(POLITICAL ADVERTISING) THE NORTH CAROLINA DELEGATION IN CONGRESS Hew Influence is Gained By Length cf Service The Senate Senator F. M. Simmons 14 years Chairman of the Finance Committee. Senator Lee S. Overman 12 years Chairman of the Committee on Rules. Ranking member of the Judiciary Committee. Ranking member of the Appro priations Committee. The House of Representatives Representative John H. Small 16 years Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Representative E. V. Pou 14 years Chairman of the Committee on Claims. Ranking member of t'.ie Committee on Rales. Representative Claude Kitchen 14 years Ranking Member of the Ways and Means Committee, and will become Chairman -of this Committee, as well as Floor Leader, upon the retirement of Representative Underwood on March 4r.h., next. Representative R. bert N. Page-- 12 years Committee on Appropriations. Representative E Y. Webb 12 years Ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, soon to be made Chairman. The following editorial from The Washington Times of May the 6th tells the story: THE OLD NORTH STATE The shiftings of political authority which go with changes of p :rty and peisonnel, bring some interesting situations. Just now North Carolina commands attention because of the probabi'ity that in the next Congress she will number in her delegation the leaders of both kouses. In the past the 0!d North State has more than once been in commanding position, but never has her representa tion held so many posts of first-rate importance as it is likely to ccunt in ihe next session. In the first place, Senator Simmons is chairman of the Com mittee on Finance, which deals with tariff and revenue problems. It is always a committee of the very first rank. Despite that one large section of its authority was taken from it when the Commit tee on Banking and Currency was created, it is probably the most; distinguished committee of the upper body. Simmons will continue its leader. The corresponding committee in the House, that on Ways and Means, is now headed by Mr. Underwood. He will move to the Senate, and Mr. Kitchen of Noith Carolina will be leader of the majority assuming that the Democrats retain the control, which seems altogether probable and chairman of Ways and Means. Tnis chairmanship carries not only the leadership and the dominat hg place in revenue matters, but also the function of directing the highly important business of selecting the House committees. The present chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Mr. Clayton of Alabama, is retiring to assume a judicial post, and the succession will fall by seniority as well as by merit to Mr. Webb of North Carolina. No committee has more to do with framing legis lation and determining rolicie, in the present era, than that on Judiciary, the preat law committee, in a way the supreme court of the House. Alabama gives way at two very important points to North Carolina. Tne Senate Judiciary chaitman is Mr. Culberson of Texas, who is seriously ill and very possibly will not attempt to resume his du ties in another session. Should he vacate the Judiciary chairman ship in the upper house, it would go by seniority to Senator Over man of North Carolina. Thus the North Carolina delegation would hold the leadership of the House, and the chairmanship of what' many regard as the two most important committees in both houses. It is decidedly a notable coincidence, and it testifies anew to the wisdom of that policy which a number of States have followed, of keeping their delegations long enough in service to let them rise to commanding places. FOR YOUR DEN Beauttful College Pennants Yale and Harvard, each 9 in. x 24 in. Princeton, Cornell, Michigan Each 7 in. x 21 in. All best quality felt with felt head ing, streamers, letters and mascot ex ecuted in proper colors. This splendid asortment sent postpaid for 60 cents and 5 cents to pay postage. Send now. HOWARD SPECIALTY COMPANY Dayton, Ohio Wood's Seeds Soia Beans THE COMING FORACC AND SOIL-IMPROVING! CROP. . ' Farmers everywhere are enthusiastic in theif -praise. Contain! more oil, milk and fat-producing qualities that any otheT'foiage crop; at the same, are one of the surest-cropping and largest-yielding crops grown. Wood's J9I4 Descriptive Cataic gives full cksciiptisasj and informs. tiin about all hfc sat swsiss of . t Soja Beans, Cow Peas. .:, Velvet Beam. Sorghums. ' "Ensilage Corn, Millets. " and all other Seasonable Seeds. Write for Wood's Descrlptlv Catalog; anil prices of any seeds in which you are interested. T. W. WOOD a SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. THE SUN WHO KNOWS The man who wins is an average man Not built on any particular plan. Not blest ltn any particular iuck. jv6t tceaay ana earnest ana iuh of pluck. 'When asked a question 'Hie does not guess" He knows, and answers "no" or When set a task that the refit can't He buckles down till he's put it through. Three things he' learned, that the man rhn T Tl ftfl .. hi snvnlnver's eyes. That It pays to how mme - - IktnK wall. ' That It doesn't pay all he knows to tell. So he work and waits till one tint. TherS better Job wlth bigger And tie men who shirked whenever made gooa. For the man who win la the man Who neUher labor nor trouble shirks. Who uses his hands,, hia head, his ye. . The man who wins is the man wno tries. The Idea. Children Cry FOB FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A ,4 ii answer: every beverage re-c-.r.::'c-ic:".'. vim, vigor, refreshment, vholcEcmeness. It will satisfy you. km VThc never you see an Twrant-.-! p-"":" 7 tu'A name ffSRsiL THU CCCA-CCLA COMPANY ? JnM$ vssma THE "NEW PERFECTION" LAUNDRESS Though she works next to the stove, within easy reach of her irons, she keeps cool and com fortable. That's because she uses a Oil ok"Stove New Perfection Stoves bake, broil, roast, toast everything any other stove will do, and they cost less for fuel. No handling of coal and ashes all the cook ing heat you want, just when you want it. New Perfection Stoves are made in I , 2, 3, and 4 burner sizes. Also a new 1914 model -No. 5 Stove, sold com plete with broiler, toaster, and fireless oven. Regular oven, broiler and toaster can be obtained separately (or smaller sizes. Sad-iron heater and cook-book free with every stove. At dealers everywhere, or write direct for catalogue. STANDARD OIL COMPANY WsaUafftoa, 9.1 (New Jersey) '. Ckarlstle, K C Merlslk, Va. ..'- BALTCWORE Onrlcatewa, W.fa. Ready for To-morrow ? Horses digest their feed less thoroughly than other farm animals. In order to insure thorough digestion of all the food eaten, and to make your horses readier for next day's work, add to their evening feed a teaspoonful of Bee Dee mImcine It will lessen your feed bills. It will Increase your profits. I am mini BeeDee STOCK MEDICINE with my horses regularly and lind it a saying proposition on feed. It alto makes them healthy, thriving and clean. Ira Johnston, R F. D. No. 1, O'Neill, Nebr. 23c, SOc and 91. per can. At your dealer's. r. p. I International Harvester Oil and Gas Engines Vw. 3TZ Z The I II CLice GRAIN AND HAT MACHINES Bia&n, Reapers Hira, MnSars IUks, Stackers Kay Ladrs thy PrMM. CORN MACHINES Plutera, Pkkm Biadm, Csttrtstsrt Eaailaf Csttm Statkra. San.n TILLAGE Par. Sprim -T..tk, mi Dak Huim Calttratari GENERAL LINE OH mmt Cm Fasiaas Oil Tractors Mum Ssrasfcrs Crasai Scssrators Fans Wagms Maw Tracks Tkrakra Grata Drtls ftjuf. CiiaAVus BaaWTwiss EVERY wise farmer does what he can to save money, time, unneces sary hard work, and to have as pleasant a life as is possible. Therefore, wise farmers buy International Har vester engines, engines of standard construction with features like the offset cylinder head, accurately ground piston and rings, extra large valves, detach able valve guides, split-hub fly-wheels feature? that make them last by far the longest and save tho most money in the end. Be sure when you buy your engine that it is an I H C engine, and you will be sure of best material and best construction. They are made portable, stationary, or skidded; vertical or horizontal; air or water-cooled. Sizes range from 1 to 50-11. P. They operate on both low and high grade fuels. Not every local deal -r can snow you International Harvester engines. Writs us fo interesting cata logues and full information, and we wiil tell you the name of the local dealer who handles our engines. International Harvester Company of America Ittcsrsoraltd) Charlotte N. C fti CasasaiM Dssriag HcCsraick KuVsafcea Oskraa Plaaa McCrary-Redding Hdw Co., Agents. A TRUST COMPANY Well managed with ample capital is a Bank and much more. It is the trusted and confidential agent in all forms of busines and relations of life, where an individual cannot and does net wish to act for him self. Everyone is beginning to realize the reasons for the increase in the selection of a trust company as executor and administrator under wills. It acts as fiscal agent including real and personal property, collecting incomes, investing moneys as assignee or receiver, acts as guardian for minors, and in any ca pacity of trust. It is always at home attending to business, its business is so handled it cannot get mixed with per-, sonal affairs. The trust company cannot be extrava gant nor can it be influenced in the handling of trust funds, it cannot die, default or refuse to act. It has the knowledge and ability to conduct all matters in the most profitable manner consistent with safety. Page Trust Company Respectfully solicits such business and will srive prompt attention to matters entrusted to it. Page Trust Company ABERDEEN, N. C. B8 WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open an account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit your business. Call to see us. BANK OR RAMSEURi Hiirciiles Stump Puller For sale. Practically new, at a bargain. Write or 'call 'to see us. McCrary-Redding Hardware Co Asheboro, N. Carolina

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