Lessons Come Easier TF the child has a bie, generous light to 1 study by. The LAMP saves eye strain. It is kerosene light at its best clear, mellow, and unflickcring. The RAYO does not smoke or smell. It is easy to light, easy to clean, and easy to rewick. The RAYO costs little, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) BALTIMORE Wuhinfton, D. C Norfolk. Va. Richmond, Va. Chariot!, N. C, CWUMco, W. V. Charleston, 9. C illl!Hinli.i.lMHllll,.!ili,.nrBMM Baby's Morning Dip "pOODNESS KNOWS, " , says grandmother, "what we'd do without this Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater." "If I'd only had one when you were a baby, you'd have been saved many a cold and croupy spell. For warming cold corners and isolated upstairs rooms, and for countless special occasions when extra heat is wanted, you need PERFECTION SMOKELEJHEATERS The Perfection is light, portable, inex pensive to buy and to use, easy to clean and rewick. No kindling, no ashes. Burns kerosene 'easy to handle and inexpensive. Smokeless and Odorless. At all hardrrj-e and general stores. Look fur the Triangle trademark. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) BALTIMORE d. c lUrMk, Vs. IriBiii, Vs. Ckarlotu, N. C. Ckariutoa, W. Vs. Ckariutoa, S. C AN ACTIVE LIVER MEANS HEALTH If you want good health, a clear complexion and freedom from dizzi ness, constipation, biliousness, head ache and indigestion, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They driva out fer menting and undigested foods, clear the blood and cure constipation. Only 25c at your druggist. NORTH nAROT.TMA. BAVTmni.PH I COUNTY. In the Superior Court. Notice of execution Sale. D. B. Langley, vs John B. Millner. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Randolph county in the above entitled action, I have levied on and will, on Monday the first day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1915, at 12 o'clock M. nt the Court House door of said county, at Asheboro, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion all the right, title, interest and estate which the said John B. Millner has in the following described real estate, towit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Randolph county, State of North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Thomas Harris, Zeb Tomllnson and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stone, Millner and Collett's corner, and running south ten chains to a stone in Thos. Harris' line; thence west eleven chains to a stone in the county line; thence north with the county line nine and sixty four one hundredths chains to a stone; thence east to the beginning, contain ing ten and eighty one-hundredths acres. Also another tract or parcel of land in Randolph county, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Thos. Harris. E. K. Millner and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning it a stone in Thomas Harris' line, E. K. Millner's corner and running thence north ten and twenty one-hundredths chains to a stone E. K. Millner s cor ner: thence east fourteen and seventy one one-hundredths chains to a stone; thence south ten and twenty one-nun dredths chains to a stone in 1 nomas Harris' line: thence west alone snid Thomas Harris line fourteen and seventy one one-hundredths chains to the beginning, containing 15 acres. Also another tract or parcel oi iana in Randolph county, State of North Carolina, adioinine the lands .f Zeb Tomlinson, Ben Collett and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Begin- nine at a stone in the county line near Truman Hilton's on the edge of the Turnoike Road and running north seventy degrees east along said road fifteen and fifteen one-hundredths chains to a stone on the south side of the said road: thence south ten de btpps west twenty tnree aim twenty five one-hundredths chains to a stone; thence west ten ana tmrty steven one-hundredths chains to stone in the county line; thence north to the beginning, containing twenty nv ucrcs. This the 29th day of December, A. D. 1914. J. W. BIRKHEAD, Sheriff, Randolph county L W. AUSTIN, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Sootb Main St. next to P. 0. HIGH POINT, N. 6. Was. C. Hammer R. C. Kelly HMAER & KELLY Attorneys at Law Office Second door from street in Lawyers' Row. DR. JOHN SWAM Dentist Office over First National Bank. Asheboro, N. C. Phone 192 NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me Dy an or der made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county in a &pe cial Proceeding therein pending enti tied E. P. Hayes Admr. vs John Hoov er et als., I will offer for sale at pub lie auction for cash the following de scribed premises situate, lying and be incr in Randolph county North Caroli na, in Randleman Township at the court house door of said county in the city of Asheboro on Saturday, January 30th, 1915, at 12 o'clock M said lands and premises being more particularly described as loiiows, to wit: Beginning at a white oak, and runs thence south 9.28 chains to a white oak; thence south 19 degrees west 2.05 chains to a stone; thence north 75 de grc.es west 17.69 chains to a stone in the middle of the creek; thence up the creek it's various courses 27 chains to a stone in the middle of the said creek at the ford; thence nearly east with Bell road 5.45 chains to a stone on the north side of said road Bennie Frazier's corner: thence north 6 chs. to a stone; thence east 27.64 chains to a stone near John McDaniel i house; thence south 13.45 chains to a stone in J. C. Frazier's line; thence west 22.15 chains to a stone; thence south 5 chains to a sycamore on the bank of the branch; thence west chains to th beginning , containing 65 M, acres more or less. This 28th clay of December, 1914. E. P. HAYES, Commissioner, CHAS. H. REDDING, Attorney. NOTICE A Mick miku a quart of I Soot waahlnf blua. lt'a all i la nra ma coat oi a ilaaa bottla. Sc at all atoeci. "Diamond, McDonnell Co, 40 in. tn Bt., fhlla. DR. D. K. LOCKHART Dentist ASHEBORO, N. C. Phone 28 Office over th Bank. Hours, 9 a.m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. THE BANK OF RANDOLPH Asheboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $60,000.00 Total Assets over $250,000.00 With amnle assets, experience and protection, we solicit the business of the banking public and feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our customers every fa cility and accommodation consistent with safe banking. D. B. McCrary, President. W. J. Armfield, V-President. W. J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier. J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier, CAROLINA PEOPLE TELL WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF MAYR STOMACH REMEDY Sufferers Find Swift Relief by Use of This Remarkable Treatment. Stomach sufferers in the Southeast and, in fact, all over the country have found remarkable and efficient results from the use of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach' Remedy. Many have taken this remedy and tell today of the benefits they re ceived. Its- effects come quickly the first dose convinces. Here is what two Carolina folks have written: W. R. DAVENPORT, Parker, N. C. MFor year's I have suffered from a disease which puzzled doctors. I heard of your remedy and one bottle gave me relief. Your full treatment has about cured me." J. E; ERWIN, Winston-Salem, N. C. "I am satisfied through personal use or the powers or your remedy. You have saved my life." These statements come from lettersand druggists everywhere, among thousands. This remedy is known and used throughout the Uni ted States. It has a record of results and proof.. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy clears tht digestive tract of mucoid accretions and removes poisonous mat ter. It brings swift relief to suffer ers from stomach, liver aad bowel troubles. Many say it has saved tit em from dangerous operations and many are surer-it has saved -heir live. We want all people who have ohron ic stomach trouble or constipation, no n.atter of how long standing, to try one done of Mayr's Wonderful Stom ach Remedy sn dose will convince you. This is the medicine so many of our people have been taking with surprising results. The most thorovgfe system cleanser ever sold. Mayr's. Wonderful Stomach Remedy is now sold here by Standard Druj Company DR. RAPER SIGGESTS NEW METHOD OF TAXATION NOTICE OF LAND SALE In a recent address on the subject of taxation in this State, Dr. Chas. Lee Raper, professor of economics in the University of North Carolina, sujr gests a new method of taxation t: take the place of the present one, which he considers defective. Amonjr the defects which he named are: That the same kind of property is now or. the assessment books at valuations varying from 3 per cent to 1 per ccti'. of fair cash value; that considerable property is not on the books at all; that one township pays more than il should and another less than it should to the same county; that one county bea's a larger proportionate share of the State's burdens than another; that a good many of the now famous "pauper" counties are really well-to-do. Dr. Raper believes the only way to reform this system is through effect ive machinery of assessments, both State and local. He would have the legislature of North Carolina creat" a state tax commission which would have charge of the assessment of the citizen's taxable property. This com- I mission should have ample power aw' WHY BUSINESS MUST IMPROVE Bv virture of the powers vested in the undersigned by decree rendered in the Superior Court of ttandoipn oo., in the action entitled Ja nes T. Wood, Administrator of Mary F. Caldcr, de ceased, vs. S. T. Moffitt, et al. I will sell at public auction at the court house loor in Asheboro, N. C, on the 9th day of January, 19J5, at 12 o'clock , auihoritv t0 6upervise the whole sys- m., w me iuBn miuuu. j iT i tern or assessment ano taxation; v- described lands lying and being 'njapp0jnt the oca assessors, and pre Randolph county, North Carolina, in . Bt.ribe rl,!es for them; to require al' Coleridge township, bounded as fo'- information available in the hands of public officials as to the valuation c property; to assess the taxables of corporations; to equalize the assessed valuations as between the counties of the State This commission, Dr. Raper believes should be composed of three men, who are non-partisan and who are skilled in matters of taxation. They shouW' give all their time to their official tasks. He thinks these tasks are those of careful business men rather than those of politicians. We should also have an efficient and permanent local office of assessment, manned b a capable man, who should devote all his time to this work or assessment, This local assessor should be appoint ed by the State Tax Commission and should be responsiDie to a. lows: Beginning at a stone formerly, now an iron stob east side o public road near Mrs. Louvena Brower's, house, running east 45 degrees south 150 ft. west of north to a stone corner; thence south 45 degrees west 72 feet to a stone corner; thence 45 degrees west of north 150 feet at the public road a stone; thence with said road a direct line 72 feet to the beginning corner, containing Vl acre, more or less. Terms of sale: One-third cash, bal ance on a credit of six months, deferr ed navments to bear interest at the legal rate from day of sale, approved security to be given therefor, title re tained until all purchase money is paid. ,i This December 2, 1914. JAMES T. WOOD, Admr. of Mary F. Calder, deceased. APPLICATION FOR COMMUTION OF SENTENCE Notice is hereby given that applica' tioa will be made for the commutation of ths sentence of Gurney Tysircger convicted and sentenced to the roads at ths July term of Randolph Superior Court 1914. MRS. GURNEY TYSINGER, Having qualified as administrator on the estate of H. H. Nance, deceased before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph County, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on the prem ises on the 22nd day of Jan. 1915, the following personal property, towit: one mule, one cow, lot of corn, lot of wheat some rough feed, la interest in wagon and mewing machine, one bugey, variety farming tools, house hold and kitchen furniture, some meat and other articles too tedious to men tion. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified on or before the 31st day of Dec. 1915 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all per sons owing said estate win come for ward and make immediate settlement. This 29 day of Dec. 1914. I. M. NANCE, Administrator H. H. Nance, dee'd. NOTICE Having qualified as executor on the estate of M. L. J. Monroe, deceased before W. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, I shall fell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the old home place near Farmer postofflce, N. C, on the 18 day of December, 1914. Some farming tools a lot of corn, wheat, oats and rye and other articles too tedious to mention. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 3 day of December, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 27 day of Dec. 1914. FANNIE CRANFORD aad EUGENIA HATCH. Executrixes of M. L. J. Monroe. NOTICE I hereby forbid all persens harbor ing sr hiring my children, Blanche, Sam and Trellis Taylor, without my consent. J. C. TAYLOR, Martha, N. C. This December 2, 1914. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Having qauilified as executors of H. B. Carter, deceased, late of Ran dolph county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to the undorsig'-ied on or before the 5th day of DecmliT, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate r.re requested to come forward end make immediate settlement. I. F. CRAVEN, MAGGIE M. CARTER, Executors. P.amscur, N. C. This the 25th day cf November 1914. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Robert E. Green, de ceased, before J. M. Caveness,, Clerk of the Superior Court of Itandolph county, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to I present them to the undersigned, duly vermen, on ur uciuic mc ui uj i nwemW. 1915. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and Kill persons owing said estate will pome forward and maice immediate settlement. This 22nd day of Dec., 1914. J. T. WOOD, Admr. NOTICE "Fundamentally this country is a good place to do business in," says the little book just issued by N. W. Ayer & Son, "because there are so many people here and because the great majority of them have means to buy things. So all our business prosperity goes back to the common welfare of the common people." Some who admit the truth of these statements say that this country is no longer so good a place to do busi ness as it used to be. They say the conditions of our past prosperity were largely accidental and such prosperity cannot be expected hereafter because we no longer have a "virgin continent to exploit," and so on. Well, Europe hasn't been "a virgin continent" for a great many centuries. i et though long in the condition in that regard which we are just begin ning to approach Europe has so pros pered as to be a' le to lend other con tinents billions of dollars. And there is another factor that must be taken into the account. It is thus stated by the thoughtful little book referred to: There never was a time when so many persons were trying in so many ways to make things better. This is the day for better things better food, better homes, better health, better babies and better busi ness. Winston-Salem Journal. IT REALLY DOES RELIEVE RHEUMATISM Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A LAND SALE By virtue of an order of the Supe rior Court of Randolph county in a special proceeding entitled "J. M. El lis, Administrator of Seth Cox, de ceased, vs. Cyrus Cox, et al.," I will, on the 1 6th day of Jar.uery, 19 .5 at 12:00 o'clock M., at the Court House door, in Asheboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, the following described real estate, to-wit: A tract of land in Coleridge town ship, consisting of 170 acres, or less, bounded on the north by C. D. Craven and Aaron Stout; on the east by Deep River; on the south by H. D. Wright and L. E. Wright, and on the west by Aaron Stout and Isabella Cox, it being the place on which Seth Cox resided at his death; subject to the dower of the widow. The terms of sale, one-third cash, one-third in three months, one-third in six months, title to be retained un- J. A Sl'SNCE. Oon'.'.iii-SLot.er. ANNUAL STATEMENT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. T. Foushee Attendance. 22 th-ys 2.00 Mileage, 416 fr , Expenses, trip t-i Raeford . Settling with Sheriff Expenses to Co. Com'rs Association $78.75 H. A. Tomilson Attendance. 15 days $2.00 30.00 Mileage, 702 5c 35.10 Everybody vho is afflicted with rheumatism in any form should by all means keep a bottle cf Sloan's Lini ment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness in a joint or muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it. Sloan's penetrates al most immediately right to the seat of pain, relievin.T the hot, tender, swool en feeling and making the part easy and comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. DISTANCE TRAVELED BY FLIES One of the problems that has arisen in connection with the part played by insects as carriers of disease concerns the distance which they may be able to travel from one locality to another. Until recently very little had been known with regard to the migration of the common house fly. A series of studies conducted in Cambridge, England, on the range of the flight of flies has thrown some light upon the subject. Upward of 25,000 flies were liberated from the medical build ings at Cambridge. Of these insects, colored for identification, 191 were re covered. The result showed that house flies tend to travel either against or across the wind. The ac tual direction followed may be deter mined by the action of the wind or by the Cies being attracted by the odor of food. The maximum flight observed in the thickly housed local ities in Cambridge was about a quar ter of a mile. In the open country the distance would probably be greater. However, alnion any reasonable dis tance may be cohered by the Hy under compulsion to reach food and shelter. 8 8 Don't Merely "Stop" a 8 44.00.1 8 n..u ;5 2o.8 ! 8 Cough ; 4.00 g Stop the Thin that Cauea It x M and the CooKh will ? 8-20 A gtop Itaelf C 65.10 . A. Withers Attendance, 6 days $2.00 12.00 Mileage, 80 5c 4.00 $16.00 D. A. Cornelison, 8 days $2.00 16.00 Mileage, 156 5c 7.80 Expenses trip to Raefoid . . 5.00 $28.00 W. J. Scarboro Attendance, 4 days $2.00 $8.00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. I, George T. Murdock, Register of Having qaulified as administrator on the estate of Everett Davis, deceas ed, before W. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph coun- n nf niH mnniv nnH rwu Et ty, all persons having claims against . officio to the County Board of Com said estate are notified to present missioners of said county, do hereby them to the undersigned, duly veri- certify that the foregoing is a true fied, on or before the 10th day of De- report of the items and amounts au- rcmUr 1Q1.V or this notice will be 1 A;A onrl ollruoH kv tVio aniA RnnrH pleaded In bar or tneir recovery; ana all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 2nd day of December, 1914. W. E. DAVIS, Admr. Plnson, N. C. to the members thereof for the year ending November 30, 1914. This the 1st dav of December, 1914. GEO. T. MURDOCK, Register of Deeds and Clerk Ex Officio to the Board of Commission ers of Randolph county. A cough is reallv one of our best friends. It warns us tliat there is in flammation or obHtruction in a. danirer. ini puu-r. i nureiorn, wnen you en bad cough don't proceed to dose yourself wuu a tut oi urugB mat met tne coukii temporarily by deadening 1 throat nerves. Treat the cause heal the stop' the inflamed membranes. Here in a honiA. made remedy that gets right at the cause and will, make an obstinate cough vanish more quickly than you ever thought pos sible. Put 2li ounces of Pinex (50 tents worth) in a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. This gives you a full pint of the most pleasant and effective cough remedy you ever "used, at a cost of only 54 cents. No bother to prepare. Full directions with Piaex. It heals the inflamed membraaea so gently and promptly that you wonder how it does it. Also loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough and stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose ooagh. Pinex is a highly concentrate! som pound of Norway pine extract, rich in sruaiacol, and is famous the world over for its healing effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "24 ounces of Pinex, ancl don't accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded, goes with this preparation. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Iod.