AUSTRIA'S AMBITION AND HATRED For The Past Twenty-five Years Jealousy and Enmity Have Fed on Other Austria Has Never Been Quite Able to Forgive Servia Existing at All. Philadelphia, Aug. 3. The North American in discusing the onthreak of hostilities between Austria and Ser via, and in attempting to give the real reasons for the war, says: Austria has been quick to sieze the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand as an opportuand his wife Ferdinand and his wife as an oppor tunity to vent the hatred and distrust of years on the little neighboring kingdom of bervia. While the immediate cause of the attack on Servia is the demand for aration for the murder of the arch duke and his wife, the duchess cf Ho enberg, the ultimate causes are the movement of the Hapsburg empire to ward the south and the desperate ef forts of the Serb race to regain com plete national existence. Ever since the repulse of the Turk ish hosts from Vienna in 1863 by Po land's armies under John Sobieski, who came to the aid of the Hapsburgs, the Austrians have steadily fought their way southward, expecting ulti mately to make their way to the Aegean over the ruins of the Turkish empire. Apart from the deep sources of Ger manic and Slav racial antipathy, the hatred of Austria and Servia had its begining in 1S78. when, by the Berlin treaty, Servia obtained her indepen dence as a state, while Bosnia and Herzegovina, peopled by the very flower of the Serb race, whose patri otism had kindled the revolution that humbled Turkey, were virtually given over to Austria. Thus the Serbs, newly freed from Turkey were arbi trarily divided and part of them given over to a yoke just as hateful as that of the Moslem had been. In obtaining her hoid on Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Dalmatian coast Austria attained the hicrhly im portant advantage of a foothold on the Adriatic, and at the same time de feated Srrvia's aspiration for such an outlet, Through all the thirty-five years be tween the Berlin treaty and the Balk an war Servia struggled for a seaport, and at every turn was checekmated by Austria. To the failure to gain this end Servia attributes her slow commercial development and the diffi culty of realizing on her resources. The so-called "pig wars" and "poul try wars" were an outgrowth of thi.-- systematic repression. Servia raised large quantities of pigs and fowls of a high grade, and if she could market them rapidly, would find a valuable export. But Austria has steadily maintained a ruinous quarantine regulation that prevents the stock being transported across her territory to market. The result was that the Servian market was glutted with these products and the farmers receive no price at all. Two cents for a chicken and five cents for a ham would rouse the fighting blood of any community. Austria's ultimatum did not come as a surprise to anyone who has fol lowed its diplomatic manuevering of the last 25 years. Austria has never been able to forgive Servia for exist ing at all, and Servia has always re sented r.s big r-eighbor's stubborn op pos'ticn to its own scheme for devel opment. For twenty-five years jealousy and enmity have; fen on each thor; for twenty five ycas ?aeh has irritated the other in a'l trie numbcvle: ways known to ski led pol'fVaiK-; for t wenty -five yea.-s -ach has been he'd in check only by the pressure of out side influences. But now the tragic drth of the heir aparent has put in Austria' hands an excuse so powerful that, it dares to use it as a weapon, while Servia, as sured of the absolute loyalty and uni ty of its people, and confident of the backing of all the southern Slavs, is only put in the position of having its hand forced. At first thought it would seem that, considering the difference in size and resources, any contest between these two countries must be unequal. Aus tria has enjoyed a long period of peace, and posses a large and highly trained army. Servia.on the other hand, is only beginning to recover from two costly wars. Although it gained thereby the territory in Mace donia that it had long coveted, it has not yet had time to profit by it. Servia is poor and its army is com paratively small, hut it posses an element of strength, the value of which is doubled to it by reason of the fact that the same quality is Austria's creat weakness. The entire Srvian people are a unit on any question of national honor; the disloyalty of any part of its army is an impossible sup position. On the other hand, the Austrian ar my, like the Austrian empire, is made up of many people of many minds, and it is not possible to be quite cer tain how it would conduit itself in a war in which racial considerations would be involved, an in a war with Servia. In a war with Servia virtual ly all the military operations would be conducted in a territory populated al most wholly by Serbs, a people tied by the sympathy of common race and tradition to the people Austria would be fighting ties that are, to the southern Slavs, many times more binding than the slender political threads that bind them to the Aus trian empire. In prosecuting a war against Servia Austria has long known that it would expose itself to the danger of arous ing to open rebellion its entire south ern Slav population. Servia protested bitterly against the annexation of Bosnia and Herze govint by Austria. She carried her warlike preparations to such a point that her army virtually confronted that of Austria on the opposite side of the Danube. All that prevented a serious war was the interference of Germany, which held back Russia's hand. -.. Defeated by the Germanic influence, Servia waited for her opportunity. It came with the outbreak of the Balkan SERBS' ARE CHIEF CAUSE OF WAR Each For war, when, by a series of brilliant campaigns, the Servians went straight through Albania to Durazzo, thus seizing the coveted seaport. Austrian diplomacy succeeded in snatching the seaport prize away from Servia by setting up the M-iat ed little kingdom of Albania as a buffer. At the same time Austria was able to prevent Montenegro, also virtually a herb state, from maintain invr hold on the hard won city of Scu tari. Not even the highly desirable portions of Macedonia that fell to Servia's lot at the end of the war were able to compensate her for the rage and disappointment in the loss oi tne footing on the sea. Austria's irritation against Servia is based chiefly on her belief in Ser via's intentions to aggrandize herself at the expense of Austria, and Aus tria's belief in official connivance in plots and schemes to alienate Austrian subjects and so further Servia's ends. PanSerb I nion a r actor. Austria sees as the most powerful enemy to her influence the Narodna Odbrana, or Pan-Serb union. This or ganization has as its aim the union of the entire Serb race. The Agram treason trials in Croa tia several years ago, when the Aus trian government failed utterly to prove its contention of plots lamented in Belgrade against :-. tiutnority were probably the most prominent of these proceedings, though there have been endless riotings and arrests and minor trials for which the union may have been directly responsible. The secretary of the society, Major Milan Pribitchevitch. formerly an Aus trian army officer, was mentioned in the confession of the youth who threw the bomb at Archduke Ferdinand. This naturally has given Austria sufficient ground on which to demand the entire wiping out of this inflammatory so ciety, the suppression of all its litera ture and the punishment of its leaders. Austria further claims that the pub lic schools of Servia have been used as an instrument for the instilling of anti-Austrian prejudice, and asserts that every branch of the Servian offi cial service is honeycombed with plots aimed against Austrian tranquility. Until she seized on the murder of the archduke, Austria was not able to put her ringer on any tangible evi dence of Servia's malefeasane. But Servia's reprisals for Austria's high ii.ii'.dedness were not less irritating for being intangible. Austria has felt for years that all Servia was a hot bed of intrigue and conspiracy against her, and she has recognized the slow encroachment of the disturbing in fluence centered there in her own ter ritory. Servian officials admit that there has been plotting but they refuse to give these plots more importance than the rioting of turbulent students. With Servia's war strength estimat ed at 240.000 men and Austria's at 2,000,000, there would seem to be lit tle doubt of the outcome. But figures cannot be relied upon, because there are so many elements to be consider ed. The dual monarchy has an army common to both kingdoms, while, at the same time, Austria and Hungary each support a second line army, or ganized and distinct from the common army and from each other. Politics of the various nationalists of the empire has had its effect on the army, and it has been only by skillful management that it has been at a standard that so important a power must require. The Servian army was, until the Balkan war, an untried quality, with the presumption against its efficiency. The dramatic events of that war gave it, however, a new rating, for the Ser vian proved himself a splendid soldier, and the organization of the army proved surprisingly effective. It had great power of expansion, while the wonderful esprit de corps and the gal vanizing effect of devoted enthusiasm more than overcame formal defects. The possible part which other Eu ropean powers would play in the war drama is of greater importance than the problems of Austria and Servia. Servia's population is only a little more than 3,000,000, and the Serbs in the Servia Irredenta of the dual realm do nol number more than 4,000,000. This total of 7,000,000 could be crush ed by the vastly greater number of Germans of Austria and the Magyars of Hungary. But other powers are too much con cerned to hold aloof. If Germany and Italy, as members of the triple' alli ance, support Austria-Hungary, Rus sia, backed by her partners in the triple entente, France and Great Brit ian, must be assumed to be resolute ly opposed to the extinction of the in dependent Slav nationality of the Bal kans. The triple alliance is defensive, not aggressve. Its members are bound to help each other in certain cases of attack from outside, but they are not bound to aid in attacking others. Moreover, Germany is bound to aid Austria-Hungary only in case the lat ter is attacked by Russia, and not if she should be attacked by Servia. But if Austria-Hungary should at tack Servia, and thus incur an attack upon herself by Russia, Germany would be bound to come to Austria Hungary's aid; while Italy would be bound merely to maintain a friendly neutrality. But if France joined her ally, Russia, then Italy also would have to enter the strife. The poten tial sequence of events, therefore, is for Austria-Hungary to attack Servia, for Russia to come to Servia's aid and attack Austria-Hungary, for Germany to come to Austria-Hungary's aid against Russia, for France then to at tack Germany in aid of Russia and for Italy to join her allies of the triple alliance against France. What . Great Britian would do is problematical, but if there was dan ger of Germany and her allies de stroying the sea power of France and Russia, as there might well be, it is scarcely conceivable that the British fleet would remain neutral or Idle.- GENERAL NEWS ITEMS ! ITEMS OF INTEREST TAKING PLACE THIS WEEK THROUGH OUT THE DIFFERENT SEC- i TIONS OF THE WORLD, I The coal mined in Maryland in 1913 amounted to 4,779,839 short tons, val- ued at $5,927,046, exceeding any year since ivvi. W W T AmV.sr1 mavni nf Othello Washington, and aged 60, has lived for the last year wunin a diock oi moving picture show, but witnessed his first "movie" on July 4. Thirty tons of commercial mica. taken out of claims on Mica Mountain on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, were shipped to Mon treal recently. Meeting the popular demand for less study outside of the school room, the Spokane board of education has decided to lengthen the hours of at tendance in the high schools by three quarters of an hour. Six million dollars ia the estimated cost of a hydro-electric plant to be in stalled in the Saskatchewan river, near Edmonton, Alta., by Jackson it Company. The plan contemplates the development of 40,000 horse power. In spite of the fact that unusually large cerial and fruit crops are as sured in the Spokane country, local bankers of that place are informing Secretary McAdoo that they will have no need for federal funds to assist in moving the crops this year. A dozen large panels, replicas of the famous group by Sallie James Farnham in the Pan-American Union building at Washington, have arrived and are being set in the entrance to the rotunda of the California build ing at the San Diego Exposition. "Every street, avenue and lane in the ten largest cities of the world could be paved with the asphalt we saw actually exposed in the Fort Mc Kay district," said J. P. Hughes, re cently after returning from a trip of ".,000 miles into the unsettled coun try north of Edmonton, Alta. A plan whereby ten or more farm ers or farm women can form home classes in agriculture or domestic science and receive the textbooks, lec tures, lantern slides, laboratory and cooking equipment necessary to con duct them has been devised by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in co operation tfith the agricultural col leges of certain states. An automobile trip of 3,500 miles through '.he wilds of northwestern Canada and into Alaska, many miles of the way over roads and dimly marked trails that have never been traversed by an automobile, is being undertaken by Frank Fourniea, a placer miner in the Juneau district of Alaska. The trip is from Spokane. Washington, to Alaska. Fred Paquette, alias Fred Rich ards, who, officers of the Secret Ser vice of the United States Treasury: Department say, is one of the most notorious counterfeiters on the Amer ican continent, was recently sentenc ed by Judge Noel, of the Edmonton, Alta., district court, to 14 years in the penitentiary. Winnie A. Martin, a 14-year old student at Victoria High School, Ed monton, Alta., claims the world's records for typewriting in five lan guages. Her achievements in six one minute tests are: Greek, 61 words, two errors; German, 67 words, two errors; Latin, 57 words, no errors,; rrench, i4 words, no errors; English, lU.i words, no errors; blindlold. 92 words, two errors. The Droduction of millstones nrwl re lated (luarrv nrodurts. hurrstnnpa. chasers and drag stones, in the United States in 1913 amounted to $56,163 in value, a decrease of $15,251 compared witn tne value in 1912. The produc tion of millstones in this country in 1913 was nevertheless larger than in all bi t three year? sin- SSS, uhen it was valued at $81,000. Millstones were product-d in 1913 in Alabama, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The arrival of exhibits for the San Diego Exposition has started on n considerable scale with the receipt of mipunanv ieatures ot the California State building. Eight of the grand monuments of the Maya, recovered from the ruins of the ancient city of Quiragua, are already on the grounds, heralding the exhibits which will constitute some of the most remarka ble contributions to contemporary ethnological research. Sm::!' izp ! , i. as buckwheat and smaller, in the opin ion vi r.. vv. rai-Ker, ot the United States Geological Snrwv mnv K more valuable as raw 'material for tne briquet manufacturer. The output of these small sizes nvwln,.Dri k crushing large coal to obtain the do- inebuc graaes exceeds 20,000,000 long tons annually, exclusive of 3,000,000 4, OdO.OOO tons annually recovered from culm banks by washcries. Some interesting facts about the geology and mineral resources of St. Louis are given in ,i venorc iv.-rr.t-y issued by the United States Geo ogical Survey. It says that when the world was young the region where St. T.nnis nr.w to.i . changed from land to sea and from sea to land, these transformations covering long periods of geological time, too great to be estimated in years or centuries. Lands just approved by the national forest reservation commission for purchase include 13,575 acres in North Carolina, of which 11 tracts compris ing 12,400 acres are situated in Bun combe, Yancey, and McDowell coun ties in the Mount TUitz-holl n,,-Ao area. The remaining 1155 acres are uii me vaauanooga watershed in Ma con county in the Savannahn pur chase area. These lands are to be ac- QUired in accordance witVi tVio n.Ml policy under which national foiebts of good size are being" built up in the ROSCOE CONK LIN MITCHELL Harper's Weekly Recently Carried a Storv Which Made a Hero of The Alamance County Man. An article in a recent issue of Harper's Weekly makes much of a hero OI ItOSCOe UOnKIin .miliie.., newspaper writer and a native of Al amance countv. N. C, who ed ited a paper in Statesville about 13 years ago. During the mediation conference at Niagara Falls he was sent by the Hearst papers to report the proceed ings, but the American delegates would have nothing to do with a Hearst reporter. Finally, through the inbuence of a representative of the State Department he got onto the job the Hearst papers then edited a lot of sensational fake stuff into the dis patchhes, which embarrassed the truthful Mitchell, and failing to get it stoDDed. he resigned. The same storv tells how Mitchell was selected from a group of newspaper men by Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 cam paign as the recipient of his confi dence, and how Col. Roosevelt, on his return from South America, drove all other reporters away and received Mitchell with open arms. THE TWENTY YEAR TEST Some twenty years ago I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy," writes Geo. W. Brock, publisher of I he bnterpnsc, Aberdeen, Md., "I discovered that it was a safe and quick cure for diar rhoea. Since then no one can sell me anything said to be 'just as jrood.' Durinir all these years I have used it and recommended it many times, and it has never disappointed anyone.'' For sale by all dealers. Colorado's output of the principal minerals in 1913 was valued at $35, 449.298. The Spokane naval recruiting sta tion has drawn a prize recruit in h. W. Steele, a physical gaint weighing 197 pounds, who speaks four foreign languages, and is a son of a noted in ventor. The mine output of gold, silver, copper and lead in Oregon in 1913 was valued at $1, 746,402, compared with $849,886 in 1912, an increase of more than 100 per cent. The Hudson river region produced 1.025,308,000 bricks in 1913, valued at $5,636,061, according to a recent state ment of Jefferson Middleton, of the tinted States Geological survey. The mine output of gold, silver, copper, load and zinc in Idaho increas ed in value from $21,466,521 in 1912 to $24,149,049 in 1913. The produc tion of all metals except gold in creased. It is stimated that the aple crop in the United States this year will ex ceed all past records. California, olorado, and Iowa are among the tates which have wonderfully good crops. The coal mined in Kentuckey in 1913 was 19,616,600 short tons, ac cording to a recent report of the Unit ed States Geological Survey, valued at $29,516,749. The number of men employed in the mines of that State were 26,332. The value of the mica produced in the United States in 1913 was $436,- 060, North Carolina contributing $268,913. Mica is found in crystals ranging from small ones to those several feet across. Crystals to wo feet in diameter are not uncommon. The number of men employed in the bituminous coal mines of Pennsylva nia in 1913 was 12,196, and they made the unprecedented high aver age of 267 days, against 105,144 men for 257 days in 1912. The average production per hand per year amount ed to 1,009 short tons. A virgin gold field in the Liard River district of northern British Co lumbia, has recently been found. A prospector, who spent five years in the region, says he did not meet a white man while there. He says it is ex tremely difficult tc reach the field on account of the unfriendly attitude of the Indians. Hereafter hotel porters in some parts of the country will look care fully under the bands of cast off hats, in search of forgotten fortunes. .A number of hats, left by guests in a Spokane hotel and consigned to a creamatory, were found to have about lorty dollars worth of stamps and cur rency in them. With a bullet from a 22 buried in his brain which it is impos sible to get out eight-year old Lief Thormadsgard, of Spokane, will live, according to surgeons who are treat ing him. lhe boy was unconscious for a week, but survived the onpra- tion for the removal of a part of the brain. Spokane, Washington, Chinese are rallying to the aid of their flood stricken countrymen in the Kwano Tung province of China and are rais ing a fun.l to be sentto their native iani. ine lunar wna Conmanv. Chinese benevolent organization. taking the lead in the matter on the t'acihe coast, through its affiliations, Gilbert E: Counts, of Spokane, Washington, and Miss Daisv Srhnltz. of Pomeroy, Washington, after mar riage this week will enjoy a decided ly novel five-year honeymoon. Follow ing a summer trip to Oregon the young couple will enroll as students at Spokane University, taking the same course and graduating simulta' neously five" years hence. The production of coal in the United States has again broken all previous records, the output for 1913 being oiv,vo,xio snorc ions, wnicn is con siderably more than double the production of 1900 and more than 8 times the production of 1880, accord ing to a statement just issued by the United States Geological Survey. Tiie valute of the coal mined in 1913 is EDUCATE YOUR CHILDREN WHERU TO SEND YOUR BOY OR GIRL TO RECEIVE AN EDUCA TION A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLEGES ADVfcKUS ED IN THE COUK1EK. A number of college ads will be found -running regularly in The Cou rier for the next few weeks. These ads. are from some of the best col leges in the South, which are kindly asking you to investigate their fac ilities for educating the boy or girl, before you send yours to school this fall. A few facts about the colleges appear below: Trinity College. The work done in the past at Trin ity College is more of an advertise ment than anything that can be writ ten. This is a southern college of liberal arts with an established repu tation for high standards, noble tra ditions and progressive policies. Its large endowment fund makes possible its first-class equipment and large faculty of well trained and carefully chosen teachers. Student's fees are low, comfortable, inexpensive rooms in carefully supervised hygenic dor mitories. The college maintains clas sical and scientific courses leading to the Bachelor's degree. Thorough courses are also given in engineering and law. For catalogue and illustrat ed booklet, address R. L. Flowers, Secretary, Durham, N. C. Catawba College At Newton, Catawba county, is lo cated Catawba College, a co-educa- tiona! institution, run under the au spices of the ierman-iieiormea church. This college turns out annu ally some of the best trained men and women who have ever left the doors of an educational institution. Rev. J. D. Andrew, formerly of Burlington, who is well known to many of The Courier readers, was tendered the presidency at the close of the 1912-13 session. His first year as head of this institution has been one of marked success. The number of students greatly increased and the work done" was of the very best. The section sur rounding Newton is one of the most healthful in western North Carolina. The college has a faculty ,who received their training in some of the best ed ucational institutions in the United States. Courses are given in literary work, shorthand, bookkeepng, and typewriting, music, art and expressson Expenses are moderate, running from $140 to $200 for the entire school year. For catalog and further infor mation, address Rev. J. D. Andrew, Newton, N. C. Blackstone School For Girls. This school is located at Blackstone, Va., and annually receives a large pat ronage from North Carolina. This school is well known in Randolph and adjoining counties, having in the past years enrolled among its students a number of girls from this section. It s a well known fact that the facul ty of this school is one of the best trained in the south. Twenty years ago the Blackstone school adopted for its motto, "Thorough instruction Un der Positively Christian Influences at the lowest possible cost," anl as a re sult it today has a boarding patron age of 368, a student body of 428, a faculty of 33 and a plant worth $150, 000. One hundred and fiftv dollars pays all charges for the year includ ing table board, room, lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, phys ical culture and tuition in all sub jects except music and elocution. For catalog and application bland address Geo. P. Adams, Blackstone Va. Elon College The Courier has received a copy of the February and July numbers of the Elon College Bulletin, and it is a pub lication that would do credit to any institution. The February numbe was issued as a catalog number and con tains 194 pages filled with a most ex cellent description of the institution and an explanation of the courses. The July number was styled as the mid-vacation number and its purpose was to set forth life at Elon College as it really is during school months. It contains many beautiful -dicto graphs of the buildings, ball teams, literary societies, etc. Elon College needs no introduction to the readers of The Courier for its students scattered throughout the bounds of the paper's territory speak for thtem selves. Expenses at this institution are moderate, running from $125 to $225 for the entire school year. The religious atmosphere is of the very best; no parent need be uneasy but that the most wholesome Christian in fluence will be brought to bear upon every student of the college. On ac count or the healthfulness of the place no medical fee is charged the students. Elon ranks among the best institutions of the South. Marshall A. Hudson said on a recent vsit to the college, "In no college have I been more kindly received than at Elon. I found in Elon what I have never found quite so prominent before, spiritual attitude and desire to learn of spiritual things." Write to Pres ALMANAC BY TIMES BOUGHT Standard North Carolina Almn. 78 Years Old. to Appear Regular!? The Turner-Enniss Almanac which has been published in Raleigh annual ly for the past 27 years, was purchaL ed today from the Enniss fam.i,. u John A. Park, publisher of the p. leigh Times. , Turners North Carolina Almanac it is usually called, waa Mtahi..:' ed by Henry D. Turner in 1838 in 1867. James H. Enniss succeoH . Turner and issued the almanac until his death in 1900. From that tim. until April, 1914, the late PinckC Enniss was the owner and publisher It is sold in practically every town in the entire state of North Carni;... some of the agents now handling the book have been selling it for m than thirty consecutive years. The 1915 Alamanac will contain chronological charts, weather fn casts, complete calendars, movable feast days, rising and setting of sun and moon, season changes, tides eclipses, and moon's phases. Notes on farming and gardening are arranged for each month, these features h0; carefully compiled by prominent au thorities. Many practical suggestions appear under this head. There will be a complete list of all state officers and department employ, ees, with the salaries they are p&ii directors of state institutions, mom. bers of various boards and commis sions, officers and teachers of educa tional institutions, and federal offi cers. A feature of the almanac that is always of particular interest to lawyers is the complete court calendar for the entire year, with names of judges and dates of their courts. Household hints, cooking recipes, and the joke columns will be new and en larged in the 1915 book. A new fea ture for 1915 which has not appeared in iormer aimanacs, win be a com plete record of the various crops in North Carolina for the year, eivine quantities and values. The book will be issued by the Times Publishing Co, during the month of October. TIMES PUBLISHING CO. IT'S GREAT FOR BALKY BOWELS AND STOMACHS We want all people who have chron- ic stomach trouble or constipation, no matter of how long standing, to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stom ach Remedy one dose will convince This is the medicine so many of our local people have been taking with surprising results. The most thor ough system cleanser we ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is now sold here by Standard Drug Company. C, for catalog and full information regarding the school. Claremont College. This school is located at Hickory, one of the prettiest towns in Western North Carolina, and is a school for young women ran under the auspices of the German Reformed church. While this school is not as widely known in this section of the state as some others, it has been drawing its . patronage from the counties farther west and from S. Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and other surrounding states. Here the young woman re ceives the most careful of attention and life is as much like that of the refined and well governed home as it can be made. Located near the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where the climate is temperate, makes it an ideal place to spend the winter. Courses in literary work, art, music, erpression and domestic science are maintained. The faculty is selected with the greatest care. Special at tention is paid to the religious life of the students. All must attend church. One hundred an forty dollars per year pays for tuition, board, heat, lights and room rent. For illustrated cata log address President Joseph L. Murphy, Hickory, N. C Guilford College. Over in Giulford county we find Guilford College, which has for years drawn a large patronage from Ran dolph and surounding counties. Many of Randolph's most prominent men are graduates of this institution. Nothing need be said of the former work of this institution for its grad uates are living advertisements of the kind of work done. One special feat ure of this college is economy and self help. The students are taught the art of saving and are offered all the assistance possible to work their way through college. Here are given six courses in arts, sciences, music, do mestic science, bookkeeping and bank ing, expression, etc. The college has all modern conveniences, ten well equipped buildings and a large ath letic field. For catalog and informa tion address President L. L. Hobbs, Guilford College, N.. C. The A. & M. College. The Agricultural and Mechanical College in its growth, development, and social usefulness has been al most a revelation to our state. It la just twenty-five years old this year and is the youngest, by a good many years, of our state colleges for men. Its faculty now numbers sixty spe cialists who were educated in the best universities of America. Its enroll ment of students, counting all courses is 738. Its buildings number 26 and in equipment are modern and practical Randolph county has furnished a num ber of young men for students in this institution but the number should be doubled this year. Send your boy to the A. & M. this fall. Write to E. B. Owen, Registrar, West Baleigh, N. TURNER'S eBi.ern mountains. - J--tJ' given as svtu,488,785. dent W. A. Harper, Elon College, N.

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