NEVER M5 MOTHERS joy; fi COLDS ELIE USES I ) GOOSE GREASE CO. I GREENSBORO, N. C. ONE OF THE MANY MOTHER'S JOY HAS SAVED Burlington, N.,C, Nov. 19, 1913. Goose Grease Co., Greensboro, N. C, Gentlemen: I am writing this letter because I think it is due you and I am not a man that wants my name paiaded in newspapers. Coming from Baltimore on a' sleeper my little girl took a severe cold and cough. For three weeks the doctors came to see her for three times a day. Instead of growing better she grew worse. On the night of hich I am speaking the doctors left me some emergency medicine and told me if the cough did not stop to give her this. We gave it to her but with no benefit whatever that I could see. We had used other croup salves and they did not seem to do much good. My wife advised me to get a jar of Moth er's Joy; I did so using half a jar on my child's throat and chest and in fifteen minutes she stopped coughing and did not cough another time during the night. Now I am not a be liever in patent medicines but I think that you have the best Croup and Pneumonia salve made. Yours very truly, COL. J. H. HOLT, Burlington, N. C. For Sale by Standard Drug Company. ....... THIS IS THE COVER of the can that holds Luzianne. New users are slow to realize the extraordinary strength of this coffee how little of it is required "compared with other coffees. The cover continually reminds them that saves half the coffee bill goes twice as far. Its quality speaks for itself. You'll say, "It's twice as good." Many imitations prove its popularity; its popularity proves its goodness. Sold everywhere. Accept no substitute. VUt REILY-TAYLOR CO., New Orleao. Si!!U " III1!1! I"1"!!!"1 A ,' "l' i"'"1''1' II' liaPiiiliip Daily Courier-Journal AT HALFJPRICE DURING DECEMBER, JANUARY AND FEBRUARY THE COURIER has made a special arrangement whereby the Daily Courier-Journal can be furnished one year for $$.00, six months $1.75", by mail, Sunday not included, to all persons who will give their orders to us during the months named above. Better still, you can have the Daily Courier-Journal and this paper one year etch For Only $1.50 After February 28, 1914, the price of the Daily Courier-Journal alone is $6 00 a year. Take ad vantage of this special Bargain Offer at once and Reduce The Cost of Living. To Get Advantage of This Cut Rate, Orders Must Be Sent Us, NOT to The Courier-Journal. CATAWBA COLLEGE Reorganized, New President, New Faculty; Co - Educational, Healthful location, Splendid Equipment, Strong Courses, Christian, but not Sectarian; moderate in charges. Fall term opens Sept. 2, 1913. For catalogue write Rev? J. D. An drews, Newton, N. C. In Mrmory of Mrs. Amy Elilabeth Andrews Mrs. Amv Elizeth Andrew died at her i tn bear fh born on the nigut f October 21-t, 1913, aitd 71 J ears, 7 months and days Sne wai tfteu sick very (suddenly with neuralgia of the heart am was BfriouBiy sick on y about od and uDe.half hoars. Loving 1 d did all the; ci uld to relieve her but the ewetfc spirit returned to in Maker. Before her marriage Mrs. An dre w-j was a Miss Spencer She was mimed first to Mrr Thomas Oalm Mickf. To this nnion one cmld w bi.rn.Mr. T 0. Hicks of Pieaan Urd.rj N. 0. She wa married egmn to Mr. Thorms Win'uru Andrews and ii ihm tn chi dr-n weie borr, fie 1 whom survive her, namely, H. L.. N. 8. a d Miss Lula Andrews a Mrs H. J. Poole, all of Ashel 0 o Hi. 2 and J M Andrews of Winter Ha v. n Fl-. Her hug. and also it. mams to mrv&rn btr Iocs. Mr. Andrews was converted i enr'j childhood and jo"t'ed the M. E. church, boutb, ano remained cups S ent member until the er ctme, Hers was a roble cbaracte a d in her 8et, modest aj sh made many friei d, for to know bei was to love her. She was a mos ce voted and te f cacrificii g nothn nd her hands never weaned in her service to her loved ones, For sev. -ral years she had not been strong but her wo' derfnl energ) end will power would not allow hr to giv up. She did not fe-r deth as eh ki ew that there was j J tor br bt. jond the grive. Her life was a busy, vet fa) oi nd ibe vacancy can never be filiei she left in the home circle. Jesse F. Lyndon married the sec end time a daughter of a Mr, Oran ford of New Hope township. From that union wore born thne sons. JeBse, Walter and Oara. The boy are fairly well educated and are kind, genteel young men, Mr. Lyndon was a local preacher in the M. E. church for a number of years Bi d about twelve years ago was licensed to preach but never eook work on account of ill health, though a better man than be never lived. Emory volunteeaed in the late war and was in Go, H, 38tb Regi ment and- was a brave so'dier. Af ter the surrender he married and I am ii formed Itveg in High Point. Clark, the other brother, mcrried a Mrs Qree.. and is living in New Hope township. The descendants cf Josiah Lyn don were a quiet, inoffensive people, n fact more so than any family wi h which I am acquainted. Josiah Lyndon Josiah Lyndon' was born in tbi Southwestern part of Randolpl county, in what is now New Hop township, in about 1780, and lne" on or near tie farm where the la". J. F. Lyndon died. Mr. Ljndon was one of those old time common eetse educated nun who was au old Bohool teacher, oi e if Diti? C'fclie't'seort of men whi wi full of genuine horse senst When not teaching ba worked ou the farm. But in larcr years the people or itanai lob county discov end in him legislative ability and eiicteu lira to toe LtegiBla'ure. U served in the Hous- ;in 1811. 1812 arrj ia the te ate in 1813 and 1814 I do not know to whom he was mar. ried but know that he had five chil nren; the late Jesse F., Emorv and Clark Lyadon and one daughter. I do not now remember the name of the other. The daughter married T. N. In gram of New Hope township, who in 1858 was one of the members of the county court of Randolph coun ty, Mr, and Mas, Ingram were the parents of two children, Mas. Pollje yelk, wife or J. B. JJelk, now living in Concord township, and Tr W. rn. gram, a popular juitice of the peace ol New Hope township, and holds an omse or less dignity as be calls it, tnat is chairman of the Board pf .uaacatnn or iCandoiph county. Tom is a good, jovial sort of a fellow, likes to get a jote on some cnt! and is litjle pious, especially when the ? Teacher is about, but when away rom borne, "farewell vain world." Jesse Jr. Lyndon; the ojdest sou, married the first time a panwhter of the late E,lij ih Hardister. From that nnion was born tq'ree children. Henry; Medie and Nannie, Henry marriuJ a M ss Green of New Hope township. Medie married T, II Sikes, who now lives in and, is. popular triarh of Grensbnig Nannie 1 ves a , the old homestea STAY ON YOUR FEET Taking Calomel Means Staybigl Ilome for tlte lhiy llie Hud son's I jiver Xotie aiid Bavef a Day's Work. If au attack of ostlpatfcrj or bm.iUBneB hits you. there's no need to take a dOse of. citoanel and spend at leatt a day eettl.1 over the effects of it. Stamdaid Drug Oj. sells the Hveir tonic, Ddan'a Ldve- Tane, that takes the place of calcimel and ttarts a Lazy liver with out any bad after-effects. Dodsl.n's Liver Toae does all the S d ttat cal6mel ever did. vpI it Is absolutely harmless to yoU'nig paf pie ana old. it is- a pleasaint-tastlncr vegetable liquid that will relieve coastipatii a:( or eour stomach or other tn lubles that go along with a lazy liver, without restriction of nanot pr diet, you don't leave! jiff any of the things you regularly do whea you take Doda tn'e JJver Tone. Standard Drug Qi. sell s Ddaoin' Liver Tome and give it a stroiie Dex- soi-ial guarantee. Ihey say, "A larg ui'ue or Doagor.'s Liver1 Ti sells f( ir 60 cents, and we will haad any person back his 50 cents If he tries a bottle aad Jk e-n't say that it docs all that calomel ever docs a-od does it pleasantly. Cut th genuine Down's JJver Toine and if yi.'U are nc nleased w.ith it wo will give youir ruoQey back with a smile," How to Overcome a Bad Constipation There ia s Mild Laxative That Will Bring Safe and Pleasant Belief Over Night. It is lonly natural that the simp lest aUments shlould be the most general, and to -we have a whole nation suffering, consitipation and ladigesti ;c,l for they are close ly allied. But common as oonstipa tit ia, ia imany peoplo dol nt A seem tct know they have it. They wlU com plain of headache, drowsiness Lir bil iousness,, all unoansoicUB of the cause of the trouble. You should have a fuU and free mi.ivement at least once a day..; If you pass a, day yuu aire ooaistipated,. and the iresult will be that you .will catch a cold easily, or have a more serii ua ailment. To cure the con sttpation and forestall still graver trouble take a doee of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at might befeme retir ing and by mi;.Tniaig relief will come, wltaout dlsturtence from sleep or any iniconveiajence. Lqgions cf people us It reguflarly in such emergencies, some of them formerly chronic invalids who had suffered from constipate d all their lives. Mrs. N. Franz. 67 Eighth St., Salem, Ohio, to:& physUcs florj years aad, worst iqf all, without much avail, pioially, ehe began to take Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepstni and t:day she is mo longer troubled and eats what she Hikes. Many others will tell yau that they have tried most thiaga recommedded for this pur pose hut have ffcund Syrup Pepsin the onJy one always reliable. A hA tle can ba obtained at any drug, J MRS. N. FRANZ store for fifty cents dr one d Jlr, the latter size being bought by fa iliee already familiar -with ite mer its. Syrup Pepsin ia mild, pJeasaroA tastinig and oon-griplng. . Mothe ' give it to tLny infants, aawl yet It is effective In grown-ups. It s Hyp everyone who suffers fn;m a form of stomach, liver, or bowjl trjciuble coiastpiation, dyspepsia, tffl i u pin ess, etc. Its actio? wiia so da light you that you will forever Jvj)al harsh cathartics, purgative, llfc and salts. Families wlshinUr ta 1tt m. ttu sample bottle can obtada It poatpatt oy aoaressung Dr. W. JB. Oaldwwt 419 Washington St. MontIello. Iffl. A n OStal CaTd 'With vnnr noma Jl address on It will do. LOOK HERE FOIt IT Mao an Ashel Reader Mill be) Interested When people read about the cures made by a medicine endorsed from far away, Is it surprising that they wionder if the statement ar trim? But whea they read of cases right here at home, native proof Is with. In their reach,fior close investigation Is an easy matter. Read Ashel oro lenaorsement at Do&n's Kdjney (Pills Mrs. E. B. Burns, Fayetteviaie St., Asheboro. N. a. says: " I nuffarod intensely from kldiney trouble. It be. gam with palnfl actn-Bs the small of my oacK, then headaches aad dlszy pells bother d ma amd thm Iridnav Bi;rw.jj)f necame anoiiouis. ' I fin' aiy got a supply or doso's Kidiaey ri'ia rrom tne standard Druia Qm. VWi and they cured me. I hope me publication at my statement wll be the means of helping other kid aey eufferera.' Far aal br all deafer.' Prise ss aas., Fostr-MUurn Co.. Buffals, New Terk, sole agents for tka Ualt d at. Remember th aae -Psan'a - and take a atker. v - , THR ANSWF.R "rn fe THE HEADACHR iSWiiSr h MARK me W?1 ..,.ti I tiJKA UBBER ROOFING t . vuijr um email pront added to factory coil. SU. RubkW Bartat- quaiiiy, not aeoonda nor oiill-enda 108 ii tZ' Si'St T8: ?;P1fe ; 3-Ply, S.lba.,lJ4per roll. Free aamplea and Cat. THE SPOT! rc rn -n... ,. -. Ml hhtkn Una. RICHMOND V 78 PER ROLL SOME BAROATM nico nn. $65.00 while they last. bewmg Machines at cost. Exnect to kppn -forHli j . i r "-.iiiuiu 111 a LUCK during the season. Come to see us. McCrary.Redding Hardware Co. PAY BY GHEM The business man knows his checkm iL If this plan proves to the fdvantam nfr?fk...i We will beghd ilou wai f'Vut us Dtata our method of handling business explain Bank of Ramseur JVOBTtf CAROLINA sssa