THE .COURIER LOCAL AX.l) PERSONAL Ashebor. N. C, May 28, 1914. We do firs class" job work at this offioe no ether kind.' Mr. f ame Talhert of New Hcpe wag In town Monday. ' Mrs J. T. Johnson Is visiting the tsmllv of Mr. and Mrs. J. H f John son In Greensboro this week. Mt. Ed. Mendenhall. editor of The Bulletin, was In FranklinvLlIe for a few hcurs, last Monday. iMr. and Mrs. B. P. Newby vis1, ited relatives near Spero last Sun day. Misses Kate and Louellal Lowe are spending some time with rel atives near Mechanic. ' ' iMrl.' E. B. Leach of Erect was -i business visiter in town last Tu t- Misei Lena Mae Johnson Is t'te :guetlt of her cousin. Mrs. J A. A' brlght. in Greensboro this week. Mrs. W. A.. Jones and davg'-'c-, Mtesl Evelyn, are visHlng f ie.... 4u Charlotte.. Dtfr. J. M. Prewiell of Seagrove was a business visitor in town Saturday. I ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. iRoyster have moved Into the house known --as the old postoffice on Elm ttieet Mr. W L. Thayer of Uwharrie was a business visitor to our town .Monday for a few hours. Mr. W. S. Brower of Climax Rt. 1 was a bu&tnefS viiror 1b town lor a while one day last week. The man with the hoe" is very popular in theardeua of Asheboro -tiese warm days. Mr. G. M. Pugh, a good citizen xt the MSjllboifci section, was in town for a few hours Monday. Bring in your job work.. JWe are prepared to do it nicely and at reasonable prices. There was a large crowd' of people in tow, t Saturday night. Our streets were crowded'. tio Randolph County Historical 'Society will meet in the coi.rt house at 1.3i0 p. m. on Saturday may ov. Mr. D. M. Johnson, of Oraham, airilved in town, last Monday for a visit to his aunt. Miss Julia John son, on Salisbury Street Mr. and Mrs. J. D. JSlmpson of 'Charlotte, former residents of our town, were Visitors among frlencs in Asheboro last week. 1 - Any subscriber who fails to get his paper regularly should notify -us at once. It may not be our ault. Mrs. We, C. Hammer and daugh ter Miss Harrietts, went to Jack son Springs last Monday for a stay" of two weeks. The usual delegation of visitors from Asheboro attended quarterly : meeting at Holly Springs last Sun day. . . iMr. C B. Burns, formerly of -Asheboro, now an enterprising mer- chant of near Ramseur, was In town on business last Monday. Col. A. C. McAlister recently lost a valuable horse, one of the pair K often een driven by "Uncle" .(Jesse Lytle. ' Mr Fannie E. Page of the Chil li r en's Home, Hi&h Point, was a -visitor In town the first of the week. i Mrs. Lillian Thorn burg of Hill's "8tore wad in Artieboro Tuesday f--ternoon, returning from visit friends in Greerisboroi Mr. W. N. Scott cfl H'gU Pdi.t wasi in town cne (lay this week. fVIr. John Bcone of Seagrove spent a few houis in town Tuesday. Mr. 'J. T. Redd-fng of Randle man Rt. 3 was in town Tuesday. Mr. S. S. Cox of Brown was In town Tuesday. s IFostofflce Inspector Hodgln of Greensboro 1b in town this week. Mrs. I. B. Rush hasTeturned frd a visit to relatives in Charlctte. iMrs. A. A. Spencer Is !n Mebane this week the guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Colin 5. Spencer. Mrs. L. D. Perkins of Spencer la spending some time with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Dickens iMisses Francess and Edith Pearcc M'.s .Lt-la huywoith is the guest of relatives et CJtridge this- week. Lanta and Lizzie Winslovv returned last Tuesday night from a visit to friends in High Point. Mrs. A. N. Bulla, Miss-es Rouss Hayes, Frances Bulla and Mary Sherwood came down from Randle man Friday fir the play at the auditorium. Mesdames J. S. Lewis. O.W. Rich and Wm. C. Hammer attended the meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the M. P. church in Greensboro last week. Walter Stowe, superintendent' of the Asheboro CI air Co., sunered a painful injury last Thursday when two of his fingers were caught In a machine and badly cawed. IMr. Percy L. Bcstick, who has ol ThomasvlJle are visiting relatives 1b,een assistant postmaster in Ashe- in t--v.-u this week. M: VlUe da,- Mr 1 was a Sun i.iy Clyde Ellison of Frankll!n .:s a visitor in town yester- K. i. Wise of Roanoke, va., i'.or in Asheboroi last I Ml s Bon Wade of Troy was the guiit of her sister, Mir. Jean Rush, ji i South last Sunday. I The Asheboro ball team defeated j Farmer on the local diamond last Saturday by a score or u It, s. If we are gclng to hhave a ccun ty fatr next faM now is the time to begin preparations. Col. A. C. McAlltter and daugh ter, Miss May, are attending the meeting of the Scottish Society of America in Fayettevllle this) week. Asheboro is clean, healthy, pro gresslve. wide-awake and offers all kinds of advantages for new enter prises. Mrs. L. C. Ph'lllps attended the commencement exercises of the State Normal College, Greensboro, this week. J Mrs. O. R. Cox and daughter, MIsb Bertha, went to Winston-Salem one day last week to attend the commencement exeiclses of Salem Female College. ' 1 Trade with! the Asheboro mer chants and don't waste your time, money and temper on mail-order goods,. They will ccst yo,u mere in the long run and you have sent your money out of town. . Mr. A. M. Cox of . Taos, New Mexico, formerly of this county, is vlsfltinsj relatives near Moffitt. Mr Cox is a 6on of Mr. E. M. Ccx of Moffitt. He has been a resident of New Mexico for about three years. The funeral of Mrs. Mary E. Iearns. wife of Mr. Wm. Kearns of Caraway, will be preached at Mt. Shepherd church the first Supday in June at 11 o clock, ny uev. ioei Trogdon. 1 The recrular meeting of the Worn, en's Club will be held in the Club Rooms the first Wednesday, June 3rd, a o'clock. A irood attendance is de sired as it is the last meeting of the season. Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Hunter have moved into JMrs. AMe H. Worth's home on Worth streett. Mr. and Mrs. a B. Griffin are occupying the house opposite the court hjus vacated by Dr. and Mrs. Hunter, Annie Moring went to Greensboro last Saturday to be present at the reunion of the "gree and white" classes during com mencement of the State Normal College. f Misses Catherine Burns J Li! He Parrisdv. Lizzie Phillips and Nannie Lambert nave returned home from Ch a State Normal College, Greens boro, where they were students the past term. Among the young ladles receiv ing the A. B. degree at Salem col lege this year Is Miss Blanche Cox, daughter ' of ' Mrs: ' O. R. Cox of fAaheboro. Mlssf Cox also has ths honor oil being tne poet on ner boro fcr some time, will go to Ce dar Falls next week, to assume the management of tie Cedar Falls Mer cantile Co. Miss Georgia Whltfielld. who has been a student of Greensboro Col lege for Women the past year, is visiting relatives in town for, a few days before returning to her home at Lumberton. Among the young people home from' school are Miss Enolia Pres- nell from Red Springs College; Fannie Newby, from Greensboro College for Women: Idyl Ferree from Wake Forest. .The Courier is publishing this week an interesting letter from Mr. John D. Jennings, formerly of this county now of Cristobal. Canal Zone. Mr. Jennings gives a pleasing story of conditions in the region of the Panama Canal. ttftaJ J. T. Turner of Ramreur, vhn contributes interesting articles1 in ti Civfl War to The Cctorfcri was a visitor in Asueoorui -me uouner is reaa oy an in Intelligent, enterprising and thrift class of people. This makes it iesirable medium between those who want to aeUl and hose who wanti to bujK. j Advertise in The Courier If you want business. Next Sunday evening at the Meth odist Protestant church Mr. Whit' laker will begin a sermon on "The Wav." and will' finish it the foI- lowing Sunday) morning,. The public Is cordially Invited to hear this ser mon f ; J The ninth grade pupils of the local graded school gave "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" to . Iirira and annrnftlative audilAnfta last Among this year's graduates of th priday eyenla The parts were State Normal College, Greensboro. . uk eB Md the maiey cos- I Miss Kathenne ocaeit oi tumes ull droll wlt ot Mrs. Wlggs, dlemaji Miss Rockett recelred the,hep frfendaf and family, was much degree of Bachellor of Pedagogy. eni0yed. A nice little sum was real nulla of Washing-' Issed. which will be used in lmprov- -n T. n.. la the guest of relating Frazler Park, tives In Asheboro. Miss Bulla has -tsught In Davenport College, Len oir, ths past year. ! . Monday. Miss Clyde Kearns passed throug Asheboro Saturday on ber way to Farmer from Durham where she lias been studying muueic the past vw'nter.. t Mr. .. G. Roufch of Mill boro Rt. 1 was in town Monday. While here -.he called at The Courier office .and had his name placed on our -maU'ng list. Mr. Bruce Craven of Trinity as a delegate to the County Conven tion In Asheboro Saturday. Mr. Cra en paid The Courier a call whllt :in town. r Mr. Ii O. 6ugg of Erect was In On Sunday, tfune 7, special ser vices will be begun in ths Meth odist Protestant church. On Mon Way. June 8, Rev. Charles. Morgan Asheboro on businesss last Moo-omPh"- of Lynchburg. Va., day. Mr. Suaar attended the recent Confederate reunion at Jacksonville, Fla. Bmpty houses. In Asheboro are - scarce and hard to find. Our mon eyed men should get busy and build at least fifty good houses of from four to eight rooms. Asheboro needs et least five hundred peopls -. to come here right away.1 grandson of General Morgan of Com federate fame, will arrive to assist in the services. Mr. Oomph er is a man of splendid ability and deep spirituality. He uses no sensational methods but preaches the old-time Koanel simply, earnestly, art i act IvelrV All are cordially Invited to attend. Let's make it an Asheboro revival. Come and help to make It "our" meeting. ST. CEOHJA MUSDO CLUB. ve iEnjoyaMie Rail MfrfnOay i Evekiing. The St. Cicllla Musii Club. composed of the members) of Misses Nannie Bulla's and In a Auman a cllasses, gave their annual recital, marking the close of a most suc cessful year's work, last Monday ev ening, rue recital was given on the portco of the school building, and seats had been arranged on the grounds for the audience. The numbers were well rendered, reflecting much credit on bcth teachers and pupils, and the open- air arrangement was much enjoyed by the audiences t Following Is he progratm; Welcome address Bess Auman Chorus "Spring Time," by entire class. Piano Duet "Regiment Passing,' Hazel Spoon and Miss Auman.. Piano Solo "On the Lane, Beatrice Lewallen. 1 ' Plana Solo "Grandi Valise De Concert," Vlrtle CavlnesSj Paper "Music," Mary Mortm. Song "Honey C hile," Larger Girlsj Piano Duet "Little Boy Blue, by Hailie End Julia tno Solo "Chapel in 110 Mun tains," Martha Evelyn Morris. NvmDhs Dance small uiris. Piano Duet "Hilarity Ward," by Marearet Rush and Miss Auman. Piano Solo "Song of- Biooks," Jessie Wood. Vocal Solo "Felice," Miss Lu- fUc Rush. Piano Solo "MocKingi Bira, Ruth' Hadley. Southern Seng and! uance Larger Girls. Presentation ol prizes air. u. D a.A A n or The prizes preseniea were a.ui- lows; ' Mii Bulla's class. To the Hu- Hnt -mnirino- th greatest Improve ment among the smaller girls, Miss Adelaide Armfield; for neatest and best scale book. Mies Eva juewaiieu mi An man's class; To the g making greatest Improvement, Miss Grace presneii; neww " scale book, Miss Cleta tucn. yx Art am an uarner an oaoa Hassle Davis were nappuyj mr at thA residence of the off! nntiia of the peace. Mr. A C Lowdermilk. on M!ay 10. Mr, nl.n'.f i a snn of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garner of Ralph, while his i a ta riaiis-ntar oi an. uu wiiH.m DaVlM el! Seagrove Rt, counle will make their home near Ralph, where the groom is engaged In farming. Many 7.ih wiw for them much joy along the pathway) or u i-otroAii Hnnored. w5.Cslm. May 26.-Mrs, ii Ti,nn vnta at the iam. aronewau ,-- " today ous uonieaeraws T".' " -f was granted an honorary diploma at the commencement exercises of the Salem Female couege, . ------ was a stuaern, in "'t-aA and 1849. No aipiomas then. IT DOES THE WOR K . Testimony of Emwry Slilftlett BjeibVs Elinulbioiu Bear's Emlilsion of Petroleum can be given- to children as well as grown people, because It does not 5I7 .nv oniates. But builds up the run-down system. Improves the appetite, and stops your coughs. lAhn Rear. "ElktoU. Va.t rat. irr t have used Bear's Emulsion of Petroleum to my fam ily fcr coughs and colds among my three children and can hotaestly OUT there is nathlnigl I have ever knaed or heard oi! that will cure couurh like ti does. IV also gives them an appetite and makes them feeB better in every Way. I don- expect to use anything else as long as I can get u, Emery Shifflett, I Elkton, Va., R. F. D One dollar a bottle or six for fir dollars. Sold by Standard Drug Co. FOUR ELECTRICALLY STARTED ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED FULL FLOATING REAR AXLE The farther you search the more you will be impressed fiih the fact that there actually exists no greater "Four" val ue than the Stadebaker FOUR pre sents. Electric starter, e'ectgic lights, Timken bearings throughout, five-passerger capacity, full floating axle, left hand steer, a manufactured car throughout. Does any other "Four" offer more for the money? Studebaker supremacy in Southern CaH . fornia seems to answer the query conclusively. Younts-Luck Auto Company. $1050 Buy It Because It's a Studebaker BUSINESS LOCALS Ten cents per line each insertion in this column. Six words to a line. No ad. for less than 25c. FOR SALiE Cole Corn and Cot ton Planters for sale by C. M. Tysor. Erect. N. C. FOR RENT A good 2 -horse farn with new house and barn, conven iently arranged, near Asheboro. Al so want two farm hands, men with families preferred. If interested, address Box 158, Asheboro. N. C. NOTICE. $3.00 Reward. We will pay S5.00 reward for each and every conviction for every per son tresspassing in any way upon ens lands of the undersigned in Asheboro and Cedar Grove townships and ad joining the lands of Levi Tucker and others. M'ALISTER & HAMMER. WANTED Young ladles to train for nurses. Central Carolina Hospi tal, Sanford, N. C. 5-21-2t. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD will be given to any one who will fur nish evidence to show that any dead carcass has been hauled or depos ited by any one upon my land in Asheboro township. The same re ward will be paid any one who will furnish evidence as to who hauls or deposits dead carcass of any ani mal near any public road in Asne boro township. WM. C. HAMMER. FOR SALE Ford Runabout near- ' new. Cash or terms. B. F. McDOWELL, Asheboro. FOR SALE The A. I. Root Co, Bee Keepers supplies and hives. L. L. WHITAKBR. FOB RENT OR SALE I will sell oi rent mv house and lot on South Fay. etteville street after May 16th. Will rent only to good responsible party with small family. Mi DA wuarax. FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise ait Farmer. Will lnven tory about $1,200. Will either sell or rent building. Apply to T. S. KEARNS, Farmer, N. C, FOR SALE One Webster's Un abridged Dictionary, with Supnl ment. 1850 pages, price $6. Apply ta The Courier. FOR SALE Seed potatoes for fall crop. Also about 60 bushels of oats, good quality, for feed or seed. Corns get 'em. R. H. Henley. Radleman, Rt.No. 2, We Press Clothes Steam Pressing Club HORSE FOR SALE One Kood black horse for sale.. Apply to WM. C. HAMMER. Asheboro, N. C. FOR RENT Good 10-room house with well affording excellent water. ' B. F. NEWBY. Asheboro. FOR SALE At a bargain. A threshing outfit. Apply to RICH BROTHERS, Asheboro. Notice. Having qualified as Extr. on the estate of Ml J. Leach, deceased, be fore W. C. Hammond. Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county. all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly veri- fld, on or before the 29th day of May. 1915. or this notice will be pleaded in bar off their recovery; and all persons owing; said estate will come forward and make imme diate settlement. ' This 25th day of May, 1914. W. L. THAYER, Extr. ' Uwharrie.. N. O. To Ministers of Randolph County. Sundav. June 28th. has been set apart as international bunday bcnooi Day and it is earnestly desired tnai everv minister on me American conti nent nreach a Sunday School sermon on that day. The Internatioal , jsun- day School Convention will be in ses sion at this time in Chicago, and the idea is to eet all American minds di rected along the same line of thought at the same time. Many churches will use a specially prepared responsixe service. The of ficers of the County Association will be glad to render any assistance they can to help in preparing a program No uniform program has been prepar ed for use on this day by the County Association. Yours very truly, L. F. ROSS, President Randolph Co. S. S. Asso, Asheboro N. C, May 25, 1914. Coming CAR OF Horses and Mules The best car yet. Of this load 20 are heovy horses and mares, balance of load good mules. Will be in my barn by June 3. Also, have 15 bushels of peas I wish to sell. A. M. FREE, Asheboro, N. C. Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of the powers vested in the undersigned by decree ren dered in the special proceeding en titled "Theodore G. Henry et al vs. John D. Henry et al." in the Supe- will sell at public auction at ths court house door in Asheboro. N. C cn the 80th day of May. 1914, rlor Court of Randolph county. at 12 o'clock M.. the following lands lying and being in Randolph county. North Carolina, bounded as follows, to-wit; Beginning on a stone In S. F. Lowdermilk's line: thence south with his line 8 chs. to a stone pile, his corner; thence wet 9 chs. to a stons pile; thence south 85 degrees west along Lowdermilk's line 10 chB. to an elm; thence north along the various courses of branch. 8 chs. to a stons north ot the branch in Wlnnlngham's linef thence east crossing the branch 18 chs. and 4J Iks. to the beginning, containing 14 4-5 acres, mora or ess. See Book 150. page 12. Terms of .Sals: One-third) Cash, balance upon a cerdlti of 6 months, approved security to be given for deferred payments, same to bear Interest from day of sale, title re tained until all purchase money 1 paid. This April 24. 1914. R. C. KELLY, Oommr. WANTED Man thoroughly compe tent to operate Gang Ripper for Plan ning Mill. Good price for right man. Guilford Lumber Co. ' , Troy N. C.