THE COURIER Aslielxfco, N. tl. May 14. 1914. LOCAL AX.1) PERSONAL Percy Bostick pent Sunday with his parents at Randdeman. Mrs. Aleon Auman is visiting rel atives in Montgomery county. Miss Minnie Hoover is in Salis bury this week attending couit. Mrs. I. B. Rush Is visiting Crlends and relatives In High Point. Mr. Jas. Hendrlx ipent the Week end with homefolks at Reldsville.. Miss Annie Spencer has been visi log relatives at Seagrove this weee. Mrs. James Cox and baby of King's Mountain are guests of Mrs. .psau Spencer. , ! i " ' ' ' ; ' Miss Minnie Hoover returned Frl day from Salisbury where she has jMiss Walta Page returned Sat. r-1 flay from a short visit to Green.- a i i . I ' Mr. Charlie Shamtmrger cr tin. Store wasi in town Friday of last week and paid The Courier a c 11. Rev.. Lewis Collins of AshevlJle was in Asheboro and preached iu, Xhe Presbyterian church Sunday. .Mrs. A. C. McAlUter and Mrs L. M. Fox went to Ramseur Tues day to visit relatives. Mrs. O. E. Kearns and children of High Point are visiting Rev.. J. JE. Thompson. , Miss Mabel Piim of High Point "was the guest of Miss Claudia -Dickens Sunday. (Mr. Jordan Skeen of Tabernacle township was a visitor on our street Tuesday. . i ! in Asheboro the first of the week I vu uubibobb. i Tjwor n.b T.Tincrtmi m Asheboro Sunday the guest, of Everett Luck.' : . ; . , iMrs. J. H. Hamilton of Thomas ville wasa visitor In Asheboro this week. Mr. A. A. Spencer, who is to catea at uannage.was at nome ea odaywith h family. . ..u..! .u. ier, v. iv. uucmmiv eyeuv u wek-end with relatives in Hills-land 11 3Ber' AuBuu ,ed the Siler City commencement Tuesday, i i . . . . The Randolph Book Club meinumJ)er f yearfilC agK) he reU froSn'ceBB Mr. W. H. Swift of Greens 'wlth Mrs. a. V. Hunter Friday af- a building rnd received a very se- 'boro dellvered aa interesting ad- ternoon. a most .n.eresung 'J'l gram was renaerea. uvuss connna Auman nas ".recently experienced. .He! seems turned from Thotuasvif.l.e where sue has taught 'n the graded school ,,. r-hrimaa since Christmas. Miss Dora Redding was in Ashe- boro Tuesday attending the Ex-j ecutive Committee meeting of the. Oounty Sunday School Association. Bev. C. Li. wmiaKer went toast Saturday under the auspices oi tvto.kv,o. Mininv nhora ha will Dsslsi thn Randoloh ChaDter of U. D. C, at Rev. W. E. Swain in a protract-'the . . I service wa upcucu ujr n.v... i meeting. . . ... by Rev, Powell, pastor of the Baptist Mr on a Mr. TnhH Rulld nf'ohiiroh. A short business session of Washineton D C were in Ashe-'the Randolph Camp, Confederate vet- ty, who is a candidate for the Deni ashlngton, D. C, were , in Asnf-erans was yhed priSr to the speeches. ! ocratic congressional) nomination in boro the first of the week, guests Following Coi, w. P. Wood, auditor of the Seventh district, is after Post 'O' relatives. I thn Stat waa called UDon to eive a master J. Gordo Hackett of North ' Misses Maude and Robbie Ander- Uaude and Robbie Ander-lresunw of the annual meeting of Con- Wilkesboro for circulating a c rc-i-T That; hm. t Al 'federate veUrans at Jacksonville, Fla. lar in Wilkes county, signed by the iea to tner nome at ai- Wood gay ft graphic description postmaster and others, in which Mr. londay after epending a 0f the meeting:, speaking of the loyal-! Beasley ls criticieed ind Oongress- son return bemarle Monday : few days with iMiss Ina Auman. -vt i- ri i . c. day for Hickory where she goesiof the Confederacy and said that had to visit ner Drotner, Mr. uert num. mer. Misses Certrude Ferree and Con nie Belle Auman returned from Raleigh where they have been in cchool at Peace Institute. Col. W. P. Wood was at home for the memorial celebration Satur day. He returned to Raleigh the first of the week. Mrs. H. M. Robins and little daughter have returned home after an extended visit to friends in Lau rlnburg. I ' , Mr. P. S. Page spent the week- end with his daughter. Mra. C. E Davis, and returned to Steeds Mon day. 1 Mrs. J. Worth McAlister and children of Winston-Salem are vis iting Coil.A . C. McAUster's fam ily Rev. nr. Ton on will' make a med cal lecture at Neighbor's Grova Friday nigh at 8 o'clock. The, puouc is coraaany invuea to i- tend- ' ' j Mips Maesah Lambert whoi is teacliing the eeventh and eighth grades of the Weldon Hlglv School, has been re-elected to the same position for tho next term. She 1s expected home next week. Mrs, Wm. C. Hammer and Miss Julia Thorns returned Friday from Fayetteville where they attended the State Federation of Woman's Clubs meetings. Mrs. Lou eld a Lovett. who has been at the homo of her brother. Mr. John M. Hammer, on account of the illness of his children, re- turned last Saturday. (Alias Helen Slaugi ter is the guest of Mrs. J. T. Penn. Mrs. J. M. Hancock returned Fri day, frcui a three weeks visit to Greensboro, Burlington and Mebane Miss Maud Anderson of Albe marle was the guest of Miss Ina Auman latt week-end. ' Dr. J. Doane and Mr. Tuttle, who have been doing 'health work in our EfrHe Klnl GraCfe c Bob county for he past four week leit Morrl Wallace Mocre. Wlnfred Monday. T.hey will go to HMsboro. Berry. WUHam Armfield. Hon. R. F. Beasley of Monroe Lower third grade Mattie Burk was in Asheboro the first of the head, Claire Presnell; Colon Way. week meeting the people. I Third Grade Sheltcn Birkhead. Dr. W. L. Jackson passed through w"llam, ... . . , , . Hammond, Hell Moffitt, James Asheboro on his way to Trinity fron Underwood, Willlm Underwoou, a business trip to Biscoe. Fred Cranford, Leonard Wood. May Mr. Thomas Jones, mining exper Presnell. from Hannah's Creek mine is In' Fo"r,th, Grade Anna Rtehard town this week .eon' Gladys Allied, floyd Beaver, town tins week. i Everett Nance Mr. Chas. Fox and sitter, Miss ' Fifth Grade Mai y Ellen Cox. Mat I, were called to Randleman Frances Hall, Wilma Russell, John TueseUy iti account of the serious Birkhead, Alexander Burns, Ben Hirers if their mother. ,, Sumb,f; JXet' WIlm?r ... . . . ' . ! Presnell, Ethel Allrcd. ; MUs Lila teed of Steeds was Sixth Grade Stella Auman. Len- cn. tl-e t:ain Monday r eturning nie Bean, Lottie Newby, Nettie v;6iting iel. r u w c Hammer and Miss t..m. m - . j o. .. r'",.."0 ZrZ'uTr k"" '.l ,h"'" "I J ihl ZZZ,. CIt,ion of Vomen-8 clubs. Miss Myrtls iPresneld of MichJfleld was in town Monday. She has Just closed a very successful 7 month 'term of school at X Roaas, Kicn - land township, i All correspondence mutt have the. name of the writer signed to it in order to be printed.' If de - , . ... ... slred. we will withheld the wr-ters name. This is an old established rule of oura and must be adhered to Mr. E. W. Parks of Seagrove Rt. 2 was in Asheboro Monday. He had Deen nere on aaturaay aim puruuu ea 8me goods; on the way home e iost jj.e g0cds. He came In to adveitlte t'.iem but found a lady Dr. Doane and Mr. TutUe, ml wf"i " vuuuucu nic : hookworm dispensary in this coun- W ror the past six weeks, leit moo- aay for Hiusooro. rney wiu oe They wild be . . for the next sjx ' '' in Orange county Weeks . I The heahy thhhdier and vivid lightning of Thursday aftemocn ol I.Qcf uioalr i n rlinat fa that clirnTTl ar i" "" '"''"""'J c"c"-c' ?rt 'f1' WLta trt,i;w ao wn?lw ". " ana green roiiage ana grasses iresii lovely afte; removing the thick coat of dust that hlaollected dur- ,George Franklin, the negro who 'county jailk is apparently perfectly Ihae been raving for a week! m tne ratlnnal aeain. He claims that a1 attacks of dementia such as the one now entirely rational and in a nor- ' mal s tate o f health, but Passed. to remember nothimg of theoccur-1 hu,i his recent "crazy 8oeii." j .' Memorial Day fittingly uoserveu Memoriay3s were held Graded School Auditorium. The resunw of the annual meeting of Con- tv of the laree number who attended, .'He He consrratuiatea ine veterans ot jt not been for the fidelity ana nacri- fice of the womanhood of war tfwms eays that in view of the ruling of the men could not have given their Postmaster General' Burleson it best. In closing Col. Wood appealed s understood that Democratic to his comrades to be ready for the postmasters were not to be polit great call, just as they did in the ically active. 'Mr. Beasley's criti days of the sixties. Rev. J. E. cjsm f proper. The partisan ac Thompson, pastor of the M. E. church, tivity of Federal officeholders ls made a most excellent address on the improper and especially Improper Confederate soldiers. 'ln inter-party contests. Statesville Mr. Thompson also appealed to Landmark. tne veterans to matte meir peace witn i God. Old familiar songs were used, in which the veterans joined, were i much enjoyed. Dinner was served by the Daugh-' ten of Confederacy at the Armory, where Rev. Ada Lee, pastor of the Friends congregation invoked God's following the dinner tne procession marched to the cemetery where the graves of all Confederate veterans were strewn with flowers. The service was most impressive with a song by wt tatUdL.ienCe' Prar hI RfVu C- Whittaker and a salute tired bv uni- formed soldiers of Company K. About Colfege ast Friday nfcht. The occa--1 fifty veterans were present form va- sion ,as the 28th nnnual oratorical rious partsofthejounty. imtes f- OOowJiSt Siuidny School Oomvenrioiis New Hope, fourth June. ' Sunday CedHr Grove, first1 Sunday IJune. Back Creek, second Sunday June. in Franklinville, fourth. Sunday inlj,, complained of not being well; he June. I was taken suddenly very much worse Level Cross, fourth Sunday In 'early Sunday morning and died at , ,9:30 o'clock. ialay' Sheriff Petty was born in Chatham The county association is prepar- jCOunty 47 years ago, had been a resi ini? a nroeram for all townhsfns dent of Sa'nfovd about 20 years, serv- 'which will be sent to township fleers in a few days. Each town- ship can use all or any part of this program as they choose. '''" "lUXORO FOR GHADKIJ school irrn. The following children having been neither tardy nor absent uur- ,nS the year, received attendance uruncaies tn last day or fcdiool; First Grade Hal Rich. Advaced first giaie David Bea ver. Fletcher Steed. Second Grade Samuel Brtttaia. I Seventh Grad . Donna Lee Lof- 'Jt Ldemllk Jonn Wrig 1 Shatter Ferree. Eighth Grade Faye Ferree.Kate Newby, Roy Berry, Dewight Rich ardsoon, June Frazier, Sidney Wood Curry Loflln. Ninth Grade Banks Rlcha-dsrn, Ethel Blrkead, Kcte Brittain. Nancy . watte. Tenth Grade Rill..! Spocn, Matel Spoon, Bessie Auman. 1 Any Pereon in tWe county who can give me any Information in re- gard0 the tmperance work , tnj8 vounty please report to me at once as I want to give a history of the temperance work that has been one in the county ,g . Inftetiestiiig Pipe Found llnti! !r Olft OouH Honwe. , .. , , , ' i On last Sundaf wVen Messrs. J. H. Vestal and T. E. Byrd were ffat tne 0jd part or tne tempie OT JUS- tice a nine which was made from .?e ro0l oi ' pipe nas a reefl tt?m- wod worm have been at work on the bowl cyt tlve jlpe; cept for that lt ls ,n good hap?.' Jt .shows Jt has been - - - - r 7" - used though there is no scent of tobacco about It. it was aoum 1 nr. J na Vvv rra rt thn workmen. ,. . u,, ' Tuesdav. Mav 7th. was corn i - . . .. m mencement day at Liberty. The ex erclsea opened at 10 o clock with ,. dlt)loma8 were presented by ' DatV,io . ov- Immediately after the noon re' dress on the child lfcbor question Mr. Swift has made a careful study 0f this subject and his address was fujj of interest frcm ttart to finish game was played . between Ramseur and Hbeity. In the evening a play entitled - Ai3 sua .sseiSaoo s.joiaipua oqx.. en Thls play was nct only attrac to t was given in an unusually onsuv aou i-umiitveui mauuci. I 1 Especially EmrHoifler Inftar-PUkty . vvrae'. J . h I Mr. R. F. Beasley ct Union coun Wilkesboro for circulating a cjrc-i. man Page extolled. Mr. Beasley cans aateniion to the fact that ed Reiubllcan Federal officeholders for their pernicious activity, ana Deputy Sheriff Dan I. Tolbert Shot in Stanley County, Near Badin, in Stanley county, D gh Dan L Tolbert was fc P d km d b Juliug Cox and A, j ;f -mrv it ia' rep0A that Tolbert attempted to examine some bagpeapre supposedly be- , t Cox and Cole to find out if. li u..;nn.;v.. i ivViicVv tn no. , ' employed in the work. K c , j jail at Albemarle, but . t i . 1 ' Mr. Chas. Lambeth won the Henry 'm.. ji ; rtto0t ot niiiif.-.rH contest of the Henry Clay Literary o :-t.. Tl,. t.n..a civ onntactantc Mr Larnbeth chose for the subject of his oration, "The Southern Mountaui In eer, A Diamond in the Rough." Sheriff Petty of Lee County Dead. Sheriff C. G. Petty died at his home in Sanford Sunday morning after a short illness of acute indigestion. Mr. Ppttv was at his office on Saturday, of-.injr Lee county as sheriff for the last nj suvived by a wife and nine cmiaren besides a mother and several brothers and a sister. W. D. Sludebaker and Maxwell Cars Studebaker 4-5 Passenger, Price Studebaker 6-7 Passenger, Price Maxwell 25-5 Passenger, Pri e -Maxwell 25-Roadster, Price YOUNTS-LUCK AUTO Miw. Ida Ingold Mastem VUts In iWUWUngly tin Yttfti kuid ?liev- &omo time before the Mislead disturbance it was said that the names of Washington., Lincoln and Wilson would go down in history as the three greatest Presidents of the United States. The comment ran that probably the only material dif ference with Wilson was that he would sot have a war to manage In his administration,' ' A short time ago U looked very much as 't Wilson would have his war. And the danger may hot yet be past, In spite of the arbitrary powers of some people and the ac quiescence of others. The Mexicans are a bad lot . :' When we think of General! Hu erta as an Indian rather than a Mexican or even a Spaniard, some things become explainable that oth te we could not see through. To think of him in this way we can better understand his cruelty,, his tenacity and his stupidity Think of him in the same breath with Sit ting Bull or White Owl's Feather, and you wilt understand, for he iC nothing more than a peer .for the great Ohief. t When JHuenta was young his tribe was visited by solders whose1 gen eral happened to have need of a secretary. The Indian boy Huerta could read and write. a rare aconi' pMBhment, having beon taught in thg Mexican Indian village school. He got the position of secretary is the general, who took html to the capitol. and becoming interested in him sent hini to military school. Af ter that he served asi a soldier un der Diaz. It may b noted also that when Diaz had to flee, Huerta saw that he igot away .safely) 4 iiuerta makes his breakfast on raw eggs and alcoiiol. And yet they insist that he Is not a drunk ard, for alcohol seenis to agree wltl r..lm. He is sixty-nine years old and possesses a vigorous constitu tion. Villa, the rebel leader under Car- ranza, began life as a hired assas sin. These represent the type of men with 'wfacin wo mutt deal in Mexico. And yet, the general com ment Is that theMexican people so far have behaved themselves ex ceptionally well for Mexicans. They have shown a restraint that we really thought they hadn't the ca pacity for, considering the false and inflaming reports published throug1!! Mexico for the purpose, no doubt, of enraging tliem to the point of war. Ex-l'resiident Taft said he did not censure the administration for th course taken, but that he thought the United States was facing the most serious problem it had ev. faced if It undertook to straighten Mexico's tangle. I do not believe any person wwuld doubt the truth of this state ment. But no doubt T'rcsiilent Wil son's conception of what we are fac lua; when we go to wa.r with Mex ico Is as clear as Mr. Taft's, And I, for one. am glad we had Wilson to steer our course. There is in Taft's statement a carefully ved led criticism in pito of his assurance to the contrary. But If we to have peace all criticisms of that nature are of no avail, i The sentiment that Wilson is the right man in the right place .seems to be universal. He is known as a man of conscience and of profound FEEL AT LIBRTY to stop our "ICE WAGON" at any time. Start Your Refrigerators Now STEDMAN Phone 66 Madame Lillian Nordica Died Sunday Madame Lillian Nordica, the cele brated operatic singer died in Batavia Sunday after an illness, resulting from exposure caused Shipwreck on Toms strait, January last. Mme. Lillian Norica was one of the world's most distinguished sinsrers. The year of her birth, according to the best accounts, was lo&y. judgment. He does things for him dlf. not wasting time in dictating to ethers, and thereby is expedient Of course he has his critics who watch his every move, and find fault where there is none.simply bs cause the differ from hiim. Some of these said that tie President policy was hesitating because he re fused to rush an army to Mexico City, and because he accepted te proposition of Argentina, Brazil and Chile to mediate in ithe interest of peace.' They predicted the failure slow tn answer that he was follow ing his "conscientious judgment." and would follow it if he lost the suppejt of the newspapers and of Confess. . This is tie sort of dm we need at Washington have need ed 'or a long time. f What the President wants is peace. But. if he must sacrifice it to R"in respect and safety and hoaor to the flag and to the Amer ican people then he will sacrifice it. That is nothing but the natu ral, hontet policy of a sane., hon est man. ; ; : 6ome have been saying that whtii the United States flag goes into Mexico it will stay Irere, and Mex ico will become annexed. That is what they want. They have even raSsed the cry "on to the Isthmus,' indicating that eventually the Unit- States will control everything clean through to the Isthmus of Panama. Now it ia not the purpose of the wiiter to argue that possession by the United States will never take place, nor that it would be a bad thing, but there are those wise enough to see that this premature sentiment concerning annexation is not an honest one. Although preach ed in the name of patriotism, it is the wteh of those who hope to make money out of the war and annexation. Such agitators as these oppose the PrekSiident's plan, of course. They Mked him better when they thought he was about to have w-ar with Mexico. It Is necessary that such false patriofiisim and double dealing be distinctly understood by the people, and that they throw cold water on the flame whenever it arlsesi. What the people want is a satis factory settlement of Mexico's prob lems sw that it may Jf poesibl. govern itspl.f with greater enlight enment than it has heretofore done The great mass of American people aJid the President are t rw gpter in this desire. The whole civ ilized world is in accord with the Idea. And even if the peace move ment fails utterly, we have already, by the diplomatic strokes 'of our efficient and conscientious chief, a.ind the good opinion of the world, and more especially of those countries who thought they had n right to suspect u. Part of 1h President's plan has Already snc- (i eded in spite of what may cr'me. Those few isolated chnrnrtr wiio are yellinsr opposition!l find to their regret, that they have nil tne time, had the wrong pig by the er.r. IDA IMOOLD MASTEX. & SON $1050 $1575 $ 750 $ 725 COMPANY 1 AN Time, Any Place, Any Girl likes Ice Cream. But, for her own sake, she's always sure it's i m ct a ic Creams, For Sale by STANDARD 3WG COMPANY v I I Ashflbjojv, K. C. . Monufaeturwi by vPURiTV JCE CREAM CO. fc RICHMOND, VA, -y J MOST SANITARY ICE CREAM PLANT IN THE SOUTH. m Gry'a OhapeJ Xews. Wheat is looking wall Ik f 1.1. in this section uur farmers are in the midst of corn planting. Mr. G. M. Reddine in tdrv hi week. Dr. WilkernoTi in tha borhood one day last weekl yonn R. Coble is still improving. M. TrOKdon. our plover 'hlnlr. smith, hhas made some improve ments and changes at his place. Mrs. Cora Bridsres. nsrui hni 42 years, died on May 8th. Inter ment was made the next day at the Chapel cemetery. Rev. Dennis Vun cannon conducted the, burial ser vice. Quite a larce crowd vm present. The deceased leaves two sons and two daughters and a husband, Brower's OlinpeJ Itrtn.. Rev. Mr. Vuncannon preachel to a large congregation at Cool SDrins: church last Sunday night.; Mr. George York, who has been critically ill for the past few weeks. is improving. I Mrs. Carrie Bridges, daughter of the late Squire J. W. Pugh, died at her home on Millb rm Rt. 1 (May 8tn, aged 4 2 years. She leaves a husband and four children. The re mains were laid to rest in Gray's Chapel cemetery, Rev. Mr. Vuncan non conducting the funeral service. Rev. Mr. Pike preached an ex cellent sermon at Gray's Chapel last Sunday. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Blair and fam ily of Greensboro attended the bur ial of Mrs. . Blair's filter. Mrs. Bridge, at Gray's Chapel last Sun day. ' . : , J

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