STATE NEWS ITEMS HAPPEXTVGS OP INTEREST GATHERED FKOM OIK EX CHANGES AN1 tXNIENSEl IN A BRIEF IX)RXL Elizabeth City which is usually vis ited by at least two carnivals a year has just cussc-d an orcbr thit r.o more license shall be issued to carnivals. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the North Carolina railroad was held in the Guilford Hotel, Greensboro, last week, Col. J. T. Morehead acting' as chairman. Reports from the eastern part of the Mate say that the tobacco crop this year is usually good, ritt,!..," '. ... . , ,, . """" Greene, Wayne and Lenoir countiei are said to have fine crops. Ned Findiey, director of the Vita graph of America, one of tha coun- try's leading moving companies, has gone to Bat Cave to take pictures for the movies. The North and South Carolina Hard ware Dealers' Association met in Dur ham last week. The place for next. mittee. The engagement of Mr. Chas. F. Tomlinson, of Jiiprh Point, and Miss May, Lovelace, of Wilson has been announced. Miss Lovelace has been teaching in High Point for the last year or two. Governor Craig has appointed thejlns to make me arrest ne was killed. following committee to present the The North Carolina Building and Loan Association met at Wrightsvil! Beach last week. Asheville was chosen as the next place of meeting. E. L. Keesler, of Charlotte was re elected president. Ben Sileiv a colored train hand, was arrested at Biscoe one night last week just before he was to be married, and Troy chS 'thL6 ater famine at Warsaw was gTe oVlu'froVthe &ke" b? lLS -thf 6 put in jail at stealing a packa HePvas aaSnore.S C and his bond Vas fixed at ?lo0. G. S. Zimmerman, who had form - erly been agent for the Norfolk South ern at Candor, was arrested in Ral eigh la;t week, charged with embez zling funds from the railroad compa ny and the southern t-xpress com pany. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Johnston, of Tarboro, who was arrested last week charged with the killing cf her hus band some tini'i ago. has confessed that she committed the crime. She said that he had made life unbearable for her with accusations oi infidelity and that she finally killed hin. She is in jail at Tarboro waiting for vial at the next term of Superior court. Roy Lindsay, a young white man, aged 18, was found dead in the Dixi' building at Greensboro Wednesday night of last week. About 6 o'clock he went into the basement of the build ins and was found dead there about 8 o'clock by the; nightwatchman. He had received an electric shock which killed him instantly. ' A baby boy about two months old was found on the steps of the Chil dren's Home, Wir.ston-Salem, Thurs day morning. The child was dressed daintily and carefully and appeared to have been well taken care of. bup erintendent Thompson caid it would be taken care of at the Home unless oiher arrangements could be made. M. P. Sharpe and Ben Jarrett, of Catawba county, for some time sus pected of hauling booze from Wilkes and Alexandria counties into Cataw be where they ahe adllegedC.d -(H where they are alleged to have a large retail trade, were caught at che Statesville-Buffalo Shoals bridge over the Catawba river, with the goods on their ajtomobile last Thursday and were put under ?50 bonds. 0 Vernon Hanner, a young white man, living six miles southeast of Greens boro, has been missing from his home since last Friday afternoon, and all efforts of the family to locate him have been unsuccessful. On Friday morning the young man went to the woods to engage in his customary work 01 cutting tobacco hoops. Noth ing has been seen or heard of hiin since According to an estimate made re cently there have been approximately 12,000 automobiles sold in North Car olina since they were fust introduced in the State. Taken on an average each car costs about $1,000 and that means that there has been expended $12,000,000, all of which is sent out of the State except about 20 per cert which is allowed as agents as com mission. There is paid into the State about $84000 annually for license by the owners. The following statement has been issued by the Forest Service: "Lands just approved by the National Forest Reservation Commission for purchase by tne government include 13,57a acres in North Carolina, of which 11 tracts comprise 12,400 acres are sit uated in Buncombe, Yancey and Mc Dowell counties, in the Mount Mitchell purchase area. The remaining 1,155 acres are on the Chattanooga river watershed in Macon county, in the Sa vannah purchase area," The New Bern baker who has the order to fun;ish bread to the boys cf . the Thira Rsgir.-.ent In encampment at Camp Glenn last week, was kept busy baking for our scldiers. On the day they arrived, several hundred loaves were sent to them, which it was thought would be sufficient until the next day. However, the soldiers' ap petites proved to be an unknown quan tity and a special rush order had to be sent in. There were no more trains that day it looked as if they would have nothing to eat, but an automo bile track was loaded and sent to tbem. . . .- " The books of the list takers of For- syth county show a gain of $1,267,835 over the taxable real End personal property listed last year. Mr. P. L. Feezor, of Cotton Grove township, has been appointed County Superintendent of school for David- son county to succeed J. E. Hill, who died last week. viu.nuua ,. vimn, a Bi-jcoia old nhvsiean of Wilkes countv. aeM- den-tally billed himself last week by taking carbolic acid. He died in 15 minutes alter ne nad swallowed- the . acid. ! While on a fishing trip at Second lfi la ,.f f 1 y,-u u . .yra' .rf "' i, k i u- i, j was recovered He is survived by a wife and child. Rev. James lJTr R-,fones' a Prominent ?c? Irnk''. dl.ed 1 mini j ",, T years cf age and was a classmate of ... .y. j- o v- r. roteat 01 wake l-crest College. Mr .Wnh P v,, nrnm oi " ,ra,nf "' u,eu jaTl continued illness. He was 00 years old, and was at one lime a memoer 01 the county board or pommiKiniun r.f Vow Hnnnva, Henry Carlton of Wilkes county, was shot and killed at Naugatuck. W. Va., last week. Te had been deputi.- tized by the sheriff of Mingo county to arrest one Hiram PHnre and in trv. - - Aftpl. h.. n mnnth,a .a(5Q nf' expres office. Secretary Bryan delivered his lec - ture "Ti.o Prince of Peace" at the Chautauqua at Hickory last Saturday. He stopped over on his way to Ashe- ville, where he has leased a cottaee and expects to stay a part of the sum- mer' . dry time th Jls had nealy a fa ,cu Joseph Miller son of W. M. Miller' of Mooresville, and who has been a soldier in the United States m-mir several days ago in "Texas along the Mexican border, where he had been on auty ior some time. The remains were shipped home. p , v 4 Pearl r eatherstone a negress of Charlotte and one of the citv's worst criminals, was hot and perhaps fatal- iy wounoed oy L,eroy Johnson while she was in the act of assaulting him with a knife in his own homo la at Vri. day- A 53-page Danmhlet. hv And- Joyner, of Greensboro, has recent- ly been issued civinw n e.i,w,oM, t the commerce of the Dominican re- ?an.y to handle the refrigeratine of public for the calendar year 1913. This fru,t cars ar)d the like, is a comprehensive study and report it j on exports and imports of Santo Do- and Mrs- W- H- Holder, of Hart mingo. "ett county are very much distressed over me disappearance of their 1' Judge and Mrs. Kczokiah finnVo,- year. old daughter from their hnmJ have arrived in the United States and will p-rt tn AoWmIu t..j. Gudger will engage in the practice of wilii ma t,on, xierman uuoger. Judge Gudger has been chief justice of the canal zone Supreme court for j.1 jtais, lhe Democratic Executive commit- vcv vi me iniru Disiric: nas decided fflTrf-GouS: ayoTaVoZena l&st R. Thomas, cf New Bern. Democratic of ardT;h fv',?Il?bllCati(ln caudate for Congreo, from that frf are turned on all persons holding pub The widow of Geo. M. Summerell. SublRvl" Th. 1'' U 'i uPen !he who died 24 years ago, has just been iSSi?nb2Sl'JfPr hd that ft1' paid $275 by the Connecticut Life In- fjolton uSS Z ? m Mr' surance Co.. for a policy which Mr. but h ?sa?d flhS fiJe ci?rgis Summerell took out in 1880, the ex- Sc ' hJ dot made any istence of which was unknown to Mrs. toiko mfSW' "nd bed no desir Summerell until informed of it by R. T e 8 ' cj. i,rwiora, general agent of the company. A moonshine plant, belonging to a mi'i named Carter, was discovered and destroyed about 22 miles from Kinston, in Duplin county, last week. The man had revealed his operations by a bit of negligence which caused the burning of several hundred acrss of timber lands bv a Rnnrk frnm th furnace of the still. Carter was not caueht. I Jj. u. Bowman was given a prelim- move on . inary hearing in the county at Salis-I bury last week and was bound in a ' The doctor "I must take my own $1,000 bond on the chaige of abduc- medicine." tion. The principal witness in the !' case was Ada Overcash, a 13-year old The aviator "Now for a new alti girl who swore that she left her home tude record." near Barber with Bowman on Sunday. ! May 1, and that they were together' uiim ne ueserieu ner atitiiicreeK, near wkhh ueiunu. Reidsville, and she was sent back! home by a kind-hearted friend. The telephone girl "Hello, central! jGive me heaven!" A gruesome find was reported to 1 Sheriff Howard M. Rowe one dav last ' neuru .rienry rarrisn wno had been picking huckleberries in a I percosin near Wilson. He said that he had found a coffin out in the swainu. ue snerin naturauv sun-1 posed some crime had been committed DIRGE FOR A YOUNG GIRL so accompanied by the coroner he ' went with the negro to the scene of .Underneath the sod, now lying, the supposed crime. When they ot! Dark and drear, there the coffin proved to be a wooden Sleepeth one who left, in dying, box, containing a dead dog. i Sorrow here. Ruth Guard, aged 18. daughter of a! prosperous farmer of Currituck coun-l ty, was drowned in the Pasquottank river one day laat week. SI e and her I father, accompanied by two men. ' were in an automobile on their way to Elizabeth City to get some of Miss buard s friends to attend her house party. The machine ran off the barge at Lamb's Ferry and the four occu- ?ants weie thrown into the river. he three men succeeded in escaping but Miss Guard was drowned before sns could be rescued, Between one and two hundred cars of peaches are daily being handled enroute from the Georgia orchards to the Northern markets. Figures show that since the first of the year there has been almost $500,000 invested in New Bern in neiv buildings, i tight men. who were jurors at the ia.-L lenil OI KOCKinSfham COUtltV Court have filed e,.". J MLCfr D F. Kingof LeaWille, on T the charge of libel. fH list- csl,i t. r, hL ife the Pagre Memorial Bishop J. C. Kilgo officia'tinir. Thi, cost 540,000 and contains a p p organ costing $2,000. . l,?e Carolina Air-Dried Pine Asso- wtiun nas just been oreanized ...t Kaieien. with W W -w-i-i president and Howard White as sec - retary- i Mai., W w , "a nuigion, a well jpown man in this part of the State'lspeak at the National Suffrage Lea- " uurnani last week. He was L?J'eavs old and a Confederate vet - are reported to , Eight prisoners e escapeci from the Duplin countv J?" ul enansviiie last week hv filing their wav tV,v,l, 41.- ' . , ' ilu"S j"".V-"nsvine last week, bv filino - ' way tnough the window one ment. Thpv m-a !t;ii i i alge' . Raleigh has received an aDDeil rom Salem. Mass., for aid to hein her recover from the disastrous fire which almost swpnf- oi.,, i n.. - nic city re- Fire thoue-ht tn v. , tne slopes had narrow escapes. ' JIlss Janie McRae, a young woman f Maxton, aged about 30 met ner death by drowning one day last we..k- The evidence points to that of .se'f-destruction while mpntiu, ba'anced Albert Pavne. ao-prl 14 v,. u- j.- nction of being the youngest defend: ZrJf "ered to a JV last week and sentenced to a term St 1 -""'"J iexormatorv. .'etcher W instead, aged 17 and w,Iilam Holland, aged 16 two no groes of Rockv Mmm ..J u J to the State prison at Raleigh one"dav st week to prevent their beine aiter they had criminally as- saulted a young white woman the daughter of a contractor of Rockv Mount. nocicy The Polar Bear Company is the "J"ie 01 a new nrm at High Point with Samuel B. Coffin f 1 1 Coffin will manufapf-nro !n c?.al- The capacity of the nlant will be bO tons and the capital stock will be $50,000. The hniWin ,.,Yii .' 60xl75 feet and will have a very larire storage caoacitv. on.Ki, uf , d1.ay of la?t week. The little girl left home with I. N. Pott 6? years. who had been' teaching a u. i 1 " neignoornood. , , her. to a church four or five Jf-jA .romh home to a sineing school, j,, 1. " U1, ueen seen since. lan8 for the arrest of the man have OUKCU' iam(1, p tru i. j . DYING OBSERVATIONS The optimist "Going up!" The lawyer "No, I lie forvere." The barber "St. Peter is next!" The bank cashier "Over the bor- der ( The Policeman "Here's where I The plumber "I must leave my The insurance atrenfc Tf I huA nniu men ous one OI my own policies. The thotorraDher"rwTi'. n n that way, my friends. Look pleasant." Yes. thev're bendinir o'er hr Eyes and weep; Forms that to the cold grave bore her, Virgils keep. s ; When the summer moon, is shining Soft and fair. Friends she loved in tears are twining " . ,ChapTets there.' " ' Rest in peace, thou gentle spirit Throned above; " ' Souls like thine with God inherit Life and love. James Thomas Fields. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS ITEMS OF INTEIUST TAK'.XJ PLACE THIS AVI Elv TilKOl GH Ol'T THK D1H"! li.M' SEC. TOIXS OF THE WOULD. Suffragettes in Scotland attempted last week to destroy the cottage at Ayer where Robert, the poet, l as born. Thomas E. Watson has announced that he will take the stump for Joseph Brown ami "pour his well known hot shot into Hoke Smith." Robert W. Childs. who helped the 'Government to convict John R. Walsh, the banker, has been appointed Assis tant Attorney General. A mortgage of $68,65;,000 on the 'c t a c-,. ;.... "to be foreclosed soon. The 'Frisco is now in the hands of receivers. 'sue to be held in Nashivlle in Novem- ber. A bomb of terrific power exploded 'on the roof of a six stroy flat house in Harlem. New York, last week, ikilline three pec killing three people and injuring others. Norman E. Mack, Democratic na tional committeeman of New York, is preparing to announce his candi dacy for the nomination of United States Senator in New York. Samuel M. Wilwhite. city comptrol ler and prominent in Louisville, Ky., social club circles, has been arrested on the charge of embezzling city funds to the amount of $14,500. The voting trust with respect to the stock of the Southern Railway Com pany, which has been in existence since the organization of the compa ny in June 1894, has been dissolved. The American Medical Association will hold its next meeting in San Francisco in 1915. Quite a number of organizations and societies will meet there during the Exposition. If Colonel Roosevelt does not accet)t the nomination for Governor of New York on the Progressive ticket, it is probable that William Sulzer, the im peached governor, will be the nomi nee. Atlanta will probably be selected as the place for the new Methodist Epis copal University, east of the Mississ ippi, lhe southwestern University has already been awarded to Dallas, xexas. President Wilson has been invited to attend the annual convention of the American Bankers' Association which meets in Richmond October 14th and loth. He said he would consider the invitation, The sale of the battleships Missis sippi ana laano 10 ureece was consum ated last week when Secretary Dan iels received a check for $12,535,275. 96. The check was at once endorsed by the Secretary and sent to the lreasury. The National Educational Associ- tion of the United States met in Chi cago last week. Resolutions were passed endorsing woman suffrage and equal pay for teachers, regardless of sex. rive of its ten presidents are women. Announcement has been made by the Salt Lake Railway that 4,000 Ger man tourists will be booked to South ern California -during the San Diego Exposition next year. They are di vided into twenty groups, each ac companied by a guide. The casting of the heroic statutory to be placed on the east front of the big Agriculture buliding, the largest of the entire group at San Diego's Panama-California Exposition, has started, and in a few days most of the work will be completed. Wheat sold for only 1.4 cents a bushel more than corn on July 1, ac cording to the average of prices for all states just announced by the de partment of agriculture. The aver age price of wheat on July 1 was 76.9 cents a bushel. In North Caro lina it was 64 cents, . The bubonic plague situation in New Orleans is becoming serious. Two deaths have been reported re cently, and a second focus of infec tion has been discovered. The ports of Gutamalla have been closed to ships from New Orleans because of fear of the plague. In a recent interview with Presi dent Wison, Henry Ford, the Detroit manufacturer, expressed the most op timistic views about the business of the country. He said that he saw no signs of a business depression and that in his opinion business is getting better all the time. , A bill has just been passed by Con gress authorizing the Baton Rouge Bridge r.nd Terminal Company to con struct a bridge across the Mississippi river near the city of Baton Rouge. The bill provides that reasonable tolls may be charged on the bridge, but that no rates for a single pasenger or train shall exceed 25 cents. Foreign manufacturers sent into the United States the first eight months of the new tariff system just 8.8 per cent more of their finished product than they did under the old. This has been pointed to as ample demonstration that there was no ground for fears that American fac tory owners would be driven from bu siness by the Democratic tariff. A letter has been received in Atlan ta signed by Mrs. Eloise Nelms Den nis, which says that she had killed her sister in New Orleans and was preparing to kill her brother. Mar shall Nelms, in San Francisco. In vestigation in New Orleans by the police fails to show anv trace of th crime, Neither is there any clua to the whereabouts of Mrs. Dennis who supposedly was in San FVani(un when the letter was wrirtin TXa whole affair is a mystery. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hermit Rooseveit are now on their way to America. They sailed from England last ween John L. Johnson, of NewarK, In. J., has sent to Governor Stuart, of Vir- ginia, a small silk Confederate flag, 1 j .u. v.: wnicn ne wisnes resioreu 10 wie iieua of General Robert E. Lee. He says that the flag was taken from the home of Lee, at Arlisgton; by Johnson's. brother who was an officer in the 1 142 New York Infantry, who was killed in the battle July 30, 1864. Motion pictures for which the num- 5i oi i" '"B" " '- dreds will be a portion of the histori- Diego Exposition in 1915. The photo- play they make up will be presented eacn oay in tne state ounoing. n tens the story of New Mexico's develop- ment from the early days of the In- dian through the Spanish occupation by Coronado in 1540, the cession to the United States and the develop- ment since statehood was acquired., Free passses representing ten mil - n miles of travel and valued at more an s.-unnnn iCM.ihto,i tn lion than S340.000 were distributed J4.UUU Dersons Dv the l.nmsvillp . Nashivlle and the Nashville, Chattan- lansas ut Journal- i ooga & St. Louis railroad during 1913 H, jn anm . IV, , according to a report submitter to the L"",,"," fvrfa ' npare Mr Senate last week by the Interstate orga n did not even tell President Commerce Commission, whose inves- rw- w. P t0 CW ligation was in response, to a Senate "sh.-Chicago News. resolution, in its report criticizing the T. ,, , . f free distribution of transportation as 1 .Th? e?t J? woman , !uffa,Se in a menace "to the institutions of a free c,dent "hP tt2f wV0t o,hunli"1 people." nature in President Wilson, after aD, Governor Blease of South Carolina will not let the Georgia troops travel A Chicago man has disappeared at over the least bit of South Carolina ter paying his gas bill. No use stick soil on their way to encampment. The nK around and starving to deatL national guardsmen of Savannah and Memphis News-Scimitar.. Elbertson, who had planned to follow . routes to Augusta that would have "Some men," said Uncle Ebea, taken them into South Carolina have "don't wear their Sunday clothes often to select other routes though it be a enough to keep f'um lookin' funny great inconvenience. The second reg- when dey gets dressed up." Wasa iment of North farnlina trnm.c i.-;n inert on Evenine Star. attempt to pass through regardless of oiease s oraers, unless they receive Aiier me xuexican peons get their instructions from the war department la"ds, their troubles will not be over not to do so. It will be necessary for them to get , , , someone to work land3 for them. Se- SuDDOSed to have been drowned, nftlo Pne.Tntrl!inon identified, buried and the grave marked by a gravestone, James Mc - Kinnon, the owner of a 700-acre ranch near Hartline, Wash., a large ranch iear Red Deer. Alberta, and a ""ulu"1 ottuum apjieureu in Spokane last week to the surprise of his relatives and friends. A mans body Which was identified as Mk'in. non s was taKen irom tne river some time ago and buried. When McKin- non heard about it he left his ranch which was in a romoto nlapo and irunt - .- - r- -..v. .....v. t0., e "is bankers know that he was still living so his property would not . be disposed of. Plans to completely restock all trout streams and lakes throughout i the national forests of Colorado. Wy- oming and South Dakota, within a period of nine years, are well under way, as the result of the approval byi the federal bureau nf fisheries f a plan of operation prepared by the for-' fiuuuocu m luiiusii uie necessary r;: fish dry for distribution to the vari-1 Mnph , j; . x . . i ous forests, the shipments of fry toLrSSMalteirt11 h Hired oiioH. eo.'u proiessional pesimists, busine on-l' waters to ho forked .71, 1" as possible may ho nnliod f i c"irai ?oml- Ane. Panting of all fry win De oenormeo bv forost ntficors who will keep close check on the re- ",ng a g0oa ?m1 suits of the work. Tt, (i . , Best Dianjhoea Remedy. If you have ever used Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea1 Remedy you know that it Is a sue- cess. Sam F. Guln. Whatlov.' Ala . cTuS in tnf rameaS ttUed St? stomal "Ha' bTweli! ?JS an awful time, and had It not been -,rhw eriaiLC,1C' C,Iel:a 8' d' 2l fl C0UId Dot pos- srtbly have lived but a fo,w hmira ""s"! ui mus id tins remeay. am TITIOW well and Btrnnir" Vnr sale by all dealers. A HINT TO MOTHERS The following from An tvAmiiu ia pertinent to this season of the year: t,.i,, , , . . t "The mother who allows a sixteen-The troHbI? th th Colonel doubt year old daughter to float around the it?! aIlthatThe cMt asso twonshio in a ton buerv until 5 nn ?late editor. It was too much like bo rn, with a counterfeit Bnnrt f i jaw and weaker morals, merely opens aoor 10 gnei ana disgrace. If you don't know what rnmnanv trn kooDB nr what time nf tk. :.u. u - r -- - v.. i,,c iiigui, one i lurna in, your roar when the gossips Bcb uuoy wm Bouna aDout as pathetic as the wheeze from a jew's harp. "The girl who insits on spooning with everybody in the corporate limits ought to be backed into the woodshed and relieved of the tion with a No. 1 slipper laid careless iy across tne nipiets. We had sooner!,. " , r. i'f re'"on to i, see a eirl kiss a hlind chnot th,k . lfe nd the life of religion is to sroc wire fence than have her change part- ners six nights a week in. the front! nnrlnr with tk i n r " - . " jiii.3 turiieu luw. iv IS harder tn mum ntr o hoc been pawed over by every yap in the community than it is to fatten a sheep on ninoannle ie "There are lots of weak-minded pa- lenw wno are going up against the."""""" judgment day with about as much show as a cross-eyed girl in a beauty ShOW and their Phildran will riu and call them blessed with the enthu siasm ot a one-legged man at a club dance. 4 bank acontint. will maV. nn., i well. Try it. Ctud of Indigestion. Mrte. SldJe P. Clawann TJl.'r,. Pa., was bothered with ndc,t "My stomach pained me night and oay, sne wntes. "I would! feel bloated and hare belehflng after eating. I also suf fered from conetlnatinn nr 4.i.- ter had used Chlam.berlaln'a' Tablets and they did hor an mnrli that aha eav me a few1 doses of mem. ana laslstod upon my trying them. They helped m as nothing else h&s done." For sale by all dealers. ,1.1 i i SHORT PARAGRAPHS PICKED l i HERE AND THERE j I OO many nice uuu vrue uiings nayj So many nice and true things havt' Deen saiu in praise 01 oeimwr noot, j4 view of his retirement from public lif. that it may seem ungracious to add n-oknKN ho cnnM tint tin.,. I." .cuv.j.. ---- " uegj re-elected to the Senate had he decided to try. Springfield Republican, , London has 19,000 policeman; and Sylvia can back them all off the board, Memphis Commercial Appeal. ,; Grain dealers are looking ahead on account me piuapetir ui a uig Wheal crop and already contracts are bein November and December and even foi ' ' winter storage in bottoms in this cih! Buffalo Commercial. f i i Under advice of his physician, thu Colonel has cancelled two dates, neith ' ef which, however, in 1916. Washin f ton Post. t i I ' .TheB 2 2.. V r' ?J?t! llm eh J a,pth'?n Not a word from them about PerkL-u since T. R. delivered his broadside.-J zi . . j . . ' 1 Life without hope is like a house without a roof. I Most people are willing to do their amy as tney see it. 1 Even an artist may be be able to Aver,. ;i s. c , The millenium. like most entA 1 things, is no hurry about showing nek" i I I' I C, ....u j- u, , f I uuiin. men nuuiu UH3 VOUng U IBe? i 1 were compelled to work for a livJn 1 ! Unless a man has scored at least 1 , t" " Me t0 aPPreciat I ' ' " Tf tatoa i. I 1 r X rtif?06 " fjLfaJ editor ' eVen " " ' Wn . . ... - . . ' ,! 1 88 far hasn. BhoV ' tinues. to mprove under the Wilson ,aaministratlonV . . Eternal vil?i,anp, is t no nt " . . - r- Juue uuesn t cnarge me jury cfier?l"Ch " l8Wyer ChargeS the - Many I".an who. knowa that there lA rooJ" tt the. P Slts down and wait ,lor lne eievator. Society may have invented by foTorTt ff B,"rfad and WanteI In Mex5co nbody seems to want to be president -that is, with Villa, m (inn ti.. j.u We couldn't conceive of a worse civ il War than Civil war amnno te Tricll This moan, trtn thnt .l,.t tl. ntie. DODUlation of tha ITnitod Steto. wilt I enlist. .,n vice president FROM SWEDENBORG The Decalogue teaches what evils ; aic Cod is Good Itself and the cnne.4 ! of all good. ' &J F1? n,... j i , T .r . , "' Ail tk. i , .. . a . . . . ... .ft, P18" to ,shun evils as si A. and tieht against them on frnm hinw . " Sell. ,. .,"'. , . '.. ese K0. fellows in order; spir- ltual Ood in tha hicrhest mnral irnmt s the mediate, and civil good is the Civil good is that which a man doesf,. in cnnfnrmiir tn oivil lour kn this ' good, and according to it, he is a citi-r zen in the natural world. Moral ennd ia that which o man ' 'does in conformity with spiritual Jawj land U tkSa I 1: j. 14 i he is a citizen in the spiritual world.. EXCUSES FOR "SMLIM;.,, S Somebody's wedding. 1 Somebody's birthday. , I ; ( Somebody's new suit. Somebody's promotion t Somebody's inheritarce. The birth of some)ody's baby. Somebody's retujfl- Detroit Press. . Free-: