FIRST PROSECUTION MADE THE HUMOROUS SIDE OF LIFF. Undertaker Convicted and Fined for Breaking Vital Statistic Law. Roxboro, July 2. The first prose cution and conviction under the new Vital Statistics Law was made here today. The Vital Statistics Depart ment of the State Board of eHalth brought charges of violation of the new law against a local undertaker, Mr. C. C. Critcher, for burying bodies without a burial permit from the lo cal registrar and for not furnishing death certificates properly filled out. The case was tried before Mayor Win sted and the undertaker was convicted and fined $5 and costs. In explanation the representative from the Board pointed out the value need and importance of the new law. He explained that the State Board of Health was charged with its enforce ment, and that if unenforced the re sults obtained would be misleading and worse than useless and the money appropriated for this work wasted. Thus far the Board has tried to deal leniently with the undertakers, mid wives, physicians and others having to do with the enforcement of the new law, but it is believed that ample time has been allowed for every one to be come acquainted with its provisions, should be taken with offenders, particularly malicious offenders. In other words, there is a limit at which and that hereafter vigorous action "patience ceases to be a ' virtue." In the opinion of the board that limit has been reached and if a number of other persons do not comply with the law other prosectutions will shortly follow. Sex Asserting Itself. The woman teacher had a mixed class of boys and girls. "I gave them a dictation lesson," she said, "to see how they would manage words which are sounded alike and spelt different ly. Would you believe that most ci the girls spelt 'sail 'sale', and that most of the boys spelt 'sale' sale : You see the sex difference shows itself at a very early stage." Brooklyn En-gle. Going on Forever. y"Hello, Wedmann. Anything going n?" "Yes, my expenses." Boston Trans cript. Trinidad's Mangrove Trees. Th mangrove tree, which is f'jund In Trinidad, has many pecul'arities. For one thing, its seeds germinate on the tranches, and when the shoots are considerably grown they fall off and tak) root in the mud. As 3 young tree grows it sends out f.v.-sh roots from its trunk and lower branches, until at last the tre seem?, to L-e sup ported by a network of rcots. or com plicated series of arches, In the midst of which crabs, aquatic Mrds and in sects take up their abod. Universal Epidemic Roger W. Babson says that in look ing up appendicitis cases he learned that in 17 per cent of the operations for that disease the post-mortem ex aminations showed that the appendix was in perfect condition. "The whole subject, he said, "re minds me of a true tsory I heard in London recently. In the hospitals there the ailment of the patient, when he is admitted, is denoted by certain letters, such as 'T. B.' for tuberculosis. An American doctor was examining these history slips when his curiosity was aroused by the number in which the letters G' 0. K.' appeared. He said to the physician who was show ing him around: lhere seems to be a sever epi demic of this G. O. K. in London. What is it, anyhow?' Oh. that means "uod enly knews, replied the English pijysician." Open Door. For Religious Editor to Say. A little girl had received a beautiful card bearing an inscription: "Honor thT father and tny mother, etc." "She Is certainly clever," said a caller, sjftaking of the sender of the card; "I wonder if she made that up her Bt.lf or copied it out of some book?" Houston Post. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Genuine Merit Required to Win the Peoples Confidence Have you ever stopped to reason. pvhy It is that so many products that are extensively advertised. a:i Bt once drcp out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reason ia plain the article did net fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medl cine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless) chain syi.t- tern the remedy Is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are In need of it. A promiaent druggist sayi?. "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and. never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every cas it shows excellent results, as.1 many of my customers testify. No cthr kidney remedy that I know fo has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the sticcei s cf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roct is due to the fact that it fulfills almost every wii h in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder? disease, corrects urinary troubles and' neu tralizew the uric flcid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bot tle or Swamp-Root by Parcels Post Addresi; Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Elng hamtorj, N. Y., aod enclose ten cents; also mention The Ashebcro Weekly Courier. Ground Soft. Mr. Brown Neighbor Jones tells em he's going to raise a pergola in his year this spring. Mrs. Brown If this weather keeps up it ought to grow rapidly. Birm ingham Age-Herald. Forgot His Sweetheart. Doctor Brandes. the Danish man of letters, who recently, visited this coun try, tells a curious story 01 himself, says the Chicago News. At the very moment he had appointment to keep a tryst with his sweetheart he was deep in Hegel. "With a passionate desire to reach a comprehension of the truth, I grap pled with the 'system,' began with the encyclopedia, read the three volumes of Aesthetics, the Phenomenology of the Mind, then the Philosophy of Law again, and finally the Logic, the Nat ural Philosophy of Law again, and the Philosophy of the Mind in a veri table intoxication of comprehension end delight." The lamentable sequel was that he forgot all about the young girl to whom he had to say good bye. ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous in Ashe- boro. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of evidence of their worth. G. H. Ivey; High Point St., Randle- man, in. u., says: "i surrerea a great deal from pains through the small of mv back and 1 also had trouble with the kidney secretions. Finally I used Doan's Kidney Pills and my health reatly improved. the cure Doan s Kidnev Pills made in my case over three years ago has been permanent." For sale by all dealers, fnee bv cents. Foster-Miiburn Co.. tSprtalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan s and ake no other. named Art. There was a young wo Uert, Who put on a slit hobble shirt, The men rubbered so, Wherever she'd go. That necks by the hundred were hurt. Philadelphia Inquirer. No Impropriety. 'Excuse me; can I speak to your typewriter a moment? 'lou cannot, bhe is engaged." 'That's all right. I'm the fellow she's engaged to." Coyote. She Had Bitten. She was a little girl and very po lite, says the New Orleans Times Picayune. It was the first time she had been on a visit alone, and she been carefully instructed how to behave. "If they ask you to dine with them," papa had said, "you must say, "No thank you; I have already dined.'" It turned out just as papa han an- cipated. "Come along. Majorie, ' said her lit tle friend's father, "you must have a bite with us." "No, thank you," said the little girl with dignity; "I have already bitten." Lowest Bidder 'I have come to ask for the hand of your daughter," announced the young man, according to the New York Times. "Have a chair" said the father, kindly. "I presume you have made an estimate of what it will cost to keep my daughter in the style to which she had been accustomed? "And your figures?" "Ten thousand dollars a year." "I'm sorry, my boy," taid the older man, "but I cannot afford to throw away $2,000 a year. Another suitor has figured he can do it for $8000. SLUGGISH LIVER STARTED PLEASANTLY No Need to Risk Disagreeable, Dan gerous Calomel, Now That Dod son's Liver Tone Takes Iits Place. Plpntv of DeoDle thousands of them have found that it is no loneer necessary to risk being "all knocked out" by taking calomel when consti pated or suffering form a sluggish liver. . What calomel does unpleasantly and often with danger, Dodson's Liver Tone does for you safely tnd pleasantly, with no pain and no gripe. It does not interfere in any way with your regular business, habits or diet. Calomel is a poison, a form of mer cury, a mineral. Dodson's Liver Tone is an all-vegetable liquid. Of course, this reliable remedy has its imitators. But Dodson's Liver Tone has b'een made to take the place of calomel right from the start. The label on the bottle always has said so, beginning with the first bot tle sold. And its widely known to day how good Dodson's Liver Tone is as a remedy and that Dodson never makes extravagant statements.. He says that it "livens the liver." over comes constipation agreeably and makes you feel good, and if you are not satisfied completely with it Asne boro Drug Company wi'l hand back the purchase price (50c) to you with a smile. Such statement? could not be made without true merit to back them up and it is easy for you top rove them for yourself at no cost if not .satis fied and convinced. WHAT DOES THIS TOWN NEED; IT JNtua AWAKENING. We are not exactly asleep, but the sandman is hang ing around. Shoo him away. We can't stand still. We must either go forward or The town needs the combined effort of everybody to boost and root and hurrah and shout for it incessantly. We have a fine town. Its natural advantages are many. We must get right down to business and work for it. This requires organization not an organization con trolled by a few, but by all. It mean's petty town politics and petty town jealou sies must be forgotten. It means united, wholesouled, hearty effort in carry ing out a definite program of prosperity. Let's not talk too much about it. Let's get busy. OPPOR1 UNITY WANTED TEN to fifteen good families to work in a manufacturing establishment. Healthful and pleasant work for men, women, boys and girls thirten old and over. Prefer families of three or more workers. Nice, new, clean houses to live in rents reasonable. Pleasant surroundings; unexcelled church and school op portunities. Best place in North Carolina for working people who desire to make a good living and better their condition. Write imediately to, J. W. BURROUGHS, Durham, N. C. WOMAN. She is for soul, for thought, for love, for bewitchment, for romance for beauty, and for man. She 13 for thia world and for other, worlds. She is for all time and for after time. She is for memory and for hope. She is for dreams ber.utous. She is for poe try and art. She is for the fulfilment of the human imagination. She is for the household and her mate. She is for everything that is worth anything. She is for life. She is for faith. She is for earth and heaven. She is for summer and winter. She is for the glory of the world which would be in tolerable without her. She is for all delicacy and daintiness. She is for youth, for middle age, for old age, She is for the merry-hearted and rhe wearv-footed. She is for light. She is for the crown of creation, the con- sumato masterpiece of nature. be tected. Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain. Sloan's Liniment gives instant re lief froim Neuralgia or Scatlca. It goes straight to the .painful part Soothes the Nerves and Stops jthe Fain. It is also good for Rheuma tlsn. Sore Throat. Chest Pains and SpraAns. You dcwi't need to :rub it penetrates. Mr. J. R. Swinger Louisville. Ky., writes; 1 "I suffer ed wftfhj quite a severe Neuralgic Headache for, four months without any relief. I used Sloan's Liimei.t for, two or three nights and I have not sruf fered , with my l.ienrS since." Geft a bottle today. Kef,p in. the houso all the time for pains and all burts. 25c, 30c. and $1.00 r.t your Druggist. Bucklen's ; Arnica Saive for all Sores. AiVpctiti8. Sir John LJe uud the duke of Queensberry ("CM Q.") once laid a vagr for 100 on who "kould pro duce a man rj eat the rnost at one sitting. The could not attend the contest, but rls representative wrote: "I have no Time to stat particulars, but merely to acquaint your grace that your rmn beat his tntagoniat by a pig and n apple pio What must they have Satcu! Lordon Chronicle. What "Bee-Dee" Means "Bee Dee" on the label means REAL VALUE inside the package, and RESULTS and SATIS FACTION after the contents have been used. Always ask for "Bee Dee" when you buy a stock or poultry remedy. "Bee Dee" remedies are pre pared from pure, medicinal ingredients, in a scien tific way, and are genuine medicines that you can depend on. D TV. STOCK E POULTRY tiee uee medicine LINIMENT DIP Bee Dee Healing Powder Bee Dee Colic Remedy After using tht Bet Dee Remedies generally lor sometime, we take plea sure in saying that they are giving entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully recom mend thent McMillen Stock Farm, Waco, Texas. Ton can get them at your dealer. 1 kiM th 1 1 Claremont College HICKORY NORTH CAROLINA SELECT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Located near the fountains Limited Number of Students f,'F? Vr ., --,1a ':'-. 1 LITERARY, MUSIC, ART, EXPRESSION AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSES MAINTAINED Faculty Selected with Greatest Care Special Attention Given the Girls $140 Pays for Tuition, Board, Heat, Lights and Room Rent FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Addre JOSEPH L. MURPHY. Praidenl WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open an account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit your business. Call .to see us. BANK OF RAMSEUR JAMES CANNON, JR., M. A., D. D., PRINCIPAL. XT Aeo the Blackstone- School adopted the following XI I Y a O V O MOTTO: Thorough Inelruetion under positively V M, Cttl O Christian Influences at the lowest possible cost. D Ar..Jf- IT is today, with a faculty of 33, a boardinsr P.0? f IxeSUll 368, a student body of 428, and a plant worth $150,000, The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia. d t T A PATS all charges for the year, Including Table Board, A 4 HA I Si I Room, Lights, Steam Heat, Laundry, Medical Atten- Ik 1 l I V tention, Physical Culture and Tuition In all subjects V music ana elocution. Can parents find a school with n better record, with more experienced management at such moderate cost? For catalogue and application blank address GEO. P. ADAMS, Secretary, Blackstone, Va. Hercules Stump Puller For sale. Practically new, at a bargain.' Write or call to see us. McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. Asheboro, N. Carolina 1837 GUILFORD COLLEGE 1914 THOROUGH HIGH MORAL TONE IDEAL LOCATION Six Courses in Arts and Sciences, Music, Domestic Science, Bookkeepi ; and Banking, Expression, Ten Buildings With All Modern Conveniences, Athletic Field. Expenses Low. Economy and Self Kelp Encouraged For catalog and information address L. L. HOBBS, LL D., Pres., Guilford College, H. C. CAN. IT! WHILE WE HAVE IT, WHY NOT PRESERVE IT? Conservation of our waste products the road to econ omy. iiConomy the key note to modern success. WHY NOT CAN YOUR OWN FRUITS? This is made easy by using the "EL FLO" CANNING OUTFIT Guaranteed to be the most convenient durable and efficient in the world. Outfiits to suit every home, ran cine- in from $3.50 up. Not an experiment, but used by the U. S. De partment of Agriculture for four years, and selected from all other makes of caning outfiits to be used in the Tomato Club Canning Contest Demonstrations at the V11" vuiii jjAjjusuiun, ioiuniDia, o. u., me .Na tional Conservation Exposition, Knoxville, Tenn., the Na tional Educational Conference of the South, Louisville, Ky. Used by Experiment Stations and Truckers. Over 16,000 Government Agents, Club Members and Farmers Everywhere. CHAMPION TOMATO CLUB GIRL OF THE WORLD USES THE "EL FLO" CANNER. Our outfits equipped for heating with either wood, coal or oil. A,Newly Patented Continuous Heating Capping Steels is the solution to all canning problems. y0 todav for testimonials from enthusiastic "EL FLO 'owners, and free catalogue. Let us quote you prices on cans. HOME CANNER MANUFACTURING CO. Hickory, N. C. Careful diet is of utmost Importance to men and women past fifty years of age; It kei-os ua their strencrtli, and the oil- lood in Scott's Emulsioa Is a nourishing food, a curative nicviicuie and a sustaining tonic to regulate the functions. It contains the tnedidaal fats of pure cod liver oil and science proves that they furnish twice as much energy as other I food then too, it creates pure Dlood, sharpens th appetite, relieves rheuma tism, strengthens the body and alleviates te ailmenu due to declining years. Pott's is free from -vines, alcohol or 1 inuf'il drugs. Beare of substitutes. I rilil pl' POLISHES l,N-:i ; p-nr.i - p--:v7l thef.f.dalleyco..lto. H Sm, '' .'v.fil ' .. .- pt :B;v'.)' ,'..w.At-mM nm.m a;.., d buffalo.n,y. Hamilton, our. -K 4,Wftlj . ot

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