REPRESENTATIVE MEN INTIMATi: YJKWK OF WHO ARK PLANMXU AN1 IK) IM(i THING. W1LJJAM C. HAM.MoN.O. Outsiile of the tenets of tie So ciety of Friends, the plhtftibj if the Democratic party and his ianr ily, if there is cte 'thing that derk of the Superior Ccuit Wi.l Ham mond of likts bttter than bird hunting it is probably gocd Toads. In fact, it may be flirt igcod roads has a bit the e'g "n bird dogs; for Mr. Hammond taQka gocd reads In Eiiniffler as weil as winter. As a Quaker and a Democrat W. C. Hammond is of the aill-wccl vari ety, warranted non-felirinkatle, hav ing both in birtnright. He wa once a school teacher, toe. but 1 now rounding ivt his third' term ti3 cl:rk of tie Supuior Ctuit oi Randolph county and is barely 40. William Clittcn Hammond was born June 4. 1873, in Bush Hill, now known as Archdale. then ti'.e home of the famous Bush Hill s'.i, , wHich was alto of the ccnsiU'iit 4ulL-le&tlir varkty. The rn of Mi ses and Xancy Hammond, he is o Quaker stock on both sidts and h:"i: ever dung tenaciously to his birth right. Beginning in tlq public seho.Is. he later went to old CoKkgt, wlich was located within about a mile of his home. r.vto'V he had linisUd h:s coune at Trin ity, however, he bigan teaching, first serving at Charlotte, Randolph county, a district schctli abou. five milts "out of Asheboro. Frcn there he went to -w Salem, arnil t'ina taught one year at RaJidlleman, while there bringing the sclifccl up to a point .;f ujiprect dtnted ef i denev and being instrumertfl in starting the movement which resum ed in the building of the nrst mou err. eradpd tcLcti' buil(Iilff in the county. Furn Randlemian he returned to his studies, entering GuilfoiJ Col lege and receiving his degree of I'. S. im 1901. The college year cf 1901-02 he was a member of t';e faculty cf Catawba CMEtge, New ton, teaching English and helping with tl.e basetEll team. (He was mo sUouch of a firrt baseui-,n ir those days.) It was at Catawba that he met his wife, who was Miss Margartt Whitfield and whom he iaamel in 1904 at her heme in Lumberton. Mr. Hammond s family new inlu3s thrte ecna and a daughte.r In the fail of 1902 Mr. Ha'm mond returned to RandcdpU county and became the candidate oil hi party for the office of clerk of the Superior Court. Since then ha has been twice ren: minsitd and a many times elected. In 1906 he became a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee, serving tee. term. He is high up in the councils of the Junior Or der and Knights of Pythias and for 11 years has represented the As'he bciro Juniors in the State Council. In the light (and It wae a rathei warm one) which was waged for the building of a new court house In RandcJ'ph he was in the fore front. Rand:liph needed a court houre about as badly as ever any community needed a public build ing, but a good many couldn't see it that way. The fight wae won ?nd the handsome new building was lo cated nearer the center of town another thing that wasn't altogether D0)u(Iter, but has since proved an act of wisdom. In behajn oi B ro&aa his voice has been Mfted so oniv that it might be said to Stay1 put. In season or out if there be any "AUt" season in regard to Improved thoroughfares he has1 constantly worked for the building cf better highways. ;:(:. Mr. Hammond is secretary and treasurer of the? Southern, Develop ment Company and a stocKnoioer in the Randolph Land and Truft Co. two corporations wl Scb have helped to interegt outsiders as well as homefclksi it AshebcTO real estate. He has a fine heme in the south em nart of town, owns a farm a mile eatt of Asheboro and takea no small interest in the crops ana stock thereon, esipecialliy -in) the crcoa of quail, for the diminishing ot which it is said be keeps any where between three and 47 bird dogs. Charlotte Observer. ) employes. No small part of his rep utation can be attributed to J. A., for he has long been recognized as an tUTlZKXs upn:; Cltlzerl w"ith a weu-dehned ue- Mr. Odeil is well known throughout the Western North Carolina confer ence as an active meriber of the Methodist church. He has been for years an official in the West Market Street Church and has taken an ac tive part in the lay work cf the Con ference. All religious movements at tract his attention, just as do public improvements and the broadening of his town's business life, and his is never r passive interest. It has never been said of him that he is content to pat embryonic progress on the back. He catches step and pulls or pushes, as the force man needs to be applied. The part of Mr. Odell's name prob ably never had the apostrophe, for his parents were of French stock not Irish. James and Annie Odell, his father and mother, were both natives of North Carolina, residents of Ran dolph; and when it came time for James Alexander to leave Randolph he did not altogether cut loose from that county. Mrs. Odell, who was before marriage Miss Mary J. Pres cott, was a daughter of James and Repsy Prescott of the same county. They were married in 1S65. One of the pioneer wholesalers of his section, prominent for years in the strongest church of that part of the State, Mr. Odell has become one of the best known men of Central North Carolina and those who know him respect and admire him. Char lotte Observer. The first time you get a whiff of Stag from some other fellow's pipe, REMEMBER that Stag's taste is. as good as its fragrance. Try a tin and get a new thrill in smoking. H'!!l!!l SPRING FEVER JAMES ALEXANDER ODELL. The name Odell around Greens boro is synonymous with hardware, although James Alexander Odell, the founder of the Odell Hardware Com pany, has resigned the presidency of the corporation which he built up and is now devoting his time to his other varied interests. He is still chair man of the directorate, however, and the firm name bids fair to be per manent. Certain it is that through the outlaying country, whose orders have placed the Odell Company well in the front of the wholesale mercan tile firms of the state will never in this generation cease to think of the corporation as Odell's. Mr.Odell.who was born in Randolph county in 1841, has been a merchant. Beginning life on a farm, as a youth he wag a clerk in a store and at an early age was superintendent of a cotton mill at Cedar Falls, in Ran dolph, later entering the mercantile business in his home county. Having an aptitude for hardware, he first conducted a retail store at High Point, going from there to Greens boro, where after 11 years he formed the Odell Hardware Company and became its president, holding this office until two years ago when he resigned. It would be hard for Mr. Odell to retire from business, if he chose to do so. In addition to bis hardware interests he has for many years been something of a cotton mill man. In 1884 he helped to establish cotton mills at Durham and was interested with his brother, W. R. Odell, in mills t Concord. The Durham, mills wom very successful and established a rep i.!.; Ion for square dealing with their About this time of the year spring fever ettacks the uniorfenair. citizen and redouts him to tempi r ary junk. Spring fever is more terr;b! than oti.ier fevers btcaute it cannot be cured by swallowing a clinical thermometer and turning ot a few yards cf t.rgue in the prestoce of doctor. Wiin a ma.n has pri-' fever he has to -suffer si tig with the knowledge that nothing i matter with him and tha '.lere isnt' sympathy encuigh in the wiae world to fpare him ore little tear. Spring fever is so called) btca-use it removes the spring fsvim man and leaves hni a ma.-6 oa helpless woe. It begins by attacking the victims feet. These rapidly increase in weight until they weigh half a trn apiece. It then, dissolves the back bone into a thin jelly, removes the muacles from the arms, and hari; lead sinkers on the eyelids. When the fever has completed: thi job it sits back and watches its vic tim trying to work, with fiendish glee. The efforts of said' victim to do a dayV,work Kcoks likke t"he efforts of a etim youngxrnan to throwa aa elephant over a trolley wire by the tail. When he begins to woTk in. this condition he has an ache for every bone. A little later he has omlv one ache, but he has not "improved Id health. His one ache is mewM all of hto former aches? run together. We laugh at sprme fever because it is only a temporary, though an acute, affliction,. But la these cli mates spring fever is often) chron c I ana the starch in the human sys tem remains permanently melted, causing a pathetic flabbinefsi t muscle aad will. There are in ad dition many people who are "bm tired." With, them it is alwajv spring and their desire to work can not be detected by the mo.Ht delicate reaction. , , , , i -. . The government is kind to thts afllicted folk, giving vast nurar' of them life positions in the bu reaus at Waahtagton. But this is M best a makeshift, hand id beside" too hard on the bureaus. ' Medici! science should focus its attentir on chronic spiring fever and devis' some means of relieving its vlc time and theh- victim. Geo. Fitch in Collier's Weekly. 'Wit ..---. .... I4l L(L iBi "ttt 4iT Than Tir IbwT P fi fMemeinbei-! Convenient Packages: The Handy Half Sire 5-Cent Tin, the Full-Srze 10-Cent Tin, the Pound and Half-Pound Tin Humidors and the Pound Glass Humidor. For Pipe and Cigarette EVER-LASTIN6-LY GOOD P. LoriUard Co. gat. I76Q Cruelty in the Balkans. Last year a commission was sent to the Balkan peninsula on behalf of the Carnegie Peace Foundation. Its purpose was to investigate the stories of needless cruelty and horrible atroc ities that came from the seat of the recent wars. The Commission last week issued its report, a book of 200 pages. It says that the rules of civilized warfara weie broken by all the armies Green, Bulgarian, Servian, Montenegrin, Turkish; but that the Greek army was the worst offender. The report is sad reading, especially when we consider that all but one of these coun tries claim to be Christian. State of North Carolina Department of State CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To all to bom these pre Beau may come Qreetiop: Whereas, It appears tu my satiefac'ion, by duly authenticated record of lb proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by toe unanimous consent of all toe atoccboiders, deposited in my office that tha Liberty Mer cantile Company, a corporation of this State, whose principsl office is situated at Snansn oa Street, in tha town of liberty. County of Randolph, tale of North Carolina, (A. W, Curtis beiDg tha ag nt therein and in charge thereof, upin wb"m process may be served), has cnmp'ied with the requirements of Chap ter 21, Revieal of 1905. entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore. I, J. bryan Grimes, Sec retary of State cf the State of North Caroli na, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 11th day of March, 1914, file in my office a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by a.l the stockholders th reof, which at. id consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office aa provided by law. Id testimony whereof, I htv hereunto set my hand and affixed my ifficial seal at Raleigh, this 11th day of March, 1914. J BRYAN GRIMES. Secrrtarv of State. NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED as Admin istrator on the estate of W. F. Hughes, deceased, before W. C. HAMMOND, Clerk of the Superior Court of Ran dolph county. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied, on or before the 28th day cf May, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 27th day of May. 1914. C. E. HUGHES, W. H. HUGHES, Admrs. Shatmburger-Gordon. The following announcement has been received by friendb in Ashe Dr. and Mrs. James Rufus Gordon Nuewl If yen want to b y it Is vat- Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of tile powers vested in the undersigned by the last wl.f ! and testament of A. L. Coble, de ceased, recorded 1 the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court cf Randolph county in Book ot Wills No. 19. page 126, I wiW sell) at pub lic auction on jhe premises on Sat urday, the 11th day o JuMyt, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M.. thf follow tag lands 'teifuate im said county and in North! Carolina and in Liberty township, bounded as follows to wit; Beginning at a stone la A. E. Pickett' line; thence, west ?4 chains and 25 links to a stone in Z. a FoiEt'g line; tfcenoe tout'-,26 channel and 95 linkka to a Hon,,, thence west 60 Ulnkfl to a sto in Z. C. Pouet's line; thence south 5 chains and 47 1-2 links t a Mack oak. Will Marley's corner; thence east 34 chains and 60 links to a white oak now Sam Buirnipaasrs line; thence north to the beginning, con taining 108 1-2 acres, more or less. Terms icf fale; -One-third j cash,, onethird in six and balance in 12 months, approved Eeeurlty to be given for deferred payments, same to bear interest from day of sale. This sale will not be left open for raised bod. This wllll be the only Notice. Having qualified as Extr. on the estate of Mi J. Leach, deceased, be fore W. C. Hammond. Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly vori fld, on or before the 29th day of May. 1915. or this notice wlllf be toleaded In bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said, estate will come forward and make imme diate settlement. j This 25th day of May, 1914. W. L. THAYER, Extr. ' Uwharrie, N. O. DIG CANS ONLY announce the marriage of their daughter, Pearl, to Mr. Charles L. Shamburger, Thursday. May 8. 1914, Jamestown, N. C. up Me Hand now Is your only chance. This June 4, 1914. . A. T. OOBLiE, Executor of A. U ' CoLle. ov d 5 Let fl E Rot Your Compost I am the champion rotter of the world. I'll rot leaves, straw, stalks, mannrs, aawdust or any other vegetable matter, even dirt, into e rich, high-grade fer tilizer, in less than two months. Just keep me on the Job and I will save you a big lot of that fertiliser money. If yon want to know all about this compost rotting, aa wall as spraying and preventing hog cholera, write "Bed Devil," 61S N. Beoond Street, 'St. Louis, Mo., and I'll send you little book, free, that tells how. Iam Red Devil Lye 5c For Almost as ATI For Bid CANS big as those costing loo. SAVE KT LABELS. Worth Crowing About Comparison of results and profits before and after using Pkg. tie, toe. Mc, $1.00; ts to. pail $t.S0 the great tonic and conditioner is sure to make yea permanent friend of all Prmtle Products. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back Prates Lies Killer. Powder 26c and 60c. Aiwa Spring necessity. Sure death to all danceroua vermin. Refuse substitutes; insist on Pratts. ! ' Gt PnttM IK poet fWtry Book Sold and guaranteed by James T.Turner. 4932. Hurcules Stump Puller For sale. Practically new, at a bargain. Write or call to see us. McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. Asheboro, N. Carolina Beef and Milk A- plenty Cattle are kept for two purpose; for beef pro duction and for milk production. To do either right they mutt be heaUhy. There is nothing better to keep thera in continued good health, or to make them well quickly when tick, than a few doses of Bee Dee STOCK MEDICINE Stirs np the liver Drive disease poisons away. Any taw sot ol bit cat- tit get anything wrong with Uxa I girt Uwm lew doses of B t e D STOCK MEDICINE. Thej soon get wsQ. John a, CarreA. Moorlwad, Mita, 25c, BOc gad 1. per caa. Ill II LIU SllwT "", t No Alcohol in Navy After July 1. Secretary Daniels order forbidding the use of wines and liquors in the Navy is to be enforced after July 1. Strong pressure has been brought to bear upon Prisdent Wilson to have him countermand the order, or at least make an exception of the higher officers; but the President declined to interfere. Whole Colony Perished. New University The new University at Washington, called American University is to be formally opened this week by Presi dent Wilson, assisted by Secretaries Bryan aad Daniels, and a large num ber of church dignitaries. About 150O students have already applied for entrance. The entire colony in Nova Zembla about . 100 persons perished of hunger and cold during the past win ter. A Russian expedition lately made the shocking discovery. The colony had depended upon supplies sent from Russia: but last vear the winter shut in earlier than usual and hill nrkih v, .v nVihft-Waa b,e t0 reach tne ialand House of Commons for the third and until this spring. iast time Home Rule Almost Gained. The final vote in Parliament on theV) Home Rule bill for Ireland, is expect ed to come within a few days. Premier Asquith, in a speech, said that the Ministers were willing to list en with sympathy to any proposals for a suplementary bill to make Home Rule more acceptable to the province of Ulster: but thev were resolved not to alter the principle rf the original ' P p rr Popular i ta Oar to Patent r -Jt. t-t-n i i "Tl , K fhJ IVtUI i"" Cin ' The F. F. Daily Co.. Ltd.. buffalo, M. y. Hamsltom Out fr-