CAROLINA Ml WITH iSTOMACH V. K. Davenport, of Parker, Better After First Dose of Remedy. W. R. Davenport, of Parker, N. C, long suffered from a peculiar malady of the stomach. He sought treatment with but little relief. At times it seemed as if he would have to give up hope. He took Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy and found immediate bene fit. He wrote: "For years I have suffered from a disease which puzzled doctors. They termed it catarrh of the stomach, say ing the only hope would be a change of climate, and that in all probability I would never get well. Then I heard of your remedy. One trial bottle gave me instant relief. It made me feel like a new man. Your full course of treatments has about cured me. Sev eral of my friends have also been cur ed." Thousarvls of others suffering from 'maladies of the stomach have found SOWING SEEDS OF SUSPICION Published by request The man who looks wise and hints darkly of the misdoing on the part of those he' responsible places in a denomination, without making specific charges, is an unworthy coward. And. there arc such men, and they do im mense damage, for they know full well that they cannot sustain it, but they can create suspicion in, the minds of honest men and cause them to stum tie. A man professing to be a gentle man, not to say a Christian, who will do a thing of this sort ought to blush with shame every time he looks in a mirror. It is the duty of us all to cry aloud and spare not when we see dan gers ahead in the affairs of the King dom. Every man ought to be a watch man on the walls of Zion. We should spare neither ourselves nor our friends in jeopardy; but that is one thing, and what we are discussing in this article He who endeavors to engender -distrust or doubt in the minds of those over whom he has influence, without coming out in manly fashion and telling the straight truth, ought at once to be discredited by those he "is trying to poison. Here, for instance, is a Man in a responsible place in our denominational affairs. . Somebody whispers in somebody else's ear: "He is a good man in some respects but better watch out. Something is going I to drop some of these days"; and with a knowing wink drops the . subject. "That is not only unkind and unchris tian it is dastardly, and no gentle- nu will Ha milhi it if TTava J . policy upon which the brethren agree, or an institution needing help. -The breeder of suspicion without saying word u the war of a direct charge, shake his head and doubts the wis- - don or worthiness of either, and the work im cone. The question mark is raised in the mind of the listener, and the enthusiastic loyalty of the brother is slain La cold blood. The man who is opposed to any given policy of the de--nomiaaiioft or any man in our official capacity, one who has the manhood to - say so even though he may be wholly - WTsng, is entitled to respect, but the sneak who sows suspicion in the minds of those who will listen to him merits onlv contemnt. We have referred to the suspicion breeder in the religious Fresh; Groceries Always on Hand Stock Increasing Every Week Highest market prices paid for Chickens, Eggs, and other country produce. Wm. M. Trogdon Asheboro Route 1 WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open m account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit your business. Call to see i us. BANK OF KTCWTNn m a nrrwES standard make sewing machines, and before taking inven tory we offer them at $15.e0 each. These machines usual ly sell for $35X0 and $40.09. Now is the time to get a bargain.- IJCCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE CO. PDZZUKGJ DISEASE WB8 RELIEF relief as quickly as Mr. Davenport did. This remarkable remedy is known all over the country. The first dose proves no long treatments. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions ana poisonous matter. I. brings swift relief to sufferers from ailments of the stomach, liver im bowels. Many declare it has saved them from dangerous operations anri many are sure it has saved their lives. We want all people who havt chronic stomach trouble or constipa tion, no matter of how long standing, to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy one dose will con vince you. This is the medicine s many of our people have been tak with surprising results. ' The mosi thorough system cleanser ever sole. Mnvr'n Wnnrtarfnl Ktnmtanl, PamaJi' is now sold here by Standard Drug company ana druggists everywhere realm, but he is found everywhere and wherever he b'ves, moves and has his being, he is a menace to society and ought to be branded for exactly what he is. No brave man will ever wield such a weapon. If things are going wrong the thing to do is to say so and in language that everybody can un derstand,, but from the man who makes dark and ominous hints with out a single substantial reason to back them up we pray to be de livered! Charity and Children. EYES Mortimer Collins. There's the eye that simply reflects a mere retina, a mirror and, no more, People with that sort of optical in strument go through the world with out a suspicion of its mystery and its magic. They look with an equal in terest on an oak and on an omnibus, unaware that the oak has its Dryad, and the Dryad perchance her Rha ecus. They see no Dryads, bless your heart! nor any Naiads with soft solu ble limbs in wandering waters, nor any ghosts in grim old houses, though ancient unholy murders be photo graphed on their walls. Worse than that, they never see their wives and children. They perceive fine, well dressed females, and jolly young cubs of their own race, but the divinity of womanhood and the mystery of child hood are alike beyond their ken. The Burlington Daily News will make its initial appearance in the near future, it is said. jtu4Consttaption often follows a hard cold or cough because the lungs are weakened from inhaling tiny particles of dust, and because they work without fresh air. SCOTT'S EMULSION Is the strengthening f sod-tonic that every miner needs its nourishing power makes the blood rich and active; it peculiarly strengthens the lungs, makes healthy flesh and strong muscles, inmitt on SGOTfSm RAMSEUR W have on hand several r NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE Ey virtue of the Dowers vested in the undersigned by mortgage deea executed by John S. McLeod, ana wife Cassie E. McLeod, on the 27th day of February, 1914, recerded in the office of tne .Register of Deeds of Randolph county in Book 155 page 155, I will sell at public auction for cash, at the court house door in Ashe boro, N. C., on the 26th day of April, 1915, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow ing Isnds: lying and being in Trinit township, Randolph county, Nortn Carolina, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake in Horace Ragan's line five feet west of a ston corner planted by A. U. Tomlinson ana u. M. retty, thence along the public road from Freeman's store in the town of Archdale to Trinity in an easterly direction 247 feet to an iron stake in Mrs. Horaco Ragan's line; thence in a northerly direction 238 feet to an iron stake, Mrs. Horace Ragan's corner; thence in an easterly direction 97 feet to an iron stake in Mrs. Horace Ragan's line to the cor ner of what was formerly known as the Shube Swaim place; thence in . northerly direction 149 feet to the Petty line; thence in a westerly di rection 551 feet along the Archdale Roller Mill road to an iron stake: thence south along the road between the Petty property, and Horace Ra gan's property 102 feet to an iron stake, Horace Ragan's corner; thence easterly along Horace Ragan's line 182 feet more or less to an iron stake, Horace Ragan's corner; thenci 229 feet to thebeginning, contain ing 5 acres, more or less. The sam being what was formerly known as the Moses Hammond home place. Said mortgage deed contains t. power of sale authorizing the under signed to make sale of said land in event of dafault being made in th payment of the debt secured by said mortgage deed, said default having been made, this sale is accordingly made under said power. This 22nd day of March, 1915. EMMA H. SMITH, Mortgagee. SUPERIOR COURT, Before the Clerk NORTH .CAROLINA, ..Randolph County. Ella T. Smith and husband, C.' P. Smith, Jr., vs. John Troy, Isaac Troy, Will Troy, Tom Troy, Robert Troy, Rosa Troy, Helen Troy, Sidney Troy, Mary T. Cox, and husband. D. C. Cox, Lee Troy, Maggie T. Miller and husband, Miller, the unknown" hein of Alfred Troy, the unknown heirs of i.dgar Troy. The defendant aboved named, John Troy, Isaac Troy. Will Trov. Tom Troy, the unknown heirs of Alfred Troy and the unknown heirs of Edgar iroy win take notice that an action entitled as above has been conmencen against them in the Superior Court of Randolph county before the Cleik of said court and that summons has issued therein against them returna ble before the said Clerk at his office in the county court house in Asheboro, N. c, on the 27 day of April. 1915: that the nature and subject matter of said action is as follows: An action to sell for division among plaintiff and defendants that certain realty situated in Randolph county, North Carolina, now held by said plaintiff and defend m as tenants in common, same hav ing descended to them from the late Alfred L. Troy; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to be and appear at the aforesaid time and place named for return of summons and answer or de mur to the petition of plaintiffs or the relief therein demanded will be granted. J. M. CAVENESS, C. S. C. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Noah T. Latham, de ceased. befni-A J. M. CjiniiMi no-- of the Superior court of Randolph county. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present mem to tnA nnnAmmiM. nniv -vAinr&rf on or before the 10th day of March! llh. or tniR notice wi I h nlonriprl in bar of their recovery: and all -net-son.. owing saia estate wm come lorwaro ana mane immediate settlement. This 10th day of March, 1915. S. A. COX, Admr. Noah T. Latham. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Jane Asbill, deceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior court of Randolph county, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned duly verified on or before the 20th day of March, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 17th day of March, 1915. Z. T. BYRD, Admr. Asheboro, N. C NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Alfred L. Troy, de ceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county. All persona having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified on or before the 1st day of April 191ft or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 27 day of March. 1916. J. F. PICKETT, Admr. Alfred L. Troy, deceased. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of J. W. Ried, deceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, All persons-having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned duly verified on or before the 1st day of May, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; ana all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement, i. vr.u i ioic J. O. REDDING, Admr. J. W. Ried. - ; Asheboro, N. C J. W. AUSTIN, E ) Pnctiei tailed to Eye. Ear, tiose and Throat, SoitbUainSL, next to P. 0. HIGH POINT, N. 6. Wm. C. Hammer R. C. Kelly HAtlLR & KELLY Attorneys at Law Office Second door from street in Lawyers' Row. , DR. D. K. LOCK ETA RT ASHEBORO, N. C. Phone 28 Office over the Bank. Hours, 9 a.m. te-12 m. 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. DR. JOHN SWAIM Dentist Office over First National Bank. Asheboro, N. C. Phone 192 DR. J. F. MILLER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offices Over Bank of Randolph Asheboro, N.. C DR. J. D. GREGG Dental1 Ritrmm . Atl.ihortv V r J- rw :.j "JJ - J, iuasy At Ramseur,N. C.,. Thursday, Fri day and Saturday- finest WMhUif bloa. It a a diiiw v,i in cm ot Sc tt will crn. Ihuaond, MnanncD Si C 0 S. 4th M.. Phlla. THE BANK OF RANDOLPH , Asheboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $60,000.00 Total A-iif Aver .sn nnn nn With fimnlft JlRaetA- .vn.nAniA onI Drotection. We solicit, th hiieinasa nf the banking public end feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our customers every fa cility and accommodation consistent witn saie DanKing. D. B. McCrary, President W. J. Armfield, V-President. W. J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier. , J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier A SLUGGISH LIVER NEEDS ATTENTION Let your Liver get torpid and you are in for a spell of misery. Every body gets an attack now and then. Thousands of people keep their Liv ers active and healthy bv usintr Dr. King's New Life Pills. Fine for the stomach, too. Stop the Dizziness, Constipation, Billiousness and Indi gestion. Clear the blood. Only 26c at your juruggist. NOTICE C. H. Phillips has this day entered 10 acres of land more or less on the waters of Uwharne River, in Taberna cle township, adjoining the lands of W. i. lhayer, deceased, aud my own lanas. This March 2A, 1915. GEO. T. MURDOCK. Entry Taker for Randolph Connty. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to Silas Luther that the undersiened. J. M Luther, on the 6th day of July, 1914, purcnasea lorty acres ol land in Ne Hope township, known as the Silas Luther land, listed in the name of Si las Luther, for the delinauent taxes of 1913, it being sold by the sheriff of Randolph county; and unless the same is redeemed on or before the 6th day of July 1915 the time that the right of redemption expires, the undersign ed will .make application for a deed to said land. J. M. LUTHER. . April 3, 1915. TOWN TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES By order of the board of commis sioners of the town of Worthville, North Carolina. On the third day of May. 1915 at 12 o'clock. M.. I will pell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Asheboro, North Carolina, a tract of land belonging to A. K. Comer, in the town or Worthville, all ol whicn con tains one acre more or less. Taxes two dollars and ninety-two cents, cost two dollars and ten cents. Total five dollars and twelve cents. Also the property of the Worth Mfg. Company containing 70 acres with 66 houses and Worth Manufacturing Company's plant. Taxes for the year 1913, $183,- 83; cost SZ.1Z. This the 8rd day of April, 1915. H. H. GOLEY, ' Town Tax Collector, for the town of Worthville, North Carolina. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS Settlements of all the taxes in full are due May 1st. Give the matter your attention and save cost. I shall advertise all unpaid taxes May the 1st, lVib. J. W. BIRKHEAD. Sheriff.' e-8-3t, !..'. j LAST CALL FOR TOWN TA SK I Unless you pay your town taxes oi I or before May 1, 1915, I will sell s'i ! property on which taxes are not vvvi regardless of kith or kin. Pay and save cost I t. E. LASSITER, Tax Collector. MANAGEMENT OF SOW Champion Poland China Sow. (Prepared by tti United .States Depart ment of Agrtculture.) Nearly four million acres In the United States,, it is estimated, have been devastated! by soil erosion, and a vastly larger-area has lost much of its fertility. Nowhere is soil erosion more serious than in tue South. The climate, the character of the soil, the economic conditions, and the type, of agriculture, which has. hitherto pre vailed, have all contributed to the damage, yet with the exception of the amount of rainfall every factor ia ero sion can be controlled by mail. Soil erosion is the carrying away of the soil by the action of wind or wa ter. In the South the action of water is much the more important. If all the water-that falls upon u given area were to be- absorbed by the soil, it would cause no erosion. This, how ever, scarcely ever happens. Wsfere the slope of the ground or the char acter of the soil is such that the wa ter runs off rapidly. It carries with it1 a very appreciable quantity of "soil particles, the quantity increasing as the speed of . the running water in creases. Where this erosion is exces sive the soil is left bare aud gullied. The land is hard to cultivate and so much organic matter is taken from it that it is frequently abandoned as too poor for profitable agriculture. To check this process, terracing, deep plowing and the use of cover crops are advantageous. Vegetation not only hinders the flow of water over the surface, thus lessening the amount of erosion, but the roots strik ing through the soil loosen it and en able it to absorb the water more read ily. In the South the use of cover crops for this purpose is particularly important because so much of the rainfall in this section is in the win ter when the land is frequently bare of crops. Winter rye is particularly advantageous in holding the soil. The value of deep plowing lies in the fact that this loosens the soil for a consid erable distance below the surface and thus enables the water to be absorbed quickly. Terracing obviously is de signed to provide level areas for the water to fall on Instead of steep hill sides down which it can rush. The importance of measures that will check erosion is indicated by the fact that In some southern states vast areas amounting sometimes to 60 per eent of the arable land in these sec tions have been abandoned because Feeding Oevlea to the water has carried off much of the best soil and impaired the value of what has been left. On moderate slopes in the Piedmont region of North Carolina erosion has been esti mated to cause a yearly loss in crop values alone of three dollars an acre, making the total loss in this region over two million dollars each year. On the other hand, there are many hilly farms in which excessive ero sion Is effectually prevented. Farm ers who wish detailed Information of the best methods of terracing and oth er means of control, should write to the United States department of agri culture for Farmers' Bulletin No. 20, Circular No. 94 of the Bureau of Plant Industry or U. S. Department of Ag riculture Bulletin No. 180. When land has once been badly eroded the task of reclaiming it Is apt to be difficult and long. It can be done, however, and at times may be made very profitable. An Instance of this Is a tract of 38 acres near John sa City, Tenn., wheh was purchased F ;i r years ago for $53 an acre. At u lime the land was badly eroded tere was one gully eight or ten f . ?ep. This the new owner filled ebris and soil, 200 loads of ma n were applied, and the soil was I to a depth of ten inches, plant rye and the rye turned under, leep plowing and the organic in the rye left the soil in such. sr. fSf... - ? $ f- - "H$'J DURING FARROWING condition that practically all the water which fell on it was absorbed. As a result the land increased in value so that the owner declined $100 an acre for it. The cost of reclamation was approximately $10 an acre. It is sim pler, however, to prevent excessive erosion than to- reclaim land after It has occurred. Locations for Creameries. In developing the dairy industry throughout the South a very important matter Is the selection of the loca tions In which to erect creameries. No one would build a sawmill where there is little or no timber suitable to be made into lumber, and it would be equally unwise to start a creamery where the supply of milk and cream is insufficient for economical opera tion of the plant. In many dairy re gions creameries have been operated successfully and have brought pros perity to the community. On the oth er hand, there are many closed cream eries in the United States and many farmers who have lost money by un wise investments in them. The first essential for the success of a creamery is a sufficient supply of milk and cream. An insufficient sup ply means a lbss for all concerned. The number of available cows in a community' is frequently overestimat ed. About six hundred southern cows should provide raw material enough, and if this is sent to the creamery in the form of whole milk the cows should all be within five miles of the creamery. i In order to keep expenses reasona bly low, an average of at least 1,200 pounds of butter must be made each week, which will require about one thousand pounds of butter fat. The smaller the output the greater the cost per pound of butter, for some of the expenses will remain approximately the same whether the dally output Is one hundred or two hundred pounds. If a careful canvass reveals the fact that,' excluding those required to -meet the demands of home consumption, the necessary cows -are available) the information should be sent to either the state agricultural college or the Dairy Division, Department of Agri culture, Washington, D. C, with a re quest for plans and advice for the organization, building and equipment of a plant that will be likely to suc ceed under existing local conditions. Next to an insufficient svpply of milk, one of the most frequent causes Prevent Crowding. of creamery failures Is the erection of poorly planned and cheaply construct ed creameries equipped with expensive but more or less useless machinery. Many creameries have been organized by promoters who derived their profit from the sale of the plant and its equipment, not from its. successful op eration after they, bad severed their connection with it la consequence, it was to their interest to unload as expensive and as poor a plant upon, the farmers as they could. Cases are on record in which promo ters have secured the signatures off, farmers to documents which purport ed to be nothing more than a general expression ot opinion that a creamery in that place would be a good thing. Later it developed that the document was an iron-clad agreement to take stock in the company. Creameries or ganized in such a way prove profitable only to the organizers. Moreover the iauure or. one or two such companies t) serves to discourage dairying In that I ' region for many years thereafter. Before it ia decided to build a cream ery, therefore, its prospective share holders should convince themselves of three things: (1) That there will be milk and cream enough for it to be operated economically; (I) that the marketing facilities are adequate! and (3) that the plant to be built Is well designed and equipped and the cost reasonable.