THE COURIER Asheboro. N. C.. March 19th, 1914. IiOCAL AND PERSONA! Mr. J. H. Freeman of Steeds was ; In Asheboro yesterday. f Mr. G. Dan Morgan of Denton, spent the week end in Asheboro. . Mr. Luther Yow spent Sunday with his parents at Sophia. Mr. Bob White of High Point was in Asheboro Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Steed, of Steeds was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Mr. Will Luck of High Point was in town Sunday. Mrs. Milliard Allred was a visitor in High Point Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Ross of Jackson Springs were visitors at the home of Mr. R. R. Ross Sunday. Mr. Jas. Wrenn, of High Point, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. M. C. Spoon Tuesday. Miss Herssey, who has been in town several days in interest of the Chautauqua week left Tuesday. Miss Chase Boren, of Greensboro, spent the week end with her sisters, Misses Clara and Mame Boren. Mr. Herbert Howard of Mechanics was appointed railway mail clerk on Saturday, March 14. Mr. Ferman Auman of Seagrove, Rt. 1, was the guest of his brother, Mr. E. L. Auman, Friday night. Mr. Wade Hardin of Liberty was in Asheboro Friday and Saturday on business. Deputy Sheriff J. M. Brewer of Ramseur was a business visitor here Saturday. Mr. Wayne Miller, student at Guil ford College, spent the week end in Asheboro and Biscoe. Mr. J. T. Siler and son, Mr. R. R. Siler, of Ramseur, were in Asheboro . Saturday. Mrs. D. J. Johnson of Why Not was the guest of her sister Mrs. J. S. Lewis Saturday. Mrs. L. G. Lloyd and little Miss Ruth were the week end guests of Mrs Milliard Allred. Mrs. Ambros Lowdermilk and Mrs. Nancy Hohn were the guests of Mrs. Abe Yow were on Park street Sunday. Miss Ella McNeill of Seagrove has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lydia Craven, on East Salisbury Street. Mr. P. T. Harvell, a merchant of Franklinville, was in Asheboro on business Tuesday, and gave The ' Courier a call. Miss Virginia Henley returned to Guilford College Saturday after at tending the funeral of her grand father. Dr. S. A. Henley. Mrs. A. C. Lowdermilk and little Miss Susan of Seagrove, route 1, was the guest of Mrs. R. E. Spencer Fri day and Saturday. Mr. Graham Monroe and sister Miss Ada of Why Not were the guests of their aunt, Miss Annie Spencer Friday night. Mr. M. A. Cagle and son Lloyd of Why Not attended the Civil service examination for rural carriers which was held here last Saturday. Mr. John Rush, who is in the lum ber business at Pee Dee, in Anson -county, is visiting his family here tor a few days. Mrs. Sidney Cox, of Pisgah, passed through Asheboro Saturday on hi r way to Greensboro for a few days v'.sit. Miss Hester Stuart who is in school at Elon College passed through Ashe boro Saturday on her way to her home at Seagrove for the week-end. On last Wednesday Mr. Whit Davis in New Hope township, had the mis- fArtnno tn hrenk his leer while cutting a sa,w stock. Mr. Davis is about 50 years or age. Mr. J. 0. Forrester and son, Mr. W. O. Forrester of near Ramseur, were visitors in Asheboro Saturday. Mr. W. O. Forrester took the civil service examination for rural carriers. Mr. H. B. Moore, manager of the Riverside Telephone Co., at Ramseur, was in Asheboro Saturday, waning me Civil Service Examination for Rural carriers. Mr. Fred Thorns was in Asheboro the latter part of last week, the guest -of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Moring. Mr. Thorns had been to Palm Beach, Fla., where he spent his annual vacation. Attorney' and Mrs. G. S. Brad shaw were in Asheboro the first of the week the guests of friends. They formerly were residents of this place and nave many inenas wno are always glau to see them. Mr.' and Mrs. S. E. Holland have moved from Randleman to Asheboro. and are in the house formally occupied bv Mr. Richardson on North iayettO' ville street. They will keep transit and regular boarders. Mr. Holland is with the new cnair lactory erectea re cently by Cranford Bros. C. D. McNeely, who several months ago sold his interest in the Waxhaw Enterprise has bought back from Mr. L. L. King the interest which he sold him and has become the editor of the Enterprise again. Mr. McNeely is getting out one of the brightest local papers in the State and we are glad to see him back at the editor's aesic. Mr. L. O. Tadlock of High Point, who has been at the bedside ol His mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Tadlock, of Mechanic, who is very ill, passea through Asheboro Friday enroute to his home. He reports the condition oi his mother as no better, oars. Tadlock was struck with paralysis about five weeks ago. Attorney f'ob Howell of Troy is in Asheboro this week on legal busi :es. Mr. W. I.. Thurber of High Point is attending court here this week. Mr. W. F. Redding is ill at his home on Sunset avenue. Mr. R. Wall of Ellerbe was in Ashe boro Wednesday on business. Mr. J. A. Wall of Sophia was in Asheboro Wednesday. Mrs. Cornelia Hinshaw is visiting friends and relatives in Randleman. We have had one of the largest crowds for the first week of court that has been seen here in some time. Mr. and Mrs. George Ledwell of Asheboro Rt. 2, spent Sunday with their sister Mrs. Abe Yow.. Mr. Thomas J. Coltrane of New Market township was in Ash rn Monday on business. Mr. O. J. Powell of Clinton spent the week end in Asheboro the guest of friends. Mr. M. Hammond has an ad in this weeks' issue. Be sure to read his good bargains in wall paper. Attorney G. S. Bradshaw of Greensboro ater-ded the Randolph Superior court here this week. Mrs. Russell of-Trov is the euest of her son, Mr. E. 0. Russell at his home in West Asheboro. Mr. E .R. Clark, who is a cement contractor of Bessemer City, spent the week end with his family here. Attorney T.ane Brown of Albemui'le was in Asheboro yesterday on legal business. Mr F. R Kvnrna who has beer on an extended trip to Danville, return ed home Monday. Mr Peter P. Pnce of Steeds was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Clarenca Davis Sunday. Mr anA Mrs. Marvin Lovett are enlarging their cottage on Sunset ave nue. Mrs Tttiraev nf""Clarkston is mOV- : iJv V.o hnnsa in Went Aseboi'O. formerly occupied by Mr. T. P. Tuck er. - Mr Paul P. Honlov who has been at the bedside of the late Dr. S. A. Henley returned to nigh rant aai urday. tir- T?-J T PViilKnc wVin is n sl,l. dent at the Greensboro Commercial College spent the weeK ena m Asne boro. pAi T V. Tknmnnnn. nastor of the m v 'oh'nro'h cAnrfurtH a service for the convicts at the camp on last Sun day afternoon at a o ciock. ii,'.. Arfio Hommur who has been at Norfolk for the past few months is the guest ot ner iamer iur. eu. Hammer. ir. -aril.,. Procnall. who has been in Indiana for several years is spend ing the winter in tvanaoipn Mr. Presnell has many relatives in this county. if- TXT T I ulAwinM u,liA ltftB Hra)l on the Northern markets buying his enrinr onH Rummer stock of merchan dise, has returned. w; tti: i 4-1. wntfiolH who has miss juiiiiBucwi - . . been the guest of her sisters, Mrs. m - rrrnxri nnrl Miss Emma Whitfield, returned to her home at Lumberton wonaay. w.. TO HI Worno nt HiaVl Point WHS in Asheboro Monday. Mr. Kearnsi u a Randloph man, naving moveu .. Caraway to nign rumv ago. A . charter has been granted the Piedmont Chair JO. oi ffo! tun oflinri7or1 and $5,000 ?JU?: r. n rZrA. N. C. Pace and others for the manufacture of chairs and other iurniiure. Mr. Fred Thorns of New York was the guest oi nis sisters " Moring and Miss Julia A. Thorns. Mr. Thorns was enroute from Palm Beach, Fla. wher3 he has been spending his vacation. Robetr Cheek, son of Peter Cheek ... j . u I CmitH Afitha- coiorea, wno uves u boro, died yesterday at his home. He haa Deen woming iui mi. " b)e and while lifting rocks had per- naps, uursieu a uwuu yotog.. Mr. George Cagle Bearer of Major J. M. Hancock's Watch. On the battlefield at Gettysburg major J. M. ri""-"". and while he was being carried off ine newi ne gve wo... .. - , T.,n- Mr Cien. was coverea wu Cagle. Mr. Cagle carried the watch saieiy inroun vne war it home to his people. -w i- H ActiAhnrn on mr. i;uie woo u Tuesday of court and related this incident to Mrs. j. m. n?vo.. Hancock was the father of Mrs. w C Hammer. Rural Carriers Examination Held in Asheboro L,asi oaiuruoj. The rural carriers' examination, which was held in Asheboro last Sat urday by Postmaster Auman was 11 0anlat 10 nnnlif.lnts took the examination. This examination was for the purposes oi selecting new foutes in Randolph. One of these routes will be from Asheboro and one from Liberty. Walnut Grove Exhibition. tv. .-itml of Walnut-, ftrove. near T ;v,.f., Alnsa March 28th With an exhibition. The Liberty Concert Brass Band will furnish music and Dr. Gregg and Mr. J. Rom Smith will aeiiver aaaresses. . jcjycijt ed. Lena Brown. Teacher. Fcrd Theatre Reopened. Mr T 151 WlMrer from ROCkY MminV hninrh the Ford The atre and is showing good, clean pic tures, me program is cuaueu u. WOMEN FIND THIS IS EZTTER THAN CALCffiL Mnjr Mtlieri and Wives Have learned lhat Jodson'H IJver T(iie) is a Fine Ileniedy for Con st rpat ion. Asheboro Drue Company will tell you that it takes the women to le alize the merits of a new remedy for constipation and biliousness quickly and surely, whether it is for themselves or some one else in their families. There are today a ereat number o households in which Dodson'e Liver Tone has come to take the place of dangerous calomel as wll as all oth er remedies for such ailments and where an atmosphere of health and happiness now prevails. Dodson 8 Liver Tone is uncondi tionally guaranteed by Asheboro Drug company to be a safe liver remedy and regulator, absolutely harmless and with no bad after-ef fects such as are liable with calomel Jjodson's is a pleasant - tasting vegetable Uauld and clears the ach ing head and suffering body with no pain nor gripe. So perfect a remedy has Dodson's Liver Tone proved to be that your druggist will refund the purchase price (50c.) instantly without ques tion if you are not thoroughly eat isfied. They are authorized to do so by Dodson. who doesn't want your mone uniess nis remeoy can benefit you. Under such conditions a trial would seem the pait of wis- aom. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Redding En tertain.. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. o. Redding in East Asheboro which section was at one time the chief center of the town's activity, and connected with much interesting his lory was the ecene on last Friday I'iglt of a brilliant reception, the annual social function of the larger classes of the Methodict Episopal Sunday School. The affair was well attended, something like 60 guests being present. The evening program was well filled with sevearl interesting con tests and a series of brilliant tab leaux, featuring many interesting subjects both past and present. Among the best characters were iMutt and Jeff by Jeese scarboro and Sulon Sedman. , A delicious course of refreshments was served and the evening was moit enjoyably spent. Wants Funds to Build Friends Church Mrs. Lee. pastor Friends church. attended the monthly business meet ing of Friends at Back Creek last Saturday in the interest of the Athe- boro work. That monthly meeting took up tho Asheboro work as a new field of la bor and acting in co-opration with the Yearly meeting church extension committee at High Point, will do all in their power to promote the best in terests of the work of the Friends church in Asheboro. A committee was appointed to have the general over sight of the work. A committee of Asheboro Friends was appointed to enter at once upon the work of solic it ine subscriptions for the build me fof n Pliu gi..u. wA8ntrtwiu. uti. E. Winslow beinsr chairman of said committee. The general outlook for the work is encouraging. TRINITY ROUTE 1 ITEMS Mr. Dalton Smith is eoing to close his school at Poplar Ridge March 27th with a play. Miss Etta Fierce visited ner sister Mrs. Lillie Sumner a few days last week. Mrs. Letha Cripps left for her home in New York Saturday. Miss Virerie Sawyer, who has been attending school at High Point, re turned home last week. Miss Reana Thayer, wro was para lyzed about two weeks ago is im proving slowly. New Forms of Paper Money One of the results of the new Bant ing and Currency law will be new forms of paper money. There will be three kinds, including the Federal re serve notes authorized by the new law. The artists of the treasury De partment are now at work on the de signs, which are expected to be more simple and artistic than the present bills. A SOUR STOMACH GAS. INDIGESTION Each 'Tape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending stom ach misery in five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead,' refusing to digest, or you belch gas and erucate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty cent cases of Pape's Diapepsin, then you wilj understand why dys peptic troubles of all kinds must go, and why they relieve sour, out-of-order stomachs or indigestion in five minutes. "Pape's Diapepsin" is harmless; tastes like candy, though anph Hose will dicrest and prepare for assimilation into the bloood all the food you eat; besides, it makes you tro to the table with a healthy appe tite; but, what will please you most, is that you will feel that your stomach and intestines are clean and fresh, and vou will not need to resort to lax atives or liver pills for billiousness or constipation. This city will have many "Pape's Diapepsin'' cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthu siastic about this splendid stomach preparation, too. if you ever take it . . j; Lii ior inaigeswuii, gases, unuunuu, sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomacn misery. " Get some now, this minute, and rid yourself of stomach trouble and indi gestion in five minutes. SWEET POTATOES" W. D. Bachelor Belles. Miss Ulnah Rush was hostess to the Bachelor Belles on Saturday al ternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. The members were requested to bring their needle work and the after noon was spent in sewing and con versation, with instrumental and vo cal music. An unusually large num ber of Club members were present, and all in gala spirits, making thi oc casion one of the most pleasant ores of the season. The members were much please J by the presence of several visitors, whose presence lent additional en joyment thereto. A delightful three lunch course was served. At the business meeting the cli-b as an organization, subscribed f seven tickets toward filling the list of those guaranteeing the Chautau qua Week, to be had here daring July. ASHEBORO RT. 1 ITEMS. Mr. Marion Kidd and wife spent Saturday night at Mr. D. R. Brown's. Mrs. Caroline Moffitt was the guest of Mrs. Lonezer Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brown were the guests of Mr. W. R. Richardson last Sunday. Miss Nancy Morris of Seagrove is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Lu zena Wright. Mr. Jermiah Coble is erecting a new dwelling on his farm. A TEN CENT BOX OF "CASCARETS" Insures you for months against a Sick Headache, Biliousness, Con stipation or a Bad Stomach. Get a 10-cent box. Put aside just once the Salts, Pills Castor Oil or Purgative Waters which merely force a passageway through the bowels, but do tnot thoroughly cleanse, freshen and puri fy these drainage organs, and have no effect whatever upon the liver and stomach. Keep your "insides" pure and fresh with Cascarets, which thoroughly cleanse the stomach, remove undi gested, sour food and foul gases, take k;i fmm Ta Hyer and carry out of the system all the con stipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will maKe you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken, and cost only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Billious ness, Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipated Bowels., Cascarets belong in every household, Children just love to take them. It Pays to Advertise. Mr. C. B. Smith, of Trinity Rt. 1, advertised in the county and state pa pers some weeks ago for a wife. Last Sunday in High Point a quiet wed ding was celebrated when Miss Mary Hill, a member of the local Salvation Army became the bride of Mr. Smith. The groom is about 70 years old and his bride is 22. A Card of Thanks. Please allow us space to express united thanks to our neighbors and friends for kindness extended us dur ing the sickness and death of my dear husband and our dear father, Calvin Cox. We especially thank Dr. S. W. Caddell for medical services during his sickness. We feel that he did all that he could for him. We thank all for their kindness and will ever re member them. Wife and Children. To Aid Farmers. Tn world no- the hnildinc and loan associations among the farmers, the farmers wno nave money 10 ipan umiilrl Via V10 invnclinff Kharphnldera. and to those would be added the peo ple 01 tne ciues ana towns wno aie willing to aid the associations, and at tVio coma time rot crnaA investments for their money. The farmers who desire to borrow snoum join, oi course as the borrowing shareholders. As sociations of this character must have both kinds. NOTICE. HiVINO QUALIFIED as adminis trosr nn tha aetata nf Rnhert Beeson. deceased, before W. U iiAHmuiNj;, Clerk of the Superior uoun oi wi dolph county, I shall sell at public auction vw wis mgneob wuuw ii vnou, on the premises on the 11th day of April, 1S14, two muies, a sei tu xarni ing tools, and a lot of household and nt.Vion furniture two wasrons and other articles too numerous to mention- , . . . All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 20th day of March, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar or their recovery and all persons awing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 17th day of March, 1914. R. L COLETRANE, Admr. Randleman, N. C. Perfectly Sound - and good Call us for them now STEDMAN Phone 66 Old Utach Tree on the Batfbur Fan Mr. Robah Tant of Grant town ship was in Asheboro on Tuesday of this week, and told The Courier of an intereseiting tree cn the old Balfour farm. Mr. Tant was cutting timber when he found a large old peach tree. About twelve feet up the tree the inttilas "J. L. 1799" were written and were perfectly plain. Old people have said that letters on trees would net grow up but it seems in this Itutance that fiey have, though the person who did the writing may have been sit ting on a horse. Mr. XV. K. Julian Succeeds Mr. J. M Allen at Randolph Supply Co. At the meeting of the Randolph County Faimers' Union last Satur day week. Mr. W. R. Julian was chcsien to succeed Mr. J. M. Allen, resigned, as the manager of the Randolph Supply Co. Under the ef ficient management ot Mr. Allen this concern, which is owned and operated by the farmers, has made a good showing, and Mr. Allen goes back to his farm just south of Ashe-J boro with the best wishes of every body GOT RELIEF IN TWO DAYS. Quick Work of Bear's Emulsion. L. H. Flick Had a Bad Cough, No Ap petite, and Felt of No Account. John D. Bear, Elkton, Va. Dear Sir: In the winter of 1908 I had a very severe cough, no appetite, pains through my back and lungs and felt weak and of no account. Bear's Emulsion was recommended to me by a friend and I got a bottle and after the nrst two days l ieit nice myself again and never had anything to help me like it did. Last year (1909) my wife began to complain as I did. So without waiting for any thing I got another bottle of your Smulsion and although she took it very irregularly she began to improve at once. There is nothing better for a run down system and cough. Yours very respectruuy, Lee H. Flick. Don't you expect to do something for that long standing cough? Don't you expect to get something to build up your System : Boar s emulsion gives re'ief and benefits the whole " Get TWr's because it is not hard on th stomach and haa proven to be the best. Sold by the Standard Drue Co.. Asheboro, N. C. Auction Sale March 21, a 1 P. M. I will sell at public auction on Saturday, March 21, at 1 o'clock p. m. at my residence in South Asheboro the following real estate situated in South Asheboro within less than a quarter of a mile of the graded school building: Thirty residence lots, one 8-acre tract, good buildings and an excellent orchard; one 8-acre tract with some improvements. Terms: 1 3 cash, balance in 12 months. Sile to be conducted by J. M. Allen, Auctioneer. W. R. RICHARDSON They buy it for what it does. That's why the Ford is servant of ' thouiands. It holds the world's record for all 'round de pendability. Andit'sthe light estthe strongest the most ec onomicol car on the market. Five hundred dollars Is the price of the Ford runabout; the touring car Is five fifty; the town car seven fifty- f . o. b. Detroit, com plete with equipment. Get catalog and par ticulars from Asheboro Motor Car Co., Inc. & SON Mre. D. B. McCrary, Howtes, to Ran dolph Book Club. The members of the Randolph Book Club and se few invited guests were entertained at the home t Mrs. D. B. McCrary on Friday evenfiig at 3 p. m. The program was one o great in terest in that it was a study of Mexi co and gave splendid vwws into Mex ico, her people and government as well as descriptions of" her country and cities. The followiag papers were read: "Mexico, Past and Present," Mrs. Annie Robins. "MexicP'S Capital," Mrs. W. C. Hammer. Following the papers Miss May McAlister sang; and Mrs. O. Redding tjave some instru mental selections. The current events- proved of more than usual interest many of them pertaining to Mexico's recent trou bles. Chatauqua week for Asheboro was also discussed with much in terest Pink and white cream with cake in pink anrf white was- served by the hostess, Mrs. T. H Redding and. Miss Allie Vestal, after which pink and white mints were served. The home was beautiful in its decora--tions of potted plants, pink and white carnations, and Mrs. McCrary sus tained her- reputation as a hostess on this occasion Now is the Time to Secure Your Wall Paper I now have the handsomest line of Samples ol .Wall Paper in the newest and latest styles ever shown the trade. The highest class papers and the greatest variety of patterns to be found, at greatly reduced prices Prices From 5 Cents Per Roll Up All inquiries for samples and prices will be furnished by mail or express. Your imme diate needs supplied from stock on haa-J. BEST OF REFERENCE. LIBERAL DISCOUNT. MOSES HAMMOND Asheboro, N. C. at Asheboro on

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