rraaUlntllla Hews. Will Vom Bo 0ur Qvmt at Um la- Rev, o. P. A tor has been returned agwmOont , We are going to take a party ol to us another year by the Western N. C. Conference and preached for us Sunday Mr. E. A. Routh has been spin ning through our street with hit mew auto Prof. D. M. Weatherly spent last Friday with his mother near Greens boro. It being her 90th birthday. Misses Vinson, Barnes and Bag well, of the graded school facuty, attended a meeting for teachers of the State at Greensboro Friday and Saturday. Miss Nina and Fields Parks, of near Parks' z roads, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parks. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Craven spent Sunday with relatives nearl Ashe boro. Several of our poultrymen are at tending the poultry fair at Ashe boro this week where they have car ried a number of their fine birds. J. C. Coble, of near Kemp's Mill. twenty people to Washington to see President-elect Wood row Wilson take the oath, March 4th, atad de sire to Include two popular citi sens from Randolph county, either male or female. Must be over II years of age and of good character. Will you be our guest? We pay all expenses, of course. It will not cost you a penny. Tou may also e- cure a brand-new 1913 model, five- passenger touring car free. Drop us a line for particulars; a postal card will do. Write today, for it may ean uch to you. THE DISPATCH, Lexington, N. C Turtle Story. A gentleman from Star tells The Courier a remarkable turtle story. He says that Sir. Anderson Saundeia. a section foreman on the N. & S., while removing an old railroad track near Spies, found sixteen, turtles bag moved his family to his resident that nad evidently taken up win- syw, nmvm mum uw, purchased of W.C. Slack on Allred street. Some of our people are attending court at Asheboro this week. Messrs. MiUsap, district farm dem onstrator, and Sam Coble, county demonstrator, were with us Friday night and made good talks and In terests illustrations on farming and stock growing in the auditorium at the academy to an appreciative audience. A Dos Moines man bad an attack of muscular rheumatism in his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs. That meant an epxonse of $150.00 or more. He sought for a quicker and cheaper way to cure Itndfound it in Cham berlain's Liniment. Three days af ter the first application of this lin iment ho waswell. For sale y all dealers-, BIilllxro Xews. Mr. and Mrs- Cleveland Willlan of Liberty, Route 1, spent Thanks giving at J. T. Brown's. James Free and sister, Miss Maud, f Cedar Falls, visited Miss Ger trude Pugh Sunday afternoun. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Albright and children spent Sunday at Xocust Grove. Misse3 Florence Julian and Bessie Hays returned Sunday from a few days' visit to friends end rcl tives at High Point. Mr- Walter Wood, of Southern Fines, is at home for a few days. Miss Donnie Pugh spent Satur day and Sunday at her home on R. 1. Misses Laura Julian and Ila Bird visited friends at Julian's Grove Saturday and Sunday. Gibson C. Bantz, assistant treas urer of the United States, railgned Friday of last week at the request of Secretary McVeagh. Lives Jeoparxlized- A lecturer recently called, at tention to the first cost of a hu man life the jeopardaUng of the life of another human being. North Carolina does not think enough of the lives bought at such a price to register the births of her citizens.' More than 2,000,000 lives jeopardize to give the State its present poulaJ tion.and the government passes It by Without a record: During The Civil War 152,000 North Carolinians jeo pardized their Hives through patri otism and the literature regarding the conflict would fill morel vol umes than the averageman may eve" hope to own. Is it not time for our State to consider recording the births of her citizens? Having been born at such a risk. Is It too much tc ask that the State make a rec ord of every such event and help. In that way, the child for whom the mother risked her life? Board of Health Bulletin. " . ter quarters there. They were good size, and very palatable. of Martin Gets Watch from Col. Roosevelt New York. Nov. 30 -For pre sence of mind, courage and quick action in saving his life on Oct. 14, when attacked by the assass in, John Schrank, now in an in sane asylum, ex-President Theo dore Roosevelt has presented to his former private secretary, Elbert E. Martin, a $200 gold watchi On the inner side of the watch case is inscriced: "To Elbert E. Martin, from Theodore Roose velt, in remembrance of Oct. 14, 1912." Martin was recently made manager of the National Pro gressive Headquarters. Washington, Dec. 1. The ex piring Sixty-second Congress will assemble tomorrow for its final work of legislation. In the brief period remaining before the constitutional limitations bring it to an end rnd turn many of its members back into private life, 15 appropriation bills, car rying over $1,000,000 for the support of the Government, must be passed; the impeach ment of Judge Archibald, of the Commerce Court, must be tried in the senate; many investigat ing committees must conclude inquiries and make their reports, and scores of legislative matters must be disposed of. Throughout the session, at tracting muc attention, as the actual work of legislation, will run the preparatory work for the extra session to be called soon after President-elect Wilson takes office March 4. The Southern Power Company has made public planB for $1,000,000 de development project at Lookout Shoals on the Catawba river some miles west of Statesville. Free Literature!. Free literature regarding i hook worm disease may be secured from the State Board of Health. If you suspect a case of the dseaae, write to the State Labftratory of Hygiene for a specimen container. Upon re ceipt of the container. iturn if with a sample of the bowel dis charge. The Laboratory will ex amine it for hookworm eggs free of charge. If the rgprs are found, of course hookuKrms are present. - ' e, ; . ., . It won't be-'long" now before we hear of smallpox here and - there. One tiling Is certain, however,- - and that Is that it wllkmot eet anv vac clnated folks. A great many of the tlnvaccinntod. cjsig would escane it too. If ,thry di.not huddle up Unto ciose, unvenuiatcd, rooms. Snowfall Throughout the State. The first snowfall of the season for Asheboro came Wednesday night about 12 o'clock and continued until the early hours of Thanksgiving day North Carolina without exception. was covered with snow last Thursds morning. At some places the snow- tall was the heaviest for November la many, years, while at others, ow ing to dampneesa, much of it melted Blizzards and snowstorms were prevalent in some of the States. IB. IB. IB. TbeE&tEscSPnto. Ted It Fret! poU aortitis Wfort tin emojhaw McK, Dlooortflia or azaa iwm ai ai aanre ois-a iaaawn Mm. fata B. B. B.(BMric Kao SoSa). will poritj and wrick roof blood arts Ibmama down iystera. Sl b. sUo UrM Br ran"" "J"" " Syphilitic Slood folioa, CiUrrb. and Bump. Bona I , rtaplcM Old boici. oc,"". "i. B. K B. cure all theae blood ayittem. B. bTb. is tht only hloodfcarwa Cat remcdr that can do thia therefore trS. S. S. it cure ao.1 beala all aorea and eratol Blood Trouble when all el faila, Taaiiir tested lor 30 year coeipoaed ol Pwre Increilirnta, Druf atotaa U V aaaaj K wilh directions for bomr care. - ?Rtt SAMPLE IT WaUTINQ BLOOD BALM GO-, ATLAWTA, CA facaoibe tnwbta 1 1 Sil i iiwl aaaeaaf.,s latMOVtw MAT OF AU. lORTf. By Mart HsOHnh WlHIeeta. Is savory an at si Batter what tort oia ef rear gastcssssals e lighter Geek II to the fmser beg, ssl tt wlU be a svair delight Uaa aver, Suspote yws wast am apprseeh t barbecued laaab vs near aa aesrsash ss the gas ran or ths coal see per Bita. Oot a rash, sot tea big. fat and teaser. and have tea rib ends cut Tory short aa all the angles of the back boss catwfmlly removes. Wash it quickly, wipe dry with a dassp cloth, rub all ever with soft butter. pop la a paper bag. very well greased. and cook la a hat oven ten minutes, then in a-jno4erats ons fifty minutes longer. Take up and open the bag, but only a little way on top. Then nour carefully iato it a sauce mads thus: Boll soft la a UtUe water half a dozen pods of cayenne pepper, mash In the liquor, remove strings, add half a cup of butter, halt a cup of very strong vinegar, half a teaspoonful -of alt, a dash of Worcester sauce and a altspoon of ground black pepper, Cook together for five minutes, stir ring constantly. Dip by small spoonfuls over the meat In the bag. putting on about half. Set the bag back in the oven after cutting away a square on top. Turn the heat oa full and cook for five mlputes longer. Take up the meat on a hot platter, pour the bag gravy over It, and serve what remains of ths pepper mixture in a separate boat. Ths meat roasted thus without seasoning 1 tender and juicy and ready to take flavors from the gravy and the sauce. Serve with it potatoes both sorts baked In their jackets, using very lHtle water in the bags with them so they shall he mealy. Too much wa ter makes white potatoes waxy or heafy, and gives to sweet potatoes a pale flavor not desirable. The secret of paper bag cooking, as of all other cooking, Is learning the difference be tween enough and either too much or too little. Serve also with the meat either turnips cooked in a bag or carrots or spinach. A beet salad goes well with ths highly seasoned meat much better than cold slaw, though that will serve at a plnrb. Fresh cucumbers, sliced thin, and seasoned only with salt and vinegar, are best ef alL Boiled batter puddlac goes finely with such savory meat and its vege table complement To iuke It, taks for each person who is to eat of it a fresh egg, a level tablespoonful of flour and half a cup ot milk. Beat the egg yolks very light, adding to them alter nately the flour, with a little baking powder Blfted through it, and ths milk, taking cars to mtx very smooth. Beat ths egg whites very stiff and melt a level spoonful of butter for eaeh three eggs tn the pudding. Beat in the melted butter It must not be hot, only warm enough to run thee add raisins snd citron, 1st the propoiv tlon of a cupful for every two eggs. The raisins must bs seeded, ths citron finely shredded, and both well floured. Beat tlem In well, but quickly, thea add ths whltss of eggs. Fold rather than beat them la, snd pour the pud ding into either a well greased bag or a mold lined with well greased pa per hag paper. Set either mold or bag inside another bigger bag, pour la enough water to come halt way up the side, seal, and cook la a very hot ovea ssvs minutes, then la a moderate en for three-quart ecs of m hour. Bs esKwfol to leave rooca hi the bag; the puddisg rises a lot tt Is Bsads right terra ia the sseU. est It with a very bet knife or spoem, sa4 serve with a risk sweet wine ot lessee, sauce, Before petting la water, be sure that the ootsr has wate4lght all up and dowa the seas. Tea ean, if you Bke, ssakw a teg mold fey the pua!ag, bit the sepelr bag. tied tight at the xooeth, ts rather more tsoss worthy. The setting bag Basse el ooaree, he sot swibt: henee tt wfll be apt to rsoexre the whet mm space. (Copyright, UU. by the nrssaksf IMmmt rressj MKT rVrOts tOYEM, By NUeoms Bersr, Chef ef trwe raaiaonal a and aaaai ScxV t "fa ra2adT Serine w Oassaloat Take s roast daek ssal lata It neatly, rtaos the ceres, sbtsas. pomes, eta. ta m clean imssiilst iram stswpas. i to thea m softs of sage lissss or m llttlm poweorod sago, a la onion Stack with a clove, a pinch at powdered sweet aerbs aad half m past of stock. BrtBtoUboU,BUin fully, them draw the pea to the stto ot therftre aad slsssser very slowly nnta the-geasssss to fairly extrsarted, Tbmd strata throagh a hair sieve iits a- clesn ssoeepaa, place on the t and reduce about oas-thlrd. Add salt and pepper to taste, the peel from half a dozen Freaeb. olives aad half a glass of port. Meanwhile, grease a bag thUkJy,. place la. it ths joints of the dusk-and cook for tea minutes. Re trwve the bag from the oven and pour then gvsvE In. Close the bag, aad ma'-very hot for tan minutes. Thea dish up on a hot salmi dish and serve ganikrhed with fried eroatons and ao jortuanifid by chli)ied or straw pota tcp j." Any kind of game may be re -!,aei fctiPr tSuS rMNr CLEARANCE SALE Having decided not to carry some of the lines of our stock,' we will for 30 days only, beginning December 14, sell at and below cost the following: Dry Goods A lot of prints, percales, flaxons, etc , all good pat terns, will be disposed of. i Clothing " - ... . 0 75 Men's and Boys' ready to wear Suits, ranging in price from $1.00 to $15.00 J A large' assortment of . Rugs at sacrifice prices Shoes 250 pairs Men's, Women's and Children's shoes, all new stock, at 10 below i cost. See our line of pants at cost. WE WILL ALSO PUT ON A FIVE AND TEN CENT COUNTER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SALE Of course while you are attending this saleyou will make your Christmas purchases as we will have a complete and up-to-date line;. : The biggest line ,of Jewelry ever seen in Western Randolph can be seen at our tore. "THE QUALITY STORE" I. S. K EARNS Farmer, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Davia and nn Hoyt wish to express through th. jeolumns of The Courier their many .u,re manas to their friends and reiauves for.the nice surnrtaA Wrth- day dinner and pesents given them in honor of Mrs. Davis' birthday. Iec. 1st, 1912. We cannot forget them while memory lasts. iiandleman, N- C Route 3. BUY IHC Wagons fcr True Ectsy XTOU csaaat farm wfthemt a tnvrm immjwu emu aecp stvum a stove. Tea work year wtjo mftemec aad hmricr than anythitvs; b i0m- Bvry atsmtoo tttaolonrsrthmm thetTer actv It Is an caaj thins; u 4 eea thoofk &U waagwM which are funtw4 alike may look alike Tbw sliffeiBce la waons is ajkeWmcmth tht) yaiat It is th material aod worknatnehrp. OMmgntM ui ooDstxacno Hint Wcbr New Bettendsf Steel Kij jMeh romhw them the best nreo invertmetst. Wmwaxt tray purchaser to cetrvimce himself arttmre Iwryru, that when IHC waroos am Arardiwtf aahcriof oak orbiKch hubs, hickry ilea, as4 W&eleaf yrdlow wine box bottams, thea are tit rxsatenals actually- need. When aa X H C wa on reachaa a iarmer'a barn, that raxxoer has one of the bestvraarina, caic8ttmaiac farm vacons that skilled kkee can make or that money can buy. There is need t syecolata In buying a acon. IHC wakens are made for patw tride qsc& tptah - special features adapted to local opes-ssii Weber fsta Coaiimbus bare wood teu. Mew Bmvimi aad Steel Kiaa have steel Krs The IM.C tssaren dealer tn yonr tewa seBs the vmgt bast suited to your oeichborheod. Ask hies for I H C w&toa literature, or, write InterBilional Harrester Cocviany cf Acerica. (X CkmAMm a I Ion, ia ri II 1 aejt. et c. .ota Wa rour In and ane Qtatn to 1 H C Saivioaaui buikUas. Ckisx!. V S A A aLaavoalar A 0 FARM FOR BAIiS. Good Fann S SO In Vt nt t.ik. rty, tm High State of Cultivation lor Katie. Good BwlhllBg sad Oat buildings. Pine Ommalty. Will Sell Farm, Mcbiry aad stock ai o. A Fine Barnlm, Anolr ta A: W. WAKD j-IJberty, N. a, Barnes Xe. 1. Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of the powers vested in, the undersigned by decree rednerd 1 in special j rooeeUings entitled "A.A, Scott, admr., J. T. Scott, deed. V, Nancy 1. Scott et al," In theSupe rior Court of Randolph county ,1 will sell at publo auction at the court house door In' Asheboro, N. C, oa, the 4th day of January, 1913, at 13 o'clock M., the following lands altu" ate In Ramseur, N. C.,bouaded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning a t a flint rock In Columbia Mfg. Co. 'a eorner and runs east to R.A.Bmith's N. W. eorner: thence south to R. I A. Smith's S. W. corner; thence least to Worth Lutterloh's N. W. cor-r ner; thence west of south to 8. W Caddeli'a N. E. corner; thence north of west with 8. W. Caddell. line to Columbia Mfg. Co. 'a line; thence, northeast with Columbia Mfg. Co.'s line to the beginning, containlna one acre, more or teas. Terms of sale: One-third cash; balance upon a credit of six months approved security being given there for, deferred payments to bean inter est at legal rate from day ot sale, , This Nov., 80, 1911- I: A. A. SCOTT, . Admr. J. T. Scott, deed. Notice. Having qualified as admr. on tha estate of H. O. Causey, deeeased, bo- fore W.C.lIammond, Clerk of the Su perior Ccurt of Randolph -count, all persons having claims aga ln.pt said estate are notified to present; theui to tlie undersigned, duly veri fied, on or before the 3 Oth day of Novembcr,19l3, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make imme diate sertkment. Jhi3 s 0th day of Nov., 1912. R. L. CAUSEY, Admr. a ru ' 1 X