IS Fresh Groceries Always on Hand Stock Increasing Every Week Highest market prices paid for Chickens, Eggs, and other country produce. Wm. M. Trogdon Asheboro Route 1 WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't yo i open an account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit your business. Call to see us. BANK OF i 1)0 When shipments were interrupted by the war, it was estimated that there was enough Potash on hand in the United States to pro vide two and three per cent Potash in mixed fertilizers for this spring's trade. Some manufacturers had more than enough for these percentages. Since then minor sources of Potash have been fully utilized, and additional shipments from the usual source are still being received. The supply is below normal, but this need not prevent farmers securing some Potash in their fertilizers, nor should it lead farmers to decide not to use fertilizers. There is no reason to return to the out-of-date goods without Potash, although some authorities may try to "wish" them on us. We have not used enough Potash in the past. The largest annual import of Potash was only one-seventieth of the Potash taken from tht soil by our 1914 com crop nnd only one-fifteenth of the Potash lost every year in drainage water. Spring crops use from two to ten times as much Potash as Phos phoric Acid. Get as much Potash in the fertilizer as possible. A few firms are offering to furnish from four to ten per cent. There is no substitute for Potash, It may be harder to get just now, but POTASH PAYS. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Inc, 42 Broadway, New York Chicago, McCormick Block San Frenches, 25 California St. A r : nu. c v. u M. T nu. Itfr-iimiiiN New r,UD SEWING MACHINES standard make sewing machines, and before taking inven tory we of;fer them at $15.00 each. These machines usual ly sell for $35.00 and $40.00. Now is the time to get a bargain. MCCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE CO. TOWN TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES lly order of the board of commis sioners of the town of Worthville, North Carolina. On the third day of May, 1015 at 12 o'clock, M., I will pell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Asheboro, North Carolina, a tract of land belonging to A. K. Comer, in the town of Worthville, all of which con tains one acre more or less. Taxes two dollars and ninety-two cents, cost two dollars and ten cents. Total five dollars and twelve cents. Also the property of the Worth Mfg. Company containing 70 acres ih 56 houses and Worth Manufacturing Company's plant. Taxes for the year 1913, $183, U3; cost $2.12. This the 3rd day of April, 1915. II. H. GOLEY, Town Tax Collector, for the town of Worthville, North Carolina. . NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Mrs. Swanna Daw kins, deceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Ran dolph county, All persons having claims against eaid estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified on or before the 8th day of April, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing paid estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 6th day of April, 1915. ARTHUR ROSS, Admr. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS Settlements of all the taxes in full are due May 1st. Give the matter your attention and save cost. I shall advertise all unpaid taxes May the 1st, 1915. J. W. BIRKHEAD, Sheriff. 4-8-3t. LAST CALL FOR TOWN TAXES Unless you pay your town taxes on or before May 1, 1915, I will sell all property on which taxes are not paid regardless of kith or kin. Pay now and save cost. T. E. LASSITER, Tax Collector. RAMSEUR is food for thought as well as for crops this year. Whitney Cactral Bank Bid We have on hand several MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of authority and power in the undersigned vested by a deed of trust executed on the 4th dav of May, 1908, by Mary A. Kcrree to J. 1). Ross and others, which deed of trust is duly registered in the oilice of the Register of Deeds of Randolph county in l!ook 127, page 4S0, and by an in denture or deed dulv executed on the 15th day of March, 1!H0, by. ami be tween Mary A. Ferrce, J. D. Ross, Trustee, and G. Rosenthal to Bertha Rosenthal, Jr., which indenture or deed is duly registered in the ofliee of the Register of Deeds of Randolph county in Look 133, page 186, the un dersigned will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for .-ash at the court house door in the town of Ashe boro in said county on Friday the 16th day of April, 1915, at twelve o'clock M. the following real estate men tioned and described in said deed of trust, being the valuable property known as the W. J. Glass place in the town of Randleman, lately oc cupied by the said Mary A. Ferree, and more particularly described and defined as follows: Beginning at a stone on the west side of the Ashe boro road and running west 6.34 chains to a stone; thence south 3.16 chains to a stone; thence east 6.34 chains to a tone by the side of the road; thence direct to the beginning, containing two acres more or less. The same being known as the W. J. Glass place on which the late Mrs. Mary A. Ferree recently lived. This the 11th day of March, 1915. BERTHA ROSENTHAL, JR., Mortgagee. G. S. Bradshaw, Attorney. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of J. W. Ried, deceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned duly verified on or before the 1st day of May, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This March 16, 1915. J. O. REDDING, Admr. J. W. Ried. Asheboro, N. C. NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE By virtue of the powers vested in the undersigned by mortgage deea executed by John R. McLeod, ana wife Cassie E. McLeod, on the 27th day of February, 1914, recerded in the oilice of the Register of Deeds of Randolph county in Book 155 page 155, I will sell at public auction for cash, at the court house door in Ashe boro, N. C, on the 26th day of April, 1915, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow ing lands: lying and being in TriniU township, Randolph county, Norm Carolina, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake in Horace Ragan's line five feet west of a stone corner planted by A. U. Tomlinson and D. M. Petty, thence along the public road from Freeman's store in the town of Archdale to Trinity in an easterly direction 247 feet to an iron stake in Mrs. Horaco Ragan's line; thence in a northerly direction 238 feet to an iron stake, Mrs. Horace Ragan's corner; thence in an easterly direction 97 feet to an iron stake in Mrs. Horace Ragan's line to the cor ner of what was formerly known as the Shube Swaim place; thence in t. northerly direction 149 feet to the Petty line; thence in a westerly di rection 651 feet along the Archdale Roller Mill road to an iron stake: thence south along the road between the Petty property, and Horace Ra gan's property 102 Vt feet to an iron stake, Horace Ragan's corner; thence easterly along Horace Ragan's line 1824 feet more or less to an iron stake, Horace Ragan's corner; thenc. 229 Ys feet to thebeginning, contain ing 5 acres, more or less. The sam being what was formerly known as the Moses Hammond home place. Said mortgage deed contains h power of sale authorizing the under signed to make sale of said land in event of dafault being made in tlv pnyment of the debt secured by said mortgage deed, said default having been made, this sale is accordingl made under said power. This 22nd day of March, 1915. EMMA H. SMITH, Mortgagee. SUPERIOR COURT, Before the Clerk NORTH .CAROLINA, ..Randolph County. Ella T. Smith and husband, C. P. Smith, Jr., vs. John Troy, Isaac Troy, Will Troy, Tom Troy, Robert Troy, Rosa Trov, Helen Troy, Sidney Troy, Mary t. Cox, and husband. D. C. Cox, Lee Troy, Maggie T. Miller and husband, Miller, the unknown hetr of Alfred Troy, the unknown heirs of Edgar Troy. The defendant aboved named, John Troy, Isaac Troy, Will Troy, Tom Troy, the unknown heirs of Alfred Troy and the unknown heirs of Edgar Troy will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenceo against them in the Superior Court of Randolph county before the Cleik of said court and that summons has issued therein against them returna ble before the said Clerk at his office in the county court house in Asheboro, N. C, on the 27 day of April, 1915; that the nature and subject matter of said action i3 as follows: An action to sell for division among plaintiff and defendants that certain realty situated in Randolph county, North Carolina, now held by said plaintiff and defend utai as tenants in common, same hav ing descended to them from the late Alfred L. Troy; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to be and appear at the aforesaid time and place named for return of summons and answer or de mur to the petition of plaintiffs or the relief therein demanded will be granted. J. M. CAVENESS, C. S. C. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Noah T. Latham, de ceased, before J. M. Caveness, ClerK of the Superior- court of Randolph county. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verifed, on or before the 10th day of March. 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar -of their recovery; and all person owing said estate will come forwaro and make immediate settlement. This 10th day of March, 1915. S. A. COX. Admr. Noah T. Latham. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Jane Asbill, deceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior court of Randolph county, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned duly verified on or before the 20th day of March, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 17th day of March, 1915. Z. T. BYRD, Admr. Asheboro, N. C NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Alfred L. Troy, de ceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly, verified on or before the 1st day of April 1916 or this notice will be pleaded in bartf their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 27 day of March, 1915. J. F. PICKETT, Admr. Alfred L. Troy, deceased. NOTICE Take notice that the commissioners of the town of Asheboro have ordered a new registration for election of Mayor and other municipal officers, which election is to take place on Mon day, the 3rd day of May, 1915; that the books will be open for registration on the 16th day of April, 1915. Done by order of the board. C. C CRANFORD. Mayor. A. R. WINNINGHAM, Sec Dated March 17th, 1915. J. W. AUSTIN, It D. Praclice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, South Main St., next to P. 0. HIGH POINT, N. C. Wm. C. Hammer R. C. Kelly .MAIMER & KELLY Attorneys at Law Office Second door from street in Lawyers' Row. DR. D. K. LOCKHART Dentist ASHEBORO, N. C. Phone 28 Office over the Bank. Hours, 9 a.m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. DR. JOHN SWAIM Dentist Office over First National Bank. Asheboro, N. C. Phone 192 DR. J. F. MILLER " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offices Over Bank of Randolph Asheboro, N. C. DR. J. D. GREGG Dental Surgeon ..At Lihertv. N. C Mnnd.-iv. ThmJ., and Wednesday. At uamseur, N. C, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. THE BANK OF RANDOLPH Asheboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $60,000.00 Total Assets over $250,000.00 With ample assets, experience and protection, we solicit the business of the banking public and feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing lo extend to our customers every fa cility and accommodation consistent with safe banking. D. B. McCrary, President. W. J. Armfield, V-President. W. J. Armrield, Jr., Cashier. J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier. MARKETING EGGS Forty-five million dollars a year is the annual egg loss of the country due to faulty methods of handling on the farm where eggs are not collecteo frequently and marketed regularly. Because nests are not kept clean and through allowing males to run wltn the hens in the warm months after the breeding season. A fertile eg will start to hatch or develop the em bryo if kept at a temperature above 80 degrees. If kept at a temperature 100 degrees or above for three or four days blood will form. From this it can be seen that in the hot summer time it is essential to gather the eggs once, or better twice a day. Keep them in a cool place and market thei.. once, and still better twice a week. Keep the nests clean and provide otn. nest for each tour hens, urocerymen keeping eggs on display in the hot summer time? find in three or foiu days that the eggs spoil. Such eggs are known as "heated eggs". If maTo do not inn with the hens the eggs a re lict fertile and these blood rings o not appear. The advantages of infertile eggs for the market are: The eggs do not iiateh, do not develop germs, with stand he:it, stand shipment well, easi ly' preserved, slow to decay, best rt cold storage, cost less, male birds not required, and are produced just as of- on as fertile eggs. A careful study of preventable 'osses on the fa mi shows the follow :ng: 2 per cent hiss on account of be ing dirty; 2 per cent on account of breaks: 5 per cent on ncemmt of chick development: ." per cent on account of shrink or rjncr held: 2'i per cent on account of being rotten: '-j per cent on account of mould or bad flavor. A SLI GCISII LIVER NEEDS ATTENTION Let your Liver get torpid and you are in for a spell of misery. Every body gets an attack now and then. Thousands of people keep their Liv ers active and healthy by using Dr. King's New Life Pills. Fine for the stomach, too. Stop the Dizziness, Constipation, Billiousness and Indi gestion. Clear the blood. Only 25c. at your Druggist. NOTICE C. H. Phillips has this day entered 10 acres of land more or less on the waters of Uwharrie River, in Taberna cle township, adjoining the lands of w. b. Thayer, deceased, and my own lands. This March 26, 1915. GEO. T. MURDOCK, Entry Taker for Randolph County. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to Silas Luther that the undersigned, J. M. Luther, on the 6th day of July, 1914, purchased forty acres of land in New Hope township, known as the Silas Luther land, listed in the name of Si las T,,ti.L jni;.n., of 1913, It being sold by the sheriff of Randolph county; and unless the same is redeemed on or before the 6th day of July 1915 the time that the richt of redemption expires, the undersign ed will make application for a deed to saiu iana. J. M. LUTHER. April 8, 1915, . (jjjjya?AVi't"y-7ay; VVV. oavon th coat o( a (() p' lUltlMM bOttlC. at all rwwer. W7 I T Diamond. McDonnell ft Co.. VTI ftf 40 X. 4th St.. Phlln. f-jj- ADVANTAGES OF DAIRYING IN THE SOUTH Jersey Cattle on a Tick-Free Pasture at Jackson, Miss. (Prepared by the fnlt.-.l Stat-, Depart- I 0f the largest number of farmers is M, J7i Af:k'"lturB-) , the creamery. This furnishes a con- f,r ,? L f heun butter from the L tant d,.mand for c w?ther , Z ". . " excl'a"d large or small quantities. There are fo, groceries at the country store. On three ways of gerti cream to th(J packages, and Irregular supply, the prices received for this butter are very low. Bulletins explaining how tho housewife can make good butter and how to put it into attractive packages may be obtained without cost by ap plying to the department of agricul ture, Washington. 1. C. Purchasers of butter like to buy from persons who can furnish it tlio year round. Usually the market for farm butter is oversupplied (lining the summer season. This is because cows generally freshen in the spring and thus furnish a greater supply of butter throughout the summer, when grass and green feed are abundant, than at any other time of the year. For thia reason the price of butter is lowest in summer and highest in winter. To take advantage of these conditions farmers should have their rows fresh en in the full: this would tend to equalise the supply of butter through out the year. In many cases no great effort Is made to find a good market for the farm butter. Too often nearby gro cery stores nre regarded as the only market possibility. Hoarding houses, women's clubs, hotels and restau rants, and private families, not only in the home towns but in surrounding towns, should be canvassed and a sam ple of the butter exhibited. In this way a good market for farm butter may be secured ff the butler is of good quality and can be supplied reg ularly. The frequency of delivery will de pend upon the demand of the trade. MARKET BUTTER IN Often the farmer or some member of his family can without inconvenience deliver the butter to t fie purchasers. When those who have butter to si 11 can not deliver it to distant purclias us they should investigate th.- oppor tunities offered by the par-.el post service. Cream obtained by runninj; the. warm whole milk through a cream H-parnter is a viy enmenient form i Mi-.ich to market the product of cows. Less equipment and labor are required for tins method than if but ter is made. For handling r":nn it is nerssary to have a separator, shipping cans', some appliances l r heating water to wash utensil, and some means for cooling the cream. Cream if not pre perl y taken care of Is easily spoiled. Directions for tak ing the proper care of milk and cream are described in a circular which is sent free by the department of agri culture. Since the fat is the most valuable part, cream is usually sold according to the pounds of fat it contains. For determining the percentage of fat In cream the Pabcock test, which is a simple process, 1b used. Small sam ples of cream are tested and the per centage of fat shown is multiplied by the weight of the cream from which the, sample is taken. For example, if a sample of cream from a can con taining 40 pounds Is found to test 25 per cent, the pounds of butterfat are found by multiplying 40 by 0.25, which Is ten pounds. The persons buying the cream generally do the sampling and testing. Hotels, restaurants, railroad eating houses, soda fountains, and ice cream manufactories offer markets for fresh sweet cream. Such markets require a high class product of uniform qual ity and a dependable supply delivered at regular intervals. This makes It necessary for farmers who supply such markets to have good transporta tion facilities. The market for cream within reach ! ! I I I I I I I I I ! II i i I! A toad of Cream at a Southern Creamery, j creamery or shipping point: 1. Each farmer may haul his own cream. 2. Farmers in a community may take turns in hauling their cream. 3. A man may be employed to haul all the c-rtatn regularly and each farm er may pay for this service according to t lie amount of cream he sells. The t!,ird method Is on the same principle as the rural free delivery of mail matter. I'nder this system the hauler at regular intervals comes to the farmer's door, gets the cream, and takes it to the creamery or shipping point. The cream is weighed, sam pled, and poured into a carrying can in the wagon. The samples and rec ords of weights are sent to the cream ery. Routes may be established close to the creamery, and the cream deliv ered direct, or they may be estab lished at distant points and the cream delivered to a central station for ship ping lo the creamery. Sttbroutes may radiate from points on the main route ami thus cream can be collected from a wide area. In coninimiiUes in which Interest In selling cream is Just being aroused nnd where there is not cream enough produced to pay for having it collected each day. the cream can be kept from day to day and collected twice a week In winter and three times In summer. WhtTe this Is practiced the farmers must use ice to keep the cream as cold as possible, or place the cans in spring or well water. I'nless extra care is taken to produce the cream in ihe most cleanly manner, and unless it is ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES Kept thoroughly cold at all times, this method is not advisable. The- shipping of cream compels the fanner lo have a separator. The cot ot the separator is often discouraging to the man who has only two r three cow:;, nnd who, but for this expense, could mII a small cmeant of cream. This, however, need not prevent the purchase of :t yeparaior, as some com panies sell iheir machines for a small cash pan;e!it, the'er to be paid in niorthly or liimcnthiy install ments. This enables the farmer to let the cews pay for the separate:-. Again, in the ease of several farm ers living near one another, one sepa rator, ct nt ra'.ly located, can be used by all. Tho central separator offers a splendid opportunity for land owners to encourage their tenants to keep cows. Even if the tenants have only small quantities of milk, it svill bring more money in the form of cream than if the milk were churned nnd the butter sold. Carrying the milk to the separator Is also less trou ble than making the butter. In sections where cream can be mar keted, routes operated In some such way as described are to be commend ed, provided the cream Is produced and handled properly, as they enable the farmer to procure a steady cash income from his cows by providing a market at his door Early Start for Strawberries. Strawberry plants, like fruit trees, should be set at the earliest possible moment in spring. The variety select ed should be one that has proved good In your locality; if you experiment with new varieties let it be on a small scale. Remember, too, that the vari ety recommended as a good shipper is not the best for home use. Some of the most delicious berries are too soft to stand shipping, but cannot be ex celled for home consumption. Incubators Always Ready. Incubators can be kept always la i hatching order, but not the heo, I f