I 4 NOTICE. Having qualified as adniini. trator on the estate of Seth Cox, deceased, before W. C. Hammond, clerk of tie Superrior Court of Randolph county, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned duly verified, on or before the 9th day of April, 1915. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward a:id make Immediate settlement. This 6th day of April. 1914. J. M. ELLIS .Admr. Land Sale. By' virtue of an order of sale granted by the Sup'rior Court of Randolph county In the special pro ceedings entitled Mrs. M. E. Black, widow. Annie Lee Covington et al. vs. L. W. Black et al.. I will s 41 at pubic auction to the highest bid erd at ithe court liause door in Ran dolph ccurty on the 18th day of May. 1914. at 12 o'clock M. the tract of land described In the peti tion in this cause, said tract) of land in Richland township, Randolp county, and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post oak In Cox's line; thence south 21 1-2 chains to a white oak In Cox's line; flu nee a walnut tree; thence south 3 dc oj suibiio 6 jsua saajSap ng ilinos' greris east 1 chain and 94 links to a white oak; thence south 20 de grees ea&it 7 chains and 84 links to a stone); thence south 46 degrees east 5 chaiins, crossing the creek to or near an ash on the south ban in the original line; thence south 30 degnes east 5 chains and 22 links to a ttone; thence east 33 chains ar.d 50 links to a stone on the original corner; thence north 49 chains to a stonf on the north bank of Mill Creek; thence up the various courses of the creek to a jnapJe; thence 51 degrees Vest of rortlT 9 chains and 75 links to a dogwood; thence west 35 chains and 24 links to the beginning, contain ing 322 1-4 acres, more or less. Terms of sale. One-third cash, the remaining two-thirds on credit ot 6ix and twelve. months, the pur chaser giving bond and approv d cecurity, the title reserved till the further order of the court. This the 18th day of April. 1914. JOHN T. BRITTAIN. Commission' r. Notice of Salt. North Carolina, Randolph County. In the matter o Willie and Lodena Langley by their Guardian, R. W. Langley, E::. Parte. Undr and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Randolph county, made in the especial pro ceeding ae above entitled, the un dersigned' commissioner will on the 28th day of May. 1914 at 1-2 o'clock noon, at the court house door in offer for tale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and being in the county of Randolph, North Carolina, aajoin- in the lands of Thomas, .james low and others and bounded, as follows; east side of railroad, corner of lot etake, Thomas' line; thence south 4 vest 8.20 chains to a stake; thence 87 west lb. 77 chains to Make. James Low's corner; thence 25.24 chains to a stake on east side of railroad; thence about north with railroad 8.95 chains to the be ginning, containing 342 acres, mor or lefe. Being lands allotted to Willie and Lorena Langley In the division of the lands of Hasty Low and being lot No. 5 of said dl viticn, as shown in Book 48, page 116 in the office of Registej of Deeds of Randolph county. This the 28th day of April. 1914 R. W. LANGLEY, Commr, Clifford Frazier, Atty. Notice of Li) mi Sale UWier Mart KKeu By virtue of the powers vested in the undersigned by that certain mortgage deed made by A. D. Har r'etji and C. Hunt, trustees of the Brown's Chapel Congregational Church, recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph county in Book 156. page 48. will sell at public auction at the court house door in Asieboro. K. C. oc Monday, the 25th day of May, 1914. at 12 o'clock M. the following lands lying and being In Randolph county. Back Creek township. North Carolina, bounded as follows, to- wit: Beginning at the fork of the Flank and Col et race Mill roatf In the Davis line: running north 24 degrees west with said Coletrane Mill road 6 chs. and 50 Iks. to stone; thence south 66 deg. vest 3 chs. ajnd 50 Iks. to a stone in the middle of the Plank road; thence south about 50 degrees east 7 chs. to the beginning, containing 1 and 1-10 acres, more or less, being the land deeded by M. E. Brown and wife to the trustees of Brown's Chapel for a church site. This sale is made under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in said) mortgage deed au thorlzing the undersigned to make jsale of the aforesaid realty. In the event of default. being made In the said' mortgage deed, said default having been made this sale is. ac cordingly made under said power, payment of the debt secured by Term, cash. This April) 24, 1914. t M. E. BROWN. Mortgagee Hammer ft Kelly. Attys. NOTICE. While the settlement of all taxes was due by the sheriff the first Mon day in May, the county commissioners extended the time to June the firtt. . '"" There are still on the books 1,684 un- paid tax receipts aggregating ?10,2;i5. 00. The law requires the sheriff to col lect the taxes and apply the same to the proper funds to which it belongs. All those who have not paid are hereby notified that I will be forced to collect at cost. Do not wait and let cost accrue and then ask the same to be remitted. After June 1, 1914, 1 shall adverse every unpaid tax. This May 6, 1914. J. W. BIRKHEAD. 4-6-4t Sheriff. AOTICB. UUn-t)' Tovtlislijjt Kad UnbU Kiev- .Notice is hereby given tuat an eitttiiii be held in Liberty 'iownshiv Randolph Counti, Slate ox oith Carolina,, on Tuesday, the .3rd day of June. 1914, submitting to the qualified voters of said town ,'4h:t), under and by virtue of Chap ter 122 of the Public Laws of -North Carolina, Session 1913, a propjsj:- lon to issue bonds of the feid 'iWwmship for the urpose of laying "out, establishing, altering, repair ing, grading, constructing and im proving the public roads of said jowfltfcip,, and for purchasing ma chinery, tools, etc., necessary for nh improvements, in tr."e amount thJ $20,000. to bear interest at a irate of interest not to exceed 5 per cent per annum, payable semi annually, the said bonds to run for it peiJ-cd of 30 years from the date of their lfCt e, all according to the provisions of the aforesaid act. All ithe qualified voter.w who desire no vote In favor of the said propo "tliall be written or printed the ft.ion shall vote a ballot on which nor c. "For Road Bonds." and th'ose opposed; to said proposition be written or printed t'he words ihal! vote a ballet ion which shall "Against Road Bonds." The( saH election will be con ducted in the saime manner and subject to the same rules and regu lations as are or may be provided for the election of township offic ers by the General Election Laws 'jtf this State, except in so far as ctherwi.se provided for In the act above named. Roy C. Keitzell has teen ap pointed regittrar, and P, P. Jones and A. W. Curtis have been ap pointed Judges vf election, to hold staid election. By order of the Beard of Com missioners of Randolph Ccunty at their meetinjr on ti e 4th day cf May, 1914. cn the petition of G. A. Foster and others. This the 5th day of May. 1914. GEO. T. MTJRDOCK, Register of Deeds and ex-Offino Clferk 1o the Board of County Commissioner!1 J f tVotite cf Stole. North Carolina. Randolph County, In the Superior Court. Before W, C. Hammond, Clerk. G. A. Carver, Admr. cf Harriett Record. vs. IWary Swirg, ffae. Overman. Johtj Overman, Cnttunibus Overman Sarah Overman, Sarafli1 Turner, John Staley, Heirs-at-Law. Under and by virtue of an der of the Superior Court of Ran dolph County, made in the special proceeding entitled "G. A. Carver et al vs. Mary Swing et al, the same being No. upon the Special! Proceedings docket of said court, the undersigned commission cr Mill, on the 8th day of JJune, 1914, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the postoffice dcor In Liberty, Liberty TownsM. Randolph County, North Carolina, offer for sefe to the high est bidder for cash, that certain' tra of land lyfing a Jid being in Liberty Township, Randolph County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of C. P. Smith, Jr., M. L. Fogleman and others, and more particularly described as followp to-wit; Be ginning at a stone, the nort'hwest corner of let No. 3. and running E. 6 S. v.th Smith's line 65 poles to stone: thence N. 5 E. 18 poles to stake on C. P. Smith. iJr.V line and corner of let No. 1; thence W. '4 N. to lot No. 1. 139 poKsto a dead saEeafrae. M. L. Fogleman's nrn.r: fhenoe S. about 19 1-2 E. 100 poles to a stone in the public road; thence with saw roaa ioi o poles to the beginning, containing 87 acres and 46 nctes. more or le"S thl being the same let of land al- t?A n Harriett Record m tnc division by the commisstr r.rn ap no.tr ed hr. this matter, the me conveyed t-ubject to a riant-or-way for let No. 1 of this division. This the 2nd day of May. 1914. O. A. CARVER, Commr. Chas.. H. Redding, Atty. NOTICE. Having qualified as Admr. on the estate of Mrs. E. R. Kennedy, de ceased, before W. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county .all persons hav ing claims against said estate are notified to present them t trie un dersigned, duly verified, on or be fore the 10th day of April. 1915. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come for ward and make immediate settle ment, This 6tn day of April, 1814. T. M. CROWSON. Admr. OTICK. North Carolina. Randolph County, In the Superior Court. il w. .Cheek and wife, Emma J. Cheek, Henry Chrisco and wife, Artima Chrleco, and John H. Mc- Lood, vs. Hosetta Luck, Tooms Luck. May F. Trogdon and husband, Alex Trog don. The defendant above named will take notice that action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Randolph county b sell the lands o BUjanf spencer Randolph county for partition among hie heirs. And said defen dant will further take notice that is reoulred to appear before Clerk Superior Court of Randolph coun v on the 3rd day of June. 1914. ac the court house to answer, plead or demur toj the complaint or the nlalntlff in this action or plaintiffs will apply to the court ror reuer ae- manded In said action. Tills 2nd day of May, 1914. W. C. HAMMOND, Clerk of the Superior Court. sic cans pr ONLY Let I! E Rot Your Compost I am the champion rotter ot the world. I'll rot leaves, straw, stalks, manure, sawdust or any other vegetable matter, even dirt. Into a rich, high-grade fer tilizer, in less than two mouths. Just keep me on the job and I will save you a big lot of that fertilizer money. If you want to know all about this compost rotting, as well as spraying and preventing hog cholera, write "Bed Devil." 619 N. Second Street, St. Louis, Mo., and I'll send you a little book, free, that tells how. I am Red Devil Lye 5- For BIG CANS Almost as big as those costing !0c. BATE MY LABELS. THE BANK OF RANDOLPH Asheboro- X. C. Capital and Surplus, $(10,000.00 Total Assets, over $250,000.00 With ample assets, experienc and protection, we solicit the buisness of the banking public and feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our customers every fa cility and accommodation Consistent with safe banking. D. B. McCrary, president. W. J. Armfield, V-President. V. J. Armfield, Jr.. Cashier. J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or O doses 666 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. Price 2oc. DR. JOHN SWAIM Dentist Asheboro, N. C. Office over, Postoffice Phone 192 J. W. AUSTIN, M. D. , Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat, South Main St., next to P. 0. HIGH POINT, N. C. Wm. C. Hammer R. C. Keily HMAER KELLY Attorneys at Law Office Second door from street in Lawyers Row. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST ASHEBORO. N- C. Phone 28 Office over the Bank. Hours 9 a.m to 12 m. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m NOTICE Having Qualified as administrator on the estate of J. Wesley Cox. de ceased, before w. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Ran dolph County, all persons having claims against said estate are noti 'led to present them to the under signed, duly verified, on or before the 1st day of May, 1915, or this notfce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and ail persons hav ing claims aalnst said estate are notified to present them to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or be- lbre the 1st day of May. 1315. this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery i and all persons ow ing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. Thia 25tU day of April, 1914. M. ,R. COX, Admr. J. W. Cox etaley, K. C. NMice ot Land Sale. By virtue of the powers vested in the undersigned by decree ren dered In the special proceeding en titled "Theodore G. Henry et al vs. John D. Henry et al.". in the Supe' will sell at public auction at) the court house door In Asheboro. N C on the 30th day of May. 1914, rior Court of Randolph county. at 12 o'clock M. the following lands lying and being in Randolph county. North Carolina, bounded as follows, to-wit; Beginning on a stone in S. F. Lowdermiik'a line; thence south with his line 8 chs. to a stone pile, his corner; thence west 9 chs. to a stone pile; thence south 85 degTeee west along Lowdeimllk's line 10 chs. to an elm; thence north along the various courses of branch 8 chs. to a stone north ' of the branch In Wlnnlngham's line; thence east crossing the branch 18 chs. and 47 Iks. to the beginning. containing 14 4-5 acres, more or ete. See Book 150 page 12. Terms of Sale: One-third cash. balance upon a cerdit of 6 months. approved security to be given for deferred payments, came to bear Interest from day of sale, title re tained until all purchase money Is paid. This April Z4. R. C. KELLY, Commr. j COOKING IlKtlPKS. Halted Biscuit. Form individual poitkis of white bread milk dough.! if wanted later than when the bread is baked, either set aside in a cool place or reheat for dinner or I breakfas-t, moistening slightly and placing in a very moderate oven, to renew crispness. For Strawberry Shortcake. Add a beaten egg and a iablespconful of sugar tovbakirt powder bif-'cuit dcugh ,or use it plain. Cobblers also may be made by filling up dee baking-dish with iuit such as peaches or apples, and covering the top with plain biscuit, crutV They are more healthful and easier to make than pies. Popovers. Mix two cupfulsi of flour, four eggs, beaten directly into the flour, two cupfule of milk. 'half a teaspoonful of salt. Beat thoroughly till alii lumps disappear. Bake in old-fashioneu) . ircn, gem pans, which should be warmed be fore greasing, from thirty to forty minutes in a moderately hot oven. Parker House Rolls. To three pints of tlcsr, add one pint of scalded milk, one teaspoonfuL of salt, cne tablespoonful of sugar, half a cupful of butter and, one di&sMved yeast-cake. Mix as for bread,, kneading as usual. Let rise and cut down twice. Roll out into a sheet half inch thick; cut uut in rounds wihich should be ftilded over end brushed with melted, butter Hue the edges lap.. Let rise for an hour, bake twenty minutes in a hot oven. Egg! Muffins. Use two cupfuls cf uour. aaa one cupful of nlk, one level teaspcnnful of salt, two eggs, three lev.el teasp,oonfuls of baking powder and three tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Mix and sift the dry Kigreaienis. Ada tne beaten yolks ot two eggs, butter and milk. Fold In the stiffly-beaten whites Su gar may be added, if desired. Bake ri'teen minutes in a l.fct oven. Berry Muffins. To batter for egg u.-uiiijis, ana a cuprui of floured berries. Nuts irke delicious muf fing; also raisins, dates, currants and tlgv. Seive piping hct, with butter. ' .! Rice Muffins. Scald one pint of milk, add to it a tablespoonful of butter and allow to cool. Dissolve ihalf yeast-cake in a Quarter cupful if warm water and add this; then Mirin two eggs and three cupfuls o flour with wjiich a teaspoonful of salt has bem silted. Lastly, heat Jo the mixture a cupful of cold bo led rice. Let stand over nigtit ard" take in gem pans in a quick oven. Cereal Muffins. Almost any com bination of cold ftoolred cereal may re used with the corn meal in the following proportions; One cupful o" meal, one cupful of cereal, half a cupful of milk, cne egg, two level teaspoonful of baking1 powder, two tnblegpconfuls of melted butter and half a tablespoonful of salt. Hominy nee, wneai ana oatnitei lend the selves. well to.thia njetlicd of us itg lert-over cereals. griddle cakes. These are best maae of sour milk and leavenpd with soda, one level tablespoonful to a pint or scur milk. Sweet milk wun a teas)ocnfii 0f baking powoer auowea ror each cupful of flour or other filling, may be used instead. Allow one egg for each cupui of lour. Buckwheat Cakes. Mix two cun tul'i of buckwheat flour, half a cud ful of white flour cr corn meal, half a leaspoontui or salt,, two cupfuls or uoiirgi water, half a yeast-cake c-et stand overnight. In tlie morn iig. add half a cupful of milk in which a quarter teaspoonful of soda is dissolved. A tablespoonful ct mo- lesiea may be added before cooking Fritters. For fruit fritters. mk a batter consistfng of cme cupful of nour, two tablespoonfuls of suear. a pnca ti salt, two egs. half cuptv.i of milk, the grated rind of a lemon, or a teaspoonful of vaul'ila flavoring. Dip the Dleces of fruit In thhis batter, fry in hot) fat, and serve with a sweet hot saucn. Frr fish,oyste.r.cIam. tripe or vegetable .utters, leave out sugar and fla voricg and put in a dash of cayenne pepper, season tliese before dip- pug id carter, torn is cut from the cob and mixed with the batter. Uurmt the Cause of lour CIiilU Pains. A foul, disagreeable breath, dark circles airound the eyes, at times feverish, with great thirst, cheeks flushed and then Dale, abdomen swn len with sharp cramping pains are an indications of worms. Don't let your child suffer Klckanoo Worm Killer will give sure relief-i-i kills the worms while Its laxative effect adds greatly to the health of your cnua by removing the dangerous an disagreeable effect of worms rnd parasites from the system. Kickapoo Worm Killer as a health producer should be in every household. Per rectiy safe. Buy a box today.. Price zac. All druggists or by mail. Kickapoo Indiian Med. Co., Phil. or St. Louis. For Fmet Bites and Chapped Skin. FREE lofldOn "Tango" Necklace "Evelyn Thaw" Bracelet These two beautiful Dieces of non- ular jewelry are the craze among so ciety women in New York and the largest cities. They are neat and ele gant gold finished articles that will gladen the. heart of every girl or woman, no matter how young or old. Very stylish and attractive. Our Free Offer. We are advertising Spearmint Chewing Gum and desire to place a box of this fine, health. fu gum intoever y home. It sweet ens the breath whitens the teeth and aids digestion. It is refreshing and peasing to all. To every one sending us but 50c and 5 stamps to cover ship ping costs we will ship a big box of 20 regular packages of the Spearmint Gum and include the eleeant. Tango" necklace and "Evelyn Thaw" bracelet absolutely free. This offer is for a short time only. Not more than 2 orders to one party. Dealers not allowed to accept this. UNITED SALES COMPANY Dayton, Ohio p. O. Box 101 ' toMTIONAL SiwrsoiooL Lesson (By O. E. SELLERS, Director of Even ing Dppartmunt The Moody Bible Insti tute ot Chicago.) LESSON FOR MAY 17 THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS. LESSON TEXT Luka 16:14-16: 19-31. GOLDEN TEXT "Whoao atoppeth his cars at the cry of the poor, he shall also cry, but shall not be heard." Prov. 21:18. Verses 14 and 15 link this parable with the teaching of Jesus about cove tousness and stewardship. ' Verse 15 Is a most heart-searching one. It de mands that we look well to the stan dards by which we measure our con duct, I Sam. 16:7. That the teaching of Jesus was effective is evidenced by the statement of verse 14. These Pharisees were naturally cool, cynical, calculating and their scoffing shows that Jesus had probed them deeply. Their love of money service of mam mon made them unfaithful In their professed stewardship. In the inter vening verses (16-18) Jesus condemns their attitude of seeking to justify themselves in the sight of men, de claring such an attempt to be useless In the elght-of God. The methods men exalt are an abomination to him. No Jot or tittle of the law can fall. This he emphasizes by an illustration about the binding nature of the marriage re lationship. We get our suggested two fold division of this lesson from I Tim. 4:8. Why He It Condemned. The Life That Now It, vv. 19-22. The revised version for verse 19, "now there was a certain rich man" Indi cates even stronger than the King James version that this is the story of a historical incident. Jesus did not mention the rich man's name, nor does he enumerate his moral delin quencies. Even morality cannot save a man frojn .punjshjnent Jj next life. Nor is this rich man Condemned because he is rich. He is condemned because he sought to enjoy his pleas ures In this life, squandering his time and his money upon sensual pleas ures, Ignoring the need of those at his door. Jesus had just told these Phari sees how to use money (v. 9), see I Tim 6:17-19. A wrong use of money damns a man. A few paltry charities or even larger gifts given for ostenta tious display will not suffice. There was, however, no real joy to the rich man in his life as he sought sensual satisfaction, Eccl. 1 : 8. Lazarus lying at the door was a living rebuke to his self-indulgence. Here Is another of those vivid pictures that not alone re veals the misery but makes an indeli ble impression on the mind. It is bet ter, however, to be a beggar, sore and hungry in this life and go to heaven hereafter, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season and be forever la torment tn the life to come. The name Lazarus means "God his help" and Is an Indication of his character. It did not look as though God was "mindful of hiB own" but the sequel abundantly corrects such an idea. Positions Reversed. II. The Life Which Is to Come, w. 23-31. Unconscious of the need of oth ers here the rich man Is very much conscious of his own need In hades when subject to torment and anguish. There Is no need of trying to minimize or to "explain" nor to deny these words of Jesus. Hell is for the wil fully disobedient, and was never pre pared for man (Matt. 25:41). On earth he saw Lazarus "at his gate," now with Abraham, resting "in his bosom." Their positions are reversed, the petitioner ia now the rich man who begs for "mercy," though In life he showed none at all. His plea was for his tongue; that organ had been pampered in life but now It is In mis ery, because deprived of earthly satis faction. The solemnity of this lesson Is very great. As we have suggested Luke does not call this a parable. It Is possible that Jesus' auditors knew the very people of whom he was speak ing, some notoriously wealthy citl zen recently deceased, and some well anown aims-seeker, ror a moment our Lord withdraws the curtain to let those about him read the story, catch, for an instant, a glimpse. He shows us that the attitudes of today determine the destinies of tomorrow: The experience of life beyond death is determined by the use of the life "that now Is." The gate of heaven Is without our self-centered life and often take? the form of a beggar. To wrongly em ploy our wealth, to live within the (ate of selfishness will shut the cats of heaven in our own faces. If we pass without that gate of selfishness and minister, presently we find we. have made a friend la the life berond. It Is not the crumbs we give the beg gar, mat which we do not miss, it must be self-emptying service. This lesson raises the question, "are the ruling desires of our lives such as hall develop gratification and satis faction in the life to come?" if not we do well to heed this story. Col. 3:1- 2. Memory is also active In that fu ture existence and it will be either a source of gratifying Joy or else of un speakable anguish. We are taught that education is largely developed out of memory and the Scripture tells us that as a man thluketh so Is he, Prov. 23:7. Small wonder Paul should ex. hort us to think on holy things, Phil. 4:8, with such a prospect in view for all. - uund vmrnm THREATEN YOU? Are You in th& Coils o Disease? Maybe ths 3erpont of sickness is crush ing you tj death? Your back ii huavv. eyes duli, a never end- g weariness holds you. Too many women well know the meaninir of if hopclessdragtjii gdays and ent-less rights. functional and or ganic derangement s grovv steadily wh'. n neglected they becomo deadly ia timr. Don't suffer longer. SteUa- Vtize will roILna yi.il oa. This wonderful ren:edy 13 the guararie i tyc man't tonic of the world. It is t!!3 til ished work of t Hfctinie of n tlbtm guished physician who gave xb.i best years of life study to its perf;cti;i. Stella-Vitae is a life giving to;)!c f,UJi-antet-d by every dealer v;ho sh1l3 it. Whenever a bott'.3 fails to benelit you, the deaier cheerfully r.'i'.;n.i evt-ry fenny it cost you. It 13 perfectly harm ess healing ar.d Lcu'.th in every drop. Thousands of woil women &!1 over tn j Touth testify to i. 3 wor.Jrfu! proper ties. Sha!; oC the serpent. Gttweli. Begin today. Get a bottle oU Sufc Vitae, the g-iarantitd-to-tenefii rem edy. Your dealer solta it 'n f 1 bottle. Th'achcr Medicine to., Chattanooga, Tenn. GAhDEN A'OTES. Siihp Beans. RectEtf: Dlar.tices nf snan beans ch as Early Round Pcd Valen- tine and Stricgless Green Pcd, stiould be made about every two 'weeks to as to have a continuous supply of this vegetable. Toonatuets. Seed may be planted new In opc-a gicur.d for your main crop of to matoes, dropping themi rigbtt where Sou intend for the tomatcn plants to fitand. Plants for your early cicp should te ready to plant in the open by the 15tti of this niotit!., however, In the meantime, push tli em in the teds and give them all the warm air possible in order to have Oli em as hardy as you can get them before puttirg them in the open. You can easily get three crops of tLmatoee by planting seed again, the last of May or the first of June and late tomatoes are often as profitable as the early crop. Every perscn having a garden should pient enough tomatoes so ftliey will have enough over table .use to can al their family can use next winter. Tomatoes are veiy catily canned and are very con venient to have during winter. Okra. Okra shoulAl be planted about t!;e same time aa cotton, being some what similar to it In its nature. We have found that early planting gives us very litle advantage, for lit the plants are stunted by cold they are very slow to recover, and seed planted a little later will catch up and pass iliem by. It ist very impcitact that land" Jtr tkra be thoroughly prepared acd the seed beti very fine. The seed should be dropped into fresh ly cpened furrow by hand. Step each' cue bo as to press it firmly into the scili before covering; then, lever the same as you would corn ind later knock off the surface just befcie the seeti begins to come up. , . Okra seed are very liard and b.ow t ogerminate, so that special pains must be taken In planting. Dampneoa in Minoa causes rheumatism and gradually weakens even a ttrong man; your blood must be purified and your general health improved. Scott's Emulsion is a miner's greatest help: it is so medically perfect it promptly increases red, life sustaining blood corpuscles to drive rheumatic aches and pains out of the joints and muscles and upbuild your strength but it must bet - Soott's v 1 CmutMlnn ) Sunshine Lsmp n?r'"a!( Candle Power IfL M I ry ia Tetar Own Home BlcMlatodM. eiTwbattarligM raity or is ortlun rry K. Main Its own igh from mmoa moI1m. Jbwlatur SAVE. mitt cm a trczr y ill pjr trt (uelf in nhntrdus. Miains: tamo, to th world. o wick, n6 chimney, no mantle III "M ., t HJEia?riM. rrMfcinutua n n

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