ONLY FIFTY CENTS TO HEAR W. J. BRYAN IN ASHEBORO THE FOURTH ILJLJJJJ j,P UJ 1LML.O. ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN ONE DOLLAR PKR YEAR VOL. 39 N. C. PRESS ASSOCIATION GREAT .GATHERING .HELD .AT WRIGHTSVH.LE BEACH IN TERESTING ADDRESS DELIV EKED MR. W. C. HAMMER ELECTED PRESIDENT. The North Carolina Press Associa tion nii't at Wrightsville Beach last week with tho largest attendance in tho history of tho organization. Tho association number 140 of the loaJ inir newspaper men of North Cnrolini. Tho meeting was hold in tho Oceanic hotel. It was indeed a cn-at honor to Wriu'htsville Reach und Wilmington to have those distinguished guests in thou midst for .-everal days. Nearly all the members arrived the rir-t night. President Clarence Poe and Secretary J. B. Sherrill were among the first arrivals. The editors met at the Beach four years ago and many of them were pleasantly re membered by Wilmingtonians. The convention opened at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, being called to gether by President Clarence Poe, ed itor of "the Progressive Farmer, of Raleigh, who asked Mr. Willinm Lau rie Hill, of the Presbyterian Standard of Charlotte to offe the opening pray er. py( ii.tont Pop introiuc?d the edi tors and they were vi loomed by Hon George Roundtroo, judge of the Eighth Judicial I 'istrict, who in behalf of the press of Wilmington and the citizens generally of the city and beach, ex tended to the visitors a cordial and hearty welcome. Major H. A. London, of Pittsboro. editor of the Chatham Record, responded to Judge Round tree's address. Major London respond ed to the address of welcome when the editors met at the leach four years ago. Major I i'ido." wa president o' the association thirty years ago. Pres ident Poe paid him a high tribute. President Poe announced greetings in a cablegram from Ambassador Wal ter N. Page, London, a North Caro lman; also a telegram from Secretary of the Navy Daniels, stating that he was sending a special delivery letter to the convention. President Pee also read a letter from Pr. T. N. Ivoy, of Nashville, Tenn., former of this state and one time president of t'.-.e associa tion. President Poe delivered the annual address, taking as his subject, "The Editor Must be a Crusader." It was an exceptionally fine address and was lis tened to wijh interest by all present. Following (President Poe's address Mr. Bion II. Butler, of Raeford, read a paper on the subject, "North Caro lina Sloppy With Opportunities." One of the best of the several addresses tf the convention was one by Dr. Ed ward K. Graham, the newly elected president of the University of North Carolina. Mr. John E. Ray of Ral eigh, superintendent of the blind in stitution, made a short address in which he told of the splendid work that is being done by the Institution. Immediately upon adjournment of the morning session at 12.20 a. m. the news paper men and members of their families assembled on the porch of the Oceanic Hotel, where they had a group photograph taken. One of the principal social feature of the convention was the Dutch sup per 0iven at the Oceanic Hotel at 9.30 Wednesday night. The attendance in cluding both men and women, vai .about .200. Mr. James H. Cowan wa master of ceremonies. There were on ly two or three set speeches, and a ;-few impromptu remarks. The Ihrtcn supper was preceded by a regular ses sion of the convention, after which Mr. ;R. F. Beasley of Monroe delivered the .annual address. After Mr. Beatky's .address, Mr. "William Laurie Hill, of Charlotte gave the annual poem. The second day's session opened i 10 J'ckck and vas presided over by President Poe. A number of interest ing papers were Mad at this aeseion. One of -Vie most .interesting papei read at the entire convention was one on the subject. "How to Get Mt .'Money From Legal Notices r V ' DIST. ATT'VCE MOVED ASHEBORO (JETS Ol ICE WHICH I HAS BEEN" LOCATED AT WIN STONMOVE WILL BE MADE IN ABOUT A MONTH. When Mr. Hammer was appointed United States District Attorney tho last of February, this year, his official residence was fixed at Winston, whero it has been for the past '20 years. Un der the law the Ai'.oir.c;,' General fixes the residence of the United States District Attorney. For several weeks Mr. Hammer Intended to re quest his official residence to be mov ed to Asheboro, but application was not made until last week for a change. Immediately upon application the At torney General granted the request without hesitation. The change may not be made for a month or more. There is practically a car load of fur niture, books, etc., to be moved. The packing up and hauling to the rail road station will be awarded by com petitive bids after the necessary ad vertising, which will take some time. With the office will come the Dis trict Attorney, two or three clerks. and at least one assistant United States Attorney, who will make their home in Asheboro. I Objection was filed to the Depart ment that Asheboro was an inexces sible place and also other reasons why the office should not be located here. An investigation disclosed the fact that Asheboro was one of the most accessible towns in the state for the location of the office, and that its rail road facilities were unusually good. After the office is moved here Mr. Hammer will be at home practically all the time, except when awav attend ing courts. Besides attending to the duties of the office, Mr. Hammer will attend rV his regular law practice. The location of this office is quite an honor to any town ar.d county. ciatinn on "The Southern Editor's Dig Job." The address of Mr. Hapgood was the feature of the entire conven tion. It was a special treat to the editors to have this distinguished brother with them. Following the ad dress of Mr. Hapgood, Mr. Clarence Poe presented the new president, Mr. ,W. C. Hammer, saying that he knew no man who he would rather surrender the position to than Mr. Hammer. Mr. Hammer expressed his appreciation and gratication at the honor conferod upon him. He said that he considered this a higher honor than he used tf have when he was a superintendent of schools of Randolph county, which po sition he had always held to be the most important of any. Mr. Hammer presided through the remninder of the session. Having finished the business part of the meeting Friday was spent at Southport. The party left at 8 o'clock boarding Capt. Harper's steamer, "Wilmington" for an all day stay on the historic Cape Fear river. Befoie going to Soutiport the party whs taken over to Fort Caswell and saw all of Uncle Sam's boys and guns. Reaching Southport at 1..10 they were met by a committee of ladies and gentlemen who escorted them to ths Masonic temple where a course lunch eon -was served. They -were ifnrther assured -of their welcome by C. Ed Taylor, Esq., a former newspaper nan. After a most cordial welcome Mr. Taylor asked the co-operation of all to make better ose of Southport harbor Instead of depending .on our ter states. He pointed out how the Panama Canal will aid us greatly in making it a rate basing station. The new president, Mr. Hammer, of Ashe hora, replied to this appeal with the suranoe of ttoe editors co-operation and also suggested that they go to Washington in full force 'with an ap peal to our Senators. Another point of interest is an island just across from Southport which is called Bald Head Island. It is eight miles in length. The Gulf stream touches it l.rfv on one side causing tropical "aitus, also the trop- on it. They did ' it was point ' " onth. Asheboro, N. C MITCHELL HOME BURNED PROPERTY WORTH S.tO.000 DE STROY ED BV FIRE SINDAV MORNING SCHOOL HAD BEEN RUN FOUR YEARS. The little village of Missor.heimer, twenty miles from Salisbury on tho Yadkin road, was the scene of a dis astrous fire last Sunday mornimr, which resulted in the complete de struction of the main building of tho Elienezer Mitchell Home, an institu tion under tho auspices of the Wom an's Home Missionary Society of the M. E. church, and which ha:: been do ing, a noble work for the past four years. The building was of stucco, three stories high and was !0xl0." feet. It was modern in every respect, having steam heat, electric lights, water plant and other conveniences. The loss is estimated at between S2.", (100 and $30,000 with about $13,000 insurance. The buildings cost $17,000 not including the light and heating systems, the furniture, library and other equipment, also the water tower of a capacity of 0.000 gallons which was destroyed. The school closed during the latter part of May and all the students were gone home or on a visit or the situa tion would have been worse. Nothing has been definitely stated about the future of the school, but it is proba ble that a new building will replace the burned structure and that the work of the school will go on as be fore. STATE NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST GATHERED FROM Ol'K EX CHANGES AY1 CONDENSED IN A KKIEF FORM. Smithfleld is to liave a new $?5,00u bank. Mrs. C. A. Sears, mcthen of Mr. Heuiian D. Sears of High Point, .died aft her home in Appomattox, Ya., after several weeks' illness. Nine coaJ icars tuisied over on the Western division of the iSouth ern Railway aloU 3 miles from Asheville lat Sunday. Mi R. P. Williams, who Ms Creensboio Y. M. C. A. for tW tpatt year, will shortly resign his 'position. I On Monday night tho Durham and Southern depct at Duun was brpken opent the safe brcken into and about $500 In mou-y and checks stolen. ' Rev. Dr. Leu G. Broughton, one of North Carolina's distinguished Preacher Sons," has been called again to the Baptist Tabernacle i'l Atlanta from his charge in London. The Waughtown road between Hi tilt Point und Winstoa-Sultm is being; worked this week. The road is to be tarviattd and made of the best material. J The 16th annual session of the State Bail Asscciatkn opened at the Seashore Hotel la Wilmington last Monday nigtit with President Thomas, S. RoIlj3 in the Chair. Mr. Bruno KoeOiler of Louisville, K., lias arrived in High Point and win be assist: manager of that branch of the Southern Veneer Manufacturing Company. MJm Nannie LtlMaa Boone was married to Mr, Chas. O. PIckard of Greensboro Vf dnefday of last week, Re. W. E. Swain, officiat ing. Iho annual meeting of the Wo men's MteeVonaiy Societies of the Greensboro distiict M. E. church was held in the Centenary! M. E. churcti,'t week. Th Califom'a papers say that HonJ E. J.. Jut!ce It making;: a great national success as spetlal "el fori the government. " ' 'le. aged about 1" ii Instant PAGE HISSING Thursday, July 2, 1914 FOR MAJORITY VERDICT PRi'l j NT HOI. LP. S OF STATE BAR ASSOCIATION WANTS J FRY LAW AMENDED FIVE SIXTHS OR THREE-FOURTHS WILL DO. rhe North Carolina Par Association met at Wrigiitsv il'.e Roach this weeK with over It'll lawyers in attendance. The mooting was presided over by the president, Thomas S. Rollins, of the Asheville bar. He introduced (ieorge B. Elliott of the Winlmington ar, who in a short, wittv address wel comed the visitors to Wilmington and the beach. President Rollins spoke on "The Past, Present and Future of Our Bar Association." He said: "The jury system is as permanent and enduring as the Rock of Gibraltar. For centu ries it has been the medium through which justice has been meted out in civilized and enlightened nations of the globe. The system everywhere has been substantially the same, but there has been some diversity in its application. Some countries and most of the States of the Union require an unanimous verdict of the jury while a different rule prevails in some jur isdictions. The law of this State re quiring an unanimous verdict fre quently results in great hardships. miscarriages of justice, unnecessary delays and heavy costs. Hardly a dozen important criminal and civil cases can be tried without a hang jury. I recall within the past few months of a number of instances where civil cases have consumed from one to three weeks and resulted in a mistrial, notably, Gilbert vs. Hopkins, n the federal court at Raleigh, and Railway vs. Power company, in th Superior court of Henderson county. and many cases of less importance. the names of which it is unnecessary to mention." Mr. Rollins wants the present law- amended so as to only require a three- quarter verdict or a five-sixths rer dict in civil actions. Dynamite Explosion Fire Chief Wallace and Foreman Glenn of Char lotte were killed jester day morning by dynamite exploding in a storage house on Cedar street where they were fighting a fire. The health department cf Greens boro is poeiaring for a rigid en forcement of the ordinance requir ing all stables to be cleared once li week to prevent the spread of flies. Operation of tflie main plant of the Enterprise Lumber? ComnnM'j plant at Mt. Olive hn Wen. sus fended for about ten days and the company's large fore of employees -las teen kept busy making re pairs, putting in ;.ew madhlnery.ete Miss Bessie Hoffman of Lincoln- ton and Mr. Edward Kale 'of Max- ton were niartilfd ln the parlors of the Virginia Shipp Hotel at New ton one day la week. President Craven -of Davsnj-rifl College pr- fo ruling the ceremony. Judge Jeter C. Prltchard of Asheville ill speak at the Chil dren. Home at High Point this afternoon at 2 p. m. The occa sion is the annlveisnry of the home A wlcnic dinner will le served on the grounds at 1 o'clock. Miss Amanda Rirhnrdsnn. rlauirh- tr of Mrs Snni FMnlinrlsnn. lives about two miles from High point, and .Mr. Clarence B. Mat tocks, a successful merchant of High Point, were married Wednti nesday of las week. Will Stevens, col., shct Sarab Wlker, also colored, five times with a pistol and then hacked her io Tvith an axe, In Charlotte, fld be- SECRET BUSINESS OUTS MEMBERS OF FOREIGN REI.A- ip.. ui.M.iiiiir.r. imisumi ir m.1,1, i:ui.n i. I..-1 mix tion ( ORIIESPONDENTS TO HE EXAMINED. Members of the Foreign Relation Committee of the Senate in Washing ton have become greatly stilted u; over the fact that secret business which has been transacted by the committee has by some means been boon made public. Several senators have greed on n resolution asking fo. authority to subpoena senators and Washington correspondents to an in quiry to determine how proceedings of the committee leaked out. The resolution was referred to a standing committee which descided on the expenses involved in such an in vestigation. It is expected the Sen ate will pass it. Chairman Stone of the Foreign Relations Committee read into the Congressional Record this statement: "All newspaper reports of what ha? occurred in the Committee on Foreign Relations in its proceedings regarJ- rn theNicaraguan and Colombian trea ties are unauthorized and inaccurate, and moreover are unworthy of belief, because whoever gave out the alleged information betrayed the confidence of the Committee and the Government and deliberately violated his word of honor. "No man upon that committee," de clared the Senator to his colleagues, "can give out the confidential busi ness of the committee except he has upon him the brands of absolutely dis honesty and betrayal." lie lidded that he regarded the disclosures of what had taken place behind closed doo.-s a disgraceful performance. CHAUTAUQUA WEEK OPENS Music and Lectures of the First Days Are Marvelous Everything Is of an Educational Nature and Highly Entertaining. Chautauqua Week with its wealth of entertaining features and educa tional surprises began Monday and large audiences have attended evtr performance since the first. This is Asheboro's first taste of Chautauqua and nothing in recent years has smacked so well of the enjoyable as ha5 every program rendered this week. The series of addresses by Dr. Har mon are a wonderful drawing card for the afternoon sessions. He takes up the church and the problems which confront it and his discussUn is prac tical and to the point. The McKinnnie Operatic Company delighted the lar&t audiences both Monday tnorninn and night with their musical perform ances. Very few town- c'he size of Asneboro have ever hail the privilege of hearing such high class entertain ment. Elsworth Vlumstead, imper sonator, held th vei y closest atten tion of his at'.Aience Mundav afternoon wit.b. a V.Te of entertuinment which was immensely enjoyed by all present. The lecture Monday evening by A. Roy Fred Carter on the "Panama Ca nal and the Panama-Pacirlc Exposi tion, was very interesting and edu cating from start to finish. The lec ture was illustrated by steroptican views. One of the most enjoyable features presented so far is the appearance of tne Chautauqua lno (violinists, pi anist ana contralto.) Their appear ance on the platform is alwavs greet ed by loud cheering from the audi ence. The lecture by Frank Dixon Tues day night on "A Social Survey or Tak ing Stock of Your Town," was interesting, entertaining and instruc tive from the start. He set forth some very plain and prnctical advice which. if carried out. will make wond erful improvement on any town. Dr. Dixon is one of North Carolina's own sons, being born in Cleveland countv and is a brother of the author. Tom mxon ana the Kev. Mr. Dixon, who is pastor of the late C. H. Snureeon's church in London. North Carolina is justly proud of these great men. SEVERE ELECTRIC STORM Much Damage Is Done in Several Sections of the County Barns No. 26 KILLED, HOBOING TRAIN jj v YT i TENN meet-; ST A I IS M.f.F. DEATH N E It WilIN l'i;i'K;i:r iiiW.N i- Will ( I.I HIS COMPANION ill A .. fright wrick which -curred - mile.- east of Statesviile last M. ! .y afternoon resulted in th death . .;' Brown, a young man Dayton. Tenn.. tr.A tlu- prob-i U- ratal" ii.jury of Fred Toa--ley, .-.!-.. from Dayton. Both wore beatii g their rides on the train. No.'.e of tho trail, men wore hurt. The tram was an iast-lioun.1 freight in char-e of Conductor Md large and Engineer Hishop nl A-lievillo, and was runninj: at good speed when a coal car, a lih4'-" distance f mi" the o .'. .- ler.';. i the -ai!.-. ;' ..owed i'.v c oven ai loadi ! witl; oml. The vine a ! ' few t i-s tan : a short ill tance (; fore i .i g s "pped and :t dozer, more !- ren .iined on th- vails. Tin ok or ined near the resi dence ot L. O. and W. L. Chester. Im mediately after the cars left the track a man emerged from the wreckage and made his way toward the home of W.L.Chester, sinking to the ground before he reached the house. The Chester family made him comforta ble and sent for a doctor. It is thought that he is fatally wounded. In the meantime members of the fam ily of L. O. Chester, on the other side of the train, approached tthe wrecked cars and found a man hanging on the end of one of them. He was immedi ately taken down but died in a few minutes. Derricks and wrecking crews soon arrived on the scene and the wreck was cleared in a little while. Mean time the passenger trains were sent via Mooresville to Barber Ju.v tion. RULER SLAIN SUNDAY HEIR TO AUSTRIAN-HUNGARIAN THRONE AND WIFE SHOT WHILE PASSING THROUGH STREETS TRAGEDY ENDS SAD LIFE. Ar.ihduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to t.ii Austrian-Hungarian throne, and the Duchess of Hohenburg. his mnrcVmMHc wife, were shot dead last Sundjay by a student in the main stret- of the Bosnian capital, a short time after they had escaped death fronu a bomb hurled at the royal au tomc biles. The two were slain aa they were passing through ,-b city-nr .their .unnwY --'' 'j (he annexed provin ces of Bosnia nr ,1 tierzegovinia. The Archduke was ruck full in the face ar.d the princess was hot through the throat. They both died a few minutes after reaching the palace to which they were hurried. There were two as saliants, the tirst armed with a bomb and the second with a revolver. The bomb was thrown at the royal auto moble as it sped to the town hall, where a reception was to be held. The Archduke saw the missile hurling through the air and warded it off with his hand, but on the return, an eighth grade student, Gravrio Pranzip sprang out of the crowd and poured a deadly fusillade of bullets from an automaic pistol. Prinzip and a fellow conspirator, a compositor from Treb;nge, named Gabrinovich, barely escaped being lynched by the infuriat ed mob. They were both seized by the police. The assassins were interogated by police and both seemed to glory in their exploit. Prinzip declared ha had intended for sometime to kill some eminent person from National mo tives. He was awaiting the archduke at a point where he knew the auto mobile would slacken speed. The presence of the duchess in the car caused him to hesitate but only for a moment. His nerve soon returned an I he emptied his pistol at the imperial pair. This final tragedy is the culmi nation of the personnl sorrows that have overshadowed the life of tho Emperor ever since the begi'.nn.g of his reign. PLAV AT FARMER The Farmer Betterment Association will give a play at Farmer on the night of July 11. 11H4. The play. nnu Co., is an amus n given with grout, schools in tho will

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