THE COURIER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY WM. O. HAMMER. EDITOR. A. W. C1JNE, ASSOCIATE- EDITOR AND BUSINESS MANAGER. TELEPHONE NO. 5. Asheboro, N. C, July 16th, 1914. Have you noticed anything lately that reminds you of a little pug dog running after and barking at the heela of a large mastiff? Henry Ford, manufacturer of Ford automobiles, says that his business is better now than ever in its history. Take that, "Business Depression" howlers. Hurrah for Elizabeth City. No more carnivals will be allowed to stop there to deal out crime and demorali zation to the citizens of the town. What a victory for the moral forces it would be if every town on the face of the earth would put the ban on these debauching shows. Mooresville, Iredell county, has re cently been added to the list of Co operative Creamery towns in North Carolina. A charter for this cream ery has just been issued. How long, farmers, before such a charter will no issued for the Randolph Co-operative Creamery? Are you helping to advertise your town ? There are a thousand ways in which you can help bring ycur town to the front. The only wry to builj u town is for all to work together with concerted action. Are you pul ling alone, or are you vith the com bined forces? Which? The Courier congratulates Davi l son county public schools upon their securing as superintendent, Mr. P. L. Feezor to succeed Prof. J.. E. Hill, who died from an attaack of typhoid fever. Prof. Hill did a great work during his term of office, and his un finished plans will be carried out with success by his successor. Mr. Feezcr is highly recommended as an educat'.'i". Randolph for some time has been doing some permanent work in road building. Many miles of native gravel road extend in several direc tions of the county and the good work is still going on. The work is done without blow or buster r.nd the roads are being constructed at a minimum cost and in accordance with a wise and business like poiicy. Attention is called to the local no tice in this issue of the A. and M. Col lege at Raleigh. While Randolph county has furnished a number of boys as students in this institution, the amount should beldoubled this year. In the twenty-five years of its exist ence the school has grown more rap idly than any other school in the South. Send your boy to the A. and M. this fall. The great tidal wave of prosperity now sweeping this country will in its rapid progress soon wipe off the face of the earth the "measly" little sore politicians that continue to cry Calam ity! Calamity! "Business Depression" is a subject that has become quite common by oft repeated vuse by those who have sought to bring discredit o the Wil son Administration. Those who are crying Calamity! Calamity! and "Bu siness Depression" are asked to name any place that calamiy is staring in the face and prove that the Wilson Administration is responsible. Read "Calamity Lies Nailed," on page ona. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS It is not always whiskey, wine or cider that causes death, but the de sire for the deadly poison sometimes affords a passage to the other world. Last week Dr. C. L. Cook, a physician, SI yeaars old, living in Wilkes county, went to the cellar to get a drink of cider. He through mistake picked up a bottle of carbolic acid and drank it and died hi a few minutes. Beware of even the thirst for these drinks. "Teddy" has been receiving num bers of protests from Progressive leaders all over New York state, against his running for Governor. The German steamship Mendoza went ashore off the coast of Areen tina in a fog last Saturday. She had jji people on board, Search for the banditti who held up the west bound "Katy-Flyer" on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad, sixty miles north west of St. Louis, continues without definite results. Six persons killed and property damage estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars was the toll last Friday of cloud bursts and electrical storms in Philadelphia. 3 After writing a letter to his moth er, Travy Livingstone, of Andalusia. Ala., aged 2S, drank two ounces of carbolic acid and was dead in ten minutes. According to a .etctpnont issued re cently by the public health service Virginia had a more favorable ty phoid fever report in 1913 than any other state. There were 5,:i!)8 cases reported in that state. July 23 is the last day on which the three members of the Federal Re serve Board already confirmed by the Senate may take their oath of office. The three members are Charles S. Hamlin, Adolph C. Miller and W. P. G. Harding. Telegrams rnd letters favoring the confirmation of Paul M. Warburg, of New York, and Thomas D. Jones, of Chicago, as members of the Federal Reserve Board, have begun to pile in on Senators of the Banking Commit tee. Many are from individuals and some from organizations. At the Carranza Villa concilliation conference at Torreon an effort to prevent General Carranza or any of the military leaders in the revolution from becoming candidates for the presidency or vice-presidency failed to be adopted. A cloud burst in the mountain re gion east of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Hooded the Roaring Brook valley and fiats along the Lackawanna River. Railroads were tied up and much property damage resulted. Three boys were swept down the river on a stump. Two were rescued but the other perished. In Portland, Maine, they have pro duced a new brand of whiskey. The other day the sheriff's deputies siez- ed what they supposed to be a tubful of whiskey, the contents of a five-gallon keg having been poured into a galvanized iron tub for the purpose of dilution and some other things added to sharpen the taste, it is said that Portland topers have been reveling in this sort of stuff for years. Tobacco leaves, prune juice, red and black pepper, oak and hemlock bark, mo lasses and alcohol are the ingredients comonly used. TOLD HER TO DO IT Joe Johnson Was Instigator of Plot Which Caused His Brother's Death Arch Johnson, brother of Joe John son, who was killed by his.vife at Tar boro recently, has also been arrested since the confession of Mrs. Johnson. Soon after his arrest he said "I am willing to take all the blame for the death of my brother if that will help her any, and if either of us have to die for the crime I want to be the one." He also said, "I loved my brother, but I loved his wife more and it was because of this that I allowed myself to get into this scrape. I bought the pistol with which the killing was done and gaave ot to Mrs. Johnson on Saturday morning before the kil ling was done on that night; I knew what she was going to do with it." Mrs. Johnson says that she and Arch Johnson had planned the crime and that Arch told her eto throw the pis tol to the side of tKe road so that he could get it the next morning. She says that he told her he would stick to her throught it all and when told of his confession she stated that she was satisfied with it and that he was doing as he said he would. Johnson broke down and wept bitterly as he told that story of how he became im plicated and said he did not want his folks to know about it. He is only 21 years old. Neither he nor Mrs. John son have as yet retained any attor neys . MRS. THOMPSON CHARGED WITH ARSON Cats of Mistaken Purpose. "Does your father object to kiss ing?" "I dont' know. Shall I tell him that you would like to kiss him?" From the Diary of a Scrooge. Feb. 3. Bit off the tips of three feathers that got familiar with my face. Also had codflsh for dinner. It was a very dry day, all in all. Buffalo News. In United States Orchards. In the United Slates there are more than 2U0,0i'O,0UO apple trees of bearing age, about 20,000,000 pear trees, and more than 16,000,000 cherry trees. Making Your Own Glue. A simple, effective glue that is harmless, colorless and odorless can be made by adding ordinary tapioca to water and boiling. Immune From Certain Diseases. It Is believed that previous to civil isation baldness was unknown among American Indians. The uncivilized In dian apparently Is yet free from pella gra and almost immune from cancer. "Bull" Froi North Wales. Wales produces bulls other than thofce found in cattle shows. A North Wales correspondent, says the Western iiaS, calls upon the parish councils to hoM meetings oZ protest. "In the mean time," he says, "I hope abler pens than lulae will put their shoulder to the wheel and flood the columns of your pier until satisfaction is forthcomr let" A noticeable feature of 'he Ran dolph Teachers' Institute was so many bright young men in attendance. A better day is dawning for the public schools when the young men take an active part in the work. The young ladies maake the best kind of teach ers but it 13 only a question of time until they drop out to take up that high and noble calling home build ing. Pay the young men living sala ries and they will make the work a lif e business. Be sure that you are lawfully mar ried, says the Greensboro Daily Rec ord. A young man applied to Register Rankin in Guilford for license to mar ry a girl in Rockingham. The cou ple was duly married by a magistrate at the bride's home and when the li cense was returned Register Rankin saw at once that the marriage was invalid and notified the parties, who will have to be married over again. Be sure that you are niarried in the county in which the license was issued. STATE NEWS ITEMS The day of home grown watermel ons, lucious grapes and scuppernongs is about at hand. These are days that never will be lost sight of, especially by the boy "down on the farm." Was a boy ever happier than when told to go to the scuppernong vine with a tin bucket or to the watermelon patch with a tow sack. Well does the Courier man remember "lugging" for a half a mile several big melons in a sack thrown across his shoulders. This was pleasant work compared to many duties connected with running a news paper.-, ' , The Progressives and Republicans of Rockingham county have united and nominated a ticket to run against the Democrats. The singing class from the Odd Fellows' Orphanage is touring the state and receiving a hearty welcome everywhere. In Wilson, the sale of tickets amounted to $400, in Eliza beth City to more than $250. E. J. Justice is at home in Greens boro for his vacation. He has been on the Pacific coast for some time pressing suits brought by the United States against large properties in which millions of dollars are involved. A rifle range prepared by nature has been selected for the rifle prac tice at CamD Grove, near Ashevilie. It is onlv about a mile from the camp and good roads lead to it. Kine prac tice is to be one of the most interest ing features of camp life there. Saturday morning the supervisor and miards at one of the Wake coun ty convict camps were surprised when two young negroes stopped at the camp and said they had rather stop there than to be at liberty. They had escaped only the day before, but had had enougn ireedom. Carl Rosenbaum, a soda dispenser for McNair's drug store at Tarboro, saved the life of a little girl by grab bing her from in front of a runaway horse which was almost upon the child. The runaway horse was blind and the driver, who was a negro, waB totally deaf. "Trachoma", the disease popularly known as "granulated eye-lids", is prevalent in only three counties in North Carolina. The disease is com mon among the Cheroke Indians in Swain county, where it has spread to the white population nearby, and amonsr1 the native born in Mitchell and Caldwell counties. Dr. H. K. Edgerton, formerly of Johnston county -North Carolina, .died at Lebanon, Tenn. He was one of Lebanon'! most useful and prominent citizens. He was educated at Guil fsd College, North Carolina. Before be was 21 he entered the medical de partment of Vanderbilt University and the University of Nashville. Chu"ch Appropriately Adorned. At special Bervice for fishermen at Cortor, near Lowestoft, England, the church was adorned with nets, In ivfilcfc herrings were enmeshed, that were festooned around the nave. An arch of oars from which was suspend ed U sidelight, spanned the center aisle, and flags, buoys, bladders and other fishing gear completed the scene of decoration. Gnat Mm Needed Little Sleep There are some re max table cases oa record of deviations from the cus tomary amount of sleep. Many per sons have reached advanced are with out ever having more than one or two hours' sleep out of twenty-four. Oea era! Plchegru Informed Bir Gilbert Blane that In the course of his active campaigns he had for a whole year not more than one hour of sleep In the twenty-four hours. Frederick of Prussia and Napoleon, as a general thing, never devoted more than three or tour hours to sleep. It is Alleged She Attempted to Burn Public Service Building in Greens bore, in Which Her Rooms Were Located. Two warrants charging arson were sworn out by Capt. W. A. Scott, state fire insurance inspector, against Mra. Mabel Thompson, who is alleged to have set fire to her own room in the North Carolina Publice Service bulid ing at Greensboro Monday. Mrs. Thompson is at St. Leo's Hospital, where she was carried after being found in an unconscious condition in her room which was dense with smoke. Her room at hospital is under guard and the warrant will be served as soon as she has recovered sufficiently. It was a few moments before four o'clock when the people in the Benbow Arcade, just across the street from the building were startled by a flash of light, coming from a front win dow on the third floor of the North Carolina Public Service building. When the fire department arrived they found the door to the room locked. When they had bursted down the door, im mense smoke belched forth, and on the floor was the body of Mrs. Thomp son, almost unconscious. Captain R. E. Pearce. of the night police torce was notified and made an investigation It was after Mr. Scott had examined the surroundings and taken into con sideration previous fires that he decid ed upon issuing warrants. Mis. Ihompson is a daughter ot U. A. Starbuck, formerly deputy marshal at Greensboro, and was living with her sister, Mrs, L. D. Sargeant and occupied one of the rooms in the suite of Mr. and Mrs. Sargeant on the third floor. EXAMPLE OF T. R.'S NERVE Prejudiced Individual Eagerly Swal lowed Story Concerning States man He Disliked. Just at the entrance of Portland harbor, not far from the tip of Cape Elizabeth, is a dreaded ledge known as Trundys rock. It is carefully buoyed by the government and for the convenience of pilots is identified by marking the buoy with the initials of the ledge's name. My friend, a prac tical joker of considerable activity, was coming out of Portland one eve ning on the Gov. Dingley and fell Into conversation with a gentleman, whose talk was of politics and whose hatred of Mr. Roosevelt and all his works was revealed as acute and vivid. As the steamer churned on toward the mouth of the bay it oc curred to my friend to make use of the situation. Wherefore he said: "Do you know the nerviest thing the colonel did when he was president?" "No," said the Jviterlocutor. "But I'd believe anything. What do you call the nerviest thing he did?" "I think," said the first speaker, "that it took more gall to paint the government's channel buoys with his initials than anything else in his career." "You don't mean that he did that?" gasped the other. "Go on! He has crust enough, but that's beyond be lief!" "Just wait," was all the other said. "We're just turning one ot those buoys now. Look at It" And there, just over the side, was a huge can buoy brazenly marked in letters several feet high, ' T. R." Speechless with emotion and wrath the gentleman sought his cabin vow ing to write a letter to the editor. I wonder if he really did it? Catch All, in Lowell Courier-Cltlsen. First Flights. Orvtlle Wright, congratulated at a banquet in Dayton upon a recent legal victory, said: . "Wow, our law business ended, we can go to work on the business of de veloping aeroplanes. For, though the aeroplane has passed its infancy, It will stand Improvements here and there. "Yes, the aeroplane, I am glad to say, 1b no longer In Its Infancy and, gentlemen, It was mighty hard to raise." There's nothing small about the Ford except its purchase price and its cost to keep. In number of cars, in worldwide use, in quality of service to owners and in its daily performance it is the biggest car in the world. 530,000 users will testify to these facts. Five hundred dollars is the price of the Ford runabout; the touring car is five fifty; the town car seven fifty-f. o. b. Detroit, com plete with equipment. Get catalog and par ticulars from Asheboro Motor Gar Co., Inc. Report of the Condition of the BANK OF LIBERTY at Liberty, N. C, at the close of business, June 30th, 1914. Resources Loans and discounts $ 85,336.70 Overdrafts, secured and un secured Banking house, furniture and fixtures 3,iZ4.uu Due from Banks and Bank- ers 16,258.81 Cash Items 217.20 Gold Coin 1,082.50 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency National Bank and other U. S. notes a,zt4.uu Total $110,053.06 Liabilities Capital stock paid in 10,000.00 Surplus fund 7,uuu.uu Undivided vrofits less current ex- ..penses and taxes paid 644.25 Deposits subject to check 38,343.28 Savings deposits 30,915.48 Cfcfhier's checks outstanding 2,550.05 Acrued interest due depositors 600.00 110,053.06 State of North Carolina, County of Randolph, ss: IB. M. Brower, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. B. M. BROWER, Cashier. Correct Attest: v . J. F. PICKETT, G. W. WRIGHTSELL, Directors. Subscribed an sworn to before me, this 6th day of July, 1914. W. B. OWEN, J. P. A Home-Msde Remedy. He My dear, see that I am not dis turbed. I have to write a paper on the abatement of the smoke nuisance. She That's easy. Stop using cigar ettes. Cause of Nervous Breakdown. When we feel sleepy the drain upon the nerve (Sells stops and the heart has an opportunity to put them into good worktag order again. The heart luckily never gets tired unless we strain it When we do demand too much of Che heart it becomes unable to repair the nerve cells properly dur ing sleefs and as a result the who! nervous system goes to pieces. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STOR I A Crying Baby of tome Use. A baby "crying In the night and wim no language but a cry" found that lantuage in a 7Jew Jersey town Quite sufficient for the immediate family, as it was formation to the effect that the htuse was on fire, thereof at the early age of one year savtnr twenty Uves. This ought somewnat to Justify that generally acEnrie,iged nuisance, the crying Daoy Keeping Aluminum Brloht. To remove stains from aluminum edoking utensils dissolve four table spoonfuls ot oxallo acid crystals In a gallon of water. Let this boll In the dishes for five minutes, then wash and rinse cararuu; with olean watt?. When the Great Grief Invades Your Home it is too late to give thoughtful considera tion to the selection of a funeral director. It is our desire in this i otice simply to call your attention to the fact that all of our facilities are at your service and that you may call upon us at, any hour of the day or night, with the certainity of thoughtful and considerate attention. The time to think of these things is now not when you are submerged by sorrow. HOOVER & McCAIN, Funeral Directors Phones: Day, 158. Night, 188. -- .- .- - L A. V r 'I 'U 1 The House for Good Groceries I King & Kime X The Store That Guarantees Satisfaction J Clean, Up-to-date, Progressive WHERE ORDERS ARE FILLED COMPLETE Telephone No. Prompt Service ASHEBORO, N. C. i DON'T FORGET to phone your orders for fresh meats for Chautauqua Week J. C. HANNAH & SON "One-Horse Grocery" Phone 134 H GIVE ME A TRIAL On Your Next Suit. I Clean, Press and Repair. Ladies' Work a Specialty Asheboro Pressing & Tailoring Go. W. P. ROYSTER, Manager Phone 137. Next to Rexall Drug Store. CAR LOAD OF CHEVROLET CARS JUST RECEIVED A car for great service. Touring Car $875.00, f.o. b. factory. Don't fail to see these cars. OUR TERRITORY: Randolph, Chatham, Moore and Montgomery. ask for demonstration, b. f. Mcdowell motor company, Asheboro, N. C. HORSES AND MARES I have at my stables four miles past of Seagrove Rt 1, a fresh car load of horses and mares. ' - . m , THEY ARE FOR SALE OR TRADE. fj - S'sL .R, L. ALBRIGHT, ra m S"d