I' BEASLEY AT ASHEBORO Continued frcm first page. KiimlUsiNin News. Mr. I. D. Wager of Biscoe Is in town isilii:g hit, mother and oth er relatives and friends. .Messrs. S. V. Swaim, Ttuonns Dalit) went to little and carprl Ifss n limit tli.iir wishes, and tn. .rpttina- in ono lmrit. Swaim and J. C after ancthn- h.,rt i basn iii.nn. Greensboro Thursd y like the frog in the well to get,Ij- Jolla Woclin aIi1 George Steed" out at all. If a man cannot w.n .Messrs. W. F. Talley. Robert Tai- the applause of -well dime nocd an eui 10 -Mctly a tne commtnce faithful servant" in a littJp matter me,: Thursday. like thin, low run ho hv the1 Mr. Madison Linden is reniodel- cheek to ask to be continued as a inS Mr. Charlie Doison's residtnee, caDtain r.ver sfffnirK nf laro mn- .ur.w. 1. Bryant s residence oa iiient? Naomi street is retdy for occu "I v,! y0r.' pancy and is an elegant home. When Mr. Page began to hearj We noticed the other day in the rujnllijjfs of the uprising in his Passing the Barker farm a nice district, and read my speeches dwelling house nearly computed, thowirig that he had done nothing, ,Now look out, there will be sonue he came forward with a claim of ine missing from the Big Four what he hal vtted for. I gave him chicken ffarm before long, credit of having generally voted Mr. Charlie Slack fell Saturday right when a good measure wasr,ght Deer the cltd drug s tore and about toi run over him and he broke his leg. CMUJdrrt get out of thj. way Antj now, 5n response to my chare of tor pidity. w&r.t of initiative and lack of leadership nd general useless- ness, ue enumerates tne, things tlia lit. 3. M. Allied of Biscoe came home Sunday to1 spend a few days with his family. I i Mr. Joe H. Brown, who has a larte ctr.tract cf painting, is at Jlr. Wilson and others have accom-.honie for a few days. plislied, a d whiius, "I voted fof Mr. D. r McCrary cf Ashtboro It." He shows utter ignorance of th,as on cur streets Sunday evening, fc. eat trust questkn I'lom every an- Mr. Thomas Laiter will leave cle from which he approaches it. for Ware Shoals. S. C, Monday He savs that tlie tariff bill in his ir-S to accept a position as judtmii t, is the best anti-trust bill e eC,tnCr, llnen,an- , , , i can icibly be passed. YttL JIr- RpP" of riackijurp, s. C-. Mr. Wilstii has now pending the hjs averted n pos!t!on as super--:tlatit n to carry into effect his tendent of Deep River Mill So. 2. w hole anti trust program. Wlu.t " e welconie Mr. Roper to our city. pi! e,'.,.K . ,b. ..,, ;i.w;l;r,"&.,b:.c;r,;,K "Sir." has sittlid the question? Then, tiie occupants were hurt too, the perpetual Con,gresman ! Sunday. "May 1Q ws, the feratest knows so little about what a t. u,t dav h and what legation nece&cary to bridle a trutt, t hut he seems to,as there were more than a humhed regard the oignniaztic Ji of ttrug old ladies adn 50 cr 75 old gentle glin farmers and workingnun, ere- men at ft. Paul's. The church was ated to Letter their condition, and , tilled toi its utmost and Rev. Oreg to defend themselves against injus- 'eon w as at his bett and preached tice. as fit subjects tVr airti-trust , rrom the ltitlv chapter of Proverbs prosecute m. Mr. Page is a rare k,nd 31st verse verse, "The Hoary latesn.an ioi a day of general en-jHead is a Crown of Glory if it be lightenment. ! Found in the Way of Righteous- luikT hi Lia;s lmn. jness." Messrs. Dr. Wilkerson, D. i.X the veiy beginning the fram- SuitlJffe, J. E. Davis and Dr. Burn ers of our constitution saw that if ner were veiy kind in conveying the masses of the people were to ; the gocd ladies to and from the be fairly represented in Congress it church. Robeit Fields, Dr. Sum was necessary that representatives ner and M. S. Sherwood made fine be elected t'er slioit teims, so they ;talks. Dr. Sumner impressed upon provided that the Low er House of t,le minds cf the yi unger ones t! e Congress should be elected every i necessity of remembering mother two vear-. It w,as des-ined th.it an(1 that those who had lost their the Representatives shoul-d1 come up another had loit their best friend, fresh Ircm the people every two I He considered mother net to Got. years, pulsir.g with the faith, the! Mr- rten'el Hill and wife of Cen hopes and the wishes of the mass--ifral Falls attended Mothers' Day e of the people back home who .vertices nere r-una:.y. were engaged in their daily avoca- Mr. JO. V. Wooty .p(tK d Su Qt l nt,(iuleiit if l-exliit 11 Otad ed !ohoO:V i iMr. O. V. Wccslty, who has act ed as superintendent cf the Lexing ton graded schcol, has been reelected. Miss VuiH'ajUHMi-YuxioiMint n. LilliBe BelleV uncannon, daughter of Mr. Ty?tn Vuncannrn, was married to Mr. Ross Vuncannoi April 29.. Rev. J. S. Tillman, of ficiating. The young couple attend ed Farmer commencement and left for Eilerbe, where they will reside. ' XOTTOE. North Carolina' Randolph County, the Superior Couit, before the 1 Clerk. Mary E. Cox, widow. V vs. . . . . 7yrus Cox, Carrfe Cox et a. The defendants. Cyrus Cox and Carrie Cox, above Battled .will takei notice that a special proceeding, entitled as above, has been com--! nienced in the Superior Comt of, Randolph County, to allot dower to! Marrt E. Cox in the lands of her late husband, Seth Ccx, sitUEtid iff said county, and ilie jsaid defend ants will further tr.ke notioe t' at they hT required to appear before. W. C. Hanmirnd. Cleik of Superior Ccuit of Randdpll County, at his office in the count house at Aslie- )cro. N. C. on the 15th dav of Tun-e. 1914. and -answer or dmmr to the petition H said cause, or the petilicrer will applv to the "ourt for the r'ilef demanded 'n sa' petition. I Th1e the 5th day of May. 1914. ' I W. C. HAlMMOXTl. Clerk of the Superior Court. BUSINESS LOCALS Ten cents per line each insertion in this column. Six words to a line. No ad. for less than 25c. FOR SALE Cole Com and Cot ton Planters for sale by C. M. Tysor, Erect. N. C. tions, and not havtag time .to look after public matters. If a Repre sentative stays toe long in Congress 1-e Is apt to lose touch with the people. And when he gets mo. e anxious to hold his place than to serve his people he has office hold ing palsy amd ceases to be a leader I Fanie who is always ready to strive for 'sick FOR SALE Xice 5-room cottage ill Ashetoro. A bargain to quick purchaser. Apply quick. C. C. MILLER. Mr. and Mr?, r. A. Hayes of! Asheboro. X- C. J30-2t Greensboro were the guests of Mr . j FOR RE"T x nnH o i,,r , Hayes- father. E. P. H.yes, l.et ! uil EfLdt. Thursday. iiently arranged, near Asheboro. Al- Thomas Lassiter went to High,!0 w,ant two farm hands, men with Point Thursdav on business. families preferred. If interested, Miss Mary Xewlin went to r..- B Asheboro. y. C. boro Thursday to -ee her aunt Ferree, who Is very 1 NOTICE. S5.00 Reward We will pay $5.00 reward for each e weimie yi 111c cvc umj fcii-n i jIrs xannie Welch, better known and every conviction for everv nr i back home in his .tore or follow-'ag x , inshaw. dled May 7th son tresspassing in any wa SK1 ing Hip plow. He loses sympathy ;and wag tuijed &t ,, LebBnon cem knds of he unernsiagnd TTn Asheboro! Bnu uiiueRiaumus. teaoeo iu eeery luesaay evening at i 0 CJOCK. ana eaar uiove townshins and H. ask, what can I do for n y people Quite a large crowd attpnded the Joimnar the lands of Levi TuMfoi. j but asks, "How can I do the lead I burial, showing the esteem in wh'ch .Others. to give offense and hold my office?' jhe was l;dd. Rev. O'Briant con-, i He begins to belongs to him pie. Now and then some really M'ALISf ER & HAMMER. and not to the per- jirs. Carrie Brldo'es nt near Mill F.i,Y!L ?LLARS REWARD b's k Pru.'v . " .. o . i v ' c" 10 ny one wno win will fur- cause he makes uuio aum rraaay mcrnng, .nay & nisli ovi,ipn i .1". man hclds office a long time be- The Holiness concrpea.tim ha v. ' carcasa i,a. 1,01,1;., " " l lace in influence built a nice parsonage near their iled by anv oba unon mv lnd in auls j 1 j ,. , r . w. iitar int-ii -cu any vue upon my iana 11 . , pi an . ,y ser,vicc church. They have also bought a Asheboro township. The same re and fidelity and usefulness reflects "r Ml M b gc,unde,d for fpt;yard will be paid any one who wil nof ub hinieeelr amd his pec- . Sunday "t' furnish evidence as to who haul, ft erea'toriJ1 . .Y Mr' own. Ptor of the mal near any publio road IrvL tT hU Cbnstian church, tilled his regular; boro township, n of wealth. I l uni.y at U A. mA WM. C. HAMJ lgte :,receiv- "d116 rhooh t UO and' Tie. . . ' , ; Page as missed a great orj- pcitunity to bbe of people. He is a 111a A Hew load nf hnrspu eA : aw Ttiae tboussmd dollars a year I ', Veu- lu,"r d w suiiroJn Kansas wdia be at my barn them. out uf the public treasury, He) has had a great opportunity lo fctudy public qUfstiorf. to lead the hpeo ple.. to stand lor and fight for the reait eausef that mean so much for the welfare of the people. Had this he could have been of xrent service and usefulness and wruld have been more than a mere salary drawer. But he has not identified "limself with any great quentitm or ffort, either in State or Nation. He has taken no part vt all '.n the great ttrupgles for better education- ' advemtages, nor for prohibition, van and see R. R. ROSS. FOR SAt-A Ford Runabout near new. Cash or terms. B. v. McDOWELL, Asheboro. for his work. The farmers and t workitg men who keep up witu ' nuMic queeetions know Beasley and.' are for him. There is a general feeling of all castes, all over the district that Mr. Page has been in I Jungress long enough, and th 1 wagon load of soit-oai letters Ife is senting out car. hot stop the reel- FOR RENT OR SALE I will sell or ing. He has not come up to expec-'rent my house and lot on South Fay-tatio-ns, . etteville street after May 16th. Will In u signed articl recently W. re.n' only to good responsible party .I.Bryan said that the four great , wml B,na" "muy tXR SALE The A. I. Root Co. Bee Keepers supplies and hives. L. L. WHITAKER. things that mutt still be watched nor for better freight rates, nor . . for agricultural development, nor oy uemocrais. oecause tne party for reform in amy lin. nor for any faction depended upon handling of the great causes that Bryan them correctly in behalf of the pmd Wilson .stand for. He haa peopie, were, me itanroa'aa wnicn failed to strengthen his party In his flistrict and it is row in worse ape than when h was first elected. f ; Xot in Sympathy. Mr. Page is not in sympathy with the farmers, especially, in their co operative enterprises, for he has done nothing to help them on. The Greensboro News, after an inter view with flr. Page on the subject of the attempt to class the Term ers' Union and the Tabor organiza tions as. trusts, said that the sub committee, of which Mr. Page was 1 member, was openly oppoeed to any legislation that sought to ex it such organizations ffrom the operation of the truet law and that Mr. Page stood where he had al ways stood cn this subject. If he has ever done anyything for the farmer, except send out worthless feed at public expense, no one has ever heard of it.l Mr. Beasley said that he had never seen the time that the salva tion of the country depended upon his voting the Republican ticke. that he had never made' a promise that he did not fulfill, and that he never told one man oce thing and another man ancther thing. He was one of the Wrrt Wilson men ii. North Carolina, and had a let ter from Mr. Wilson thanking him are still opposing effective regula tion. Second. The Trusts, which will die hard if at all. Third. The Money Power, which though crip pled by the currency measure Is still potent and in danger of over coming its good effects. Fourth. The Liquor Interests, which are fighting the extension of prohibi tion, t What has Mr. Page ever done or said against either of these? Ha. he ever spoken for railroad regula tion? His ideas on the trust ques tion are so hazy that he seems to think farmers' orgalzations and rail road workingimen brotherhoods should be Included in the law.! In all his long years in Congress has he ever raised his hand or vote against the sinister subtle and all trust ?s What has he ever done agadnet the liquor traffic? Mr. Page's lamentable failure four years ago on fhe stump when he had a young and inexperienced debater opposing him, showed that he could ncL. succesfullyi defend Democratic principles against a strong and able Republican which Is sure to be put out against him Is sure to be put against him.. He has too many apologies and ex cuses to make, it is time ffor the Democrats tot have a nominee in this district who can meet a Re publican opponent. FOR SALE Stork f rpnernl merchandise at Farmer. Will inven tory about $1,200. Will either ceil or rent building. Apply to T. S. K EARNS, Farmer, N. C. MYDA WIMPEY. Notice of C&ariitUcy (Adv, I hereby anntvunos myself a can didate Dor the Democratic nomina tion for a seat in tflie Sixty-fourth Congress from the Seventh District of North Carolina, subject to the action of nhe Democratic voters in primary called by the Executive Committee of the District to be held on Saturday. May 16, 1914 COME NOW! DON'T WAIT! BIG SUMMER CLEARING SALE Going on With Great Success at DIYIE DRY GOODS COMPANY Be one of the thrifty shoppers and join the big crowds that are pouring in daily, taking advantage of this wonderful out-put of merchandise. Such Chances do Not Often Occur 29 Days of Golden Opportunity. Who of You Would Miss It? Table Oil Cbth 25c value 12Jc Mens Pants 1.50 value all colors and sizes pair 89c Ladies Rain Coats 3.50 value 1.98 Mens Straw Hats 1.00 Valu? must go 49c 150 value 98c 2.00 value 1.39 2.50 value 1.69 oc Ladies Handkerchief for lc - 49c for 1.00 alue Ladies Dresses 49c 98c for big assortment of Ladies parasols in all shades and colors. Some of these worth twice as much as we ask for them. Calicos, 6c value, 150 pieces at 3k 39c for 75c childrens wash suits in all col ors and sizes. Big Assortment of Counterpanes, too numerous to itimize at prices unheard of. 3.00 and 4.00 value mens Shoes in all 250 pair ladies Slippers black and white sizes, button and lace 2 89 straps and pumps 1.50 value 98c Window Shades for 10c 75c Corsets during sale 44C Children's Dresses. 350 of these at prices unheard of from 23c up. Come and see for yourself. Don't be misled by unscrupulous merchants but come straight to the Dixie Dry Goods Co., on Depot Street, next to Star Beef Market, ' Big Signs Tell The Tale! Let Nothing Keep you Away-Rain or Shine Our stock consists of the finest selected Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc., in fact we out-fit the entire family from head to foot and every dollars worth is absolute ly brand new. Don't take anybodys word or advice, but Come and see for yourself. Unlimited Bargains await your coming at our store. Thousands and Thousands of articles too numerous to mention can be seen on display at our store. A Sale Without An Equal. Gome! Come, Gome. DIXIE DRY GOODS COMPANY Depot Street ASHEBORO, N. C. Next to Star Market Tvl-Jr! not mac the mistake that other people are making. We are llOllie not advertising Miller's Store. It is The Dixie Dry Goods Co in Jas. Miller's building on Depot street IMjtlidatf Dinner The relat'Kes and friends 0( Mr. T.J. Bonkemeyer gave him a sur prise birthday dinner at hta home Tour auBsort of my candidacy ii , on rtoute 1 h0t Sunday. Mr. Bonk- aolicited and 'will be appreciated. emeyer had been kept in ignorance (Signed) ROBERT N. PAGE. ;of the elaborate preparations for HORSE FOR SALE One good the event, which were being made black horse for sale.. Apply to Ifor the past several daya and knew WM. C. HAMMER, t nothing of the "good time' Jn store Asheboro, N. C. ifor Mm until wto en about 10 o'clock 77? ..Jn "hi ,i- tne guests began to arrive, each IXXTT -A smill pin, music lyre. party Mnglng a Dasket of vland8 with initials B. B. A., on street be- f0r the table which wu sixty feet tween Central Hotel) and Dr. M. L. long and built in the yard in the Fox's residence. Finder please re- Bhade 04 m terse trees. The turn to Miss Bonnie Auman. ,more tian hundred men. wo- I men and children made a jolly par mn sat-p ty. and all appeared to) enjoy thetm- r. . . . ; selves greatly. Everyone had enoup --p. -uuu ou o.u. to eat and le(ft enoughl on the ta oats, good quality, for feed or seed; bl to satisfy as many more. Come get 'em. R. h. Henley. Besides Mr.. Bonkemeyer'e neigh Radleman, Rt.No. 2 oorB 41 number from Asheboro and ' the following from a distance at- FOR SALE One Webster's Un- tended; Mr. Hohn end family from abridged Dictionary, with Supple- near High Point, Mr. Jamesi Bonk ment. 1850 pages, price 5. Apply emeyer from Jonesboro, Mr. Cai- ta The Courier. i i tson Wlnnlngrlam from Carnwtl Hon. K. F. Deaslftr in TlKiiavf.lel. Hon. R. F.' Beasley. who lis a candidate for Congress against R. N. Page, made a speech in Thomas ville last Saturday night. Mr. Beas ey is an eloquent speaker and hia speech made many votes for him. The majority of the Democratic vot era in and around Thomasvlue want to eee Mr. Beasley nominat ed. Mr. page has never been"lhe author of any important legislation off a national! character and. about the only tbing that he should boast of is that he has for 12 years been in Congress and has planted dov n in his pocket about one hundred thousand dolls rs In the way of sal ary and allowances. , ' x. LiUian Lenten was arrested at Lees, England, and sentenced to on year In prison for setting fire to Westfield House, Doncaster. last June. When the sentence was pro nounced the suffragette, 'create quite a disturbance. - jMro. EMettott VnAft-aiafcth (Of EUrte Burned. Mrs.Everett Vuncannon.of Ellerbe- was badly burned last week In her kitchen when she turned over a can o' kerosene oil, a part of it gotig on her clothing, the other on the- stove. There was fire in the stove. , the oil Ignited and Instantly; burned' Mrs. Vnncannon. Her burns were painful but her condition la Im proved. ' Mr. J. J. Kctifc)t afj PttxilMiDb Car. den Killed by Ty. J Mr. J. J. Ken net t, son of John C. Kennett of Pleasant Garden, was kULed while on nn Atlantic Coast Line train last Saturday. Mr. Ken nett was brakeman and while rid ing on top of a freight car he was knocked by the spout of a tank and knocked 84 feet.

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