KLS! LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL HAD? NO DANDRUFF 25 CENT DAMDER1NE Hair i-uming out? If idry, thin or fad ed here's an inexpensive, delight ful tonic Gboms hair. Within ten minutes pfter an ap plication of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or fall ing hair .ttnd your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and dcrwny at first yes bul really new hair grow ing all ovei' the scalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the loeauty of your "iair. No difference hw dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appear ance of abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and iuiuriance. (let a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment that's all you sureiy can nave oeauiuui rair anu ioi: of it if you will just try a tittle Dan derine. FRA NK LIN VI LLE NEWS. The remains Mrs. B. H. Cooper, who died in Wilmington last Thurs day, were brougte to r.his place Sat urday and interred in the M. r Church cemetery. The funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. O. JK Ader. The deceased was a daughter of H.J. Upton of Proximity, who for merly lived at this plav. The strick en family have the sympathy of our people. Mr. J. F. Ward and amily spent Sunday wjih the family of Mr. ti. C, Cox. Messrs. Hossie Bird Craven and Joe Tippett -spent Sunday at Cole ridge. Mrs. A. W. Tippett and Mis Min nie Tippett went to Greensboro 1 Thursday, returning Friday. Mr. Everett Welch, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Leo's Hospital, is improving. Mr. John Tippett, Jr., has the contract to remodel Mr. C. H. Elli son's residence on Depot St. Mr. C. W. Miller of Montgomery county was here one day last week and closed the sale of his farm on Bush Creek to Earl Moffitt of Brower township. Mr. Causey Pugh and family at tended the funeral of his stepmother, Mrs. Sarah Jane Pugh, at Eethel last week. Our Christian friends have com menced work on their new church a ;-hort distance southwest of here, known as Pleasant Cross. f WHY NOT ITEMS. Mr. W. C. King, who is teaching school at Kanoy, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. King. Miss Bertha Garner returned home Saturday from Pisgah where she has been teaching the past winter. Miss Mattie Copeland, a student of Why Not Academy, spent the week end with her parents, near Eagle Springs. Messrs. J. B. and E. B. Slack were in Asheboro on business Monday. Mr. Robert Deaton spent the week end in Biscoe. Misses Iola and Ida Hamilton of Mt. Gilead are spending several days with their cousin, Mrs. J. C. Corneli son. The public school closed here Wed nesday, after a most successful year taught by Prof. B. G. Leonard and Miss Sallie Slack. Misses Mattie Auman of Ashury and Ola Freeman of Steeds spent from Saturday until Monday with Miss Mabel Stuart. Misses Ethel and Essie Maie Tuck er of Seagrove Rt. 2 spent Saturday night at Mr. C. E. Stuart's. Mr. J. A. King, who has been '11, is improving. Mr. J. C. Cornelison attended the funeral of his daughter, Mrs. Duck Beane, Monday. Mr. T. N. Slack made a business trip to Elise Friday. M iss Sallie Slack left Friday for Moncure, where she has accepted a position with the Lambert-Crutchfield Company as mangaer of the millinery department. Miss Slack will leave Tuesday for Baltimore to select her spring stock. L'lah School Closing. The Ulah school will close Satur day night, March 14th. An entertain ment will be given by the pupils of the school, to which the public is cor dially invited. I RAMSEUR ITEMS. Sunt. W. T. Hurley and daughter. Miss Nellie, of Biscoe visited Miss Mollie Hurley last week. His many friends are always delighted to see him. Miss Mollie Hurley, who has been ill, is much improved. Mrs. VV. H. Leonard of Salisbury came down Saturday to visit her brother, Mr. J. O. rorrester, who celebrated his birthday Sunday. A remarkable thing concerning Mrs. Leonard and Mr. Forrester was that she was the seventh daughter and he the seventh son. Hon. G. S. Bradshaw of Greens boro was in town on legal business last week. Mr. G. M. Kimrey received one hundred fine goats last week. Of course our small boys were made happy. Messrs. Manley Overman, Ramseur Rt. 2 and Calvin Cox, Ramseur Rt. 1, two of the county's oldest citi zens, died Sunday and Saturday. Messrs. Ben and Joe Scott of Greensboro came down Thursday to close up the estate of the late Mrs. B. a. Scott. A tine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reece last Sunday. .Miss Laura Jones of Liberty vis ited friend,- here Saturday und Sun day. Mr. J. E. Brady bought a fine Hol stein calf last week, the finest tver seen here. Mr. Brady is a success ful and progressive farmer. Mr. John I. lurner. a brave C' federate soldier, was confined tj his room last week with cold. , LIBERTY NEWS. Rev. G. W. Millownv filled hi jr.. nointment in tho M P PVinroli gnl preached a most excellent sermon tc a ium nouse aunaay. Prof. Hinshaw of McLeansburg vis ited his brother, Mr. Ira Hinshaw, recently. Mr. Roy Boggs and wife are visit ing at Mr. Sam Boggs'. Messrs. Lou Smith and Ernest Euliss have gone to the eastern part of the Stats tn Boll fruit tu ft will be remembered that Mr. Smith bought the Reece property and mov ed here a short time ago. the people of Liberty were -'ery sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Lee CranfnrH nt HrwiMicHnivt lact week. She was music teacher here for one year. She made many friends wno win remember her as Miss Ma bel Fentriss. We extend our sym pathy to the grief-stricken husband and motherless babe. COAL AND GRATES For the best grade Soft Egg Coal aid An thracite Egg for use in grates, heat ing or cooking stoves and furnaces, call on or phone us NOW- Don't wait till cold weather when th rush will be on and delrs almost unavoidable- We also make a good portabble grate that may be used In most any fireplace Asheboro Wheelbarrow and Mfg- Co Clothing. You will find anything u neea in uiouung at ue miner Store. Good Roads Debate at Liberty. On last Friday night at the graded school auditorium, Liberty, N. C, there was an interesting debate on Good Roads. Despite the inclem ency of the weather a good crowd was present. Dr. Gregg, an enthusiastic good roads man, had offered a medal to the boy delivering the best le bate, taking into consideration the argument and delivery. Mr. Harvev Brower won the medal. All the speeches were excellent. Little Clyde Free Passes Away. On last Sunday evening. March 1 the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maben Free and took away their darling little Clyde., He was l year, o months and 24 days old. His stay here on earth was short, but nevertheless he is sadly missea ai nome. ine luneral se vices were held at the M. P. Church at Cedar Falls March 2nd. .S COWANS KING OF EXTERNALS BUSINESS LOCALS Ten cents per line each insertion in this column. Six words to a line. No ad. for less than 25c. Have you kst anything? Found anything? Want a job? Want a laborer? There's just one way to let it be known, lhat way is to let a lo cal ad. in The Courier. It' never JviU to bring proper results. Dress goods, several hundred yds ft to go at oeiow coti. at me mi- For Sale. Fine jack, three years old, was broke last season. One mule two years old. J. G. JULIAN, 2-12-St. Millboro, N. C. WANTED AT ONCE A reliable man who can take half interest in a livery stable and manage it him self in Jtanilleman, X. C. I al ready have the ttable ready to occupy and want someone to run it as soon as possible. If you haven't the cash on hand now and want to go into the busine:-s, 1 can arrange for you to get the money if you have land or other good secmify. This is a good op ening and you bad better get busy. . U. MORRIS. Asheboro. We want your business and will sell you cheaper than you can buy elsewhere for gds of quality. C. C. KIME. NOTICE Aay one who deslnes a hunting lodge will do well to Itxnte in Randolph, county whter there is plenty of land to lease fc hunting purposes and plenty of game. Ashboro and Sophia are gpo locations. For information apply t CJjunty Game Warden of Randioflph I. M. NANCE. E 3E 1TL 3E in 3C Our MS ter Sa f Beginning Thursday Morning, March t And Continuing Until Easter Shoes at Cost fi(V1 nairs mpn. women and rhilrlrpn shnps to clean up at Cost This Sale offers to the shopping public of Asheboro and vacinity unusual opportunities to buy new spring goods at a 25 per cent saving. WANTED Hands to cut crosstje and icordwocd. Apply to Wm. C- HAMMER.. Asheboro, N. C- PARTNER WANTED I have a good set of hobby horses stored away for the winter at Randleman, N. C. The time will soon be here to start them up for spring and summer and I can t leave my busi ness to look after them so I want to trade half interest in the out fit for horses, mules or land to someone who can go with it and col lect the money. It is, run by steam, has 24 horses and four chariots and will make money for us both If attended to properly . This is a chance for you. write Box 66. Asheboro, N. C. Hunt Club and True Merit Shoes for sale at R. C. Johnson's, Asheboro, N. C. CLOTHING A new line of clothing at a bargain. Call to see me when in town. K. C. Johnson. Asheboro, N. C, NOTICE. $5.00 Reward. We will pay $5.00 reward for each and every conviction for every per son tresspassing in any way upon the lands of the undersigned in Asheboro and Cedar Grove townships and ad joining the lands of Levi Tucker and others. M'ALISTER & HAMMER. FOR SALE 4R crp npnr ml ridge. Good timber. CECIL MACON. Ramseur. N. C Watch Repair Shop See N. P. Cox Asheboro. for r.KnrRiRa r Vi;v. ,,oi;"- . mvu.ij ana reasonable prices. Call to see Seth W. Laughhn Co I will, pav h k;k. u .... zgor an country proauce, chickens, eggs ana ouier Seth w. Laughhn Co Cotton Fabrics Pieces Goods 1 00 grades American and French Series 75c grades 58c 50c grades 38c Embroidered Flouncings 35c VVinsor Crepe 25c Crepe Ratine 20c Plisse 15c Crepe 10c Lawns 22c 17c 14c 10c 6c 75c 44 in Embroidered Swis3 75c 44 in Embroidered Crepe 75c 44 in Embroidered Voil 50c 27 in Embroidered Swiss 35c 18 in Embroidered Swiss 44c 48c 48c 25c 19c 0 Ready-to-We.ar Department Silk Dresses, Newest Models 10.00 Silk Dresses 15.00 Silk Dresses Ladies Lingere Dresses Ladies House Dresses Children Dresses 7.39 9.87 1.38 to 3.19 98c to 1.69 19c to 1.98 Hundreds of not advertised merchandise go in this sale at Special Sale Prices. We Give Trading Stamps C T. LOFLIN 4 Report of the condition of The Bank of Ramseur at Ramseur in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business March 4. 1914. Resources Loans and Discounts .. $109,791.55 Overdrafts 11.56 Uanking houses, $2,000; Fur niture and Fixtures, $2,000.00 ' ..... .. - 4,000.0 Demand Loan8 53,050.00 Due from Banks and Bank ers 24,021.28 Cash Items 38.80 Gold Coin 3,775.00 Silver coin, including all minor Coin Currency .... 872.65 National bk. notes and other U. S. Notes 1-840.00 Total $197,400.84 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in ..$ 12,000.00 Surplus fund 6, 400.00 Und vided profits, less cur. rent ex. and taxes pd. 2.382.12 Deposits subject to check 50.008.12 Demand Certificates of De posit 13,055.00 Savings Deposits 112.046.81 Cashier's chits outstanding 1,583-79 Accr'd int. due depoitorse . . 325.00 HORSES AND MULES FOR SAT.H if you want horses or mules of any description call at my barn. Win have a fresh supply from Kan sas for court. r. r. ROSS. Total $197,400.84 State of North Carolina, County of Randolph, ss: I, W. H. Watkins, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. H. WATKINS, Pres. Correct Attest: E. C. WATKINS, H. B CARTER, E. B. LEONARD, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 9th day of March, 1914. I. F. CRAVEN. Notary Public I have for sale one 12 horse power Frick traction engine in first-claas shape.. Will aell for lees than half cost. W. C. ORAVES, Ellerbe, N. C. CASH for all country produce. seth W. Laughhn Co. Notice. Persons owine the estate of W. J. Miller, will please make' prompt payment on or before 1st day of March. I must insist upon immediate settlement. t W. C. HAMMER, AdmV. WANTED A few waeon loads ff fodder. Arthur Ros. NOTICE. Havinc nnnlifiiul an A Am on 41m estate of R. W. Jones, deceased, be- io-e w..j. Hammond. Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, fill iwrnnni havimv nlaim. .MIM lA estate are notified to present them to me unaersignea, auiy verified, on or before the 13th day of March, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 9th day of March, 1914. W. A. JONES, Admr. Julian, N. C. Freight Steamer Sinks Off the New Jersey Coast. ; With the crew of fifteen men re ported saved, the freighter Charle magne Tower, Jr.. sank off Barne gat, New Jersey, enroute to Boston from Norfolk on March 7. Audlion Sale Near Liberty, N. C, on Friday March 13, at 10:30 A. M. The J-A. Hornaday farm, on Snowcamp road, Alamance county. This is fine tobacco, corn and cotton land One mule and some fine milch cows to be sold. Music by Richardson Bros, concert band Join the great crowd of home seekers and specula tors Terms, 1 3 cash, 13 December 1, 1914; balance December 1, 1915. Free lunch. On Saturday we will sell in the town of Liberty 40 Residence lots and one seven-room house to the highest bidder. Terms, 1-3 cash. Remember the Dates March 13th and 14th CONDUCTED BY Penny & Thomas Bros. GREENSBORO, N. C. Just Arrived For my sale next Saturday, March 14, 2? head of horses and mares. This load consists of the good blocky, strong built, serviceable kind and are readv to to work. Over half are good, big mares; many weigh 1200 pounds. You who need wno neea anyining in mis ciass attend tnis sale. Uwing to so much bad weather you will see them sell cheaaoer than you will again this season. Take advantage of the opportu nity. Everyone guaranteed as represented. Sale at my barn 112 Willowbrook street, High Point, N. C, next Saturday, March 14, 1914, 10:J0 a. m. Will be sold rain or shine, re gardless of cost. E. H. C. FIELD. Invitation to Seagrove Council. The mpmhpm of Rnmrrnvn fViiinril No. 327, of the Jr. O. U. A. M., of Seagrove, N. C, are cordially invited to be present on Saturday night. Mar. 14, im, at t o'ciock p. m., to cele brate the anniversary of a reunion. All members of the order are invited to be present and share in the di vision. The programme will be arranged later. WjTD. STUTTS. J 1 '