iNIDMnOM SlWfSOIflOL Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS. Director of EvenltiR Department, The Moody Bible Institute Chicago.) LESSON FOR AUGUST 9 THE BARREN FIG TREE AND THE DEFILED TEMPLE. (Temperance) LESSON TEXT Mark 11:12-33. GOLDEN TKXT-"Uy their fruits hull know them." Matt. 7:20. ye ualveled at the Ywlft execution Event crowds fast upon the heels of event during the days of this most tragic week in all the history of the world. Temperance means restraint and a constrainingly proper use of God given appetites and privileges, hence the significance of this lesson as em phasizing the principles of temper ance. I. Sealing, vv. 12-14. The day fol lowing his triumphal entry Into Jeru salem Jesus and his disciples journeyed . from Bethany, his abiding place, each night, into the city. Seeing leaves upon the fig trees, he had a right to look for fruit, for the fruit of that tree comes before the foliage. But none is found, and Jesus seals its barrenness. His act was a parable In action, Hosea 10:1. Profession bad superseded possession, and Israel is therefore to be Judged, set aside, un til the day when they shall look upon him whom they have pierced. Cleansed the Temple. II. Cleansing, vv. 15-19. Entering the familiar scenes of the city and temple, whence the hosannas had echoed so loudly the day previous, Jesus saw its desecration and degrada tion. Outwardly a delight, it was in wardly deceitful, "a den of robbers," and his anger waxed hot. Everything he saw and banished was in some way connected with the temple worship. Even so the most holy things created by the wisdom of a loving God may be come the instruments of the most des picable degradation. Ostensibly in the name of religion these temple mer chants were in reality ministering to "self PDf private gain. As at the, beginning of Ills ministry lo" again Jesus exercised his authority and cleansed the temple from its pollution and for a time (v. 16) guarded it from further desecration. The temperance application at this point is very clear. Appetite, men tal or physical, is a God given faculty, but must be kept within control. Prop erly used they are a delight, a bless ing to the man and bis friends. Al lowed to rule and appetites are terrif ic task masters. Purify the fountain of a man's heart, govern his motive and the stream of his acts will bless all, himself Included. III. Forgiving, vv. 20-25. The next day on the way from Bethany to Je rusalem they again passed the fig tree pn pies ma of his curse an Peter. Calls attention to It, v. 21, Matt." 21: 12", 20. In reply Jesus again emphasizes the lesson, "Have faith in God." This does not mean that this is an explanation of how he withered the tree, but rather why it had died. Israel was placing its trust elsewhere than In God, and therefore withers from the "roots Up ward." Notice that the root is not blasted, and a beautiful tree will again blossom forth from the living root. So Israel shall once again spring up into a new and fruitful nation, Isa. 27:6. Jesus' teaching by this tree is an illustration of wherein Israel had failed. They had not faith in God. Faith can remove mountains, and no difficulty can hinder those who have faith in God, Mark 9:23. Faith grows upon the word, Rom. 10:7, yet love is greater, I Ccr. iJ:-. If we really de sire the things we pray for, we "shall have them." We not only expect but go beyond in our petition and count as ours the things asked for. The lack of a forgiving spirit will effect ually shut us out from God. Authority Challenged. IV. Challenged, vv. 27-33. Upon again entering the city and the tem ple, there came to Jesus the chief priests, scribes and elders who chal lenged the authority by which he wrought these things, undoubtedly re ferring to his triumphal entry and to his cleansing of the temple. His reply is a counter challenge concern ing the baptism of John. For at least two years John had been dead and his voice silent with a probable for getfulness on the part of these men, and a decreasing Influence of his mes sage upon their lives. Yet the ques tion of Jesus bad projected power as he brought John back to them with this question as to his authority, "was it from heaven, or of men?" That there was keen sarcasm and cold logic embodied in his question la revealed by the recorded dilemma of his ene mies, tt. 31, 32. This entire passage deals with the responsibility of privilege. Particu larly la this epitomized In the para ble of the fig tree. Privilege Is em phasised in that the tree was planted In the vineyard of its owner. It lived off of his possessions. Its simple re sponsibility was to bear fruit In spite of the patience of the owner and the privilege of its surroundings It perished. The advantage of Godly parents, of Christian society and the heritage of the noble martyrs and saints of the church will not save that man or woman who "has a nam to .live but Is dead." COVER CROP CAMPAIGN The Farmers' Co-operative Demon stration work, conductel jointly by the United States and the Mate Depart ments of Agriculture anil the A. & M. Colleee, is now starting plans for v. inter cover crops in this state. Ef forts put forth in this matter the past season resulted in the adding directly of 42,:J00 acres of such crops. The management will make a tremendous effort to double the acreage this sea son. County Demonstration Agents are already at work on the matter Every farmer, merchant, banker, and all who are interested m promoting better farming are asked to join in the movement. The crops advocated for this state are: rye for very poor soils, crim son, bur and red clover; vetch, with a support crop and grasses of various mixtures. Last year a hundred acres of grasses, scattered well over the state, produced an average of 5600 pounds of cured liuy per acre at a net profit of $31 per acre. This shows that we have splendid condi tions for growing all the hty and grazing crops needed in the state and some to sell. The lejrumes mentioned arc usually more profitable than grasses because thev irather free expensive nitro gen from the air and store it in the soil, farmers can get it this way much cheaper than by purchasing it. These winter growing crops are very valuable, ror grazing, cutting for forage or for turning under to increase soil fertility, they are easily worth ten dollars per acre and often several times this amount. Often the crop that follows them is doubled in yield. Furthermore, they reduce washing and leaching and add organ ic matter something that practically all soils are deficient in. Every acre of cultivated land should grow at least two crops per year, one in the winter and one in the summer. One may be a food crop or a money crop and the other a soil improvement crop. Lands that lie bare during the winter months often lose more plant food through leaching and washing than is used by the crop that grows there during the summer. It behooves every farmer to give this matter his attention. The impor tant thing to do right now is to de cide which crop or crops he will, grow, procure good seed, and then break his land at once to a depth of from eight to twelve inches. Profitable crops are rarely grown on shallowly plowed lands. Harrow the land the same day it is broken to prevent loss of mois ture, and so have it ready to plant when the time arrives, There is no reason why every farm er should not plant some clover on his farm late in August or from then till the middle of October. Those who are not acquainted with clover grow ing should not plant more than an acre or two the first season. Inform ation concerning the matter may be had by requesting it of our State and National Departments of Agricul ture, our A. & M. College, or Mr. C. R. Hudson, Raleigh, N. C, who inaug urated and is pushing the matter. Where there are demonstration acents, farmers enjoy the advantage of a personal interviw by calling on them. 'iBSdlsLrifateeJl tear Claremont College HICKORY NORTH CAROLINA Founded I860 SELECT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Located near the Countains Limited Number of Students LITERARY, MUSIC. ART. EXPRESSION AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSES MAINTAINED Faculty Selected with Greatest Care . Special Attention Given the Grls $140 Pays for Tuition, Board, Heat, Lights and Room Rent FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Addrew JOSEPH L. MURPHY. Piaident !fliii!iSMr!'fiiiili WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open an account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit your business. Call to see us. BANK OF RAMSEUR We have on hand a lot of one-horse Chattanooga Plows, which we offer at $4 00 each, so long as they last. Also plenty of Oliver one and two-horse plows on hand. COME TO SEE US McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. Asheboro, N. Carolina STATEMENT National Union, Toledo, Ohio, condition December 31, 1913, as shown by statement hlea. Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year .... $2,233,382.98 Income From Policyholders, $2,593,113.53; Miscellaneous, $103,839.34; Total SZ, byo.yoz.&v Disbursements To Policyholders, $2,405,514.32; Miscellaneous 192,317,96 Total sz.&yi.SiiZ.ZB Benefit Certificates in force December 31, 1912, Number 62912 Amount $118,999,000 Benefit Certificates written or revived during year Number 6419, Amount S7,630,U00 Benefit Certificates in force December 31, 1913 Number 62483, Amount $116,517,500 ASSETS Value of Real Estate $49,453,65 Value of Stocks and Bonds owned $2,186,702.08 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on Interest $183,785.77 Interest and rents due and accrued $p5,762.47 Assessments actually collected and held by subordinate bodies not yet turned over to Supreme .Body, $a)y,b&7.tZ JAMES CANNON, JR., M. A., D. V PRINCIPAL. OZ A tn Blackstona School adopted the following- yl I YPJIVC MOTTO: Thorough instruction under positively V A vill 0 Christian Influences at the lowest possible cost, 1?a..1- IT Is today, with a faculty of $3, a boardln patronage of ICSUll. 868, a student body of 428, and a plant worth $150,000, The Leadincr Training School for Girls in Virginia. 4 f PATS all charges for the year, including Table Board, A m ff I SI I Room, Lights. Steam Heat, Laundry, Medical Atten- I rill AW tention, Physical Culture and Tuition in all subjects V AW except music and elocution. Can parents find a school with a better record, with more experienced management at such moderate cost? For catalogue and application blank address GEO. P. ADAMS, Secretary, Blackstone, Va. Total Admitted Assets $2,655,561.79 LIABILITIES Death Claims Due and Unpaid $275,000.00 Salaries, rents, expenses, commissions, etc., due and accrued .... $7,749.90 BLIND THROUGH NEGLIGENCE One Hundred Thousand People in the I nited States Lose Their Sight Annually, . . ... Of the one hundred thousand blind people in the United States it is esti mated that about thirty thousand are unnecessarily blind. About twelve thousand of thee are children whose blindnes is due to negligence on the part of parents. About twelve thous and are groping their way in darkness because of injuries which in most cases could have been avoided by the installation ot proper safety devices. Twenty-five hundred of them are de prived of their sight because of gran ular lids, which is preventable by the application of proper remedies. Two thousands are unable to see as a result of 4th of July accidents. The remain ing fifteen hundred are blind from va rious causes, such as the drinking or absorbing of wood alcohol and the neglect of treatment of certain eye affections. There will alwars be a certain r'lmber of cases of blindness which cannot be avoided but u is appalling to think that the sight of thirty thousand of those now blind could have been preserved. The ques tion is, How shall we limit blindness in the future?" The answer is, "By insisting that our children's eyes have proper care, by compelling our fac tories to install safety devices, by medical inspection of schools, by abol ishing the roller towel and by estab lishing such other hygienic measures as will keep us healthy and free from disease". tliirklen's Arnica Salve Hums, Sores. for Cuts, Mr. E S. Loper. Maiilla, N. Y.. Writes; "I . have sever had a Cut. Burn. Wound or Sore . II would not heal.' 'Get a box of Buckltn' Ar nica Salve today. Keep bandy at all times for Burns. Sores, Cuts. Wounds. Prevents Lockjaw. 25c. at your Druggist. Total Liabilities $282,749.90 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1913 Benefit certificates in force December 31, 1912, Number, 734, Amount $1,200,000 Benefit Certificates written or revived in 1913, Number 11, Amount, $15,000 Benefit Certificates decreased or ceased in 1913, Number 124, Amount, $192,000 Benefit Certificates in force December 31, 1913, Number 623, Amount, $1,029,000 Claims unpaid December 31, 1912, Number 2, Amount $2,000. Claims incurred during the year, Number 12, Amount $21,000 Claims paid during the year, Number 10, Amount $17,000 Claims unpaid December 31, 1913, Number, 4, Amount $6,000. Total amount premiums or assessments collected or secured during the year in North Carolina $18,624.75 President, J. A. Wright; Secretary, E. A. Myers; Home Office, Toledo, O.; Attorney for Service, Insurance Commr., N. C; Business Manager or Organ izer for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, March 19, 1S14. I, James R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of National Union, a Fraternal Order of Toledo, Ohio, filed with this Department, showing the con dition of said Order on the 31st day of December, 1913. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. - . . . , . JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. 2 Car Loads Horses & Mules We have at our stables two car loads of range horses and mares In the lot are some very fine stock. See us before you buy. PRESNELL and BROWN SUCCESSOR TO R. R. ROSS CATAWBA COLLEGE Co-educational. Healthful Location, Strong Faculty, Literary and Busi ness Courses. Music, Art and Expression. Expenses Moderate, running from ;nu to uu tne entire year. Fall term opens September 1, 1914. For catalogue and further informs tion write to REV. J. D. ANDREW, President. . NEWTON, N. C. FOUNDED 1838. CHARTERED 1839, TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. A Southern College of liberal arts with an established reputation for high standards, noble traditions, and progressive policies. Its large endow ment fund makes posible its first class equipment and large faculty of well trained and carefully chosen teachers. Student fees low. Comfortable, ni expensive rooms in carefully surpervised hygenic dormitories. Classical and scientific courses leading to the bachelor's degree. Graduate vVy...a .i. u ucjai MI1CH1.0. aunmia ui cii&mcci mg, euucnupn ana law. For catalogue and illustrated booklet address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary to the Corporation. 1837 GUILFORD COLLEGE 1914 THOROUGH HIGH MORAL TONE IDEAL LOCATION Six Courses in Arts and Sciences, Music, Domestic Science, Bookkeeping and Banking, Expression, Ten Buildings With All Modern Conveniences, Athletic Field. Expenses Low. Economy and Self Help Encouraged For catalog and information address L L HOBBS, LL D., Pres., Guilford College, H. C. OPPORTUNITY WANTED TEN to fifteen good families to work in a manufacturing establishment. Healthful and pleasant work for men, women, boys and girls thirten old and over. Prefer families of three or more workers. Nice, new, clean 'houses to live in rents reasonable. Pleasant surroundings; unexcelled church and school op portunities. Best place in North Carolina for working people who desire to make a good living and better their condition. Write imediately to, J. W. BURROUGHS, Durham, N. C. . CAN IT! WHILE WE HAVE IT, WHY NOT PRESERVE IT? omy. Conservation of our waste products the road to econ- Economy the key note to modern success. WHY NOT CAN YOUR OWN FRUITS? This is made easy by using the "EL FLO" CANNING OUTFIT Guaranteed to be the most convenient, durable and efficient in the world. Outfiits to suit every home, ranging in price from $3.50 up. Not an experiment, but used by the U. S. De partment of Agriculture for four years, and selected from all other makes of caning outfiits to be used in the Tomato Club Canning Contest Demonstrations at the Fifth National Corn Exposition, Columbia, S. C, the Na tional Conservation Exposition, Knoxville, Tenn., the Na tional Educational Conference of the South, Louisville, Ky. - Used by Experiment Stations and Truckers. Over 16.000 Government Agents, Club Members and Farmers Everywhere. CHAMPION f OJMATO CLUB GIRL OF THE WORLD USES THE "EL FLO" CANNER. Our outfits equipped for heating with either wood, coal or oil. t Newly patented Continuous Heating Capping Steels :s the solution to all canning problems. Write today for testimonials from enthusiastic "EL FLO"owners, and free catalogue. Let us quote you prices on cans. HOME CANNER MANUFACTURING CO. Hickory, N. C. The POPULAR POLISHES Black, Tan and White 10c The F. F. D alley Co, Ltd. I Buffalo, N.Y. Hamilton, ont. Si ' Jilt tM;' -tt- rjp i , I Ms OCX T3 mm SMJii..

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