.1. , " " I- i in nm in nnn I im ilul l j " H'W ww uvm- ,4 pquww nJIT Fina 1 e a r an c e ... OF ale G ALL LINES MERCHANDISE BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 12 Nothing Reserved. All Season Goods At And Below Cost This is our final Clearance Sale on all winter merchandise and will be tremendously sacrificed to make room for our spring lines. Coat Suitst Long Coats, Millinery Ribbons, Dress Goods, Corsets, Skirts, Notions and Silks C. T. LOFLIN GATHERED IN DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY ITEMS OF INTEREST COLLECTED BY OUR WIDE-AWAKE CORRES PONDENTSINDUSTRIAL AND SOCIAL NEWS FROM TOWNS AND VILLAGES WHAT THE FARMERS ARE DOING ALONG AGRICULTURAL LINES. , ' PREACHING NOTICE FARMER ITEMS Lewis, son of L. M. Kearns has been right ill with pneu rnonia, but is recovering. Mrs. Fannie Parrish, wid ow of the late Franklin Par rish, died Saturday Febru ary 6th, of heart failure. Her death was a great shock to her family and neighbors, as she had not been ill at all, but was taken suddenly on Saturday morning. Her body was taken to Pleasant Grove church in Tabernacle tewnship, for burial. She leaves a son, Mr. J. Walter Parrish, and a daughter, Miss Leona Parrish, and a granddaughter, Miss Lula Hill, all of Hill's Store. Mrs. Parrish was a woman who was loved and respected by all who knew her, and her presence and influence will be sadly missed in her com munity. Homer Grant, the infant sn of Mr. John Steed, died on Saturday of pneumonia, after an illness of a few days. The body was laid to rest in the cemetery at Concord; the services being conducted by Rev. J. B. T-rogcIon. Mrs. Julia Plummer, of Hannersville, has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Kearns. Miss Cora McMasters ex pects to leave soon for Bal timore, from which place she will be sent out by a wholesale millinery house as an expert trimmer for the cming spring season. . Liberty Items Dr. Kemp Foster, who has recently opened an office in Greensboro was here Satur day and Sunday visiting relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gregg and children, of Fay etteville, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Gregg. The Misses Hatch spent the week end in Greensboro, the guest of their sister Mrs. Kelly Boggs. Mr. G. Armp Patterson, who has been indisposed for several days, is very much inaprovecL The Liberty Book Club wMl meet with Mrs. Walter AHwight today. Miss Allen, of Greensboro, spent Saturday and Sunday in tewn, the guest of her sis ter Miss Stella Allen. Mr. Sherman Dippee, of Greensboro, was a business visitor in town Monday. Little Oleta Staley, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Staley is quite ill. Mrs. C. P. Smith, Sr., spent the week end in Greensboro. Miss Margaret Smith has been indisposed for several weeks. JULIAN NEWS The ground hoe seems to be keep ing his reputation by bringing morr cold winter weather. Julian is still climbinc upward. large box factory has just been com pleted and will soon be in opearation. Mr. Claude Burrow, who has under gone an operation at St. Leo's Hos pital, is improving we are glad t know. Mr. J. S. Devinncy visited Mr. Ar thur Staley Sunday evening. Messrs. Robert darner and Allen Pugh passed through the community last Sunday evening coming from Lib erty. Mr. Zeb Hinshaw and sons visited near Asheboro last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. A. E. Staley has bought a herd of Holstein cattle. Mr. M. C. Garner and family visited his uncle, Robert Neece, last Sunday. beveral of our girls are attending Pleasant Garden school. Bad roads is all the talk. Bad on the fellow with the car. Hope they will soon get better. Julian has the best -rural .scb.ooL.we know of. It can boast of its good teacher, Mrs. W. H. Hardin. She can't be beat. We wish she would continue the good work.. She has been teach ing for three terms, but the children are not tired of Mrs. Hardin. SEAGROVE ROUTE 1 ITEMS The people wi!J please take notice that for the remaining part of this year there will be preaching at Pleasant Hill every ;(rd Sunday at 11 a. m. and at New Zion same day at 3 p.m.; at Hag Springs every 4th Sun day at 11 a. m., and at New Hope same day at 3 p. m. J. H. STOWE, Pastor. February 10, 1915. HONOR ROLL ASBURY SCHOOL High honor roll, sixth grade Ruby Freeman. Seventh grade Cletus Freeman, Ben Auman. Honor roll, first grade Lessie Yow, Norman Yow, Lula Hicks, Myrtle Hicks, Alfred Hicks. Second grade Lena Luther, Ora Comer. Third grade Meta Luther. Fifth grade Myrtle Comer, Ode'! Lucas. Sixth grade Vergil King. Seventh grade Ola Freeman, Nora Comer. We are having some pretty weather along now and hope it will continue Miss Zola Cole is very sick. We wish for lier a speedy receovery. Miss Maggie Martin spent the wee! end with home folks at Biscoe. Miss Maie Bean has been visiting friends in Asheboro. Misses Alma Bean and Allene Ca gle have been visiting friends at Bit coe. Miss Nora Staley is visiting he sister, Mrs. Willie Scott, at Asheboro. TEACHERS MEETING AT TRINITY The teachers' meeting at Trinity last Saturday was well atended by both teachers and patrons considering the bad roads. The following teachers were pres ent: Mrs. Kate Norment, Emm Hunter, Lula B. Rudisill, D. C. John son, L. L. Farlow, Clara Davis, Vir ginia Redding, Sila Lundley. Geo. W. Spencer, and Maggie Alhertson. An interesting address was given by Dr. E. E. Balcomb, of the State Normal. Mibs Emma Hunter gave a lesson in United States history which was help ful to all. Short talks were made by each teacher present on what is do ing done in his school to promote and develop a greater school interest. Several of the patrons also gave the teachers words of encouragement. The most encouraging feature of the meet ing was the fact that so many patrons came out to hear the discussions. BIG HOG IN BACK CREEK The largest hog we have killed in the county was heard killed Allen Robbing, of Caraway, which weighed 649 pounds. Franklinvilje News Rev. T. J. Rogers preach ed an interesting sermon to a large audience in the M. E. church Sunday morning and J. H. Weaver, presiding elder of the Greensboro dis trict delivered a fine sermon to an appreciative congrega tion Sunday night. The Sunday School at the M. E. church is growing rap idly, 224 present Sunday and several visitors. At the closing of the service Miss Lizzie Smith, .of Ramseur, and Mr. Cahon, of Baltimore rendered some beautiful mu sical seections. Mr. E: P. Spoon has moved his saw mill from Mr. A. B. Steele's place to the Millard Burgess farm. A. J. W. Craven and Grady Tippett made a business trip to Asheboro one day last week. R. S. Craven spent one day at Coleridge last week. Miss Mamie Elkin visited Miss Nina Parks near Parks Cross Roads Saturday eve ning and Sunday. Mrs. Emma Phillips was the guest of her son, R. L. Elkin, at Liberty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tip pett visited Mr. C. H. Welch at Cheeks Saturday and Sunday. . Several of our young peo: pie spent Sunday evening at Cedar Falls. Prof. D. M.' Weatherly made a business trip to Greensboro Saturday. Mr. Cahon, of Baltimore, representing the noted Haas Tailoring Company, spent a part of last week in the city taking measures for Ran dolph Mfg. Co. store, who will handle this line of men's and boys' suits the coming season. Messrs. W. A. Grimes, W. P. Moon and jChas. Allred went to Greensboro one day last week. TRINITY NEWS There was a Teachers Meeting held here last Saturday. The attendance was not large. The few days of sunshine has greatly improved our roads. Capt. Parkin is on the sick list, but hope to see him out soon. Mrs. K. N. Crowder, accompanied by Mrs. W. N. Elder, went to the Charlotte hospital last Saturday. Ve hope to see Mrs. Crowder with us soon. Mrs. Vick, who has been confined in doors for some time, has improved so as to be out again. We hope that J. W. Hill will soon be given work building our road. TRINITY NEWS iapiain rarxin ana iamuy, wno have been quite ill with lagrippe, are improving and hope to be out again soon. Mesdamea Crowder and Elder went to Charlotte Saturday. , Mr. Litaker, of Thomasville, was in town last week. Mrs. H. E. Ballance, of Greensboro, spent one day in town last wees. Miss Josephine Wood, or High was the guest of Miss Ritchie John son Saturday'. Miss Maggie Albertson, of Hope Mills, was at the teachers' meeting Saturday. Prof. Balcomb, of the State Norma!, made a very interesting address be fore the teachers Saturday. Mr. B-illa said that Prof. Balcomb's statistics were the most complete he had ever seen. 'Miss Jennie Redding came up to the teachers' meeting Saturday. No teacher or parent can afford to miss one of these meetings. The work is all too important to the community. Some of the Guilford county teachers were here Saturday. We were g'ad to have them and hope they will come again. The ladies of the Betterment Association- served luncheon to the tea;h ers Saturday. All who were fortunate enough to attend Saturday's teachers' meeting enjoyed the occasion very nmeh. All are pleased with the good work of Mr. Bulla and his teachers. The talk Miss Hunter gave on history and geogra phy was iine. Prof. J. J. White thinks the Moonlight School sounds like Moonshiners. Prof. English expressec himself as delighted with the Trinity high school and teachers and the pat rons agree with him. RAMSEUR ITEMS Miss Ora Scott, of Greensboro, is spending some time with her parents here. Mr. Willis Luther celebrated a birth day recently. Messrs. Orren Forrester and Ever ette Newby, of Asheboro visited at the home of Mr. J. O. Forrester last Sunday. A new daughter arrived at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kivett last week. The child of Mr. and Mrs. Colon Parks continues quite ill with slight improvement. Messrs. Allen, Richardson and Hay worth, of Asheboro, were visitors in town Sunday. Ramseur Pharmacy was opened last week and looks better now than ever. TAX ROUND Sheriff Birkhead starts out on his last tax round as published elsewhere in this issue ox i ne courier. This will be the last round and last opportunity to pay without costs and all who have not paid are requested and expected to meet the Sheriff at the" various appointments. FIRE SALE By Ramseur Pharmacy We are back home again and are going to offer yW a big lot of patents, toilet articles, stationery, taUeff etc., at one-half price: $1.00 Wine of Cardui $1.00 Wine of Cod Liver Oil m 35 cent Fletchers' Castoria m 25 cent Face Cream m 25 cent Face Powder 13? Tooth Brushes, all prices going at 50 per cent! .Dressing Combs 50 per centl Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Soaps, Purses, Pocket Books 50 per cento 50 cent box paper 25c, 25 cent box paper . . , , ... ........... 13d 10 cent box paper . . . ; y Banjo strings, viouft strings, French harps, in fi a great many things that you want we are going to you at HALF PRICE while they last FREE FREE With each 25c purchase of Dr. LeGear's Rented! we are going to GIVE you absolutely free a 25c pa' age of Hawk Death. Blackman's Stock and Poultry Remedies a lit damaged.. 50 per cent off. Come and get a bargain before it is all gone. Ramseur Pharmacy Ramseur, N. C. What You Can Buy at the Rexall Drug Store AND THE Standard Drug Comp'y Vick's Croup Salve 25c Brame'a Croup Salve 25c Mother's Joy 25c Dr. King's New Discovery . 5uc Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 25e Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion $1.00 Scott's Emulsion . 50c and $1.00 Tooth Brushes 10c to 25c Hair Brushes 25c to $2.50 Cloth Brushes 25c up Scrub Brashes 5c to 25c Nail Brushes 10c to 25c Testaments 25c Bibles $1.00 up Books (standard authors),. 50c Fountain Syringes $1.00 to $2.50 Bulb Syringes .. ..50c to $1.00 Letter Files 25e Toilet Paper 5c" and 10c Dean's Cough Drops ...... 5e Smith Bros. Cough Drops . . 5c Hoarhound Drops 20c lb Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Oil $1 Rexall Sarsaparllla Tonic. . 50c Trusses . . . $1.00 up Plasters, all well known brands. Dr. Hess Stock Food 25c, 50c $1 Dr. Hess Poultry Food .... 25c Dr. Hess Worm Powder ... 50c Dr. Hess Heave Cure ,.50c Magic Stock and Poultry. Powder at reduced prices. Rexall Ko-Ko-Kas-Kets. ... 25c Rexall Headache Tablets, 30 for 10c Rexall Little Liver Pills 10c box Rexall Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil $1.00 Minard's Liniment, the best 25c Lax Fos 50c Livertone 50c Thacher's Blood and Liver Syrup 50c Simmons Liver Regulator.. 25c Nyal's Liver Regulator ... 25c Black Draught 25c St Joseph Liver, Regulator, 25c Talcum Powder, 25c brands selling at only " Big line of toilet goods at.. popular prices. We call special attention to our line of chaois skins 5c, 10c and 25c , Fine quality of pound paper and envelopes to match. Correspondence card and en velope to match fgUt edge) 25e box. . Fountain pens fl.tt and P Ink, pencils, stantionery, the best to be had. I WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE AND INVITE YOU TO , CALL TO SEE US;