Pi " I Innr-MMm WRITF.S OF WILSON'S IT! CAMgrg VniTP HAIP FROM WITHIN THE STATE ITEMS OF LIVE NKWS (JATilEU EI) F!U)M KXCHANGKS AM) CONDENSED IN BRliiF IV for i;rsi i:eo;;rs. a cc.l I'M IN ONE PARAGRAPH. The .University of North Carolina now has 'one thousand pupi's, the .'ar gent number in its history. Lee coi.nty has joined the for." of proe-ross. Siiti'il:iy bv an over whelming :.:a.-r'ty ''- il.'is ' ized the insnnnce of another $1Ui, 000 in bonds to build good roads. Tr.is is the ,; ;n! hum'-.'-.'i; thousand to Iv voted vithi:ir two years. Saturday ti store of . !! lotto, t gelhu of goods va J. li. .VrV tV: V("'f t:V.'UO.' giit at li:"-) th? li kr, I: l.. u i Ji their entire s 1 r . .1. Tl-e slo.-i Ti. il'liii'. nun.h'T iels conveying t.io information t:-.. lii.ain ,li uier.;--d the invitation of ti '.fral A.-;. "h Salf.rdav .Kir.u:"1 Secretary ol ;-'!:;. i lirvan had aer. pti the M-t ('iv.liiu to address 'Jvoi (v HO. Mr. liryau will also ad.iress ti.o Social Soi'.i.e 'oil u.-re.-s wl.i. n wili -held in Ka'eili .!a:i. -'.) a':d The eleeantiy furnished home of Fred H. 0i'K-r, of Slaiesvillo, was completely destroyed by lire Saturday nipht about '.) o'clock. The lire origi nated in the servant's loom on the second floor. Mrs. .1. N. McKeo, and Mr. and Mrs. I "rank C Lewis, of .,.-;,..... . ... -: . ... . . o .. in their i-v s . :i f'o sooon n ..: and cmio n-.ir L-ciiiB cut ot" fron escape bv 'e f:;i."'S The io.. ...... sever.;' i': : . -.'l do!:a;v. St:itesii!o har enaKod the services of a vivilin.tr nurse, Mrs. Vera 1!. Jones, of Nashville Tean. Mrs. Jones wiil work arnon the more unfortunate families of ti.e ti-wn ford to employ a nu res as l: the care of I who cannot al st , tfivinjr advi ;io sick, mstriiel onj;' tno linos of inp the Inn:.-.. domestic science, i-anitation, etc.. anil tojuhilijl ti.cni how i.i iirevont lis eascc. Her salary of S'.HK) has been pledged by the people of tne tow., and she will operate under the au spices of the Civic league. Mr. M. T. Norris. a merchant of Raleigh and a member of a wide! known family, was killed in his house Saturday morning in a mysterious manner. Mr. ivorris arose eariy ancr the midnight hour and went down stairs to investigate a noise. He cou'ol find nothing and returned to bed. ter sunrise, a hired . ,niln I what would you do right now if you' Many of our farmers who have came up and reported to Mrs. Nonv I niui a severe "cold ? Could you do bet-' heretofore depended wholly on cot that her husband was deal with a bu.- tel. tjian to take Chamberlain's Cough . ton or tobacco or on both of these let wound. A pistol was found m-3'" it :c V,;,lv recommended stanles. for n livinir will from the him. but that circumstances leads the coroner to the belief that another man ; shot him. It is know n, the coroner j declares, that the weapon did not bo- lone to the dead man and it is b lieved by the officer that the burv". placed it there to give the homic" " an appearance of suicide. The kitch en window was found raised. Five persons lost their lives v.hr 1 The Northwest has been planting crops their sole stake, failing even the gasoline vacht Julia, en route from apple trees at such a rate as to cause to cultivate, in some cases, vegeta Nor'olk to lie-uifo-t went down ea; v. !talk already of a coming condition ot bles and useful truck patches, while Friday morning The dead are: J. V. over-production. The Department of a large proportion of them do not Murray l?or!;ngton: Gustavus Dec!-1 Agriculture of Washington State raise their bread and sullicier.t food son NorfolK- Mrs W. E. Porch. P.eau-. inls that in the Spring of 191M, the for their stock. Farmers of the fort and the two men that operau farmers there planted 72ri.l0 trees, North and West 'have been more the boat Mrs Murray, the only sir while in the fall of that year, oOG,- prosperous because they grow first vivor swam two miles to the shore. more went into the ground. In 0f all those things which they con Mrs Murray has been unable to gi the spring of 1014 the number ot consume. The failure of a market a comprehensive account of the expto- sion further than to say that it or- curred a short time before 1 o'clock , and that it was caused v the striking - ., i, in-nltod vunnriyed iraoline which had leaked from tc. tank. Mrs. Murray says that she re- members seeing a man strike a niaiei and then a great flash and the next thing that she remembers was heir, in the water and grasping a float:", plank. An enveb.no coiVnirincr S'.OOrt in i. ... i. :...,j.pr..(l f-ori tile l.o-.et cif l a, it. V. . .o- VVO.i vetevan i -th Line P.., ryir- t t'on for to have Ft on by fie ' an tbf COM conoiiet n the Tarboro-Ply- rcn.-b if the Atlantic Co tread last -ek. H was c: e n-n-'-v a ao o--,niO(- d f- WiPii.r-i . ommcd-'.t ion no ev press which r.io frV'ub- as t: .laT"! V'l'fn thrf" rniht ibe t"nsmi't.ed.. The r. which wall plowed in his ir.sido iioii ct was' net missed until' he V.toi inot;i a Tppresenlative of one. of the bid'1' of Wi'liaYnsfon. ,A. search was miidc nnd 'fuisstfru'evft volurilfere.il to sf--and inany iukol to be searched but r trace f the money has yet been foun -. m Strength i for Motherhood MOTHERHOOD is not a time for experiment, but for provmn qualities, and nothing exceeds tne vaiae of (rood cheer, needful exercise and SCOTT'S EMULSION. SCOTT'S EMULSION charge the Mood with life-sustaining tichnes, eppresses nervous conditions, aids tbe quality and quantity of milk j and insure sufficient fat - lteCOOUVTROafMJrTn tin elk. 3m UE ami SODA A -fit 1 aras nam ana mii uasuas mar. R Uf i M- AMyS.rfrrttaf. Ho Alcohol Ji f . EAT CABBAGE, FISH, SAUSAGS, NEW BREAD ape's V''. :; opsin" Digests Food When Stomach Can't Cures Indigestion Do some foods you eat hit back r,ic rood, but work badly; ferment t; stubborn lutrms and cause a s'ck simp, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or .Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin digests everything, leaving net '.liny to ?! and ttoset you. There in or was uiything so sai'-.'iy quick certainly effective. No difference hew badly your s-tomaeh is disordered you wiM 'get !ri;i v relief in live miiu'tcs, but v h;:t pb-ases yo.t most is thai it ..treiigihons ami regulates yoi'r sieni-i'-h si von can wit vour favorite fouls without four. Most 'virviors give vou re'ief sonic- but not run .:po s 1! Dial" aov stomach di-order. the VAi.ri: or r:u: MLNG HOLE D S'VIM- 1 The real val.'o of the old wimminT ; hole, in which mvny happy lion's, f ihildhood were spent, was ner-r.-' botti-r dcinonstrat- d than by Mrs. J. ; W. Murray who swam two miles from t the v. rcckod yacht "Julia" in Eastern t N'o-th Carolina Friday morning. Ami ethe-s aboard the iil-fated vacht were. 'owned. h"t Mr. :!.! .Mrs. Murvi'-j ':iv'-'- how lo swim and made good use of i.''e.. k'vw ledi.-e. Hoys and fir's -'on'. I !arn to swim, and parents sho'i'd throw r.o .-tur-'blnm' IiIock u; t'icir v.::y. Wiustrn t'ahm Journal. To Kef .'.bove Sert'id Grind. Tin thing one lovi..-' to ii is never tiro: ome, am! if o i era t acil joiyself to i ;iy i lie com;ur;: u.irf.i' ihiio will never bo any ilopro.-.- ii.j: lu'ipie. i'or liaps one rati r. cr crow to love tho drutlg'-ry lL.rt of ,i,;y vo.U, but it" iho mind is kept above it, ly '.voimIus to ward a nu tv e:.:ti. at way of perform ing the .;vk. or if :ici that, by training the mind to do the homely tilings with tin- thoughts on soin ibiug else, you ; : wik obviate much cf ilie usual wearl- I ness, especially in tho housework rou WHAT WOI LI) YOU DO? There are manv times when one man nuestions another's actions and mot- jves - Men act differently under differ- Af-ient circumstances. The question is, bv pepp0 w-0 have used it for years ' aml kl)ow jts vaiue. jirs. 0. E. Sar-1 penti eru, lnd., says: "Chamberlain's ! t - ougll Remetiv js worth its weight in guld and I take pleasure in recom mending it. I' or sale by all cleaiers. SETTING OFT APPLE TREES "PPe trees coming jntn ' bearing was "lr"1 ."""er ;.w,!)6J, a total of l.oSo .2!.. in less than two years. We eve inere is sue. a u.ii.u as over-doing the tree-planting busi- "ess- an laic, we are ininK a . the apple tree planters to set to work in an nion 10 incr-siiR-s .miiui vara- Una. Charlotte Observer. ; ; , ; T i NOTICE Meeting of the Board of County Com- inissioners -,-:., i t-,.,.(,.. ft-,.,; n rnret- iiik ol tne l.oail oi commissioners Commissioners of Randolph county for the more con- voi. lent dispatch of the business awa'ting the attention and considers- lion oi tne noun! r.as neon caueii ami will be held at the Court House '"; Asheboro. N". ('., on Saturday, the 2'!cd d;iy of January. 1915, beginirr.;: iii'-no (,'. !()k A'. M. i'v oider of tii" Chairman of P-mrd. This the lilth dav of Jan.. 1!U t;no. T. MURIi'OCK, Clerk. Wood's Seeds Wood's Descriptive Catalog for 1315 has been carefiilljr r"-'-jared ro ;m to cpaMi our farmo'rs and market growers to determine lntelli 'guntly as to tbe hert and most profi f.al 'le.'crops which they can undertake .to grow. . ' '" ''-.- The present agricultural conditions maUe it very teeessary to consiKpr tae question of divorsilie l crops, and our catalog civea . full information, both in reata to . , Farm and Garden Seeds t'aat can be planted to profit and advantage. Write for Docr5pt!vo Catalog: and p noes of any Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Grain or Seed Potatoes required, Catalog mailed on request. T. WCOd"& SONS, Soedssien, - Eictoioad,Vi." LAWS TO EN'FOKCE HORSE W333acea3Cg VLLtAllJLiiJ lUUAXUIlIll. Wilmington Star. If anyone should ask you what's the matter with cotton, you can an swer right off the reel that it is ama ingly large curtailment of demands and extraordinary amplitude of pro duction. Arbitrary curtailment or demand is due to the unanticipated world tragedy over which we have no control whatsoever. It is (iuite possible for us to con trol production, hut we don't do so because wo always have been heed less of a1 1 the hip crop lessons of the past. We persistently increase our acreage and pay the penalty for fla grant violation of the law of si-i-"-and dcm;.nd. We have "bull" idea? about cotton "H positively tlisph.y a lac!; o1' i'Mjuneiil when ' p'ant the kind '.' i:vp I'.irt enables the "bcair" t p;:t the bulls on i.' - the log' briefest possible va ally up reduction of imedy for cotton, and l'o-d cops acreage i't .i-: -i.-nHiiral ills. drt'o- prescribe f.v ; of lead: take u dose ooot ion ii and low pr , e all the njrr'e i.i linapial i;n f.i-a' o.-is of the South ' Wonis of a ih -astro: arc all i:i the same it is nvked the win deep water together i tinsoivable .s character. ii'-' V. e . oat, and so :' push pet h r : I We haven't got a word of advice to I cive, but unless wo can repeal t'-i I 'aw of supply and demand we had bet tor have a commission appointed t 'regulate our judp-moiu. wny, thev are even talking about legislative acts to compel us to curtail our acreage, rnd before this court loses its jurisi4". tion it will rule that such enactment would not mean anything in the world but making us legally responsible fo" letting our hovse sense run. at large : without a bridle. ' We may as will unburden here the presumption that statute lawyers u' ready are raking over the State aim National Constitutions in order to as i certain if they contain any limitations Win lawmaking bodies in passing in i hihitory or punitive statutes, making ' individuals liable for pernicious ac tivity in planting cotton, tobacco or i peanuts. , '"Whither are drifting" on a sea .'of trouble which war has ma : hard to navigate without a rudder? AN ACTIVE LIVER MEANS HEALTH If you want g.iod health, a clear complexion and freedom from dizzi- ness, constipation, biliousness, head aches and indigestion, take Dr. King's New Life Pill3. They drive out fer menting and undigested foods, clear the blood and cure ct nstipation. Only 25c. at your druggist. RURAL ECONOMY year 1!)!4 change their tactics and diversify. The failure of the cotton this season will teach a much needed lesson that some farmers would learn in no other way than through sorrow . ful experience. The farmers of the South more ; than those of any other section are ' guilty of making one crop or two or the close does not ca he has in hi lose circulation oi money cause him to fall because his store houses the things that are essential. Whenever a farmer of this clasf settles in a section ot tne soutn his thrift and independence always ex- cite comment. Here is a case in point related by an exchange: a landowner in North Carolina sold a Indiana man a farm at what he con- sidered a high price. The Indiana man paid for the place with the pro- cceds of his first year'.-, crops and ..,-. f .,n 1 rc0 nrr?"i He did not plant a hiil of cotton: but raised crocs that sold readilv in P;li-iv spring, marketed money-gettir.g products all summer, raised more for sale in the' autumn ai:d made; hir meat from hogs V.hic'i grew f:-t o what would otherwin1 have been thrown awav. Thus he followed ; systc-m which illustrates the best tyr of rural economy. A; d a tiller n' l!ie soil who farms something li!." this will fare well who" the o man is experiencing t'.e pan,rrs bf hard, times. Exchan.ee. HAPPY M'O'lKN Plenty if Them in Good Rcaseii 1 shchoro, !or It and Wouldn't eT)yw.ni(.!i be happy. After1 yearn 'hf bhc'oishe . suffcri'v.T. Dnys of Misery, i Tigris of. unroot, , , The di. --tresis of i.-ir.'iry.'U-oubs, When she finds freedom. !' Many readers will prMit-.by the fol lowing. ' ' 1 . Mrs. D. A. Dorset,, R. K. No. 2, Seagi-ove, N. C, says: "I spent a great iiri of money-in an eirort to rid my se'f qf kidney complaint, but I did not seem to improve. 'I lout greatly in health and strength 'and could scarcely walk a hundred yards.- The kidney secretions gave me great an noyance and I became despondent and nervous. I regained my strength and weight since I used Doan's Kidney Pills and I have not suffered from the least symptom of kidney com , plaint. I am glad to give Doan's Kid- ney Pills the entire credit fori this cure." 1 ' ' - ' Price 50c, at all dealers. : Don'1 simply ask for a kidney remedy gel Doan's Kidney Pills the same ths I Mrsi Dowsett had. J"ijster-Milburn Co. I Props., Buffalo, NTY. ", Don't Merely "Stop" a Cough Stop the Thlnir that Canar It aad tar Couch will Stop llnelf A eough is renllv one of our best friends. Jt warns us t l.at there is in llaiiiinution or obstruction in a danger ous place. 'Ilierefore, when you get a b;icl cough don't proceed to dose yourself with a lot of drills tluit merely "stop" the cough temporarily by deadening the tliroiit nerves. Treat the cause lionl tho inllciiied nieml-ram s. I lore is n home made remedy that gets right nt the cause and will inuke an obstinate cough vanish more quickly than ou ever thought pos sible. Put 2V. nuiier of Pinny !i0 cents worth) in a pint bottle and lill the bottlo wit ii plum griiiiiilati'd suuur tot-up. Una gives vim a lull pint of the most pleasant and effective rough remedy yen overused, at a co-t of only f4 cpiiU. No bother to Piopiiiv. lull direct ions with 1'inex. j Tt henls the inflamed ruemhninod so , gent I v (Hid proinptlv that von wonder' I how it does it. Also loo-ens a dry, hnnrso j or tight cough nnd slops the t'onnittion of i phlegm in the throat mid bronchial tiihia, thus ending the persistent louse cough. I Pinex isn hiehlv oonornli-itod com I pound of N'orwnv pine evlrai'l. rich in I giiainenl. nnd is famous the world over ; for its healing effect on the nu inlirniies. nvo'(' disappointment, ask vour drug'jist for ounces of Pinex."'nnd don't accept nnvtliinr else. A giinrnntee Jut,-' oi iinsoiuie saiismction, or money prompt : ly refunded, goes with this preparation. the t'niex Co., Ft. Wnyne, Ind. ALCOilOL "FOOD OF FOLLY" Professor Finds Apparent Increase of th'ir breath away, rour mil ion Energy Through Its I'se a Deceit I publicans said the same thing two ; years ago when they broke away f roi Roston Transcript. I their life-long party allegiance a Alcohol and all the other deleterious voting the Progressive ticket, drugs must be put among the liars, We have in the White House todu: who appea to tne fool or the self-in- the Kreatest President since TI orna , dulgent, who cannot otherwise be ac- je!rerson, and he was put there I v t quitted of folly. As the most popular Democratic voters. The Republican of these inducers of waste alcohol has woull, ive minions of dollars tomr been put to recent thorough test in sy row for ns valuable asset as Wood tematic Germany, where the En- rovv Wilson. Not only does he stand pei-or has convinced himself that it is out ple.erriiient'v as the greater t fig a foe of his peoples eflicienry in war ,. in Amer-'can' politics at this time, and trade. l)ut is g0 ,.efra,.fPti by all the Nations A nrofessor in the University of 0f the earth." Munich said thot alcohol, even ir small doses is an inevitable limitrr oi htima:i capacity for work and of hu man capacity to endure fatigue. The experiments have been tried hundreds of times by scientists in different places. "In every instance a definite measurable loss in muscular ellicien- cy was demonstrated." What happens under the investment of money in alcoholic drinks is mere- chance to grow a calf or a colt, why ly self-deceit. The drinker is per- not the girl? If the boy has his bit suaded by the drug that he is doing of ground set apart for a garden spot more, but the test of fact demon- with assurance that whatever he ca strates that he is slowing down and grow on that plot of earth shaM b doing less. The tests showed that this his, w hy not place the girl on a1 is quite as true of mental as of mus- equal footing? If it is good for th cular action. boy to be out of doors, to dig in tl These carefully studied results con- ground and do some things for him firm all long-continued experience in 8Cif, why should the farmer girl b putting the promises of stimulus shut away from the privilege? I r which alcohol presents (and some- lieve the farmer fjirl ought, to bf times pictures for use on the bill- given a chance te learn how to ' boards) in the same category as the all kinds of farm work and to have mining prospectuses and other get- share in the returns. Why not? The rich-quick projects that flood the exercise she would thus get would mails and fill the waste baskets of make her stronger and more long the wise. ! lived. We hear it said that the worn- Money spent in drink is money en of our day are deteriorating phys spent in lessening mental and muscu- j ically. That they do not endure a lar energy. It is not really invest- much as their mothers used to and ment, as "the spending of money in that the coming generation will be an wholesome food and drink must al-' inferior race of people. How much wnva he Tt- is dissinntion. scattering.' truth there may be in that is not now diminution. It is spending money to go backward. TWO NEEDED LAWS Renresentative-elect Hutchinson of Mecklenburg has heard that there will every respect. be a demand on the Legislature for a ' And then, it sometimes seems as if more stringent bird law. He will also the boy is favored above his sister in hear that there will be a demand for his opportunity to master tools anc a dosr law, and Mecklenburjy farmers books and in the acquirement of will be among the foremost in advo-: know ledge as to the woods and tin cacy of the latter. The fnrmers who fields, the flowers and the birds ami have gone into the lives tock indus- . the other little creatures of the coun try are tired of the depredations by j try. How often we hear it said, "Take dogs and are going to head a move- the boys with you out into the field.' ment to secure a law giving some and talk with them as you go abou. relief. As to birds what is needed ; an things in nature." But why r is an absolutely closed season for a i )et the girls go along, too? Why leave term of not less than five years. The I tnem ;n the house to bend over some decimation of the partridge the past ' bit of sewing or to pound away by few seasons is a matter that is giv- the hour on the piano, while the bo ing the farmers serious conre-n. The j are 0ut enjoying the life of the on situation is one which calls for dras-jMind, it is right and proper to ieaiu ti- rotirm by te Legislature. Chrr-'i-,. to t pnd to plav th? man" v lotte Observer. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Supplied Wili ThedW, Black-Drangbt McDu'f, Va. "1 suffered for several years, says aus. j. . ninantf, i his place, "with sick headache, and Eloir.acn uouue. ' ' Ten y-ars agi a friend told tne to try Thfdford'S B!ack-Drnu"ht, which I dia, ind 1 found it to be Hie best family medi cine, lor young an'j old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the time now, and when my children feel a little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it does them more good than any medicine they ever tritd. We never have a long spell cf sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Ehck-Draught Is purely vegetable, and has been found to , regu late weak stomachs, aid dif-cstion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and sinulai symptoms. It has been In constant use for more than 70 years, and has benefited more than a million people.. . . Your draught sells and recommends Black-Draught. Price only 25c. Get a Backage to-day. N.CU3 In a recent issue of the Winston Salem "Journal, Mr. J. H. Halloway, a traveling man writes .favoring At torney General Rickett for Governor and says Hugh Chatham will be the nominee for Congress in the fifth dis trict. Mr. Halloway pays high tribute to Governor Craig and to President Wil son. He says: "Two things happened recently that pleased the Democrats of both the State and Nation im mensely Governor Craig's messag to the Legislature and President Wi " soli's 'Jackson day' speech. "The Governor's message was one of the greatest State papers ever subml'. ted to a North Carolina Legislatm Your correspondent is yet to hear t first unfavorable comment on the Gov ernor's message. I'ee.-idoiK Wilson's Jackson D;n speech has no parallel in the hist; .-, of American politics. He lifted hide o!f the P.epublicans and rubbed the salt of reason on the raw spot i-sn' all they can do is squirm around arc groan. Just as the Republicans im agined they were getting themscc out of 'the slough of despond' (i:,; which they fell two years ago) and were getting their feet on solid gro; : again, along comes the President nr.. by a few pertinent remarks shove them in worse than ever. The Ko ' licans simply cannot answer t" speech, although some of their able, leaders have attempted to do si The President's declaration that th Republicans had not brought out : original idea in thirty years to SOMETHING SHOFLD IE DON! FOR THE FARMER GIRL There are some few things that ought to be done for the farmer giri of the present time, lhmk of them nlomont. ve ought to give her ji as fair a show as we do the farmer bov. That is. if we give the hoy under discussion; just let us say that one way to make it sure that no such thing; ever will happen to the Ameri can woman is to give her a chance to walk side by side with her brother everywhere and tt) build UP a phy- sique that shall be equal to his in j to do a'.i kinds of work in the horo and yet, is there any reason wny u privilege of the out-of-doors shoe be denied them? BILLY" SUNDAY "Rillv" Sunday is net onlv stirring up things in Philadelphia, but he is (also dividing houses against them- selves in North Carolina. Charity aivi Chi'drcn, the Baptist paper at Thorn- j r Sf'" Si" of ti' Z7I ;:nd rpgrettinjr t'lat Sunday has oi distanced Pnm io sensational pn'iit methods and th mf of s'ang in the . nonse m wi. un ........ Bib'ical Recorder, the Baptist par naner p.t Raleigh, is rithpr inclined to ford S'i:-dnv. Whi!" admitting thi't he is pet it tyne of minister, at the same time th Recorder recognizes hat the evpngeMst ii doin rood ."n.1 by his unusual methods is reaching thousands of people that ethenHse never would be hro'ifrht to Ch-, Vj are inclined to the view that the Recorder is' right,' though We confess that Sunday's pet phrase. "hooV with God," makes us shudder. Win ston Salem Journal.' YOUR COLD IS DANGEROUS BREAK IT UP NOW A cold is readily catching. A run down system ia susreotable to Germs, You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at enrc. Dr. r,ell's Pine-Tar-Honep is fine for Colds nnd Covffhs. It looser the Mucous, stops the Cough and soothes the Lungs. It's guaranteed Only 25c. a your Druggist , It Becomes Thick, Wavy, Lustrous and all Dandruff Disappears Hair Stops Coming Out Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this ' ill cleanse the hair of dust, dire or any excessive oil in a few min utes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lus ter and luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and fall ing hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and su.ishine are to vegetation. It goes rijrht to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. It. oxliilurating, stimulating and life-pro ducing properties cause the h;:ir t grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, s:r-, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if y , v ill just get a 23 cent bottle of Kne v! ton's Danderine from any drug st or toilet counter and try it as directed. SOME THINGGS THE STATE II V TO SELL "Few people know," said Mr. W. 11. Camp, Chief of the Division of Mar kets, North Carolina Experiment Stii tion, "that North Carolina has a corn belt. From Eastern North Carolino 150,000 bushels of Horse Tooth corn are exported to Germany each ye. besides several thousand bushels are sold locally. In the current number we have 65,000 bushels of corn listed all of which should find a good local market. Our mills grind one million of Western corn each year and ov merchants buy four millions two hun dred and seventy-six thousand more. Several of the growers who have com listed can ship in car load lots. An who are interested in boosting 'a North Carolina market for North Carolina products' should send their orders to our own corn belt and give earn tarmer the top of the marker. The black land of Eastern North Cai olina grows the very best white corn. "We also have oO.OOO bushels or Western North Carolina apples and 15,000 bushels of soja beans listed, in addition to many other farm pro ducts." News & Observer. FREE TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION The Southern Woman's Magazine is offering a trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition with all expenses paid by them. Full information will be sent on request. Write Manager Exposition Tour, Southern Woman's Magazine, Nashville, Tenn. adv. PROMPT ACTION WILL STOP YOUR COUGH When you first catch a Cold (often indicated by a sneeze or cough) break it up at once. The idea that "It does not matter" often leads to serious complications. The remedy which immediately and easily penetrates the lining of the throat is the kind de manded. Dr. King's New Discovery sbothes the irritation, loosens the phlegm. You feel better at once. "It seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough" is one of many honest testimonials. 50c. at your Druggists. SYSTEM OF RURAL CREDITS NEEDED Mr. S. H. Hobbs, of Clinton, who was here last week, believes that, one of the pressing needs in this State is a system of rural credits for the farmer. "The crop-lien system," said Mr. Hobbs, "is a system of rural credits but such a system it is! it means that farmers pay interest anywhere from fifteen to two hundred per cent. Is it any wonder that the farmers can not get ahead under such a handicap as that? "We must devise some such arrange ment as that which obtains in Eurore whereby co-operative credits for the farmers something on the order of the building and loan plan can he pd in tvp country. The nlan worVs in Europe and has worked there for years and it will work here. "And a system of land credits is also needed. In his country you can borrow money if you are a land-o"T " and have a reputation for honesty. But you can borrow it for only three months at a time. At the end of t -three months you may be able f get the note renewed or you may no'. Long time loans at a reasonable ia'" of interest are the sort of land cred.ts that the farmer can reasonably ex pect." News & Observer.- IF HEADACHY, DIZZY BILIOUSASCARETS" Tonight! Ocnn Your Bowels ai:f Mop heauarue, l oias. Sour Stiimnch G?t a 10-ccnt box now. You're bilious! You have a thn-b-bing sensation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, yous skin is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your lips are parch ed. No wonder you fee! ugly, met :r and ill-tempered. Your sy.tf-rri ;s fu of bile not properly passed off, and what you. need is a c leaning v side.: . Don't-continue being a bilif!',s nuisance to yourself, and those who trtve you,' and dpn't. resort to 1 physics that irritate and injure. Ke member that most disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels are cured by morr.ing with gentle, thorough Cascarets they work while you sleep A 10-cent box from your druggist will Viton emir liver and bowels clean; 1 stomach sweet, and your head clexr for months. Children love to take Sascarets because they taste good and never gripe or sicken. I