SURELY SETTLES UPSET STOMACHS 'ftwft DtaMMln' tlon, Ga. Bourne 1st Km Wm ues. "Really does' pa bed amneh lk order "really does" overoome In .digestion, dyspepsia. ga, heartbnru and sourness In tlra minutes that Jus' that make Pape'a Dlapepsln) the largest selling stomach regula tor In the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour,, undi gested food and acid, head Is dls ij and ache8; breath foul; tongue coated; your insldes filled with bile and Indigestible waste, remember ttie moment Dlapepsln comes In con tact vfth the stomach all such , dis tress" vanishes- It's truly astonish ing almost marvelous, jvad,-tte Joy is Its harmleesness. ' " . A, large fifty-cent case of t Paps' Dlapepsln will give you a hundred dollars worth of satisfaction or your druggglsts hands you your nour worth Its weight ru gold to men and women who cant get their stomachs regulated- It ' belongs In your home should always be. kept handy In case of a sick, sour, p sat stomach daring the day or a sight. It's tha Quickest, surest and most harmless stomaoh doctor In he world- Kosrtutions of Ussiest by e Oowneil Ko tar. Dr. O. V. A. SC. Whereas It has pleased God la Sis infinite wisdom to remove from cmr midst our Brother, Millard J. Humble; therefore be it resolved 1. That in the death of Brother Humble our order has lost a faith ful Member. ' I 2. That we bow in humble snbml s.oa ta Him who doeth all things well. t. That we extend to the wid owed mother, the brother, and sis ter our heartfelt sympathy in this sad hour of bereavement and com mend them to Him in whom we all have our continual being and help. 4- That oar Council charter be draped tn ourning for a period of thMr days in-memory of the bs-lstate, loved brother. . 6. That a cosy of these resolu as be spread on our minutes, one be scat to the bereaved family, and eopy be sent to The Asheboro wrier and The Randolph Bulletin for publication. I O. F. GARNER, E. K. AUMAN, TT. L. STUTTS, E. M. BROWN, Vf. C. GARNER, ; Committee. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A Election Has Not Disturbed Business Despite the predictions of disap pointed politicians, business condl Uons are better than they were prlcS to the election. Business men of every class have full confidence In the expansion of business along ev ery ljLne. The export of cotton is growing sad is bringing much lgher prices than formerly. With our domestlo trade never so rent as at present, with our ex port business so large that cargo rates have advanced, with labor la such, demand that it Is scarce, AsMriiaa business men have unpar alleled opeortsaltiea for business. Merekanta la every portion of the Watted States are Biwparlag for the greatest distribution of wlater stock that has ever occurred Jn the coua- OWB DOSE MAKBW ittmi AH gtsuaach DisaW Qaisfchr Shad ed WlOt Tssje'sj Mafepete- You don't wafit a) slow rosaadr when your stomach, to bad or aa uncertaaia oae or a harmful oi your stomach is tea valuable; roc musn't injure it with drastic drugs- Pape'a Dlapepsia to noted for ll's speed In giving relief; It's hai nils aess; it's oereia uataillag aetloa la regulating sick, sour, gassy stom achs. It's minions of care la Indi gestion, gsstriti, sad Bother skm art has made It famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in yo"r home keep It handy get a large fifty-cent case from any dru store and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead ferae s and sours and forms gas; nasses headache, dlcalnesa and nau sea; eructations of add ' and undl sted food remember as soon as Papers Di&pepaiBi comes la eontae 1 with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's promptness, certainty and ease la overeomlngg the won stomach disorders Is a revelation to those who try It . The condition of the oosntry U trlcta of North Carollaa remlada oae of the story told of the Chief Ifagls- trats Of the City of Damascus. Tha French government asked the Otto man government to exchange with them all information bearing vital statistics, to which proposition the latter governemnt agreeU. One report was received from the author ities of Damascus, which read as fol lows: Question- What is the death rate of the city? Answer. In Damascus everybody dies on the command of Allah. Some die young, some die old, but everybody must die. Q. What Is the rate of births? A. I can not ariswer this questfon. Allah alone knows that: Q. What is the supply of drink ing water? A. Since time Immem- oilal nobokly died of waant of water in the city of Damascus. Q. How much goods are Import ed? How much are exported? A. I 'never care of my neighbor's busi ness, and I can not say how many camel loads are brought to and car ried from Damascus. Q. General remarks pertaining to the health and welfare of the peoJ pie. A. Since Allah has sent hit prophet, Mohammed, into the world, who has cleansed the world wHth fire and swortt, things are a little better, but there is much to be done yet, and much room for Improvement. And now, my sweet Iamb, do not ask any more questions, which are neither good for you or for anybody else. This is the first and last biank I fill out for you. There is a State law requiring the recording of all deaths occurrin in towns in North Carolina, but Allah alone knows the health condi tions of the country districts. We hope the next General Assembly will pass a law which will require the registration of all deaths In the Then the State Board of Health would be In a position to In telligently advise with the county health authorities regarding the bet health policies to follow in their re spective counties, as they are now doing in the towns. It certainly Isn't fair to the rural districts of North Carolina to pay so little attention to their health conditions. The Jives and health of these people are as important as the lives and health of the people In the cities and towns, andh ence, the State should study the amount and cause of sickness and death in the country as it is now doing iu towns. Length of life is being increased in our cities as a result of definite knowledge of the cause of doath. Why not In the country? When we have State-wide registration of vital statistics the rural districts will have an equal chance. Diphtheria and Antitoxin. The ftaality from diphtheria used to be from 15 to 75 per cent- Now, when antitoxin Be administered the first day of the disease iu, fatality is only 1 1-2 per cent, and the fifth day It is 19 per cent. From this It will be seen that dlphthettta should be recognised early and antitoxin ap piled at once. Vital Statlsttai ana onme. It has been found that where the cause of death la certified to by a physician, health officers or coroner a number of prosecutions result, b cause undeslred children frequently meet foul play very early In rife. The number of such crimes) rapidly decrease after the passage of a rtuU statistics law. Let s protect Innocents In North Carolina. IS3.00 FLEXIBLE MOROCCO BIBLES PRACTICALLY THE INTERNATIONAL BIBLE LEAGUE aims to create a wider use of the Bible by mat ing it possible for every man, woman and child to possess an attractive edition of the Scriptures like that shown in the illustration. To accom nlish this nd the eaerue proposes to appoint in each locality a prominent house to act as distributors ' through whom the people can obtain this beautiful Bible practically free. For the sake of convenience, and in order to t obtain the widest possible distribution of these Bibles, the Asheboro courier ABSOLUTELY Fiibi Binding Has Been Appointed the Authorized Distributor for Cm k rolled with at injury to bind ing or sewing Asheboro and Vicinity Every member of the fam ily can now have his or her own copy of this Bible THIS ILLUSTRATION REPRESENTS The Exact Size of This Bi ble 5 1-2x8 1-4 Inches This photograph gives but a faint idea of the beau tv of this Bible. It is bound in jrenuine French Seal Leather, has .overlapping: covers, red-nn- der-gold edges, round corners, hMdbtnd ana marker. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE LEAGUE PRESEN TATION PLA I E FREE WITH EACH BIBLE: Ask to eee this Bible and realize what this offer meaas to you. This Bible contains the authorized ver sion of the Old Testament and New Testa ment and has self-pronouncing text, all the proper words being accented and divided into syllables for quick and easy pronuncia tion. It also contains a new series oi neips to Bible study including 400 Questions and Answers Which Unfold the Scriptures 31 Beautiful Illustrations bhewiag Scenes and Incidents of Bible History 13 Maps of Bible Lands in Colors Large Clear Type. Fine Paper. Each Bible supplied with elastic band and packed in neat box. IXefl. Mr. K. W. Bray, of. near Bes- nett. cled laet Monday, Nov. Mth, ,a c vaara. He leaves a widow. jtwo sons and oneaaughter. Itr.Brar waa a Confederate soldier, a good I farmer and neighbor, and will 1m much mfceed In his neighborhood. He was laid to rest In Pleasant Qmr. eematerr amid a large eon gregaUon of loving Mends and rel atives. Rev. H. A. Albright eon ducted the fcartal services. A FRIEND. Man. Ooogha and Brraks Ribs. After a frightful coughing spell a man in Neenah, Wis., felt terrible pains in bta side and his doctor found two ribs had been broken. What agony Dr. King's New Dtecov err would have saved htm. A few teaenoonfuls ends a late cough, while persistent use routes obstinate couKhs. eneis stubborn corns heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sura its a God-eend to humanity." writes Mrs. Effte Morton, Columbia, Mo., '!for I believe I would have eon-1 sumption today if I had not used this great remedy Its guaranteed to satisfy, and'Tou can g4 a fre . trial bottle ot 50-omi. or fl. " ! at Asheboro Drug C Hoxr to Get This Bible In the corner of this announcement you will find a Bible coupon. Return this coupoat to The Courier, Asheboro. N C , with 98 cents which cowers the items of cost ef packing, transpertatioa from factory .checking, clerk hire and other neces sary EXPENSE items andtthis magnificent Bible will be delivered to yeu. If the Bible is to be mailed, send If cents extra to cover postage. Kiii(in ''"I 'l iiJO.l 1 K V OCTOBER 15, 1913 INTERNATIONAL BIBLE LEAGUE COUPON The return of this coupon with 98 cents to cover the items of cost of pecking, transportation from factory, checking, clerk hire and other (necessary expense items entitles the holder to a copy of the International Bible League Bible. Re mit 15 cents postage if Bible is to be sent by mail. Samuel Fierce, about 18 .years ol employed by ttie Southern Chair Co., of High Fcknt.waa caugh under a falling elevator In hte company's factory Wednesday of last week and was crushed to death. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most Infectious dis eases sucb as whooping cough, diph theria and scariet fever are contract ed when the child has a cold- Cham berlain's Cough Remedy will quick ly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these dis eases. This remedy 1s famous for its cures of colds. It contains no opium or other narcotic and may be gten to a "Hd with impiiott eon- " donee. fV:ijr killers. . Oorernov sSareball's Trijbnta to His Mother. ' I think back through the years, the lean and the fat, the good and the bad ones, to my earliest recol lection. I see a woman with an eye that flashes Nswift as an archan- gel s wing and a mouth that b reeks with laughter and hardens at sight of wrong, singing lullabies; a woma who, with hand grasping the Unseen Hand, walks the briar-bordered paths of life unashamed, unafraid, unharmed. She clad In gar ments, of beauty for me, and age does not soil themM nor years make them cheap and tvwdry. Her tongue Is without guile, having never Th winteer meeting of the North Carolina Presa Association will be held In Salisbury on Wednesday and Taursday, Decembber 11 andlS. been the message of a lie. It la IT years since her soul went home to God and her fingers became f me the fingers of an angel, but I hate not forgotten all she said. She told me there was a Santa Claus.and I believed her. He brings me no longer drama and fifes. But ' be still' brings to met the vision of my mother and the munlc of that angelic chorus which sung at 'cre ation's dawn and at the) honri of man's redemption. Sldna Allen, leader of the clan which (hot up CarroUl county court last March, was found guilty la second degree for th killing of Judge Massie and waa . sen tenced to IS years In tha Stats penitentiary. , Hakes the Nation Gasp. The awful, Est of Injuries oa a Fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the wonderful healing, by Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, of thousands who suffer ed from burns, outs, bruises, bullet wounds or eploslons. 1 IU the quick healer of bolls, ulcers, ecsema .sore lip or piles. IS ct. at Ashebora Drug Oo, .. . , i t. J