A Friendly Talk to Boys. I panto count oa M possible death. '94 of th 100 come to the scratch, i "Your first duty In life 14 toward . diMnnoint them by' living on. But of every 100 ex- rumtaA Antha omnnv iudIa whA do bo-ma? in hi. time be possible and . n -rtu,,, dle. ' Seventy-one death! among abstainer jto 94 among drinkers. your afterself. So Uve that your .ftaraelf that man you ought to 1 actual. Far away 'la the years he la wait ing his turn. HI body, iHa bralnthls aoul are la your boylah bands. He oan nut helf himself. What will you leave for him? , Will it be a brain, unsofled by lust $3.00 FLEXIBLE MOROCCO BIBLES PRAC- pprp TICALLY 1 JlJCiJCi Again, It haa been proved that of every 100 persons thirty years old who drink, 44 of the 100 will live to be seventy; but tf you take 100 of dtosipation.a mind trained to thlij thirty-year-old persons who don t .nH nArrouB svstem true as a : of tho hundred will live .fiol tn it reaDonee to truth about ito be seventy. you? Or will you throw away his Inheritance before be has had the chanse to touch it? Will you turn over to him a brain distorted, mind diseased? A will untrained to ac- Isn t It worth some thing to you, even if drinking paid In other ways, aa it doesnVjto hive a 25 per cent, better chance to live out our "three score years and ten"? Anh the reocrds Bhow that tion? A spinal cord grown through. : you do nave wis to per . and through with the devil grass of Iter chance by rot drinking. that vile harvest we call wild oats? These figure are based on the Will you let him come, taking English experience but the i.igures your place, gaining through your ex-( for America tell the same story In perlences, hallowed through your Joys; bi'.dtng 00 them his owu? Or will you fling his hope away, decreeing wanton-like that the man a reent address at the A. & M. Col lege In Raleigh, I heard Capt.Rtch mond Pearsoni Hoccbson, the famous Spanish War hero, give the farmer you might have been shall never jboys there the showing of the Aen be? '. jean statistics. Among other things This Is your problem In life; the ne pointed out that without drinking, problem of more Importance to you tne prospects of life when you are than any or all others. How will twenty years old Is forty-four more you meet It, as a ma nor as a fool? years of living, but with drinking When you answer all of this, we oniy thirty-one years an average rej snail Know wnat use tne worm can auction of thirty years in length or make of you." David Starr Jor- , d to the drInk hobit. Or take the evidence of Mr. Ed- J That "Appeal: to'1 A.Wood, a praqlcal Insurance manager. 01 nmumti dan. H'V J THE INTERNATIONAL BIBLE LEAGUE aims to create a wider use of the Bible by mak- ing it possible for every man, woman ana cnua to possess an attractive edition of the Scriptures like that shown in the illustration. To accom nlish this end the Leaerue proposes to appoint in each locality a prominent house to act as distributors through whom the people can obtain this beautiful Bible practically free. For the sake of convenience, and in order to obtain the widest possible distribution of these Bibles, THE ASHEBORO COURIER Filtmnie Has Been Appointed the Authorized Distributor for Can be rolled with ut lajary to bind-in- or wing Asheboro and Vicinity My Dear Boy which Dr. Rankin is putting in the furthermore that 40 per oenL-11 Bulletin this time, is one of the " diseased homes, weaseueo. uerwi etc. that they can't get life insur- "are for causes con- finest things I have come across latelv. and the firt thine I'd Uke for vo tn rln to road It. Then ance at aU T'd likp for us ot have a little talk nocted with, alcohol. -a litflo friendly b.rotherly talk. Experiments which a distinguished for T hnvrn't cotton over beine a. Broup of scientists made win group hov mvf nhont whether Itt. nays o laboring men showed that tn Btnrt "t...V4nK a drink." beer drinking decreased the output Now. 1 a not going to lecture 8 r cent you, and 1 am not going to say a word about it bt'ing an "awful sin" oj anytLli.g cf the sort. We are 11..-,. to t;dk auout it as a business waiter and find out if it S y drinking was even greater. la head worn or inuseuiar wura or sport, it is all the same: whis- even utput In other words It took ten men to do the work nine would have done if they nad l.'t tven beer alone; and lni cler ical aad iutflletLfll work the dam- pays. 1 hat's all. deal of observation and study is tha keePs from "makins eoof it doesn't pay. and I am going to ou drinking boy can sta nii f- -.n -i,v If vour on yo-ir) college football ttaui. . .'. . ,....1,., It is because the people under annKf g were s nip. a n)u - , I shovldn't have a thing to say these thing, that all classes that while "a frowning on me mua drinks. If you want to get a jod Every member of the fam ily can now have his or her own copy of this Bible about it, Vecause I know you nviy play practical jokes and you m iy take dare -oevii nsKS now - - lo ! ment and hlS Self-DrnOUIlCine text. VOUUK IVIIUW i uu uuira i. 11 , . . . . . and then, that's just the boy in you,, and you nrc straight and square and honest i t bottom and you are going to c,:uo ut allrlght " What I want to say about this drinki'K business, however, Is that it Is a ve y different matter from these 1 ninls and ftats and joKes in wl -.Mi a boy mny naturally bnaltl f! l y "lot orf steam." They mny 11 t 1 ave you any worse, but drink us ai'.d Immonility will. A g-eat danger Is that if you be gin il i'll"c at nil yeu can't keep ftoin irrr.'.;ii'K Imnio(lerat;Iy;you are jourg ye', but you have seen enoug tc nv I'irvt. T!irre are all kinds of chare-s ti rt you v ill wind up as a dirty .hiortf d, worthl.es drunkard a sort of man as t'nele Remus says, w! o 1-. "n' t fittrn to stop the gully wid," lut what I want you to remebfr is that even If you should only drink modomtcly will not lve THIS ILLUSTRATION REPRESENTS The Exact Size of This Bi ble 5 1-2 x 8 1-4 Inches This photograph gives but a hint idea of the beau ty of this Bible, t is bound in genuine French SetlLtathsr, has overlapping: coven, red-un-dar-gold edges, round corners, headband and marker. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE LEAGUE PRESEN TATION PLATE FREE WITH EACH BIBLE; J Ask to see this Bible and realize what this offer meaas to you. This Bible contains the authorized ver sion of the Old Testament and New Testa- all the oveB taken. That's one reason why the proper words being accented ana oiviaea country boys so often beat the city I into syllables for quick and easy pronuncia boys la business there is less drink- tion. It also contains a new series of helps Ing in the country. If you want to 3j5e study including succeed in farm worn or city wors. ae I hope you do or if you want to marry the smartest or prettiest mi girl in the neighborhood ( or the smartest and prettiest) as I hope you do i'ts all the same story. The chances are against you if you drinks Now there's no use for me to dis cuss this subject further with you, and I can only ask you to look up the fa.'ts further set forth in thi Bulletin. The whole story is that I want you and every boy tq live ouj ia neat box a long.lealthy, happy life-, and I want you to be asuccessas a farmer 400 Questions and Answers Which Unfold the Scriptures 31 Beautiful Illustrations Showing Scenes and Incidents of Bible History 13 Maps of Bible Lands in Colors Large Clear Type. Fine Paper. Each Bible supplied with elastic band and packed How to Get This Bible In the corner of this announcement you will or a business man or a professional man, whichever you are and I know tha rhantvfl ato nirainRt. vnu havine if inv Thnf. 1 wn aii find i Bible coupon. Return this coupon to The .0 ,ong,you will not he so healthy. tor win you be so happy as you f et "quor .ion We want factTT.checkinir. clerk hire and other necea- euner a long uie or a successiui me cvDrvcc , , ui- v,-. . greatest 8ecyon .llbdtlivereto Jf BiWe f) bg you and I die, 1 ... . A 1K trk nnmtmmm will be if you don't drink at a!. In other words, no matter whether U live a good clean life,, and you drlnklrg is a sin or not, you want want a healthy body, a steady nerve, and arfUar) brain, and you can't have these if you dring even moder ately. Take the matter cf length of life. The insurance companies have been keeping careful record of thou sands and thousands of men, begin- ing, as they did, years and years be fore you were born to fjind out Just to see the South the of the Union before you and in traveling about over the eoun try It seems to me that; one of the surest eigne that we are going to be at the front Is found In Just one fact. And that one fact Is that we seem Ukely to have in the South about the smallest proportion of whiskey-ruined boys, and therefore ; with greatest proportion of strong sober, healthy, successful young men Of course it will take some spunk to keep you in this class some times, i?vr vf;; 'Jwfcr r i , . , Ti, A. , . . You may get caught In a fix now and length of life. Its their business . . , . . . and then when other boys are drjnk- jou know. Well, they started out when they began these records with the idea that a man was actually helped by using some whiskey that ing and it w$l take more genuine spunk for you to be a man enough to say "No' than It take to ride a. hnnlrlncrlwvrnA or tiwlm . rlvhrin was the belief a long time ago and freshet.tIme. , But If you will make up your mind dead sure that you are going It was on this theory in England 40 or 60 years apo when they tAed to m-ko a man named Robert Warre'i pay a h ghor prelu, a higher rate on life insurance because he was a tee- . , , ' , . . . ... . show the ppunk when it's needed wi".iu titter ui luuuwuiua and thousands of Eigllsh insnrancoi! casos for over forty years; and what . do you suppose th results show? j Thry ghow that the death rate Is ever a third K'cher for modrrats rs th-n fnr total abstainers. In. other words', In any given yean ., four men tfieamotig the drlnVera for . very three who die aong aneqnal .suber.cf abstainers. Of . every I00 drinkers the life Insurance com- . V OCTOBER 15, 1912 INTERNATIONAL BIBLE LEAGUE COUPON The return of this coupon with 98 cents to cover the items of cost of packing, transportation from factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary expense ittms entitles the holder to a copy of the International Bible League Bible. Re mit 15 cents postage if Bible is to be sent by mail. Ho Commercial Disaster. Over four months have elapsed week In November were 6.70 per cent, greater than a year ago. The Commercial and Financial Chronicle tj "stick to your stjekums" and since the American people decided td in giving the gross and net earn- shake hands with me on this prop- change the control of the govern sltlon I am sure I can trust you ment; and despite the predictions of .the President and his supporters Sincerely your friend. !thTt commercial disaster would fol- The Bulletin. CLiAR.NCE FOE. low. business Is expandln and the I foreshadowing of disaster is not yet - 'apparent says a policeman to a street crowd, and whacks heads if it don't. Movi on now Move On Xow, The bank clearings only a week says the big. harsh minrtl ago were 8.8 per cent, greater than pills to bowel congestion and suffer- ln the corresponding week last year, ing follows. Dr. King's New Life J For months they have been doing a I'-Ti" " - ".ir 7Z " 7 large v0lume of business and their tion, and health follows. 25c. at i tendency la epward. The gross ea Aaheboro Drug Co. (lngs of the railroads for the first ings compared with last year show a marked increase. i We frequently overlook the full significance of increases like this. Population hardly grows 2 per cent. year . Wealth cannot increase over 3 per cent, at the outside, but bank clearings and gross earnings of the railroads are Increasing 10 per cent. Many of the periods of retrograding business we encounter are caused by the inevitable reac tions of trade that outrun wealth presslon darkens the growing pros- perity of the nation. Foreign trade is of great volume The vast crops predicted are now assured. The demand for clothing of all kinds Is greater than ever before, and mills can scarcely supply these increasing demands. In fact, business Is. such that we can safely say that it is increasing steadily, quietly and surely. No cloud of de darkens the growing prosperity of the nation. According to final statement of contributions filed with the House oft Representatives, it cost the. Democratic nations! committee lr 159,446 to elect Wilson and Mar-' shall. This money came in 89,854 ' separate contributions of which all but 1,625 were in amounts less thaw 8100. If you are troubled with chronilc constipation, thee mild and gentle effect of Chamberlain's . Tablets makes them especially euKed to your case. For sale by all dealers. When a young man la pushed ahead to a more respontible position he chnnrf s are a hurdrrd to one that he knows how; and the how 1 iisoal'y business knowldege that can be lenrrtfd hy any one wl-o Is indus trious enough andamblUous enough to make the effort.