IT Imnmiljiillli1 Better light and More of It JEROSENE light is best for young and old eyes alike. JO LAMPS give you kerosene light at its best a steady, generous glow that reaches every corner of the room. The RA YO does not smoke or smell. It is made of solid brass, nickel-plated. It is easy to li(jht, easy to clean, easy to rewick. At dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C Norfolk, Va. Richmond. Va. 1 THOSE WHO SAWMILL want the Frick Engine. There is none better. If you want a gasoline r oil engine, get a Fair- bank-Morris. ALEX. GARNUR Snider, N. C. Agent For the Frick Line. mm WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open an account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, wc solicit your business. Call to see us. BANK OF RAMSEUR iwi ii mh i aiaiainiaiii aimaiii i - -. . - 'hatJ"JJaM oils vield Door crops. Lime corrects effective. Many of your crops need legumos, but Corn, Cotton and cuitunU inline uf p tods on two finenest of the grinding. We bonates, ane the sample cbimcal condition. Valuable Write today foe BiuT 3 BlSQUO SEWING MACHINES mrfW.!-Ci2ii standard make sewing machines, and before taking inven tory we offer them at $15.00 each. These machines usual ly sell for $35.00 and $40.00. Now is the time to get a bargain. MCCRARY-REDDLNG HARDWARE CO. . W. J. BRYAN AND OTHER GREAT .SPEAKERS IN UALEJGH, JAN. 28-3 A great meeting indeed will be that of the North Carolina Conference for Social Service which holds its third annual session in Raleigh, January 28-3. The Conference discusses near ly all subjects looking to the upbuild ing f North Carolina and her peo ple, aa4 everybody s invited to all mevtoBCs. You will probably wiah to go U Raleigh sometime while the LrCfrMature is'in session. Make these the dates of your visit. presence of four eminent speakers, of National reputation, will alone stake the meeting historic: WMiaai J. Bryan, famous the world over as an advocate of peace, temper ance and moral movements; Thomas Mott Osborne, the greatest man of eur trine, who has given his life to prieea reform; Mrs. Cora W. Stewart, Wke has achieved National reputation threugh the Moonlight School ir.ovc weiit in Kentucky; and Secretary Dah iels, whom North Carolina still claims. A4 even withdut these four emi (NEW JERSEY) Charlotte. N. & BALTIMORE 2322 "a""' Best the acidity and makes fertilizers more Lime directly as a plant food. Not only Gram crop neea i-im. I he value oi afrn- things tne amount ot ana uic guarantee from V .to Vs per cent, car we inall be glaii to son a you wiu snow uie Free Bock on Lime price, aul nltuhlc book. "Limtar for Profit." ll Kl! you ly Li:e pa now to tcrt yuw- iott :td mnr other LlM E valuable fn.. ajdwTUH copy no. !icrtieu.tjer, id free. THE G. C. BUQUO LIME CO. " '' i COLUMBIA, S. C. We have on hand several nent speakers, any one of whom wou'd make the meeting remarkable, t'.:e program would be of compelling at tractiveness simply for the Nnrt'r Carolina talent represented. Presi dent Clarence Poe and cnc. of tV afore mentioned National speakers will fpeak Thursday night, the 2st! The other North Carolina speakers include Dr. E. K. Graham, Jud.-je W ter Clark, Dr. W. S. Rankin, Dr. D. IJ. Hill, Prof. E. C. Branson, Dr. J. Y. Joyner. A. W. McAlister, W. Vt. Swift, Mrs. T. 13. Harrison, Dr. L. 1.. McBrayer and others. The meeting begins Thursday night January 28th, and will end Saturd.-.; morning. Reduced railroad rates ar? expected. FREE TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION The Southern Woman's Magazine is offering a trip to the Panama-Pa cific Exposition with all expensi paid by them. Full informaMon widil be sent on request. Write r Exnosition Tour, Southern Y.'i far'- I Magazine, Nashville, Tenn. ad NORTH CAROLINA, RANDDOLni COUNTY. In the Superior Court. Notice of execution Sale. D. B. Langley, vs John B. Millner. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Randolph county irt the above entitled action, I have levied on ami will, on Monday the first day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1915, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door of said county, at Asheboro, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion all the rifrht, title, interest and estate which the said John B. Millner has in the following described real estate, towit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Randolph county, State of North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Thomas Harris, Zob Tomlinson and ' others, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stone, Mill? :r and Collett's corner, and running south ten chains to a stone in Thos. Harris' line; thence west eleven chains to a stone in the county line; thence north with the. county line nine and sixtv- four one hundredths chains to a stone; thence east to the beginning, contain ing ten and eighty one-hundredths acres. Also another tract or parrel of land in Randolph county, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Thos. Harris, E. K. Millner and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning 'it a stone in Thomas Harris line, b,. K Millner's corner and running thenc north ten and twenty one-hundvedths chains to a stone K. Millner s cor ner; thence east fourteen and s-eventy one one-hutidredths ch;iins to stone; thence south ten and twenty pne-hun-dredths chains to a f-tone in Thomas Harris' line; Whence west aVng said Thomas Harris' line fourteen ;nd seventy one ne-hur.dredths chains to the beginning, containing 15 acres. Also another tract or parcel ol land in Randolph county, State or North GaroliYia, adjoining the lands .if 7,eb Tomlinson, Ben Collett and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Begin nine at a .tone in the county line near Truman Hiltons, on the edge or th Turnpike Road and running nort' seventy ilegreof. east snong said ro; fifteen and fifteen iie-hundrcdth chfeins tn a stone on thv south side of th: sau'l road." thence south ten d: grees west twenty three am twenty live anc-hundivdths chains to a stoe; thence wost ten and thirty soven one-hnndrodth? chains to a stone in the county line; thence north to the beginning, containing twenty five acres. This the ilOth day of December, A T). If14. 3. W. PJRKHEAD, SherifT. Randolph county. NOTICE Tndor a-id by viHuc of the power of dale conferred vr.wn me by an or der made liy the C '"..'k of the Sunerioi Court of iJandolph county in a Spe cial Proceeding therein pending enti tld U. 1'. Hayes Aitrr. vs John Hoov er et als.. I will olTer for sale at pub lic, auctior. for ca.-h the following de scribed premises iVriate. lying and be ing in Randolph cointv North Caroli na, in Hitidleman Tiiuii.-j'i) it the eourt house door of siiid county in the city of AsheiH.iv on Saturday, Jtmuary t Oth, 1 : 1 - i at 12 o'clock M.. suid lani:- and rirtrni.-,'s hcing rzavc particular iy desrrit 'd as follows, to wri: ?egii!iirig at a r.;ii(p oak. ar:d rons (hfiiee south i).2S ili.tlns to a white on,:; thfji'-; south 1'.' deg'es west 2.t'" chains to t stone; t. i, e north '- c-grrvr-s weir 17.69 civ ins to a st.tpe in the middle of the crtrk; therce. tie crctk it's arious cooisis 27 chains 1" a stone in the middle- of the :-a:0 c; cf "; at the t'orti; thenw- nearly eu. t wilh liell road .45 chain, to a Silvio w, the north -ide of said road IVnnir Fraaier's wrner; f ieuce north fi eh.-, to a stone; thence east 27,fl chain? I to a stone near John Mcl'ar.ii I t I .houses theme south i:A cluiirj to a stone in J. C. Frazitr's line; thence west i'2.15 chains to b stone; thenco south chains to a sycumore on the hank of the 'to ranch; ihoiv.e we.M. 2 rVains to the beginnir.g , containing CJiH' aces mote or less. This '2Sth day of December, 1011. X. P. HAYES, Commissioner. C11AS. H. REDDING, Attorney. AN7NIA1. STATEMENT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. T. Foashee Attendawe. 22 t'sjvs (" 5.C0 f T" MiVage., -116 (of Se 2().SOj Expense?, trip to Kacford ... 1.7." 1 Fettling v;th Sheri.'f 4.CU; socintion t-.C 1 II. A. Tomi'son Attendance, 15 ('a' Mileage, 702 (J ii't 0 52.00 .'fe J. A. Wilhers Attendam e, C Mileage, .si ( D. A. Cnroi li-" n. nsV Raaf. Mih Exp age, 1- C rui.-os trip to V. J. Scnrboro Attemla-iee. 4 d.v STATE Ol-' NOI'T;' RANDOLPH CO".VT"-. I. G.-arge T. ?!".rd: Deeds of said r-. '"tv OfhVio to the C iv 'iv 1 missioiH'rs of said e.. certify that the fo'-eg reourt of t'i iteo-? ditrd ii"d idle rc-l hv I to the rv'in'oers t!' -eo caroli: Ci--"': d Of ! ', v.r for No'CP'tira' .''), 1 ',!. 1st dav ef Decev-,1 1,M'' cno t. Mrn'to' roister of ;. vt lyl; i Officio to the Board f Commissi ers of Randolph county. NOTICE ice is hereby g' -n t' at a;"- t:on v-') ho mp.''" 'Vn fieipi! mldv of 'orth f i-i';"a "t it ; sion f' r if MS for I1-" "ract".-nnt lr."- amending l-" -l-p-lp- - f " - of eaprove red 'ei ur lhc CO;-,i: of said town. This Jan. !). 1!":". 0. II. CORNEL"-ON. "t. the toNs :i of NO USE FOR ALCOHOL It is said that members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Un ion, of Eureka, 111., are loud in their protest again;, a certain physician in that to vn making use of alcohol in his practice. The particular in stance that brought forth the fire of the temperance people happened sev eral weeks a .o. A'-riiding to the story a certain physician wad called to attend a child who had got Ivml of a bottle of carobnlie acid and spill ed the contents over his face. To re lieve the burns resulting the physician-employed alcohol, a recognized agent for such an emergency, bath ing the child's face with the fluid until the acid was counteracted. Oa. learning of the incident a faction ot the Eureka Union, strictly opposed to alcohol taken externally or inter nally, denounced the physician for applying the means his science pre scribed in a certain case. Chi'.lieothe Enquirer. J. W. AUSTIN, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose anil Throat, SQUtti Main St., next to P. 0. HIGH POINT, N. C. . Win. C. Hammer R. C. Kelly HAMMER & KELLY Attorneys at Law Office Second door from street in Lawyers' Row K. LOCRHART Dentist ASHF.BORO, N. C. Phone 28 Ollii-c over the Bank. Hours, 9 a.m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. " DIl. JOII? SWAIM Dentist OiHce over First National Bank. Asheboro, N. C. Phone 192 1111. BANK (F RANDOLPH Asheboro. N. C. (VpiUd and Surplus. SflO.OOn.00 Total Assets over .2."l),(MIO.0( With ample as-ets, experience nn i -o; i. tiuii, w wiicit the business of it.o haniring iiohiie ;md fee! safe in spying e are prep:'r"d and willing 1 rttend to our ivst ,-n rs every fa vi'iiy ai.d jicc'ii.iii.oda'.ion coi.sistcnt "t'n sofi' L.-mking. V.. H.IfCrarv, President. HV. j. Annfichl. V President. W. J. Arulicid. .ic. i'as '-icr. J. I . Asse-Uml Cushicr. )TK i; Ml ting id the Beard ol Coil nil Com niissioners N )tico n hereby given that a meet ing of the Board of Commissioners" of Randolph county for the more con venient dispatch of t'ne S-usines.-awaning tin iHuntlon and considera tion of the board has been called :.nd a ill "he held at the Court House ir .. heboro, N. C on Saturday, the 2.n1 lav o" Janu-rrv, 1915, beginning at ;0:00 .o'clock A. M. Bv order of the Chairman of Board This thf lG'h dav of Jan., BUY CRO. T. .M L'RDOCK, Clerk. -.N'OTICK T. H. Tysor has this day entered .l'i acres of land, riore nr less, ii. I'rower I'T-wnshrp, n.;:r Krrct. . ' ad.ioininc th" lii'n'- of I.. O. Sr?" ". E. Supg, the 'ee'V. of eo ii.i. ; id othew and lying on the vale , p: lYirk (:."eek. This .lanjprv 2Y U LY. i::.: . T. .Mi .innv k. Enrjy Ti.ker f;: llandelp!" co-:ii' NOTICE I'i'ied is adiini.v'.ri'.tor if II. !. Nance, dei cased Cavem.vs, CWrk of the r.avjpg (pi,1 the ei taie ; :'."lor Court .ill el! at , ol K; ndoljih Cou.ntv, .".'i';r aiH'tloii to the Vo e..-h r.i f.. d !:iv of .Tai:. D.-LY :he o p;'e r if, to;-if: CO'.', lot . (' corn, lot of atn'i feed, h interrt ..-ft bi. on th- l'i- r; :ie end other lai'iiiros to men- j I '.vir; cl;:im I t -1. d-dy T't'P 'it i ti the i or 'vfor eriiied f Dee. ! .- ill j,e t'!e:v!ed in ivrvv: ::nd r'l ;ev- , M::te ''.ill for- I "K'iiiate j;ett1em('-i l Dr. i:l-1. 1. M. NANCE. II. II. Nance, dee'd. ' of I'll. - d 1 in!".- ' 1 and is 2:i .l:,v "f Adminisf. a!)' OTICE vi o;1 r'i:''i) ttvr'f E. G-.-evn. 'h-'C'.ies:-.. C'e:'', . f iki'td -'rh 'i':" clidmp ' natoY'd t-i ".s:"nd, dulv e '.Yth ,l: v of K.-tico will be la'overy; and estate will co ii.irii .'(hat ei ep'.-t v J. t "id ,t tV"-' .hr, l;i :. of t! owi l"- u'CO: Jfd A Btti'k mnkes n qunrt nf (J. . Jl flncKt waaliliiKblw. lt'B all . . . ) u"e"u,sc n -w- fit nil rnwrr. I . fil Ulamoml. JMlimnell S Co., , f jH inn v. i'ii t.. rhii-. Ft- ;i:. D. "SYRUP GF FIGS" FOR CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laalic" Can't Harm Stomach, ! ivcr and Dowels Everv mother l-esdi'i's, after giving her children '-Calilorniii Syrup of Figs," Una this is their, ideal laxa tive, because tney love its pleas:' n! tasie and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and how els without griping. When cross, irritable, fevonVh or breath is bad, stomach sour, look it the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of thin harmless "fruit laxative,1' and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out ef the bow els, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "inside cleansing" should always oe the lirst treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "Califor nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist fur a iiO-cent bottle ot "California Syrup of Figs," which has dmctions tor h: hies, children of all aces and grown ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterl'c'ts s-old hero, so don't be fooled. Got the genuine, made "California Fig Syrup CYrnpany." THK ORIGINAL DIXIE (From Stonewall Song Book.) I wish 1 wax in the land of cotton. Old times, d ir am not forgotten, Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land. In Dixie Land whar I was born it. Early on one frosty mornoi', Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land. Den I wish I was in Dixi Hoorav! Hoornv! Tn !i-:ie" Lend I'll t:d:o mv stand, Ti !'h ::' do. in Dixie. Loo'-: I'v,." -, Icok awav, look -iv: '' Dixie Land. O'd missti? marry Will d-v.eabcr V.'ii'iani was a gay doee:der, Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land. But when he puts his arms arouivl He smiled as fieri pounder, Look away, look a"" Dixie Land. e as a forty ny, look awav, Hi face v sharp as a butcher's e'eaber. But dat did not serm to preab '(!'. Dixio Lund. Look away, look away, look nvjiy, Old missus ;;etcd do foolish part, And died for a man that broke her heart, Dixie Land. Look away, look away, look away, Now, here's health to the next old missus. And all the gals that want to kiss us. Dixie 1. 'ink away, loo1, R'.'t if you w: row. Come and he:' ook awav, loo! D'icie I, D.irV. batter: Makes you I': i ,ook away, !oo' md. look look and ir.i'er. a liM'e fa!;... ;.-, look iiv.:: Dixie Land Den l'.oe it dav i md siraleh ".'::' g.'ahi'.ie, i vit 's Lam To .ook I'm bound to trah- bio. i vur, look away Divio Land. look av,:u, THE MOTHER (The Living Age) ! :i"i the pillars of the house; The keystone of the anh am I, Take me away, and roof and wall Would fall t" ruin utterly. 1 am the fire utmn the hearth, 1 am the light of the good run. I am the heat that warms the earth, Which els'! were colder than a stone. .v t e : I am their Wl'hoat - - ' arm their hands; "f love .'dive, e h"U tst.;r.e stand: !ir:ht -'hi ti th 1 am the ' house from door to roof, the walls, the board I spreai ruiaai'is, wrrp and wo-u". I (leel I spm A"d shake ' . n to ' e l.lei Tl'-if d. -. : snow, '. , , 1 r. r- Take ir.e r, .: :!. th.- I1M MAN TELLS HOW r, l'i : i '1 law J. F. Lr. in Says Jlayr's Ej.:u.:.' Lrojeht Eiw . i !:ing P.c!i.'l' tea ac!l J. I !-"; C, Vi.s for a s 'Y-.'s .1 . -I t-icd r.'l l:!rd mri'iv doctors One day 1- of Whvt "i -a' or.? ti'H' the ' : i f ih"'n'iu; o' t-:-atmcnl aa tno ' :t "I am satirool tl f ; .r,.!;.-;- I- 'ar,'" t :-;-.-'"! liveil but ;i bea:t fa" y. injr n i:s; . vr to ha ,' i vtv.Hi P. t; mv i;f 1 few weeks rv r: a- ro-nad,-. I friend ' s !.' .-e t me of i i's expcricii e ,," " ....IT1 in ia.-lo'- pr rf t e. y '.v.ii': '"j xxh-e fram TO HELP THE SANiTCRIUM I'BOX I M IT Y MAN!' FACT I'i'I NO CO. AND OTili:;:S WANT TO join hands with static in lk dlcatino 'i fbkbct los1s, lltt;:u pcblisiikd P.:i Jan. 14. Th;: IVoxlrnily M .i mi f;.M'.; ring ompi'.i.y cl ioce.m bi..;o i.ints an opportunity to help Vorth Carolina eradli i.le the (Ireat White Plague. If the State will do its part in this t'.ght, tha -e-t " poration seems wining to lend a hand iiiiauciuiiy in the caring for patiei.ts and spreading the g"s;.c! of preven tion. Doubtless others will follow. Following is a letter just received by the State Beard of Dea'th, from J. W. (Yne. Vice-Prr: -ident. of the ProxiniBy M anufacf.i ring ( 'on pv r " : PROXIMITY M.'.NVACTURING CO. GitilKNSBORO, N. C, Jan. Bl, 191Y Dr. W. S. Rankin, Sec, North Carolina State Board Health, Raleigh, N. C. Dear s;r: Referring to your visit which of we asVd you to make to us last sprii -in reference to a plan whereby our Company could take steps toward su pressing tuberculosis, we believe that there is urgent need of adequate measures for dealing effectively iJi this truly vital problem, and we a anxious to is some way co-oper;i- with your Board in furthering this end. It seems to us that if the present General Assembly will make it possi ble for the State Board of Health to carry out their proposed policy for dealing with this disease, that they wilt be doing one of the greatest ser vices that bar. ever been rendered th" State, and if the General Assembly will make some dolinite p'an toward eradicating this disease, by wi our Company could join with others in helping financially those in charge, of the work at the present Sanatori um, we would be very g'ad indeed to have the opportunity of doing so. Please keep us advised from time to time what is being dona along this lino, and oblige. V'erv trulv vmrs, PROXIMITY MFG. CO., J. W. Cone, Vice-President, Nor is this all. Within the last few months patients have had their ex penses paid, and linancal assistance Iv.'s been received by the institution from the following sources: The Presbyterian church, the Episcopal Church, the Baptist Church, Themp som Orphanage, Jr., O. U. A. M., Knights of Pythias. Odd Fellows, Ma sons, local Rod Cross Seal Commit ters, lumber companies, Visiting Nurse Associations, also private con tributions from various sources for orphan children, and even a small leg acy from the estate of a good lady i the western part of the State. Judging from these voluntary be nevolences from every part oi' th Stale, bestowed upon this young in stitution as upon no other State insti tution it vo 'dd s""!n to indii-ale m .i-.? than eve- the interest of the piopi at large in t! e welfare of path ;.n "a ilertaking. Fcr Iufants and Cbildxea. The Kfed Yon Have Always Bought Bears thu y j.iS ' Signaturo of -uzSczZ BRYAN AND DANIELS COMING Will Address State Conference for Social Service January "(Ith Thos. " Mott Osl.orne of Sing Sing Prison Sneaks on Prison Reform on the 2i)th Mrs. Cora W. Stewart of Kentucky to Speak on Moonlight School on the 23lh Other big Speakers Secretaries Datt'e's :tnd Bryan speak before the State Conference for Social Service at Raleii.h, Satur day morning", January "Dili and tiir fore the legislature that afternoon. Xmo'ig the other hie speakers at the ',...n..!r.-:u'e w:il be luonius ,lott Osborne of Sing Sing Prison. New York, and Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart f. rd, Ke.ituc'.y. Mrs. Stew- I Moonlight Schoo's. The present Conference will un ; i doubted,''.- be the biggc.i and best vet j 1 'd. ;';.. Y: .,' --s wi-' be lidd .:-:i t'.e matter of prisau reform end !''(' e -tuin of adu't i'Mtr-i-:'..'-. The : b.'st over sneakers and thinkers from a',1 the State will be heard on the ram from the first meeting Thurs afternoon, January 2S, until the day ' ""ing jaturtiay morning, Jan uary HOth. HI? FROM DEATH .-::.. .i ' olnev:-. in r.1! part?; of ti". o.i;itry who have fo i i.l relief H the ' of this remarkable treatment. T!i-. lirst dose proves no lona Ircat- ll'.e:;t. Mar's Vv'orderf'.:l Tfonai'i P.araedv I'-.i.s the digottivo trr.ct of mttcoid '. retYvs and removes p"isa:ioiis mat- It brings swift relief lj -?.-- rs f. o.r stari.:i-.h. Ii rr.d bowel ".'.! then :.".'' many lives. avecl.ron yt.tion, no ng. to try .'.:! rten. ! eoiv.iii.Tr so r.i:-.nv kirg with t' ."-o :gb !. May"'s r no'v C unrany ;l 1 as :l one a.-lt R-'..o, v , vi". This is t' e m of oit" pi'-.p'e ! ;iV" S'Tprising r.-'S'l'ts '1" av'etn e':.;, ,,,.,. ,, ., V "..-., f,.l ctPv.i, -S"hl Fere by Stn'id'-:-and dt'.ti'.gir.ts evarvs

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