Melp Needed in North Carolina. Wlien a North Carolina writer cai fret p.pace in a magazine he ought o ntion nior of the things that are feeing done in the .State and not make it a point to t-pecially emphasize what kvtn't being done. After de tailing the ffplendjd progress trying wade in North Carolina it is well to call attention to thoee things which are left undone and play the) up as opportunities) which ought to ivite Jtew corners. While we are doing a great mauy things in North Carolina, there are many things we do not even undertake, and probo blv theTeJ -ta a reanon for it. The chief reason is a lack of capital and labor. Senator Simmon.", who recently re turned to Washington, told the Star correspondent at the National capi tal that the chief trouble jr North Carolina a lack of farm labor and that there was employment in the 9Ute for 20,000 men who want em ployment on the farm. Does not that lnlcate that we are arming up to the limit of our abiljty; to Kt labor? How can we increase our agricultural activities or wealth wit ut more labor. We might do it by adopting more i tensive farming methods o we can produce more on an acre of land than we do. but while we night make every acre count for taore it takes capital to restore the noil and farm on that scale. Many are doing so at a great profit, but many haven't get the means to do that Wnd of farming. That might seem curious to the fellow who Knows nothing about farming but it should be remembered that it requjres capital to farm. In a general way North Carolina h doing well with her farms. We actually produced more cotton in 1912 than we had the labor to jrather. with the result that jn many sections that were white with ihe ttaple were turned under for the planting of the 1913 crop. There are other crops that we ought to produce, but if we haven't got the labor to gather our great money crops, how can we grow other crops Well, -we can only do it by at tracting more homeseekers to en gage in farming and more labor to develop the a.T''jcu'tural interests on a broader scale. What's the use of springing a problem without of fering a solution ? The solution for our failure to increase our agricul tural activities ia a greater supply nf labor, and the question ax t that is how to induce homesoekers and farm laborers to come to the State ami share iu its agricultural prosperMy. The Agricultural De partment at Washington i stressing the fact that North Carolina is lead ing in agricultural production. We may net produce all the crops that we ought to, but since the State's aricultural supremacy has the "O. K." of the government, wouldn't It be a good idea to take the credit to ourselves and use it to start a bifjJ omvement of homeseekers to North Carolina. North Carolina also Is doing veil in manufacturing. The cotton mills have taken labor away from aricul tnral pursuits. Are we up to the Ifwit of manufacturing because of the lack of labor. If we build more factories will' we not take more la bor from the farms? We surely will. Then, there is not only room in North Carolina for farm labor bifc for labor fn our cotton mills and other industries. This emphasizes the fact that our chief need is la bor, while the great undeveloped op jwirtunitles in the State are invit 5g to capital. The things that we apparently neglect in North Carolina are simp ly opportunities for others, because to do more than we are doing, we haven't the labor and capital There Is nothing n K for North f'arolino to rfcrw its sore toe, but there is everything In putting our et foot foremot and yelling for nolo because we are taxed to the limit to develop the marvelous re nounces of the State. The princi pal thing the matter in the good od North State 19 that its resources ere too great for us to tackle by ourselves. This show that North Carolina ffl a great field for the newcomer who has capital in the ape of both money and industry. The man who has money and the van who will work never had bet ter opportunities ia the world than in North Carolina at this time.--The Morning Star. GRKAT HAm OF IHOOK MORK TERRITORY KRKEO FROM (lATTliK TICKS Over 17,000 Additional Square Miles in Kigh Southern States to 14 Released From Quarantine , Feb ruary 1 is Krrtirely Free. Washington. D. C Feb. 3. The territory in the South freed from cettle ticks and released from quar antine has been increased by 17 106 square miles by an order is sued by the acting secretary of ag riculture, efective February 16th, 1914. releasing additional portions of Virginia North Carolina, Tenn esses. Georgia, Alabama, Mississip pi. Oklahoma and Texas. This ac tion has been taken as a result of further progress made in the exter mination of the ticks which spread splenetic or Texas fever of cattle. The total area released since the beginning of the work in 1906 now aggregates 215.908 square miles and amounts to about 30 per cent, of the territory infected at the time the work was undertaken. Tennessee ia the firt't of the States extensively infested by the ticks to be entirely freed from this pett and released from quarantine. In 1906 about half of this State wa under quarantine. The order inst Issued releases a portion of Marion county, which was the la-jt remaining part of the Ptate to be cleaned up and released. The sue cess of the work in Tennessee has been achieved through hearty co operation by State and county of ficers and cattle owners with the federal authorities. Several other States have also made rapid prog ress in getting rfd of the ticks and row have large free areas. The portions of the several States to be released from quarantine on February 16 under the order men tioned are as follows; In Virginia; The county of Sus sex and the balance of the county of Greenesvillo. In North Carolina; The counties of Moore, Hoke, Scotland. Robeson and New Hanover. In Georgia; The counties of Mor gan and Franklin. In Tennesfe; The remainder of Marlon county. In Alabama; Portions of the counties of Jackson and Sunipter. In Mississippi: The counties of Clay. Jasper, Smith. Scott, and Ief- lore; the remainder of the counties of Lowndes, Holmes, Madison. At tala. Rankin. Noxubee, Chickasaw, and portions of the counties of Claiborne, Warren. Yazoo. Sharkey. Bolivar. Newton, Grenada, Leake, Monroe. Jones and Lafayette. In Oklahoma; The county of Cotton, and the remainder of the counties of Tillman. Grady. Craig, and Ottawa, and portions of the counties of McLain, Osage and Del aware. . In Texas: The remainder of the counties of Foard. Knox, Haskell, and Mitchell, and portions of the counties of Throckmorton and Wil barger. The order also provides for a feeding station for son infected cat tle at the stockyards of the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway at Wichita FallB. Texas., in addition to the feeding station already au thorized at other points in the quar antined area. Copies of the formal order issued by the acting secretary of agricul ture, which also defines the terri tory remaining in quarantine, may be obtained upon application to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Department of Agriculture Washington. D. C, for B. A. I. der 207. Carolina Man With Puzzling Stomach Disease Wins Relief V. R. Itavewjwrt. of Parker Better After First Dose of Remedy. W. . Davenport of Parker. N. C, long suffered from a peculiar mal ady of the etomacb. He sought treatment with but little relief. At times it seemed that he would have to give up hope. He took Mayr's Wonderful Stom ach Remedy and found immed'ate benefit. He wrote; "For years I have suffered from a disease which puzzled doctors. They termed it catarrh of the stom ach, saying the only hope would be a change of climate, and that in all probability I would never get well. Then I heard of your remedy. One trial bottle gave me instant relief. It made me feel liks a new man. Your full course of treatment has about cured me. Several of my friends have also been cured." Thousands of others suffering from maladies of the stomach haa found relief as quickly as Mr. Dav enport did. This remarkable rem edy is known all over the country. The first dose proves no long treat ment. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Reme dy clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions and removes all poisonous matter. It brings swift relief to sufferers from stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Many say it has saved them from danger ous operations and many are sure it has saved their lives. Because of the remarkable suc cess of this remedy there are many imitators, so be cautious. Go to Standard Drug Co. and ask about the wonderful results it has been accomplishing in cases they know of -or send to Geo. H. Mayr. Mfg, Chemist. 154-156 Whiting St., Chi cago, HI., for free book on stom ach ailments and many grateful Jet ters from people who have been re stored. Any druggist can tell you its wonderful effects. Keporte of 3O.0OO ttesett of Kidney Trouble. Home of Theni Asheimr Cases. Each of sora 6-000 newspapers of the United States is publishing from week to week, names of peo- in its particular neighborhood, who have used and recommenaea noan's Kidney Pills for kidney backj ache, weak kidneys, bladder trouDiea and urinary disorders, mis mass of nroof Includes over 30.000 recom mendations. Asheboro is no'ecxep- tlon. Here Is one of the Asheboro cases. Mrs. R. K. Woodell. Salisbury St., Atfheboro. N. C. says: "I suffered from lame and aching back and had dnll headaches. . I knew , that - my kidneys were weak and when I was told that Doan's Kidney. Pills were rtwui kldnev medicine. I got a supply from the Standard Drug Co Two -or three boxes relieved me." Vor nale by, all dealer. Price Ki cents. Foster-Milonrn Co.; Buf falot New Yoraols agents for the TTnitul QtatM. . , Remember the name Doan's and take no other. A Thrift jr Asaoef ion. The Thomasvllle Building and Loan Association Is one of the big gest financial institutions In Thomas-villa. Such was the statement of the secretary. And a general per usal Into the operations of this as sociation will nrore this to be a fact H now has $50,000 in loans and has a net gain of about $17,000 to be added to its asset Toomaeville The Best State Recently we were shocked and pained by compalnt of the Danville Register that Me town was the most illiterate in Virg-ftia, and its decla ration that the reason therefor was that eomany ignorant North Caro inians had removed thither. We re torted, as the bert we eonld think of in the excitement and humilia tion of the moment, to the effect Rowan tJourt Houms Finished The new Rowan court house has been completed, and a portion of th furniture placed ready for the oc cupants. The next term of court, February 9. will be held in the new court house if the commissioners ac cept the building. Fire Damages .Durham I-iaundry. A fire which broke out in the second story of the Model Steam Laundry on west Main Street. Dur ham, Saturday morning destroyed practically all of the machinery of the laundry. The loss was estimate at $10,000.00. The origin of the fire was unknown. Teach Your Child How to Be Healthy Regular Koncl Movement From In fancy Insures tioort iieaitn in. ater Years. We cannot all start life with the advantages of money, but every child born is entitled to the herit age of good health. Through un fortunate Ignorance or carelessness the feedine of a baby Its tiny Ftomach may become deranged. The disorder spreads to the bowels and before the mother realizes it me two chief organs on which the In fant's health and comfort depend ire causing it great suffering. If the condition is allowed to continue grave ailments often result. There is. however, no occasion for alarm, and the sensible thing to do but it should be done instantly in to give the baby a small dose of a mild laxative-tonic. In the opinion of a great many people among them euch well known per sons as the parents of Beratba Lee Woodard. three years old. of Moul trie, Ga., the proper remedy is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup iPepsin. Mrs. I. N. Woodard says that little Bertha was troubeld with constipation for over a yearH and mat aner trying several different kinds of remedies she found her relief in Syrup Pep sin. It la a mild, pleasant-tasting laaxtive. which every person likes, does not gripe nor cramp, and con tains that most excellent of all dl- ge&tants, pepsin. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is especially intended for dren, women, old people and all others to whom harsh cathratlca, salt waters, pills, etc., are distress ing. In fact, in the common aisor- rtjr f-V BERTHA LEE WOODARD ders of life, such as constipation, liver trouble, indigestion, biliousness headaches and the various other disorders of the etomacb, liver and bowels nothing is more suitable than this mild laxative-tonic, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsi nn. Three generations of people are using it today, and thousands of families keep it constantly in the house, for every member of the family can use it. It can he ob tained of any druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a bottle, the latter be ing the size bought by families who already know Its value. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. Families wishing to try a free sample bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Washington St., Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and address on it will do. HAS IK)NH WOXDKRS Xlt Mil. SHLFFLETT Krinan Shifflett. Near Elkton, Gives His Experience. Bear's Emulsion is not only good for coughs, colds, bronchitis and lung strenjgthener. but it also builds up the system- gives color, strength and health; the way you should look and feel if you want to keep the Tuberculosis germ out of your body. This preparation - can be had at your drug store at one dollar a bottle, six bottles for five dollars. I have had a cough for 4 years and tried everything my rnenas told me of. Had taken medicine from three different doctors, and had used nearly every patent cough eyrun I saw advertised ana none did igood any longer than I was tak ing R. Then I got Bear's Emulsion; now am feeling like a man. The cough haa lent .me: my stomach is much stronger and bowels regular. It Is the beet thing to stop a cough, heal that a ryMlTB ih at mnm th a nrt f : f North Carolinians who went to Dan- P t&e lunes and build up the sys- ii- . .,w i taw that la miwlA. If nv of ' my vine, oeverai UKuviiiiaas nave, wo-" understand, threatened to have 0urk friend want to know any more blood on ght; but a more charita-Uboot this medicine. I will be glad We view id taken by the two or;io ten mem. jvotowtji wnbai.; thre Danville gentlement who as sist la making this household ne- eeerity and palladium o$ Liberty. The Salisbury sun recognizes our unmaliciooe flippancy for what it Is and draws a good earnest preach ment therefrom. -"While toe News," it says, "id merely engaged in a good natured tut with an exchange it may well drive home .an importai, leeson that it ia well for all North Carolinians to stay at home. There is no excuse nor reason for any North Carolinian to go to Danville, pr any other town or State." There was a time when tnnigs were air ferent, but that time has passed. "And every lndciatlonf reveals to the whole world what many have be lived all along that North Caro lina is the best State in the union, and every man of strength, brain, and money ought to stay here and join in the development of the good old State. If the North Carolin ians ta Danville were withdrawn the would be little left; and this is true of acme other settlements In .various States. What we want to do now mi to preach to our folks that this is the State of opportunities. Greensboro News. Elkton. Va,. R. P. D iCan be bought at Standard Drag Company. flOO REWARD. IOO - The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn - that there is - at least one dreaded disease that ci ence has' been cure in allj Its stages, and that Is Catarra, Hall's f!&tnrrh Cure la the only posi tive care ftow known to the medleal' fraternity. --Catarrh peittg a const tutioaal disease, requires a . consti tutional" treatment. . fall's Catarrh. Cure is taken internally, acting. Di rectly on' tber blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroy Ing the foundation of the disease and giving the. patient - strengin uj building ,up . the, constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In' its curative- powers that they of fer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Stmd for list f testimonials. Address; P. J. CHENEY and Co. Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75e. Take Hatl'tf Family Pill tor eon- SAVES DAUGHTER Airice of Mother no Doufct Pre vent Daughter! Untimely End. Ready. Ky. " I was not able to do anything for nearly six months," writes Mrs. Laura Bratcher, of this place, "and was aown in oea tor inrce montns. I cannot tell you how I suffered with my head, ana with nervousness and womamy troubles. Our family doctor told tnv husband he couia not ao me any good, and he had to give it up. We tried another doctor. out ne oia not neip me. At last, mv mother advised me m fake Cardui, the woman's tonic. I thought n was no use iot i was neany oeaa ana nothing seemed to do me any good. Bui i iook cieven oonies, ana now i am aoie to do all of my work and my own wasning. 1 think Cardui is the best medicine la fhe world. My weight has increased. ana i iook ine picture or neaitn. , If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, get a Dome ot uraia today. Delay is dangerous. We know It will help you, for it has helped so many thousands of other weak women n tne past ou yean. At aU druggists. , " r. , , . aVMt Imf Chattaiiaa MttMeiM On... LmW idmory Dwt, Cbattaaoon, Twin., lor Spcmt lmtttmHtut enrMw mm ua S4-m bovk, Hom bminMot (or Wwmb," io ptln wrtfptr.. Z.O. IBS CnssMneLcrapf try le tour Owe Home SEC3E i n. atMtrlcitv etl ordinary I mB.i rifcWIWrt (HM.WMJM, ST1 1 Cm k fc:!TT. V: UrM Mm la slnMjrdar. Ml Mqif lamp m torn mhj K wick, a ehimMv, P naatM tMobi Mdlrt Boador, eoamolt. Iran, josha til 'sf : Ii. F. rwtrlMK, Frmnkllnvnie. H. C DR. K. LOCKHART. r i DENTIST. ASHEBORO. N. C. Phone 28 OSce oyer the Bank. - Houn 9 a.m. to 12 m. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. THE TERRIBLE CASE OF MIKE MULLIGAN. Down about old Boston town, in the district of Back Bay, Mike Mulligan had his being, and also ran a dray. But the Fatea one day got after Mike, they would not let him be, and so one fine morning he had the pleurisy. Then followed couehs. sore throat and colds, and finally grippe and boils, and sunburn inflammation then they got him in their coils. Mike also got some bruises, corns, bunions, burns and sprains, he had rheumatic symptoms and lumbago gave him pains. Neuralgia, toothache, felons, crowded fast upon hia ills, tonsihtis and pneumonia then knocked him off his sills. The doctor said bronchitis, too, would come most any day, and it looked like Mike might have a job of riding his own dray.- But just as death began to dance and mourners all looked grim, a kindly good o'd neighbor said: "Try Gowans stuff on him." And so they took beloved Mike and rubbed him hard all day, and Mike sinRs Gowans praises now, and Mike still drives his dray. Gowans is Sold and Guaranteed by all Druggists. THREE SIZES 25, 50 AND $1.00. GOWAN MEDICAL CO., Concord, N. C. aSMnHnaMMsanaa Diversified Farming Is Making the South Planters are finding that it pays to rotate crops. Corn, hay and cotton follow each other with a sure profit. Besides raising diversified crops, more planters use fertilizers containing Potash enough tobalance the phosphoric acid. Enough Potash means at least as much Potash as phosphoric acid. To get full value out of your fertilizer, in sist on high-grade goods. If your dealer doesn't carry such grades, buy Potash sepa rately. Potash Pays. Wt will uttsn am amntfnm tm$ 100-U. ttt GERMAN EALI WORKS. Inc. 42 Broadway. New York Cklc.l., Mccormick llMt laak t TrMt KM- titm,, Whltac? Cmrral lank Bld Saa Fraaclica, 25 CalK.raia si. Atlanta, Kaiatra St. I The Midnight Sun Still the best substitute for daylight? the light of the Rayo Lamp. Soft, clear and penetrating, yet never hurts the eyes. jftSjb Lamps The Rayo is the best oil lamp made the results of years of study. Made of solid, nickel-plated brass durable and simple. Easy to clean and rewick can be lighted without removing chimney or shade. The best lamp you can buy, and its low price will surprise you. At all dealers STANDARD OIL COMPANY 5 m l A Washington, D. C. (NawJer.ey) Charlotte, N. C. lY Richmond, Va. BALTIMORE Charleston, W. V. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. WE OFFER one 25 horse power Farquhar Cornish Boiler and Engine, Sergeant sawmill, com plete vith aaw, belts, edger, all ready for use. Only been used 18 months. If interested write us at once. McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. Asheboro, N. Carolina PAY BY JCHEG& The rto date merchant or mariufactdre5rIwayi" liays his bills by check. Why not the farmer, too? . The business ' man knows bis check j mil 1 come ' ' back to him and be a receipt for each trafls&etioiL a UIt tHi plao -proves ito the advantBgeof the'bnri ness man, why should not the farmer and every other person be equally wise and pay his bills by icheck ? .: n r.A tfirce number of persons have) found that piia.; tys&m euminates all diimces of enor and dispute vHth . - their tocishbor bntther fere many others in fmr secttoft: they Eh6uld adopt this plan and receive.the benefit. . . ') ;'j,We will be glad if you will call and let us eiplai our method of handling business. . . t BtLnU ot Rdmseur ..... Tv,h.L .Ti.i..,, !.... - , r-.T. h-w-1 RAAfSEUR, NORTH CAROUtA ADVERTISING IN THE COURIER PAYS. Times. . . t. I. -. -