THE COURIER Asheboro, N. C, Thurs., Jan. 21, 1915. LOCAL AN.U PERSONAL Mr. Colon Spencer, of Mebane, was in Asheboro a few days this week. Mr. W. J. Baldwin, of Spies, was in town on business yesterday. Mr. C. C. Cranford went to Greens boro on business Monday. 1 Dr. J. B Shamburgei. of Star, was in Asheboro Monday evening Mr. C. G. Frazier spent Sunday with relatives in the Staley section. 11m. C. B Griffin spent last we, with relatives in Burlington Cogressmarf R. N. Page has ap pointed Mr. G. T. Macon as postmas ter at Farmer. Rev. Mr. Norwood preached in tvt. Presbyterian church Sunday mornir.f and evening. Mrs. C. L. Whitaker and son Clifton returned Friday from the eastern par. f tie State where they have been visiting relatives and friends. Solicitor Hayden Clement, Salis bury, was in Asheboro Sunday nigni on his way to Troy where court is in session this week. ' Mr. J. O. Forrester and son, of Rar.. eeur Route 2, were in town Mond:r Mr. Forester called at The Courier flice and renewed his subscription. Sme rabbit hunters jumped a fox in the Level Cross neighborhood las. week and caught him after fifteen minutes chase Uib. T. C. Wood, of Chanotte, re cently visited her parents, Mr. and Mm. E. L. York, of the Central Fa.'is sectioa. Msssrs. L. L. Whitaker, Chas. M. Fox and Clarence Rush have returned iron Rowan county where they spent several days hunting. Mrs. Oscar Andrews has returned to her home in Newton after spending some time with her father, Mr. S". Smith, on Asheboro Route 2. The Asheboro Candy Kitchen has moved from the corner building near the depot to a part of the building o. cupied by J. E. Harden. Miss. Mittie Lovett has returned from Burlington where she spent some time with relatives and friends. Mrs. Allie Boroughs accompanied her home and will spend several days. The Piedmont Chair company has resumed operations after a standstill of a short time. The factory is run ning on full time and is working the usual number of hands. Miss Alice ttpent Sunday father. Mr. 1 gold left Monday for Lenoir to enter Davenport College. MRS. E. H. MORRIS HOSTESS To 1 MEMBERS OF RANDOLPH Btn.v : CLl'B j Mr. Irvin Cox, of Ulah, was a busi ness visitor in town Tuesday. Messrs. R. I. Dickens and Jesse Scarboro are representing the Ashe boro Masonic lodge at the state meet ing at Raleigh this week. Miss Florence York, who is attend ing the Asheboro Graded school, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. York at Central Falls. Mrs. Arie Elizabeth McDonald, of Seagrove, died December 31, aged 33 years. Mrs. McDonald is survived by a husband, five children, two sisters, one brother and her father. The lynching of two women am. two men alleged to have beaten tc death a police chief at Monticello, Ca adds another black mark on our civ ilization and the fact that the vietir,.. are colored does not palliate or miti gate the fearful tragedy. Mr. John J. Turner, of Indianapolis, Ind., has arrived in town and is pro paring to open a grocery store i. the building recently erected by 1 Moore. Asheboro people are glad to have Mr. Turner return and make his home among them. He will move his family here later. Mr. W. C. Hayes died at his home on Seagrove R. F. D. last week, lie was 35 years old and was a son of Mr. W. N. Hayes. Surviving are: li s wife, father and mother, two sisters, and one brother. He was buried in the Antioch cemetery. The funerai services were conducted by Kev. T. E. White. The Willing Workers of the M. E. church re-organized last Sunday and changed their name to a Junior Phi lathea class. The officers are as fol lows: President. Alice Phillips; vice president, Alice Birkhead; secretary, Faye Ferree; secretary and treasurer, of the Foregn Mission department, Lucile Morris. The kind words of appreciation said and written to us about The Cou rier are more than appreciated. The Courier is trying to till a mission. Abuse and bitterness, it at an urnc j w r)ixon- D A Ruro.ess W w pix strives to avoid. Those who are ;-; on, J L Clark, F .1 St.wl, .T 11 Bilk spomnng 10 our leiiue&is jui i ; head, c; A Snvdor, 1 8 Do-h 7 tances for arrearages and paynu.. ; navja, j g Cartel-, C B I.'nir' -' 11 in advance are not a few. iCallicutt, G H H:irvis-n J T St1"''1"' il.eo. W Keitzol. 1. M 0 II LASSITER-DALTON ! One evening last week at the homo of Mr. and .Mrs. Charles E. 1'ugh, oi: A most pleasant and intc-esting Church street, Miss Maggie Lassitcr, meeting of the Randolph Book Ci. of Bombay, and John A. Dalton, of was held with Mrs. K. H. M wis, at Greensboro, were united in mania,;-;-her home on Woi th street last Friday the ceremony being performed by Several visitors wore present to p: .-- Rev. Melton Clark in the presence of take of the hospitality of the ho.v- a large -number of friends and rela and enjoy the splendid program whi !: i tives of the contracting parties. .Master Champ Land acted as ring work I bearer carrying it in a large American was as follows German Wormn and her iurs. j. u. iioss. , ieauty rose, .iis.s Kmma Komi pa.v Notable German Women of today 1 ed Mendelssohn's Wedding March ami Mrs. Annie Robins. ' I Emglemann's ".Melody of Love." The German Children an 1 Tlome Life. parlor was decorated with palms for Mrs. J. O. Redding. the occasion. The bride in a hand- The current oventa followed, and , some going away suit of green cloth, many of them pointed directly to ' presented a most attractive picture Germany, her people, country ami ac-, with her bouquet of American Beauty tivities at present along military line, roses. Misses Evelyn, Lucile and Clara The bride is the charming daughter Belle Morris, with their cousin Miss, of Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Lassitcr, cf Mary MolFitt, delighted the guests Bombay, Randolph county. For the with vocal and piano solos and ducts.! past year she has been making her Miss Bulla playintr the vocal c'cnrr1-1 home in Greensboro and during thi paniments. Mrs. Morris served chick- time has made a lar;re number of en salad, sandwjehes, coffee and mints, friends. Mr. Dalton is v. meirili r of all of which were most delicious. The the firm of Tatum anil Dalton. Mr next meeting will be he'd on Januar- Pnd Mrs. Dalton will be at home at 20. at the home of Mrs. E. G. Morris' "Blandwood." , Friends and relatives' from a di.-- COURIER'S HONOR ROLL tance wno attended the marriage . i were: Her brothers, Mr. Wait The following ronovals and nev.- nm!'ayi Mr- Irving- Lassiter. subscriptions have boon received ihe:h rmt: Mr- E. L. Totle Virrin- since our last renort: mr- nn" ''"s. in. c. More, i.'ur 3 wtasmriiRsmminrKanrw&raBxi, vnuui-iMM.ii-ixiJcrummjn Will commence on Monday, January 25, 19 IS. Our entire stock of men's, Ladies' and Children's shoes, a.j heavy underwear and all heavy winter gecd-; will be offered at a red-iied price. We invito all m:r customer. friend-; to take advantage of IhU op portunity. C. G. FUAZIEIJ & SON Asheboro N. C. D 1 j H V. IF - Z!S?rTlrBSiaaT.:-'y.'-. lington; Mr. and Mrs. Austin F. Stan- cock, cousins of t'le bride, of New York City, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hardy, of Washington, I). C. KEEP IT HANDY FOR RHEUMATISM W J Caveriess, W J S!r-.!ev. C.i-n.o Moon, Mrs. O A Biov.n, J W VY" J W Hulin. B F Ridge, S A Pic'.vl', W N Davis, J V C-.-anlVd, C U 1 shaw, T F Pug!:, B H Lassitcr, J II Craven, W M Stevenson, E L Way, D T Black, J 1.1 Ncely, Mrs. J C Clark, M P Coward. T I. IJusIl A Kic iv-l Geo. Lucas, Jno. Ii Troi'don, J N Ca- use to ST'drm ami wince and try gle, Jno. Presnell, W G Coble, J 1) to vvear Pl!t W Rheuir.alisni. It Browev, A W Lnmhert, N A Mitchell, Nvi11 wear instead. Apply K E Hare, Elizabeth Clark, J A Wa! I somo Sloan's Liniment, Need not rub ker, M C Rush. M:-s. A W Hurrhes. 11 in just let it penetrate all through E C Kearns, Chas. H Welch, R J tie affected parts, relieve the sore Lawrence, Reddie Fields, M A York, ness and draw the pain. Yo.i get case D B Presnell, W R Lucas, B 13 Mollitt, at once and feel so Yniu-h better you J M Pounds, AWE Capcl. Mrs. .1. H. wnt to go right out and tell other MrLeod, S S Robins, Mrs. C II Pep- sufferers a', out Sloan's. Get a bottle per, J C Hoover, C S Redding. John of Sloan's Liniment for 2o cents of Presnell, Duncan Dove, C H Julinn, any druggist and have it in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints. L-'li:-,ro, Sc'atie;: and V.-:a ail ments. Yoer S!-!i y back if not sat isf.ed, but it d ies give t.'r.i.o.t instant relief. Euy r. brtt'c Sergeant Cady, of Raleigh, is in'"V " i i .. :?.ms, .i Asheboro this week giving instruc- lwnM?':niZ Kno THE STAXDAUl) DRl'G COMPANY Uons to the local military company. Cbarles I VI T ' Si)1 (i U,M" A special eirort is being made w ! n i ' inju, t!! a T ' "! r ' PANY iOaMl LARY. bring the company up to the standard . V eV ' T;;'"' T, "."' -r, , f, ,A, thU the memhershio niu lC l00'- M.1S- M A Pai -,s!,, V The Latest and Best Formulas for " y r : . ' f ox. a s c n ,-nf i i i t Fox, A S Callicutt. D M Gre- Home I'se that the Asheboro boys will rally tc "L t,te.' ' ,.''0.A Crnv son, H P Compiled for the Standard Drug Co. the support! oi the company and .. . j orw,th' B, , Ad To and' the P.-xall Drug Co. by I), one of the best in the State. $W?h h If '" , V-non f',,-; , Charies W. Parsons, formerly editoi it out oi me.oe , S J Kearns, M-s. .So'oi-on of Diiiggi.-1 Circular, Chemist foi Oyster Supper and Sociable next Tuesday evening. January 26, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Muring. Supper served from 6:30 to !:30. Oys ters stewed and fried; coffee, ice M (; low, Fred Cor. W M C Burns, T E Trov. .1 T Turner. .T:i J Turner, Sam Aldridge, A T (V-h1-C B Turner, Do'nli Craven, !!';- Butler. Dennis ''rod. Monroe f-i i ii p u- h P.,.,t i-i'cam, cake, candy. Come and bring Y- Robt- Jf"- !! Graver. SVn'- Inei1uK n w1 "ur friends. There will be music and ,',.n'lsay-,1N,'e 1 "risden. G If Jon-:. in Asheboro vuth h1'' other entertainment. Proceeds for the Dnw, Frnnk GaTlimo-o. T erd Ingold. ai J"" ! Woman's Missionary Society of the M. Kirns Alex. MeNe.ll Jno. T??.-- E. church. On January the 12th in the oilices oi ardson, L H Cu-tis. J C Alb p-aret Latham. A N Bulla. A R Pix, H M Robins, XT''vor. T-'icp?. Mis. c. r ; a;. f ,,m ii.t t Kn'ov f the I-irst National Bank the annual "" T' ' A f- i ukeLa Fli The Courier t lV ,HSt"clho"'ers meeting was held. The Crazier. J B Willi. 7. Hos.-n A W Lakeland, Ha. lhe Couiier v.1,1 i- directors was re-elected p,"r,, Mrs- Ma,'.v Yow N. C MeDow- glad to publish le ters ;from any form-1 o boart ot director p y y r Randolph people who care to wntc. ;,e 'SeVj0! SLVS" C Pierce, R I, A-ex-am,...-, Rev. Joel B. Trogdon will preach at president, C. J. Cox; cashier, J. X. ' " ' a,K"s- R ''' (ox. Homer A"lo.., Mt. Pleasant the fourth Sunday at 11 Ncely; bookkeeper, Miss Jessie I;ii-I:- x: " Hammend. J 1- Keeli.i". a. m. and at Flint Hill at 3 p. m. tK head. This bank has done good busi- '.' c'0,;eirD!,M , 1 hom'T"- '' " !( dav. The public is cordially in-i ness during the past year. It is llv 'Vl'V' . .ft tx-aniwo N 1 (,-,.. i.(V, oJ, l..nlv rn.tu.nn1 in the ,-o.inl v- VV f' AldndirP. W U Borrow, M C Tie Bank of Carthage, which wa recently closed, has been taken ov by the Page Trust Company. The Car thage bank will be operated as . branch of the Trust Company. The stockholders of Central Falls I Cotton .Mills held their semi-annuai i meeting in Asheboro Friday and re I elected olljcers for the ensuine: yea. as follows: Vice-president J. M. Cav- Williamson, T M P 'and. M F Lasfatov Foitst, D M Holm, Cox. J T Dorsett, Winston I' J A Boa- V J T Arnold, C 11 X Pag". J Campbell, H L Lomax, W A Jam'1 J A Brown, V U Cov, R B ('.-ave.-J C Craven, J M Ellis. C E Maso-i H MeMasters, J W Richardson. W ' ;. I a very successful one for the company, j W H Ronkemeyer, E ERoa ! Mr. J. W. Murray, whose drowning ess secretary-treasurer, Robert L. is reported elsewhere in this issue, e J,, was a nephew of Rev. J. E. Thomp son, of Asheboro. Mr. Thompson wei to Burlington to attend the funeral t i u v Tu.nn 1 i rospecis ior a ku ousiness yeai son, of Asheboro. Mr. Thompson went J h.-io-hi. Plentv , orders are on file am Rev. C. T.. Whitaker left Tuesday The mill has plenty fnr WpHtminiHtpr. MrC. where he Poes tives. Two thousand to deliver an address on Service and were consumed last year. Suffering to the Theological students in Western Maryland College. j Q.uitea little excitement was creat- led in Thomasville Saturday when C. Mr. and Mrs. Culler and their daugh- w. Gillam attempted to shoot We' i R J Pearce. J C Kearns. W H I rence, T A Briles. J L Briles. J C I cotton bought I Enr,w, L"Sran Nelson. W L Stutts. of good oper j f?1;' J. D lI""a' C Ji Johnnon, bales of cotton ' N Ste.pd- Anna R Cox- A G l oo'. L. h. Doj'artment of Agrii-ultii VVas'iington, I). C, Professor of Prac tical Phariaey and Analytical Chem ist '-y in Co! lego of Pharmacy, of Cliy of New Yoi k. These f raiulas are copyrighted. ' It will ! noted that each formr!:: gives the kind of each medicine f. each forr.ivki, but the quantity v.i each meiluine to be used is not "pub lished, bi;t is kept in a separate bo-. I and thc.e formulas can he filled oni s;t the Standard Drug Co. and l;c all stores in Ashoeoro. The jvice of each formula is given, and :-l you have to do is to cut mi: this forinvJa a;i I rend it to the Stand ard Drii-:- Co. or lce-;al! Drug Co.. i.. getlier with the price. You can money l y using iheso r.irmu!;!s. ROSE LIP SALVE Coca Butler Vaseli.:,. ParaiU i . Oil Keso, q. s. Melt the fats, add desired n'lioum of the color and perfume (dissolve in alcohol) and stir till cold. Price, 2 Cents Imparts a rose color to the prevents chapping and is agreeable to use. What You Can Buy a the Rexall Drue Store AND T.SE Standard Drug Comp'y VU-k's Croup Salve 2."c Braine's Croup Salve 25c Mother's Joy 25c Dr. King's New Discovery . 5t)c Rexull Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 25c Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion $1.UU Scott's Emulsion . 50c and $1.00 Tooth Brushes 10c to 25c Hair Brushes 25c to $2.50 Cloth Brushes 25c up Scrub Brushes 5c to 25c Nail Brushes 10c to 25c Testaments 25c Bibles $1.00 up Books (standard authors).. 50c Founain Syringes $1.00 to $2.51) Bull) Syringes . . . .50c to !M ' 0 Letter Files 2."c Toilet Paper 5c and 10c Dean's Cough Drops ftc . Smith Bros. Coucrh Drops . . 5c Hoarhound Drops 20c lb Rcxull Wine of Cod Liver Oil SI Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic. 50c Trusses if 1.00 iiM Plasters, all well known hrands. Dr. Hess Stock Food 25c, 50c, SI Dr. Hess Poultry Food .... 25c Dr. Iless Worm Powder ... 50c Dr. Hess Heave Cure 5ilc Magic Stock and Poultry Powder at reduced prices. Rexall Ko-Ro-kas-Kets 25c Rexall Headache 'tablets, 30 for 10c Rexall Little Liver Pills 10c box Rexall Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil $1.00 Minard's Liniment, the best. 25c Lax Fos 50c Livcrtone 50c Thacher's Blood and Liver Syrup 50c Simmons Liver Regulator.. 25c Nyal's Liver Regulator ... 25c Black Draught 25c St. Joseph Liver Regulator, 25c Talnm Powder, 25c brands selling at only ,c Big line of toilet goods at.. popular prices. We call special attention to our line of chamois skins 5c, 10c and 25c. Fine quality of pound paper and envelopes to match. Correspondence cards and en velopes to match (gi!. edge) 25c box. ' Fountain pens $1.00 and up. Ink, pencils, stantioncry, the best to be had. WE APPRECIATE YOI R PATRONAGE AXD IXVUE YOU TO CALL TO SEE US. UNEQUALED wji m ro m puss ITXGER NAIL BLEACH Henry Miller. Mrs. E E Kenhart. W1 D Burgess, H A Tomlinson, P .Diluted Sulphuric Acid Reddick, J L Phillips, Mrs. J L Tn- Tincture Myrrh gram, J W Albertson, M L English, Lavender Water Jesse, Rogers, Mrs. Cynthia Allred, Water to make Moffitr, W 1 !; Moffitt, W T Barnes. M Robins, W DEATH OF ERNEST HUDSON ter and her husband have moved to Moore The two men met near Cro- Z.?rfn' .Ma,'Paret I)ar,ri?h' EJ, the Spero section from Stokes county, ell's feed store and after passing a They are hustling people and Ran- word or two Gillam pulled his pistol dolph extends to them a hearty wei- from his pocket and fired one shot, come. The bullet missed Moore. Gilliam wa.- ... . promptly arrested and carried befoi Mr. Wulter Presnell has returned Jud MacRae for trial. He was from Kansas wnere ne purcnasea a boun(, over to the Februarv term oi car load or nne norses. ine car came Davidson Superior court in this week and those wno nave seen .)0 ...u:e. was mnde bv Price, 25 Cents To whiten the nails and harden ttu cuticle dip the tips of the fingers, after washing, in this lotion, holding them there several minutes. The community of Julian is filled with sympathy for the mother and FINGER NAIL POLISH the horses say they are among finest ever seen in Asheboro. Mr. C. M. Waynick, a Greensboro boy who has the Charlotte has returned to Greensboro and accept ed the position of city editor on the Record. posit. The Tin Oxide .. . Prewired Chalk in "a bond or rpativt's f Ernest Hudson who uw. y a cash do !Jam,a,'-v ,10- J!15- I,was only Hi ;Oh, how sad! "he was the son of Pipiiated hllica .......... . . of the stock- K. R. Hudson and wife Marv M. Hu.i- 4. V? suit and color with hoIu- rLh eTtor of holders of the Bank of Randolph was n. his father bC ivvnr Pfnr ve,.r held January 14. The usual six pe; VV ffl-tI. his e Observe -for a year semi.annual dividend was de- he Kmston Seh To make room for our spring stock of goods there are many things in our stock that must be closed out regardless of price. We do not intend to carry winter goods over. We have a large lot of men's high grade overcoat! and eavy underwear which must be sold. Conic and buy at Your own price. nun, ii. i.iuier ooiii neao aim ii " s mother sent hir.i hool for treatment and el,.-,.,!. Thn nHirers Pleete.l for the en ne Old so wen mere Until 4 Hours suing year are as follows: D. B. M- J).p''-e his death he had almost con-Ci-urv i.roKiilont- W .1 Armlield Sr..'t,nl,os convulsions. He was always Th w sv:.u n!.r,.l. i nenrint. vice-uresident: W. J. Armlield. Jr.,-1'1"" ul an" nappy, jie ioki ins peo completion. The congregation expects cashier; F. E. Byrd, bookkeeper. 11 to occupy it in about two weeks. It is old board of directors were re-elected, a handsome structure and will seat This bank has had a good year am 400 people. The congregation is now prospects for future business are ... . V. r . ., " " . ,. ki.;!, nic it- nn f tVin r .lout hunk. worsn.pmg m ine armory nan. ?"-' - "u " s much as his mother wv ho w-.t.he,' . Sse ln': o capital Irf S2M00 and a surplus , faithfully at his bed side until th, 'rP. tion of c::rmine. Price, 25 Cents After the use of the polish, a high er, iimsh may be imparted by fric tion with a soft leather. his pie that some day he was coin' die with his afflictions, but it would 'all rijrht, that then he was going to live with Jesus. He never complained He will be missed by us n'l but none FINGER NAIL ENAMEL Mr. Tom Vuncannon died Saturday evening at the home of his parents, fund of $46,000. Mr, and Mrs. William Vuncannon, ot Grant township. Death was due to MISS LILLIAN pneumonia. Mr. Vuncannon was 20 years old and was a splendid young man. Paraffin Chloroform Oil Rose Price, 25 Cents LTse this enamel with 1. a camel's BUNCH ENTEK- TAINS THE MISSES HURKHIM- ER, OF CHARLOTTE i end came at school in Kinston. He was brought home to Julian f" ! burial where he was a faithful atten.' j ant at church and Sunday School. A Special Friend. The registrar of vital statistics for MiBse8 Burkhimer, of Charlotte, Mrssj u 1? l"w"8mP rar- r- 11 Lillian Bunch entertained a party or m ,3.e 'ollowing report for the friend8t xhe honor guests were in year 1914: Number of deaths, 31 for Asheboro under the auspices of t- c ewTn and.i2 Jor thfooCU" Randolph Chapter U. D. C. and gave 77 birthi for the town and 29 for the an entcrtajnment jn the Graded school country. 'auditorium the following evening. The Government report for cotton Progressive games furnished amuse- gianed in Randolph county to Decern- "ent for the guests after which tn 6er 13, 1914, is 777 bales. To the same hostess served Enghrli plum candy date i. 1913, 1,265 bales were ginned, and coffee. The home was most a t- The falling off in the number of ba?e tractive wrth jacinths and sacred in 114 is due to the unusually flry I'lhes as decorations, and the evening seasaa. passed very pleasantly. SCHOLARSHIP HONOR RANDLEMAN GRADED SCHOOL FOR THE TWO MONTHS END ING JAN. 8, 1915 FOR SALE A gold mine f : -e gold in flint quartz, 7 ft. vein, North ern Miners' province, finest in st;ite. 64-acrc tract of land. Apply to W. L. WILLIAMS, ROLL. l SrVC- C- The followinr students have ma an average of 90 per cent on all stud ies, daily average, bi-monthly exami nations combined and have been neith er tardy nor absent: Fourth Grade Fay Glass, FOR SALE One Photo Button Camera, practically new, and one Vest Pocket Folding Kodak, new. Ap ply to BOX 255, Asheboro, N. C. WANTED One of the large maga zine publishing houses desires to em ploy, an active man or woman in th:. community to handle a special '; Ottic which has proven unusually profit.' Stern, Gray Hinshaw, Wilbur Martin, ble. Good opening for right par: Fifth Grade Ila Davis. Hal Milli- Address with two references, Pub kan, Ray Burgess, Irene Sears, How- lisher, Box 155, Times Sq. Sta.. ard Furgeson Robert Davis, Ella Nel- New York City. son, Ila Hinshaw, Beatrice Graves, Clifton Vestal, James Bulla. AUTOMOBILES Sale or Exchange Eitrhth Grade Allie Hinshaw. Cla- Will trade new Touring Car for The patrons of Archdale school hav "Two years ago I was greatly bene addea to the faculty of the nublk fitted throuch usinsr two or three bot- school another teacher In the primary tics of Chamberlain's Tablets, wntts ra Lamb. , good work mules or horses. II in-- grade, and have added a library and Mrs. S. A. Keller, Elida, Ohio. "Before Ninth Grade Mary Hanner, Mary terested, let me hear from you at a debating society has been estab- taking them I was sick for two years - Sherwood. once. liahed. The patrons of the school are with indigestion." For sale bv all I Tenth Grade Glenna Floyd, Na- B. F. MCDOWELL paying for the extra teacher. dealers. wege Trogdon, Rubv Hughes. - - ASHEBORO, N. C A Janre lot of heavy weight winter suits arc now offered at a great reduction. We are closing out a lot of boys' and children's suits at greatly reduced prices. A good line of heavy work shirts at reduced prices. A fine selection of men's belts, neckwear at prices right. Don't forget to look over our line of raincoats before you buy. Wood Cash Clothing Co.