! mm m - - ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR VOL. 39 ASHEB93Q, N. C, APRIL 23. ! 9 14 No. 17 WAR IN MEXICO HAS BEGUN City of Vera Cruz is Occupied By Americans FOUR AMERICANS KILLED Sharp Fighting in the Streets Bciw! ,een the American v Marines aiid Mexicans The city of Vera Cruz was taken by forces from the American warships on Tue.-iiay afternoon, but the occu pation of the port was not accom plished without lois of lixes, both Ainoivan and Mexican. Four Americans, bluejackets and marines, were killed by the tire cf the Mexican soldiers and 20 fell wounded. The Mexican loss is not known, but it is believed to have been heavy. The water front, the customs house ; and all important piers, including those under the termimil works from which extend the railroads to the Capital, have been occupied. All the territory around the American Con sulate i.s strongly patrolled and de tachments hold othev sections of the city. . The Mexican commander, Gen. Gus tavo Maas, offered a stubborn resist ance to the American advance and for many hour there was fighting in I'm.' streets. Toward nightfall it was re ported that the main body of the Fed eral garrison xv.is. in retreat to the westward. Landing of Marines. Rear Admiral Fletcher, -commanding the United States warship, pre faced bis occupation of the port ty a demand, through the American Con sul, W. W. Canada, for its surrender. General Mans prompty declined to accede to this demand and shortly aft erwards 10 whaleboats were sent off from the side of trie transport Prairie loaded with marines. These boats effected a landing in the neighborhood of the 'Customs house before nonn, .and a few minu tes later Capt. William R. Rush cf tie battleship Florida, wfco was in com mand of the operations ashore, brought his ii?g i 1. fi05 M.-n Dteembarlv. Captain Rush's men already Tiad taken up their positions. They num bered 150 bluejackets from thj Flo rida, 3")0 marines from l.ho Prairie, and i?.") marines from the 1 lorida. ter these were augmented by a dc-! taehment from the Utah. the coming ot tiie American loives was not heraded by any great ex citement, but small crowds gathered to watch the landing. Soon the blue jackets and Jiiarinos marched through the svreets leading from the water front and along the railroad yards. Others proceeded to the Americcn Consulate, w hile still others were de ployed "along the approaches to cen- tral plaza, in wLich General Matis had concentrated his Tnen. -Mexicans Fire Volley. These maneuvers were effected without opposition, but suddeny General Haas challenged the advance with the tirst shots a volley fired from the marines and two blocks south of the main plaza. The marines replied immediately but the action ceased in a moment There was a lull for 10 minutes and then another brief exchange from the west end of Montesinos stre?t. where a Federal outpost was station ed. At 12.30 the firing became general and at 1 o'clock the guns of the trans port went into action. Marines Destroy Mexican Tower. Prior to this a detachment of blue jackets from the Utah, holding the ground between the Consulate and the watei' front, opened with two of their three-inch guns. The lirst shot from ' these peices were directed against the ancient Bonito Juarez tower, occupied by Mexican sharp shooters. Lieutenant Commander Buchanan of the Florida ordered that it be destroyed. Five shots brought the old tower down. The women of the American colony in Vera Cruz had been placed aboard the chartered steamers Esperanza and Mexico but the foreign colony, espe cially the American section, was greatly augumented this morning when three trainloads arrived frO:ti the capital. Some of these remained ashore but many were taken aboard the steamers. So far as can be learn ed no refugees were injured. This is the first clash betwe3n forces of the United States and Mex ico since revolution broke out in the Southern Republic in 1910 and gave the Washington Government a Mexi can problem. Though fighting had not ceased at a late hour Tuesday night. Rear Ad miral Fletcher had warned the Fed eral commander that he would use big guns of the American fleet if his men did not stop firing. The Ameri can forces had orders to fire only to defend themselves. The United States intends to take no offensive steps for the present. The salute to the flag which Huerta refused will not be satisfactory reparation. It is understood a declaration of apology as well as a saluts and a guarantee AND TWENTY WOUNDED u:i i u;i; AT M !iOJ. KlOi. At DI'lO- Ife :w a in i if. Ik Ol , III- (oa:v M ii Hi).,: Men. til', wdo is t ! o si ;ei ii I (111 t! Ci 1 i tiimi avvn u: this i-l',:o oraltcts ! ov c tin- Sti'to lUiant .r.!aild l'ifcurtt:vo!.v .-i the lloc!.r U-r S:- 1 1 t t!i wm m ei.uuj in. iii lloiilti: iil.ii tary Ccn ii,i.'.'iiii for 'it ox"'m i :: .1 t!:e t-i'iiaiy b.-jcily ,,;,!- ib lie in tli s Mi ii ai d in ; ti. 1 1 1 for liookv orm disya? liiiiid ti e woik lX'i.'.! comity. A bi iti' vlrt cr:i. "on of lecei.t di--covi lii :- in liioi .tir.e. Including tne ..iii; of ur. Kt-lii in the Yellow Five.- t'i'iiin'.is.-ic.i i:i Cuba, the tlU- M iy if ri.ti-tj i.i i id laccii.t in tin; L. S. finny s'.Mrt (tlur Ir.tercx imj; topics v. e-re touclitfl ujoi;. liookuori!: niLiiSf as decril ed vi a Jew wilds. incl'.;";int t:.e hiitciy a- ci'iii!. Tiiis coiui'tU -i was intrr-'uci cl frc-m Attica t.-i tli.'s CDurtry by :! p toloiod race w. c tisr.aiKli 'iLvii.y tie t.uri'-s 1 :; i- in '.c.'i p. iu unity, ai.d fi r V- il!V C!l- . ,ll'l' I'oliliu ". 1 I CfMI (1 t'., v:i.- j k 1 1 1 1 d t. nil '. treat n;i I t in .hi Ai al a cbibl is i i s.l'-tl' "ai-e tor cen . iii'.taial ii..- leisi n vtjy : !i'ct.i!. ,. y ..i,d s r: l'l--ll!t f.y nilrf i ins do H( t appca R-liiJ-I n a x-i-iu to be iin perTent In nit tasilj ai.ii yet tins child may vcr traiii niit the rllsvlie to vf. ers in t!:at school or coramunity. r It is inipi.it ai.t therefore that o.ich and every child flnd adul'. in itai dulph county Ixf- examiiic-d for thisp'ade his name aliiiotCJaiinoi tin. condition and If foniiiid inft-cted. treated. This is the last ca,tn.piii.sn that thp Slate wjll 'conduit i.'i this coun ty and tl'nus after thre Aveeks more Ithe 'i j. jici't nr. fty will have passed. Ur. Jloane urged all Jiot to put off tliis opportunity as the Iv'S'alth of the school ;as "well .s the. entire community wiiild l yo greatly be&efltod. Dr. Doane and JTr. Tuttlp. mi croscoi ist. aie 1 tip "to do as much gr.'cd as pcFtflle for the people ot tnis conj.ty and it lies wi,th the people ale ne to gt the benefit p wl ich fin so oaeily be derived with so Itt.tle effort on their part. Mf. AV. I. Slnumflis High l'orjit Imily, lies. Mrs. AV. It. Sin mens of Hii; Point died lai-t Thursday frem a operation following an attack r appi mli'Citis. In censed was .1 ll... i,p -r ATrv Tfti-rcl who" were formeriy of Randolph county. Mrs. Simmons was firs married to Mr. John Dyer. S'.i was at-nin marri-ei in 1890 t; Mi A'.- I). Simmons. Her 'husband tin. several children survive. . , , . . , . that the- rights and dignity of the United States would be respetced canth ' . iu ( . ' , alone cause a withdrawal of the Ame rican forces. The Navy Department annoum.'oo that the United States forces in Vera Cruz and vicinty consisted of the battleships Florida,' Utah, Connec ticut, Minnesota, and the cruisers San Francisco and Chester; gunboat P'-l-phin, transport Prairie, hospital ship Soace and collier Cyclops, as well as the chartered steamers Espcr-iny.a and Mexico. 9,000 .Men at Vera Cruz The concentration of forces tota; linir about 7,000 sailors and ner.r.y 2.000 marines, is made up of Rear Admiral Mayo's ships, which had been ordered from Tampico late yes - terdav and the ships whicn Kear Ait- miral Fletcher has had at Vera Cruz for many weeks. Badger Reaches Vera .Cruz Rear Admiral Baderer. with the first ships of the Atlantic fleet, reached Vera Cruz tonight, having been di verted from Tampico, where only the cruiser Des Moines remains. The Americans killed, as report ed, were Coxswain Shoemaker, Cor poral Haggerty and Seaman rou sett, all of the battleship Florida. The name of the fourth man has not yet been learned. As we go to press it is reported over the wires that Admiral Fletch er is bombarding Vera Cruz, and that the city is in flames frcm the JsHiots. It lis said that more than ift'wo hundred Mexicans have lost their lives during tills-engagement, bringing a total of mere than four hundred Mexicans killed since Tues day. No Americans'were injured so far in thiis bombardment, as the shells are falling into the city from the guns of the Prairie and the battleshiio Florida. Congress has endorsed the (Presi dent's course anil has given him utalimited authority tq use the land and sea forces to bring satis factory answer to his demands. The President is authorized to declare war. if it be deemed necessary, and it is rumored that war will be de clared against Mexico wiitl in 24 hours. It is rumored that Americans are being massacred In the interior of Mexicot. SOME HISTORY That. Pi 'araueis ma Cci ihved- by! 'Ihoso who, six- captivated l-v tie l.vntuiniiv; 1 ii;.luy of orati iv by Speaker Cl.iaiij. ( link, delivered in tile HOtlMe ;?;.';, j ; t ( , ;, ; , , , ;, l( 1 it'l' i'.l shci.id :U'p ..'Ml cun-i.i-.-r bow jii c lie J.i.vc 1,1'CM lie people cl Amciica to tinew aw.-.y tii it:t.s on all octa.'ims win n the n:..t!;oi country hps Ltd; the rub-jot t if iii-- ;eus:icn. Whmtvir. f !R diplomat ir ccntn v jbetu, - i ii Jirglan,; in. re;i - .ou'iica tic :i k i avi um Mib iii'.l the all uvir vt-vU . it jfrct for a aatiiii, ointois villiij; to thick ci the triy i. ( (ill. jui, ;i .i:t. ii K. '.t us nit cfiifi::n tills ni.tiniil spirit. It i penis vrJ! ior our lofe (.:' courtly, mt m the mi. re time let v,s io.t Utv i;r r-.io (,u ev i v time some lut-i.lr a'tiit iV( b- cail (('. upm to live v.i.t to 1 i . p.-tH-up iiiutrictic' ardor. There is nd Ibp sli.-M a div.!; but fresiilut Viibi.n is ri;;b i ln 1 s attempt to sav . the 1 oner Of Aiiicr ka by frhowfrg to ttli woild that, even tliongl: ve are tr; l g -n n-.i to violate n solei; n col tnut w!;-: another natim, w , nio to biu and rtro bfncia'lo to oi i-o. He is nr.t the first Pr. m i i t t( l, c t 1 !n target f v nil.it ions poH:ciai s fit tandins like a ,(,, v:;'l aaainst a tie ma nil i f a ir.;:dii ne.i nomibic if- given. I!'lto w a r,atui..',I vrong. in fee Ml the Ad iiotaici cf couragf- such r:t is ;r a?)d thej11''1'' beil.g Oi.-.l; vod by Wo dii 'U'.lson is a r. tvli l of l.Mory. lMir- i'' t'K? hum -tiyirg .bovis cl fo v.ar of4he Kfbcllion". Abiabnm l.iir- in. sturdy (.! patiii.t tliat he was. xbiblled tl 1 1 c,i:ality of liiotal cour and sulJui.e hone.-lv l! Kariy m Hie t'iviJ War Caula'n - nkfUi leap cl ;i:;o -am (je j... fc''e.it na'n'iitil l tro of the day' l y sVopning the Ur;ti.)v mail Hoanier Irtit on the high i-eas and taking f--,..,, u, v,, i . .. . j erate diplonn. V coinmissi ners , " their way to IJuroiie. The national ksiAhusl vm wie unbounded. Theii n-lu M-rcainCi o u n.wi .... tie battln rf NV-n- flrl r.i clawed the liritis h liWn and for a few d ys l.e badtl e time of his life. lint the act of dipt. Wilkes was a 'lain viclaticii of ii tei n.jticmil ia... H lad no nioi-o right to st,i llritisli steainei' in the .high :o, than he ltd l eit ore oi t of a British po.lt. 'I h j British go.vi n -n.tnt denioiiiUi. and with ii' txce-s ol civility, the niinndir of tee Trent's pass Buoi s. Serjits ns tiie civil war wat, ii e country was re for a war villi Kiigland. In u:yti we coul. 1 In vo ovirnin ( an 'ciil a"";Vi e, ' id a ling would have b n nioio p:pular jlbfin a war w.lh Cu:t l!.i!ii-. i thing more reim'sive to th.- j dreamed cf than a surrender to t'e:tbit -Mr. 1 age has repres i.Ud tin American tucnln conb! h.ive Ii n ! district so l.ong without oppositioi l peremptory demands of England ai - tcoinpanied by a plain war. It ws liigl.t irMii nirooip i nf r.r. ,w.v in, the bflliirri(i:t iv A i-ir is;n, m' ttio l.e pie was a o sod.' and .Mr. J.in-:teaipt to take it fioni him. coin could have done nothing liiotoj liopuli'TT than to deiy Kn gland and j S! ouUl llate Hail l'im; r.v When itt the ccr.te quu.cis be what they the Peoil.. Vii:lil might. Ru Mr. T itinln ciirrf ilrr rl "M '; - i.i. tir.i sH-.u-ii ti,: w'rong. As n lnrtter of ii.term.tb nal'The -Mcr.rce Journal, has announced law the i,rl of rinlhlii WilKis u : s indf.fi i.silli . ,r l.ii rt l Ui,,v t. .. . , . . ., . .. .,' . and neoaiiii co I'gi.i. jo no - 11 ... .... ' S'IKft mm u:illJil.i .lie l. . . - ng .it .111. i" hi '"'""i'.l i"r i Miu al honor. He obeyed a hauglit demand from the British gov rn- ment. He trutkli d"' to 'power or course 1 i did none of it in tiifnts nnd Air. r;bi n lis mt jing them. H niaintain-ed ti t na-' jtior.al boner by rei using to f Igl t in a. had cause. He hud the cmir-.to ate to admit that the act of ourjgress. Oooa lor mm. national cfifieir was unwarranted. and an invasion of the rights of Xrt a Siniiwe' IMal. fir at Britain. Ho dared 10 no I'Wllmiiigtoii Dispatch, rigght. though it was 'unpopular audi Va11.tr is right about the date moved a huge part of his fell, w-1 being tio tmly. It is entirely too countrymen with unutterable di.-i&con. ed tdves the incumb it too gust. And his action reflected blg a handicap ovr any opponent honor upon hims If and upon hisiand there is 110 necessity. espicial nation, nJ" duwirg an cff-tlittic n year, to Mr. Wilson has dared to do held a comfy er district primary right. I t is unpopular with many 1 abort six months ahead of the ot hds own party, and of course Isieiection. the occasion for reckless and: crim inal lying and abuse by the opposi tion. But Woodrow Wilson, like Abraham Lincoln, has guarded the national honorg aainft persittirg in a wrong action. thei years to come the name of Woodrow Wilson like that of Abraham Lincoln, will be hon or, id and revered when that of Speaker Champ Clark and others, who forgot their duty as1 states men and appeal "d .to the worst ele ment of our .nature, in crises like the preesnt, have b en forgotten. This tolls repeal episode lias served to emnl asize the fact, that no mistake! was made in the nomi- ration at Baltimore. ChaniD Clark a big. brainy man' but that hel is not presidential timber! is made rtain by his attitude 011 tha tolls r peal controveisy and his grand stand play to the galleries. Pum croy (O.) Democrat. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY About Congressional Rate NOT A SQUARE DEAL !Ea. !y Primary TixeJ to Keel and h kssrc a Small People 0s!:t io b : ileird. V r. i.i the Xeilh Wilkr: ! lcr. .Mr. C. Fuie.-t r v it ho on rojiii sei. liitiive in m Wilkes ul'm jiiiK the raettii. of the U ,nn fiat ;Viu..ro.ssk.i.al iK'('i:tive cotaautt nil A sbi 1 1 io. 11 l.dilph count .I'liiiay, i:ix ti lii l is wile iiiiic 'ni.tui in jiiTf-cn and a niiinhi r oi !iii( ':ii.s wiif il.tf ii I v I'iiiiii: ihi.l; lio.- t. Mr. Foi'tttor was nn.i ofi,;"d i''1-1 itl'.oo who ilc-iieo a primao lo ! w ' '';-ka .later in ti e suuiliur. proferaoiy ' ' ! ;l i An-i.t. tli.Mi in i;iv. i,. mi ro - di'Ced the r isolitiin to lute coiiiiiii.t tee express its. If iiu 'oi' i-'tato-vide pi in. alios and .iiuili a ftiict i ni'oi ceini it o juoii iiig a stmt tiiloici on i t o ' corrupt piactines act. From the V.'axlvuw Krterpris . Kultor N tu in r ;n aniioir. c 41.; t 1 o v.cukl nit bo a cniNli.! for Congress from this di.tiiit stS;-d fir his reason that since ; iir.n;:iy v.as it o 1: i eld in .bv did nit have the tine to .ui ;. an or i i:i,i; i.tii.n trg' tlier and to canvass the -.erriloiy. Calling tlw I'l-naaiy on such s-lioit rcitico is a ganie on the pult if thi i'toiv.s i:i the in ii(lo to loi-ke it 1 u : i lir n in-w lo- to bieak in. S King thii.'.;s . o niu ly lixtd .Mr. J'agi cI.i.Uoi:.uoi )'isi.'Jy t(. join him in ;i a- primaiy. J!r. Page km w tliat .Mr. Iiiailty had not the tim ' to git aciiuaiited witii the p; lib- a'd over the distlict and tiiereforo is id all aid to a"k for a primary. Had Mr. Page b c n sjnceie in his cull lie nuuiu nine umicu non ir iprnnaiy be held in Augut so ihe country poopl i could cotn-e out ann vtte. Had he been willing to air. ueasiey a cnance to get -jc j'tuainted with the dhtiiit he v.ould '-l'ae done this. at lie is alter - to vm olU a.n(1 l'f ls. s,11!t l" try wbatl.n V.m-.h is tno ne;:iesi 1,-iH.CVl. ine cnanniuii the di-trict executive co- i-l'ttti. Ii. IM Rf s of Ashe-boio, is a s rvai.t of the Congrossinrn's in the matter of itbe cU'iupaign and ;t is ceitain that be v ill do nothing to hint Mr. Page's chances. I'liib I stami.i' Xorth Wiikesboio Hustl r. Hut Ikasity is a Iioin eiat fid lit ni.d wi-odciii and iindi-'i-Mtand-h;'.-- and a bread out-- judgiv.;; i i'iom a si e i eh we heard him uiakt' " once. i3.n,s i .e...... V'axhaw Kntn prise. ! Some- people are of the opinion .thu l e cii.tii ns- it an rii. t I him. siy i i.e to rt n agi :n ipr Yifi, i s. np ieei- nie I'll- "im j belongs to 1 ini and that it is down UHlt HMII.V ill" ally V.iiUi to ai- ' Rockingham Po t. Mr. itolaiid F. lleasley (io'tir ' l.uieH a Clililioate against Ceng 1 1 l, jni I'll lll.nd.v !c !i 1 vitlt.i'. n lit-.. will. 'io.... ,.i .. i . neil ;!i a Iii'p rm-clP" olli' on - - . f ; l'v Iv -. . i,. pontics in tins coming campai iisniiir oiiifi.i; oitf :Is It (Vinie e't Oppose, thf lV.xveis Tll.t lir? Shelby Star. Editir Vi.iner ,f the Lexington I'Pi - 'l rttl. has at last decided no! run agaiiut Mr. Page for Con- The decititn of Varner n t to enter the race leav's only Editor R. F. Beafky of Monroe and Rep resentativef Page in th- running. The former will probably be great ly handicapped by the early primary Vs much as Vairner, wjio is ore of th'1 shrew ijpst politicians in. the State, thought, that he would be. Would Make a (iexxl Itepmeeoftatlve. Webster's Weekly. He (Beasley) is one of the ablest editors in the State! and should he win the prize wdll mak his district a fine representative. A Stuilrwt of Pill He QurMirnn, Stat esvllle Landmark. Mr. Beasley has s-Tved In Hie Mate Senate. He is a very able man and a ttudei t cf public cnies- tions. I k (Coutinued on fourth page.) r.xT.u. .u i Ui:vr. Dr. .J. It. Kitx;l I "i mini i't I Yfcl I High J 'if. 1:1- lulled i;r. j. !;. (-;tii- i 1 ) 1 i -ici.ii; ( 1 Hg ii Toil aln.cM i ii .-1 ;i 1. 1 1 ii's-t 1 ' S, ,'i -'. . Tin: LATi-' fin. UKITZKL death vas; a The news of his .-lick to every one.. Dr. Deitzel v. fcs loin iii Al; n:i-.i.ce county. He v.as the nil of .Mir 1 .a el KtTtztl. Dr. Keitr.il was prepared tor tr.ie piac tice of lnedicir.e in Johns. Hopkins l iiiveisity1 of lnltiii ne and in a nieibicnl crllite in Nashville. Ten.n i .v itftt inp iii.niie ci nis proies ' n at l.ii eity. . ('. Kn in tiieie bt moved to Woodltaf in Rcwan county and prattkid fir about five yea is. r hence to In l.e practiced bis pro.i Point where on for near ior ti. tun wars, lie h.oi hu; t i.p ; s-p!-r:i(! I'liilile :t d w J;s sr.CCes.f. ftil ii: his ci ostn work. I'.r. Reitzi 1 was :itt tested in si v etf.l hull t ei teip.ii-i s in .llih Itiit. lie v as a consistent nieiu- i r cf tlt M. P. Cliiiicli. lie tiok keen iitini-t' in exerything that lil'i'ir ti-v.ii';' loihl'n n,,l':i ,,!' inanity. I.e. wis rli; ivn;Mi i ' tio building cor.inrittc-e of ri.t Childn na Ho:r,e ai d .sitfttaiy and tna-ur.r o: Ibe !ie;;:d .' .;.:l,i .if ti ; t stitut.'oii. A large cr wd ( f fiiends 10 Hii.Uf.1 in IHgh Point Sunday T.i my rle. la.'t ti'!tt to ire whose Pic- 1 ;m' l.i i n m. :Yi! ci u .,.:-n ; I,. 'I lie !'; ::( lid mvVi v.. s coiidiic'i 1 at the 'Methodist PiMistait ll rrcii ' ; High J o ii t m Sui di.y i.t V. ;i. n:. l.v Revs. J. F. .VcCiiili eli of l.r ors- bi oni m ; ; ,t" w:.s I, bod wa l-'iiil: v in 1 week. OKil..-l,in V 1,(11 the alttolil 1j ; I i p , which be crcve Unci,.,, u,.,!j t,. 1 ;A l,,,'!!;-;M.:.."r- VoIe-IVae CiWl. ..in.i.g 1 i ll, MM l:Jth".. UVl : d , . t Hie . . 'ii a t-al.: ui.ii!. h:i,: I, .HM in J ' " n,u l! '"''"1' t,u"' " itlostiitt. 'iii- car was not iiiu it'g -v ' htvo liust-i";1 'i- l:i.ii)'is an l.'-nr wuoi". j j.K cJ;.;.lh . and i)r. i :J , , ' . i Wiliiula 1-. llU!:i.' pini,!.:;. l.l 1..1 ar.' ,ai i rr. i. ,n: u;., i . u a ua,tll. sj...,.me il::.!ti a- . :. i t ,1,.. I.e:!..;';,,;' ' i. l;.i,.1,;,i:.u- oi.d .sji.im.fh it. ,. uif..iti.i:a..Ja-:..i;'il..vu.1- ;;; .v.-uw,;.- ..r . (i.viv: aio 1 ilii'-.i g !:;:: mclp h - itr. aiu.il t ot t a i.. . ci.a Mr. .:;t.vl-t. last "i'ciaig . IbiJo v. oil in i-i i n !.: m bo C i. v ( i i i n 1 1 1 t:t '1'i il';.' College thf aiti'lfi t !i!i.l nm me:; in lemuuo- s June 7-1 m. Huic latneate ii CM.I.ISi 1 t l.ile- 1 Hi" : c i;;i n (11 tl.O Uh by Ui.-1.--P CauA" d li. i.'iit.'el from t.Cjler ef .-itlM.ta. 'o:i.u:i i.ti n. i t a-i- but r, e '.Hid v.iiihi n: ul-juie.-s in the i' t',. b. i.o i...iin I'-U-.- in ' v. iti i;: f:v mintiti .' Um i.riigs. ut:,i. of tl.e iact-ity of Hoi. J l.i ;t. j .- cur ovoit urn-;sity. rni :,!! d In v fi i 1 - i, f n i t.u-!i' 'o'.nt i J"i ;d l.,- h.-d been ! r t ..c ;'ii .- i phrre tt iipj-ii.:- : -'a : de.:i of U ; K oilege ho .v , . ii.-A (f'lcrc S. ". Tr.:h r of Winsien. Wi'- iiam j oiler cl hen !;-ii.c, W. i:. CotlCIPs I ' v 1 11 l JXfirer.-xtJie ii.'.i .:. I ii. " Mr.11'- Ini-N' r' i5-tii cf tl.e church. nr. Keiti'.ri ip: ves a wi;.,? and !o". P ,1,0.-1,.., : 1 11111 u 1 v. l,o :-ie hea rt-broki n. Tliei ti-vn of li.'Lii .1 c.ii t has le.-t a :-lP I. t-,i r-l-7,,1, Tl- in,., Unfit .... .vw. pr-i-' In I i lV.-sb r. Ii rs t n t a d dicti.r. d nwinbt-r cl v.rch i fhildien s 1! I'1' fl .'!', -lr.o a go- d fiiend, i :' 1 r. Koit ell many i ki en P s. .Ir In l'riei I'ciiiisii: Kitln! ly IMr, in H'.h Point. uol.n Piiee. who was latox'ii nti d i in High Point (lie riaht last xeek. wa kill 0 l y Officer Ferguson, j Price bnd a pistil r.nd threait -ned ' the lixis cf sure in his company. He was rejioit d ai d when O.ficm Fergiisi n aiiixti; ai d asked his name be replii d v. iti; an ,,n!:, jumped 1 tick and shot at the of ficer, missing him. Officer Fergu son thin shut, and xvhile falli.g Price slot te second time. rii dead man was from South) Can lina. lie was a young man about twenty fjur yeais of !'ge and was employ ed as diiver cf the supply wagon ol the Southern Supply Co. $L.-tM;iu; lip ek ti i- 1 li;'.ili'.t:e. Arrangements are being ntnd 'i for a bulking tv. le erected in Char lotte on tiie north side .. f Fast First street f it 111 Church street to Mint. liOO feet -n length ly 31.u1 feet wi le. The St.utleir Poxver Company will occupy the Clinic)-, street section: tb.eie will le offices and. stores in t,.e luililirg. I:. 's to be of rein forced o rente, three stories higii andd a Lo-emeit- ei;i:ipptd xvi.li ail tlie model 11 cenvetnerces. The block is estimated to est $;30.00i. R. .7. Pana.Eh and S. H. Scliult7:, traxilii g picture agents, aie in j.i'l at Lutnlieitei: charged wiith s-ttal-ing a pair of gloves. GENERAL NEWS i'i Lyman Poochm um. gra:id.-i. H.irrittt lioeihm Stowe, the ;a:; L i s i lit l.i-r of "l'f- 1 Tela s Ca s ma: n d i:i -Noiv l . i k i u hi time a Xeita Ca:-'.-s I. tin naiio piesi- S.aa! n'l n A-.-i,C'i'.l ion . ' nieio i i:s. r.iiiiabitb A .'- cry Coltoii of .Meredith College, li.u cigh, having b -en gieli this honoi i:,c v.a- eliitid ;.t the annual n.eet ii.g in i iUisWlle- Ky.- lat we k. - Si.tun.uy nigl t. -ttli. aiti r r.tteiid- l.g a cnitif at i ink lii.i- c j 1 1. : ii ? i 1 1 1 : t y . hawiince CiiM-i.ti. a yoiii,:, ini-.ii!. oi.-ii id eai i ii. J.atcr hio caj ''hSC-'i-pvX vus 1'ioutit on a 1. he t-iul Lis dead '.'fr'VvVfcitiO bi.u.v lei.nu in ibe lake. Viu-re was .vA .'f viv1 I! sign it ii ii l.ce a.id accidental v''rV'C-tW.'l'd reviling was t ie verdiil. i.utot Ci.ul 1 1: y in-picte, ther invest:.-; tii n was to I.o Tl e .-trio . if W. .7. .V'esan i-or i. ; Contiiiv si iii gt las 1 ten r bb.-i i-.'our tlii-.tr ii. a few luci.tl:-- mo. t l.i.l l tt Hi g rgo tl.i tt ie was roi'.U'd of A.r. Alexaio er sur- li.-in let t..uves ii. hi s'.ore la-;. V. i (.ntsosy uiglt and v.as as-ault-od and seii'uisly injured, 'lie thieves got away. Simmy afteiii(ii tl.e diivrr if an ai U nicbikt In Palt igh drove his iinic'. Jl-e bttween the hearse and tl.e family cainr.ge of a colored funeral process-icn. Tl e 1iorss at tatbtd to the carriage took fright and 'iosi.ni agail i the hears.-, breaking the dutrt. if the ehic.-e and iiniasil ing the end of the casket. fnat oi.tomobilri t fl: in s solU--- thing coming to him In Rockingham Fric'r. light tin driver if an automobile attempted to lcp liis macfiine sucidinly to avoid liiniiir.g ever a negro boy. The cm sUiddeil, tv, o tires burst au i Itl. lnathir.e x:s thrown into) Ipile of timber. Vv". C. Steele was ?. iHU.-lx if lit fifc.lly injurei; an l-l.igei.o Payne suffered sev. rt brup es and in:s.i.lc iuteiu; ! ir.jniis. Tv. othir (id lilts ot tit l ;:r escape xxit'.i slight iujuri.es.. chaiti nil oi sued for ila-tonia it! iotin i I) ,l'.e ;, 1 indigent chi! : t t orp! i: l n. also linn depMtaiit f din it; is k r i i'. a.-i n in ;! cripple '. in n. esiecially d poll The institution is j;i wt r to maintain r training nurses. Tiie the i'lstilinii n inclini . .-Mil v. ll-kri wn nun as Sinniiei s and Cveiman. Stat nat : i-Ui;h-i - "ti i.i'.! i.t of i u'.Mc Pi t l-'ict ii ( X J l I . f. P. i l l X . il. . il iiwoud Cox and utii rs. i W'r v. to"' t; n -cs g a feW s ;i: IK t a in;: cf wh. ry . i i d in:', de ii c, li'icd gr I tie of :' quail l ! til O Cel.lel.lS bin the lepo.l y. A l('-yiar i rm.ii.x git e and ciiai k t! Kii in a f-ti'i'i 1 1 ui it to t'.e new sj. wi.s alive at la t an to t.ib.M ti iti.- say l Ci in t. It ' in.yiody u.i.iil orJ' i- ll i ii, oi ii 1. 6 in ;.it i :' lii.in r Mil survive. I '; ! I, : "". Wash'rgtii. iia- aked tt.i gu.is of :1c Vnin.i Mi tts to so: 'a do p; .11 ;.-. .iv.i o 7. and M nda;. Iiline s. to prtte.t to raiiioEu'.i lagairst ailit-i o (ii- ciin.n I'tims i ji'itm.it if cder Ji, p'oxii.iig pas Isfiiccr acconiiuod: tious. He has asktd that ciiuichts, socivt sccit- ties, business leapuis ar.d i"the.r, agencies tend leprcsci ti.tixes to of-' fic'ials if lir.es that have provided pooler ncron,i;.oiiot!crs ur the Cti -en, race t'l.:;ii for whites. One of the C-000 Aic-xicaii so! ilieis. x I.o some mouths ago soiigt-.t saltty cn American roil and are l.elu in cair.p rt Fort Rliss. near K! Piuc. Texas, tried to escape Friday .nfiglt and was shot by a sentry. He is expected tt. die. The same niglt another prisoner caught breaking electric ligl t bulbs wa shot. Individual outbreaks have been fri.Uit sirce news of the Tampico con.plicatii n reached the camp. Gov Craif: las paificned Joha t Handler of Mitchell county. In 137 7 ChaiidW was convicted o 1-ifEliig lito the sttre of W llyan.s ;t Pakersx ill fln,i Ll tttctd to ten years in the St-te prison. About a year after lie wai sentenced Chandier escatiei in,i was free for 35 years. About Qv. en n.i rtl.s ago tie was captured and Ittined to tie State nHsnn ti,- judge and solicitor, who tried him , "Jams- who is now cleik of ti e Fedeial cou:t in Asilie- uie. .niu ttners asRed fnt- the pardon.