THE COURIER Asheboro, N. C, Thursday Jan. 28. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Walter Brausoa, of Augusta, Georgians visiting hia sister, Mrs. Virgil Presaell. The Courier appreciated a call from Mr. J. L. Brantley, of Seagrove, yes terday. Messrs. J. J. White, VT. M. Welch and T. J. Finch, of Trinity, were in town yesterday on business. Messrs. Ed Reagan and W. T. Kirk man, of High Point, were in town Tuesday on business. Messrs. W. C. Hammond and J. T. Penn went to Greensboro Tuesday on business. Attorney Bruce Craven, of Trinity, was in town this week. Mr. A. M. Ferree has returned from a trip South. Miss Lucile Rush is visiting rela tives in Lumbcrton. Mrs. Chas. M. Fox and children are visiting relatives in Winston-Salem. Miss Bera Scarboro has returned from Norwood, where she spent sever al days with friends. Miss Eugenia McCain has returned from a visit to relatives and friends at Troy. Mr. Miles, of the Greensboro Daily News, was in town Monday in the in terest of his paper. Mrs. Cleveland Presnell returned to her home at Sanford last week after spending a few weeks with Mrs. Mar tha Presnell on South Fayetteville St. Tk.u mill ha o W naffv of foil. Mr. M.F.Vuncannon, of Star, spent !tra, Fa,s Saturday evening, Febru- cnn.Hiv in town the euest of his sister, Mrs. Fannie Page. Don't forget the auction sale of the Hinshaw farm in Guilford county. Look up the ad. The Asheboro Graded School honor roll came in too late for publication this week. It is a splendid report and will be given next week. Miss Hattie Boyd, of the Normal college, Greensboro, spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White at the Ashlyn. Mr. H. P. Baldwin, of Franklinville township, called at the Courier office yesterday and renewed his subscrip tion. Mrs. Allie Burrows, of Burlington, who has been-visiting Miss Mittie Lovett, has gone to High Point to spend a while before returning home. Mr. W. M. Stevenson, of Gile's Chap el section, has an interesting letter in this issue of The Courier. rew men in the county are better informed than Mr. Stevenson. Ed Walker and Jeff Dorsett, ttiw negroes suspected of murdering John Swaim, of Pleasant Garden, were tried in Greensboro municipal court Tuesday and bound over to bupenoi court on probable cause. In Federal court in Raleigh last TVUnv "Portland Ned" was convicted of the robbery of the Siler City and Plymouth postoflices and sentenced to five years in Federal prison, by Judge Connor. Attention is called to Mr. Bulla's article on the county commencement in this issue. The teachers should co oDerate with Mr. Bulla in this work and make it a grand success. Mr. E. E. Pugh, of the Star Meat Market, has established brancn mar kets at Biscoe and FraiiKiinviue. ne delivers his meat from Asheboro to these noints with his rord motoi truck. Mr. Pugh sells the best meats obtainable and his customers are ai ways sure of a square deal. Te ret rid of the flies and stay rid of tfcem, clean up the premises and the flies will have no place to Dreed Fir time is only a few months off, and tie way to get rid of flies is to cleaa up the premises and keep them cleta. Yew cannot have wealth without health and you cannot have health with' flies and you cannot get rid of flies until you clean up and Keep your presnises cieaa. This town needs drinking troughs fer hones and mules. The enterpns inr Merchants of this town should see U it that hitch racks are in every back let. Referring te the importance of sneeatng in a room without holding yeur nose in a handkerchief and the importance of avoiding spitting on the flow, street or side walk, a friend calls attention to the reading or the zutn Chanter of Exodus and thirteenth verse. If you don't know how to rid your self of the fly get the information from the Health Department at Kai eigh, which will furnish the informa- tioa for you. which if followed, will rid you of the flies in hot weather as weM as cold. Ask every one whom you meet if ther read the Health Bulletin, and talk it over with them, and then go and take a look at your back yard, not at your neighbor's or visit your neighbor and take a look at your own yara from her view point. A recent issue of the Stanley En terprise has this to say of one of the substantial farmers, of Randolph. "A. H. Crowell. of Farmer, Kan lolph couunty, was a recent visitor in town . Mr. Crowell war formerly of this county, and we are glad to see him si axing good in Kandoipn. The hoaest sons of toil have made Asheboro what it is. Among our citizenship we have had no rich phi lanthropists to establish puouc iipra ries. endow institutions of learning, establish hospitals or other institu tions. Did yoa ever think, it takes money to rua a newspaper just as it does fuel to fire an engine, so it Is necessary to make nayments. We greatly appreciate the patronage giv en us and those who wish us success only need to be informed on this mat ter. It is too expensive to send out a collector, so please call and pay, or mail us your subscription. ; Mr. A. B. Crouse, who formerly lived on Sandy Creek in Liberty town ship, this county, but now lives in Alamance county, has purchased a fine farm near Liberty and will at an early date move his family there. Mr. Cro use's eon, Roy Crouse, will take charge of the Elon Grove stock and grain farm on Burlington route 4, Alamance county, where they now live. ary 6. The young ladies are request ed to bring nicely aranged boxes. The public is cordially invited. Mr. E. M. Reams, of High Point, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Reams paid The Courier a visit and advanced his subscrption one year. Sergt. W. B. Cady, who has been in Asheboro the past week instructing the Military Company, has gone to High Point to do similar work. Mr. J. N. Pritchard, of Randleman. R. F. D. 2, one of the county's best citizens, called at the Courier office last week and advanced his subscrip tion . Mr. J. F. Boesrs returned last Fri day from a few weeks visit to friends and relatives in Chatham, Orange, Alamance and Guilford counties. Mr. Boggs whose health has not been good for several months, is much improved. Dr. J. H. Weaver, presiding elder of the Greensboro district, preached in the M. E. church Sunday night. The first quarterly conference for this year was held Monday morning, ine om cials made good reports. The Southern Real Estate Company, of Greensboro, have an attractive ad in this issue offering for sale at auc tion the C. U. Hinshaw farm in east em Guilford. Tis is fine property and will make some man an ideai home. Mr. James Younts, of the Fullers section, and Miss Emma Lambert were married at the home of Magis trate M. L. Wood in Tabernacle town ship last week. Messrs. Will Hooker and J. A. Hold er have opened a meat market in the rear of Hannah s grocery store. I ney will handle all kinds of fresh meats, fish, etc. Read their ad in this fssue. Little Edith, the four-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W, Curtis, of Liberty, died last Friday and was buried on Saturday at Lib erty. The funeral was conducted by Rev. G. M. Milloway, of Greensboro. Miss Nannie Lambert has recently been elected Historian of the Junior Class of the State Normal College Greensboro. The class is composed of a large number of young ladies from all parts of the state, and this election of an Asheboro girl is quite an honor to her, Mr. John Glasgow died at his home near Mt. Tabor, in Orant township about two weeks ago. He was seventy- two years old and had been in feeble health for some time. The funeral and burial was at Giles' Chapel. One daughter survives. On January 4. Miss Swannee Dia mond. of Greensboro, and Mr R. T. Groome, of Groometown, Guilford county, were married, but not until a few days ago was the announcement made public. Key. (j. W. Byrd per formed the ceremony.! The following invitations have been issued: "You are cordially invited to attend Chapel Exercises Friday Janu ary 29,at 8:45 a. m. at the Graded School. The Fifth Grade." The pat rons of the school are earnestly re quested to attend these exercises con ducted by the different grades. Mr. A. B. Steele, of Franklinville, died last week at the age of 72 years. His death was due to blood poison, resulting from a scar on his hand re ceived while scalding hogs. The fu neral services were conducted by Rev, TJ.Rodgers at Franklinville. His wife survives him. There were no chil dren, The funeral of John Swaim was held in the Methodist church at Pleasant Garden Monday. The services were attended by a large crowd and were conducted bv Rev. P. L. Terrell. The ceremony of the Junior Order of which he was a member was conducted by the Pleasant Garden Lodge. There were many beautiful floral offerings. The following were pall bearers: Jas Coble, C. W. Hockett, Talmage Neece. Charles T. Ross, H. B. Kirkman. W. B. Hardin, J. H. Riley and C R Fields Miss Lula Riley, the young woman arrested and tried in Greensboro Sat urday and Monday for the larceny of $4.00 worth of goods from Ellis Stone Company's store during Decem ber, was acquitted of the charge. The case was tried before Judge Brown of the city court. Miss Riley was in the employ of the Ellis-Stone Compa ny for several years. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Riley, once lived in Asheboro, but are now living in Sanford. Sometimes people get it in their that they have settled. About the that they have s ettled. About the only way men of that type have set tled for what they have done is to get all they can out of the public. Without our farmer friends grass would grow in every street- So wny not begin by establishing hitch racks for horses and providing drinking troughs. The business men can pro vide and hitch racks, and the tows the drinking troughs. Miss Julia Thorns and Mrs. W. C. Hammer are attending The Social Service Conference in Raleigh this week. Mr. T. Ward, Greensboro, was a business visitor on our streets yester day. ' i Mr. D. Scott Poole has given up the St. Paul Messenger in Robeson coun ty which he conducted at St. Paul for some years, and has gone back to Raeford, where he edited Facts and Figures before going to St. Paul ana has again assumed charge of the pa per at Raeford. The paper now Is the Hoke County Journal. Mr. Poole formerly edited a newspaper at Troy in Montgomery county. Mr. J. F. Jarrell, registrar of vital statistics for Back Creek township, reports 12 adult deaths for the past year, ten of which averaged 78 years. The combined ages of the ten were 780 years. The ages of the twelve were: 60, 71, 80, G5, 106, 80, 86, 80, 72, 37 and 32. Six out of the 12 averaged 85 and four months. One died of tu berculosis and one of typhoid fever; the others were due to old age. A meeting of the teachers of the dif ferent townships surrounding Ram seur was held in Ramseur last Satur day. Dr. E. E. Balcomb, of the State THE STANDARD DRUG COMPANY AND THE REXALL DRUG COM PANY FORMULARY. The Latest and Best Formulas for Home Use Compiled for the Standard Drug Co. and the Rexall Drug Co. by Dr. Charles W. Parsons, formerly editor of Druggist Circular, Chemist for U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, Professor of Prac tical Pharmacy and Anatytical Chem istry in College of Pharmacy, of City of New York. These formulas are copyrighted. It will be noted that each formula gives the kind of each medicine for each formula, but the quantity of each medicine to be used is not pub lished, but is kept in a separate book and these formulas can be filled only at the Standard Drug Co. and Rex all Stores in Asheboro. The price of each formula is given, and all you have to do is to cut out this formula and send it, to the Stanu ard Drug Co. or Rexall Drug Co., to gether with the price. You can sav. money by using these formulas. CHAPPED HANDS Rose Water Tincture Benzoin Compound Alcohol Normal College, Greensboro, delivered Glycerine to make an address and Mrs. W. P. White gave Mix. a demonstration in primary work. Thel Price 25 Cents following eachers were present: W. Wash the hands' in warm water, P. White, Nell Marshall, Sue Siler, thoroughly dry them. Apply the ic- Ul",li V'"'? "-jtion and rub it in. Koft and sooth- P. White, S. C. Frazier, D. M. Weath erly, Edna Hutchinson, Miss Moson, M. Wright, Phama Cox, Ora Brqwer, Beulah Brown, and Blanche York. Tne women of Ramseur served hot lunch at the schoolhouse. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS ing to the skin; makes the hands white; prevents tan and sunburn. ROUGH HANDS AND FACE (Milk of Roses.) Almonds, Blanched Rose Water White Wax Almond Oil Price, 35 Cents Blanch the almonds and beat to a heat One subscriber writes he wants his paper discontinued at the expiration of the paid up period, another who rinu nnt u-anf tn not, iinti tha onrl nf the ..oor wifoo kt ho Anoa nnt uranf paste, adding the rose water to pay until the end of the year; in urees ami in br other words he wants to get evsry one Prate with the white wax, almond oil of the fifty-two issues before he pays. ?"u ."'eueji logcuier, men am This might be well if The Courier and the other ingredients, its force could get those who furnish I Tis creamery mixture is generally supplies for the paper and our homes, ' Uef M,llk . , Roses- After wa,shi"F i- ..... v- y, ci,rvrHo fn.- the hands with warm water and cas- each week until fifty-two weeks had soap, apply Milk of Roses, rubbing expired; and if the office force couln thoroughly, then wipe the hands ho irWwl tn ivnit for Pxrh wks:'"i ry louei pay until the end of the TAX AND SUNBURN year, .we might be able to wait with our sub- :l . :i ,..,. f il,A . n'l ,. ... ...u u:n u !. :.i J Ammonii'ted Mercury yui lauu. u.u ..-o . F."., .. , Subnitrp.te Bismuth not at tne er.n oi me year, uur pa- Gycerjne Oi per bills for this week have to be perfume q. s intment or Cold Creum paid now, not at the end of the yeai, our grocery bills, etc., have to be paid now, not at the end ot the year, ana we, therefore, call upon ail subscri bers to pay their subscriptions now, and not at the end of the year. Tne Apply to parts affected, rubbinr well, twice daily. Price, 25 Cents Too much cannot be said in favor of this formula. It will relieve tan MR. CICERO SKEEN DEAD News reached Asheboro yesterday of the death of Mr. Cicero Skeen, who livee three miles west of Asheboro. Mr. Skeen had a cold for about a week and developed pneumonia only three days prior to his death. He leaves a family. He was buried at Union to day. MRS. TYRRELL SMITH DEAD did bleach for the face. Do not us- this on raw or blistered surface. CAMPHOR ICE nrice is one dollar a vear. nayable at ' and sunburn quickly, and is excellent the time you subscribe, not at the enn J for the skin and complexion. Splen- of the year. This course is necessary for the reason that The Courier is noi full enough handed to pay these bills and wait on subscribers to pay latei. It costs several thousand dollars to operate The Courier plant a year, anu our past experience has proven con clusively that it is necessary to op erate The Courier on business prin ciples. The Courier is attempting to per form a public service, and unfortu nately it has not met expenses ana it is quite necessary that all subscrip tions be paid as promptly as possible. We offer this as the one important reason for calling the matter to youi attention at this time, and beg to take occasion to thank you for your support and express a desire for its continuance. The account of each is small but n the aggregate it amounts to several thousand dollars to us. Yours traar, THE COURIER, Asheboro, N. C. Camphor White Wax Castor Oil Spermaceti Carobolic Acid Oil Bitter Almonds Benzoic Acid Price, 25 Cents Camphor ice should be in every household, in the winter especially. Its application is very benehcal tor chilblains, chaps, sores, cuts, etc., and is pleasant and soothing. The above preparation is selected after careful experiment with hun dreds of combinations. There is no better formula. Mrs. Tyrrell Smith died at Denton last Tuesday at the home of her son Ashley Smith. She was the widow of the late Tyrrell Smith who died al most four years ago. Deceased was about 73 years of age. The body was carried to Panther Creek Burial Ground for interment. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express through the col umns oi The Uouner our sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for their kindness and assistance during the recent sickness and death of our father and brother. John Glasgow, May they all receive the blessings so richly deserved. MISSES M. J. AND TAMAR I GLASGOW TEMPERANCE MEETING Next Sabbath beinar the 2nd Sab bath School Temperance Lesson day, and the day requested by North Caro lina Anti Saloon Conference to be ob served in all the Sabbath Schools and churches in the State as Temperance uay mere win be held a Union meet ing in the Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock .in the afternoon. It is hoped that the ministers of all the churches will be present to address the meet ing and that the public will be in at tendance to add their interest and in fluence that good may be accomplished. HORSE AND WAGON FOR SALE I have a good heavy draught horse and a two horse Geo. E.' Nissen wagon complete that I will sell at a bargain. 3t. J. L. CHEEK, Ramseur, N. C. CARR-WISHART Last night at 9 o'clock Mrs. Callie Carr nnd Mr. A. T. Wishart were united in marriage at the apartment, of the bride in Redding Flats in the presence of only a few friends resid ing in the building. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Gilbert T. Rowe, pastor Wesley Memorial church. Immediately after the cere mony the bride and groom left on a northbound train for an extended tour to New York and points in Pennsyl vania. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Thos. J. Wood, of Trinity, and widow of the late Ernest Carr. She is very attractive and has hosts of friends who wish her much happiness. The groom is a wall known business man here, being the Southern repre sentative of the National Lock Co. For two years or more he has haa headquarters here with offices and warehouses in the Richardson building on Main street. He has many frienos who will congratulate him. High Point Enterprise Jan. 21 EGGS FOR HATCHING Finest Strains, Black Lang Shangs $1.25 per 13; B. P. Rocks $1.00 per 13 by Par cel Post. Safe delivery guaranteed. Hill Grade Poultry Farm, Asheboro,! N. C, Route No. 1, Box 55, MKH. V. O. INGOLD. FOR SALE A gold mine free gold in flint quartz, 7 ft. vein, North ern Miners' province, finest in state. 64-acre tract of land. Apply to W. L. WILLIAMS, It. Seagrove, .N C. FOR SALE One Photo Button Camera, practically new, and one Vest Pocket Folding Kodak, new. Ap ply to BOX 255, Asheboro, N. C. WANTED One of the large maga zine publishing houses desires to em ploy an active man or woman in th:s community to handle a special plan which has proven unusually profita ble. Good opening for right party. Address with two references, Pub lisher, Box 155, Times Sq. Sta., New York City. AUTOMOBILES Sale or Exchange Will trade new Touring Car for good work mules or horses. If in terested, let me hear from you at once. B. F. MCDOWELL. ASHEBORO, N. C. What You Can Buy a the Rexall Drug Store AND THE ' Standard Drug Comp'y Tick's Croup Salve 25c Brame's Croup Salve 25c Mother's Joy 25c Dr. King's New Discovery . 5c Rexall Cherry Bark Coagh Syrup 25 Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion $1.00 Scott's Emulsion . 50c and $1.00 Tooth Brushes 10c to 25c Hair Brushes 25c to $2.50 Cloth Brushes 25c up Scrub Brushes 5c to 25c Nail Brushes 10c to 25c Testaments 25c Bibles $1.00 up Books (standard authors) . . 50c Fountain Syringes $1.00 to $2.50 Bulb Syringes .. ..50c to $1.00 Letter Files 25c Toilet Paper 5c and 10c Dean's Cough Drops 5c Smith Bros. C'ouirh Drops . . 5c Hoarhound Drops 20c Hi Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Oil $1 Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic. 50c Trusses $1.00 Plasters, all well known brands. Dr. Hess Stock Food 25c, 50c, $1 Dr. Hess Poultry Food .... 25c I)r. Hess Worm Powder . . . 50c Dr. Hess Heave Cure 50c Magic Stock and Poultry Powder at redaced prices. Rexall Ko-Ko-Kas-Kets 2Se Rexall Headache Tablet, 30 for lc Rexall Little Lifer Pills Ifc bee Rexall Emulsion ef C4 Liver Oil $1.M Minard's Liniment, the best. 2Sc Lax Fos 5c Livertone Stc Thacher's Blood and Liver Syrup 5c Simmons Liver Regulator. . 25c Nyal's Liver Regulator . . . 25c Black Draught 25c St. Joseph Liver Regulator, 25c Talcum Powder, 25c brands selling at only Sc Big line of toilet goads at.. popular prices. We call special attention to our line of chamois skins 5c, 10c and 25c. Fine quality of pound paper and envelopes to match. Correspondence cards and en velopes to match "Ri!t edge) 25c box. ' Fountain pens $1.01 and up. Ink, pencils, stantionery, the best to be had. WE APPRECIATE VOIR PATRONAGE AND INVITE YOU TO CALL TO SEE US. illUiuijfi M W IwlliliHHUWBhINII WM M m UNEQUALED III CiAA J ' as si To make room for our spring stock of goods there are many things in our stock that must be closed out regardless 1 of price. We do not intend to carry winter goods over. We hare a large lot of men's high grade overcoats and heary underwear which must be sold. Come andjbuy at your ownjprice. A large lot of heavyweight winter suits are now offered at a great reduction, We are closing out a lot of boys' and children's! suits at greatly reduced prices. A good line of heavylwork shirts at reduced prices. A fine seelection of men's belts, neckwear at prices right. Don't forget to lookfover our line of raincoats before you buy. Wood Cash Clothing Co. Railroad Ties Used In New Y.rk. Out ef tie 135,000,0u rattreaa ties jned each year in the United States, Kew Y.rk supplies about six per cent. Baa consumes about 16.000,000. He Believes In Dreams. Never be vindictive, even in your sleep. Mr. Miggs, a well-known citi zen ef the North End, was chased by a bull in his dreams the other night. Across tbe pasture dashed Miggs, the bull gaining tit every Jump. Breath lessly Mlggs reached the fence at last, and, safe astride the top, turned and kicked the bull in the nose, break ing one of his toes on the wall beside the bed. He is out on crutches this week, Newark News. Men Never Really Experts, la the gaaie ef leve, all weisa are bera experts, whereas atast re ataia mere aevices all their lL Is. From "The Wisdom of the FttoUBa,'' Inherited Character. It has beea explained that character end behavior of all org&nta matter, ptaats as well as animals aad luaaa beings, is determined by wbat are known as character urlts. Thus lq taking a hypothetical case ot tbe shrewd, cruel father and the shiftless, kind mother, we haf e four distinct character units, which through Inheri tance reappear variously grouped la the offspring. ..

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