THE COURIER Asheboro, N. C, April 15, 1915. Mrs. W. R. Cox, of Staley, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Frazier. Misses Mabel Fox and Bera Scar boro were week-end visitors at Ran dleman. Miss Lula Pritchard, who has been teaching at Bombay the past winter, returned home. Miss Pritchard has taught a successful school. A little daughter arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph York last Friday night. Mrs. A. E. Burns spent a day in High Point last week. Mr. Carl Hoover now has a position with the Elwood Hotel, at High Point, as night clerk. . Dr. G. A. Foster, of Libeity, has opened a office in Graham for the practice o" his profession. Messrs. .1. T. Penn, G. T. Murdock, and W. li. lIoring went to Greensboro last Satm.luy for the Virginia-Carolina ball fe.'.me. Mr. iv, I Mrs. T. J. Bonkcmeyer, of Ashiboi-o Route 1, visited their daughte -. Mrs. A. J. Craven, at Pleasant Garden, last Saturday and Sunday. was in Asheboro, last Monday. Mr. Mrilasters has written an interesting article on the old Science Hill Acad emy, which we are publishing this week. A complimentary letter from Mr, W. H. Nance , Wichita, Kansas, in which he says he cannot do without The Courier comes to this office, and Is much appreciated. Mr. E. A. Woodell, who has held a position with the Christian Advocate, of Greensboro, for the past year, has gone to Winston-Salem to take a po sition with the Winston-Salem Journ al. Mrs. Bertha Sheets and little daugh ter spent Monday in Greensboro. Several Asheboro people attended the sale of personal proverty of Mrs, Martha Dicks, in Randleman last week. Mr. P. A. Routh, of Grays Chapel, was in town on business last Friday. Mrs. Daisy Page Walker, of the High Point graded schools faculty and her sister, Miss Catherine Page, of Cary, were visitors in the home of Col. and Mrs. J. E. Walker one day laat week. The High Point Enterprise in a re cent issue has this item of local in terest: Mrs. B. F. Brittain was in High Point today en route to her old home in Mooresville, from which place she will go to Statesville to visit rela tives. Mrs. Brittain was well known and popular in High Point, where she was a nurse at the High Point hospit al. She was Miss Rena Ballard be fore she married a young attorney, B. F. Brittain, of Asheboro. Mr. W. J. Armfield and children went to Greensboro last Saturday for the Virginia-Carolina ball game. Mrs. Semira Lowe and daughter, Miss Ethel Lowe, and little Claudius Hughes were in Asheboro last Friday attending the meeting at the Friends church for the establishment of Ashe boro Monthly Meeting. Mr. George Hilliard, the clever agent of the Southern Railway, has recently added an iron fence to his yard on Salisbury Street. His father Mr. B. F. Hilliard, had charge of the work. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Freeman, whs huve been living in West Ashe boro, the past few months, have moved into the residence in eust Ashe boro abjoining the McAlister brick store fcuilding. Mrs. Grace Hunter, of the Weslcy- en Methodist church, of Ohio, will preach nt Neighbors Grove, next Sun day morning at eleven o'clock. Mrs, Hunter visited Randolph county and preached fn different places about thirty years ago. Mr. Fred Cox, who has ben located at Lexington for the past two years, has accepted a position ai mnnnger of the Ford garage in ThomasvMe, which a High Point company has re cently purchased. Mr. Cox is a son f Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cox, of Ralph. Mr. A. B. Ferguson, of Staley Route 1, was in town last Monday. Mr, Ferguson says that farmers in his end of the county usually begin plant ing corn the last of March; but owing to the backward spring, they have not planted yet. He says the cotton acreage in Eastern Randolph is being cut down considerably this svring to make room for other crops. If r. Thomas McNeill, of this county, is i Albemarle, running a crockery factory for Mr. David Teeter. The Albemarle Enterprise says "He is turning out some good ware, and those who have never seen a potter at his handicraft would find a visit to the factory interesting and instruct ive." Randolph has had pottery fac tories for ages. There was one oper ated at Midway, a etation below Dew ey, by Mr. T. F. Cole, until a few months ago; and one near Ulah until a few years ago; and the crockery made by E. S. Craven, near Ranuvcur, was a well known product on the mar kets years ago. Miss Leona Parrish, of Hills Store, was in town shopping last Tuesday. Mr. L. P. Birkhead was in Thomas- ville on business Inst Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Caveness and Mr. Joseph Comer, of Asbury, was a business visitor on our streets Mon day. Miss Maude Stuart, of Scagrove, was the guest of Mrs. Walter Bunch last week. Mrs. Columbus Vuncannon was in Asheboro between trains Monday. Mr. G. M. Yates, of Caraway, was in town on business yesterday. Mr. P. H. Morris returned yesterday from Troy, where he has been attend ing court. children, of Coleridge, were visitors in the home of Mr. Caveness' brother, Mr. J. M. Caveness, for a day or two last week. The stock of goods of Mr. C. T. Loflin, bankrupt, which was recently sold by Mr. J. H. McCain, trustee, to Mr. Cephus Bowman, has been resold to Mrs. C. T. Loflin, who will continue the business at the same stand. Mr. Albright, who was formerly engineer on the train between High Point and Asheboro, was in Asheboro Monday. Mr. Albright now resides at Spencer. This is the season when the angler is abroad in the land; and from the reports coming in, it seems the finny tribe are quite abundant in Deep River this 6pring. Clerk of the Court J. M. Caveness, recently showed a Courier representative a string of fish caught by Mr. John Brr.y at Central Falls that would not have been scorned by a fisherman of Eastern Carolina. They were beauties. Messrs. J. W. Moon, of Franklinville, and R. L. Caveness, of Coleridge, also made a very successful haul of fish recently in Deep River. It is said to be not uncommon for fish caught in that stream this spring to weigh four pounds. Mr. D. A. Cornelison, of Seagrove, was among the business visitors in town last Tuesday. Mr. Cornelison says he is very busy having the work of rebuilding his store house, which was burned a few weeks ago, pushed. Misses Virginia Henley a -.d Kath erine Burns went to Randleman Mon day and returned at night. The new schedule over the No-folk Southern railway will permit the peo ple couth of Asheboro to come here in the n.orning attend to business and return home the same day. The mer chants in Asheboro have taken pride and pains in all sleet ions of their goods and will save the people money, who patronize them. The Civic Department of the Worn an's Club is asking that the people of the town co-operats in completing the work on the school grounds. Each member has been asked to solicit funds from the people of the town who are interested in the school. Rev. J. M. Stedman, pastor of the Methodist church at Farmer was in Asheboro Monday. Mr. Frank G. Grimes, Washington, D. C, has accepted a position as stenographer in the office of the Dis trict Attorney. Mr. Grimes is a native of Virginia; he has several children. The oldest will finish at the McKinley Training School, Washington, this spring. Mr. Grimes will move his family here after the close of schools which his children are attending. The town will welcome Mr. Grimes and his family, who will prove an addition to the citizenship. Mr. H. H Kennedy and his force began work last Monday on the gravel road leading from the County Home to High Point. Rev. T. M. Johnson, a former Ashe boro pastor, 13 conducting a series of revival services in the Methodist Protestant church at Winston-Salem this work. Mr. Ucnry Yow, of Seagrove, was in town a few hours yesterday. Mrs. C. C. McNeill, of Seagrove, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. P. Royster. Miss Mary Bunting, who has been teaching at Davis Mountain, was the guest of Mrs. Charles Presnell the first of the week. Misses Nannie Bulla and Pat Lowe spent Sunday at Mr. James Vuncan non's, south-west of Asheboro. Mr. T. J. Jerome, of Greensboro, was in Asheboro Sunday on his way to Troy to attend court. Mrs. J. K. Wood returned the latter part of last week from Aberdeen, where she attended the Page-Bynum wedding. Mr. J. A. Ashburn, of Winston-Salem, was in town last Tuesday and Wednesday, looking after matters per taining to the hay contest, conducted by the Wachovia Loan and Trust Co. Mr. Ashburn is manager of this con test, conducted in ten or twelve coun ties, including Randolph. $250 in gold is divided into eighteen prizes to be given to farmers, each of whom raises an acre of grass in accordance with approved plans. Two of our townsmen, Messrs: J. 0. Redding and J. G. Miller, are among the contest ants. Mrs. Hal M. Worth was the guest of friends at Randleman a day or two the first of the week. Miss Mabel Stuart, of Why Not, was the guest of friends in Asheboro a few days last week. Messrs. C. P. Smith and I. F. Crav en, of Ramseur, were business visitors in Asheboro last Tuesday. Mr. Smith is manager of the Carter Mercantile Company at Ramseur, and Mr. Craven is cashier of the Bank of Ramseur. Misses Nettie Newby, Beatrice Bul la, and Clara Pritchard visited Miss Bulla's home in the Back Creek neigh borhood lajt Sunday. Mrs. Jean Rush visited relatives in Greensboro two or three days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Andrews and children were guests in the home of Mr. Andrews' father, Mr. T. W. An drews, in the Back Creek neighbor hood last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Royster visited Mrs. Royster's sister, Mrs. C. C. Mc Neill, at Seagrove last Sunday. Mr. J. S. Villere, who has been in the real estate business at Ramseur and Asheboro for the past several months, left last Monday for Fayette- ville. Mr. John McPherson, who was bad ly cut by Mr. George Foust, near Cole ridge, one day last week, is reportd to be much improved, and is now ex pected to recover. Mr. J. E. Carson, of Charlotte, who married Miss Sallie McAlister, of this town, had a stroke of paralysis about ten days ago, but is rapidly improv ing, and the doctors 6ay he will en tirely recover. Mr. and Mrs. Carson have often visited in Asheboro, and their many friends will be glad to hear that Mr. Carson's stroke is not so serious as was at first feared. Mr. Rufus Graves, of Level Cross suffered a most painful accident last Saturday, when one hand was torn off in a feed cutter. The college comedy, entitled: "A Case of Suspension," will be given at the school building at Why Not, Sat urday night, April 17th. No admis sion will be charged, but there will be an opportunity for all to join in a free will offering for the benefit of the Children's Home. Everybody in vited. Mrs. I. T. Cox was in Asheboro yesterday, returning to her home at Ulah after attending a meeting of the permanent board of the Friends church in Greensboro. Mrs. Cox is pastor of the Asheboro Friends church Mr. M. H. Moffitt, of this town, is one of the oldest subscribers to The Courier, he having taken the paper ever since its establishment. Mr. Moffitt was a subscriber to the Ran dolph Regulator, which was the pred ecessor of The Courier. - Mr. Hal M. Worth, administrator of Mrs. M. C. Hicks, went to Randle man last Tuesday for the sale of the Dicks personal property. Several from Asheboro attended this sale. Messrs. Carl Richardson, Henry Ingram, Reid Hannah, Lester Moffitt Tom Wood, Clyde Laughlin, G. E, White, Wiley Rush, and W. T. Allred attended the marriage of Dr. F. E. Asbury and Miss Flora Richardson in Greensboro yesterday. These young men are all members of Dr. Asbury's Baraca class. Mrs. Annie Robins and Mies Julia Thorns had a pleasant visit to Mrs, Cyrus Allred's a mile and a half from town, last Thursday afternoon, and were much interested in the bird boxes being made by the children of Mrs. Allred. It will be remembered that the Woman's Club, of Asheboro, have for some time encouraged the building of homes for our feathery friends and several of the boys and girls arc becoming interested in the matter, The County Board of Education met in the courthouse last Monday with all the members present as follows Mr. T. W. Ingram, Bombay; Dr. C. H. Phillips, Thomasville, Route; and Mr. J. T. Wood, Asheboro. The meeting was a pleasant one with only routine business transacted. Mother's and Patron's day will be observed at the graded school next Friday afternoon in the auditorium. Public is invited. The white sale given by the Worn an's Missionary Society of the Metho dist Protestant church last Thursday, was a great success, $40 clear profit being realized. Mr. R. L. Hilliard will open a bar ber shop in the basement of the Mil ler building. Mrs. C. J. Cox is suffering from a broken arm as a result of trying to crank an automobile one, day recently. The Baracas and Philatheas of the M. E. Sunday school will give the play "The Country Minister," at the graded school auditorium Friday night, April 16th. Admission fees of 15, 25, and 35 cents will be charged. The machinery from the Davis Mountain Mine is being shipped to Virginia this week. Miss Edna Hill, who is well known in Asheboro, now a nurse in a Char lotte sanitorium, was operated on for appendicitis last Monday. She is re ported to be getting on nicely. Mrs. Ed. York was in Asheboro last Saturday, returning to her home at Central Foils after a visit to relatives in Charlotte. ' Mr. W. H. Jennincs, of Cedar Fa'ls. was among the business visitors in town last Monday. Mr. W. H. Watkins, of Ramseur, s in town last Monday on his wav home from Troy. Mrs. J. C. Hannah is visitine rela tives and friends in High Point this eek. M iss Florence York was the guest of home folks at Central Falls last Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. F. E. Byrd and W. A. Gar n have been elected delegates and . H. Redding and J. E. Mendenhall. alternates, from the Baraca class of the Asheboro M. E. Church to the State convention of Baracas and Phi latheas that meets in Raleigh, April The twelfth district meetine of the Junior Order, which met in Reidsville, last week, adjourned to hold their next session in Asheboro. Mr. Ferd Ingold is registrar for the town election this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cranford vis ited relatives at Denton last Sunday. Airs, hmma Kearns, of Caraway, as in town on business yesterday. The Girl's Missionary Society of the Methodist Protestant church will render "Pollyanna" in the near future. The young ladies dramatized this popular story for themselves. EXPLANATION ON OLD COIN The Courier is indebted to Mr. Robert Douglass, of Greensboro, for an explanation of the abbreviated Latin inscription on the geld coin brought to the office one clay last week by Mr. G. Elwood Stanton, of Randle man Route 1, which we give in full. It will be remembered that the coin bears the date, 1757, and the fol lowing inscription: "Josephus I. D. G. Port, et Alg. Rex." Mr. Douglass' explanation, which is quite interest ing, follows: "The inscription is in Latin, which was generally used on coins of the period mentioned. The inscription filling out the abbrevia tions is 'Josephus I Dei Gratie Portugal is et Algrave Rex.' Trans lated into English it is 'Joseph 1st, by the grace of God, King of Portugal ami Algarve.' The coin is therefore Portugese and probably fDund its way to this country from Brazil, which was at that time a Portugese colony, Joseph 1st in Portugese spelled 'Jose' and pronounced 'Hosay' was King of Portugal from 1750 to 1777 Algarve pronounced 'Algarvay' is the southern part of what we now know as Portugal. It was, however, held by the Moors for sometime after the rest of Portugal hr.d been con quered, in honor of the event the king3 of Portugal called themselves 'King of Portugal and Algarve.' " AN ENJOYABLE ENTERTAIN' . MENT On Friday evening, April 9, a very enjoyable entertainment was given by the Asheboro school children for the benefit of the cchool ground fund. Master Rhodes Moffitt announced the numbers on the program, and each little group of entertainers came promptly forward in nice marching step. The songs, including the following: "The Spring Song," "I Want i'. Teddy Bear," "The Sewing Circle," and 'Children of Old Nature' elicited much applause; and the recitation by Mabel Cox, John Hadley, and Clarabcllle Morris was well rendered. Miss Alice Phillips recited "Woman's Power in the Twentieth Century." Violin and piano music by Mrs. Sulon Stedman and Miss Annie Moring and a "Rose Prill" closed the evening's entertain ment, every number of which was heartily enjoyed by every one pres ent. The sum of seventeen dollars and sixty cents was realized, whijh will :sid materially in helping to pay the bill for the grar.itc retaining wall of the school grounds. Eyes Examined HEADACHES RELIEVED CAUSED FROM EYESTRAIN DR. JULIUS SHAFFER of Fayetteville, Specialist in Optom etry, Graduate Philadelphia College, and registered in the state, will be in ASHEBORO, ASHLYN HOTEL Wednesday, April 21st For the purpose of examining the many errors the eyes are subject to and fitting glasses. & ' JKl Furniture and Undertaking We sell better Furniture or a nicer Funeral Outfit for less mony than any other dealer in the county. You should see our line of Sewing Machines before buying Prices are right. Besides carrying a complete line of Furniture, you will also find a select line of jewelry. Our stock is now at its best. Our assortment is complete. We want your business. CRESCENT FURNITURE COMPANY Ramseur, X. C. fr ,;, ,, ,, ,, , ,;,., ,, ,, , , ,, ,t, ,t, ,t, ,t, ,t, ,t ,, ,t, ,t, ,t, l, Send Us That Soiled Suit AND LET US SHOW YOU HOW WELL WE CLEAN IT Asheboro Pressing and Tailoring Go. W. P. ROYSTER, Manager. NEXT TO REXALL STORE. PHONE NO. 137 Beautiful Creations In Millinery This is a flower season, and we have the flowers of all kinds that look so natural you almost expect them to be fragrant. Styles and shapes up-to-the-minute. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Millard H. Allred O. R. Fox Store Asheboro, N. C. J. C.' HANNAH & SON Thej,One-Horse3Grocery Loose Roasted Coffee, 12 l-2c per pound. Whitmore's Bread, the most sanitary. A fresh supply every day. Also Stone wrapped cakes. Six different kfnds always on hand. Fresh Tomatoes, Celery and Lettuce. Commencement Time April and May are the commencement months, almost everybody buys new clothes and dresses up for the occasion. We have an ticipated your wants along this line anl wish to call your atten tion to our immense stork of dress goods, clothing, oxfords, hats, caps, and all the newest things in notions. Dress Goods Everything that is new and up-to-date in Silks, Woollens, Cotton, Crepe de Chene in all the now shades at prices to suit all, from 10c to $1.50 the yard. Millinery New Millinery arriving almost daily. We have never had such a run on millinery. Call and get your hat now. Oxfords We have a large stock of Ladies', Men's, Boys' and Child ren's Oxfords, in the new styles. Colonial Pumps, Mary Janes, One- and Two-Strap Sandals Pumps with the gray and sand quarters, in fact the very things you want. Come and see them Clothing, Hats and Caps Big stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing in Serges, Panamas, and Palm Beaches at prices ranging from $2.50 to $20.00. AH that is new in Straw Hats, Fur Hats and Caps. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE Carter Mercantile Company RAMSEUR, N. C. ,t ,hmH"M-;!' ! .. ..