A Great Opportunity A Good Automobile at a Real Bargain Price If You Have Never Owned an Automobile You are Missing Half of Life THE PRICE OF THESE ARE LOW ENOUGH FOR ALL Seledl your favorite from the following: FORD ROADSTER FORD TOURING CAR SAXON ROADSTER HUPMOBILE FIVF PASSENGER TOURING SCHACHT FIVE PASSENGER TOURING STUDEBAKER FIVE PASSENGER MAXWELL FIVE PASSENGER E. M F. ROADSTER We have secured these cars undtr the most favorable conditions, and therefore are able to make prices and terms to suit your convenience. Some of these cars are practically new and the others are in good running condition. These Automobiles will go quickly at our prices. For particulars write at once to PEOPLE'S MOTOR CAR COMPANY High Point, N. C. FROM SMOKELESS START the Perfection Heater going five minutes before the breakfast hour; by the time the family gets down the whole room is warm and cozy. The food tastes better everybody feels better. It's a bully morning send-off for the whole family. The Perfection is an ever-ready comfort. It is light you carry it wherever extra heat is needed sewing-room or cellar, bedroom or parlor. It burns kerosene easy to handle and inexpensive and costs nothing when flot in use. It is smokeless and odorless. At hardware and furniture stores everywhere. Look for the Triangle Trade-Mark. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C Norfolk, Va, Richmond, V. We have on hand a lot of one-horse Chattanooga PlOWS. Which WP nffor at 4 ftfi ainh cr Innrv as they last. Also and two-horse COME TO SEE US McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. Asheboro, N. Carolina CHASE THE CHILL THE BREAKFAST ROOM HON 2 . 1 n A (NEW JERSEY) BALTIMORE plenty of Oliver one plows on hand. m Y"i T f Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. COMPLIMENTS HIGH POINT PHYSICIAN Dr. Burrus, of High Point, has reached a commanding place in the practice of his profession and we re joice in his growing influence. He is one of the most capable physicians in this section of North Carolina, and we are glad to be able to add that he is an active and useful worker in his church. Archibald Johnson, in Char ity and Children. A NEW CURE FOR DRINK Fruit as a Substitute For Liquor In the Decemhpr Amiriron Mi. zine, Henry Detmers writes a little article entitled: "A New Cure For Drink." Mr. Detmers Kflvs that hfl has been in the saloon business for twenty years. He is not a drinker himself and none of his sons drink. Out of his exnerienre he rommmonHa the following cure for the liquor hab it; "I found earlv in mv pvnpripnrp that as a'treneral rule there s nnn. tions of course a regular consumer of fruit was not a very good customer in my business. On the nthpr hanA a typical 'booze fighter' seldom touch-. es iruu. i always kept some apples behind the bar and I often experi mentally offered one in a ctar' ouctn. mer, who almost invariably refused. ine more i looKed into this matter, the more firmlv I became mnvinrxM that these two habits clash. Not car ing to have my boys acquire the one one, I inoculated them with the other, and I have found that the fruit habit early acouired acta as norfet anti dote to the liquor habit. i mention apples especially because they are something like bread, one never tires of them, which is more than can be said of peaches, pears and oranges. And apples, thanks to cold Storage, can he hart everv Aav nf the school year. "Why shouldn't the nnnle hnhit he cultivated in the public schools at the DUbllC eXDense? Srhnnl tniotaoa I -j., X- i ,t, v w-ul.vinan loinea tne avmy an gone to tne could advert.se for bids to supp y the j PhiliJnineSi seRt a ableE. am to his ' "! DV means Push-the- I father. The day after the arrival of anH iric" tnCe tff th bys the message the father was speaking IT. h eah uhlJd ?Utld fet about it to a farmer friend, a! rtl! t?S he Kched ,out to P'ay i "Great thing is that telegraf, Josh," wouTd &rJT rSfc l"JlW. fath?': W ! ...h-li. . y r , yeritable craving for fruit. I have of- the w i TV1-! V 8 t the 'core. And if it hannena that T v,., ,.. . . j ivr .7 nave merely imagined that frnit hahit i r4. i. j i L t T - inunaenn quicK, exciaimen me offsets the drink habit. I know thatlfother wn i c. wi.. 'flaPp'es at.day have a valued I got that mesage the mucilage on the anH m" " fheJlea'Jg00d temper' envellup warnt dry yet!"-Phi!adel-and morals of any child. ! phia P?ess. Please understand that I have no axe tO grind. I do not own a sinD-le I ri..i ri.:.t n.. t apple tree. I have never rlaimeH tn have li'c. ------ - coverea tnat truit juices act as an, t,?.e t althouen 1 nave talked 't for VtVearS- , 1 Ssome three years ago an article appeared which claimed a Nebraska. Phfic'a" Is the discoverer of the the-! Ory. The fi"Ood doctor and T wi never - .. Tt ., quarrel over it. He can have the glo-i ry. I do nor need it. I am only too elad to see that mv vipwh have cain. ed some scientific backing. II you remove the desire for drink, the liquor question will solve itself, and While novertv mav nnt he hnnitih- ... - .... .. ed, the general welfare of the people Will ra miih imm-Aitnrl i -C ""K" "" even n my scheme is never adopted I will feel a thousand times rennirl fnr mil ' m t , . ' , ' pains i if I can only convince the moth- rrs oi uur country, rnose wno nave tne means to do so, that to implant the fruit habit in their children is the best assurance for a temperate life." x. . , , , It is completely organized against cnme' SECRETARY DANIELS URGES OR GANIC METHODIST UNION ijrv i r r ry i n . ... i,lc oupusi minister men re Washineton. D. C Oct. 2fl Mnhiii. mu. j. n . . - " . ' - , zation of a great army of Methodists ... .,,. hmuuc mc peoples wasning." Northern and Southern divisions and , all branches of the denomination, was virh -e j t advocated here tonight by Secretary When my Wlfe and )ver on ?u.r Josephus Daniels in an addrs at thi h0"em-00n 've ,Were ,adv,,sed to visit Centennial Celebration of the Foun- Sf'whfh T I dry Methodist church. Such a union, - chtalt 1 ?l the, n-b'e i ha- a" enrollment rfK, a,zD,eb4 souis. "If Methodism were united today," Tn Tin Yhe hw w T7J ' bear',ng said Mr. Daniels, "ftey could mobilize ' tu i ? UiP B? an army for WLITwmI110 well might put to flight the evils ofi ,We thank J',u ,for .V01 our country. All denominations have and lvould be S-ad to gi agreed not to encroach upon each sum to any cause af you other's misionary territory and yet, l0i(Ot.na,r PurPose one great family of- Christendom can-1 Slr,', v'as the rePy "w not ajrree at home. There is a North ern M. K. church in Atlanta and Southern M. E. church in Seattle." Suffered Twenty-One Years Finally Found Relief TI . I hnglish and her father was a Belgian. Having suffered for twenty-one ' My wife is a Holander, mv chauffeur years with a pain in my side, I finally , is a Russian and mv cook is an Aus have found relief in Dr. Kilmer's trian." Swamp-Root. Injections of morphine) "Well, say," the other man asked, were my only relief for short periods "what in Texas are vou going to do?'l of time. I became so sick that I had "What can I do. " Nothing, except to undergo a surgical operation in to preserve a strict neutrality and N'eW Orleans, whirh honnfittwl rvin v'mln.l .v,.. -.I 1 1 i..,.l two years. v hen the same pain came back one day I was so sick that I gave up hopes of living. A friend advised me to try your Swamp-Root and I at once commenced using it. The first bottle did me so much good that I nurchased two more hnttles T am nnw on my second bottle and am feeling line a new woman, i passed a gravel stone as large as a big red bean and several small ones. T have nnt haH the. least feeling of pain since taking your owamp-Koot ana l teel it my duty to recommend this great medicine to all suffering humanity. Gratefully vours, MRS. JOSEPH CONSTANCE, Rapides Par. Echo, La. Personally anDeared hefnre mo thin 15th day of July, 1911, Mrs. Joseph Constance, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. WM. MORROW, Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for lou Send ten cents tn Tlr Tfilmsx X, Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample Size hottle. Tt will rmrainco anvine You will also receive a booklet of val uable information, telling-about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be sure and mention the Asheboro Weekly Courier. Regular fifty cent and one dollar size botles for sale at all drug stores. A FEW GOOD LAUGHS "It's too bad; I just can't make my biscuits light," cried the bride. "Why don't you set fire to them ?" suggested the groom, who, of course, was an un feeling brute. Friend (to returned traveler) I suppose you had some thrilling expe riences over in Europe. Traveler Yes; I was arrested as a spy and who do you think my captor was a waiter I once refused to tip over here. He recognized me and I barely escaped with my life. Boston Transcript. A suffrage leader stopped a small boy in the street. "Child," she said, "what are you do ing on the street?" "Oh, jes' runnin' 'round," answered the lad. "Did you ever have any moral in struction?' "Any whut?" "Any moral instruction." "Don't know what that is." The suffrage leader was appalled. "Little boy," she said, "go home and tell your mother that Mrs. Jones will speak at the Settlement House, this evening on the subject: "Where Does a Mother's Dutv to Her Children Begin?'" "Aw, cut it out, maw," exclaimed the small boy, "don't yer know yer own kid?" Louisville Times. Some time ago a young farmer who i , , . , , . b ? , ., mat message comin a tnem tnou- sand miles." "Yes " ws the hearty response of t--i. . ... ....... Josn, an so munoerin ouick, too. j 1 .' ., Lhm.lH ho ri,i if ,. .u j : i;n ' raur Din soon. Eminent Phv sician Never mind about that, my dear madame; von must et luite stS flrst.-Ph ladel- phia Record, Tommy-Pop, things grow smaller u.. ! .i.j j.... n " i"c.v are loim acied, cion I IPC, . Tommy's PonWell mv son thore are exceptions. There are debts, for ' j ' A young man had decided to join the Episcopal church, but his family .,. n r i. ..i i . ,V clc tlll IJaljllol!! su ut. mcugni ne should be immersed w hen baptised and . 1 . on going to tne rector of the Kpisco- pal church he made a request for such ..: j.u - n:n.i t. uajjuom, M,vs me i uisourgn uis- patch. The rector decided that it could be quite easily accomplished and would speak to the Baptist minister about it. I The Baptist minister, on hearing this, was quite delighted. anl readiiv agreed to baptise and take tlie yorng man into the church the following &unciay morning, but said the rector: "He just wants you to baptise him and he wants to join mv church." i p.'cn ooiu(s. ne uo an our own , washing, but we don't take in other, i v ,r a I a box "Then may I see it?" I asked. "Sir" with a pleasant smile and a bow "I am that box." Strand Mag azine. "Yes," said the man in the ginger colored suit, "I am in a bad fix. My father was a Frenchman and his fath er was n (Jnrmnn. TK- rrnthov wns ,,,,,,,, ,j uusiiit-aa. vit'vciaiiu Plain Dealer, He had asked a lawyer on the street ! to direct him to a good restaurant, ' says Judere, and after his reouest had been complied with the lawyer quer leu: "You are a farmer, aren't you?" "Yes, sir." "I envy you these frosty October mornings. Y'ou are astir and get a good appetite for breakfast." "Urn!" "Y'ou sit down to homemade sau sage?" "Urn!" "And good coffee?" "Urn!" "And fried eggs?" "Well." . "And golden brown slapjacks?" "tTm!" "And you rise up refreshed and glad you are alive, isn't that so?" "Mister, do you know why I came to town today?" asked the farmer. "Well, no." "It was to get some of them very things to eat." And the lawyer went on. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You to Always Bought Bears the Signature of I A HAPPY CHILD IN . JUST A FEW HOURS If Cross, Feverish, Constipated, Give "California Syrup of Figs." Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, it is a sure sign that yiur little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep doesn't eat or act natu rally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile moves gently out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Y'ou needn't coax children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delicious taste, and it always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a .fifty-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, child ren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of coun terfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any ither kind with contempt. DEATH OF LITTLE GAIL PRES NELL On Saturday evening about five o'clock Oct. 17 the death anrel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Presnell and carried away the sweet spirit of their little 7 year old son Gail . The funeral service was con ducted by Rev. J. E. Thompson of Asheboro alter which the body was laid to rest in the new-made cemetery at West Bend, where a large congre gation had met to pay the last trib ute of respect to the departed. He was kind and effectionate bov. to know him was to love him. We miss the sweet smiles that he gave, we miss thee in the Sunday School, we miss thee everywhere. It is hard to give him up, but still God's will be done not ours. His vacant chair now empty stands, His voice we'll hear no more, Weep not loved ones, for God hath said, , Suffer little children to come unto Me. Gone to rest our little darling, Here no :.-o-; we'll see his face, B'it ve':i r-.et again in heaven, When v.oe run life's rugged race. Gone to rest asleep in Jesus, TJtesped hoe, we'll meet again, And in heaven there'll be no parting. We'll re free :"rom care and pain. Short his stay !iut how we miss him. Stricken hearts alone can say, When we see t'.e'little garments Miss the childis'i face day by day, Gone to rest, he's free from sorrow, With the ange s 'round God's throne, And soon we shall see him, But our hea' ts are sad and lone When we reach the pearly portals Of the city bright and fair, T'lere ven r-oet our little darling; H ? will bid us welcome there. An I with Jesus and the angels we wili dwell forevermore And we'll know our little darling, When we meet on that bright shore. JOSEPHINE CROSS, Asheboro, N. C. "Willie, why weren't you in school yesterday afternoon?" Do you want to know, too ?" "Of course "Oh, gee, teacher, Pa and Ma kept me busy all evening explaining that." Detroit Free Press. TIME-COST OF SAYING "MR." For more than a hundred years the clerks of the House of Representa tives have called the roll, beginning with A: "Mr. Abercrombie! Mr. Adair Mr. Adamson! Mr. Aiken! Mi. Ainey! Mr. Alexander!" etc., down to the last letter of the alphabet, some hun dreds of names. Last week, without warning, the House reading clerk, Mr. Haltigan, started a reform. He dropped the "Mr." The amazed Congressmen could hardly believe their ears when they heard him begin the roll-call: "Abercrombie! Adair! Adamson! Aik en!" and continue to the end of the list of 435 names. This roll-call consumed only twenty-three minutes, though thirty-five to fortv minutes is the usual time. It was a Saving of at least twelve min utes. There is always one roll-call a day and often twenty or more. The indicated saving is from twelve min utes to four hours in the time of the House. The mpmlinvs nro wnmlopino. that nobody ever thought of it before. LADIES! SEGRET 10 DARKEN GRAY WM Bring back color, gloss and thickness with Grandma's recipe of Sage and Sulphur. Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri ant; remove every bit of dandruff, stop ecalp itching and failing hair. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 60 cents a large bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can tell, because ii does it eo naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear yearn younger.