KI N II H I ,H OiUIR i 1 c r - - , , ISSUED WEEKLY - PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR VOL.39 ,..- . Asheboro, N. C Thursday, August 6, 1914 No. 31 nm 11 &l!)kliiMy UMffiyb mm Wtta m II H !0 1 it I; ill TITANIC STRUGGLE HAS BEEN STARTED WHICH MAY CHANGE EUROPEAN MAP EIPEROR WILLIAEI OF- CEREIANY SAYS HE DID All IN HIS POWER TO AVERT WAR BUT If HAD TO COME-JAPAN Will AID ENGLAND IN THE STRUGGLE IF NECESSARY-ITALY REMAINS NEUTRAL Events in the European crisis have been developing rapidly for the past week. The die is cast and Europe is about to be plunjred into a general war which has been the apprehen sion of statesmen, on both sides of the Atlantic for generations. The German ultimatum to Russia, demanding that Russia cease the mobilization of her army.expired at noon last Saturday, and at 5:15 o'clock the German em peror signed a mobilization order and at 7:30 the German ambassador at St. Petersburg delivered a declara tion of war in the name of his gov ernment to the Rusian government and the entire staff of the embassy immediately left St. Petersburg. The declaration was expected to come noon but had not been looked for un til a few days later. The German emperor and his ad visors 'have maintained to the last that they made supreme efforts for peace and that the last of the series of appeals from Emperor William to Emperor Nicholas was a telegram repudiating responsibility for the ca lamity threatening the world on the ground that .while Germany was me diating with Austria-Hungary at Russia's request, Russia by her gen eral mobilization, was threatening Germany's safety. One of the redeeming features of the dark prospect is that Italy has declared her neutrality, but how long she can maintain it is a debat able question. Belgium, Holland, and Turkey are neutral so far, but it can not be told how long they will re main that way. England has as yet given no statement as to what she will do. The cabinet has been in ses- sion several days to consider her at titude in this crisis. The government will have to make its momentous de cision between the two schools of thought which prevail there one ad vocating that England hold aloof and only seek to protect Dutch and Bel gium neutrality, and the other argu ing that the entente with France en tails England going to the asistance of France if that country is attacked by Germany. There is quite a bit of hostile feeling in England toward Germany and the majority of the peo ple are for war. If Germany violates Belgium's neutrality as it seems she is going to do, England will probably enter the war. Sir Edward Grey's speech to Germany was a hint that if she will keep her soldiers off Belgian soil and her battleships away from the coast, of France that will be the price of great Britain's armed neutrality. France gave the order for the mob ilization of her army some time after Russia had mobilized her forces. Be fore Germany had declared war on Russia, the government aBked France what her intentions were should Rus sia refuse to cease mobilization. The answer was unsatisfactory and Ger many invaded France and began fight ing without, any declaration of war. The lineup is that Russia, France.Ser via and "Montnegro are arrayed against Austria-Hungary and Ger many. How long it will remain this way can not be told, for other coun tries are liable to enter the contest any time. Practically all "the coun tries of Europe have mobilized their armies for protection. ' 100,000 Germans poured into Lux embourg who will concentrate on the French frontier. Actual German in vasion of France occurred at Nancy and Longwv, and a battle was fought at Nancy, but no facts about it are known. It is reported that the Rus sians have invaded Germany near Scwinden. Servia, the original cause of the upheaval, teems to have al most been lost sight of. The Aus trians have almost ceased operations against Servia in order to meet the greater danger in Russia. The first shots between Russia and German were exchanged between patrols near Prostken, 120 miles southeast of Konigsberg. Some firing between German and French fleets has taken place in the North Sea. Sunday Ger man troops fired upon and brought to earth a French flying machine near Wesel. Saturday night several other air crafts were seen in the Rhine provinces. One was observed flying from Keprich toward Andernach, ten miles northwest of Coblense. Others were sighted near Duere flying in Me direction of Cologne. A hotel keeper in Kochem ami his eon tried to blow Tip the Prussian State railroad tun at Kochem, The atempt failed and nel at Kochem. The attempt failed and the men were shot and killed. The mobilization of the English navy was completed at four o'clock Tuesday morning'. However, diplo matic activity continues in England and all is being done that can be to keep that country out of the wan The whole world is awaiting with eager nes the definite policy of the British cabinet which the prime minister is daily expected to give. John Burns, president of the local government board, has resigned owing to the dis agreement over the war policy of the English government, and Viscount Morley, president of the council, is expected to resign. Not one man in a hundred in England wants her to re main neutral. Germany, through her diplomats, has tried to keep Great Britain out by a virtual offer to re frain from using her navy against France as the price of Great Eritain's neutrality. The British government regards with the deepest distrust Germany's violation of Belgium's neu trality, but makes no declaration as to whether it considers that measure provocation for war. France has been assured by England that no German fleet shall be allowed to attack her coast. However, England has not yet pledged herself to contribute an army to the continental war. Germany sent a note to Belgium Monday evening at seven o'clock pro posing to Belgium friendly neutarl ity coupled with free pasage through Belgian territory of German troops, promising the maintainance of Bel gian independance at the conclusion of peace and threatening in case of refusal to treat Belgium as an enemy. Belgium answered that an attack on her neutrality would be flagrant vio lation of the rights of nations, Later Germany has formally d clared war on England, and Englanji has declared war on Germany, and a titanic conflict is about to. be-staged that will Btartle the world. . Germa ny's reply to Great Britain's ultima tum demanding a satisfactory reply on the subject of Belgian neutrality was a refusal of the request that Belgian neutrality should be respect ed. As soon as this reply was re ceived the British ambassador at Berlin received his passports and the British government notified Germany that a state of war existed between the two countries. All Europe is in arms. The British Foreign Office isued the following statement: "Ow ing to the summary rejection by the German government of the request made by his Brittanic majesty's .gov ernment that the neutrality of Bel gium should be respected, his majes ty's ambassador at Berlin has receiv ed his passports, and his majesty's government has declared to the Ger man government that a state of war exists between Great Britain and Germany from 11 o'clock p. m., Au gust 4." King Georg addressed a message to the British colonies Au gust 4, expressing appreciation of their spontaneous assurances that th:y v.ill give the fullcsc support o the motherland. All England's ef forts for peace were fruitless. Fol lowing is a copy of a telegram sent by the kir.g to the Russian Emperor o;i August 4: "I make a personal apneal to you toleave open the grounds for negotiations for possible peace." The Russian Emperor replied that he would have accepted the proposals had not Germany declared war. His reply, in part, is as follows: "Ger many showed no disposition to medi ate and her preparations and those of Austria made it imperative that Rus sia should mobilize, but I gave most cateorical assurances to the German Emperor that the Russian troops would not move so long as the nego tiations, continued. I trust your coun try will not fail to support Russia and France." Emperor William opened the impe rial Parliament at Berlin August 4th with a speech from the throne. He said in part: "The world has been a witness to the indefatigable manner in which we stood in the front rank in the en deavor to save Europe from a war between the great powers,. The great est perils due to events in the Balkans appeared to have been overcome but then the assassination of my friend, the Arch Duke Ferdinand, opened up a great abyss. "My ally, Emperor Francis Joseph, was compelled to take up arms to protect h!s empire against the danger ous agitation in a neighboring state. "In pursuing its interests the Rus sian empire stepped in the way of Austria-Hungary. Not only our duty as an ally called us to the side of Austria-Hungary, but the great task was cast upon us to protect our po sition against unfriendly forces. It was with a heavy heart that I was compelled to mobalize my army. "The present situation arises not from temporary conflicted interest or diplomatic combinations, but if is the result of ill will existing for years against the strength and prosperity of the German empire. "We are not pushed on by the de sire of conquest. We are moved by the unbending desire to secure for ourselves and those coming after us the place in which God has put us. "My government, and above all, my chancellor, tried until the last moment to prevent the worst happening. Premier Viviani made the French government's statement to the War Chamber of Deputies August 4, and his remarks created the deepest en thusiasm. He declared that Germany "irrefutably and logically justified the the acts of the French government." During his remarks he said: "France has been unjustly provok ed; she did not seek war; she has done all in her power to avoid it. war was forced upon her she will de fend herself against Germany and any other power who takes part by the side of Germany in the conflict. "Against an attack which violates all the laws of equity and all rights of nations, wc have taken all neces sary dispositions." President Poincare, in a message to the Senate- and Chamber of Deputies declared that Germany "had tried treacherously to surprise France," and added: "France is ready and our troops will allow mobilization to be methodically carreid out." A proclamation issued by the Jap anese government, hopes for speedy restoration of peace, and points out .Japan's desire to remain neutral, but says that should England participate fn the hostilities and the purposes of the AYigio-Japanses alliance be threat ened, Japan may be compelled to take measures for the fulfillment of its ob ligations. The proclamatiion is gen erally interpreted as preparing the people for the action of the Japanese navy as soon as Great Britain's de cision is announced. The German fleet is very active around Kiao Chau and has already capturd a Russian cattle steamer. It is said that Kiao Chau may be occu pied by the Japanese in the event of a defeat of the uerman squadron in the Far East, thus closing the Pacific ocean for the war vessels of Russia and Great Britain and permitting them to proceed to Eui'ope undisturb ed, if they desire to do so. Germany has made an appeal to Italy to stand with her. The attention of the Italian government has been called to what Germany describes as hostile acts on the part of France which the German government as serts constitutes a case coming within the terms of the treaty of Alsace, even though on account of these acts the declaration of war came from Germany. The Italian government sti 1 k-jc.s her at'.' .a'o of neutn;H :-. Turkey has informed Great Britain that her army is being mobilized. This mobilization, Turkey says, is a pre cr.Jti.);iury measure anil Turkey wii! remain absolutely neutral. The appearance now is that Europe will soon be plunged into an actual war, perhaps one which will have as far reaching results as any in her his tory. At the end of it, some of the greatest world powers may have be come but provinces. It can hardly be doubted but that this war will greatly change the map of Europe. It is fear ed that the balance of power may be destroyed and that some overlord of the earth may arise that will give trouble throughout the world. President Wilson of the United States issued a proclamation of neu trality Tuesday, and forbids any of our citizens to take any part in the war in any way. that to accept the German proposal would be to sacrifice her honor and would resist oppression by all posible means. Tho Rochambeau, one of the lavg?;t of the French line's fleet of steam boats due in New York from Havre has been requisitioned by the French and immediately upon its arrival in this country it is to be turned over to the French consul. It will proba bly be used to transport reservists to France. The council of labor party in Brus sels has decided to abandon the anti war demonstration which has been go ing on there and resolved to issue a meanifesto to socialist workmen de claring that by exercising the legiti mate right of self defense they are fighting against bararism and for political liberty and democracy. In England the suffragettes have agreed to abandon all their operations and raids until the war crisis is past. Prince Roland Bonaparte, aged, 66, has offered to serve in the- army, al though, he said, he realizes that the WANTS TRUST BILLS NEW ENGLAND POINTS TO AC TION OF UNITED STATES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN DORSING PRINCIPLE FEA IRES. New England is clamoring for quick passage of the trust bills. In that centei" of industry the sober undercur rent of thought strongly advocates this action in the interest of better business. The New England point of view, substantially, is the same which pre vails throughout the country. As the subjoined editorial from the Worces ter (Mass.) Evening Post shows the referendum recently taken by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States which represents the principal organizations of the country's busin ness men in all the great cities and States, demonstrates an overwhelm ing sentiment in business circles in support of the main features of the trust program. Business does not fear, on the con trary, it welcomes the trust bills. The Worcester Post's editorial follows: "Among organs o plutocracy and in a partsanship that, pat-like, avoids light, the chatter continues that "busi ness men' are in terror-paralysis op posing and protesting against the pending anti-trust legislation. For the second time decisive disproof appears in the result of the referendum taken by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. The first of these tests of the sentiment of the genuine busi ness men showed a four-to-one ap proval of the trade commission part of the administration program. The second referendum, whose results have now been analyzed and made public brings even more emphatic approval of all except one of the oth er essential features of this program. The participating organizations were 559 in 36 states. Forty-five did not vote at all for one reason or another, but only five because 'oposed to futher legislation.' The nature of some of the other questions induced some of the organizations from voting on them. "On the question of prohibiting in terlocking directorates tending to eliminate competition, the vote was more than 12 to 1 in favor of doing so or 431 to 40. As applied to rail roads, except by permission of the In-tra-state Commerce Commission in special cases, the vote was 494 to S3; as to railroads and bankers, however, the result was the other way, 120 to 77 in favor of allowing bankers among railroad directors. "Corporate ownership of stocks in competing corporations was con demned, 432 to 75, by these organi zations. "The further chief new principle of tue proposed legislation making con clusive for further private suits for damages, a final decree or judgment in a government prosecution for vio lation of the Sherman law, was ap proved 484 to 62. "To the most disputable measm-es, fov regulation of railroad security- is sues, the Chambers are opposed, 445 to 74, following committee recommen dation and perhaps fearing, as Louis 1). Brandies argues, that it would op erate too much like a government guarantee. "The referendum had questions about statutory forbiddal of price discriminations, sales and leases that '. ?'.'. iT2vc-ni i'.e;.!:nc3 w'th 'GYi;.et itois. etc. The votes were strongly against such legislation presumably because the lines are already drawn on t'icjo questions by Gv.r. ei.ic Court decisions. "No shadow of excuse is now left for misrepresenting the attitude on this great subject of the men of hon est commerce and industry in this country. The work of distinguishing them from the predatory interests is important. The duty of the Senate is plain." law prohibits princes of a family once reigning inFrance from enlisting The prince also puts his several homos at the disposal of the govern ment The police has begun arresting strancrers in Paris as suspects. The condition of many Americans traveling in Europe is very distress ing. Many are turned out of hotels and are unable to secure transporta tion out of Paris and other cities in which they are, and the embassy buildings in some pla:.3 are piled high with their bagga0i. Many are also without money. Those who have been traveling with letters of credit are unable to get them cashed on ac count of the closing of the banks in Europe. However, the United States government is coming rapidly to the aid of these people, sending money to our representatives abroad , with which the letters of credit may be cashed, and ships are being sent over to transport them home. A large ap propriation has been made this week bv Congress for the relief of our Americans .who are in distress abroad. Postmaster Burleson is go ing to limit the amount of money or ders that can be sent abroad now dur ing the trouble. He is not doing this to prevent Americans from getting necessary money but to keep any U. S. money being sent over by money order for speculative purposes. Latest Report Germany has form CANNON PROPHET OF EVIL FORMER CZAR OF HOUSE IS ON LY PESSIMIST IN HIS HOME TOWN NO GLOOM .IX . DAN VILLE. Joseph G. Cannon, of Danville, 111., Tormer speaker or the House, has been conspicuous among the press agents of the "hard times." Startling facts cencerning business conditions at Danville have been laid before the House by Representative Frank T. O' Hair, the Democrat who defeated Cannon in the Danville district two years ago. The foremost business men of Dan ville, including the principal bankers, with the exception of the officials of the banking institution over which Cannon himself presides, unite in de claring that conditions never were bet ter at Danville. At no point in his speech did Mr. O'Hair mention Cannon. He merely "answered lies with facts." "Inasmuch as business conditions are of a psychological nature," said Mr. O'Hair, I ocer in evidence the facts as stated by competent witness es who are the leading citizens of Danville, the largest city in the dis trict which 1 have the honor of repres enting in Congress. "These gentlemen are for the most part either Republicans or Progress ives and therefore, according to the politicians, might be said to be testi fying against their interests; but these men whom I know personally are Americans and patriots and busi ness men first and partisans only as a secondary matter. "Below are their statements: "By L. C. Chaffee, president of the Peyton Palmer Co.) " 'I will say from a personal knowledge, that today retailers are very hopeful concerning future pros pects, lhey are enjoying excellent busines and their patrons are optim istic. Illinois is about to experience one of her best trade years, simply because everybody is pulling for pros perity, thinking prosperity and talk ing prosperity.' ("By C. L. English, president First National Bank.) " 'I am an optimist. The outlook in Danville and Vermillion County from a banking and commercial standpoint is exceptionally bright. I expect the year 1914 to go down in history as the year of much prosperity and many successes in all lines of business. With a boomer crop, which will doubtless come as a matter of course, the farm er has every reason to see in 1914 a year of great possibilities.' "(By J. S. Emery, president of the Emery Dry Goods Co.) " 'There is not another class of Dan ville people to whom prosperity means more than to we merchants. Prosperi ty means to us good business, a re turn on our money invested, and the ultimate expansion of our establish ments. I believe that when I say that 1014 from a mercantile stand point has more brilliant prospects in store than any other year since the dawn of the twentieth century, that I am echoing the belief of every oth er merchant in Danville.' "(By George W. Telling, president of Commercial lrust & Savings JJank.) " 'I believe every man eonected with a local bank will agree with me when I say that more Danville toilers and wage earners the city's backbone are saving money now than ever be fore.' ( iV Kaivel C. Adams, tewelary Vermillion County Building Associ ation.) "'The outsV'rt of the city, which have IulKvI'ij y- se.iud u Viita:;t a.ul barren appearance, are filling up with handsome. little homes abodes for the toilers and wage earners the men who form the backbone and founda tion of every city in this country. This process of building, of filling up of what once was waste places, is the surest sign of prosperity visible in Danville today.' "(By Charles U. Felkamp, president Civic Federation.) "'Danville's present standing in the commercial life of Illinois has been atained by co-operation, and her future denends wholly upon co-opera tion. The city is prosperous today, and the present is the time to take advantage ot this prosperity ana lay plans for the future.' "(By H. C. Smith, president Allith Prouty Co.) " 'Business conditions have settled from the somewhat spasmodic busi ness outlook of a year ago. Factory propects in Danville for the ensuing year are excellent, not only with us, but I believe, every other concern in Danville that relies mainly upon the Nation at large for its profits.' aly declared war on Belgium, and the first real battle of the war was fought Wednesday when Germany attacked Liege, and several thousand dead and wounded is the toll paid by the Ger man army. The Belgians made a he roic defense.repulsing the Germans af ter heavy and continuous fighting,and suffered no loss, one of their squad rons attacking and driving back six German squadrons. Eight hundred wounded Germans were carried into Liege where they will be cared for. Prior to the attack on Liege, General Von Emich, commanding the German army of the Meuse, issued a procla mation calling for an open road HEARD ONTO STREETS WHAT OUR TOWN" CORRESPOX- DENT HEARS AND THINKS MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTER EST DISCUSSED. Mr. M. L. Winningham, of Central Falls, was in town one day recently. Europe is going to war some nations will sit up and take notice. Mr. G. E. Rulia if p,rji tl 2, was in town last Saturday. Mr. Jarvis Millo,. nf f i - .......... i vai an ay, eueui, a few hours m town Monday. Mr. Rnh Tv,o iriT Z X VL "tar central rails, is at CunAn . , , -"j"'"s we wat ermelon season. No matter whet-hop a : r ocratic or Republican, it wants a progressive ball team. Watermelons arc o-oh; t v -i tiful on this market anA th ; " , . --v Mil. co arts always low. There are nenrK- nna J A .. tomobiles in RanrfnlnV, ...u.-u is one of the signs of the tinies. TUesavo V. v n , ,. v.; j.v ana unarne Glass, nf tIio P, r-n . . . .. , va, x alla section were in town one day last week. TVia ... -..v. ...uovus ic iiuw pusnmg the work- nn fVo ,..oll tifl t-, , - ""o ui. me new rox builumg. ( Tho .!, 1.-1 , ... & t , iwK.s on tne Dngnt side of things is likely to look on the right side of things. Mrs. C. C. Miiioi. a Miss Ivie. nnH II A tjViB" -IL mime miner spent Saturday night in the Caraway sec- A crnnA mnn 1 - , . e. .i , yruyie were in town Monday, it heimr tha fi.. nr , -- -- a "v mi, .uiuiiuiiy in the month. Mr. fi. T? , Falls madT 22 hTJ,T'rln seven acres this year. A new War rloild lino InnmoJ i Europe which may involve all the leading powers of the continent. If Trv to make vnnr msrlr world, but don't make it with red paint. , - - Mr. A. W. Allred. nf Oimair P 1, was in town one dav lnsi- wont Ho says crops are doing nicely in his sec- uun. Mr. and Mrs. W TT Caraway, were ;- ' ' week selling sor home made harm Don't forget t day afternoon, attend these pri; on time. Your correspo to see the inter welfare of the t. n peupiti will get together, we can transform our little town into a clean young city within a short period. We should have civic pride enough about us to keep our town clean and dnre anyone to come in ad dirty it. We have had quite a number of our influential citizens express them selves in favor of a county fair for Randolph county this fall. Of course, is a capitnl irlc-p. and by t lU'e de termined t-aort on die part of the far mers and busines men we can have a large fair. The farmers and busi ness men would be most benefitted by it and they thoulii fcec in behind it, and press it for due consideration. MRS. WOODROW WILSON LIES AT POINT OF DEATH Just as Tiie Courir goes to press the news comes that Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the President of the United States, is in a dying condition. Four months of almost unbroken ill ness, a complication of nervous ail ments and Bright 's disease, have sap ped her strength away. The end is regarded as a matter of days, per haps hours. Her husband and three daughters are at her bedside and rela tives have been summoned. Physi cians have been in consultation for days but it was1 admitted at the White House last night that hope for her re covery had almost vanished. Every moment that could be spared from official duties has been devoted by the President to his wife. From her sick room he has been giving directions to the various department heads for the relief of thousands of Americans stranded abroad. through Belgium for the advance of his forces, suggesting that prudence would show it to be the duty of Bel gium to accede to this, and avoid the horrors of war. The Germans burned the city of Vise, eight miles from Leige, and shot many of its residents. French troops have joined the Bel gians in opposing the progress of Germany through Belgium and it is reported that possibly Great Britain may send reinforcements. . Woodrow Wilson has offered the services of the United States as a mediator between the warring nations.