INTERESTING OLD DOCUMENT sAMPING OF SCILS FCR LABO- RATORY EXAMINATIONS Contract for Bridge end Abutment Over Deep River, Built at Frank-j To plan intelligently any system of linville, in 1817. fertilizer applications, it is necessary The Courier is indebted to Mrs. John j to know something about the soil as T. Low e, of Ced:.r Giove township, well as the crop. Some of this infor for the copy cf contract for building' mation may be pained by making an bridge across Deep River, at Fr mklin- analysis of the soil. To make labora ville", in 1!47. Thos. Rice the contract-! tory examinations the most esenital was a relative of Mrs. Lowe and feature is a correct sample, it tne sample does not represent the field un der cultivation no matter how careful ly the analyses are made, they are of little value. The division of Agronomy of the Experiment Station will be glad to make examinations of the soils for any one who will take the trouble to collect a fair sample from the field to be cultivated, and will advise the use of the fertilizers which have giv en the best' results on this type of soil. To take a a representative sample it is necessary to observe the following directions: Do not take the sample at random from any poiitf on tin Ian', but consider what are the two or three chief varieties of soil which make the cultivated area and carefully n ple each separately. After select:. :g a proper spot, pull up the plant? Avow ing on it, and sweep off the surface with a broom or brush to rcr.-ove half decayed vegetable matter not forming a part of the soil as yet. Pig or bore hole like a post hole, and note at what depth a change v.i color occurs. A sample to that depth will consti tute the soil. Alwryt, take specimens from more than or.;, spot judged to be a fair sample and mix thoroughly in a package or sack and label properly for examinations. The depth to which the subsoil should be taken will de pend on circumstances. It is always necessary to know what constitutes the foundation of a soil down to a was said to have been one of the lead ing bridge builders of his day. Follow ing arc the contracts for bridge and abutment: Know all men by these presents that we, Thomas Rice, Olisha Coffin, and B. F. Cuffin, are held and firmly bound to Alexander S. Horncy, Mich ael Cox, James C. Wrenn, and John Miller, comm'ssioners appointed by Randolph county c:uvt, to contract for the building of a bridge over Deep River, r.i Frank'.invillo, hi the turn of two thousand, nine hundred and sixty dollars, fcr the payment of whirh well and truly to be made we bind our selves, our heirs, executors and admin istrators firmly by these presents Sealed with our hand and dated this 2nd day of February, 187. The condition of the above obliga tion is such that whereas the above bonded Thomas Rice hath contracted with the above mentioned Homey, Cox, Wrenn, and Miller, to build the woodwork of a bridge over Deep Riv er at Franklinville according to the following specifications, to-wit: The woodwork of the bridge to be 200 feet long and 16 feet wide from out to out, to be built on Towers' Im proved Truss plan as follows: The trusses or sides to be built of sawed pine timber high enough to make the bridge 11 feet in the clear; the scant ling for the trusses to be 3 inches AN FOR A SMALL BACKYARD GARDEN FOR THE SOI Til Washington, D. C, April 20. A small back-yard pardon, 75 feet long and 50 feet wide, particularly suited for gardeners in Southern cities, has been planned by the United States De partment of Agriculture's specialists. Provision has been made in the plan for a hotbed, cold frame, and open seed beds running the length of the garden; also for an asparagus bed and a rhubard or perennial herb bed. The other vegetables are planted in rows running across the width, and the sug gested order in which the various kinds might appearand in which later crops might follow, is given herewith: Lettuce, radishes, followed by cel ery. .1 i r.1 1 : J I 4.,.1 . 1 miCJL, 1U ft incites vnire, aim ovaiiu a, i j.ii, -m f T .t ;f an angle of 45 degrees each way and jg 8ufficient e from " other at anf'efl 'l the line showing the change in color four feet apart and pinned together , down to d of witt at least three or four pins one ; epecimcn8 should be in other and one-half inches diameter, oi r ffood . r ta preci8eiy iike those of the white oak at every cross, with two and proper,y n fa of strong pieces, one at top and one at importance that full description bottom, of the same kind of timber , of ,and fee especially as to the location, position, lay, drainage conditions, and yields in wet and dry seasons. Having done this, send by prepaid express to the Division of Ag ronomy, North Carolina Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C. CHICKENS AND GARDENS and of the same size as the crosses, doubled and the joints broken both in- j aide and outside of the truss. The floor beams to be framed onto the lower string piece, one for every lap of the trusses, size 6 by 8 inches, the floor to be permanently braced to pre vent lateral motion, the braces to be 3 by 6 inches and to reach across the bridge both ways at an angle of 45 The time is at hand when a man of degrees, intersecting each other in the th household goeth forth with a spade, center to be pinned to the beams and a hoe and a rake and maketh a gar the sleepers to be jogged over them, ! den in his back yard; and he watcheth the sleepers to be 4 by 6 inches, 8 the growth of the young vegetables in number and to run lengthwise of ( day by day and is much pleased; but the bridge; the roof beams to be fram- 10, and behold! he goeth forth to look ed from the upper string piece, one ( upon his garden on the ninth day of for every other lap of the truss 6 by the third month, and he findeth it not, 8 inches; the rafters to foot upon the f0r the chickens of his neighbors hath rawe string piece and to be 2 by 6 laid waste the tender onions and rad ktches ; the roof to be sheeted and . iehs and the crispy lettuce. And in shingled with good heart pine shin-1 the evening and the morning and at rles: the floor of good pine plank 2 , noontime of the tenth and eleventh inches thick; to be weatherboarded j and succeeding days, the man who had with good heart pine 1 inch thick and a garden, but now hath it not, sit about ten inches wide for the first ; teth on the back fence of his yard with revert and the joints to be broken s shotgun, lying in wait for the chick- wW strips four inches wide to be put ens of his neighbors, otf and down and nailed in three j bW?c& with 12 penny nails; with 5 , TOLD THERE WAS NO CURE FOR windows on each side 1 by 2 feet; HIM with slats to keep out the rain; both I . wiuu w . , . . . c I "After suffering for over of tne roci -o ex.enu at ith infirpsti(m an,i twenty having fit beyond the frame, and the gable 8ome 0f tne i,est (ioctors here tell me iA to finish on a heavy pilaster suf- there was no cure for me, I think iftMnt to protect the ends of the it only right to tell you for the sake -,, . , ,v. .i, Ko of other sufferers as well your own l-Kmw. ine wno.e u. u. - - satisfaction that a 25-cent bottle of ftiir the inspection of aforesaid chamberlain's Tablets not only reliev- efcttttrii.-isioncrs with privilege of them ed me but cured me within two month -Aa,t nirK nf timber thev may although I am a man of Go years,' . ' i .,. .nv irnrV rnl1 writes Jul. Grohien, Houston, Texas iw4 unsuitable or ?top any woi k not HmWs gW vip r:glU. 1 no vv noie u ue win A dozen bandits held up a fast freight train at Sanburn, New York, jJetM by the first day of January, next. Now if the paid Thomas Rice shall one ,5ay ast week, and sped away in eity,l'tp said job in a substantial and automobile trucks with a vast quanti fl(Hf!!iaii;kf manner according to the tv of dry goods they had taken from f 5aoii por jspecificr.tinns and within thd'JWnio prescribed, thn '.'"'c above ion i'hr.11 ho void; otherwise, to rrfle in fu'l force arvl ol"cct. 1o Td. THOMAS ium: od oJ OLISHA COFFIN, oala B. F. COFFIN. T). 1 Pickett. Whereas the i-niler.i'gne.l commis sioners appointed by Randolph Coun ty C-iirt to contract for the building of'alin.lpc over Deep River, at Frank in pursuance of said appoint Tit,U!id on the ."Oth d;;.y of January, Isdhriet out to the lowest bidder at auction the building of the vock work itf$iA when Thomas Rice be- t'ivrry,Jie last and lowest bidder for 6aid job at the sum of six hundred and njyjpht dollars, according to the following specifications, tovvit: abutment on the east side of t1 fejj' the race, SJO and 15 fi;tt v.ide at top, to be built entirely of rock up as high as common high wier mark, and above that pji 'rrpck and dirt; one pier in the c5af'j!)lisije r'ver' 'ce thick and 2Ieef ojffat bottom and 6 feet thick f ?3S$ twnl 16:e-u ii)ifri- e" river, built of large Vock and very strong. The abutment on the west side to bo 115 the cars. Ver, next to the race to De iuu ng, commencing at me uanh. ol v . , ... ... feet long and of the same thickness and hc's'.it of the other abutment and bui't in the same manner, the yules of the abutment next to the river to be built of large and strong rock; the abutment on the east side where the frame comes on it to be level with he middle pier, the other end level with bank cf the race; the west abutment next to the frame to be level with the other two and the end to be three foot the highest where it strikes the hill, and the whole to be completed by the first day of January, next. And the said Thomas Rice hath en tered into bond with approved security to execute said job agreeably to the foregoing specifications The undersigned obligate and bond themselves to said Rice that whenever he shall have completed said job and shall obtian an order from the Coun ty Court of Randolph County on the County Trustee for the payment of one-half of said bid, .$349, we will pay him the other half thereof. In witness whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals, the second day of February, 1847. A. C. HOENEY. M. COX. ' t JOHN MILLER. Attest: . Jonah Brown. Onions, followed by celery. Carrots, followed by kale. Beets, followed by kale. j Peas, early varieties, followed by fall cabbage. Peas, late varieties, followed by 'all cabbage. Reans, followed by fall potatoes. Cabbage', followed by fall potatoes. Cauliflower, Kohl-Rubi, followed by fall potatoes. Tomatoes, followed by spinach. Eggplants, peppers, followed by spinach Cucumbers, followed by turnips Muskmelons, or squash, followed by turnips Early potatoes, followed by fall beans. Sweet corn, followed by fall peas. In the above plan, the first two rows are devoted, one to lettuce and one to radishes, the two crops to be followed later by celery. The next three rows are devoted to onions from seed sown in place and are to be followed later by celery- The next two rows are devoted to parsnips, to be followed later by cel ery, and the next two rows are devot ed to carrots, to be followed in the au tumn by kale. The next three rows are to be devoted to garden beets sown in succession and followed in the autumn by a crop of kale. The next two rows, which are threw feet apart, are to be devoted to early varieties of peas, the first sown about a week before the second row and aft er the crops are removed the land is to be devoted to autumn cabbage. Two additional rows are to be sown to late peas planted in the same order as the first and also followed by autumn cab bage. The pea patch adjoins three rows devoted to beans, which are to be followed by autumn potatoes. The next two rows are devoted to cabbage, followed in the autumn by potatoes. The next row is devoted to cauli flower or kohl-rabi, to be followed in the autumn by potatoes. The next two rows are devoted to tomatoes tied to stakes, and after the tomatoes have been harvested, the land is sown to spinach. The next row is devoted part ly to eggplants arid partly to peppers to be followed later in the season by spinach. The next row, which is six feet from the eggplants, is devoted to cucumbers to be followed after the cu cumbers are harvested by an autumn crop of turnips. The next row is eight feet from the cucumbers and is devoted to musk melons or squashes, followed by tur nips in the autumn. The next two rows are devoted to early potatoes, followed by autumn sown beans, and the next three rows are given over to s'.veet corn, planted one row each S'eek ii'ior the proper season for planting hap arrived and to be folo.ved ir. the autumn by peas. Wrtere the distance between the rows is less than two feet, hanci culti ration with a wheel hoe is coiacn.nlat I ed. If a hand cultivator or -.vh-jel hoe i is not available, the rows should be at least two feet apart to g:ve suf!i dent space for the horse cultivator, Straight lines should be followed matter what method of cultivation is used. Of course, the plan is only suggest- ive, and each grower will have to de vise additional plans to suit his cwn conditions. Among the .things that particularly must be considered in each specific case is the location cf the gar den. In this connection the question of proximity to the houss should be given first consideration. As the work of caring for the garden is usually done in spare time, the location select ed should be as neur the house as pos sible. The slope and typo of ground should be the next considerations. A slope to the south or south-east is us ually preferable, because here the soil warms up early in the spring, which permits early planting p.nd stimulates the early growth of crops. Practically any type of soil can he used for a gar den, but a sandy loam is to be prefer red. Good drainage i3 of prime import ance. The land should have sufficient fall to drain off surplus water" during heavy rains, but the fall should not be so great as to wash the soil. If the land near the house is l.jvel, artificial drainage should be employed. Open ditches or tile drai.:s will be satisfac tory. On level land that is not arti ficially drained, it is necessary to plant on ridges or in beds to prevent drown ing the crops during wet weather. The ridges orjaeds should be as wide and THE FARMER'S WIFE Baltimore Sun. A discussion of the condition of the irmcr's wife, contained in some 2,- 00 letters received by the rerterai Department of Agriculture, is one of the most interesting topics of the lime. Tthese letters were forwarded to the department in response to 55000 ivculars that had been sent to the wives of the crop correspondents. It reported that a great proportion of the replies were cheerful and came from intelligent and contented women who did not consider themselves to be bjects of pity. Some complained of never-ceasing work, lonliness and iso lation, and a few of the writers de plored the fact that they were forced to labor in the fields in addition to do- ng the housework. There was also omplaint of the lack of domestic help. This last trouble is a serious one. The aboring population has been largely rained out of the rural districts by the city factories. Where a woman is a of children to care for, housekeeping for the family and fai-m mds, poultry to raise, garden to look after, pickles and preserves to put up, she surely needs help. Fortunately, man of them have daughters to assist them. But those who do not have this pood fortune need help and are over worked if they do not get it. It the thinly populated parts of the country there are isolation and loneliness to contend with. But it is certain that faciei life is far more attractive than as in the time of our grandmoth ers. Cooking over an open fire and hrating the house with op?n wood fim were far more burdensome than with tovfs. Every well equipped 'arm- ho.jse now ha appliances that were not dreamed of a generation nsro. There is the windmill or gasoline en gine that pumps water into the house and makes the bathroom sossible: there are the fireless cookers, the dish washers, the washing machines, the gasoline iron, the cream separator, the improved chum, and the various appli ances in the poultry yard. In many parte of the country the farmhouses and barns have electric lighting and electric power to do much of the household work. The community tele phone has been a potent factor in re lieving loneliness.and the good road, if it passes near the farmhouse, gives the housewife and her family access to church, to meetings and gatherings at all seasons of the year. But these conditions prevail only in favored sec tions. Their absence has done much to draw many excellent people from the country to the city, where the hus bands become street car conductors and motormen, policemen, clerks, la borers, etc. The wives have no very luxurious living on the wages receiv ed and the men work longer hours and more days than they are called upon to do on the farm. HELPS FOR HOME-MAKERS It takes a high order of intelligence in a woman to make a successful man ager of a farmhouse, and where that intelligence is to be found, conditions are generally good, or at any rata not very bad, and they are improving. fiat as conditions will allow, for nar row, sharp ridges dry out quickly, Succession of Crops Reduce High Cost of Living With a Garden all Year 'Round Edited by the Extension Department of the State Normal and Industrial College. (E. E. Balcomb.) Two Heads are Better Than One, Even if One is a Cabbage Head." The eardener believes this and en courages the cabbage even though it is proverbially stupid. In many parts of North Carolina it may be found in the garden all year round, and it is a good keeper to tide over when it can not be growing. The seed is usually started in the hot-bed or cold frame, or in boxes in the house, and the little plants later transplanted to the open garden. An ounce of good Beed will produce 2,000 plants. Great care should be taken in transplanting or many plants will die. The plants should be set in the ground up to the first leaves. Cloudy rainy weather is best for transplanting and the plants should be well watered A Parasol For Each Little Cabbage Plant. should be furnished if the sun shines bright before they have had a chance to take root and become acclimated A large leaf, paper, anything hat is of light weight, will do The cabbage requires a cool climate, For this reason in the eastern part of North Carolina they grow cabbage only during the winter and the cooler portions of the spring and fall. In the mountain section, on the other hand the cabbage is grown in the sum mer. A very rich soil with a large amount of humus is essential for the best crop. A 7-7-7 commercial fertilizer at the rate of 2,000 to 4.000 pounds per acre is much used. Turning under a good crop of cowpeas helps wonder fully. Plants should be set in rows, two feet apart with plants one foot apart in the row. Varieties Early Jersey Wakefield, Early and Late Flat Dutch and Fotler's Brunswick are all much planted. Hard Headed Individuals. are desirable in cabbage. The ob ject is to make them as hard and firm as possible. Jf the cabbage plants are put out too small at transplanting time thev will not make good firm heads. r.ivn Snecial Diet to Avoid "Soft Heads" and "Loose Individuals An abundance of Phosphoric Acid and Potash seems to make the heads hard and firm in texture, while too much Nitrogen makes such a rapid leaf erowth that the heads are soft and loose. Advice to Cabbage Nurses, Care and Sanitation. See that the cabbage keeps its "head cool," and its feet warm, and give it a rich understanding. Plant in well drained, loose, rich soil. Give each succeeding generation a new home, for a fungus disease often at tacks cabbage so that it is not best for the next family of cabbage to live in the same place, but be moved to another corner of the garden. Dress in Sailor Collar to Avoid Worms Advises a Guilford County Home- maker I have a neighbor who is a practi cal home-maker and considers the gar den a big part of the home. She has had successful experience in making both city and country gardens. Mrs, Briggs has kindly consented to let me use her "collar" suggestion. For lack of space I may not always be able In planning the location of crops, consideration should be given to the matter of succession, in order that the land may be occupied as large a part of the time as possible. It is not ad visable to have a second planting of the same crop or a closely related crop follow the first. Cabbage should not give hor credit for suggestions, but follow cauliflower , brussels sprouts, mustard or kale, for many of the same diseases and insects affect all of these crops. Tomatoes, eggplants, and pep pers should not follow each other. In the diagram this point has been con sidered in planning a succession of crops. In some sections three or four crops can be grown on the same land each year, while in other sections two crops are all that can be grown to ad vantage. When a crop is harvested early in the season and it is not prac ticable to plant another vegetable for two or t!:ree months, the land may be planted to cowpeas or crimson clover. For example, after a crop of early cabbage it may not bo desirable to plant another vegetable crop until late summer or autumn. In this case it would be desirable to sow cow peas or crimson clover, to be turned under in preparation for the fall crop. Rotation of crops is as important in growing vegetables as in growing field crops, and the same principles can be applied. Crop rotation is im portant in checking diseases and in sects and in keeping the soil in good condition. Where diseases are very severe, the same crop should not be planted continuously on the same area. Rotation of crops is one of the safe guards against soil infection. Both the plan for the small back yard garden given herewith and a plan for a half -acre garden previously described in this series, are shown in the new Farmers' Bulletin (No. 647) entitled, "The Home Garden in the South," which can be had by applying to the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. HEALTH NOTES One dollar spent on the prevention disease will bring bigger dividends any town than ten dollars spent on relief or cure. If Atheboro would be attractive to visitors and a healthful place for our home people, no food should be expos ed to flies in its grocery stores, food shops' and market; its hotels, cafes, and restaurants should not be swarm ing with flies and its streets and va cant lots should never be seen littered ith tresh and unsightly objects. That we have had our annual clean up week does not indicate that our town will remain clean for a year and that there's no more cleaning up to be done. Keeping clean cannot be accom- ished through one event of a year or season. It becomes more than a weekly necessity. It demands nothing more than daily practice. Make it a habit and keep clean, for cleanliness health. We can have the Health Exhibit of the State Board of Health come to eur town by simply paying the transpor tation charges. This is the same ex hibit that recently created nation-wide interest at the Health Conference at Jacksonville, Florida, and will be a splendid means of teaching our peo ple many a health lesson first hand. The main facts pertaining to health and disease prevention set forth in this exhibit admit of no argument. They are convincing and hard to for get when you have once seen them. If we tolerate unclean stables, open- back privies and garbage piles in our town this summer, we may expect ne other than to lose a number of our babies from diarrhoeal diseases or summer complaint and a number of our boys and girls, men and women as well, from typhoid fever. The rea soning is this: Stables and dump piles are the main breeding places for flies; privies are the main feeding places for flies; privies are the main sonrces of typhoid and diarrhoeal diseases amd flies arc the main carriers of these diseases to men, women and children. YOUR CHILD'S COUGH IS A CALL FOR HELP Don't put off treating your Gild's Cough. It not only saps their strength but often leads to more serious ail ments. Why risk? You don't have to. Dr. King's New Discovery is just the remedy your Child needs. It is made with soothing, healing and antiseptic balsams. Will quickly check the Cold and soothe your Child's Cough away. No odds how bad tbe Cough or how long standing, Dr. King's New Discovery will stop it. Sts guaranteed. Just get a bottle rom your Druggist and try it. you may know that my articles are be ing criticised by "one of you." I wish I could tell you about her garden some time. It is such an "old timey gar den, with flowers, as well as vegeta bles, sage and parsley in it, We will Welcome Suggestions From Other North Carolina Home-makers Flease write us of practical and pleasant garden experiences, and ask questions, too. Cut worms are apt to cut dowri the tender cabbage plants when you set them out. To avoid this, make a collar of a piece of paper, 5 in. or more square; fold, cut a hole in center for neck, slit down front; lap over front when fitted around cabbage. The bot tom fits over the small hill around cabbage, edges are covered with dirt enough to hold down but not erough for worms to crawl over. Leave for a week or more, until the cabbage neck is too tough for the cut worms' scissors. A Choker Collar. When I was a lad we used to put on a choker collar a tube of stiff paper pushed down in the' ground. , Cabbage Should Not Be Overworked just because it offers up its heads for service all year round and let other vegetables lie tucked up cosily in their integuments doing absolutely nothing. Some folks I know plant scarcely a thing but beans and cab bage, and cabbage and beans cooked always in the same way. It isn't fair to the cabbage if it is to keep up its reputation of being a desirable table visitant, and it isn't fair to other plants who would like to become pop ular and take part in feeding the Na tion, and SPRAYING DONTS 1. -Don't use Paris green witheut adding at least an equal amount ef lime; twice as much lime is evea bet 2. Don't spray carelessly; every part of every plant should be covered by the spraying liquid. 3. Don't waste the eprayirg atac- ture by allowing it to come out ti. the nozzle in a stream. A fine miat is much better. 4. Don't spray until you know jast what you are doing. Follow direc tions carefully. 5. Don't spray while it is raving or while it looks like rain. 6. Don't neglect to keep the spray ing mixture well mixed all the tinae. 7. Don't forget to wash out all parts of the pump, hose and nozzle, whe.i you are through spraying, 8. Don't leave the spray pump eut of doors. If taken care of it will last a lifetime. Progressive Farmer. RHEUMATISM YIELDS QUICKLY TO SLOAN'S You can't prevent an attack of Rheumatism from coming on, but you can stop it almost immediately. Sloan'3 Liniment gently applied to the sore joint or muscle penetrates in a few minutes to the inflamed sp"ot that causes the pain. It soothes the hot, tender, swollen feeling, and in a very shprt time brings a relief that is almost unbelievable until you ex perience it. Get a bottle of Sloans Liniment for 25c. of any Druggist and have it in the house against Colas, Sore and Swollen Joints, liUraDago, Sciatica and like ailments. ur money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. ' The Supreme Court of North Caro lina has sustained the validity of tie act of the last Legislature, creating a special road board for Davidson cw ty and authorizing the issuance of $300,000 in bonds for the construction and maintenance of public roads. IT ISNT FATE TO THE HUMAN STOMACH AND THE REQUIRE MENTS OF THE HUMAN SYSTEM- Cabbage is done an injustice when it is always cooked in the same way over and over again. Cook it after some of Miss Jamison's recipea. Sba can give you others besides those in her articles. Just limited for space. Write to her for More Cabbage Recipes. There's cabbage boiled, and cabbage steamed, Cabbage baked and cabbage creamed, Ladies' cabbage, cabbage Wed, i Slaw, and Sourcrout Dutchmaa a Pride.