Old People Need a Bowel Stimulant The Ideal One is a Mild Laxative ' Tonic that Will Keep the bowels Gently Active. Healthy old ape is so absolutely de pendent upon the condition of the bowels that great cave should he tak en to see that they act regularly. The fact is that age advances the stomach muscles become weak and in active and the liver does not store up the juices that are necessary to prompt digestion. Some help can be obtained by eat ing easily digested foods and by plen ty of exercise, but this latter is irK some to most elderly people. One thing is certain, that a state of con stipation should always be avoided, as it is dangerous to life and health. The best plan is to take a mild laxa tive as often as is deemed necessary. But with equal certainty it is sugges ted that carthartics, purgatives, phy sics, salt and pills be avoided, as they do but temporary good and are so harsh as to be a shock to a delicate system. A much better plan and one that thousands of elderly people are fol lowing, is to take a gentle laxative tonic like Dr Caldwell's Pure Pepsin which acts as nearly like nature as is possible In fact, the tendency of this remedy is to strengthen the stomach and bowel muscles and so train them to act naturally again, when medi cines of all kinds can usually be dis pensed with This is the opinion of many people of different ages, among them Mrs Mary A P. Davidson, of University Mound Home, San Fran cisco, Cal. She is 78 and because of APPORTIONMENT. For Fifth Month of Public Schools. State Apportions Money to Lengthen Term of School. Below is a statement showing the apportionment of the funds iven by the State to lenethen the school term. This amount must be used for teach ers' salary only. The school author ities are subject to a fine for the use of this money in any other way, except extending the term: Following the move on foot for six months school term for all public free schoools, the State Board of Education has made the following apportionment for Randolph county, for the nun month of the public schools : Trinity Towaship. Dis. No. 1, Trinity ....5115.00 Dis. No. 2, Archdale 40.00 Dis. No. 3, Caraway 65.00 Dis. No. 4, Millers 32.50 Dis. No. 5, Whatmore. . . 30.00 Dis. No. 6, Prospect . 30.00 Level Cross Township. Dis. No. 1, Level Cross . . $35.00 New Market Township Dis. No. 1, Glenola 45.00 Dis. No. 2, Cedar Square 27.50 Dis. No. 3, Marlboro -65.00 Dis. No. 4, Piney Grove . 30.00 Dis. No. 5, Sophia 40.00 Providence Township Dis. No. 1, Providence..? 72.50 Dis. No. 2, Red Cross. . . 35.00 Dis. No. 3, Julian Grove. 32.50 Dis. No. 4, Lineberry . . 30.00 Dis. No. 5, Three Forks. . 25.00 Liberty Township Dis. No. 1, Liberty $125.00 Dis. No. 2, Walnut Grove 35.00 Dis. No. 3, Payne's 30.00 Dis. No. 4, Julian 27.50 Dis. No. 5, Melanchanton 32.50 Dis. No. 6, Cedar Grove. 32.50 Randleman Township. Dis. No. 1, Randleman . .$356.25 Dis. No. 2, Worthville . . 75.00 Dis. No. 3, New Salem. . 30.00 Columbia Township. Dis. No. 1, Ramseur $200.00 Dis. No. 2, Hickory Grove 35.00 Dis. No. 3, Pine Hill 30.00 Die. No. 4, Kildee 30.00 Dis. No. 5, Marley's 30.00 Dis. No. 6, Staley's 60.00 Dis. No. 7, Shady Grove. 32.50 Dis. No. 8, Patterson . . 35.00 Dis. No. 9, Harden's 27.50 Franklinville Township Dis. No. 1, Central Falls $ 60.00 Dis. No. 2, Millboro 55.00 Dis. No. 3, Franklinville. .162.50 Dis. No. 4, Gray's Chapel 35.00 Dis. No. 5, Frees 30.00 Dis. No. 6, Cedar Falls . 35.00 Asheboro Township Dis. No. 1, Asheboro . . .$325.00 Dis. No. 2, Browers 32.50 Dis. No. 3, West Bend. . 25.00 Dis. No. 4, Gold Hill .... 27.50 Back Creek Towaship Dis. No. 1, Belvidere . . .$ 30.00 Dis. No. 2, Mountain View 25.00 Dis. No. 3, Flint Hill ... . 45.00 Dis. No. 4, Plainfield 27.50 Dis. No. 5, Lenas Grove. 25.00 Dis. No. 6, Spero, 30.00 Dis. No. 7, Charlotte . 25.00 Tabernacle Township. Dis. No. 1, Pleasant Hill . $ 50.00 Dis. No. 2, Pierce 35.00 Dis. No. 3, Gibson , 30.00 Dis. No. 4, Tabernacle. . 30.00 Dis. No. 5, Shepherd 35.00 Dis. No. 6, Mt. Pleasant. 30.00 Dis. No. 7, Poplar Ridge .27.50 Dis. No. 8, Uwharrie . . . 20.00 Concord Townshin. Dis. No. l, Redberry $30.00 ' MRS. MARY A. P. DAVIDSON her sedentary habits had continual bowel trouble. From the day she be gan taking Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin she has had no further inconveni ence and naturally she is glad to say kind things of this remedy. A bottle can be bought of any drug gist at fifty cents or one dollar. Peo ple usually buy fifty cent size first, and then, having convinced them selves of its merits, they buy the dol lar size, which is more economical. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. Elderly per sons of both sexes can follow these suggestion with every assurance of good results. Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Washington St., Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and ad dress on it will do . Dis. No. 2, Locust Grove 25.00 Dis. No. 3, Piney Grove. 70.00 Dis. No. 4, Salem 30.00 Dis. No. 5, Fairmount.. 30.00 Dis. No. 6, Farmer 85.00 Cedar Grove Township. Dis. No. 1, Ulah $ 30.00 Dis. No. 2, Back Creek. . 35.00 Dis. No. 3, Hopewell .... 35.00 Dis. No. 4, Davis Mountain 30.00 Grant Township Dis. No. 1, Fairgrove 30.00 Dis. No. 2, Union Grove . .30.00 Dis. No. 3, Rocky Mount. .30.00 Dis. No. 4, Bethel 35.00 Coleridge Township Dis. No. 1. Center $ 40.00 Dis. 2, Shiloh 70.00 Dis. 6, Uolendge 1W.UU Dis. No. 4. MaDle SDrines. 30.00 Dis. No. 5, Lamberts . . . 27.50 Dis. No. 6, Parks Cross R. 60.00 Pleasant Grove Townshin Dis. No. 1. Pleasant Grove$40.00 Dis. No. 2, Phillips .... 30.00 Brower Townshin Dis. No. 1, Irogdon $ 30.00 Dis. No. 2. Mt. Olivet . . 37.50 Dis. No. 3, Antiock 30.00 Dis. No. 4, Brower 27.50 Richland Townshin Dis. No. ,1 Rock Springs . $30.00 Dis. No. 2, Blalock 30.00 Dis. No. 3, Whynot 55.00 Dis. No. 4, Cross Roads. . 30.00 Dis. No. 5. New Center. . 35.00 Dis. No. 6, Oak Glade . . 30.00 Dis. No. 7, Seagrove . . . 25.00 Union Township. Dis. No. 1, Welch $ 35.00 Dis. No. 2, High Pine 25.00 Dis. No. 3. Dunn's Cross R. 30.00 Dis. No. 4, Mountain 30.00 Dis. No. 5, Pisgah 25.00 Dis. jno. 6, Staley 25.00 New Hone Townshin Dis. No. Union $ 25.00 Dis. No. 2, Eleazer 25.00 Dis. No. 3. Oak Grove . . 3ft no Dis. No. 4, Bombay 70.00 Dis. No. 5. Gravel Hill . . 3ft ftft Dis. 6, New Hope 32.50 uis. sso. i, Bell's Grove. . 30.00 Colored Schnnk. Trinity To. Dis No. 1 S47 Krt Trinity Tp., Dis. No. 2,. 20.00 wew Market Tp., Dis. No. 1, i a sn New Market Tp., Dis. No. 2 n 24.00 Providence Tp., Dis. No. 1 17W Liberty Tp., Dis. No. 1 . .25.00 Randleman Tp., Dis. No. 1.25 00 Columbia Tp., Dis. No. 1 47.50 Columbia Tn. ni w o Fpanklinville Tp., Dis. No. 1 Back Creek Tp., Dis. No. l OA AA Tabernacle Tp., Dis.' No.' 1 ls'.OO Tabernacle Tp. Dis. No. 2 7 50 Concord Tn.. Di Ma i o ca Concord Tp., Dis. No. 2. 2100 'P-i is. no. i zo.OO Ooiendee Tn. T)ia Mn o OO AA" Asheboro Tn.. Dis Ma' i 7C AA TT n, VL. M t'J.UV union ip., lis. No. 1.. 20.00 21.00 18.00 25.00 want Tp., Dis. No. l. . Brower Tp., Dis. No. 1. . Richland Tp., Dis. No. 1 w Fullers Rt. 1 hems. Mr on1 ni t -..u mis. vnaries W. Williama are all smiles a 11-lb. girl. muiams r aTnd aPPdicitis. yP f, T;u u ."n,ts returned home iiuspitaj at High p0 nt whpr she underwent an operation. F Misses Dora and Ida Richardson c?Wed by Miss Sallie E. Earns n fd fS.J.fe near Taber.' , ounuay. , mill. ana Stafford BUSINESS LOCALS Ten cents per line each insertion in this column. Six words to a line. No ad. for less than 25c. Come around to see the New Ford Cars. Asheboro Motor Car Co. FOR SALE Cabbage plants by mail. Fine Jersey Wakefield, l.Ouu for $1.00; 100 for 15c. postpaid. R. O. PARKS. Ulah. N. C. WANTED Thirty or forty teams to haul lumber. Good prices and prompt payments. Guilford Lumber Mfg. Co., 2-12-4t. Troy. NT. C. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE bargain if sold within the next 60 days. D. B. KENDALL. Asheboro. Dress goods, several hundred yds yet to go at below cost, at the Mill er Store. For Sale. Fine jack, three years old, was broke last season. One mule two years old. J. G. JULIAN, 2-12-5t. Millboro. N. C. Rose beads made from rose leaves grown in Asheboro are on sale at N. P. Cox's jewelry store. Hemember, the Miller Store is only asking for cost. For good qual lt.v. cheap, call on there. Cameos, La Valllieres For all kinds of up to date jewelry, see N. P. Cox, the Jeweler, Asheboro, N. C. We want your busiaess and will sell you cheaper than you can buy elsewhere for goods of quality. C. C. KIME. WANTED Vour meats and all kiads of .jountry produce. Highest cash prices. J. C. Hannah and Sm PUBLIC SALE-Thesale that was advertised on the 20th was postponed until .the 27th on ac count !of rain. If a favorable time there will be two days sale. A. J. Spencer. PUBLIC SALE On the 27th day of February, 1914. I will offer for sale my entire line of farming im plements, tools and wagons and har ness of all kinds, cattle three young Jersey cows, will be fresh this spring; one pair 6 year old mules, same age and weight, large and able can take a binder anywhere; 1 mule with some age. a good one; 1 extra yeung dapple gray mare, work any where you want her to. safe for a woman to drive; lot of feed, black smith tools; a genuine E5ty organ; 1 steel range, all household and kitchen furniture. Located between Glenola and Coltrane's mill. 2-19-3t.-pd. A. J. SPENCER. NOTICE Aay one who deslnes a hunting lodge will do weU to 'Ba.ete in Randolph county wer there is plenty of land to lease for hunting purposes and plenty of game. Ashboro and Sophia are gpo locations. For information apply t CJjunty Game Warden of ftandjoflph I. M. NANCE. COAL AND GRATES For the best grade Soft Egg Coal and An thracite Egg for use in grates, heat ing or cooking stoves and furnaces, call on or phone us NOW- Don't wait till cold weather when th rush will be on and del's almost unavoidable- We also make a good portabble grate that may be usd in most any fireplace Asheboro Wheelbarrow and Mfg- Co For Sale. Pure bred Bourbon Red Turkeys, the finest of all turkeys and very gen tle. They will lay in the same nest chickens. One fine torn and three hens, all four for $18.00. Are not inbr d, none finer. Flock headed last season by torn brought of Moss J. Beall of the Red Bird ranch, Ky. Satisfaction guaranteed. First order, first served. Miss Betty B. Shamburger, Hills Store, N. C. CLOTHING. Men's and Boys Clothing. You will find anything you need in Clothing at the Miller Store. LOST Reward paid for return of heavy leather hitching strap that buckles around a hnraoa' nalr Inst last week. Morris Livery Stable, i-iv-ti Asneboro. N. c:. WANTED -Hands to cut croeaties and cord wood. Apply to Wm. C- HAMMER.. Asheboro, N. O- .... NOTICE.' $5.00 Reward. We will nnv tS Ofl nvonl nOi and every conviction for every per son tresspassing in any way upon the lands of the undersigned in Asheboro and Cedar Grove townships and ad joining the lands of Levi Tucker and others. M'ALISTER & HAMMER. FOR SALE 46 acres near Cole ridge. Good timber. CECIL MACON. Ramseur. N. C NOTICE , Town taxes for 1913 are past due and must be paid at once to save further cost and trouble. See me at once at my home. H. H. KENNEDY, Town tax Collector. Mt. Vernon News. I Mr. and Mrs. Will Elder, spent last Sunday ot the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gray. Francis Feme, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl White, of Glenola died February 13th, and was buried at this place Feb. loth. The school at Caraway is progress ing nicely under the management of Misses Clara Davis and Virginia Red ding I Quite a large crowd attended the funeral of Mrs Rhoda Goins who died Feb 21, and was buried at this place the following day Mr Ben White of this place and Miss Bertha White of Fairview, were married Feb 21st at the home of the brides parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Meridith, Rev. O. S. Raper officiating. We wish the young couple a long and happy life. Mrs. Sallie Peace, wife of Jerome Peace, died at her home near Prog ress, Feb. 19th, and was buried at this place the 21st. She leaves a hus band and six children, also a father and mother, five brothers and three sisters, and a host of friends to mourn thier loss OAT, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION Time "Pape's Diapepsin" In five minutes your sour, bloated, gassy stomach feels fine. You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you musn't injure it with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in giving relief; its harmless- ness; its certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its million of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nau sea; erucations of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin come in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its prompness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disord ers is a revelation to those who try it. Mrs. Catherine Bowden Dead. Mrs. Catherine Bowden, wife of J. W. Bowden, near Markley's Mill, in eastern part of the county, died at her home last Sunday and was buried at Rehobeth church on Monday. The deceased was an old lady. Read WhaU.N. Taylor Says High Praise for Bear's Emulsion. His Wife Used Several Remedies but Got No Benefit Until She Tried Bear's Great Medicine. John D. Bear, Elkton, Va. , Dear Sir: Last winter my wife took a very severe attack of grippe, which left her with a very bad cough. For a month I could see she was grad ually getting weaker and losing flesh. During the time she tried several dif ferent remedies, but none did a par ticle of good until I bought a bottle of Bear's Emuslion. In three days my wife began to improve and after taking three bottles she was much stronger and weighed more than she had for seven years. It gives me much pleasure to recommend your prepara tion, and I shall never be too busy to busy to praise it to anyone. Yours very truly, J. T. Naylor, Elkton, Va., R. F. D. This preparation has been tried and proven to be one of the best tonics, system and tissue builders ever sold. It has cured people right at your door almost. There have been more testi monials published from this remedy from the people of your own locality than any other preparation advertised. One dollar a bottle or six bottles for five dollars. Sold by Standard Drug Co. COMING! Car of horses and mares, includ ing several head nf Po.v.nn i Clydsdale stock. This lot is well broke and includes several match teams. My people wire me that it is the best lot they have ever shinned me. Come and see. don't wrfr They ought to be here by March 4th". a. in. rnu, Watch Repair Shop See N. P. Cox Asheboro. FOR GROCERIES f Wh and reasonable prices. Call to see Jseth W. Laughlin Co. WANTED A few wagon loads 1 fodder. Arthur Ross. I WILL PAY the highest cash price fgor all country produce,, chickens, eggs and butter Seth W. Laughlin Co Hunt Club and True Merit Shoes for sale at R. C Johnson's, ..Asheboro, N. C. ; CLOTHING A new line of clothing at a bargain. Call to see me when in town. R. C. Johnson, Asheboro, N. C. CASH for all country produce. . Seth W. Laughlin Co. Notice. Persons owing the estate of W. J. Miller, will please make prompt payment on or before 1st day of March. I must'insist upon immediate settlement. W. C. HAMMER, Admr. KAKMINO LAX.D FOR SALE Fifty (50) acres of fine farming land lying partly in and partly on the outside of the incorporate lim ns or Asneboro on Web's Creek. Call on or write ELI PUITCHARD, 2-19-4t Asheboro. N. C. Carolina People Tell Wonderful Effects of Mayr's Stomach Remedy Sufferers Find Swift Relief by Use of This Remarkable Treatment. Stomach sufferers in the Southeast and, in fact, all over the country have found remarkable and efficient results from the use of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy. Many have taken this remedy and tell today of the benefits they receiv ed. Its effects come quickly the first dose convinces. Here is what two Carolina folks have written: W. R. DAVENPORT, Parker, No. C. "For years I have suffered from a disease which puzzled doctors. I heard of your remedy and one bottle gave me relief. Your full treatment about cured me." J. E. ERWIN, Winston-Salem, N. C. "I am satisfied through personal use of the powers of your remedy. jYou have saved my life." I These statements come from letters among thousands. This remedy is Just a few Specials The Dixie Dry Goods Co., for this week and next One yard wide Genuine Ladies Tan Button &hoes Sea Island Sheeting 10c low heels, genuine Russian value. Calf. $3.00 value. 7 1 -2c per yd $ 1 .98 Calicos all colors Excellent Ladies 15c childrens hose good 6c value corsets worth 75c all sizes 4- l-2c yd 47c for limited time Special 11c Come, get our prices on seasonable goods it will SURPRISE YOU If there is anything that you cannot get elsewhere come and try us. Any thing we haven't in stock we can get for you on short notice. Always pleas and waiting to serve you. Satisfatcion Guaranteed is Our Motto Dixie Dry Goods Company, MILLER BUILDING. We Have Received Another Car Load of Ford Cars Model "T" Touring Car $550 Model "T" Roadster $500 F. O. B. DETROIT Asheboro Motor Gar Company, Inc. Stop and Listen! JYu11 ey've arrived. Those totally different Oxfords fitted with the Snow arch supporting insole, fits your foot and pocket book Those New "Shield Brand" Clothes for spring are here, and say, they are beauties. The "Shield Brand" $12.50 suit, the best in the world for the money. Come in and see it. Our "King Bee" pants are the best $3, $4 and $5 pants on the market. Evere pair guaranteed. Come in today and see the real things. W. W. Jones Cash Store, Asheboro, - - - N. Carolina. Soil best suited to peanuts Peanuts lake 2U tlm.. Poush furniihe, two-rd. M nh P - fanETiSKS:?, KjShi&far rep,ace nitroen in ,h; umti AUUII, t Mnr Orluas, White? Cmtral Bus Bl4g. known and used throughout the United States. It has a record of results and proof, f Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Reme dy clears the digestive tract of mu coid accretions and poisonous matter. It brings swift relief to sufferers f roti ailments of the stomach, liver and bowels. Many declare it has saved them from dangerous operations and many ae sure it has saved their lives. Because of the remarkable success of this remedy there are many imita tors, so be cautious. Be sure it's Mayr's. Go to the Standard Co.'s drug store and ask about the wonderful re sults it has been accomplishing in cases they know about or send to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 154-156 Whiting St., Chicago, 111., for free book on stomach ailments and many grateful letters from people who have been restored. Any druggist can tell you its wonderful results. at ASHEBORO, N. C. are universally low in available POTASH ..-l. n . m Sm Frucuc.. 2S Calif oraia SlrMt