Mew Mexico. Were K' net for the many wdnd iLiliti in fj.l.t traveleis on trains crctlrg U gieit deceit valley of Mtmbrea River near reining, New Mexico, would not suspect that thit.' refidicn has a water supply. It has ttcn found" in recent years that a ide area f this valley in under lain by deposits of sand and gravel containing large volumes of water that can be pun ped to the surface and utilized for irrigation. Of late many Millers have taken home flE?s n-ear Eelniing and in adjoin jn; districts, extending southward .thrculi' Columbus to the Mexican line, and there is sreat demand for land in which water is available. iAbout 300 wells have been sunk, (many pumps jmta'ded. and consid erable succes:iiil irrigation accom TlisOied. There iV. liovcr, a limit to the area underlain by water at jpioderate depth and in sufficient volume ftr irrigation, and it is vjy important for present anu respective sttleis to know wl.eie Bter tupplics may be procured. To th nd X. H. Daiton, a geol ogist of the I'nitfd States Oeolog ical K'.i'vfy, has made an examina tion ol Luna County and writttn a detailed letoit which will be pub lished is .-km r1 as possible. Mean while an abtTuct o.f this report has leen prepared and just' issued by the Surveey as Water-Supply Paper -:'-C, a part of the "Contributions to the hydrology of the United states, 1914." It contains brief statements as to the extent and thkness of the water-bearing de posits, the spurce and volume of the water, the rat of movement o underground unter. the depletion of tlw- supply, and the quaWtjf of the water. I sives also a de'wription pf conditions iound in some repre er1ative wt'l.v in various parts oj, the country and an account of some unsuccessful a'.'empts to develop ar tesian Hows l.v deeip borings. The cccompaiiying map shows the depth tj wattr. l(itirn and depth of principal wells- area of rrck out crop, and lilmirg of the area under lain by water-bearing beds. The pa per also contains the result" r f sev eral pumping tests mad by A. T. Schwennesen rf the Geologicplt Sur vey. A copy of this pamphlet may be obtained free on application to the Director, lT. S. Geoloedcal Sur Washington, D. C. Whooping CVmti'h.. "About a year ago my three boys had whoonirg couch and I found Chamberlain s Cough Remedy the only one t'iat would relieve tneir coughing and whooping spfiU-. I continued this treatment and was surprised to find that it cured the disease i,n very sfiort time." writes Mrs. Archie Dalrymple, Crooksville, Ohio. For sale by all dealers, rtiiily ThkrN Rjl'c in H-ir. Spokane, Wash., May 9. Fifteui miles across country in' a hearse was the unique trip tken this wieek "by a party of Spokane women and children after their automobile had 'iroken down near Cheney, Wash. While t stranded wayfarers look ed sad'v at their balky machine, S M. Smith, a Spokane undeitak- tr. cme Ions, with his automobile l-eaJse. This was one time the man of funerals was welcome. Mrs. Wil li an: I'itman and daughter and Mrs. Frank Chapman and daughter gai ly climbed ii;o the hiearse, leaving .Mr. Pitman and Mr. Chapman to tinker with the machine. Raising the curtains within the hearse the wa.yfaiers pitceedd to enjoy the trin to SpoKari". The big black ve vicle rolled through country and vlllaae, whifle spectators looked aghsst at tlio Jiniling faces of wo men and clildrenthat peeped out at Ahem from the confines of the hoarse. When the hears reached the suburbs of Spokane bystanders looked horror-stricken to 9eej a fraity d four Jive persons emerge and get aboard a street car. WE IK) XOT t TAJIK. We don't are what the world may say If those whem we love are true; We do not mind the toil of the day If weltnow in tihe dusk and the dew There waits someone who will wel come us As we come heme to rest Some friend who will say, "Dear heart, I know tcciay you have done your best." t.Ve do net mind if the thorns are sharp Or the pathway it rough and steep; f.Ve do not mind if we plow and sow For others to come and rean. It we can but hear, when the twi light comes And the red in the west grows era v. Some dear voice whisper these word of cheer; "You have fought a good fight to day." For the l.tart don't care what the world may sly If those whom it loves are true; rr 'twas ever and always the heart's own way To lone for the love and true. You forget the gain, the loss and the pain That tortures your pulsing brea t j If there's one who always in sweet blind faith Can say, "You have done your best." (Miss) Mary V, Bryan. Roseboro, X. C. Pennsylvania women opposed to wc'tiian suffrage held their f'rst State convention in Harrisburg re cently and adf pit d a vigorous cam paign against the adoption of the suffrage amendment by the next Legislature. The convention was tihe first of das kir.d to be held Jn the country. Sick Headaclicj. Mrs. A. L. Luckie, East Roches ter. K. Y., was a victim of sick VieariarliP and desnondencv. caused by a badly weakened and debilitat ed conditun of her stomach, wnen sie began taking Chamberlain's Tablets. She says, "I found them pleasant to take, also mil.d and ef fective. In a few weeks' time I was restored to my former good health." For sale by all dealers. I KOKKST Xtifc'KS. Thci imports tf into China greatly tceed in value any I other weed product. .Most of the 'n.fltnhoc noma in fr.m Tonon Redwctd sawdust is bjeing used packin fresh table! "ggrapes. It by vineyardists in Califcinia fir takes the pice of the round cork used for imported Spanrlsh ggrapes. Hyndman Peak, Idaho,, the high est nonn.1 .ital- n ho Cf o-t o ic limro tl on 19 000 ftt liln'i Scv. eral unnamed peaks near it are of ihuuui me same eievauiu. ah are on the divide between the. Saw tooth and the Leml.i national) for ests. A two-year-old plantation of Douglas fir on the Oregcn national freest phew s 94 per cent of the trees; Extensive plnating- c f young trees in Washington and Ore gon are costing f8 an acre. Direct seeding of lodgepole pine ha been successful witl-c U exce j tic n on the Arapaho national; forest, coioraao. SbvcibI of the areps sown two and three years go show from 5,000 to 10,000 seedlings per acre. How's Tliis? We offer Ope Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannct be cured by Hall's Ca tarrti Cure. F. J. CHEXEY & Co., Toledo.O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions ana financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in- leinr.ilj, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surtaces or the system. I es' nonia!s sent free. Price 75 ci ts otr ottie. Sold bv all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Everything a Man Needs $1 Complete Shaing Outfit $1 10 Articles 10 "The Greatest Kidney Remedy on Earth", Says a Grateful Woman 1 want o tell you how much good your Swamp-Root did me. About four years ago I suffered from wlia the doctors called fistula and for ?,"o years of that time I endured wnat no tongue can tell. 1 also had inflammation of fhe bladder and tried doctors medicines1 with out receiving . any help. Someone told me about' Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. After giving it a thorough trial, ,1 receved relief, so kept on using it and today I am a strong and wetfll woman. If I ever feel badly or out of sorts, I take Swamp-Root 8Bd it always straightens me out. J honestly believe that this medi cine would cure all troubles you recommend it for, and it- is a pleasure for me to send my tssti mocy, and photograph to you. I think.Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is one of the greatest medicinesl on earth. Yours respectfully. , MRS. JOHN BAILEY. West Main St. Portland, Ind. Subscribed and sworn to before fore me tbsi 12th day of ulyJ. .1900 . a C. A. BENETT, Notary Public. I.rtter to Dr. Klluicc Co., Blnghamlon, Ji Y, Jrove What Swamp-Root Will Do For ion. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer and TUnfrhnmton V V . for a sam ple size bottle, it will conince any n Vnii utll alsn receive a book let of valuable information telling about the kidneys and bladder. When vHtlnir. ha HI) To Bnrt mention the Asheboro . Weekly Courier. Regular fifty-cent and ore-dollar size bottles lor sale at all arug stores. To advertise our Universal Shaving Outfit and Universal Products we will for a limited time only, send this well worth $3.00 Shaving Outfit for $1.00. We sell our products to the consumer direct and therefore you save all agents' profits which as you know are very large. 1 Hollow Ground Razor. 1 5-inch Lather Brush. 1 Razor Strop, Canvas Back. I Nickel Easel Back Mirror. 1 33-inch Barber Towel. 1 Bar Saaving Seap. 1 Box Talcum Powder. I Decorated China Mug. 1 Aluminum Barber Comb. 1 Bristle Hair Brush. Agents need not write. Each outfit packed in neat box $1.00. Coin or Money Order, postage 10c extra. UNIVERSAL PRODUCTS CO. Dayton, Ohio GET READY i For SUMMER Hot weather weakens and makei hena lazy. It also retards growth of young birds unless you use Pr0$ Regulator This wonderful remedy purifies the blood, keeps the liver rtuhc and aids growth, digestion and egg production. Pka. SSe, SOc,; SS lb. pail $2.50 Pratts Powdered Lire Kilter is the most pow erful inflectin.le for poultry anil plantssafpflt and mopt economical. 2Sc and G0c. lief use substitutes; insist on Pratts. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back j . Get Pratta 160 page Poultry Boole Sold and guaranteed by James T Turner. 4932. CASTORIA For Inanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th Signature of CRAVEN & REDDING Lawyers Law Bids:. Asheboro, N. C. General practice. Special at tention to land litigation. Crim inal practice and collections. Loans negotiated- PNEUMONIA SALVE (External Vapor Remedy) Relieves Croup, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Colds, Grippe, Co lghs. etc.. in a few minutes. Applied externally does away with dosing the stomach with nauseating drugs. Doctors use and recommend Brame's Croup & Pneumo nia Salve. In the most serious cases it is only necessary to rub the salve well on the chest, throat, under the arms and between the shoulders the healing vapors go direct ly to the affected parts giving relief immediately. En dorsed by mothers everywhere. Read the following tes timonial: To Whom It May Concern: It gives me much pleasure to state that I have used Brame's Croup & Pneumonia Salve in my home for quite a while and find it a preparation of merit. We have found it very valua ble in allaying inflammation of all kinds and in the treatment of colds and catarrhal affections its a most excellent remeay maeeu. io irv n isiu uc wiu "";, - - Supt. Public Instruction Wilke County, Hunting Creek, N. C, March 21, 1912. Brame's Croup & Pneumonia Salve may be had at leading drug stores or sent direct on receipt of price. 25c, 50c. and $1.00 jars. ... ., , , Liberal sample and interesting booklet giving many testimonials mailed free. BRAME CHEMICAL COMPANY. North Wilkesboro, N. C. For sale and recommended by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drue Co. A (TYM-iite t His MiM.r. Jv Yce-rrti!i.t Thos. It. Marsh all. I tlcnk bark thn ..licit the vear. tiie itan and the fat. the good and bad cues, to my earliest recollec tion.s. I fte a woman with an eye that flashes fwi!. at an archang el's wing and mouth that breaks with laughter and hardens at Eight r" wrong, .tinging lu.I(IabJf; a wo man who, w'.th band giaeping the I'nhffn Hand, walks the briar-bor dered paths of life unashamed, unH fiuid, unharmed. She isi clad in garments of beauty for nie.and age does not soil them, nor years make cheap and tawdiy. Her tongue Is without g uile. having never been the mQssergert of a lie. i'i seventeen vears since er s-oul wpii linmp to Jnd anil h r fineel became for nie the finger;i of an an cell, but 1 have not forccMen i'll she sa'id. She told me there was a Santa Clans, and I believe her. He brings nie no longer drums and fjfes. But he stilJ brings to me vls- i' of my mother and the nius.'c o'tliiit ansedic chorus walc'i sang ut creation's dawn and at the !k ur man's redemption. 1 J Special Hosiery Cffsr Guarantee! Wtiir-Evfr Hosiery !"cf Men and 'Wouieu. Jjiulie!' Special Offer. For Limted Time Only Six pair of our fine-1? 3o. value ljid'es' guaranteed hose in black :.T tan colors with written guarantee, l or $1.00 and 5 stamps for post lie. SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEX For a ln:ited time only, six Dairs of our finest 35c. value Guar anteed Hoe with wiitten guarantee and a pair .f cur wtl'.-krcvn Men's aud 5 tten'ps ftr po tage. Vou know these hose: they stood the test when nil otheis iail?d riiey l;ave no seams to rip. They never become loo-e crc! b;ipgy os ifhe shape is knit in, not pressed In. They are Guaranteed for fine ness,, for s.1jle fcr superiority of nrctorial and workmanship, absolut 4 liy ststnli and to wean1 s4x months -witLctt he Tee, or a new pair free. Don't dtiay. Sevd in yoi;r or der before offer expires. Give cor rect size. WEAR-EVER HOSIERY OOMPAX Duj ton. Olilo. AUTOMOBILE TIRES AT FACTORY PRICES SAVE FROM 30 to 60 PER CENT Tire Tube Reliner 28x3 $ 7.20 $1.6o $1.35 S0x3 7.80 1.93 1.40 30x3 10.80 2.80 1.90 32x3 Va 11.90 2.95 2.00 34x3 12.40 3.00 2.05 32x4 13.70 3.35 2.40 S3-4 14.80 3.50 2.45 34x 19.80 . 3.60 2.60 3.3x4 17.85 3.90 2.80 35x4 V2 19.75 4.85 3.45 30x4 19.85 4.90 3.60 37x42 21.50 5.10 3.70 37x5 24.90 5.90 4.20 All other sizes in stock. Non-Skid .tires 15 per cent additional, red tubes Jten per cent above gray. All new clean, fresh, guaranteed tires. Best ' standard and independent make Buy l direct from us and save money. 5 per cent discount if payment in full ac- companies each order. C. O. D. on 10 per cent deposit. Allowing examina tion. TIRE FACTORIES SALES CO. Dept. A Dayton, Ohio NOT'ZiNTING. ( 1 xilf gm i No more hunting for the tobacco that exactly suits you. Not after you've found STAG rich ripo mellow fragrant fulf bodied yet exquisitely MILD. Convenient Packages: The Handy Half-Size 5-Cent Tin, the Full-Size 10-Cent Tin, the Pound and Half-Pound Tin Humidors and the Pound Glass Humidor. For Pipe and Cigarette "No Bite, "No Stiag, -No Bag, "No String." EVER-LAST! NG-LY GOOD" JKXiii llMLX i'Mh A I 1 B""1jk sr Id ( J mm a r i C-7lnrnfl' P0PULAR M ' POLISHES pJlid fV j uuj f ISrv i n I ioc- ozl l4,pfbi m 1 Mt.. '. r 1 F. RDAuar Co. Ltd. t ' ' Mk 3 ta.afea ...l.....i-.1.. .. 4 I 1 Buffalo. N.Y. Hamilton, ont. h vfiO1' J ' i ii. va. utj 1 1 f.-i P-..3 I 31. Jl '"'ytwlv TiMje tfja fjnrn x-s. f" - -- mi ,ni iiii ii iiii .Mii.iu i minium f jylnit WWIII

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