!f -O ffllarisVrtnk-1ClbmansDrink ff&f9miau ( j I W I l-r.-m t;::: r r r m.g mi- Tigorously good and keenly delicious. Thirst -quenching and refreshing. The national beverage and yours. f I Whenever XX. Demand the genuine by full name Nicknames encourage substitution. ( vou tee an i Arrow think of Coca-Cola. msmm THE COCA-COLA COMPANY KXfiS Atlanta, Ca. JM w l-F J- I r U WMJl20sfltt--ffl H IS; 1 111 . B , 1 -f i V, 1 I I FULL HEAT IN That's an advantage when you have to heat something quickly in the night. Oil ook-stove heats instantly without smoke or smell. It has all the convenience of gas, and costs less for fuel than any other stove. It is the best oil-burning device yet pro duced for cooking purposes. , , The New Perfection No. 5 has the new Fireless Cooking Oven, which roasts and bakes perfectly slow, fast or fireless cooking, to suit every need. . New Perfection Stoves are also made in 1,2,3, and 4-tairner sizes. No. 5 stove includes broiler and toaster. These utensils can be obtained separately for the smaller sizes. Sad-iron heater and cook-book free with every stove. x At dealers everywhere, or write direct for catalogue. STANDARD Oil COMPANY Washinoton,D. c (New Jersey) Charlotte. N. c. Norfolk. Va. . BALTIMORE Ck.rle.towB.vV.Va. JUehmond, Va. Charleston, S C ItffflWlONAL SUNftarSdiooi Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS. Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible Inatltute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR JULY 19 BLIND BARTIMAEUS. LESSON TEXT Mark 10:42. GOLDEN TEXT "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the eara of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing; for In the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert." Isa. 33:5, 8. On our Lord's Journey "towards Je rusalem," the place of sacrifice, a place of power was sought by his dis ciples, Mark 10:37. This lesson is an Illustration given to those who accom panied Jesus how they too may reach a place of power, viz., through service and sacrifice. Matthew 20:30-84 tells us that there were two who made the appeal, but Mark seems to have thought that Bar timaeus was worthy of special men tion. The healing mentioned by Luke 18:35 suggests that in that case It occurred as Jesus was entering and not leaving Jerlcbo. Mark is telling of one man, Luke of another. Man's Nature. I. Bartlmaeua Begging, vv 46-48, The passing throng rebuked the beg gar. Very likely the disciples Joined In this rebuke. This certainly shows the fact that none of them fully com prehended the Lord's teaching as sug gested In Mark 10:45. Bartimaeus' is an Illustration of man by nature. His home, Jericho, was the city under "a curse' (Josh i6:17), and Is a type of this world cursed by sin. He was blind, see II Cor. 4:4; Rev. 3:17. His rags suggest Isa. 64:6 and Phil. 3:9. If the rebuke was mainly by the dis ciples It was that they might save the master during these strange days. Great and marvelous were the works and teachings he was performing, but these were the thines that called forth such a wayside service. It was a glad message to Bartlmaeua, "Jesus of Na zareth passeth by." There was no one else who could help him. Some one had told him of the power of Jesus. Now his opportunity Is at hand, he must not miss It. Jesus never passed that way again. Bartlmaeus began by crying out, Rom. 10:13; he called while Christ was sear enough, to hear, Isa. 55:6. His cry was that of conscious need, it was direct, it was insistent He called Jesus "Son of David" e. g., the Messiah, although the people had said "Jesus of Naza reth," see Matt. 9:27; 15:21, 22. His cry for "mercy" is rebuked. Many to day are so stiff and formal as to frown upon any religious enthusiasm or ear nestness. It was not beneath the dig nity of Jesus to be disturbed by a blind beggar. Though poor in purse Bartlmaeus was rich in faith for he answered those who rebuked him by crying "the more a great deal." He would not be put off. "Come to Jesus." II. Bartlmaeus Blessed, w. 49-52. His command "call ye him" is indica tive of the conscious power of Christ Notice his great interest as suggested by the words, "Jesus stood still." Re member his important mission to Je rusalem and the leaders of -the people who occupied his time; yet he does not compel Bartlmaeus to follow after, nor to overtake him ere his prayer is an swered, see Matt. 11:28. This was good news for the disciples to pro claim, Matt 28:19,20. There was no indecision on the part of Bartlmaeus. Casting his garment aside he sprang up, came and cast himself at the feet of Jesus. Although Jesus possessed all power still its manifestation was confined to the desire of the beggar. The Teaching: First, the readiness of God's mercy. Jesus had been reject ed by rulers and councils and is mov ing "steadfastly" toward the consum mation of his earthly career. That Journey led him through Jericho, per haps that he might meet Bartlmaeus. At Jerusalem he is to pronounce sen tence upon the rebellion of his people. Nevertheless when one of that same people called him by the title that suggested hta Messiahshlp. "Son of David," he Immediately turned aside In response thereto, Heb. 3:2. God never destroys the righteous with the wicked or the repentant with the re bellious. Hla ear is ever open to the faintest cry. Second. The failure of men to ap prehend this fact There are many to day as eocceseors of those who re buked Bartlmaeus. Some who hold him In reverence and yet fail to ap prehend adequately that he came to 'seek and to save the lost" There is no consideration of policy of of expe diency, no Question of method, nor the Importance of rank, .that cau stand in the way of opening'bllnd eyes, and an swering the cry of the beggar. Third. The nature of saving faith. The answer of relief from the Lord comes in response to the profound con viction of personal need. "He came Hot to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." There is nothing In that call to make any definite appeal to tho righteous. A blind man, through someone's testimony bears- that he is near and cries out to him from the depths of his need. But there must be also a recognition of power. Bartl maeus had no assurance until he had made bis appeal; he took a chance. as It were. He was not assured until WISHED SUE COULD DIE And Be Free From Her Trouble, bet Finds Better Way. Columbia, Term. "Many a time," says Mrs. Jessie Sharp, of this place, "1 wished I would die and be relieved of my puffering, from womanly troubles. I Could not get up, without pulling at something to help me, and stayed in bed most of the time. 1 could not do my housework. The least amount of work tired me out. My head would swim, and 1 would tremble for an hour or more. Finally, I took Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 am not bothered with pains any more, and 1 don't have to go to bed. In fact, 1 am sound and well of all my troubles." Cardui goes to all the weak spots and helps to make them strong. It acts with nature not against her. It is for the tired, nervous, irritable women, who feel as if everything were wrong, and need something to quiet their nerves and strengthen the worn-out system. If you are a woman, suffering from any of the numerous svmptoms of womamy trouble, take Cardui. It will help you. At all druggists. Writt to; Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Adrisory Dep.., Chattanooga,. Term., (or .-..'taal Inttntctions on your case and 64-pace bock, "Home Tro&tment for Women," in piain wrapper. N.C. 12a THE A. & M. COLLEGE The Agricultral and Mechanical College, in its growth, development, and social usefulness has been almost a revelation to our State. It is just twenty-five years old this year. It is therefore by a good many years the youngest of our Colleges for men. it represents a new type of education. Yet in the face of many difficulties, it has made for itself a most striking record. Its faculty now numbers sixty specialists in industrial educa tion who were educated in the best universities of America. Its enroll ment of students, counting all courses, is 738. Its buildings number 26. Its equipment is modern and practical. Its graduates are most successful. Its catalouge furnishes an interesting story of activity in the industrial life of our State. You're Bilious and Costive. Sick Headache, Bad Bresth, Sour Stomach, Furred Tirmgue and Indi gestlon mean Liver and Bowels clogged. Clean wp tonilgl it. Get a 25c. .bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills today and.empity the atomacn and bowels of fermenting, gassy fcd aid , waste. A full bowel movement gives a satisfied, thank ful fmeiing makes you feel fine. Effective, yet mild. Dora't gripe. 25c. at your Druggist. Buckled! 's Arnica Salve for Burna. THE NORTH CAROLINA OOLLEGI OP AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. This State Industrial College of fers strong courses in Agriculture, Horticulrtuife, Stock-raising,! Dairy ing, Poultry, Veterinary Medicine; in Civil, Electrical and ; Mechanic 1 Engineering; in Chemistry and Dye ing; In Cotton Manufacturing, and in Agricultural teaching. Four year courses. Two and three year Courser in Agriculture and in Machine Six l work. Faculty cf 61 men;; 738 stu dents; 25 buildings; excellent equip ment and laboratories few each de partment. On ! July 9th County Su perintendents conduct entrance ex amination? at each county seat. For catalogue write E. B. OWEN, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the wo men of North Carolina. Five reg ular Courses leading to degrees. Sjpecial Courses for teachers. Free tuition to thoge who agree to be come teacliers in the State. Fall Ses- sdon begins September 16th, 1914. For catalogue and ether informa tion, address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro. N. C. DR. JOHN SWAI3I Dentist Office over First National Bank. Asheboro, N. C. Plione 102 DR. D. K. LOCK.tiA.RT, DENTIST ASHEB0R0, N. ti Phone 28 Office over the Bank. Hours 9 a.m. to 12 m. 1 ).m to 5 o m J. W. AUSTIN, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, South Main St., next to P. 0. HIGH POINT, N, C. Wm. C. Hammer R. C. Kelly HAMMER & KELLY Attorneys at Law Office Second door from street in Lawyers' Row. To Try in Your v Ho-nn L, ' TommiKbt !ntui;.7. Civon !- Uf.r I i:.t !iWr than e5, :.'!..? .!?. .,V..: IMII!t WW-MP tb tb l''orHi)!:.un,r,;,lH my It iiaki-s n ,'-a i: tr?iifi-2JCSj. costs i cm a mmi Will pay for luelt in ninety days. Beat reading lamp in the world. I.'o whlc. ro rhi-nnev, no mantlr trouble, rtocin, r.oodor, ro smtkt!. Guaranteed 6 years. For S alb By U F. Fentrlss. Frankllnvllle, N. C. mm THE BANK OF KANDOLt'H Asheboro N. C. Capital and Surplus, $00,000.00 (Total Assets, over $250,000.00 With ample assetst exDerlenc and protection, we solicit the buianefis of the banking public and feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our customers every fa cility and accommodation consistent with safe banking. D. B. McCrary, President. w. J. Armfield, V-President. W. J. Armfield, Jr.. Cashier. J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier. CRAVEN & REDDING Lawyers Law Bids. Asheboro. N. C. General practice. Special at tention to land litigation Crim inal practice and collections. Loans negotiated- GET READY For SUMMER NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. Under and by virtue of the powers vested in the undersigned by that cer tain mortgage deed executed by J. R. Winslow and wife to Mrs. K. J. Mc Dowell on the 18th day of May, 1912, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph County in Book 149, page 170 et seq., I will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C, on, Saturday, the 8th day of August. 1914. at 12 o'clock, M., the following lands situate ir ISew Karket township. Randolph county,. North Carolina, bounded as follows, to-wit: lract Iso. 1. Beginning at a statce near barn, thence N 62 deg. East 28 poles to post oak, thence N 87 Yi deg. east 22 poles to a stake, thence S hS deg. east 14 poles to stake thence N 80 i deg. east 41 poles to white oak near road in original line, thence N on said line C" poles to black oak, origi nal corner, thence west on Newlin's line 82 poles to stake in said line, thence S 12 deg. west 85 poles to be ginning corner, containing 41 acres more or less. Tract No. 2. Beginning at a stake, thence N 62 deg east 38 poles to a post oak, thence N 87 ai deg. east 22 polee to stone, thence south 08 deg east 1,4 poles to stone, thence north 80 deg. east 41 poles to white oak neon jnad, thence S to oak. original ct?kr, thence west 117 poles to a sfftie, thence 30 poles to the beginning, con taining 25 acres, more or less. This sale is made under the cower contained in sc.id mortgage empower ing me unaersignea to make sale of said lands in the event of default be ing made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured; said default having been made this sale is accord ingly made under the said power. This July 2, 1914. mrs. k. j. Mcdowell, Mortgagee. NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED as Executor on the estate of D. H. Miller, deceas ed, before W. C. HAMMOND, Clerk of t'ie Superior Court of Randolph County. I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises on 2nd day of August, 1914, one horse, two buggies, two wagons, one set one horse wagon harness one set of buggy harness a lot of farming tools, a lot of household and kitchen furniture and other articles too tedi ous to mention. All persons having claims aeainst said estate are notified to present them to the the undersigned, duly ver ified, or or before the 18th day of July, 1915 or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will . come forward and make immediate settlement. This 1th day of July 1914, T. L. MILLER. Executor. Pipe, N. C. Hot weather weakens and makes hens lazy. It also retards growth ot young birds unless you use Poollry Regulator This wonderful remedy purifies the blood, keeps the liver right and aids growth, digestion and ext production. PkoB. tSe. SOc. SOcJl.OO: iS It. pail V.SO Pratts Powdered Lice Killer is the m--.t- pow erful iiisecticiriu for poultry and plante-afcst nil most economical. 26c and SOc. refuse substitutes; iiuist on Pratts. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money 3ack 2 , Get Pratts ISO page Poultry Bavle Sold and tuaruiiteed bv J;n us Turner. 4932. Jt'OTlCK. Having qualified as Adn w C.T.A. estate of Bertla-J. Hancrck de ceased, befoiiR W. C. Hin'.i MLund, Clerk of tho Superior Ci mt of Iiandolph couity. nil person ivinig claims against said ateU n. no tified to presciit tlit-m to t: i undersigned- duly vttilied, , i ' be fore the H7th day ot I.Iiwp, 1 015. or this noliuo Kill be plead, I in bar of their rect veiy; and nJ' i. reons owing said tftcte will cti;. for ward and make imimedinu: ettle-merot. This 20th da; of June, lfit R. W. HANCOCK. '.-1 nr. Sengiue, N C . It. F. D. Political Announctinfo ;: NOTICE. Having quaJifiefd as Admr. C. T. A., 'on the estate of Jtfmes Jordan, deceased, before ' W. C. Haimmond. Clerk of the Superior Cmirt of Randolph county, all persons! having claims against said estate are (.no tified to present them to the un dersigned.duly verlfied-.on or beforje the 27th day of June, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and fall ' persons owing said eftate will come forward and make Immediate settlement. This 20th day of June, 1914. WINCY C. JORDAN. Admr, C T. C. NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Admin istrator on the estate of Solomon Wil liams, deceased, before W. C. Ham mond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 11th day of July, 1915. or this notice will be pleaded in bar cf recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 7th tlav of July, 1914. D. W. McCORN, Admr., Seagrove, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1. Wood's Seeds Seed Potatoes rORTALL CROP. The planting of Seed Potatoes in June end July Is increasing to awonderful extent A great many farmers claim that they give better crops planted at this time than they do when planted in the spring. Potatoes planted in June and July mature in the cool weather of the fall, at a time when they can be harvested to best advantage. The Seed Potatoes we offer are put in cold storage early in the season, so as to keep in nrst class, vigorous condition. "Wood's Crop Special giving prices and full information about Lata Seed Potatoes and all other Season able Seeds, mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD O SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. For Kegister of DewU. To the voters ( f Randolph rounty ; hereby announce rnyuif as a candidate foi the office of Regis ter of Def'ils, subject to t!'v : .-m ciatic piimar es tf Ran !o!iil, coun ty. , E. O. ORK An:viiiirf)ii!cnt. I ),e:el. h n ui.c.- tl-i.t 'c. a can . id;, tf r t e f. a ; CU-rk . o ' ti.- S per or U r. t :l .('.it.ii 'p. -:m. it l.ji it t.i i he i!( -iiiiii i.f t, twin' cratiV. p itua y .in iiiiust n-. i i u. Miiii;i 'i aod e.ei'lei! i pit. ii.i-e to o m.v j ty -o ! ' c (.! t. ..; bi.lMy ai .. 1 ciumi' ' ! Hire 8 t ;!iave dal n s wit' t!ie ffc? ; .J M. CAVI N Crirl'. V P M-y 25. . H. , 1 1 kwb , " o!.- that 1 1. ill be a candidate fr- the nAVe yt .('' of jt'vj !?uieri'r C'crx of Rn xlo't i jty, subject to tho rWiion .'f . looratic pi-h-ii' r;. i Augi!.-t t- it noiniiiate.i , vted. I pr.-, tins to devote ni; 1" t!' Vi. e and ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Arthur Miller, da ceased, before V. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior court of Randolph county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said es tate to present them to the undersign ed duly verified, on or before the 1st day of August, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery All persons indebted to the estate are expected to make immediate pay ment and settlement. This the 7th day of July, 1914. Gertrude R. Hill, Administrator of Arthur Millet, deceased. KOTKTB. Having quallillfd as administra tor en the estate of EnnSee L. jFo deceased, before W. C. Hammond, Cleric of tl Superior Court of Ran : lolph county, 1 shrill sell at public j uiotV in to the biffhtet blfltter . fbr loath, on the premises, onjthe lltb, lay of July, 1914, 1 cow. chickens, I liousehcdd and kitchen furniture aia ther articles too te!ious to men tion. ' I' ' All persons having riaJni agafngt said estate are nitiified to Ipr.eaeni !hem to the undersigned, dTiily! verl ied, on or beft.re the,13th day of .June. 1915. orj this, notice 11 be leaded In bar of tlieJn recover.: la'id all persons owing saa e$tai . ' ill come forward and make inn liate settlement. Thle 8th day of June, 1914.. C. . FQPC CASTOR' For luaats and CMIdf'Sn.. The SChiil YcsHais Atoaji Bau&i ao my uu " '"' " -biiity, with ecu: ' . who have dea . .. ' in::-, .d. Send your job printing to The Courier. -' Ills eyes were opened. " . - Bears the. Signature of

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