of State. tha JEWELRY ! jrou wani. ry prices are very ttoti$Uctibd;; comblete. You Jdnlv hare oni still you Regttcl and " abusa NEED ATTENTION nrranmsi I Iff it tt ftt tit ftfttftaaaaaa ll.K V A L S FOR ii WEEK; Absolutely free, a large, Geiendar for 1913.. ift , Nyal'ft Remedies at half price if you want them ' School Books, Tablets, Pencil, and the larg it line of Drugs in the county. , . ,, Our Christmas goods are beginning to come. In tha November election the vote for Congressman In this, the Sev enth district, was Page 17,873; Lawa 12,449, giving Page a plurality ot 5.4 14. ' Tha appointment of William P. Jackson, Reublican, ta succeed tha lata Senator Ralnerj of Maryland, reduces the Democratic Sonatorft U. 48 and leaves tha VIcr ' resident to cast tha ecldlnr w'a i