TRIBUTE TO MAN AT HEAD OF GOVERNMENT PRESIDENT HAS NICHED HIMSKLF INERADICABLY IN PUBLIC CONFIDENCE HAS THE VISION TO SEE BENEATH THE SI AG NANCIES OF MATERIALISM. (Choree Creel in the Century.) America is a nation of incurable dreamers. The heart of the people is not found in edeers, their aspiration, are not expressed in profits, and never at any time have schemes of purely material advancement possessed the largest appeal. This is the explanation of Woodrow Wilson. . To attempt an interpretation of his hold upon the popular iminagm tion in terms of strict mentality is to commit one's self to the patent an surdity that he is the first President with brains. Utners nave matcneu him in intellectual grasp, and what sets him apart, even as it set Lincoln apart, is nothing else tnan an exa.. comprehension of passionate idealism as the animating impulse of America. Vision, spirit, ideals, without the edu afforded by these dream words Woodrow Wilson is a blank, the United States stammering and untn tellible. Democracy never has been, and never can be other than a theory of spiritual progress, and those who view it as a mere program of pros poritv place their feet in a blind ).'.; It 'niav not be denied that al'vn.-' from the first these truths have be challenged with persistency and id;.:-. A base and destructive sordine..---iiirtsmierading as practicality, v.- been offered as a substitute tor x .-ublinie abstraction that Jell'or.-' molded into form, and derision h: ' bi-en trained corinant'y upon cveo ih'.i'ir that t:o!,!t! 'lot be bundled b tMu:jr machine?. !t is true. iiiel.-.'i that the v. oriel has eoine to regard t:s as a raec of liioiicy-gn'bbors, r. cauirht in tills and horizon nieas.iiv ly inches. This is only the work of a few, lio' ever. A commercial aristociaev sinister control of i;.'V'. rncnont, p"r. pu'pit. has been jtulc to cast ti. j-ui-.'-ice 'of things in shapes of its ov. do.-ire, ami it is only in spasms of vo't that the real thought and pa.' pose of the great nr-tv, of pcc.p'.c i. .. gained expression. Tl'o soul cf the many is found the far-llnng idealism of the icci;... tion of Independence, not in the tioirs phrat-os cf the Constitution False prophets and strange gods ha', v on no more than lip-service, fo' deep in the heart of the nation abiding faith in the ultimate ti'it.'mpl of love, justice and brotherhood rc mains untouched. Financial n- ' . may oe given its soiry day of lam;.:.': vet its right to control the (F'stu.v of Anie'i.'a has never failed to be r. si.-lod, ad the grt at money i'u: do not live in memory boyor 1 reading of their w ills. What larger couiirinat ion is n- . than the present impregnable potcli. ' of d"(!i ov Wilson'.' Me lacks color, exhibits no mastery of spoctacii!:. values, makes no dramatic tours. . tributes little to the thing t ailed ""nil-j man interest," that queer newspapt compound of anecdote and unconven tional incident; yet no man since Lin coln has niched himself so ineradi cably in the confidence of the people. The President's Hold On His Party The Democratic representation ir Congress contains many men who are not only incapable of understanding the deeper meanings of the President, but who are constrained to invincible antagonism by years of secret service to secret masters. In numbers suffi cient to block every proposal, there are Democratic Senators and Repre sentatives who hate Woodrow Wilson and his policies, and are eager for rebellion and. attack. They stand as sured of the ardent support of at least part of what is called big busi ness and the powerful aid of a certain portion of the daily press. How- may the obedience of these men be explained except by their fear of popular wrath? That behind t?.i President, believing in him, command ing through him. they see the awan oned people of America, free at le:: from the cords of Liiliput? A con firmed idealist expressing a nation of long-rciro.- s-H idealists --in nothin. else is t'-,er any possibi t.f Woodvo- H'i'-or's re: ing atl.ievt mint. rxplanati d of am; He ha neath tl. down to ' t.ic vis; to se- "ial"rial "Criii.iuc itab! u-tivc tn d( r.iot r; ic iih'a's for ino: tnr- me"0 con.,i frton consciou- t;i 'onii'V'.l mg t'lan tloiis that, proceed thought. These have been his contributions' to the sucees-.f'.'' revolution against the sham practicability that was slo. ly destroying the creative genuis '. the American people. They are h': htrength. What has happcitt-d is Uu release of the national mind from its slavery to unrelieved materialism, ano the recovery of ancient faith in th' projectile force of spiritual truths. Under his leadership, idealism Ji -been restored to its imperative place in American life, and indispensabh standards are lifted anew. It may well be that historians cf the future will write this day dowi as one of most tremendous signifi cance to the United States. Th slightest study of human progros makes p'.ain that the things whi count ,in the evolution of civilization to higher levels are ever and always those flames of thi spirit that blav.e without regard to intellectual formu las or certainties of profit. When ha's this so-called practicality ever entertained the visions that tinn ed arid wastes into smiling orchards, spun steel gossamer across dizzy chasms, sent airships aloft, or gave new lands to the loot of civilization : When did the multiplication-table mind ever free a captive, crush an evil, liberate justice, or bless the world with music, art, and beauty ; All that is fundamentally big and tint has been the work of vissionaries who ran gauntlets of ridicule and opposi tion. In the outset every great move ment, every wonderful idea, dream, and democracy was evolved to make these dreams come true. It is to this pushed-aside, covered- over verity that Woodrow Wilson is leading us back, and it is almost as though some strange combination of unseen forces had come to his am. For purposes of striking illustration, the European conflict could not have been precipitated at a more dramatic time. What the Mexican problem wat to the United States, the Balkan prob lem was to Europe, and at the Mo ment when frank idealism has safe guarded against the horrors of need less war, European materialism has dragged Old World civilization bat to the jungle stage. Across the sea the youth and llowei of great races are being rushed U. loath. Millions of precious lives, rich in possibilties of creation and produc tion, are being blown awnv on tl i a vast destruction and tla march ol human progress ends in bloody trenches. In the red light thai t roams :'"0"i this death-grapple h has become possible for tile people ol America to see clearly old paths ann new roads, to mark the aby.-.-es 'J, have been edged and the hcig' may be trained. The Mexican FroMc'i There c;n be small doubt that ; I practical President would have recog nhed Il.ierta. for it was obvious !. t'" rail"1!' dk'ated by seif-int rest as vo" as by the surface ferment of in opinion, Hacked by the approval or the L'nUtd States, the dictator coi;!, have strengthened himself ir ; manner as to restore a semblance n peace and to protect American .!; cessions, requisites that would a.r. : ec-mitted l'ro.-.idi nt Wi'son to v asl his hands in approved Pilate mvIo. NVeimr could have been more sii, ful than the fashion in which these concessionaries working through : venal press and equally vena! pub'k men, identified their threatened piv lits with "the nations honor." Jin goes were aroused, likev.ise i! o.-i whose ou'y estimate ;' nation. i greatness lies in military aihievemen! alsi the youth of the 'co,.:;itrv. wi'f j youth's usual veckle.-s passion for th. j hazards of adventure. I There i- every certainty that in tin beginning intervention would have j been .-upiioried unstintedly by the poo- l'e. Ken as v. e have seen Ihe So- ciali.-ts of Funny, pledge to peace I swept :'A ;iy by hieh tides of racial ; feeling, so would every pa i!;cst pro It e.-t in the United W;mi been rlreevn- ed out by the boom of the hrst Amor- iean gun. War is always glorious emu mo iisis oi iieau arm wounilon begin to tome, and it must be remem bered also that for years it had 1, : the custom for public men to soothe the people with the laudanum of brag and bluster. Judged by every fact in the case. Woodrow Wilson's repudiation ot Huerta was in no sense the result of a carefully reasoned determination, but unmistakably the instinctive re coil of the democratic spirit. Mentai processes are never free from th impingements of self-interest. It is only in the unthinking passions of idealism that there is found the cour age to do the right thing rather than that which is expedient and opportu nistic. , While recognition of Huerta wat, the wise course, us practicality defines wisdom, it was not the right course. The acknowledgment that he asked involved a sanction of assassination and ecquiescence in the legitimacy of murder as a substitute for constitu tional procedure. His official exist ence promised a restoration of lu tyrannies of Diaz and a continiuinet of the virtual slavery of the great mass of the Mexican people. Presi dent Wilson's address at Mobile ir moro than, any mrre explanation of his course; it is the most illuminating exposition of the spirit of tlemoc;ae .dace I.iivoin bared his soul at Gcttvs-bu-g. Ho said: I' lnKi.i rights, n.ilio.vd int. r:v . and opportunity as aak'st m . '.crests that is the issue we !: not America is not Ann . f..r a i r.if'es for n i ica is a nann it is rich. Th: Am.n iun th ear: in i -wno'nm with u'u: bi ciMi.-e a ,- ci'ioih ly. I vould :;'th. ; i.ition ,taat was frc ion t;iat had cer.. ica' oppovt'Mai w.divi.;.:-:! .u I'-'. to a ,, :ia to r. rich m b t ove wiin liberty. that the question of tr ....y are more (-m sttons oi pc.icy an i diplomacy. They are shot throtiki " ith the pWoiples of lif". V,'e (!; r.ot tu'n from the principle that mor tality and not expediency is the thing that mi:.-t guide us, and that we v. ' n"er condone iniquity because it is m st convenient to do so. J.f further proof were needed of Woodrow Wilson's reliance on ideal ism rather than on logic, it is rui nished by his attitude in those tryirr days when "Watchful waiting pro vided laughter for cynics and an open avenue of attack for jingoes and con- cessionairies. With almost incredible hviiocrisv, int?rvention was urged 1 the interests of civilization" by the very class most resposible for in dustrial strife in Colorado, West Vir ginia and Michigan, for the child labor horror, for housing evils, and the existence of slums. No effort of unscrupulous activity was spared and at the movement of extreme tension the blunder of an over-zeaio ad miral seemed to throw a lighted match full into the powder-barrel. "Tvo years ago I was greatly bene fitted through using two or three bot tles of Chamberlain's Tablets," writes Mrs. S. A. Keller, Elida, Ohio. "Before taking them I was sick for two years with indigestion." Far sale by all dealers. . . , , , A G00DREP0RT HONOR ROLL, RANDLEMAN GRADED SCHOOL FOR PER FECT ATTENDANCE, NEITHEI TARDY NOR ABSENT FOR i MONTHS, ENDING JAN. 8, 1915 First Grade. Jesse Allred, Robert Bain. Thomas Barnes, Wood Farlow Loe Ferguson, Lester Jarrell, Byron Lamb, Joe Lovette, Clarke Marsh Jas. McCaskill. Jesse Swaim, Robert lucn er, Charlie Stagg, William Brown, Ed gar Bullard, JMelvin Elmore, jonn Ferguson, Almeta uorneiison, ferry Fereuson. Thelma Hicks, May Hanne, Irma Lassiter, Madge Rosson, Vella Swaim, Fannie Page, Virginia iswaney Rurth Slack. Margie Vestal, Herman Allred, Glenn Russell, Glenn Burg Johnie Williams. Second Grade. Lima Bean, Harvy Sink. Ethel Coffin, Hetcher Turnei Treva Davis, Charlie Tysinger, Laura Ellineton. Obed Wnghtsell, Haze Elmore. Rav Lovette, Gracie Holland, Chas. Jarrett, Ophiiia Kirkman, Jno. Tanlor. Gracie McCaskill, Ila V, bams. Pattv Wright, Jennie Lucas. Mamie Page, Gracie Fields, Cl'.a. Evorhart Clyde l.ineberry. Third Grade. Mary Burgess, !::? Bulla, Ellon Brown, Roselle Cooper. Tazie Coble, Henrietta Caudle, .U.- u lisle, II. ulah Davis, 1Y:t Hicks.. Katie Holland, Nettie McCas- Margari t Kiehardson, .rnm" i!:i Kobbins, Ne'iit A:;ce Sumner, Ma,- l.i.itliictim, Jeter I'ar ...'dng, David Bullar.1. io.ot. Millikan, Kvr r 1 1 Russell. l;ermir.i. ,h Talley, Ah', t'ai I'., Norman Vcsuil. Russell, A!'- Swain. K-bv Web.-t. r. ,le.-.-ker, ('!a"ou,e ,!o!m ilo'laod, i-'ou -:h c..r. Thos. liullaid. Gonnes. Coy ",' A'lhip- Swam . McCaskil, Coum ban. Uugotio 1 ' Cletis harden. ' w!e son. C' ('. . Al'en r penccr i.ev r ergo: o l, ! . ,,,'ql. Rlase 1:-:. Wilbur Martin. (':tas d Mason, Noah Miib' n b, James Gaster. i.ady Hughes, Hank. Russell, Chariie Nel--. Margie llami bc.eile, Smith.,, Ottie Stee;i y Glass. Edison Brown, .a.-, ress, F'ssie Carlisle, i Davis Robert Dav;?. aid Ferguson. Beai I Gray, Ila Hinshaw. . I.eola Lassiter, Ai lillikan, Elbert a Ne!- Hai'i, Guy ' Ruth Fallow, F Fifth Grade, nulla, Rov K m Sallie Caudle. . Ach Dennis. !! ruv Oneida Kirknuo ma Marsh. Hal son, Joe Pa Swaim. Ciifton Seventh Gr: Om-i R:.-hard,-.i H'li.'l Floyd. Fl Kiikman. '1 Wo i rene ear.- V-stal. ide. Pauline i. Frances I U her Cautllt ucs Ilar.ner, iok-l,ire, .Towi Caudle owmait. , Gad Malfi 1 Siar- Ivy, Maude n n-. Tilla Bowman, Iona Hicks, 1 Swaim. l.oui.--a Sherwood, Grace St ars .-Msie Miilikaii. Hanks Whitesell Jas. Kirkman, Kivby Lamb, Merl Daniels, Claude Xe.clin. John Barker, Clarenc. Hayes. Jack Talley. Charles Ivey. Eighth !rade. Louise Bowman. Katie Ferree, Alice Hinshaw, Mamn llollady. Clara Lamb, Mary Pure Grace Sinclair, Wilbur Brown, Roy Coble, Robert Hanner, Percy Kuk- man, Bonnie Lamb, Ray Talley, Ke;- ert Kike, Olhe Coble Mable i Mary Hanner, Maria Ferguson. Tenth Grade. Chas. Ohristenberry, Glenna Floyd, Roure Hayes, Ruby Hughes, Chas. Sheffield, Freda Sin clair, Mav Parsons, Elsie Wrike, Neal Sheffield. MORE DOUBLE TRACKING Washington, D. C, January 16 Southern Railway will proceed at once to revise and double track the 2S.7 miles of its Washington-Atlanta line lying between Orange and Char lottesville, Va., the work to involve an expenditure of $1,500,000.00 and to result in a greatly improved line holl as to grades and curvature. Bids for the grading are being received from contractors today in the office of Mr. W. H. Wells, chief engineer of con struction, under whose direction the work will be done. The completion of this work to gether with other work now under way will give the Southern a con tinnous stretch of 121 miles of dou ble track out of Washington and a tutal of -".:'.8.7 miles of double track bit'.', ecu Washington i leaving only ll.l! miles divided into four ,-trt gest of which is 20 m The revision bo'weo CharlettMo iilo will ellr giees of curvature or complete circles and c Charlotte, ' single track, he3 the Ion Orange and mate i:'.03 de- nearly four I give a max- iimim grade north hour. 1 of .9 pciveni and southbo'inil f ! percent as mist 1.41 uerce-it in both direc tions at present. fii" work to be d eie I ; very heavy and will tunnsii laDer ror a large number of men u;:d cause heavy ex- iioiiditnres in ihe ter fit": v immediate ly affected. In undertaking it at this lime when receipts from both freight and ::'.ss"tigor trai are much le!o" normal the Southern Railway Co., is giving striking evidence of President Harrisons faith in the business fu ture of the South and l is dotermina tion to furnish adequate facilities, the necessary capital fortunately having been provided before the outbreak of the present r.uropean war. AT GLENWOOI) PARK SANITARI UM, GREENSBORO Dr. Thos. R. Evans, of Richmond, Va., a graduate of the medical de partment of the University of Vir ginia, and a recognized authority on mental and nervous diseases has moved his residence to Greensboro. Before going to accept a position with the Glenwood Park Sanitarium Dr. Evans had years of experience as resident physician of a number of institutions treating mental and habit cases. Miss Maria Ruffln, who- was struck by a freight train near Henderson i crossing, in Salisbury, last Friday doing well at the Whitoheael-Stoiee-sanitarium and it is stated she wil' likely recover. The train was run ning slow when it struck Miss Ruflir and the injury to her head her skuii was a fractured was made by falling against a crosstie. LETTER FROM MR. FRALEY FORMER RANDOLPH MAN WRITES ANOTHER INTERESTING LETTER ABOUT HIS ADOPTED HOME, FLORIDA HE COK RECTS SOME FALSE STATE MENTS REGARDING THIS COUNTRY Lakeland, Fla, Jan. 19, 1915, Editor The Courier: The publishing of my letter in your valuable Daner in the issue or .Nov. 19th, has caused me to try my nana again to give to your readers a few more lines from the Peninsular btate the land OT sunshine and golden or anges. It was some thirty y?ars ag' when I, a farmer boy in old Kandolrv had my first case of real Florida re. ver. une or those glowing iana com panies by chance happenetl to get my name and postonice address and mail ed me a lot of literature concerning the wonderful town of Silver I Florida. I have never forgotten hov I read everv line of their gluwi irculars, and how I longed to go that wonderful land of promise. Florida was almost a wilderness at that elate mid if perchance I hatl win, leretl to this land then and discovered the present site of this beautiful cit. f Lakeland and had the lore s to have taken up some of the home- deads then to be had for a mere s. . ind stayed with them, I now if ave been rich enoagh to have a fine vinler home in Lakeland and a line .-'mmc;' home in the mountains c Western o"th Carolina. Lakeland was hist thirty-one yer. dd Janunrv, 1!)!.") and has a port ion of G.C'II). This is a bovFf- :et, situated upon a hill 2-!" f- . 'ro sea lev.d ; '-.d only a.l.xm' ; dies !''-.." the Gulf coast. N'ifi- beautfid ir.'ces are situated in and around the citv of Lakeland and a" .-docked vlt'i various kintls of fresh wafer lish. On accoi :it of our favorable loca tion, vo seldom have frost in Lave- l.ind. V,'!-, le yen in Carolina have ban lots of cold v.i ; ther so far this win 1 r we l. 'ie. have had only one light frost this season. Wo have ripe strawberries every day in the winter anel our tomato vines are blooming and bearing, m being old Mvi::-h to kill them t'-' winter. While wo have such love' 'inters M"i wooPI imagine that we ' "old h; vo awful hot summers. Tv is a mistaken i lea. The summers ;" long but not any hotter than in Carolinas. The thermometer scarce!' goes over !( in the summer time ;t there is nearly always a good bree- Tho nights are line for sleeping all th' summor. Some may say the moseitii ioes ar" so bad here you could m stand them. This is another mistake There are alnays some here dur: the summer, but all you need is 1 have your house screened and tl-.- you can sleep under the gentle breeze? with perfect delight. There are w wonderful springs in this country that are worth a trip of many miles to see. Sulphur Springs near Tampa, Morula, gushes up out of the ground anel tf the first leap from the spring fiow a stream of water much larger than either Thorns Creek or Second Creek, which I remember so well in my bov hood days. Also Silver Springs in about four miles of Ocala, Fiorina. This spring is the head of the Ockla waha river and steamers run from Palatka to Silver Springs and anchor in this spring. The water is said - be about 80 feet deep and so clear that you could see a ten-cent piece on tnr bottom. You might sum it up that Floritla is a good place to live and that would be right. At the presept time the war has struck us hard and business is very dull. Lots of people out of work. We would like to have all to come ami see for yourself, but would not advise you to come just now unless you have money enough to stay after you here or enough tx return if you should so elesire. My remarks are so scat tering that I would not be disappoint ed if they shoulel be cast into tl'e waste basket. I will close with best wishes to all my Tar Heel friends. T. J. FKALlSt. HONOR ROLL MILLBORO GR An KD SCHOOL First Grade Grace Davis. Second Grad" Lester Farlow il.':-. nis Winslow. Third Grade r.ufus Davis, Angi Farlow, Penrl Spencer. Lester Snyd - Fourth Gr;nk Pauline Winslow. Fifth Grade Jnmos Davis, St--" Nance. Va Snyder. Elva F&rlow. M mi? Spencer. Bertha Spencer, Flossi Snyder. Seventh Grade Lucy Lowe, Nellie Farlow, Jesse, Farlow, Oliver Farlow. Cora I M wards, Clifton Davis, Stanley Spencer. Eighth Grade William Farlow. Los tor Wall. COOL SPRING ITEMS Your correspouelent reael with much interest the article which was printed in The Courier a few weeks ago, writ ten by the late J. R. Bulla, his up rightness and his industry, and how he struggled for, and obtained an ed ucation. - We know there is a saying: "vhprever there is a will, there is a way," and it seems this must have been so with Mr. Bulla. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fotist, recently a daughter. Mr. Jack Pugh died at hiB home on Millboro Route 1, Jan. 10, 1915, age 72 years. He leaves a wife and three sons, all of whom live on Millborv. Route 1. He was buried at Gray's Chapel cemetery January 12. Rev. D. A. Vuncannon conducted the ser vices. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REME DY THE MOTHER'S FAVOR ITE. "I give Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy to my children when they have colds or coughs," writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Vandergrift, Pa. "It always helps them and is far superior to any other cough medicine 1 have used. I advise any one in need of such a med' icine to give it a trial." For sale by ail dealers. TO PROTECT CHILDREN NORTH CAROLINA PHYSICIANS WANT BETTER CHILD LABOR LAW ENDORSE 14-YEAR AGE LIMIT AND 8-HOUR DAY That the premature employment of children is injurious to the child and to aociotv. and should be forbidden to children under 14 is the opinion of over 300 physicians of North Carolina. A questionaire sent out by Mr. W. H. Swift, secretary of the North Caro lina Child Labor Committee, brought back hundreds of replies, indicating the wide-spread interest which peo ple all over the State are taking in the question of child labor reform. "345 physicians were asked to give their opinion on the vital question of whether children under 14 should be employed in mills, factories, stores or any other similar place, saia air. Swift, ''and 338 of these physicians were interested enough to reply. Near ly two-thirds of them advocate a 14 year age limit, and an even larger proportion believe that the employ ment of children under 16 shoulel be limiteel Jo 8 hours a day anel prohibit ed entirely in dangerous occupations They also recommend that power b. given to the Commissioner of Labor and Printing to enforce the chilel la bor law because a child labor law without enforcement is a 'farce an.-' a swindle.' " The replies received bv Mr. Swift reveal an interesting fact that th" abolition of child labor depends solely on intelligent public opinion. "When a physician argues that 'in regard to children under 14 years of jge. do not think it would be injuri ous tor them to work 10 or 11 hourr lav in mills, factories, etc., as i( would he cmploynent for them and possibly learn them to realize . thei' duty to their God first and then their worldly duty.' I know that be has no conception of what 11 hours a day in a cotton mill means to a 10 or 12 year olel chilel," said Mr. Swift, "an'1 that he has never seen a chilel-labor-adult, that pathetic, insufficient, igno rant remnant of a man who woulel work as a child, cheated of an educa tion and a chance for bodily develop ment. "But he ought to know. Everv rii izen in this Stale ought to know that we are employing 10,000 children tin- eler 14 in the industries of this Stat: exclusive of agriculture (according f the United States Census for lO'T and that wo are turning out 10,00o damaged citizens as a result uiv'i velonetl, unskilled, uneelucated. The leaeling physicians of North Carolina unanimously confirm this fact. Is i-. not time for us to pass a better law?" RHEUMATISM PAINS STOPPED The first aplication of Sloan's Lin iment goes right to the painful part it penetrates without rubbing it stops the Rheumatic Pains around the joints and gives relief and comfort. Don t suffer! Get a bottle today! It is a family medicine for all pains, hurts, bruises, cuts sore' throat, neuragia and chest pains. Prevents infection. Mr. Chas. H. Wentworth, California, writes: "It did' wonders fr my Rheumatism, pain is gone as Boon as I aply it. I recommend it to all my friends as the best Liniment I ever used." Guaranteed. 25c. at your Druggist. JOH7T GLASGOW, A RANDOLPH COUNTY CITIZEN DEAD Mr. John Glasgow, a citizen of Grant township, died last week after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Glas gow is survived by one daughter, Miss Kallie. His wife preceded him to the great beyond many years ago. V and his daughter lived together, at his old home on the Glasgow home stead where he was born and reared. He was an upright, honorable, Chris tian gentleman. He had a large number of friends, one of whom has said, "every one spoke well of him." He came from a large family of chil dren . being the son of Thomas Glas gow. The brothers and sisters survivit im are: Peter, Frank and Calvin Glasgow; Mrs. Martha Burrow and Misses Mary and Tamar Glasgow. The eleceased was buried at Giios' Chapel where a good crowd of rela tives and friends assembled to pav j the last tribute of respect to a gooel I man. TWO KINDS There are two kinds of people on eart! today ; Just two kinds of people, no more, t say. Not the sinner and saint, for 'tis well untlerstood The good are half bad and the bad are half good. Not the rich and the poor, for, tt count a wealth. Yon must first know the state of his conscience and health; t Not the humble and proud, for, i life's little span, What puts on vain airs is not counted a man. Not the happy and sad, for the swif flying years Bring each man his laughter and each man his tears. No, the two kinds of people on eartl- that I mean Are the people who lift and the pec pie who lean. Wherever you go you will find the world s masses Are always divided in just these two classes: And oddly enough, you will find too I ween, There is only one lifter to twenty w!k lean. In which class are you? Are you eas ing the load Of overtaxed lifters who toll dow the road? Or are you a leaner, who lets others bear Your portion of labor and worry ar care? Henry P. Lyman, in the Christian Herald. A HUSTLWGJNTERPRISE GARDNER-HILL MINING COMPA NY, GUILFORD COUNTY, DOING FINE BUSINESS The Gardner-Hill Mining company in Guilford county nine miles south west of Greensboro has recently been reopened. As soon as the weather permits a shaft will be stink and a vein opened. Already the operations have been sufficient to show profits and the prospects for the future of the mine is very bright. This mine was in operation before the Civil War, then it was worked for copper, but not to a great depth. The plant is now running night and day, with a capacity of three tons. The stockholders anei officers of the company are: W H Harris, of Virgin ia; president; F. A. Silver, of Greens boro, vice president: J. M. Millikan. of Greensboro, secretary and treas urer. 1 he company has an authorized capital of $100,000 and a paid in cap ital ot $b,uuu. EASY MONEY FOR FARMERS Farmers, fresh eggs are selling in the ci'.iis at 50 to 60 cents a dozen. If any resident kicks, his grocer tells him that the prices askeel leave only a fair prolit. He also tells the city resilient that if he will accept storage eggs, they will cost him only "2 cents a dozen. It is aelmitted that these eggs have been in storage since last spring . So the city man. with vis ions of stale eggs for breakfast, pays the 50 or (JO cents and takes it out in cussing the farmer. What part of this 50 i-ents does the farmer If he gets less than 35 cents it is his own fault. Any farmer or any mem ber of any farmer's family olel enough to read and write can build up a mar ket for every egg that can he spared from the farm and cair get higher prices for the hen-fruit than any coun try egg buyer will pay. Eggs can and are being shipped safely by par cel post every day. If the farmer will write to the postmaster of the nearest city the postmaster will supply him with a list of prospective customer. The United States Bureau of Agricul ture or the Postmaster General will supply him with pamphlets telling all about how the eggs should be packed. If the farmer is willing to meet the city buyer half way he can build up cash business that will mean a coj. stant income. Later the trade can he extenel to butter, home-made cheese, early vegetables anel so on down the line. Get busy; farmei, farmer's wife, farmer's sons ami farmer's daughters. There's money waiting to be maele if you will go af ter it. KEEP IT HANDY FOR RHEUMA TISM No use to spuirm ana wince' and try to wear out your Rheumatism. It will wear you out instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment. Need not rub it in just let it penetrate all through the affected parts, reiieve the sore ness and draw the pain. You get ease at once and feel so much better you want to go right out and tell other sufferers about Sloan's. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ail ments. Your money back if not sat isfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Buy a bottle today. SAY BOYS! Want to ro to war ? Of course you do if you are anything like the aver age healthy, enthusiastic young Amer ican lad. How many times have yon elay dreamed and night dreamed, too, for that matter about leading a gallant company on to victory. In your fancy you can hear the roar of the shells, the rattle and clatter of the swords, the shouts of victory am! all that sort of thing-, BUT If you want a real true-to-life illus tration of what modern warfare is. just get up about four o'clock sobij cold, damp, foggy morning, walk ten or twelve miles to bit of swamp.v (and, dig a trench until your ba, aches like an ulcerated tooth; let the trench fill with water until it reaches your waist. Then stand in this cold, almost freezing water all day arrd a night and all day anel all night with nothing to eat and nothing to drink but the murky water while the rest of the boys throw stones at you. Doesn't sound so nice and glorious, does it? But that's only abont one tenth as bad as REAL war woulel be. Better stick to the farm, eh? THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are extensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon for gotten ? The reason is - plain the article did not fulfil the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medi cinal preparation that has real cura tive value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, ot those who are in A prominent druggist says "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend for in almost every case case it shows excellent results, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy that I know of has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact that it fulfils almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder diseases, corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post Ad dress Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; a'so mention the Asheboro Weekly Cou rier. . . . .

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