NORTH CAROLINA MAN FINDS QUICK RELIEF FROM DISORDERS OF STOMACH Mr. Wade Thankful He Read About Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy E. T. Wade, of Williston, N. C, was the victim of stomach disorders. He tried many remedies and took a great deal of medicine and treatments. Re lief seemed a long time coming. Then he found Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy, took a dose nnd found relief at on-e. He to'd hi3 opin ion of the remedy in a letter in which he said: "Your medicine has worked won ders. I feel so much better. I am -thankful to you, indeed, for advertis ing your wonderful remedy in the papers, as otherwise I might never have known it." Along with this letter Mr. Wade ordered more of the remedy. The first dose proves no long treatment. Letters like this come from all parts of the country. Mayr's Wonderful THE TARIFF AND THE MILLS The Philadelphia Record thinks that "whatever competition the pres ent tariff has thrown upon the tex tile industries has been in great meas ure warded off by the war." And be fore going into The Record's exhibit, we might suggest that doing as well .as they have under the Democratic tariff and facing war conditions, what might the mills have done had they been given the opportunities of nor mal times T The Record recounts that the United States Worsted Company "has opened its men's wear goods for fall at prices 12 Vi per cent higher than a year ago. Statistics of British textile industries lately received in the New York dry goods market show an unexpectedly large reduction in out put, which involves a decreased ex nortation to this country. Reports re ceived in New York from all parts of WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open an account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit your business. Call to see us. BANK OF RAMSEUR When shipments were interrupted by the war, it was estimated that there was enough Potash on hand in the United States to pro vide two and three per cent Potash in mixed fertilizers for this spring's trade. Some manufacturers had more than enough for these percentages. Since then minor sources of Potash have been fully utilized, and additional shipments from the usual source are still being received. The supply is below normal, but this need not prevent farmers securing some Potash in their fertilizers, nor should it lead farmers to decide not to use fertilizers. There is no reason to return to the out-of-date goods without Potash, although some' authorities may try to "wish" them on us. We have not used enough Potash in the past. The largest annual import of Potash was only one-seventieth of the Potash taken from the soil by our 1914 com crop and only one-fifteenth of the Potash lost every year in drainage water. Spring crops use from two to ten times as much Potash ns Phos phoric Acid. Get as much Potash in the fertilizer as possible. A few firms nre offering to furnish from four to ten per cent. There i ; no substitute for Potash. It may be harder to get just now, but POTASH PAYS. r.rPMAM v A! i urtpec i- ao r,ju,.- w. v l. I I Chicago, McCormick Block f Atlanta, Empira Bldii. fan nft New Orleans. SEWING MACHINES We have on hand several standard make sewing machines, and before taking inven tory we offer them at $15.00 each. These machines usual ly- sell for $35.00 and $40.00. bargain. MCCRARY-REDDING tj) tee d? tefl tftDffftB .Acid toils yield poor crops. Lime corrects the acidity and make fertilisers more effective. Many of your crops need s.legumM, but Com, Cotton and cultural Lima depends on two fioenesi of the grinding. We .bonates, ane tne sample .mechanical condition. Valuable Wrtit todar for I-BugBUQUOLlME T'I!SS mi Ms Bids. Stomach Remedy is known every where because of its merit. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions and poisonous matter. It brings swift relief to sufferers from ailments of the stomach, liver ana bowels. Many declare it has save them from dangerous operations anc many are sure it has saved their lives. We want all people who havt chronic stomach trouble or constipa tion, no matter of how long standing to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy one dose will con vince you. This is the medicine s many of our people have been tak with surprising results. The mosl thorough system cleanser ever sol Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remed ' is now sold here by Standard Drug j Company and druggists everywhere. the country show that textile mills in New England and the South are un usually active. Some of them are running night and day. The Russian Government is trying to find mills to take orders for 8,000,000 yards of army cloths. The Southern Textile Bulletin says that in the next three months $2,000,000, will be spent in new mill construction in the South, ana $2,500,000 in enlargements of plants." All of which goes to show how the Democrats have ruined the country! Charlotte Observer. KEEP YOUR BOWELS REGULAR As everyone knows, the bowels are the sewerage system of the body, and it is of the greatest importance that they move once each day. If your bowels become constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets just after supper and they will correct the disorder, ror eare oy an dealers. is food for thought as well as for crops this year. San Francisco, 25 California St. Savannah, Bank & Treat Bldi. Whitney Central Bank Bid. Now is the time to get a HARDWARE CO. Lima directly as a plant tood. not oniy Gram crops need Im 1 he value ot agri thing tne amount 01 i.arDonaics ana tne guarantee from V to VS per cent, uar- we inau oe giaa to send you win snow tne Free Book on Lime prtcea aad ralaable book. "Limliit for Profit." lilalli yoa war um pari dow m tnt poor 1 and nanjr thef nduble (acta, lead (or YOU a copy bow. aanmber. 1ft Ilea, THE G. C. BUQUO LIME CO. COLUMBIA, S. G, 01MH iNlTBNAnONAL SIINMrSdlOOL Lesson CBv E. O. SELLERS. ActlnR Director of Sunday School Course, Moody Bible In stitute. ChleaRO.) LESSON FOR MARCH U SAUL GAIN3 HIS KINGDOM. LESSON TEXT-I Samuel, chapter U. GOLDEN TEXT He that Is slow to n- Rer Is better than the mighty: and he that ruleth his spirit, than lie that taketti a city. Pro v. 1B:82. In order to repay Israel's victory un der Jepthah, Nahash the Ammonite de manded the right eye of those besieged In Jabesh in Gilead, knowing that the ' Last year's wheat crop in the Uni- left eye would be hid by their shields ted States, aggregating about 900,- and they would thus bo Incapable of 000,000 bushels, was the greatest warfare. For Israel to make any cov- produced by any nation in the history enant with the Ammonites was con- of. the world. Five vears ago, Russia . trary to God's commands (Ex. 23:32; w,th . acrea ' 0"th,,rd . ,arBcr; Deut 23 3) me v,tnin 117,000,000 bushels of , ' . ' . , . . . , this enormous total, and our own next I. The Cry of Jabesh, vv. 1-3. This iarKPSt crop was 137,000,000 short of event probably occurred about a month the ast year's cr0p. after the previous lesson. It was a proud, haughty demand made ot these AN ORCHARD ON EVERY FARM Israelites. Exhausted and hopeless, . they had offered to become servants In Though records show that the fruit order to live. So today we frequent- growing industry .was important be ly mnd men willing to compromise l ?f Christ' it was not .h ,-m t,j j.,n V, untl' tnc latter half of the Nineteenth with the world and the devil, who only Century that scientifu. knowie,Ke rev hold them in derision and contempt 0iutiOnized the industry. With nres (v. 2). Compromising Christians are ent knowledge available, there is no always blind leaders of the blind (Matt, reason why every farmer who owns 15:14; 6:22). The demand of Nahash even a small plat of ground should would also bring reproach upon Israel, not have an orchard anil provide him yet this same king afterwards showed se!f an,i family with apilcs and other kindness to David (II Samuel 10:2). fruits, which form such a valuable History records that Emperor Basil lass, "f, energy forming foods. Fruit II actually sent an army of 14 850 B ' , , . , " ,6 "l garia, who died of grief and horror. II. The Conquest of Ammon, vv. 4- 11. Nahash granted the request for a seven days' respite. Here was Saul's opportunity wrongs to be righted and people to bo saved. Saul had held his peace since being anointed by Samuel, employing his time in everyday toll and duties (v. 5), for the messengers did not find Saul at homo idle. The .1,11 ,u .u people who lifted up their voices and wept. (v. 4). The news of this threat - ened calamity reached Saul s ears and his conduct effectually put to silence those "worthless fellows" who de spised him and had brought no pres ents at his anointing (10:27). Instead of tears Saul is moved to deeds. Like Cinclnnatus and Israel Putnam, he left the plow to take up the sword. Saul did not, in his own strength, under take to relieve Jabesh, for "the Spirit of Ood camo upon him" (v. 6; see also Judges 3:10; 11:29; 13:25; Luke 24: 49; Acts 10:38). This moved Saul to anger, not alone at such an evidence of cruelty, but more at the contempt NahaBh had for God and his people. Saul associated himself with Samuel, the man of God, and summoned the na tion of Israel to his side. The Holy Spirit gave Saul clear as surance of a call from God, and he re sponded with - unquestioned faith (Rom. 8:31). The people responded with great rapidity, for the fear of God came upon them also. We have the good news of a better deliverance from a more subtle foe to proclaim in the present age. They all resorted to Bezek, west of the Jordan. The messengers returned bearing a mes sage having two meanings (v. 10), and that helped to keep Nahash ignorant of Saul's actions on Ibd other side of the river. Dividing his army into com panies Saul attacked the enemy "In the morning watch," and completely overwhelmed them and put them to rout. As the Ammonites had refused to show any mercy, they In turn were Judged unworthy of mercy (v. 11, see also James 2:13; Matt. 7:2). III. The Crowning of Saul, vv. 12-15. Saul's victory so Impressed the people that they demanded to know of Sam uel who it was that had refused him as king, desiring to put them to death. Saul showed his wisdom by not per mitting such a course of action. Many today refuse God's divinely appointed king who will yet be glad to acknowl edge him (Luke 19:27; Phil. 2:10). In the next place Saul did not claim credit for the victory for, said he. "The Lord hath wrought deliverance in Israel" (v. 13 R. V.). All real vic tories come from God (Ps. 44:4-8; I Cor. 15:10). This was the true king ly spirit. Saul reaped the reward of J his humility, his forbearance, cour age and activity In the loyalty and pride of the people. Samuel gladly shared in the success of Saul and led the people to Gilgal for the crowning ceremony. This was the place where Israel had first encamped under the leadership of Joshua and where the twelve stones from the river had been set up as a testimony to God's real pesence and deliverance. Saul had natural and physical char acteristics calculated to make him a great and useful king self-restraint, modesty, military invention and a ca pacity for leadership. He was shrewd, patient and gener ous. He thus stood on the threshold of his kingdom with the possibilities of untold usefulness and blessing. We are "kings and priests onto God." He has ushered us Into his kingdom. Power', usefulness, influ ence, helpfulness, victory ove" sin are before us. "Napoleon 'said that his nobility dated from Areola and Maren go. May ours date from the victories of love over the evil within us and in the worid." "This Is the victory that oTercometh the world, even our faith" (I John 5:4). WHY IT SUCCEEDS Because It's For One Thin Only, And Asheboro People Appreciate This. Nothing can be good for everything. Doing one thing well brings success. Doan's Kidney Pills are for one thing only. For weak or disordered kidneys. Here is Asheboro evidence to prove their worth. Mrs. C. H. Rush, Academy St., Ashe boro, says: "I used to suffer from kidney and bladder trouble and there was a lot of uric acid in my system. After taking a few boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, my kidneys acted right and my system was purified. Now, whenever I think my kidneys aren't doing their work just right, a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills over- come tne trouble Price, 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Piils the same tha: Mrs. Rush had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. fZ wiey can be easily raised at home. 1 et there are many farms in the Stnf with absolutely no fruit trees or else only a neglected orchard. In their desperation to raise money crops our farmers have neglected their table as well as the happiness ' f their children. It is the nature of bo's and girls to like apples, peaches. cnerries, iigs, grapes and in , V" a" , ,l ul One of the greatest errors made bv ' S.?: "YKf?Inl!r.r'! i haS tri,e1 , ment exereiged in selecting varieties" ( An orchard with a dozen apple tree all of which ripen at the same time no matter how good the variety, is not a good selection. The housewife will be rushed trying to save the fruit in from a few days to a few weeks and that generally during the hottest weather. Even after all her faithful efforts some is almost sure to no t waste. The apples and peaches ehould be selected so as to furnish ripe fruit trom May until October, (for a lis of such varieties write to the. State Department of Agriculture, or some reliable nurseryman.) In addition to giving fresh fruit so much longer this will prolong the canning season, thus making the work lighter during the hottest weather, and making it possible to accomplish so much more, In many families fruits are thought of as food accessory something to be indulged in only by those living in lux ury having no real value in itself. This however, is erroneous. In a bul letin issued by the United States De partment of Agriculture, value of the energy constituents of fruit are much For example, 1,000 calories of energy generated from whole milk costs 10 cents; the cost from figs approximate ly the same, and even the cost from apples only seven: seven cents buying as much food energy in apples as 10 in milk. For the farmer who has not al ready a good orchard the best time to act is now. With the European war in progress, we need to cast around for something besides cotton When our fruit trees begin bearing, after preserving an abundance for home consumption, our city cousins will be glad to relieve us of any sur plus about New Year, and pay for it in the bargain. A Wonderful Healing Influence in Kidney Troubles A year and a half ago I was taken with a severe attack of kidney trouble that pained me to cuch r.n extent that morphine had to be given me. Was attended' by a doctor who pronounced it as Stone in the bladder and pre scribed Lithia Water. I took Lithia water and tablets 0? some time and received no relief from them. I stop ped taking medicines for some time, later having some Swamp-Root in the house I decided to try it and felt much relieved. While taking the second bot tie commenced to pass Gravel in urine until I had passed in all at least half a dozen or more and have not suffered the slightest since and in all have taken one bottle and a half and feel very grateful to Swamp-Root. Yours very truly, H. W. SPINKS, Camn Hill. Ala. Personally appeared before me this 16th day of August, 1909, H. W. Snink8. who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. A. B. LEE, Ex. of Justice ef Peace. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Preve What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send tern cents t Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will eonvince anyone. You will alse receive a boeklet of valua ble information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Ashebore Weekly Courier. Regular fifty-cent and ene-dollnr size, bottles for sale at au drug steres. J. W. AUSTIN, M. D. Practice Limited lo Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, SouUi Main St., next to P. 0. HIGH POINT, N. C. W. C. Hammer R. C. Kelly H1AMER & KELLY Attorneys at Law Office Second door from street in Lawyers' Row. DR. D. K. LOCKHART Dentist ASHEBORO, N. C. Phone 28 Office over the Bank. Hours, 9 a.m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. DR. JOHN SWAIM Dentist Office over First National Bank. Asheboro, N. C. Phone 192 THE BANK OF RANDOLPH Asheboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $60,000.00 Total Ar.KHs over $250,000.00 With ample assets, experience and protection, we solicit the business of the banking public end feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing wo extend to our customers every fa cility and accommodation consistent with safe banking. D. B. McCrary, President. W. J. Armfield, V-President. W. J. Armrield, Jr., Cashier. J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier. NOTICE Having qualified as executor on the estate of Luvina J. Needham, deceas ed, before J. il. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph coun ty. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 27 day of Jan. 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 1st day of Feb., 1915. T. J. Finch, Extr. NOTICE North Carolina, Randolph County. W. J. Snider vs. L. A. Sheets. The defendant, L. A. Sheets, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against him in the Superior court of Randolph county and that summons together with a warrant of attachment against the property of said defendant has is sued from said court returnable be fore the Judge holding the Superior court for said county en the second Monday after the first Monday March, 1915, at the court house in Asheboro, N. C, that the nature and subject matter of said action is as follows, to wit: An action for the sum of $235 damages sustained by said plaintiff by reason of the breach of the warranty of title te a oertaia gray mare sold by said defendant te plaintiff a certain gray mare to wnicb said defendant had no title: and said defendant is further notified that he is required to be and appear at the aforesaid time and place named roi the return of said summons and war rant of attachment and answer ei demur to the complaint of plaintiff, or the relief demanded will be grant ed. This Feb. 1st, 1915. J. M. CAVENESS, Clerk Superior Court Randolph County. NOTICE R. A. Hinshaw, Administrator of the Will Annexed of Eveline Hinshaw, Deceased, vs. I. H. Hinshaw, et al. The defendants, Cora Preston and Mary Lamb, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Randolph county to construe the will of Eveline Hinshaw, deceased, in which construction the said defendants are interested. And the said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are requir ed to appear at the term of the Supe rior court of said county to be held on the third Monday in March, 1915, at the court house in said county, m Asheboro North Carolina, and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will api to the court for the relief demanded in said action. This the 15th day of February, 1915. J. M. CAVENESS, Clerk of the Superior Court. RESOLUTIONS OR RESPECT Whereas, Our Heavenly Father, the dispenser of all good, in whose hands arc the issues of life and death to the entire human race, has seen fit to re move from our community Mr. Isham Jones, one of our best citizens, a man of strong Christian character, ana father of our beloved Councilor, There fore be it resolved: First, That we bow in humble sub mission to the inevitable fate which must sooner or later overtake us all Second. That we deeply sympa thize with our Councilor and his loved ones in their sorrow and sadness in this hour of their bereavement. Third, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to brother Jesse L. Jones, Councilor and a copy sent to each of our county papers for pubi cation. B. F. CRAVEN, F. L. Ellison, W. D. MANER. Committee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Randolph county in the Superior Court. John T. Sexton, plaintiff, vs. L. A. Sheets, defendant. L- A. Sheets, the defendant in the above entitled action, " iii take notice that on the 15th day of January, 1HJ5, a summons in the said action was is sued against him by J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court for Ran dolph County, in an action wherein John T. Sexton, the plaintiff above named, claims of the defendant the sum of $225.00, with interest thereon from the first day of October, 19l, until paid, due him by virtue of a promissary note given by the said de fendant to the Bank of Dentea, Den ton, N. C, for borrowed money, upon which the said defendant procured the plaintiff to become endorser as surety, and the plaintiff has been forced tu pay said note in order to protect his endorsement and suretyship, and now holds the same against the defendant which said summons is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court for Randolph County, to be held at the Court House in Asheboro, N. C, be ginning March 15, 1915; the said de fendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was at the same time with said summons issued by said Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph County against the proper ty of said defendant, which warrant is returnable to the next term ot the Superior Court for Randolph County at the time and place named for the return ot the summons, as aforesaid, when and where the defendant is re quired to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demand ed will be granted. This the 15th day of Feb., 191. J. M. CAVENESS, Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co. NOTIC3 North Carolina, Randolph County. Superior Court. W. S. Skeen vs. L. A. Sheets and Witl Hurley: The defendant above named, L. A. Sheets, Will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against him in the Superior court for Ran dolph county and that summons ana warrant of attachment has been issued against him and his property in the said action; that the nature and subject matter of said action la as follows, to wit: An action to re cover damages in the sum of $100 for the wrongful conversion of a certain mare and the sum of $95.32 for breach of an express contract to pay a sum certain in money repre sented by note; that said defendant is is required to be and appear t- fore the Judge holding the Superior court for Randolph county at the court house in Asheboro, N. C, on the second Monday after the first Monday in March, 1915, and aaswer or demur to the complaint of plain tiff or the relief demanded will ba granted. . .... This i eb. 5, 1915. ' I J. M. CAVENESS, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to W. C. Jones and Causey heirs that the un dersigned, C. H. Phillips, en the the 6th, day of July, 1914, purchased Zu acres of land in Tabernacle tewaship known as the Jones and Causer land listed in the name of W. C. Jenes and Causey heirs, for the delinquent taxes of 1913. it being sold by the Sheriff of Randolph county; and unless the same is redeemed on or bet ere the 6th day of July. 1915. the time that the right of redemption expires, tns undersigned will make application for a deed to said land. C. H. PHILLIPS, Purchaser. NOTICE North Carolina, Randolph County. ; superior court. Cora Parks, by hei next friend, L. B. Parks vs. Remus Vuncannon: The defendant above named, Remus Vuncannon. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced against him in the Superior Court of Randolph County and thai summons and a warrant of attach ment has been issued in said action vs. him and his property, that the nature of said action is as follows, to-wit: an action for the recovery of 5,000 (five thousand dollars) damages for the se duction of plaintiff by said defendant; that he is required to be and appear before the Judge holding the Superior Court for Randolph County on the seu ond Monday after the first Monday in March, 1915, at the court house in Asheboro, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff or the re lief demanded will be granted. This Feb. 5, 1915. J. M. CAVENESS, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF LAND SALE By virtue of the powers vested in the undersigned by decree rendered in the special proceedings entitled, "G. Elwood Stanton, Admr. Thomas Matthews, deceased vs. Martitia Avent et al." in the the Superior court of Randolph county, I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C, on Monday, the fifth day of April, 1915, at 12 o'clock, M.. the following lands situate in said county, State of North Carolina, New Market township, bounded as follows to-wit: Beginning at a white oak Breedlove corner in Lyndon Swaim line; thence west along Breedlove lin 55 poles to a post oak, Breedlove co ner; thence north along Breedlo line 25 poles and 5 feet to a etc in Breedlove's line; thnce east 55 dm to a white oak; thence south 25 "j,, and 5 feet along Lyndon Sfting line to the beginning, conta' j. 1-3 acres, more or less. . Good 146, page 223 in Registered nr office. .nt. when i Terms of Bale: oner' with rilles ance upon a credit of proved security to deferred payment well known cn from day of sa'- and an artist of all purchase pr diid at his home This March : ail(l was laid to G. Eeia' services being Admr. of Th Gilbert Rowe, and Hammer & Kisonic honors. Mr. one years of age. rhis wife, who was f Viig-inia, before 1855.

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