Drink this !.v : . TURNER'S ROMANCE Sip by sip here's pure enjoyment cool com fort -a satisfied thirst 'a contented palate. Tf tnaml V e pnuine ty f -t -1 1 Nicknames encourage tultilulim. Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola ATLANTA. OA. Sjf 1 " XV THE COCA-COLA COMPANY PERFECT A steak broiled on the New Perfection Oil Cook-stove is tender and delicious. The New Perfection has a special broiler, a hood that sits away from the flame but which gets all the heat. It broils both sides at once. AH the flavor of the meat is saved. FJetv HgferSction ' ."n'ji.iK'mmrufti.ii.: "i M. Id; t r.-nr l; h is.li VY !1 ii we 'git in the tiiiu hiii! rmlf to i jc h it,' lni.s, nun- l;ur:t .j. i n. !-: i: guaid tin re ami the:i i 1 ir. -llu id, .h re I met : 1 . I saw otii- ni.m tit ! !'(: ;,i ii to ii, j u ii pi. i lii :i.- 1':kU i.. In' lad charge . II. I Ml ttl'.ell 1 'Ailk HUM lit i ! i. . r Sali-Luiv. Row ic . :.t... I u iii.i! liiiu m-ur the dt i a ..1 said to Mm. ' U hete liN e ii. i ai. ?" answer a-, "in li 1 i i .." I't li t lac Mich talk." sai.l u lii in, "this w .r. I ! t u- k to tl.e P'ev I'l.tll aril ! i,::ice .ii. l tal our payroll si ml tiit.i we will le fr ' n i n once mure." lie lc eked at nu ' b .el said, "Sergtnt.t. I will foil .w ! tii-in to in 11 leuir I will take the i bushe-." "Vi u 1 n't knew what I I Mean, Mr. 1'lnlfii. go with 'Hie." j We get thmitli ail liglt. On our vny lack I said. "Wi l t a I was, I call ste i it now." I m.w that he was a M( 1 i o!i.ir and would die beft re 'he would hushwl.aik. As I am now about t! roi:gh n.y war trail. p I will write oi.e mere nuriiUr and tlwtll en the old s 1- i dit is that are livit . I have left out sev ial of the sm; 11 battles' 1 ;was in and as 1 said In t fie be ginning, 1 hae told my story rs I saw the things happen. Some rf tie old stldiets taw the war in a ciiffert-i.f wp;- and I would like for some utb-r "Id f.'olff derate soldier to take it tip es I liavT done. want to f - hew they saw the war. i It was haul times 'n all Southern 'l'fiiile, especially the w( nic n and ; the fiirls who were lare enough itii work. Whtn 1 was at home n ifurliiigh I saw them In the field 1 carryir.g' the scythe anl cradle, 'some of thm could do as good rr ! t etter than stinie men I have seen in the field with me. Hut my t!me N liast I can ee hftw th y had" to do back in these days. The fdks it hon.e ( turned thtir hands a thou.' and cif- rcrer.t ways to suju'en mc ovnu- ein caue, ac.d their litue cnmirtn. too. while their husbands ar.d sVir.s have a war ahead of us in which I expect to gain the victory a answer to t!i lavt r ill call. JOHN T. TVKXEK. A THIKTY Mll.UtOI SI KPl.l'S. Secretary Mc.d o has isi ed a ttateniti.t in which he declares that the revenue eltainxf fri m- the new ii.ctiue tax law will aggre.gi.te about $ol-(uiti,utMi. The levei.ue Horn the cut-tonis fioiu internal reveme ai.d nher taxis wi J btiiwg the total :j n substai.tial tiguret "He eMiniutes t!t t Ii e.ces if ordinaiy rtCeipts over ordinal li l uii-enuiit will be in tlin ueillb ir hood of $1o, oou.diMi. Kpenditur s on the 1'aiian.a (."uiial wi amount to :!7.otii,oi'ii, kaving a de:ic:t vi i r-i'Mii.tmo. j Tl.tj rictiits fit in cit li Tp : r June 1 have te n $ l'7i',"ipii,('ihi and 1 Llr. MpAi'iiii estinstK thit total re- over and jce.l.ds fri m this source w ill amount marshal s .to si'M l .(hio.ihki an n( .f t . b. t-j w ho I K' t j niio, uuo over the origim.l etimate. Oiili.iary internal rtvumo receipts will amount to $3 1 1 . Hut. too, (r a iLecrtase of tne uiiilic n uuiier th e.-ti:uate i Oil er recn'js tun the tttal intu many figures and offer iissuranto that the Iitnitciats have n t quite h caii.e to his semes and as yet wrecked fr.ij.Eces of the na-- Uon r brought n a panic. In fact, I'ncle Sam will be able to pay his laundry bil l and othr Inci dental expenses and itill have a lit tle pocket change left. 'OM.KniK . I. WAITS lOli KM IS .V J.UI(IKI. IMF. KF.FSIMKO .KS. t'ollecton A. D. Watts was recent ly in Wa.-hingtui and there was published in The Creem-boro Daily News what purpoittd to be au inter view declaring against the piimary mill fnKtitiir lUlc ni.s t .. iienti. lllnent for ft iiiimarv. Mr. Watts came out the next day in a signed sfiUniif.it as follows; "Mr. I'arker It. Anderson, the Washington corret-pondert of The tIpeensbro Iaily News, has. in to day's issue of tl.sit jipr what (pur ports to be an interview wiMi rue. "1 have given Mr. Antlers; n .10 interview. Yesterday he came into Senator Overman's office while I The oldn I get the inorejwas tht-re talkii.g with Mo Sena-- iicr anu soou nuuuuno me suu--ject of the aitiji of the State con tit n as to prtmaries, stating that the convention hail wad a mistake a there was an orverwheim:"j seiiti- meiit in the State in favor of pri maries fol all oflitxis.. All I said uiitjtn the matter wasi n effect t.lvat 1 did nc think there was an over whelming' sentimei.t in favt r (f plN maiits; thut fe-w. iff any. county Conveiitio.is had passetl re-olutioiis asking for pijmaries, wl.iie one, and probably more, county conventions adopted resolutions ag-aintt) primar ies. 1 added that I was s.tti's.iedi tba 1 eglslature would pats a primary bilil, including all officers, c;,unty as well as State and distiitt, but that it would contain a proviso ex empting such couc.ties i's desired to be exempted as far as t,he coun tv and legislative offices, were c n- cerned and that practically alii the Democratic counties in the State would be included "This Is the: substar.ee of the statement made by me in! thw com Hei(P' A Itemititul Tribute. Mo.-t rending .ptople of Ani'iica k,ntw- of William Allen liite, a ; famous Kansas author and editor i of Tjlfe Kmpfiia (lazelte.. Mr. : White is a Repull'cai!. He was the 'Kansas m-einber of the National Re publican Executive Committee dur ing the Itoosevtlt adniinistifeticn. j It is gratifying to know .that 'Amertcans are fast forgetting party lines, and are adopting for) thheir creed "humanity, service, God." The Ricbnioad Timei-Di-pfctch says; "William Allen White' is rut ha Demociat. Ei.t he is an American who loves peace and hates war tie versatica with Mr. Anderson kidri of a man who has moie pa-latter I will net discuss ipubllc que.- priotiftii than all the shijeking lit- tions with Mr. Andeistn as he ha tie ii'.'i.(fs in tie worlit lie is an. -shown from the article thit he American who is proud of thhe man who on-n make ust kr.o'V thst every Iionoralle meal s has been taken to guard against war. The supp nt he gives to Wooelrow Wilson in the 'etl'tr to this end and the splendid ti'lhute he pays to him a a man and a Christian- refkets as much crefl.t on William Alle'ii White as anythtre he l,s ever dor.e, as murhj credit as upon the man rie praises. CI.ATFVIIXK ITEMS Mrs. Reld Coley. y,ho las been j?l for a long time, dtee not im i prove. lu.fs. Kemp Farlow and children are visiting ner auui m t runs Foust. On account ot the illness of Rev. Way's children there was no preaching at the, Hollne chuich. In the suit of Ivy. vs. King, for libel, tried latt week in Rocking ham Superior Couift, the Jury awarded the plaintiff $1,500. It Is said that one member of the Jury pulled the other eleven men down from $5,000 while some wanted to award him $14,000. CARD OP THAMiS. I wish to exiprew my gratitude to the many fiJct.ds who were eo Vind during the illnets and death of my wife. I will not treat me faiirly. . ( Signed ) . "A. D. WATTS.' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Lawyer A. L. Urooks, who was especially active in getting: tbrouxli the Legislature the special act for the investigation of the receiver ship sale of the old Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley and its partition be tween the Southern and Atlantic Coast Line, has recently held an other conference with Attorney-flea eral T. W. Bickett relative to the matter of bringing' to thr attest tiom of Attorney-General Mc Rey nolds the fiading with, r com men datlonn that the Federal govern ment institute suit for the; annul ment of the eale and the parti tion, aa hhavlng been in violation of the Sherman antl-tru jt law. CASTORIA For Infanta And Children. The Kind Yoa Kara Always Bought j9 Bignatura of THERE'S A CHANCE FOR RESCUE Stella-Vitae Is a Life Preserver For Thousands ol Sinking Women. There's nothing worse than drafrginpf throuph life in endless ! pain. The troubles peculiar to women attack every orcan of their , -j g bodies, l'ain in the back and limbs, drappinf; weight, i- x ) headache, dk'pstion urset. loss of flush, sallow-un healthy, skin. Impossible to think, rest or sleep w ell. Why submit? I'r. Thacher studied for almost a life time, but he found the remedy. Stella- Vitae is a mmtitinxl U'nm'in'n tnm.i If fyotu fitrKt lintn the troubles, makts riclier lilood, stronger muscles, steadier ner-es. T.uilds you up, quiets iumttinir nerves, ctops pain. Every dealer sells Stella-Vitae and puarantees that it will oenent you. Should it tail, tney cneeriuny pive iacK tne i it costs you. Don't stav sick and hopeless." Don't lose the look of youth and health. Get a bottle of Stella- Vitae today. Thacher Medicine Company, at Chattanooga, Tenr.. WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open an account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit your business. Call to see us. BANK OF RAMSEUR Asheboro, KtG. JunV 29-July 5 Victor and his band. McKinnie Operatic Co Chautauqua Trio Original Strollers. , Quartet Imperial Russian Quartet a jriuicsu raipme i ouiers Judge Ben. B. Lindsay. Frank Dixon. Lecture: "The Panama Canal and "Panama-Pacific Exposition". Paul M. Pearson. Dr. Russell H. Con relL Ellsworth Plumstead Impersonator. E. E. MtNEILI Sea grove- N. C. , GET RfeAJKV. n nTV

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