THE COURIER PfTSUSHED EVERY THURSDAY WIL C HAMMER, EDITOR Asheboro, N. C, March IS, 1915 Who would have thought it? A bill has been introduced and is se riously being considered submitting the question of state-wide prohibition to a vote of the people of the State of New York. It is true there is in tense opposition, and while the women are sending committees before the legislature favoring the bill, the vraachers are divided, there being nearly aa many ministers in opposi tion aa favoring it, appearing before that committee of the legislature. Mr. J. B. Duke was in Charlotte last week and stated to officials of the Southern Power Company that he believed that the European war would continue for three years from the time it began and that there will be a decisive victory in the end for thej allies. He also expressed the belief that this country has a great future ahead of it when the war is over if mly the proper and adequate prepara tions are made at this time for this great ictivity. THE WAT TO GET MORE GOOD 6ETTLESS tta saaterial and industrial welfare 1 every community is ia the haada I Ma own people, la Lee eouaty a "boosters dui1 W bora organised to meet in tie iimfb i lnai of tae public echoel bufle &a a Baaford en nlffct ia every wtagu Hr. Blew H. Butler, of Soctk a Timm, fa te Meet wit tae efab a$ ever snooting to gtve tkem aotfc afl as aa cam, aad aa one eaa give tetter eocireaticne Sir. Butler. Mr. Batfer ia kia talk at the Cnt me&as of tae club a few weeks age, aaaHa the following valuable autres taflaa, as reported la the Saaford Kx- Mr. Butler, wfio appliea practical KMtiBKMii to everything he aadertakea, aa Ms talk offered many good su gges- aa. a. to how the campaign of ad- - -00" Se Mt Gilead church the folbwing day Tartiamg the eounty.reaoureea should SUte-wide act, but there are 49 Juneral services being conducted by v. -i 0- Ha .rtarted out bv aur- ountiea exempt that had cause to hifl Ptor ReJ- rl'.fy, aJE. rrnm ke earned ea. He atartea out oy mat ehooaiag of the ca- f8?1 had suffered several day? from reatiag that eo-operatioa ef the local didates by the several parties for tagTiPP. the immediate cause df hia ....... . -,,,( nffirom , deatn being heart trouble. 1 ' Bewapaper should be had ia carrying county omcers. -eventv-four years , Randolph was first included in the ,Mr- wai was sevemy iour jiib a the wort He argued that this ji6t of the exempted counties in ,H'J wlfe'. I0 Mm wa. the only way the work of adver- this respect, but in a much as the Miller "XrtSytS . , iL , .. last two Democratic Conventions de- t0 other world about '"y-?"1 toJang the town and section that could dared in favor of a primary for all V?10- ,0ne '0VlLT.Lu. ' be wceassfully carried on. "A town is officers, the Republicans cannot com- XW&SZSi . . , , . . , plain at this, because in the conven- Mr8 J- B,0,KK81l uw fu 'rT judged by its newspaper," said the tion aggembled last summer, the Re- one brother, Mr. k. M. Wa 11, of Tab speaker. Here Mr. Butler read an ar- publicans of North Carolina adoptoo .L r t, , v. a platform. In this platform was the mLre fl!stant 7'dtive08 ""wnf,-P tide from a Pennsylvania raper boar- ollowing pianU: -Kifth-We favor The deceased a member of t ,e ing on the subject. We quote: , a State-wide legalized, primary, appli- !"h "The bit way to form an impres sion of a neighboring city is to look at it nevsn:.pes. If these journals are poor!;, printed and sloppily writ ten, a 'id i: the cv.;.n" itm i1jv, :i. rlcyi t '; ' tiho f r . t1'. ..lvert; i:iva: h'j d v r: r'.o II, e c f (. ".. if yo'i var.t a :: to-n .-;..-. ; j r-a",cr to tu': id ir ,rcj:..j lic'i 11 and crc .... . ' and conn.y ..-ou.d be to run .ago at- tractive advertisements in the paper enumerating the things they have to . ,. . x, ... """' that we have a live set uf merchants . ... . . and a progressive town and county. "Get up concrete information about j vumuv,, .am wc nyBa&ci , mv a ' . . . , . w ee aD:e w ieu ine size or U larmo, m. v -a , . , mm 11 ' fee auiaWei awes, 4h. kind of aoU, 1 , ,. , . ,T ' T 1 .1 Mcivs, Virt-inia, Ut Tuesday, -'llts for ne Lord knows that while there be r'.b :n the local paper on the E!ibcth ho of (;enantovn, J'er.u- vlb a score or more men in Con cultvr.' cf br!it tobacco and other s-'h-naia. ) r'Awd t.e shin f;.r lcr Mr'A whn could hand out mail to the . . ., r ctrl 3 hv hrn-!Vinr n hollle t.t ' . v,of W mi poms fill h. DP. ar.rl to,u the merchants t.;at onc fve Etuol prow. , ere is only one John D. ShcrriU to od v.-.nv for them tn boost the town' ot., n,n;j cfoflF ond n l-pn f'nnpnrd nnd Cabarrus county the kind of crops to which it is adapted, price of the land, location, etc. He suggested that the com mittee of seven men appointed at Business Men's Banquet take up this matter and push it. Mr. Butler said ii.. .ha,-cra nf the , , , .. nf work of developing the resources of ii. - ..... t,M mm in t selectine men whom they propose to make permanent citizens or tne coun- TW i.,M h of an intelligent ty. - j thrifty class who win mane success Mr ful farmers and good citizens. Rnflr tnlH of the developments that . . .... it are being maue in xne sanonms sec- tion; how some big tracts of land in, Hoke county are being divided into small farms and settled by thrifty ine made according to the plans he suggested for Lee county. Mr. But- ft er stated that the work of improving - . ii iv:n . ' ; , , t , , , . stimulated by an agent introducing and selling improved larm macmnery. "Let the people of the town paint iL: V flA nfl A. MnL.A o fMA -j . t..i- ..ti,. I prKwum, omu .. uw. ..c..... Brown R0bert Davis, nowara rer n.:n v: k. ;n Af nf cnn r.nvcnn Hannpr Hal Millikan ..... , . , and make other improvements that will match it "Every business man in the town should advertise something for sale! and show a progressive spirit Extend t)i nrrn1tlnTi nr tho Inril ntnr arui thereby help the town by advertising it" Mr. Butler expressed the opmkm that the best way to advertise the re sources ef the county would be to or- gaaiBe a farm developaieat company and get up somethiag taagihie to werk tm. SANDOLPH XOT KTEMPT FROM raiMAX i biu .. . . . ..... wniie me repon gox oux mat itan- dolph was exempt freia a State-wide ' primary act, such ta aot the caae. I ttmrU.Tlti. rrt 4. .1.1 rag days of the general aeeaaihly had ' Rarwlnlnk filaMvi Kaob uiuinv thnttm . Jh. tv,- ... I are controlled by a State-wide pri- try ww, mini wocre buck pruntvnai will be held in accordance with the previsions of the act ui course an counties ia ine oe are compelled to hold primaries for ur. course an counties ia tne state came 10 uu p;;:"ies and lor ail omcers. The Republicans undertook to pi t . 11 x. ... ., in inis pmnK. aow iney are rc- pmlinting it. as shown liv the fa that Kopil followiii? :in legislator!" Iiad the ir.iies exemjiic"! from ' primary hiiv: Davil-S:i!!-.j!on, Wilkes, s. Cata'Alia, Tni ,- the it;its.-v.- k':, Davie, C: j ivy, n nid (I:; j : '-.iLc : of Pre.- o rn'.s I in n'.-mor liite Ilousi tf LA IK .! :(,, i'i irsG ship ULUAT TV. 3 s' rSf "nnnccl.'.n. ' iv a, the b.'.itleship 111 the 'lrl at Xv.-ii'.irc 1 ' i .1:. :",,.-i,,i Anvn erj ()i ' t.)o i'ng piatform; ancj M ix Thierichens, command- er of the famvjs aea raider, which sunk an American ship a few weeks , ago ana men sougnt reiuge in an, American port, wad also present, in , nlnm on ninost nitV. tho tpn I lull unuorm, anu joineu wiut um thousand other snectators in cheer- ing the new monster of the aea. ij, Red star i,npr Lapland, Irom routes to mues long; on routes , .., x- v v '1- ... - il.l.'l.. Ur. tk.n 9i milna 1 AK9? Liverpool 10 re mrn, w .w chased by a oubr.iarine just after leav- tt, i,utfc .f the Meraer- 'IJSif's GRADED SCHOOL TOR MONTH - ENDING MARCH 5. trrA Allred. Thomas Barnes, Lester Jarrell, Byron ; Lamb, heH Yow stagg, Cash Bow- man FMrr Milliard. Melvin Elmore. John Ferguson, Amos King, Almeta Lonnie Hall, Thelma uiMrc Marv Hannpr. Ethel Lambert. Erma Lassiter, Madge Rosson, Vir- .., r,iiibii FHmr Sink, f attie Lamo, aiary rogaon o I I - Tvmta liatna fail ! . 7"r.I,Jw ' i lriiinfrtnn. H9T.pi i-,imore. orace noi lonl Dnhslia k'irltmnn. Roselle Kinir. Margaret Lineberry, Marjorie Smith, Agie oiiia milium ..... "1. . k inhnnia Nelson. Harrv Sink. Vlorho- Tumor. Parrell Wall. John o,; Robert Upton, Third grade Mary Burgess, Mary J ftf Rertiia Garner Jewel Hughes, Nell LamD, numa iineucn j , iumh- kan, Margaret lui-naruaun, iuuuci poooii Voiiin Kwaim. Jeter Barker. John Lamb, Robert Millikan, Bernard uionicnn Hb nh Ta lev. Carl low. i, r.Aa rhn Hnlla. Thom- i),.Um-,i viip (lohlp. Blease Dan- iel, Pete Graves, Jack Lamb, Eugene ami,, Glenn Lineberry, Chas. McCas- kui, wane nuwi, ""7' r V. M;cW- T?,.th Farlow. Roselle. Smith rt in CfAtranc Fifth grade Roy Burgess, Edison Clif ' Vestal, Essie Carlisle, Bertie ,d ' Davi6i Beatrice Grave, Leola Lassiter, Alma Marsh, Elberta 'elsor , Irene Sears, tiora me, Sixth grade Jewel Sumner, Tilla STswX "g"TsSS3 T.mM VirVman. Kirbv Lamb. "ttLZr. SarSce gSS Jack Taller. Chas. Ivy, Conrad O'Bn- th --Pauline Caudle, rvnol Riiirh. Thelma Lamb. Ornia Richardson, Frances Bowmaa, Haael Floyd, Harold Deal, Grady Kirkman, Fletcher Caudle, Maulta Ivy, Maude Breokshire. . ' Eighth grade Allie Hiashaw, Ma rie Holladay, Clare Laanb, Edith BUer, Percy Kirkman, Eramett Sumner. Ninth grade Mary Haaaer Mabel Ivy. . . . .. Tenth grade Oienna rioya, m n... PnKv TTnirliM Dim. Sheffield. '-' "v , f, v-i frada Sinclair, May Parson. Neal Sheffield. p BchelarshJa Heaoi BeU. .... .Ii?hth Taa-Clai Laab, Ollle HinshaW. Tenth grade Naiuege Tregdoa, Ruby Hughes, Glenna Floyd. DEATH OF MR. WALL Mr. M. V. Wall died at hie hone ToKmi-le tnwnnhin. Anril 10. and . , :f ' '1 hf . . . - ----- , , r I" h,s a' St'holijJ0rt i - i.nvs Hp wns :ilvavs nrescnt at years, lie was always preseni at church and Sunday school unless nrovidentiallv hindered. He was a sincere Christian and a pood citizen, who will be sadly niisstnl in his com munity. in: atii !' ?-ins. Ai' n:i.i) ir.'U. Sr.. di 1'. : t m Vv, el at A i;' ii-e '-'ii-t o: 11 '" it 'i"r r: ri'i'".'f', itt. of CriU's Land I .rvived by 1 -r l.i:s-, i, o,'o iv'n lu'iViiifr s'vvivinjr ; mis and l)'l'l tf: Mr;. R. 'J'. ?. 7 'rr lie .': J. A'Tili'icU!, r". vc!(i, C; Vr. J ; r-nd Jesse L. Avrh , N. C. v.ts p. true Cluii.tir.n " r'ui'no ehavuter Svo v.iU s?d!y un ii and community. womr.n -V. 1 v. :: od by her CONGRATri.-'.THS LDITOH yUKRKILL Editor J. V,. Sherrill, of Concord, when it comes ta a matter of busi ness elfleirriev, could run anything from the President's job donn to a s ir.'ond-class pcstoi'.ioe. He faik'd to fvet the Conord pOotofTice, but cf smile and work on just the o I,.,., . fnl Kin ,'nnirat, vTating him on his being able to es,.v tVio nnill. tsheara and miste: c..i,v..l Bufp r.fid sane idea expressed in such good qnecn's Eng. lish, that the wayfaring man thoupfji a fool need not err therein. Albe- marie Enterprise. ia UURAL CARRIERS TO Utr MUBb TAX On and after April the first, rural carriers are to be paid $1,200 on routes 25 miles long: on routes 'ii innm oni ; " '.7 on routes 20 miles and, less than il j mile., $1,080. STATEWIDE BILLS PASSED BY THE 1915 LAWMAKERS Of the 1.4S8 acts passed by the gen eral assembly of 1915 just adjourned there were the following 215 that bae atate-wide application: Regulate the aale of artificially bleached flour and prevent Its frau dulent sale. Provide for the llcensins of busi ness colleges and commercial schools. Punish derogatory statements af fecting banks. Prevent blindness in infancy. Make the posting of four notices sufficient notice of "posted lands." Regulate the practice of architec ture, create a bonrd of examiners and regulate a registration of architects. Amrnd Chapter 555. public laws of 1911. Amend 3742 Revisa! of 1 '! rela ting to disorderly conduct In public buildings. Regulate the employment of color ed nurses in hospitals and forbid negroes being attended by white nurses. Change the name of the North Car olina School for Feeble-Minded to Caswell Training School and provide for the admission and discharge of children. Authoribse the Commissioner of Agriculture te make preparations necessary to furnish lime for agricul tural purposes at the lowwet possible Empower the commissioner of the several eoofittee of the state to make roles and ordinances relating to the nee of public roads and bridges. Amend section T194 Revisal of 1905 ae te the tfemesUeatloa of foreign eerperatlona Frevfle far tae apportionment to ta Odd FeBewa Orphanage. Golds bene, and eo all ether erphanages of the elate ef thitr proportionate part ef tae state eeaoel funds. Amend Seetlea SVM Revisal of 1905 relative to fees ef Jailors for feeding and earing for prison ere. EKerapt printers, linotype operators and miUers treat service ae jurors. Cempel gaa and electric- light com pontes to shew readings of meters. Appoint members of the county eaea ef education. Gtve reeerdare eeneurmnt jurie aMettea ever search and seizure cases. Previde that Chapter t Public Laws ef 1913 shall aot be construed In its relation to the liability of common eArrtere to repeal aay of the pro visions of section 264S of the Revisal. Require noa-lndigeat patients to pay for their sapaert in the State HoepltaJs. Allew the acquirement by the state ef state forests. Prevent the fraudulent wearing or use of the badges, names, titles of fleers, insignia rit no-Is or ceremonies ef secret orders and fraternal soci eties. Safeguard the life and property of citizens nt railroad crossings. Make oertified copies of giants in the office of the secretary of state competent as evidence. Amend Section 3674 Revisal of 1905 as to altering or removing landmarks. Amend Chapter SO publlo laws of 1913 ns to assurance and registrations of land titles. Allow eo!ii!ii!p?!ono of counties to compensate owners of livestock for slock condemned by authority or ad vice of the fctnto lvnrd of health. Protect forests of the state from Are. Incorporite f'e Mission Board of the North Cnrc-IHa and Virginia Christian Conference. AivptmI t';r c'larto- of the Carolina r.nd Tennessee Southern Railroad Company. Protect nnd regulate agricultural fairs. Airp'id fie charter of Central Caro lina Railroad Comrsrty. 'Autbori:-f t'10 organization of the T.ovs' r.;-ad Patrol and appropriate f;:nds for main-.irdng the same for ror'd improvement. Provide for primary elections throughout the ftnto. Amend the public school laws of the fta'e orrmihus bill. Repeal portion 11, chapter 67 laws of 1911 ns to advances to drainage districts by tho rlate treasurer. " Amend the law ns to the Dlue Ridge nnd AtlnnUc Railroad Company. Mnfce kindergarten"! a part jot the common school system. Amend the public health laws of he state. Fix weights snd measures of agrl culturrl jn;l other Products. Anend section Revisal of 1905 relating to the venus In actions for Ivorce so summonses in such cases can be re-iumaDie 10 tne county in which e't.her the plaintiff or defend ant resides. Exempt Confederate soldiers from Jury drty. Amend section 37C3 Revisal of 190S as to public drunknrness. Indemnify the estates of deceased partners. Prevent the spread of hog cholera. Amend section 1355 (chapter 24) Revival ss to working convicts on public roads. Amend section 1431 Revisal of 1905 as to the condemnation of public school sites. Amend chapter 442 Laws of 1909 aa to the C.atnnge of cwamps and other 'snfls. Make an appropriation of agricul tural extension work la North Caro lina in order to get the state's share ia the Smith-Lever congressional act. Amend Chapter 774 Public Laws of 1911. Provide for the reclamation and training of juvenile delinquents, youthful violators of the law, their custody and for the probation sys tem. Amend sections 4495, 4499, Revisal of 1905 as to the Board of Medical Eiaminers and temporary licenses and providing for procedure for Inves tigation and prosecution of offense of practicing medicine without license. Amend 3139 Revisal of 1905 as to effect of wills from and after probate. Prevent fraudulent advertising. . Empower the North Carolina His torical Commission to place the names of additional Confederate soldiers on the roster of troops. Authorize elections In various coun ties on bonds to aid in the construc tion of the Central Carolina Railroad. Amend chapter 103. laws of 1913 as to members of the National Guards. Amend Chapter 50, laws of 1901 as to highways, bridges and ferries. Amend the law as to the rate of In terest that road bonds shall draw. Amend Chapter 9, section 320 Re xisal of 1905 as to public adminis trators. Omnibus act appointing Justices of the peace In the counties. Permit transportation companies to furnish transportation to agricultural extension aud farm demonstration workers. Amend the public health laws of the state. Relative to pensions paid to widows of Confederate soldiers. Amend the revisal aa to costs in civil cases. Amend the Revisal aa to the sum monsing of tails Jurors. Provide for the printing In the Agricultural Experiment Station, bu reau of vital statistics and the depart ment of education. Incorporate the Education Board ef the Baptist State Convention. Amend the law as ta eondemnation proceedings. Amend chapter 62 public laws ef 1913 as to the Confederate Woman's Home. Give the consent of thle state to the Federal control of game, birds and fish on lands snd waters that the Federal Government ooaiea In control of In Western Caroline for conserva tion purpose. Provide for transportation of pa tients to hospitals for tne Insane. Establish a legislative ! reference library. Amend section 1131 Revisal of 1905 with reference to mortgaged cor porate property subject to execution for labor and torts. Regulate the buslaees of pawn brokers. Authorize sheriffs and other officers to seise all vehicles of all kinds used in carrying, concealing . or removing Intoxicating liquors subject to seizure. Prohibit foreign corporations from doing a fiduciary business la this state and limiting the use of the word 'trust- Procure the location In this state of the Patriots' Memorial School by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution at the former borne of John Paul Jones. Relieve drug stores and medical depositories from unused license tax to sell liquors. Require the names of growers on packages of fruits and vegetables. Amend the law as to the erection and inspection of buildings. Amend the Constitution of North arolina. Require contractors for street and road work to Rive bond for faithful per formance of contract and for protection or la for arm material owims. Amend chanter 192 Laws of 1913 preat Inr a lien on certain cooda for storare and create a lien on tobacco for storace chii rgus. Amend tne law an to the formation of security m-UIn companion. Amend the law ax to the npnolntment of truHtees for holding property for benevolent and fraternal orders. Permit the killing of turkey buzzards and vultures. Provide at the State Sanltorlum for in dlcnrt tubercular patients. Curo delects In probates nnd reirmtra tion deeds of conveyance where the order of registration has bi-en omitted. Amend the law as to the dental exam Inera and regulate the practice of den tltsry in this xtate. Place the salary of the Commissioner of Labor and Printing on an equaltly with other state oiurprs. Provide for the npnolntment of a trus tee to execute a deed of assignment for the iieneflt of creditors where the orlg-l mil trimtee has died or resigned. Provide expert cotton graders and make the grading of cotton so graded by them tho basis of all cotton transactions in this state. Prevent contagious or Infectious dls eases among livestock In this state. Amend the law as to the assessment of property and the collection of taxes. ri-ne revenue act. Act to make appropriations for the state institutions. Provide for the Incorporation and aa Dervrslon of land and loan associations. Extend the time for the registration of grants. DrAanribe the duties of the state treasu rer and providing that his bond be paid for by the state and that he require of banks three per cent on monthly Dai anpea In bank. Amend the law as to the appropriations to the statu board or neaitn. Amend the eoneral Insurance laws. Amend the law relative to pharmacists. Amend certain sections of the Vital sta tlatlpji law. Create a training school for nurses at the Suite Sanltorlum for tuberculosis. Amend the law aa to the equipment and operation of traveling libraries for the library commission. Prevent foot-and-mouth disease among cattle In this state. Purchase of lot facing Capitol Square fmm the Woman's Club of Raleigh. Amend the law ma to misbranding foofls. 1 Vumigh bog cholera serum at IB cents per minimum dee; Allow directors of the Women's Con federate Home to use 15000 of accumula ted maintenance fund In connection with the erection of the main building. a mAnri iha la w aa to benevolent socie ties receiving and holding real and per- Amend the law as to hours of labor In factories. ... . A . Require a second sals of real estate by mortsr.R-;, trustees and those maklnr ales r virtue of power contained In Iteaulre dead bodies of animals to be buried. Provide for the incorporation ana maintenance of co-operutive organisa tions. Incorporate the Advent Christian Con ference of Kastern Carolina. Amend chapter 72 Public Laws of 19113. Amend chanter 413 laws or 190T as to township constables and Justices of the peace. provide lor proper croea inuexee oi an lands sold for taxes. Amend the law us to minority stock holders in certain corporations. Amend Revisal Z39& and relative te the oyster industry. Amend the law as to dissolution er bankrupt corporations. Amend the uiw reiaiing te ine lemrai Highway. Authorise any cny or town o issue bonds. Amend the law as to assurance and registration of land titles so aa to require t iht weeks puDiicauon. in luiure. pro ceedings and increasing the compensa tion to newsoaDers. Amend section 983 and 1041 Revisal sf 190G providing short form of conditional aale and simplify registration and exe cution. Amend the law aa to cattle guards. Prohibit the trial of prisoners charged with crime in the uniform of a pri sea or a convict or with shaven head. Provide details for the election or uni ted States Senators by the people. Amend the law as to giving crsau lor convict bUor on the Statesvlile Air Line Railroad. Regulate the Incorporation, mainte nance and supervision of credit unions and co-operative associations. An art to protect ttsh and keep the peo ple from destroying the little fish pro vides for the HUte Fish Commission and conservation of the fish industry. Kxcuse from Jury service citizens Id years or older. Increase the salary of the adjutant general from 2,000 to $3,000. Appoint legislative committee to at tend the centennial of the celebration of the Buttle of New Orleans. . Amend the law as to tne s-unis.iment for vagrancy. Provide for rules of contempt in cer tain eases to be made returnable before a judge other than the judge issuing the rule. Amend the resolution as to the plac g of a staute of Governor Vance in Statuary Mall. Washington. Amend the law as to lumber companies having logging roads. mend the Revisal relating to loans by insurance companies. Amend the law as to the stie of pack ages containing meal and allow pack ages of any sixe bavins weight branded thereon. Resolution urging Congress te dispense with the requirement it the oath of loy alty to Union during the Civil War ior those holding claims againat uia.uovern- ment. Authorise the appointment or women aa notaries public Make a debt due and payable u;on the creditor disposing of any part of the se curity held by the creditor. Amended to apply to oniy certain kiuiium. Amend the law as to the registration ef ancient deeds. Joint resolution for tae curtailment m the 1U cotton crop. Resolutions of gnsettng to Virginia, Tennessee. Arkansas. Texas, New Mea luo, Ariaona and California on the com pletion of the Southern National Higk- W Kxtend the time wllkin which practi tioners of optometry can register. Divide the state mte iwe jwpciai Repeal the long and short haul atones or tne justice i '" u-t.-vo for the long and short provision, being Section lief Revisal of 104. Amend the law concerning liens on celts, calves and plga. Kestrict tne running oi ino prvra , iffrts Inferior to the superior courts, mend chapter 10 Laws of 1911 to vital statistics. Amend the law as to the practice of optometry In this state. Amend the law as to petitions to hold elections in regard to assessments. Legalise the standards of grades of hilar, art unier the act of Con gress by the secretary or agricuiru purchase and sales by citisens of this state. ' ' Facilitate the procuring mi uwm w praotJoe medicine. . ' Advance certain Confederate widows! en the pension rou. Recure complete returae of sales from , ..nkmiu bv tmnosing 4i pen alty for not reporting by the tenth ofl each montn to tne "" y culture, any citlsen to wjcover the peas alty through suit. . - Incorporate the Wilkesboro and VTes' Jefferson and Northern Railroad Oa. Repeal suo-seci-n ' . Revisal of 1905 as amended by chaptef io i ..... oi ion nd amend section 1 ehapter 166 Laws of 191S relative to dle- Urbution. . . , Amend the law as w aoaiemein ui - jCmend chapters 35 Iwf of 1913 aa te female telephone operators. Kstablish work dlutricts along the Car olina coast and amend the law therefor. Authorize bonds Dy emc". wj and counties for the Greensboro North ern and Atlantic Railroad Company Increase the clerical and slenographl cal allowance of justices of the supreme eourt. , ., Kxtcnd the time for the organliatlon of the North State Central Railroad Co. Authorize tho services of subpoenas and summonses to Jurors over telephone. Amend the law as to short form of conditional mile agreement, and simplify the execution and registration oi mm "".Amend the charter of the Carolina Tennessee niul South Railroad Company. An net to appoint Aruor fay in i-unu Carolina. . . . Amend the charter oi tne esansuury Railroad Company. An act relntUig to local improvements In municipalities. .... Trovido for the curtailment of expen ditures for public printing. Protect stuilents by making it a mis demeanor to entice a student from the school for any purpose. Make owners of chickens, turkeys geese and other fowls liable for damages in certain canes. An act with reference to deeds exe cuted prior to the year 1836. , Appoint a commission to acquire a portion of Mount Mitchell Including the summit and create a public park for the people of tho state. Joint resolution defining and enmrg-t.,- v,a ,iia nt iha anaolal legislative committee relative to the Carter-Aber- nethy controversy. Authorize the board of aHermen or other governing body of towns and cttlee to decide upon approval by vote of the people bonds for purchasing sites, erect ing buildings and the like for publlo schools. , . Give owners of peanut pickers a Ilea on peanuts picked. An act relating to oius i """s " evidence. ... Amend the law regulating feee as to solicitors. .. . Continue for two years the approprla atlon to establish a card Index for grants In the office of the secretary of state. Amend the Revisal as to the registra tion of ancient deeds. , Prohibit the manufacture and sale of malt such as Is used in spirituous 11- ,URegulate the paying of employes of railroads Is North Carolina, requiring payment of certain shop workers every iuhi'm nsimmltteemen or boardo of . mrmrm tax dlstfiOtS tO SjlOW credit on tuition of children ef parents or guardians residing outside the dis trict of the amount of the special school tax paid by such parent or guardian eo. property ownea vj w" - ri Amend the law as to pensions to Con- u ..i.,. i. tr. (vent the benefits of the act of Congress known aa. the Smith Lever bill for co-opera tton with -states In farm demonstration work. Amend the charter of Children's Home Incorporated. .. Enlarge the powers of the Department of Insurance In respect to premiums on fire insurance and amend the insurance laws of the state. . . Create a state highway commission. Restrict the recelnt and use of Intoxi cating liquors, limiting rece'.pts to one quart of spirituous liquors and five gal lons of mnlt liquors within 16 days to a single person.

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