GATHERED IN DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY AM) VILLAGES WHAT THE FARMERS ARE DOING ALOM. AGRICULTURAL LINES. RAMSEl'R ITEMS Miss Lillie Richardson, one of Ashc boro's most popular and charming young ladies, was the truest 0f Miss Lelyer Ferree the past week. Mrs. H. B. Carter and Mrs. Bridges are visiting Mr. 1'reston Carter in Greensboro. Mrs. D. M., of Clarkton, nf'ter a visit of three weeks to her sister. Mrs. lr. Tate, returned home last Saturday. Work pi-ogrcssd rapidly on tin drug store and if l!io weather was favorable Jor a short time it would soon be occupied again. Mr. :uid Mrs. Geo. Parks are re-ci-ivin- eniur'-'tnhilii'vs of friends i on th ' arrival of a ll'-po.ind daughter in tin ir home List v. eek. Carter Mercantile company are r.' ing a let o,' splendid ba 'trains diii'iiiti the.-- a. i mal eleavan'.v sale. ,'e are having an epidemic ol nr.i:"ps -n (own biit so far it has pro duced no fatalities. A line daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Martin last wivi;. The young men of the Ua:i;s ur Gr.-idcd' school entertained the young ladiis of the school last Saturday ni.r;ht at the residence of .Mrs. Hai . Mariey. Mr. .1. P. Baldwin has opened a har ness siiop in the store adjoining the Crescent Furniture (Vs. building. TRINITY NEWS Prs. Jackson and Duncnn, of High Point, were in town Saturday to op erate on Paul, the yc'iagcst sop. 01 Mr. and Mrs. H. P. 'lay.s for ;-' no;'!s. The f 1 1 'ids of the family will be glad to know that the little man ;s improving and we hope he vi'l I" his own cheery self in the mar fu ture. Mrs. N'eodhaivt, who has been .,, " sick for some weeks i : very low. Notwithstanding the inrlcnc -. wea'her there was a go-.xl eimgrc: . tion 0".t at services Sunday, and I: E. A. ("rowder uave then a most (: coltent sermon. Mr. G. T. Wood, of lli-rh Poi gave a short talk to the school I'-id..-which, all enjnved. I lis m:ny fri ad i'.re a'ways de'ightod to have Mr Wood visit the school in which h has shown much interest and tlu Trinity people miss him in ma.iy ways." lie ever stands for the uplift of a roTimunity. Mrs. T. .1. Covington, of Walnut Cove, is visiting her parents. Ceo: and Mrs. Uankin. Mr. Will Ellis, of High Point, sp. Sundav at home. .Miss Pose Johnson, who is teaching sit Sophia, spent the week end at homo. The Trinity Book did) met with Mrs. Bruce Craven last Saturday. Delicious refreshments and a delight ful afternoon was the verdict. Mesdamos Lamb and Wood, of Ras dleman, spent Sunday with Mi. Marvin Anderson. We extend our best wishes to Mr. J. C. Topper and Mr.Kred Ingram and wish thein much success. Prof. Johnson and bis teachers are doing line work at the High school. The bovs are nnxio-is to organ he a band of "Scouts." It is a good or-gnni.-'.Mon and v.e would be glad lo see ! orgunv'od. that could be done by doctors and loving friends could not save him. He was a son of Kev. W. N. Hayes and he leaves a wife, a father, moth er, brother and two sisters and a lot of relatives and friends to mom his loss. The funeral serviies were conducted by his nator, Mr. White, assisted by Mr. Albright. A large, crowd was present to show (heir la.-t j respect. May God's richest :desi.;ags comfort those who mourn. I Miss I'leta Pox visited her par. i 'Yiday and Saturday at Asheboio. j MI.-.S Eugenia Tsor, , l' Aslubmo who came down last week for l;;o, birihday dinner of her .mc'o Mr. 'IV !!. Tysor, spent a few days with rel. lives. i ,A large number o relatives a,,. i"'-ietids gathered in at Mr. C. M. 'I, sors to celebrate Mr. T. B. Tysors 7:'.'- j birthday and everybody seemed I ! enjoy ti'.e beautiful day and inoie i j poriully the line dinner that was sen-: e.l, as Mrs. C. M. T sor knovs ho ! to make a:l enjoy the dinner lio'ir , Th.ele wete thrie of ll:s old Conl'cdei-i at" coiir;i'C' with him. Rev. II. . Mbright, Mr. II. C. Tysor and Mr. I.., O. Siurg . May he live to see many: more happy birthdays. j Messrs. G. S. Richardson and Ray Tysor have gone back to Uuthei loi'd , College, accompanied by Garrett S. j Ugg. How to Build Up or Tear Down This Community O. LEWIS The Strength of the Wheel. T 1 R NM.1N Il.l.i: NEWS The Iivimr I. Henry Society recent ly organized by I'ranklinville Graded school elected the following ollicers for the present ieim: Miss Anna Ma ness, mano'ver: M ss Blanche Cox, presidenl; C. C. Julian, vice-president; Miss Tli'ra Sin', secr.'tary ilonry Marhy. treasurer; T"m Black, ritii : l.indsnv l.'.r.licr and Miincey Archer, marshal!. Henry S'.i. k ,vd faivi!;- and daily Burk", 'f High I'iont. visited heme neople I'.cre t'le first ef the week. Some of our young pen ile attended the spelling m itch at Fair Grove 'I' d' V c' l'i. '.-. W. C. Bu '-re he h Am"-r t kind !. -.- I. G J Bo. bom: P. W Mr. Batt.m Ashcbo'-o. I. Pove 'Irii'ic? ard lav last WO has s'one to Georgi: extract to lay brick who ettrnded thi (!. ,. ,,r dii' l-'ranklin lo'pli m.-niulV.eturine I 1." t :, i-k were: '. W. M. Curtis. Gre-ns 'i n, ':;cbmoiid: 'a.: r!otte and H. Moilitt. ( i-rh: Mrs. P. n. tec Bolxvt. spent ovv I i ' r!i Point with rel- IIE wheel, composed of bub, spokes mid tire, is oue of the most useful nnd one of the strongest of man's meehanleul devices. It also lllus trntes well the manner in which various parts are needed to make a perfect whole. A COOP TOWN. A CENTER OF TRADE, ItE FEMIU.ES A WHEEL. With all of it A contributing factors closely wedged In like the spokes lit Into the hub of a wheel tho prosperous country surround lug It holds It together like the tire holds the wheel. So loin: ns all pans are in place Uie device runs smoothly and Is a perfect mmliine. Remove a Mioke and THE U'HUEL AT ONCE BECOMES WEAKER and i no strouger than its weakest point TO HAVE AND TO MAINTAIN A GOOD SOLID TOWN EVERY KIND OF BUSINESS MUST BE FIRMLY ESTABLISHED. AND AROUND THESE MUST BE UNITED PEOPLE WORKING FOR THE COMMON GOOD. ItiMrov the mercantile business or the iiianuiactur.iij; business or the b.mki!';; business and, like removing n spoke from the wheel, you weaken the in!"i'ests of the whole. Sen I your money to mail order houses or patronize merchants in other cities and you take away that patronage which rightfully belongs to the h"tno merchant ami thereby undermine the business of the town All classes or kinds of business are so closely related ami Intcrloi king that when yon daia tiL:e one you damage all. But we have a beautiful little city, prosperous, growing and happy, and In it we have some of the best merchants, banks, mil Is. Jobbers and factories, conducted by as line a set of men as you will tind any whore on earth We have line schools, handsome churches, extvlleut public utilities and luiiuy fine buildings the eip sd of any city of its size in the entire country, nud ALL MAPB POSSIBLE BY THE BUSINESS MEN -big hearted, progressive anil aggressive bustlers and boosters. There is hardly a day that the business men men-bunts, banks. Jobbers, mills, etc. nre not called on to make a subscription or douation to some in stitution or some worthy cause to do something, if you plc-Kse, for grenter building or better living. And that thev generously give nnd hare given is proved in the many institutions we have for the intellectual, moral and the spiritual uplift of "ur citizens. Therelore. when you solicit a subscription from these business men of your home city you should feel iu duty bound to give them what assistance you can and to always patronize them to the el elusion of others and outsiders. THE VALUE OF YOUR HOME, THE RENTAL OF YOUR PROP ERTY, THE PRICE OF LOTS ALL ARE BASED ON THE SUCCESS OF YOUR BUSINESS MEN. If the town has n lot of vacant stores, idle factories, mills running on half time, there can be no substantial value to property Therefore, to keep the stores rented, the dwellings occupied and a general good tone to property i values it M neces iry that yon (JIVE TO VOCI! HOME PEOPLE VOI'U ENTIRE srPP'iirT Patronizing mail order houses is not altogether limited to poor people of ir-iil- le seacrovi: ::oi ti: 1 The r .,.!'-h we p,,, r John to hi Ki agement There Saturda v The to: Roads sci ing soc:. ' invite a'l liii.dU. Ml'. J: d fr the d"r the c-lo this ni;-!:t sp. I mg ,1.1 1'OVS O;, nov has moved his tl :;'.. Mr. Will Ki; i"v in Grant township. Mr. and Mrs. Mike All red spr--Sunday at High Point. W. P Pend'-r wades through the mud as nimble as a young man its a boy. I,. P. Buie wears a double grin its a f'r.e girl. The Baraca class of the Franldin ville M. K. church is a noble organi zation .if young men and with tie following officers we are good work for the p'-esent year: A. W. Fam's. president: M. G. Manor, vire president: T. B. Pove, secretary-treasurer; Tom Black reporter: J, II, pen tri s, tea-her; Chireive Parks, assist a.rt teacher: I.. P. Luther, A. W. Kar ris. Hazel Pil'ienton. committee on a'-.-o-, G. H. Manor. M. C. Maner. M'uioey A rchcy. committee en mem bership; T. B. Pov, Clarence Parl-s. I'om r.';, secoid committee; M. I.. Ml:-..!. Evrrett Wrenn. N. A. M-- ' I'-ou-i l.:!c. commUtce to isit the -Vl;:' :l..-.vf - Au-bey. Everett Wrer..i. i'.'r' s Thomas, committee of we!- t farmers or t town, but Is a c tielieve this is ir:, i hellish, ., I and high oliism to the home over this neittet si after YOB WILL pie who do not know the hurt they are doing the home l practice among certain well known, well to do men I the result of thoughtlessness and of being misled by em y exaggerated descriptions than through a spirit of iintae merchant Moreover. I firmly believe that when you think im sly and carefully, analyzing it in every detail, that here ;ivr. von: home merchant vorr: traoe How to Build Up or Tear Down This Community Dy J. O. LEWIS The Farmer and the Merchant. A. Han o.-k, d r ?-i". and :ed Wcdnosd.-.v 1 to rest Thar herili cemetery. cr.n- irso:- ha:i('. FLINT SPP-I d is .1 ho Th .S ITEM have tin and ipjito a :r relatives and fi svmpatliy of a;: Rain I v Sever:-' of the the play :.t '..!(',;. and report 'd a uii Miss An-.- H ley and 'ha -li" i' spelling at Oak ' i'i Mr. F.'mer ll iv nitrht at W. X. H; Mr. and Mrs. l.-.-m Davis and chil dren have been visiting sit Mr. John Garner's. Mr. and M -s. .Tames Scott visited at E. F. Haves' Saturday night. J. L. Brani'ev made a business trip to Ashehoro Friday and reported the j yo.i see lie -,-i ;- folks attended e Saturday niulil I 'me. M'-s. I.iiiie Brant tor attended the c Saturday nivht. spent Sattmlav ASHEP.ORO ROUTE 1 ITEMS A large crowd attended the speBrn.-. at Fair Grove Saturday night. Mr. I.. K. Wright, of near Coleridge, .-pent a few days last vt ek in this community. Miss Edith Guiitcr spent Saturday nii'ht and Sunday at her gramlfat!! er's. Mr. J. C. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. Cronnie Ingold spent Sunday at Mr. J. C. Ingold's. Mary M. Allen, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carson Allen died January 1. 1!B5, aged about four months. She was buried at Pleasant Ri.lge. Miss Hazel Pugh was the guest or PISC.MI ITEMS roads bad. ; Miss Irma Cox last Saturday Mr. Homer Alien, of Miami Texas. Sunday, vinted Mr. E H. Cox Saturdayi Mf T F- Vaf(h win have hia Baw night. lie said he made 1 100 bus,i-!s mil at 1jnc Hi Jn operation in the of wheat last year and hail uuu acres near future. sowed now. , ' r-, u,. gold mine has returned burg, Va., where he has been on b. ness. We hope the ground hog will i -see his shadow next month. Some of our farmers got busy those prettv days and commenced to plow but they are blue again. Mr. Alston Wright, of near Lib " is visiting his son-in-law and daughter Mis. M. J. M. Davis. Mr. Wright is S7 years old and walked from his home to Ran'se-tr which is 8 miles. Who cr.n beat that? The school at this place is progress ing nicely under the management of Mi.-.s Delia Cnl'icutt. There will be preaching here n Su"day at eleven o'clock. oomc of the young people of Uv community attended f.he ho ra'" Thursday niirht given ! y Miss Pora'Jn TTarvoI for the purpose of securie" library for the public school. Aft' r r fine speeech by Rev. T .ester I.uca.? boxea were sold. The highest pr' une hronglit $ l..r0. Idrs. Welch is still on the sick list Mr. Win. Wright has moved to Steeds. MT. OLIVET ITEMS Mr. Calvin William Hayes, aped years died at his horr-e January Vl. and was buried the 12th at Anthch church. He has been sick for abou'. a year .and suffered a lot. He also had to go to St. Leo' hospital but all California's Mcs.-r.tts. Masnes!t'. a rdnr'Tl hicii i3 otw C2 per cent, curb a dio: .dt:, Uio pas v.bhwh in r,s".; tbarginj; toiia wa ter, sinRC-r ;.1'3 :m,.-2 Bimilar beverages, i.: fcjcd iii .i : r 4';a.iti in C'all foruia faun in ai.y ticciluH o the coun-'l-.-. Cum lui.i i.-rncsiw is probably i?scJtlsa by fe v, ir any, of the foroign deposits and is superior to much that 1b mined abroad. HERE can be no doubt that the prosperity of the country the entire people is based on the quantity of produce BAISED ON TUE FAIIMS, nud no other one thing so seriously u fleets the business interests of the country as a general crop failure. If the crops are generally good throughout the country and happen to be n failure In one par ticular locality the merchants are not dependent on the home farmer, but cuu have his goods, produce, etc., shipped iu from other sections nnd thus supply the demand of Ids customers, white, on the other hand. THE FARMEIt IS . I. WAYS LE PEN PENT ON HIS HOME M I'.UCHAN'TS the town or city which is his maiiieiliig place and the hoie hanks lor the haudliug and disposition of Ins products. THE MERCHANT NEVER BUYS HIS PRODUCE, HAY AND GRAIM FROM OUTSIDE FOINTS WHEN HE CAN GET THEM FROM THE. FARMER, BUT THAT THE FARMER IS GIVEN LARGELY TO THE PRACTICE OF ORDERING MANY OF HIS NEEDS FROM STORES IN OTHER CITIES, MORE PARTICULARLY THE LARGE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. IS A WELL KNOWN FACT. .Not a day passes that piod.t of almost every description, from soaps to farm Implement. incliidiiiL; ......dine engines, manure spreaders, seed planters. cream separators, ceo;, a; m i s Hint ranges, clothing, rotciies and what not, lire seen Iu our depots and o;noss oliices addressed ;o local 1 armors. MR. FARMER, DO YOU THINK IT RIGHT TO COME TO TOWN WITH A LOAD OF PRODUCE AND SELL IT TO THE MERCHANTS OF YOUR MARKET PLACE AND THN TAKE THE MONEY HE PAYS YOU AND SENp IT TO SOME MAIL ORDER HOUSE AND BUY GOODS THAT YOU COULD BUY JUST AS CHEAPLY AT HOME AS FROM A MAIL ORDER HOUSE AND HAVE THE FURTHER SATISFACTION OF SEE ING WHAT YOU BUY? You may say, "Oh, well, i sold my butter ami eggs to the groceryuinn. but he does'n't handle clothing:" Yes; but. my farmer friend, if the clothing man docs not sell his clothing he must go out of business, and the grocery man loses a good customer, his business is curtailed, nnd he then must needs buy less of your produce. Yu are Just os much in duty bound to buy your cloth ing, your hardware, your farm tools and other necessities from your homo market as if these merchants all dealt in your wares tlrst hand. THESE VARIOUS BUSINESSES ARE INTERLOCKING AND INTER DEPENDENT, AND ON THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS YOUR 8UCCESS. . A certain good farmer in this county ordered n corn planter from a mail order house and. owing to delays in freights, did not get bis planter In timi to do bis planting while a good spell of weather was on. However, It Anally came, ne got it to the farm, set it up and started In with his planting. Through carelessness or oversight a small gravel got in one of the holes through which the corn drops nnd there lodged, with the result that the platw was broken. This put the planter out of commission. The farmer had to stop his corn planting and come to town to Bee If he could get another plate. He called on the hardware stores and implement dealers, but as none of them carried these mnil order house planters in stock he could find no plate, and- i the final result was he was forced to follow the plow ana drop bis corn by hand. Had he purchased his planter irom a nomc morcuani ne coma easny have got the necessary repair and not been delayed. It certainly was more costly" to the farmer than If he had paid his home Implement dealer many dollars more. Furthermore, the implement dealer had been buying corn every season from th.s farmer who bought bis planter from mall order honse. Every dollar you send to a mall order house is taken out of local circula tion eiitlrelv. and' the good of it is lost forever. IT HURTS YOU IN THE LONG RUN Just as much us any one. Therefore, before you order anything else from out of your borne town go to town and sef if yoi can find what you want or If von can't get to town telephone a merchant, and if it ts a small mickuge he w ill send it out by parcel post If it Isn't satisfactory send it back . Merchants guarantee' the goods they sell Just as well as mailorder houses There is not a local merchant who will not treat yon right Give him a chance nud l.f will upput'iate it To tu com limed under the title. "THE STRENGTH OF THE WHEEL." How to Build Up or Tear Down This Community By J. O. LEWIS The Home Merchant Has Earned Support. WHY are communities, towns and cities? Have you ever asked your self this question? Did you think they Just happened, or had you ever thought that there wns a special need for them? In the be ginning of time as far back as history takes us we find that MEN HAVE BAN'DKD TUEMSELVHS TOO ETHER FOR MANY AND Oli VIOUS REASON'S, chief among which are the benefits to be gained from organized society as a social, Intellectual, spiritual and commercial center. Collectively we are strong, forceful and nggresslve and possess power and means to attain a growth which will give to us and our progeny opportunities for better living to develop our moral, spiritual and intellectual life, the things for which we were created. THEREFORE THE SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS OF EVERY CITI ZEN OF ANY COMMUNITY LIES IN THE INTEREST HE TAKES IN THAT COMMUNITY AND THE GOOD WORK HE CAN, DO TO ASSIST IN ITS UPBUILDING. Now, then, if we are to succeed us individuals and as a community we must not only strive for our own personal success nnd welfare, BUT MUST GIVE OF OFF. WORK AND SUBSTANCE UNSELFISHLY TO HELP THE OTHEKS. Everything we do to help In the- upbuilding and advancement of our city we do Just that much toward our own personal success. No man can live and prosper unto himself alone. FOR WE ARE INTERDEPENDENT, and, realizing this, If we as citizens will all unite nnd pull together for the common good we will prosper as a city and consequently as individuals. We'd paved streets and sidewalks, good sewerage system, thoroughly en forced sanitary laws, well regulated and energetic police force, competent Are fighting equipment mid rigid building regulations are economic necessities and therefore they more largely affect us as a community than as individuals. But beyond this and underlying it nil and upon which rests the foundation of the whole is THE SUCCESS OF THE BUSINESS MAN. This man makes an investmei t. goes Into some kind of business to manufacture or sell goods puts his uiol.-v nt stake, employs labor and begins his work to build better. THIS MAN IS THE CORNERSTONE OF THE COMMUNITY the man you should rally around and support the cucccc3 of a town depends on the success of its business men. while the success of the business men depe:tp :m f-'pfort they receive from the people at large. each being, however, dependent one on the other. No ineri h: i t can succeed without the pntronage of the public. He is abso lutely and entirely dependent on the custom of each and every Individual who has a penny t spend, the little mite of each, taken In the aggregate, makin ; the volume tin which he runs his business. The merchant, having plenty of competition, must, in order to get the people's patronage, figure his prices clos. nnd offer to tliein th very best inducements possible. The merchant pays large rentals, taxes, privilege licenses, insurance, be sides employing many clerks and assistants, In order to' maintain and conduct his business in sueli a manner as to meet your approval, nnd to succeed let me emphasize it n.'aiii II E MUST HAVE YOUR PATRONAGE TO MAKE HIS lll SlNESS PAY. This community has some ns.flne stores every kind and conducted by as tine a set of men us you will find anywhere on the face of the globe liberal, big hearted, progressive men.. No better retail stores, no better wholesale or jobbing houses, no better banks, no better mills, no better schools, no bet ter churches, no better municipal or public utilities, can bo found anywhere than right here iu your home town, all absolutely nil made possible only by and through the co-operation and generous giving of the business men. But my good friends, with all of these extraordinary accomplishments, there nre some things being done today which nre STUMBLING BLOCK? IN THE PATH OF OUR GREATER GROWTH and further develop mentdifferences, if you please, which we must reconcile and overcome If we are to continue to grow and prosper. To be continued under the title. "HELP YOURSELF BY HELPING YOUR TOWN." How to Build Up or Tear Down This Community By J. O. LEWIS Help Yourself by Helping Your Town. THE attitude yon maintain toward your home town Its business men and its institutions is reflected in the success or failure of the same. The success and happiness of every citizen In any community lie in the Interest he takes in that community and the good work he can Ho to assist In its unbuilding. EVERYTHING YOU DO TO nELP IN THE ADVANCEMENT OK YOUR OWN COMMUNITY YOU DO JUST THAT MUCH TOWARD YOUR OWN PERSONAL SUCCESS. No man cm live and prosper nnto himself alone, for you nre Interdependent, and, realizin ; this, as good citizens, you should unite and pull together for the common good, nnd, doing this, you will prosper as a community nnd as Individuals. NO TOWN CAN STAND STILL. IT MUST EITHER GO FORWARD OR DECLINE, AND IT IS UP TO YOU TO SAY WHICH IT WILL BE. Some towns hustle nnd grow that is, the people hustle nnd the town grows. They get the habit of boosting until every citizen becomes a booster, and pretty soon its reputation spreads and it becomes known far and wide as a good town, while others lapse into a state of Innocuous desuetude an easy rock along manner that soon classes that particular place as a dead one. If you are knocking and complaining stop it. Nothing hurts a town more. If you cannot say something good don't sny anything, and. above all. don't knock. If you nre not a booster become one. The success of the retail merchant depends on the patronage of his home people, the home Jobber is largely dependent on the patronage of his home retailer, the banks are dependent likewise on the success of all. while the, suc cess and happiness of the people depend on the success of the business men. Now, oue of the greatest injuries you can do your home town or com munity to the business men who are dependent on your pntronage is to order your goods from mall order bouses or patronize merchants in other towns Every dime sent from your community to a mail order bouse t removed en tirely from local circulation. Its principal nud interest nre both gone, whereas the money seiit with the home merchant goes immediately into circulation nnd in due course comes back to you. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ANNUALLY ARE BEING 8ENT TO MAIL ORDER HOUSES FROM THIS COMMUNITY, THUS DEPRIVING HOME MERCHANTS OF THEIR RIGHTFUL PATRONAGE. And yet, do mntter how much the home merchnnt Is dependent on the patronage of his home people, he Is supposed to give and to aid in every work undertaken for the materlnl betterment of the towu. and he does, being often coerced into giving by the demands of bis customers, fearing to offend them because of the fear of loss of their pntronnge. UNLIKE YOUR HOME MERCHANT, MAIL ORDER HOUSES PAY NO TAXES OR PRIVILEGE LICENSE TO DO BUSINESS IN YOUR COM MUNITY. NEITHER DO THEY CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR CHURCHES. SCHOOLS, PUBLIC ROADS, CHARITIES OR ANYTHING ELSE, AND. ABOVE ALL, THEY GIVE NO EMPLOYMENT TO ANY ONE IN YOUR FAMILY OR HOME TOWN. You want your schools kept up, your churches supported, your streets kei t In repair, your town properly policed nnd protected by 'a good fire tlghtlicr equipment etc. In other words, you want your town to prosper, be well rtri, and the people to be happy nnd contented. YET IF YOU ARE SENDING YOUR MONEY TO OTHER INSTITUTION'S IN OTHER CITIES ANN TOWNS YOU ARE DEFEATING TnE VERY OBJECT FOR WHICH YOU STRIVE. Now. this town building Is a serious matter a great big proposition ar t If yon nre not treating it its business :nen-fairly you ore not treating your self fairly. Yon nre undermining the very foundation of your well being. To be continued under the title, "THE FARMER AND THE MERCHANT 1

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